Receive an email with statistics codes. Rosstat clarified issues on the presentation of statistical reporting


Business Portal Ways of Success

After registering with the tax authorities of a legal entity and receiving a State Registration Certificate, it is very important to register with the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service, which, after your request, will issue you an Information Letter with codes, the so-called. Statistics Codes.

Here is an example of such a letter for reference:

In order to receive a Notification on the assignment of statistics codes (Information letter), it is necessary to submit the following package of documents to the statistics authority:

  • Copy of the Charter
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity
  • A copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Passport details of the director of the company
  • Power of attorney
  • Individual entrepreneurs represent:

  • Copy of Registration Certificate
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the extract from the EGRIP
  • Passport copy
  • All copies of documents do not need to be certified. Usually, reception hours are set for receiving documents in the bodies of Statistics, therefore, in advance by phone, specify the days for receiving documents.

    Please note that in most cases you will not be able to open a bank account without obtaining Statistics Codes.

    Sample letter to statistics - added at the request of Samaya Babaev.


    I'd swear he imagined now. Sample Letter of Inquiry | PaperworkHere we give an example of a letter of application. Come on, let the whole sample sit on someone. In this night battle in the darkness, screaming, they rushed. A letter of inquiry is drawn up to obtain any official information or documents. Signature card and seal imprint. Sample letter to statistics. Letter to statistics sample - found. Sample letter to statistics. Perhaps not by the summer, the trunk is supposed to be, but to the stallion.

    Rosstat statistics codes

    What are statistics codes

    Tax inspection after successful completion of the state registration procedure, in addition to extra-budgetary funds. transfers information about registered individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, Gosstat). Rosstat processes the received data and assigns codes from all-Russian classifiers to each individual entrepreneur and organization (these are statistics codes):

  • OKPO (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations)
  • OKATO (All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division)
  • OKTMO (All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities)
  • OKOGU (All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration)
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership)
  • OKOPF (All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms).
  • OKVED codes are also considered statistics codes, but are not included in this list, since individual entrepreneurs and organizations independently select them at the stage of preparing documents for registration. OKVED codes are indicated in the extract from the USRIP or USRLE.

    A sample notification with statistics codes from Rosstat (the so-called Rosstat information letter) can be viewed at this link.

    Why statistics codes are needed

    Obtaining statistics codes is not a mandatory procedure, and the notification itself is of an information and reference nature. However, you may need stat codes:

  • when preparing reports (declaration. KUDIR. PKO. RKO, etc.)
  • when preparing payment orders or receipts for payment of taxes and insurance premiums
  • when opening a bank account
  • when opening a branch of the organization
  • when changing the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur or the address of the location of the organization (legal address)
  • when changing the full name of an individual entrepreneur or the name of an organization
  • as well as in other cases.
  • How to get statistics codes

    At the tax office upon receipt of registration documents

    If your tax authority has a “one-stop-shop” principle, then in addition to the main documents, you will immediately receive notifications of registration with extra-budgetary funds, as well as a notification with statistics codes from Rosstat.

    Independently in the territorial body of Rosstat

    You can receive a notification with statistics codes without application at the territorial office of the Federal State Statistics Service (here you can find the address and telephone number of your branch).

    To obtain a document with statistics codes, it is necessary to provide the following papers to the territorial body of Rosstat (they may not require anything at all):

    Documents (uncertified copies) for obtaining statistics codes for individual entrepreneurs

    how to write a request to statistics for obtaining OKVED

    Panina Enlightened (33265) 3 years ago

    Statistics does not assign OKVEDs. You declare them yourself when registering. And then, having received the registration documents, go to the statistics with all the documents, and within 5 minutes they give you an official letter that you have been assigned OKPO, OKVED, OKOPF and other crap. This letter t needs to be submitted to the statistics.

    If you, like me yesterday, did not find, or rather found a letter from the statistics of 2001. when the company was registered and OKONH was assigned instead of OKVED, then you need to contact the registration department with form P14001, in which you yourself again declare the assignment of specific OKVED, and after assignment, receive a letter in statistics and take it to statistics.

    Other answers

    Max Sage (18108) 3 years ago

    Take Your Time to Get Codes

    If you have nowhere to hurry, you can gradually learn all the information about prices and services from the happy owners of new business codes. However, you need to decide on your OKVED now.

    This is not a problem for those who have legal reference systems. The rest can get a complete list of OKVED codes in the departments of state statistics, again for a fee. If you have the Internet, you can go to the official website of the State Statistics Committee.

    If there is no necessary code for your activity, you will have to contact the State Statistics Committee. It is he who is authorized to coordinate draft changes to the new classifier.

    However, the problem can be resolved even without statements to the State Statistics Committee. Its subdivisions independently carry out preparatory work to recode the statistical information fund from OKONKh to OKVED. The results of this work will be formalized as changes to the USREO (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations). Moreover, they will be introduced for each of the previously recorded enterprises.

    You witnessed this process when you coordinated the conversion code for the main activity. Thus, it is most reasonable to wait for your company codes to change, and then go for the letter.

    In order to avoid unnecessary problems with the inspector of the statistical office, first find out in what form you need to submit an application. As a rule, it can be written in any form, however, some departments have developed their own forms.

    In any case, it is better to indicate the wording of the types of activity not according to the charter, but according to OKVED. This rule applies to operating enterprises. Naturally, for "newborn" organizations, standard wording should be indicated in the charter. Particular attention should be paid to this when developing statutory documents.

    The fact is that, unlike the Registration Chamber, tax inspections do not read into the content of the company's charter. They just take note of it and put it in the archive. So no one will correct your mistakes and shortcomings, except for yourself.

    “If you haven’t found the type of activity in OKVED that you want to do,” says Vladislav Sirchenko, a lawyer at the consulting firm Centerkontakt from St. Petersburg, “I advise you to state its essence in great detail in the charter. Employees of the statistics department will select the code for you."

    Perhaps the staff in St. Petersburg are very friendly. However, if we proceed from the fact that their task is to compare the text of the charter and the classifier, you should not follow such advice. It is possible that, due to non-standard wording, amendments to the charter will have to be made. It would be more correct in such a situation to send a written request to your statistics department.

    Rosstat is waiting for letters from organizations and individual entrepreneurs who have nothing to report in the reports. If you do not notify the statistical authorities about the lack of indicators separately for each report within the established time limits, you can earn a fine of up to 150 thousand rubles.

    What's happened?

    Responsibility of respondents

    Failure to provide data in the prescribed manner, untimely provision or submission of false information is a violation and entails administrative liability under Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Under this article, the amount of the fine is:

    • for officials - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
    • for legal entities - from 20,000 to 70,000.

    For repeated violation of the reporting deadlines, and therefore for failure to send a letter of lack of data, the fine increases to:

    • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles for officials;
    • from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles for legal entities.

    How to know who to report to

    Rosstat specialists remind that in order to find out which reports need to be submitted, each organization or individual entrepreneur can contact the territorial body of Rosstat with a request to clarify the list of statistical reporting. Information can also be obtained using a special service on the Rosstat website by entering OKPO, TIN or PSRN.

    How to draw up a certificate (letter) to the tax office that the economic activity of an LLC or individual entrepreneur was not carried out? sample, example

    In order to avoid an increase in expenses that could bring losses to the company, the organization may suspend its own activities. In this case, the legal entity must notify the regulatory authorities that it does not conduct commercial activities in order to avoid the accrual of mandatory payments and taxes. Otherwise, the company will acquire a large debt in the form of penalties.

    No activity letter

    In practice, situations are not uncommon when an organization cannot conduct financial and economic activities for a long period of time.

    The head of the enterprise, when drawing up documents for the territorial tax authorities, the Russian pension fund or the social insurance fund for filing mandatory reporting, undertakes to provide the listed authorities with information letters stating that there is no activity.

    A notice of this type is drawn up on the letterhead of a legal entity, indicating the period during which no activity was carried out and documents confirming this circumstance are attached. An organization, in order to reduce expenses for the period of non-execution of economic activities, can send documents to the reporting bodies confirming that the work of the company has been suspended. This document is a letter of inactivity.

    Notification to the tax office

    There is no statutory form for notifying the tax inspectorate of the absence of activity. Therefore, a letter to the tax office is drawn up by a legal entity in any form, indicating the following information:

    1. The address and name of the Federal Tax Service body to which the letter will be sent.
    2. Name and organizational form of the legal entity sending the notification to the Federal Tax Service.
    3. Legal address and location of the executive body of the company.
    4. KPP, TIN, PSRN and other details of the organization.

      Letter to statistics about the lack of data: when to notify Rosstat about “zero” indicators

      For this purpose, you can use the form of a legal entity, which contains all the necessary information.

    5. Name of the document - Letter on the absence of activities and objects of taxation.

    The text of the letter should contain the following information:

    Confused about how to complete the paperwork? Don't worry, we we will make a 3-NDFL declaration or zero reporting for you.

    • Name of the organization and its legal form according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • The period during which the activity was suspended;
    • Documents are attached that confirm the absence of the company's statutory activities;
    • Types of taxes for which there are no objects of taxation.

    The head and chief accountant endorses the letter without fail and certifies it with the seal of the organization.

    You can send the document to the Federal Tax Service in one of the following ways:

    • By registered mail with an attached description of the attachment and a notification, which is sent to the address of the organization or to its PO box after the letter is handed over to the employee of the tax inspectorate;
    • Hand over to the tax office personally by the head of the organization or an authorized person. In this case, the date, stamp and signature must be put on the second copy of the letter, which indicate the acceptance of the letter;
    • Send through a special courier service;
    • Send through the legal entity's personal account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service after signing the document with a qualified digital signature.

    How to fill out a letter to the FIU

    There is also no sample letter sent to the FIU and established by law. The letter contains similar information indicated by the legal entity in the letter sent to the tax office. In addition, the letter contains a link to the following information:

    • Wages were not paid during the specified period;
    • Passport and personal data of employees, their place of residence, number of staff;
    • That all employees are warned that they are deprived of the right to insurance experience in accordance with applicable law.

    Together with the letter, a bank certificate is sent confirming the absence of transactions on the company's current account. The legal entity also undertakes to provide a statement of payment of insurance premiums.

    If the activity of the organization is suspended, then the legal entity is not obliged to submit SZV-M reports to the FIU.

    Letter to the FSS of Russia

    A letter to the insurance fund is drawn up in a similar way. The chief accountant and the head of the enterprise sign the document and attach to it a certificate from the bank confirming that there was no fact of movement of money on the account.

    The letter to the FSS contains the following information:

    1. Address of the territorial body of the FSS.
    2. Company name.
    3. Details and addresses of the legal entity.
    4. An indication of the absence of cash flow and payroll for employees.

    Sample letter to statistics

    » Letters

    Business Portal Ways of Success

    After registering with the tax authorities of a legal entity and receiving a State Registration Certificate, it is very important to register with the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service, which, after your request, will issue you an Information Letter with codes, the so-called. Statistics Codes.

    Here is an example of such a letter for reference:

    In order to receive a Notification on the assignment of statistics codes (Information letter), it is necessary to submit the following package of documents to the statistics authority:

  • Copy of the Charter
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity
  • A copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Passport details of the director of the company
  • Power of attorney
  • Individual entrepreneurs represent:

  • Copy of Registration Certificate
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the extract from the EGRIP
  • Passport copy
  • All copies of documents do not need to be certified. Usually, reception hours are set for receiving documents in the bodies of Statistics, therefore, in advance by phone, specify the days for receiving documents.

    Please note that in most cases you will not be able to open a bank account without obtaining Statistics Codes.

    Sample letter to statistics - added at the request of Samaya Babaev.


    I'd swear he imagined now. Sample Letter of Inquiry | PaperworkHere we give an example of a letter of application. Come on, let the whole sample sit on someone. In this night battle in the darkness, screaming, they rushed. A letter of inquiry is drawn up to obtain any official information or documents. Signature card and seal imprint. Sample letter to statistics. Letter to statistics sample - found. Sample letter to statistics. Perhaps not by the summer, the trunk is supposed to be, but to the stallion.

    Rosstat statistics codes

    What are statistics codes

    Tax inspection after successful completion of the state registration procedure, in addition to extra-budgetary funds. transfers information about registered individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, Gosstat). Rosstat processes the received data and assigns codes from all-Russian classifiers to each individual entrepreneur and organization (these are statistics codes):

  • OKPO (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations)
  • OKATO (All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division)
  • OKTMO (All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities)
  • OKOGU (All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration)
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership)
  • OKOPF (All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms).
  • OKVED codes are also considered statistics codes, but are not included in this list, since individual entrepreneurs and organizations independently select them at the stage of preparing documents for registration. OKVED codes are indicated in the extract from the USRIP or USRLE.

    A sample notification with statistics codes from Rosstat (the so-called Rosstat information letter) can be viewed at this link.

    Why statistics codes are needed

    Obtaining statistics codes is not a mandatory procedure, and the notification itself is of an information and reference nature. However, you may need stat codes:

  • when preparing reports (declaration. KUDIR. PKO. RKO, etc.)
  • when preparing payment orders or receipts for payment of taxes and insurance premiums
  • when opening a bank account
  • when opening a branch of the organization
  • when changing the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur or the address of the location of the organization (legal address)
  • when changing the full name of an individual entrepreneur or the name of an organization
  • as well as in other cases.
  • How to get statistics codes

    At the tax office upon receipt of registration documents

    If your tax authority has a “one-stop-shop” principle, then in addition to the main documents, you will immediately receive notifications of registration with extra-budgetary funds, as well as a notification with statistics codes from Rosstat.

    Independently in the territorial body of Rosstat

    You can receive a notification with statistics codes without application at the territorial office of the Federal State Statistics Service (here you can find the address and telephone number of your branch).

    To obtain a document with statistics codes, it is necessary to provide the following papers to the territorial body of Rosstat (they may not require anything at all):

    Documents (uncertified copies) for obtaining statistics codes for individual entrepreneurs

    how to write a request to statistics for obtaining OKVED

    Panina Enlightened (33265) 3 years ago

    Statistics does not assign OKVEDs. You declare them yourself when registering. And then, having received the registration documents, go to the statistics with all the documents, and within 5 minutes they give you an official letter that you have been assigned OKPO, OKVED, OKOPF and other crap. This letter t needs to be submitted to the statistics.

    If you, like me yesterday, did not find, or rather found a letter from the statistics of 2001. when the company was registered and OKONH was assigned instead of OKVED, then you need to contact the registration department with form P14001, in which you yourself again declare the assignment of specific OKVED, and after assignment, receive a letter in statistics and take it to statistics.

    Other answers

    Max Sage (18108) 3 years ago

    Take Your Time to Get Codes

    If you have nowhere to hurry, you can gradually learn all the information about prices and services from the happy owners of new business codes. However, you need to decide on your OKVED now.

    This is not a problem for those who have legal reference systems. The rest can get a complete list of OKVED codes in the departments of state statistics, again for a fee. If you have the Internet, you can go to the official website of the State Statistics Committee.

    If there is no necessary code for your activity, you will have to contact the State Statistics Committee. It is he who is authorized to coordinate draft changes to the new classifier.

    However, the problem can be resolved even without statements to the State Statistics Committee. Its subdivisions independently carry out preparatory work to recode the statistical information fund from OKONKh to OKVED. The results of this work will be formalized as changes to the USREO (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations). Moreover, they will be introduced for each of the previously recorded enterprises.

    You witnessed this process when you coordinated the conversion code for the main activity. Thus, it is most reasonable to wait for your company codes to change, and then go for the letter.

    In order to avoid unnecessary problems with the inspector of the statistical office, first find out in what form you need to submit an application. As a rule, it can be written in any form, however, some departments have developed their own forms.

    In any case, it is better to indicate the wording of the types of activity not according to the charter, but according to OKVED. This rule applies to operating enterprises.

    sample letter to statistics about lack of activity

    Naturally, for "newborn" organizations, standard wording should be indicated in the charter. Particular attention should be paid to this when developing statutory documents.

    The fact is that, unlike the Registration Chamber, tax inspections do not read into the content of the company's charter. They just take note of it and put it in the archive. So no one will correct your mistakes and shortcomings, except for yourself.

    “If you haven’t found the type of activity you want to do in OKVED,” says Vladislav Sirchenko, a lawyer at the Tsentrkontakt consulting firm from St. Petersburg, “I advise you to state its essence in great detail in the charter. Employees of the statistics department will select the code for you."

    Perhaps the staff in St. Petersburg are very friendly. However, if we proceed from the fact that their task is to compare the text of the charter and the classifier, you should not follow such advice. It is possible that, due to non-standard wording, amendments to the charter will have to be made. It would be more correct in such a situation to send a written request to your statistics department.

    Considering that the legislation in our country is changing rapidly, it is necessary to approach obtaining codes very seriously. These are not just numbers, but the name of the activity. Perhaps in the future, because of one wrong word, you will have to purchase a license or give up thinking about using some kind of benefit.

    Information Agency "Financial Lawyer"

    @k Connoisseur (303) 3 years ago

    they are usually sent by mail when registering a legal entity. faces.

    Sometimes statistics require forms for which the organization does not have indicators. This is not a mistake and should be reported. But instead of zeroing, send a letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators. See sample below.

    Letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators: who passes

    Federal State Service

    statistics for the Volgograd region

    Due to the lack of relevant activities, the organization ________________________________ will not submit to the statistical authorities in 2018 the following forms of statistical reporting:

    In the event of the occurrence of phenomena reflected in the statistical reporting forms or relevant activities, the reports will be submitted within the established time limits.

    Penalties for not submitting a letter of lack of indicators

    If statistics are not warned about the lack of indicators, then the organization may be fined under article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    For non-submission of primary statistical data or submission of false information, officials are fined in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand rubles, legal entities - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.

    For a repeated commission, the fine is: for officials - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

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