Cool children's ditties. Instructive ditties for children of preschool and school age


One of the most striking expressions of the character of the Russian people, their love of life and outstanding stamina in solving everyday problems and failures, are Russian folk ditties. Unlike other representatives of Russian national folklore (epics, proverbs, fairy tales), the texts of ditties do not belong to long-term material. Ditty quatrains are, as a rule, a popular response to some current event or an existing problem situation. Therefore, the longevity of the ditty mainly depends on the relevance of the content of its text.

The place of performance of ditties are all kinds of folk holidays, wedding celebrations and all kinds of feasts. It is at these events that Russian people sing good and evil, decent and obscene, about various life events and situations, about well-known celebrities and politicians, and about much, much more.

What ditties do Russian folk sing today at drinking events most often? The answer to this question is unequivocal - different! The ditty repertoire depends on the reason for the organization of the feast, and on the age and preferences of those present. In a word,

We will provide you ditties
Russian national,
Among them you can easily find
Suitable for a feast!

Russian folk ditties (texts without swearing)

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
Interesting to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

Oh dear friend,
All the people know about us.
No one will dance without you
Without me, he won't sing.

Shop, rolling shop,
Don't sit with me rich.
Better poor, but dear,
Sits next to me.

I'm ditty to ditty,
Like a thread, I knit.
You tell me, my friend
If I don't tell.

Don't look at me
That I'm skinny.
Mom did not feed lard,

Don't scold me, mama
Don't be so harsh.
You yourself were
Came late.

There is a young month in the sky,
Hid behind a cloud.
Come to me soon
I torture you with caresses!

I used to give everyone
Gate turns.
And now one is left
Nobody gets married!

Dandruff husband lime
Now it's a bummer.
And here's how to increase
Something sensible.

Fog is in the yard
The diaper dries.
All your love is a lie
Around the child.

Beyond the village
The frogs are croaking.
And I'm a pretty little noodle -
I hang on my ears.

Spring day has come
The cat on the roof screamed.
Soon I'll scream too
I really want to get married!

Russian folk ditties (texts for a feast)

Oh, you, pit, pit, pit ...
I don't know who dug.
There was a sweetheart on a date,
Accidentally fell into it.

They took me to court
And I'm all shaking:
Awarded a hundred eggs
And I'm not rushing!

What kind of party is this:
You are home and I am home.
And, in my opinion, a walk:
You are home and I am with you!

Are there not enough branches?
Do you cut birch?
Are there not enough girls?
Do you love married people?

Here I go to the garden,
I'm getting shit.
I push Sasha in the mouth
For his betrayal.

I don't need a pood of peas,
And you need a pea.
I don't need a lot of girls
Need one - good one!

Didn't swim for three weeks
And I caught not a belly louse.
She's fat, big
You can't kill with a rifle.

Saleswoman in the store
She called me "pig".
Grandmothers thought pork
They lined up behind me.

It is known that unexpected guests bring some trouble to the owners of the feast. What exactly such visitors can bring with them will be told by the texts of ditties on the attached video.

Chastushki Russian folk funny and cool

The stove was heated with letters,
Didn't add wood.
Everything looked like it was burning
My first love.

There is fog in the yard -
Zero visibility.
Under the mountain a man lies -
Russian real estate.

My mother beat me
That I came late.
To not wake up my mother
I'll be coming in the morning!

And I'm with this gentleman
I want to get acquainted.
My beauty is not enough
I'll pay for moonshine.

Oh mother, my mother
Doesn't let you in at night.
And I'll go for a walk during the day,
I'll do more!

There was a time when I danced
On high heels,
And now I'm sitting on the stove -
Two children in arms.

I cooked from a book
And she closed...
How do I guess now
What was brewing there.

Ditties have a beginning
Ditties have an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Let's just say - well done!

ABOUT Familiar Affairs.

G. Ladonshchikov

Lida ran boldly into the circle,
Twisted like a spinning top
And sang to the music
About familiar things:

“I washed my hands under the tap,
And I forgot to wash my face.
Trezor saw me
He growled, "What a shame!"

Lazy in the morning Vova
Comb with a comb.
A cow approached him -
She combed her tongue.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy one: "Mommy,
I'm still small!"

Like tears, drops from the roof
On a clear day they dripped
Because Sasha writes
Doodles on the wall.

Borya helped to lay down the haystack,
I couldn't get off the stack myself.
Borya is crying, sheds tears,
He asks for a helicopter.

Lay cocky, cheerful
Distributed in the village:
The slob comes from school
Drags a satchel on the ground.

Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Two hours in Yulia's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

I'm friends with the tractor driver
I go to help him.
Tractor driver driving
And I'm sitting next to you!

Peter is good at fishing
Can make a raft
Just "hello" and "thank you"
Can't speak.

Kolya quarrels with friends,
He throws his fists into action.
At the bully under the eyes
The bruises don't go away.

Everyone on the field will water swede,
Everyone likes work
Only Katya on the bed
Lies around until noon.

On the Day of the Eighth of March, Allah
The floor was diligently swept,
And on the ninth
I did not take the broom in my hands.

Mom was leaving the store
Zina walked beside her.
Daughter didn't know
Mom to carry the load to help.

Aunt Sim asked
Climb Vitya to the attic.
- Sorry, aunt Sima,
I'm not your farmhand at all!

Liza sat for five hours,
Nose buried in the TV
And the next day in the diary
The swan rose on the line.

Vitya made friends with Valya,
Began to follow him like a shadow.
Valya was vaccinated with smallpox -
Vitya groaned all day long.

The train includes three juniors:
- Wow, how many people are here!
Take your seats guys
And then the grandmothers will take it!

Mitya walks like a cat
He doesn't eat soup or cabbage soup.
Falling down from weakness
And he loves only sweets.

I sewed a dressing gown for the doll,
Turned out to be small.
I sewed shoes for the bear,
They turned out to be great.

I asked the boy
Show your truck
And the boy, like a monkey,
He showed his tongue in response.

Returning from fishing
Yura is important, slowly,
And carries in a tin can
Two tiny ruffs.

Lyonya got up early,
I collected all the mushrooms in the forest.
Boasts about mushrooms
With white dots.

I painted myself
Black paint blanket.
The red cat slept under him,
Became a striped tiger.

The wind blows, the forest shakes,
It starts to rain,
A promise not to be forgotten.

At the bully-brawler
On the face again visible
pink abrasion,
What is given for change.

At the slut-confusion
Everything is not like that and not like that.
And an open shirt
And a buttonless jacket.

Spotted woodpecker with a sharp beak
Hammers a sonorous pine.
Two magpies in the lesson
They break the silence.

I eat porridge and sour cream
I have strength.
Still I won't fight
Just don't come near me!

About kids and toys
I wrote ditties.
Before writing them down
I decided to dance.

Oh, I'm stomping my foot
Yes, I'll drown another!
I can not resist -
Such a character.

I can't resist
The legs run in a circle.
Not sparing the heel
I beat off the trepak.

You play more fun
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along who can
Come out, dancers!"

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk girl!
But I took out the master key from my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban with what was at hand ...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" group.
There I noticed two young Tuvinian women
And all night he stayed with them between halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
Chuvash's chest I crumpled carefully in my hand.
We sat down on the mattress, rolled up the mash ...
And the dream came true (seven times) of a young Chuvash.

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The legs of the polka hung on my shoulders.
The stern of the long-legged polka was good!
By the morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I dug into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
A German woman defended her degree in about a year.

One night a barge was sailing on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just accustomed the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at a young Kazakh woman...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile spread wide downstream ...
There I persuaded a Bashkir to porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave! .. By the morning I am a Bashkir
Barely tore it off by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the river Limpopo, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
That stood in the way, leaning low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somewhere near a wasteland, somewhere on the Hudson,
I picked a Buryatka in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman ...
The next morning she could not go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I drove my cartridge into the chamber for an Uzbek.
An Uzbek woman rushed from me with all her might ...
But in vain - I could not allow misfires.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede swam naked, and even naked!
It's a pity, the mother of her children, that such a Swede
It can be extremely rare along the way!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang "Boston Waltz" in B-flat major.
Ah, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had ...
Since then, both my eardrums have been hurting.

A huge crocodile swam down the Elbe,
Where I conducted live shooting with a Czech ...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian kneaded her tonsils about me.

Once a Karelian came to me and brought a Karelian.
I warmed up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob somewhere closer to the night
I loved that karelka outside the box very much.

Once in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked a Nanai and her deer.
Oh, I'll leave in the spring in the wilds of the Amazon!
Finns and Estonians longed for me there.

Russian ditties- an amazing folklore genre in which poems and sayings are combined with a song. Chastushkas in the Russian people are called funny short songs, which most often consist of 4 lines.

As a term, a ditty was introduced by G. I. Uspensky in 1889. Russian folk ditties were and remain very popular among both young people and adults. Chastushkas are sung at holidays, at various feasts, at children's matinees. Many ditties are invented by the people even now. They do not lag behind the times and remain both old and modern at the same time.

Russian folk ditties were often performed to the balalaika or accordion for one melody, but they could also sound without the support of an instrument. The listeners just laughed and clapped to the beat.

Like other oral folk art, ditties are quickly remembered by children. Chastushkas remain in the repertoire of holidays for preschoolers and schoolchildren. At the age of 3 to 5 years, kids easily and quickly memorize short funny ditties-songs and perform them with joy.

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

In the morning, mother, our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

Lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said "Kukarek!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters!

Irishka rode down the hill -
Was the fastest;
Ira even their skis
Overtaken along the way!

If only, if yes, if only
Mushrooms grew on the nose
We would cook ourselves
Yes, and rolled into the mouth.

I'll go out, I'll go out to dance
In brand new shoes
All the guys say
What am I like a picture!

Play it, balalaika
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn
Come out, dancers.

She drank tea,
I broke all the dishes -
She did the cooking.

We were walking with a sweetheart
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there again.

Mother sent me
Drive the goose
And I went out the gate
And let's dance!

I was sitting on the window
My dear rode on a cat,
Began to drive up to the window
Couldn't keep the cat.

On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfoot groomsmen.

In the yard and on the meadow
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought guys!

I'm not a chick
I'm not mommy -
I grew up on the street
The chicken took me.

If the girls
Were fish
Behind them would be boys
They jumped into the water.

Standing on the mountain
Large building.
I have no happiness in love -
One suffering.

Scream bullshit!
I would perform all day long!
I don't want to study
And ditties are not too lazy to sing!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, there is no cereal there,
I had to buy candy!”

Lyoshka is sitting at the table
Picks in the nose
And the goat replies:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two spatulas,
And Nina has molds.
I'm for it them tongue
I'll pop it out of the window.

I baked a cake
Treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in a glass.

The grandfather taught the letter to the mouse,
And then the scribbles came out.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both wept bitterly.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy one: "Mommy,
I'm still small."

Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

Dressed Dima in the morning
And fell down for some reason:
He stuck it out for no reason
Two legs in one pant.

I washed my hands under the tap
I forgot to wash my face
Trezor saw me
He barked, "What a shame!"

Boiled milk
Went far away.
I approach him again:
There is no milk to be seen.

Folk ditties, funny songs, and develop children, introduce them to the musicality of the Russian language. The rhythm and cheerful melody calls the child to dance to the beat of the ditty, and the meaning makes them laugh. Together with nursery rhymes and pestushkas, kids should be introduced to the ditty. Singing a ditty, you can show the child simple movements, and the baby will repeat after you.

We danced with a friend
Boots are rubber.
The public was watching us
Everyone opened their mouths.

Oh, one more time
We bow down now
Let's start the dance
We will try for you!

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can get lost!

I've grown an inch
And Vitek - by as much as five.
And Lariska got fat,
Don't hug the whole class.

Vanka sits at the gate
mouth wide open,
And people won't understand
Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

I caught a mouse in a cage
And there he locked it tightly,
After all, without a mouse you can’t assemble
Turnip in the garden.

Rook dreams of spring
And the angler is about carp.
And my little sister
Just about the Barbie doll.

Like my girlfriend
Pierced ears.
She suits the earrings
Well, like Babka-Yozhka.

From girlfriends-laughers
So much noise, ringing
Like a hundred rattles
Even from a million!

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