Drawings of Easter eggs on paper. Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Easter cake and an egg for Easter


Easter is the most significant and big religious holiday, which always falls in the middle or end of spring. There is no clear date for Easter, it is calculated according to lunar calendar. Usually the celebration is celebrated in April or May. An integral attribute of the celebration is Easter egg, drawings of which can be done both with pencils and using paints. How to draw an Easter egg yourself and decorate it, read below.

Easter egg: pencil drawings

In order to draw an Easter egg, take a sheet of A4 paper and draw a rectangle on it, the sides of which are longer than the bottom and top. Swipe in the center vertical line and below the middle - horizontal. Now draw the outline of our Easter egg.

On the resulting egg, you can draw whatever you want: circles, flowers, animal faces, straight and curved lines, etc.

The first version of painting our dye

We draw on the resulting base two curved lines at the top, bottom and in the middle. In the central part, above and below the curved lines, draw two zigzag lines.

Further below and above, above the zigzag lines, we depict small circles, and in the very center - circles bigger size. Now we decorate our drawing with colored pencils or paints. An example of how a pattern can be distributed is suggested below.

The second version of the Easter egg drawing

At the top and bottom we draw in a semicircle, from which we then make the sun. At a short distance from the sun, from below and above, we draw two curved lines, in the center of which there is a zigzag.

At the top, between the sun and the curved lines, draw a willow branch. In the center of the egg we depict a flower, and on the sides - decorative curved lines. Coloring the resulting drawing.

Easter egg: drawings (third option)

You can also paint our paint in a marine style. It will look very original. In the central part of the egg, draw two waves parallel to each other, below which make the borders. Top with right side depict the sun, and at the top in the center - a fish diving into a wave. Draw another fish above the bottom wave. And at the very bottom, add a picture of a turtle.

Now colorize the resulting image.

Drawings on Easter eggs

Today there are many ways to paint an Easter egg. Drawings on it can be very different. It's not only simple patterns, snowflakes, flowers. You can also write the names of friends or congratulations on the dyes.

Now let's look at how we can do all this. You will need a special board on which you will work. Make it easy. Take a sheet of foam or thick cardboard, 24x24 cm in size. Draw it into squares. The size of one square is 2 cm. Insert a needle into the corners of each resulting square.

After the pattern is applied, dip the egg into the dye. When it is colored, peel off the wax. The places that were under it will remain unpainted, thanks to which beautiful and unusual patterns will appear on your dye. In the same way, you can write the names of friends or short congratulations happy holiday.

As you can see, there will be no difficulty in painting or drawing an Easter egg, the drawings on which can be very different. It all depends on your imagination.

Ahead of the long-awaited bright holiday of Easter. For every person, it is associated with lush Easter cakes, bright multi-colored eggs, branches of flowering willow. For young and adult artists, the pre-Easter period causes an active creative upsurge and a whole storm of uncontrollable fantasies. Why not put them into practice. See how to draw an egg and Easter cake for Easter with a pencil and paints. Our step-by-step instructions for beginners with photos and videos will teach you how to depict the most important Easter attributes on plain landscape paper.

How to draw an egg for Easter: step by step instructions with photos and videos

On the eve of Easter, everything is saturated with the atmosphere of resurrection life: playful lights on candles, long lines of people flocking to the church for the night service, generous baskets filled with festive dishes. The whole previous evening, the children are spinning in the kitchen, helping their mothers decorate Easter cakes and prepare a hearty dinner. Invite the most nimble helpers and curious "why" to get creative and combine the brightest and most colorful eggs in one Easter still life.

And if you yourself do not know how to draw an egg for Easter, use our step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.

Necessary materials for drawing "Eggs" for Easter from photo and video

  • sheet of landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • black marker or gel pen
  • colored pencils, paints or markers

Step-by-step instructions with photos and videos on how to draw eggs for Easter

  1. Lay a piece of paper horizontally on working surface. Visually divide the area into 2 parts. On the left half, stepping back a little from the center, draw a large egg with a sharp end to the border of the sheet.

  2. Place the second one over the first Easter egg. Rotate it the other way so that the pattern has a natural clutter effect.

  3. In the central part of the sheet, “put” the third egg on the blunt edge. It should be slightly hidden behind the first two.

  4. Draw the last fourth Easter egg on the right half of the sheet in a supine position. Let the sharp end of the testicle look to the free side.

  5. For each "character" of the plot, draw funny faces: eyes, noses, mouths.

  6. Across each egg, draw slightly curved parallel lines. They will serve as the boundaries of future patterns.

  7. Using a black marker or pen, draw a thick line over all the outlines.

  8. Colorize bright colors or felt-tip pens drawing "Egg" for Easter according to step-by-step instructions with photos and videos.

How to draw Easter cake and an egg for Easter from photo and video

Easter cake is difficult to prepare, but very easy to draw. A bright illustration can be sent to a thematic competition in Kindergarten, give to the teacher for the Resurrection of Christ, use for a holiday card or home decoration. And you need a typical office for this, free time and a little patience. How to draw Easter cake and an egg for Easter from photos and videos, see below:

Necessary materials for the drawing "Kulich and eggs" for Easter

  • white album sheet
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils or paints

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Easter cake and an egg for Easter

  1. Lay a piece of paper horizontally on a table. Visually divide the field into three parts. Draw parallel lines on the borders of the middle third. Stepping back up, draw a “cap” of Easter cake over the lines.

  2. Continuing to bring out the top of the cake, draw smudges of sweet glaze. Please note that the waves are visible not only in the foreground, but also on the sides.

  3. Draw an oval around the bottom of the cake - a plate. Draw one Easter egg in the center of the bowl in front of the Easter cake. To the right of it, draw the second in a different position.

  4. Draw two eggs to the left of the central one. Draw the bottom edge of the plate in the same oval as the top edge.

  5. On the protein glaze of the Easter cake, leave with a sharpened pencil “a scattering of beads and stars”. Give the stand a wicker structure.

  6. To make the Easter cake more voluminous, add vertical hatching. On the eggs, note a slight natural shadow. Complete the drawing with a sprig of cherry blossoms. Now you know how to draw an Easter egg and Easter cake from photos and videos. It remains to color the image with paints or pencils.

How to draw an Easter bunny and an egg step by step with a pencil - a lesson for beginners

Easter Bunny- Western festive attribute, gradually penetrating into our culture. And although we are not yet accustomed to the tradition of leaving the nest for hares on the Resurrection of Christ or composing legends about them, we managed to intercept something. Today, almost all novice artists know how to draw an Easter bunny and an egg step by step with a pencil. Such drawings are quite popular in the festive decoration of the house or the creation of traditional postcards.

Necessary materials for pencil drawing "Easter Bunny and Egg"

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • paints or colored pencils
  • black gel pen

Step by step instructions for beginners how to draw a rabbit with an Easter egg

  1. Draw first contour image. When observing the proportions of the body, remember that you are not drawing a person, but an animal. The back should be slightly arched, the legs should be bent at the knees.

  2. To round the image of the little animal, add volumes and auxiliary lines. Now the drawing looks more like the skeleton of a real bunny.

  3. Draw the head and ears. Add details - nose, cheeks, mouth, eyes, mustache.

A very philosophical question - which came first, the egg or the chicken? By the method of scientific poke and testing, we still found out that the chicken took first place. But the eggs are harsh guys and are looking for revenge, revenge. Training their will power, preparing themselves physically and mentally, they came here to seek the truth. And today we will have a lesson about how to draw eggs. Any experience in life will be useful. Ask where painted eggs can come in handy? Yes in any critical situation. Your mother is preparing to bake a cake, but in the morning you filled up 10 raw eggs in yourself, as you decided to take up operatic vocals. To avoid punishment, you take paper, draw eggs and, with a clear conscience, leave it in the refrigerator. Only then do not stutter about the papers in the pie. Or, for example, you return home at night, and several gopniks pester you on the street intelligent people, politely asking: Drive the money here on! However, you remember about the painted eggs, pull out a piece of paper and hand it to them, parrying: Here are the painted eggs for you. The guys are confused, and you are already at home drinking tea with lemon in intensive care. Alternatively, eggs can be eaten. Real ones, preferably. Real man food, no ambiguity. I broke a couple into a pan - that's all. You can also cook, but it takes more time and a lot of waiting. Too much for a real man. Only fry, only hardcore.

Let's talk about eggs closer:

  • Tired of eating eggs? Make a ball out of them. The method is simple and ingenious in all its glory. You take vinegar, put an egg, leave it for 2-3 days. Then you take it out, throw it on the floor - and it jumps back. I tried it myself, had fun all day.
  • There are people who are afraid of eggs to their gray hair, and this is called ovophobia. Rumor has it that Alfred Hitchcock twitched and hid in corners at the sight of a chicken egg.
  • And it is not only a delicacy of harsh men. African egg snake - this is the standard. If a man sometimes allows himself to gobble up a piece of bread with sausage, then the snake in the egg business is a Spartan. He only eats eggs, period.

How to draw eggs with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, we need a specialized tray, and, of course, a frying pan. An inseparable part of the picture. We draw all this in accordance with the picture below.
Step two. There are 10 eggs in a standard tray. Especially for them we draw squares. As you can see, one instance has already moved its body into the pan - we also allocate space for it.
Step three.
Step four. Our frying pan turned out to be kind of nondescript. We fix it, add its colors and shine. We notice the egg shell on it - and draw. We can also tint the tray a little, it will not be worse for anyone.
Step five. We draw a face with emotions of fear and horror, since one of them has just been fried in a fiery hyena.
Let me know what you think of this lesson and also

It is the Easter egg, and not Easter cake, that can be called without exaggeration the main symbol of the happy holiday all Christians - the Resurrection of the Lord. But not everyone knows that long before the advent of Christianity, in many ancient cultures of the world, it was the egg that was the embodiment of immortality, being and the birth of a new life. It also symbolized, as, indeed, today, prosperity and prosperity, therefore it was considered one of the most desired gifts at religious holidays. Nowadays, krashankas and pysanky are increasingly exchanged exclusively for Easter. Although, for example, Faberge-type decorative eggs can become great gift for almost any holiday. Not only the eggs themselves, but also their various images are considered a good gift. From our today's article you will learn how to draw an egg for Easter in stages with a pencil or paints. Thanks to our simple master classes with photos and videos for beginners, you will easily master the drawing of this Easter symbol and will be able to please your loved ones, for example, with a handmade themed postcard.

How to draw an egg for Easter - a step-by-step master class for children, photo

Let's start with a very simple step-by-step master class "How to draw an egg for Easter" for children up to school age. This lesson shows you how to use regular pencil and you can learn to draw lines egg perfect shape. Learn more about how to draw an egg for Easter at step by step master class for kids below.

Necessary materials for the master class, how to draw an egg for Easter for children

  • landscape sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • curly ruler

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw an egg for Easter for children with a photo

Master class on how to draw an Easter egg with a pencil step by step for beginners

The next master class on how to draw an Easter egg with a pencil is also suitable for beginners, including children of primary school age. It uses a similar technique for depicting an Easter egg, which, however, is a little more complicated than the previous version. We are sure that thanks to this master class “How to draw an Easter egg with a pencil in stages for beginners”, anyone can master the image of a Easter egg.

Materials needed to draw an Easter egg with a pencil for beginners

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colour pencils
  • ruler

Instructions on how to draw an Easter egg in stages for beginners with a pencil

How to draw a Faberge egg for Easter in stages, a simple master class with a photo

Although the Faberge egg cannot be called a symbol of Easter in the classical sense, it is also directly related to this holiday. At one time, it was Faberge jewelry eggs that were customarily given for Easter by Russian aristocrats and members of the royal family. Of course, it seems impossible for most Russians to give a real Faberge egg for Easter to their relatives, but on the other hand, it can be drawn using a simple master class with step by step photos. Read more about how to draw a Faberge egg for Easter step by step in simple master class below.

Necessary materials in order to draw a Faberge egg for Easter

  • sheet of paper - 2 pcs.
  • simple pencil
  • paints
  • tassel
  • scissors

Instructions on how to draw a Faberge egg for Easter in stages using a simple master class

How to draw Easter cake and an egg for Easter, step by step video tutorial for beginners

Easter cake and eggs is an excellent thematic still life that can be painted for Easter step by step lesson even a beginner. Best used for this figure gouache-type paints - with their help you can convey the beauty of this thematic still life. Learn more about how to draw Easter cake and an egg in the step by step video tutorial for beginners below.

The Easter egg is a great variant of a thematic symbol that can be depicted on greeting cards and drawings dedicated to the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. How to draw an egg for Easter with your own hands in stages? Pretty easy if you follow step by step instructions our master classes with photos and videos. Among them there are both options for beginners and children, including those with Easter cake, as well as more difficult master classes, for example, on drawing a Faberge Easter egg. We are sure that thanks to the lessons from this article, you will quickly and easily learn how to draw Easter eggs and eggs for your family, friends and acquaintances.

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