Russian proverbs and sayings. What are proverbs and sayings The most popular proverbs



Russian proverbs and sayings are apt expressions, the so-called "catch phrases" invented and used by Russians. And also these are borrowed phrases from written sources and literary works, briefly and succinctly expressing wise and deep thoughts. Most Russian proverbs and sayings consist of two or more rhyming and proportionate parts. Proverbs almost always have direct and figurative. Often there are several variants of proverbs with similar morals. This is called the moral invariant:

Business before pleasure.

You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.

The work of the master is afraid.

What are their differences?

A proverb is a figurative and apt expression that reflects some kind of life phenomenon. As a rule, they do not make sense, and they are limited to various allegorical expressions. This is their main difference between sayings and proverbs.

Prove that you are not a camel.

Don't keep a fig in your pocket.

Wind in my head.

Keep your nose to the wind.

Proverbs differ from sayings in a more meaningful sense. The ancient proverbs that have survived to this day date back to the 12th century.

A proverb is a genre of folklore that is of interest to people, is the most mysterious, and also the most incomprehensible. They clearly express the experience accumulated over the years and the mind of an entire nation. According to proverbs, one can judge the values ​​of the people, they reflect the most different aspects of people's lives.

Proverbs arose during the primitive communal system, they were passed from mouth to mouth. Their main feature is the conciseness and accuracy of the transmitted. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. In the first - there is a description of the subject, and in the second - there is an expressive assessment of the oral object or phenomenon.

Thus, proverbs are not only the most ancient genre of oral folk art, but also modern, of interest to scientists and people.

On the left is a proverb, on the right is a proverb

Working on them

To the sounds A-Z, I-S, E

Dv A wait for wives A mil A former A et: as in the hut at input at t yes, how did you get out at T.

Sun I who cares A its I parties A.

This is n A our floor I I of the year.

Kom A r p A rnu n O gu giving And l.

Kom at it's not a year And tsya, that one is not a year And tsya.

Crazy heads A- legs A m p A lip.

B A ba drunk A- all alien A.

Two br A the one with Arb A ta, O ba hump A You.

Apt e no matter what A vit v e ka.

B A ba on the bases A r three g O yes serch A la, a baz A p tog O and don't notice A l: sobir A sighed and collected A lysya.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

Poverty is not a vice, but a misfortune.

Oatmeal itself xv A lit, a gr e helluva people xv A lit.

Welcome, and the hat itself.

Don't swing the stick and the dog won't bark.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Make mistakes, admit it.

The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar A.

And quiet water shore A washes away.

Tyap yes blunder - the ship will not come out.

Proverbs for the sounds of I-Y

And where cabbage soup, there and search And.

Water with him And be that in the nettle garden And tsya.

Where is the lie And in - there Mr. And lo.

Pasha is not lazy, you will live happily.

Famously does not lie quietly.

Antipas not l And pa, and, tearing off the bast, do not cover.

It would be desirable A nie, rest adj O lives.

Not estimated I With And ly, do not raise A th in And ly.

Don't fight the strong, don't sue the rich.

Do not be proud of the title, but be proud of the knowledge.

Thunderstorm And t mouse to a cat, yes from a hole.

TO And flinched, and turned over.

He boasted, boasted, but fell downhill.

There would be bread, but with teeth s shy.

What is Martin, such is his altyn.

To whom is the rank, to whom is the pancake, and to whom is the wedge.

glance And sh - a picture, and a look And sh - cattle.

They came not called, let's not fight.

wolf A mi live - like a wolf howl.

St A thawed, sv A thawed, yes everything and popr I thawed.

Chalk And, Emelya, your week.

Business is time, fun is an hour.

For the right thing to become bold.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Not Spanish O rv affairs, m A you won't be a jerk.

young heart r e call full O.

Know how to work, know how and have fun.

Check first, then believe.

A bad honor when there is nothing to eat.

Eat while the bread is fresh.

Who cherishes the earth, the earth pities.

M O lodo - h e lazy, take a walk in e lazy.

First on the board, first on the answer.

Lost - do not say, found - do not show.

Honor honor, yes business business.

Do not rely on grandfather for someone else's dinner.

Went prov e give yes left to dine.

Skill will always find an application e nee.

Patience gives skill.

Human recognition A eat when from seven stoves with him cabbage soup A eat.

Proverbs for the sounds O-Yo, Z-S, U-Yu, P-B

Lots of p O that, yes a little pr O ku.

Couch potato and the sun is not in p O ru rises.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The cat sees milk, yes r s lo k O rotko.

A living word is more precious than a dead letter.

Lives - does not reap, but chews bread.

Who is the day before O that slave O melts, that insomnia at night And does not know.

work until p O that, and eat in the hunt.

Strong as he can, as much as he can O zhet.

What O tree, so is the fruit.

Red O the field is millet, and speech is the mind.

Owls O k, yes not l O wok.

Who wants, he can.

As you live, so you will be known.

I don't understand your hint.

Bel speaks O, but makes black O.

Without truth, not living, but howling.

What's with the cart A lo then prop A lo.

Badly O vtsam, where the wolf is the governor.

This is a hedgehog, you can’t take it with your hands.

Top is clear, bottom is dirty.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Flattery without teeth, but with bones will eat.

When the owner is close, and the cat will cope with the dog.

V l And hosti yes z A see no matter O ku no no r A achieve

Top is clear, bottom is dirty.

Oatmeal porridge And lass, as if with cow butter And lass.

Say with a fingernail O to, but they will retell with an elbow O To.

You can't keep up with your tongue even barefoot.

Zn A if only a neighbor would recognize us e dka.

I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven.

skaz A l - what a knot O m stuck A l.

He sings, he listens, he praises himself.

Stab, fight, but still hope.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

sun si I no, but the month is only St. e tit.

Sun I who has his own sleep O vka.

Strength by strength - os And only, but force is beyond the power - os I go.

Kindness is everything to live and grow And, but evil, so that from the path And sweep away.

Youth is not a sin, and old age is not laughter.

To the sounds of woo

You will not be smart with someone else's mind.

Tr at tnyam holiday and b at days.

Science is not flour.

And it doesn’t blow in the mustache, and it doesn’t lead with the ear.

For a friend - everything is not t at go.

Friend so far s- the same n e Friend.

stupid wasp at dit and smart rass at dit.

You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.

White pens other people's work s love.

I don’t sleep, I don’t doze off Yu, and all d at mayu doom at.

himself at bit who doesn't like people.

Feels the heart and friend and e friend.

If there was a friend, there will be dos at G.

Friendship from hostility live close.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

People think, they think of something, but we think, we don’t get out of thinking.

Live wisely - e to sew, to live without a mind - to suffer.

One is grieving, and art e l is fighting.

called gr at zdem - climb into the body.

A bad friend's service is resilient.

Beloruchka is not a worker.

Pobal at eat - spoil at eat.

Trouble will come - it will knock you off your feet.

There would be a bull, but there would be meat.

Watch out for trouble while it's gone.

Trouble is not trouble, trouble drives.

Inactivity is the sister of disease.

They are greeted by the dress, escorted by the mind.

Srobel is gone.

Bestolkov, yes A mindful.

Hurry, don't rush, hurry up.

Life lived And t - not a field to go.

The awl shaves from people, but even the razor does not take from us.

If not, mushrooms would grow, but all porcini would.

Good - good memory.

You plow deeper - you will take more bread.

Not the stupid one who is stingy with words, but the stupid one who is actually stupid.

Hit or miss.

If it were not for the baldness, then there would be no head.

There will be rain, there will be fungi, and there will be fungi, there will be boxfish.

On T-D, V-F, K-G

Do not teach idleness, teach needlework.

To live without work is only to smoke the sky.

Not known - a friend, but known - two.

Art e pour the city take.

Literacy is a second language.

Fedot, but not that one.

Who amuses, about that and the people speak.

fool fool xv A lit.

Still waters run deep.

A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday on Monday.

Where two fools fight, there is a third watching.

Whoever has a lot of work ahead, he does not look back.

You are for the cause, and the cause is for you.

The work of the master is afraid.

A good tree brings good fruit.

And there is no leaf on leaf on the tree.

Friendship is strong A not flattery, but truth and honor.

Good is not sought from good.

Expect praise for a good deed s boldly.

Take care of the dress O Wu, and honor from a young age.

Things went well - and I'm glad about that.

Not to the point, but to the point.

People are not judged by words A m, and according to their affairs A m.

V-F sounds

Live and learn.

How not to believe, but do the work.

Every vegetable has its time.

From a sick head to a healthy one.

One for all and all for one.

If all the people breathe, there will be wind.

If you lie, you won’t die, but they won’t believe ahead.

Curls curl, but do not forget about the matter.

Everything has its time.

Time does not wait.

It's not that the sheep A V O Lka ate, but the point is how she e la.

He flew high, and sat in the chicken coop.

Time paints, bezvr e meunier st A rit.

VR e don't turn me on O silence.

Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

Yesterday's glory in the war does not live.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt. Autumn a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

Evidently, Arsenya will have to wait until Sunday.

Who whom l Yu bit, that one and the goal at bit.

Sense of the century, but there is no sense.

The cat loves milk, but the stigma is short O.

The cat gets used to the house, and the dog to the person.

Red A river banks.

Pebbles rolled down the hill, pounded against the deck.

not sun I something l s ko in strings at.

Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.

Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

Any goat climbs into insects.

When it's hot in the oven, then it's cooked.

Who has what taste: who loves melon, who loves watermelon.

It's not about boots - you can't throw off your feet.

Gorky A work, yes bread is sweet.

What's the job, what's the pay.

TO O los from to O moose not heard A t and g O moose.

Literacy is always useful to learn.

It is bad for the tongue to shout when the hands are silent.

Wandered the sandpiper And: no bread, no flour.

Without literacy as in the dark.

Sounds R-R, L-L, M, N

Truth is the light of reason.

A good spinner has woven shirts.

Aunt Arina spoke sweetly.

Good temper, yeah O ditch not good.

Diligence is learned for three years, laziness - for three days.

Craft not bark s layer - the shoulders will not pull.

A frisky foal and the wolf does not take.

Speech is quiet, but the heart is dashing.

Joy straight And t, steep And on cr Yu cheat.

Not years st A ryat, but grief.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

Rejoiced at the crumbs, yes the carpet And gu lost.

The old horse will not spoil the furrow.

Seven gates, but all in the garden.

The hand washes the hand, and the rogue is a rogue A covers.

An old sparrow on the pulp And you won't pass.

The old raven will not croak in vain.

Hands work, and the head feeds.

The early bird cleans the sock, and the late one pierces the eyes.

Chop the tree for yourself.

Lyovka is doing well.

The fox tribe only flatters and beckons.

The moth eats clothes, but the sadness of a person.

An affectionate word and an affectionate look and a ferocious to the hands of prim A nit.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better.

It's easy to brag, it's easy to fall down.

Youth is stronger with shoulders, old age is stronger with head.

They danced that they were left without bread.

The sun is shining, but we haven't eaten yet.

Big in body, small in deed.

Once he lied, he became a liar forever.

Went for oil, and went out in the oven.

Caresses in the eyes, and A zew barks.

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.

Fili had it, he drank it at Fili's, and he beat Fili.

The wolf catches, but they catch in O lka.

Word no arrows A, but clings to the heart.

He ate not ate, but sat at the table.

Small spool but precious.

Boastful word Mr. And lo.

Tree look into fruit A x, a man in business.

Proverbs for sound M

Mal is small less.

Lots of good ones, but no sweet ones.

You want a lot - you can do a little.

I call a lot, but little sense.

Mutit, like a water mill.

Don't trust me A crowbar yes onion A vomu.

A hundred cowardly will not replace one courageous one.

The miller is not afraid of noise, they O rushes.

Soap ser O yes washes white O.

Clings like a fly to honey.

Exchanged the awl for soap.

In cute no post s logo, but in the post s scrap no cute.

Be able to speak, be able to be silent.

Lots of smoke, but little heat.

Young in years, old in deeds.

Let's rest and see if we're sitting well.

You can't walk past the peas and past the girls.

Many summers, and many already gone.

I remember a lot, but do not return.

My home is my castle.

How not to throw - everything is a wedge.

There is no snow and no trace.

Every day is not Sunday.

Seven Fridays in a week.

Thick at first, empty at the end.

Dinner is not needed, there would be lunch.

Our fidget is neither at home nor at the neighbor's.

Pig eyelids do not look at the sky.

Where the tail is the beginning, there the head is the bast.

An elephant does not chase a mouse.

Sleepy and lazy - two brothers.

Not all bad weather, the sun will peep through.

Put the pig on the table, she will put her feet on the table.

The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

Wake up and take a stump for a wolf.

Do not sniff lemons with a pork snout.

They do not fight by force, by skill.

Don't rejoice when you find it, don't cry when you lose it.

The bear is wrong that he ate the cow; not right and the cow that went into the forest.

Almsgiving is not like an old man.

Sayings on Ts, Zh-Sh, Ch-Sch

Bow - forward useful.

He cares like a wolf about sheep.

A hut is not cut down with a cry, but the matter is not argued with noise ..

Doesn't get carried away like a chicken and an egg.

Happiness does not wind in the air, but is taken by hand.

You tell the chicken, and she's the whole street.

For mother and father, and the pig goes well done.

Every well done to his example.

Give a question A twists, and we will be A to go.

The leg will stumble, and the head will get.

Whoever fights for happiness, to that it tends.

Those who are proud are no good.

Not everything happens as it is said.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

Day ring, night done well.

Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself.

A flatterer is like a snake under flowers.

He bows, he bows, he will come home and stretch out.

The horse also stumbles, but recovers.

Caring like a wolf O vzah.

Sounds of W-SH

Hurry, don't make people laugh.

Murder will out.

What goes around comes around.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

As you lay down, so you sleep.

Who trembles, he runs.

What you go for, you will find.

The earlier you start, the earlier you finish.

Whose to at shano, togo and sl at shano.

Izh And l n at waiting, forgot, etc. at zhbu.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Good glory lies under the bench, and bad fame runs far.

good to A shka, yes small A h A scale.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Fear has eyes that are like bowls, but they do not see a crumb.

And we will eat, and we will dance, we will only plow the arable land.

To live with someone else's mind is not to make good.

It's not nice to eat lying down.

Feel sorry for the bag - not to see a friend.

What you reap is what you grind.

Proverbs in Ch-Sch

I cry, I cry, but I hide grief.

Which hour strikes, we will count it.

Wait from h A sa for an hour.

Happiness is on horseback, misfortune is under horseback.

Shchi - at least rinse your head.

R s bar s fight with s that.

Honor is honor, and business is business.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

Though a sheep's coat, but a human soul.

Where good cabbage soup, do not look for other food.

A shaft from a flea, an ax handle from a match.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

At least for an hour, but jump.

The nose is pulled out - the tail is stuck, the tail is pulled out - the nose is stuck.

Don't look at the name, look at the bird.

Happiness would not happen, but misfortune helped.

In a hurry - a lump and a bunch.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

A wonderful miracle, a marvelous marvel: from a black cow and white milk.

Material from LoveToKnow

  1. To live without work, only to smoke the sky.
  2. You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.
  3. In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.
  4. Live and learn.
  5. Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.
  6. There is nothing like leather.
  7. Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone creates it.
  8. Every work of the master praises.
  9. They take every mushroom in their hands, but not everyone puts it in the back.
  10. Everyone has their own side.
  11. Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
  12. The foolish will judge, but the wise will judge.
  13. He speaks white and does black.
  14. The head of the tail does not wait.
  15. Literacy is always useful to learn.
  16. The work of the master is afraid (and another master of the work is afraid).
  17. A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye.
  18. Good fame to the threshold, and thin beyond the threshold.
  19. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.
  20. A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.
  21. A good start is half the battle.
  22. Kindness without reason is empty.
  23. A good end to the whole thing crown.

  24. Talk long, but do it soon!
  25. A friend is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.
  26. Money can't buy a friend.
  27. Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
  28. They think thought without noise.
  29. For a just cause, stand boldly! Every mushroom.png
  30. They give two unscientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it.
  31. Make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead.
  32. Do not return evil for evil.
  33. And the bird, having fed the chick, teaches him to fly.
  34. And the strength of the mind will yield.
  35. Great things come from small things.
  36. From one tree an icon and a shovel.
  37. A drop hollows a stone.
  38. The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  39. The bird is red with feathers, and the man is learned.
  40. By the way, keep silent, what a big word to say.
  41. Who knows more, and books in his hands.
  42. Who is in the case, he is in the answer.
  43. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
  44. Whoever stands behind the truth is a true hero.
  45. Whoever lays down and sleeps.
  46. Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.
  47. It is better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.
  48. It is better to give your own than to take someone else's.
  49. Do not judge people, but notice yourself!

  50. Peace to you and I to you. Where is the ok. There is a treasure!
  51. A lot of things are said, but not everything is good for business.
  52. It is harmful for the young to lie, for the old it is indecent.
  53. The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.
  54. Every Egor has his own saying
  55. There are good people in the world.
  56. On the other side, and the spring is not red.
  57. Science teaches only the smart.
  58. Ours spun, and yours slept.
  59. It is not the gods who burn the pots.
  60. Not every word per line.
  61. A book is not red in writing, but red in mind.
  62. It is not the place of the person that paints, but the person the place.
  63. Don't start thinking, start doing.
  64. If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernel.
  65. Not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship.
  66. Not hard to do, but hard to think.
  67. Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.
  68. Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
  69. God revealed science to one bee.
  70. You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.
  71. A stump is not a suburb, stupid speech is not a proverb.
  72. Repetition is the mother of learning.
  73. A proverb is a flower, a proverb is a berry.
  74. The proverb is not in vain.
  75. The truth goes straight, and neither bypass it nor bypass it.

  76. The truth is brighter than the sun.
  77. Idleness is the mother of vices.
  78. The early bird cleans the sock, and the late bird pierces the eyes.
  79. Own land and in a handful is sweet.
  80. Having done bad, do not expect good.
  81. Don't leave today's work for tomorrow!
  82. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
  83. The word is not a sparrow: you will not catch a flight.
  84. It lied - as it fell off the tongue.
  85. The old proverb never breaks.
  86. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  87. Patience and a little effort.
  88. It is hard for him who remembers evil.
  89. Hurry up for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.
  90. Mind and mind will be thoughtful at once.
  91. The scientist leads, the unlearned follows.
  92. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  93. Learn to be good, so the bad will not come to mind.
  94. Bread does not go behind the belly.
  95. A good proverb in harmony and in suit.
  96. If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove!
  97. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
  98. What I learned, that's what came in handy. Know more and say less.


Handwritten postscript of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of rules for falconry, a favorite pastime of that time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the matter.

The inevitable will happen anyway, whether you risk it or not. It speaks of the determination to do something associated with risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the danger can still be avoided.

It often happens that the hostess does not succeed with the first pancake (it is poorly removed from the pan, burns), but the hostess determines from it whether the dough is well mixed, whether the pan has warmed up, whether it is necessary to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful start of a new, difficult business.
It is said when someone takes on several (usually profitable) cases at once and therefore cannot do a single one well or bring it to the end.

In two (simple) - indefinitely, with the ability to understand one way or another. It is not known whether what is supposed to come true; It is still unknown how it will be: one way or another. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they assume.

They say when they understand that the punishment for the mistakes made is for the benefit of a person, because this is how he gains experience.

It is said when they want to emphasize the loyalty, devotion and indispensability of an old friend.

It is said when, when solving an issue, they turn to someone for advice, when they solve a case together

Not being able to figure out something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

Very short, short, small.

A lot (say, promise, lie, etc.).

They speak jokingly when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of promises made by someone or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed for an indefinite time.

That is very bitter to cry.

Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.

So they say when they start some business without someone who was late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait for themselves.

Let's risk it again, and if we have to answer, then for everything at once, at the same time. It speaks of the determination to do something else risky, dangerous in addition to what has already been done.

Before you do anything serious, think carefully about everything, foresee everything. It is said as advice to consider all possible options for action before starting any business.

Without an eye (obsolete) - without supervision, without supervision. The work is done poorly, unsatisfactorily, when several people are responsible for it at once. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for a case rely on each other and each individually treats his duties in bad faith.

The mysterious "tryn-grass" is not at all some kind of herbal medicine that is drunk so as not to worry. At first it was called "tyn-grass", and tyn is a fence. It turned out "fence grass", that is, a weed that no one needs, indifferent to everyone.

Believe it or not, in the old school, students were flogged every week, regardless of who was right and who was wrong. And if the "mentor" overdoes it, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Terribly poor, beggar. Usually they think that we are talking about a falcon bird. But she's not here. In fact, the "falcon" is an old military battering ram. It was a completely smooth ("bare") cast-iron ingot, mounted on chains. Nothing extra!

So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan specifically "Kazan"? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirzas (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg him for all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Now it seems to be quite a harmless expression. And once it was associated with a shameful punishment. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a guilty boyar was put back to front on a horse in clothes turned inside out and in this form, disgraced, was driven around the city to the whistle and ridicule of the street crowd.

To deceive, promising and not fulfilling the promise. This expression was associated with fairground entertainment. The gypsies led the bears by wearing a nose ring. And they forced them, the poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of handouts.

This is the name of a person who is blamed for someone else's fault. The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of a live goat, thereby, as it were, shifting the sins of the whole people onto him. After that, the goat was driven out into the wilderness. Many, many years have passed, and the rite no longer exists, but the expression lives on.

Lyasy (balusters) are chiseled curly columns of railings at the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, "sharpening balusters" meant having an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But craftsmen to conduct such a conversation by our time became less and less. So this expression began to denote empty chatter.

In the old days there really was such a kind of bread - "grated kalach". The dough for it was kneaded, kneaded, "rubbed" for a very long time, which made the kalach unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach." That is, a person is taught by trials and tribulations. The expression comes from this proverb.

If you think about it, the meaning of this expression seems cruel - you must admit, it is not very pleasant to imagine an ax next to your own nose. In fact, everything is not so sad. In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the organ of smell. "Nose" was called a commemorative plaque, or a tag for records. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried with them such boards and sticks, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made as a keepsake.

Rusichi - the most ancient ancestors of Russians - honored among their gods the main god - the god of thunder and lightning Perun. One of the days of the week, Thursday, was dedicated to him (it is interesting that among the ancient Romans, Thursday was also dedicated to the Latin Perun - Jupiter). Perun offered prayers for rain in a drought. It was believed that he should be especially willing to fulfill requests on "his day" - Thursday. And since these prayers often remained in vain, the saying "After the rain on Thursday" began to be applied to everything that is not known when it will be fulfilled.

This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct wish (both down and feather), the results of the hunt can be jinxed. Feather in the language of hunters means a bird, fluff - animals. In ancient times, a hunter going on a hunt received this parting word, the "translation" of which looks something like this: "Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you set remain empty, just like the hunting pit!" To which the miner, in order not to jinx it, also replied: "To hell!". And both were sure that the evil spirits, invisibly present at this dialogue, would be satisfied and leave behind, would not plot during the hunt.

What are "backcloths", who and when "beats" them? For a long time handicraftsmen have been making spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To cut a spoon, it was necessary to chip off a chock - a baklusha - from a log. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing buckwheat: it was an easy, trifling matter that did not require special skills. Cooking such chocks was called "baklushi to beat." From here, from the ridicule of the masters over the auxiliary workers - "bottlenecks", our saying went.

How can glasses be "rubbed"? Where and why? Such a picture would look very ridiculous. And the absurdity occurs because we are not talking about glasses at all, which serve to correct vision. There is another meaning of the word "points": red and black marks on playing cards. There is even a gambling card game, so called - "point". Since the cards exist, there have been dishonest players, cheaters in the world. They, in order to deceive a partner, indulged in all sorts of tricks. They were able, among other things, to quietly "rub glasses" - to turn a seven into a six or a four into a five, on the go, during the game, sticking a "point" or covering it with a special white powder. And the expression "rubbing glasses" began to mean "cheating", hence other words were born: "fraud", "fraudster" - a trickster who knows how to embellish his work, pass off bad as very good.

This saying can be said to a person who is angry and angry in vain. The roots of the saying come from old colloquial speech. Then the word "angry" meant diligent, zealous, diligent. It was these diligent and diligent horses that were chosen for hard work - they carried water in barrels from the river. Thus, the most "angry" (that is, diligent) got the most thankless hard work.

The proverb teaches - before you say anything, you need to think carefully. After all, it’s easy to say a word, but no matter how you later regret what was said ...

A person who is seized with fear and frightened very often exaggerates the danger and sees it where it actually does not exist.

The ancient Greek legend of the pregnant Mount Olympus is considered the primary source of this proverb. The god Zeus, afraid that the birth of this mountain would cause major upheavals in the camp of the gods, made the mountain ... give birth to a mouse. The proverb "The mountain gave birth to a mouse" is used in a situation where significant and gigantic efforts eventually bring an insignificant result.

From youth, adv. - from a young age, from a young age. Advice to young people from their youth to cherish their honor, good name (as well as to save clothes again, that is, while they are new). It is said as parting words to a young man at the beginning of his life path.

Every business requires effort; without effort, diligence, nothing can be done. It is said when a lot of work, hard work is required to obtain any result.

In autumn (simple) - in autumn. Not all chickens born in the summer survive on farms until autumn. Birds of prey will take someone away, the weak simply will not survive, which is why they say that chickens should be counted in the fall, when it is clear how many of them survived. You have to judge something by the end results. It is said when someone prematurely expresses joy at a possible success, although the final results are still far away and much can change.

The spool is an old Russian measure of weight, equal to 4.26 grams. It went out of use after 1917, when the metric system of measures was introduced in the country, which was based on the meter (a measure of length) and the kilogram (a measure of weight). Prior to this, the main measures of weight were the pood (16 kg) and the pound (400 g), in which there were 96 spools. The spool was the smallest measure of weight and was used mainly when weighing gold and silver. Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. Roads - kr. form m. from dear. Small in size, but valuable in its qualities. It is said about someone who is small in stature, but has many virtues, positive qualities, as well as something small in size, but very important in essence.

The saying reflects one of the episodes in the history of the Russian people associated with the enslavement of the peasants. The emergence of serfdom, that is, the legally fixed right of a landowner (feudal lord) to a person, forced labor and property of a peasant, dates back to the time of Kievan Rus (IX-XII centuries). The peasants, although they were considered free (free), did not have the right to move from one owner to another during the year: the custom demanded that they leave only after all field work was completed, at the beginning of winter, when the grain had already been harvested. In the middle of the 15th century, peasants were allowed to move from one owner to another once a year - a week before St. George's Day and a week after it (St. George's Day, that is, the day of St. George, in Russian, Yuri, the patron saint of farmers, was celebrated November 26, according to the old style, chronology). At the end of the 16th century, the transition of peasants was also prohibited on St. George's Day. Thus, the peasants were attached to the land and had to stay with their landowner for life. The peasants, who were waiting for St. George's Day as the only opportunity to change their master and try to improve their lives, had their last hope of changing their situation taken away. So there was a saying expressing regret for unfulfilled hopes.
They say when they want to express extreme surprise or grief at something that happened unexpectedly, which they just learned about and that took away hope, deceived expectations.

Let's take a risk and try. It is said in a desperate determination to do something, taking risks.

Starting a big job, you are afraid that you will not cope, and when you start it, you calm down, you understand that you are able to overcome all difficulties.
It is said to cheer up before starting a big or unfamiliar job, or pronounced with joy when such work is done.

Trouble, misfortune usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. They say when trouble happens, a nuisance, although before that it was already bad.

Initially: hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie. It is said when the feeling of hunger makes you eat even what you do not like, or do things that you would not do under other circumstances.

The ingrained flaws or oddities of a person cannot be corrected. It is said when there is a conviction that a person will not change.

Goli, goli, f., collected. (obsolete) - beggars, poor. Hitra - kr. form w. R. from cunning, here (obsolete): resourceful, skillful in something. The lack, the absence of something, forces one to be inventive, to use what is available, what is at hand. It is said with approval or satisfaction when, due to a lack of something necessary, they come up with something original and, as a rule, cheap.

Buckwheat - made from buckwheat grains. Buckwheat is a herbaceous plant, from the seeds of which cereals and flour are made. Buckwheat porridge is one of the favorite dishes of Russians. Buckwheat porridge is so good, so tasty, its virtues are so obvious to everyone that it does not need to be praised. It is spoken with mocking condemnation of an immodest person, when he praises himself, speaks of his merits.

Sledge, sleigh, only many - a winter wagon on two skids for driving in the snow. A cart is a four-wheeled summer cart for transporting goods. A horse is harnessed to the sleigh and cart. Get ready for everything in advance. It is said as advice to prepare in advance everything that will be needed in the future.

Rumble (1 and 2 liters. Not used), owls - suddenly rumble, rattle. A peasant (obsolete) is a peasant.
To cross, - I am baptized, - I am baptized, owl - make a sign of the cross on myself with my hand: put three fingers folded together (thumb, index and middle) of the right hand sequentially to the forehead, to the chest, to one and the other shoulder. People who believed in God, professed the Christian religion, were baptized in many cases of daily life. It was an obligatory ritual during prayer (at home and in church), before eating, at the entrance to the hut (they were baptized, looking at the icons in the corner), etc. They baptized their mouths during yawning, baptized loved ones who left or went far and for a long time, they were baptized from fear at the sound of thunder, etc. In the old days, believers were afraid of thunderstorms as an inexplicable natural phenomenon. When thunder rumbled, it was believed that thunder (not lightning) could bring misfortune (kill, cause a fire). Therefore, in order to avert misfortune, to avoid misfortune from a thunderstorm, people were baptized precisely during thunder, as if thunder warned of a possible misfortune.
Until trouble or trouble happens, a careless person does not remember them and does not take measures to prevent them. It is said when they do at the last moment what should have been done in advance.

Either be true to your word, or don't promise. It is spoken as a reminder of a promise made or as a reproach for an unfulfilled promise, and also as a warning, advice to refrain from promises if there is no certainty that you can fulfill them.

Gifted (colloquial) - donated, received as a gift. A horse's teeth are examined when they want to determine its age. An old horse has worn out teeth, so when buying a horse, be sure to look at its teeth so as not to buy an old one. The gift is not discussed, they accept what they give. They say when they receive as a gift some thing that they don’t like and that they themselves would not choose.

It is said jokingly about someone's vigorous activity, which is not influenced by any external circumstances.

Soot - black particles from incomplete combustion of fuel, settling on the internal surfaces of stoves and chimneys. Soot is a symbol of the blackest color, there is no white soot, and the playful comparison "white as soot" essentially characterizes a black object. The word "black" in a figurative sense means "gloomy, heavy." Bela - kr. form w. R. from white. Usually said in response to the question "How are you?" when things are going badly or when they do not want to answer specifically and are limited to this vague answer (the answer implies an unsatisfactory state of affairs).

Understand, naughty. (obsolete) - to understand something, to guess about something. If you do not tell yourself what you need, no one will guess about it and therefore will not be able to help. It is said when the lack of help to someone is due to ignorance of his needs.

At home or in a familiar, familiar environment, a person feels more confident and calmer. It is said with confidence or with the hope that in a familiar environment it will be easier to cope with any business.

Road - kr. form w. R. from dear; here: "important, valuable to someone, one that is valued." Expensive, valuable is what appears at the right time. It is said when something is done or received on time, exactly at the moment when it is especially interested or needed, or it is said as a reproach to someone who did not do what was necessary on time.

Only in difficult times do you find out who your true friend is. It is said in relation to someone who turned out to be very attentive and helped someone in a difficult situation, or, conversely, showed callousness to someone in trouble.

It will pass soon, it will heal soon. It is said jokingly as a consolation to the victim.

Ear - reduce-weasel. to the ear. For a beloved, dear person, nothing is a pity, you will give the best. It is said when, out of a feeling of sympathy, a person is generous towards another, ready to do everything for him.

Payment, payment, m. - making money on account of something; pay. Krasen - kr. m.r. form from red, here: (folk poet.) "beautiful; joyful, pleasant." How you treat someone is how you will be treated. It is said when in response to any action or attitude they do the same.

The saying "I'll show you where the crayfish hibernate" was formed back in the days of serfdom. In the middle of winter, the master sent a guilty person to get crayfish to the table. And in winter, crayfish are very difficult to find, besides, you can freeze and catch a cold. Since then, this saying has meant a threat, a warning about punishment.

America was discovered by the navigator Columbus more than five hundred years ago. Therefore, when someone announces what everyone has long known, they jokingly say: “Well, you discovered America!”

The deck is a log. Moving through the forest, when underfoot is a stump, then a deck has to be slow. The expression "through the stump-deck" means to do something somehow, indiscriminately.

We all know what a bicycle is and how it works. “Don’t reinvent the wheel” so as not to waste time inventing something that has already existed for a long time.

Any business is feasible if a master takes it, that is, a skilled, knowledgeable person. It is said with admiration and praise when a person shows skill, mastery in his field.

In the old days, the hat was a symbol of wealth and nobility. By its size, they judged what place a person occupies in society. “A hat is not for Senka” - this is what they say about a person who is not able to perform this or that job or occupy a certain position.

Search - command, incl. from ch. to look for (looking for, looking for), nesov. You won't find it anyway, there's no need to look for it. It is about who disappeared and who cannot be found (how useless it is to look for the wind in the field), or about what is irretrievably lost.

What happened, happened, you have to tell everything. They say, as if apologizing for having to tell everything without missing any (usually unpleasant) details (just as you can’t throw out a single word from a song so as not to spoil the whole song).

Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. A frying pan (obsolete and regional) - flame, fire. In folk speech, a flame, that is, a fire that rises above a burning object, is associated with a greater misfortune, a flame is a stronger fire. From one trouble to another, big, from a difficult situation to the worst.
It is said when a person, being in a difficult situation, finds himself in an even more difficult situation.

Shvets (obsolete and simple) - one who sews clothes, a tailor. A reaper is one who reaps (cuts when harvesting) the ripened ears with a sickle. In the dudu (on the pipe) the player (obsolete) is the one who plays the pipe, the musician. About the one who knows how to do everything or who simultaneously performs various duties.

Prickly - bezl., 3 l. units hours from Ch. prick, carry "To touch something sharp to cause pain." It is said when you want to do something, but it's scary, because it is associated with some kind of danger, with a risk.

It is said when something is both funny and sad at the same time.

Proruha (simple) - mistake, oversight, failure. And an experienced person can make a mistake, make a mistake, a mistake. It is said to justify a mistake, an oversight committed by a person from whom this could not be expected.

It is said when it is convenient for some and for others to resolve a difficult situation, or when a decision is made that satisfies everyone.

Chuet - 3 l. units hours from Ch. smell (feel, feel), carry. (simple) to feel. They talk about someone who feels guilty and betrays it with his behavior.

According to Orthodox custom, believers during prayer kneel and bow low (make bows), almost touching the floor with their foreheads. It is said with condemnation about a person who damaged the cause with excessive zeal and diligence.

What I heard, I repeat. They speak in their own defense when they retell rumors and therefore do not vouch for the authenticity of what was said.

Bad - bad. Contagious - kr. form m. from contagious, here: "one that causes imitation of oneself, is easily transmitted to others. It is said when someone imitates the bad behavior or actions of another person.

Laws are written for reasonable people; fools do not know the laws and do not obey them. It is said about a person when he acts, from the point of view of the speaker, strange or unreasonable, contrary to common sense and generally accepted norms of behavior.
*in a new way*

Friendships should not affect business relationships. It is said when a person, despite friendly relations with someone occupying a different (usually higher) official position, does not deviate from official requirements and duties.

Heifer (colloquial) - a young cow that has not yet had calves. Polushka is the smallest coin in pre-revolutionary Russia, equal to one-fourth of a kopeck (one hundred kopecks in one ruble). Yes, opposed. union - a, but, however. Transportation - here: payment for the transported goods. Even a cheap thing will become expensive if you have to pay dearly for its transportation. It is said when it is unprofitable to carry cheap goods from afar.

Life is hard and living it is not easy. It is about the variety of events, about the difficulties that a person encounters throughout his life.

Nothing happens without a reason. It is usually said when they believe that there is some truth in the spread rumors.

1. Appetite comes with eating, and greed is at the time of appetite.

2. Grandmother wondered, said in two whether rain, or snow, whether it will be, or not.

3. Poverty is not a vice, but misfortune.

4. A healthy mind in a healthy body - rare luck.

5. The family has its black sheep, and because of the freak, everything is not to please.

6. Lucky as sabbath drowned man - no need to heat the bath.

7. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye, and peck out, but not pull out.

8. Everyone seeks the truth, not everyone does it.

9. Where it is thin, it breaks there, where it is thick, there it is layered.

10. It was smooth on paper, Yes, they forgot about the ravines, and walk along them.

11. Goal like a falcon, and sharp as an ax.

12. Hunger is not an aunt, won't bring a pie.

13. Hunchbacked grave will fix, and the stubborn - a club.

14. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel: know what is bitter, what is sweet.

15. Two pair of boots, yes both left.

16. Two thirds are waiting, and seven do not wait for one.

17. Girlish shame - to the threshold, overstepped and forgot.

18. The work of the master is afraid, and another craftsman.

19. Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the bench.

20. The law is not written for fools, if written - then not read, if read - then not understood, if understood - then not so.

21. We live, we chew bread, and sometimes we add salt.

22. For a beaten man they give two unbeaten, Yes, it doesn't hurt, they take.

23. You chase two hares - not one wild boar you won't catch.

24. Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

25. Hare legs are worn, the teeth feed the wolf, the tail protects the fox.

26. AND business time, And fun hour.

27. And the blind horse carries, if a sighted person sits on a cart.

28. A mosquito will not knock down a horse, until the bear helps.

29. Whoever remembers the old - that eye out, and whoever forgets - both.

30. The hen pecks grain by grain, and the whole yard is in the litter.

31. Dashing trouble is the beginning, and the end is near.

32. Dashing trouble initiative - there is a hole, there will be a hole.

33. Young people scold - amuse themselves, and the old people scold - rage.

34. They carry water on the (offended) angry, and the good ones themselves ride.

35. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, get up early and start your own.

36. Not all cat carnival, there will be a post.

37. The woodpecker does not grieve that he cannot sing, and so the whole forest hears it.

38. Neither fish nor meat, neither caftan nor cassock.

39. A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

40. One in the field is not a warrior, and the traveler.

41. Horses die from work, and people are getting stronger.

42. Horses don't roar from oats but they do not look for good from good.

43. Stick, double-edged, hitting here and there.

44. Repetition is the mother of learning, consolation of fools.

45. Repetition is the mother of learning and a haven for the lazy.

46. ​​Water does not flow under a lying stone, and under the rolling - does not have time.

47. The drunken sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to your ears.

48. Dust in a column, smoke in a yoke, but the hut is not heated, not swept.

49. Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest, because it, accursed, must be done.

50. Grow big, but don't be a noodle, stretch a mile, but don't be simple.

51. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar, therefore bypasses.

52. Hand washes hand, yes they both itch.

53. Get along with a bee - get a honey, contact with a beetle - you will find yourself in manure.

54. Your eye is a diamond, and the alien is glass.

55. Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble - absolutely nowhere.

56. A bold bullet is afraid, and he will find a coward in the bushes.

57. Dog in the manger lies, she does not eat and does not give to cattle.

58. The dog was eaten, choked on their tail.

59. Old age is not joy, sit down - do not get up, run - do not stop.

60. The old horse will not spoil the furrow, and it won't plow deep.

62. Fear has large eyes, yes they don't see anything.

63. Hit on one cheek - turn the other, but don't let yourself get hit.

64. Mind chamber, yes the key is lost.

65. Bread on the table - and the table is the throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board.

66. Trouble is full of mouth, and nothing to eat.

67. Miracles in a sieve - a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out.

68. Shito-covered, and the knot is here.

The work of the master is afraid.

Water wears away the stone.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

They cut the forest - the chips fly.

Alone in the field - not a warrior.

Good is not sought from good.

Seven times measure cut once.

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

Fight fire with fire.

Live and learn.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Debt good turn deserves another.

There is no smoke without fire.

They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.

Business - time, fun - hour.

Strike while the iron is hot.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Not caught, not a thief.

A garden is an income for a family.

To live - to serve the Motherland.

Patience and a little effort.

If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Not knowing the ford - do not stick your head into the water.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Big ship - big swimming.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Take the burden on your own, so as not to fall when walking.

They don't wave their fists after a fight.

Road spoon to dinner.

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.

It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man by knowledge.

The thief's hat is on fire.

They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

The world is not without good people.

A bad peace is better than a "good" quarrel.

Whoever hurts, he talks about it.


Sheep are not invited to barbecue. Run while you go. No shirt closer to the body. God is not a fool, he loves a penny! God is not a beggar, loves a thousand! God is not a Japanese who loves a gold coin. Large cabinets are loud and falling down. There is a genius in all of us. And every day it's getting stronger: They don't get into someone else's car with their own cassette. took

We are not proud people: no bread, let's have pies. Paper endures, pen writes. The hair is long, but the mind is short. A goose is not a friend of a pig. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Look for a wife not in a round dance, but in a garden. Such hay that he himself would eat, but money is needed. To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear. A full belly is deaf to learning. Neighbour

Business before pleasure. The work of the master is afraid. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds. Patience and a little effort. A rolling stone gathers no moss. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Business before pleasure. The work of a person will feed him, and laziness will spoil him. Everyone is bored until the evening, if

Appetite comes with eating. The deeper you delve into something, the more you understand and learn about it. A woman with a cart is easier for a mare. About the departure of an unnecessary person, not so useful to anything. The trouble does not go through the forest, but through people. It is precisely with people that misfortunes are a real misfortune, and not with the fact that they

Aiutati che il Dio ti aiuta - water does not flow under a lying stone Assai sa chi sa che nlla sa - He knows a lot who knows that he knows nothing Buono studio rompe rea fortuna - patience and work, they will grind everything Carta canta e villan dorme - What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax Chi ben comincia e a meta

*** Water and time are two powerful solvents: one sharpens the stone, the other undermines pride. *** In this world, only fools are bored and looking for entertainment in the next world.

*** Get ready for another day. Work, patience will help you, discard laziness, doubts. Make all decisions at the call of your heart, Look there again, the door to life is not closed. Not a place of self-interest, where a cry for help is heard. Let everything not be the way we all wanted, but remember: It's not better to vegetate

Water and time are two powerful solvents: one sharpens the stone, the other undermines pride. *** In this world, only fools are bored and looking for entertainment in the next world.

The eyes are scary, but the hands will do it. Seven cases in one hand do not take. Handle every task skillfully. The ant is not great, but it digs mountains. As long as the flail is in the hands, then the bread is in the teeth. Do not take on many things, but excel in one. Don't say what you did, but say what you did. One bee will not make much honey. Eating for an ox

The destiny of life is patience, for there are more enemies than friends. There is patience in desire. Hasty does the same thing twice. Soup is not eaten as hot as it is boiled. Strength is not everywhere: where is skill, and where is patience. Strength grows in the garden of patience. A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board. Whoever eats sweet things must endure and

Brewed porridge - disentangle. They cut down the forest - chips fly Bear in the forest, and the skin is sold Add fuel to the fire. There is no fire without smoke, there is no person without mistakes From a spark, the cheese pine forest caught fire. Don't spit in the well - it's useful to drink water. Called yourself a load, climb into the back. You can't make leather out of matting. How

You can chase two hares, you won't catch a single one. Appetite comes with eating. The more you eat, the more you want The rich man can not sleep, he is afraid of a thief Be satisfied with the small, you will get more. God gave a lot, but you want even more. Give with a fingernail, ask for an elbow. Contentment is the best wealth. Eat

The quiet water of the shore washes away. A bright word listens to the heart. A friend is a friend, and an enemy is an enemy. You won't know a friend without misfortune Who boasts, he repents. Filya was in power - all the others felled to him, and trouble came - everyone was away from the yard. Distrust kills friendship. Hold on to mother earth - she alone will not give out. love

Where there is sorrow, there is joy. After a thunderstorm - a bucket, after grief - joy. And the mountain is steep, but forgetful, and dashing misfortune, but lucid. Happiness would not happen, but misfortune helped. To be afraid of misfortune is not to see happiness. You will live an hour in goodness, you will forget all grief. Good is not sought from good. There will be no bread, pancakes

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