The most famous clowns of the USSR. The most famous clowns (13 photos) Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"


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Surnames and names of famous clowns

Clown- This is a circus, pop or theater artist using the techniques of the grotesque and buffoonery, whose task is to make the audience laugh.

Related definitions: jester, clown, etc.

Previously, in the circus, the main task of the clown was to fill the gap between numbers, necessary for the preparation of the arena. But now the names of the most interesting clowns are known to the general public - they will not only make you laugh, but also set the tone for the whole performance. A clown can be an acrobat at the same time (like the famous clown Iriska), a cat trainer like Yuri Kuklachev, master the art of pantomime like Leonid Yengibarov, etc. The more a clown can do, the brighter and more interesting his performances are. A clown needs acting data, a sense of humor, fantasy, self-irony.

The modern repertoire of clowns is very wide, in the clown's arsenal there are parody, grotesque, eccentricity, pantomime, and reprise.

Surnames and names of clowns

Alperov, Dmitry Sergeevich

Asmus, Irina Pavlovna

Barsky, Boris Vladimirovich

Butaev, Alan Yurievich

Vyatkin, Boris Petrovich

Galtsev Yuri

Gorodetsky, Robert Shimshonovich

Grimaldi, Joseph


Deliev, Georgy Viktorovich

Deryabkin Vladimir

Dubino, Anatoly Antonovich

Durov, Yuri Vladimirovich

Emtsev, Oleg Pavlovich

Engibarov, Leonid Georgievich

Zhigalov, Andrey Nikolaevich


Kartukov, Gennady Alexandrovich

Kelly Emmett

Keshchyan, Martiros Vartanovich

Colvig, Pinto

Komarov Vladimir

Kuklachev, Yuri Dmitrievich

Kukso, Leonid Georgievich

Lazarenko, Vitaly Efimovich

Latyshev, Anatoly Evgenievich

Leikin, Leonid Vladimirovich

Libabov, Anvar Zoyanovich

Maykhrovsky Evgeny

Makarov, Sergei Mikhailovich

Maranogli, Evgeny Dautovich

Marceau, Marseille

Maslyukov, Semyon Ivanovich

Moselle Wassily

Morozov Alexander

Muturganov, Karim Muratovich

Nikolaev, Andrey Nikolaevich

Nikulin, Yuri Vladimirovich

Olshansky, Vladimir Moiseevich

Pavlov, Sergei Alexandrovich

Pluchs, Kazimir Petrovich

Polunin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich

Polyakov, Nikolai Petrovich

Popov, Oleg Konstantinovich

Radunsky, Ivan Semyonovich

Sergeev, Alexei Ivanovich

Sereda, Eduard Iosifovich

Slavsky, Rudolf Evgenievich

Stanevsky, Mechislav Antonovich

Suchkov, Yuri Stanislavovich

Tanti, Leon Konstantinovich

Foottit Geo

hush ma hush

Chekoltan, Evgeny Frolovich


Shamshadinov, Envar Khanyafievich

Shuidin, Mikhail Ivanovich

Shulgin Nikolai

Yusupov Akram

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Name selection by astrology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Selection of a name according to the tasks of embodiment (goals of life, purpose)

Name selection by numerology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Clowns have been in our culture for a long time. One can recall at least related jesters who were at court and entertained the nobility. The word "clown" itself appeared at the beginning of the 16th century. Initially, this was the name of a comic character from the English medieval theater. This character improvised a lot, and his jokes were simple and even rude.

Today the clown is a circus or variety artist using buffoonery and grotesque. This job is not as easy as it seems. In addition, clowns work in various genres; not a single self-respecting circus can do without such people. Who else will make the audience laugh in between numbers?

Jean-Baptiste Auriol

At the beginning of the 19th century, as such, the image of a clown did not yet exist. Comic equestrian acrobats were joking in the arena, there was a mime rider and a clown. This state of affairs changed when the figure of Jean-Baptiste Auriol appeared in the French circus. As a child, he was given to study in a family of rope dancers. Soon Jean-Baptiste became an independent artist of a provincial traveling circus. The artist's career quickly went uphill, an acrobat rider with comic talents was noticed. In the early 1830s, he was invited to join the Loisset troupe. With her, Oriol began to travel around Europe. The next step was the Paris Olympic Theater-Circus. The debut took place on July 1, 1834. Jean-Baptiste showed himself to be a versatile master - he is a tightrope walker, a juggler and a strongman. In addition, he was also a grotesque actor. A strong and powerful body was crowned with a cheerful face, the grimaces of which made the audience laugh. The clown wore a special costume, which was a modernized outfit of a medieval jester. But Oriol did not have makeup, he used only common ground. In essence, the work of this clown can be considered false. He filled in the pauses between performances, parodied the main repertoire. It was Auriol who formed the image of a clown, gave him a touch of French humor and brought romanticism to the circus.


The real name of this Swiss is Charles Adrien Wettach. Charles's talent was noticed by the clown Alfred, who invited the young guy to the troupe of a traveling circus. Having gained experience in it, Charles left his partners and left for France. By that time, the clown had learned to master several musical instruments, knew how to juggle, was an acrobat and tightrope walker. Charles was able to make friends with the musical eccentric Brick, eventually replacing his partner Brock. The new clown chose the pseudonym Grock. The debut of the artist in the Swiss National Circus took place on October 1, 1903. The troupe toured extensively. With her, Grock traveled to Spain, Belgium and even South America.

Grock became known as the king of clowns. Tours in Russia also turned into a triumph. After the end of the war, Grock again resumed performances, having even toured America. A mask is named after Grock, which is awarded as a prize at the European International Circus Clown Festival.

Charlie Chaplin

In just one year, Charlie Chaplin starred in more than 34 films and became widely known as one of the most talented comedians in American cinema, which allowed him to soon gain creative independence.

Mikhail Rumyantsev

The pencil was so popular that only its performances guaranteed the circus financial success. The cheerful clown conscientiously devoted himself to his work, but even outside the arena he demanded complete dedication from his assistants. Pencil's career in the circus spans 55 years. The last time he appeared in the arena was just 2 weeks before his death.


Under such a pseudonym, the German Georg Spillner became known to the whole world. Already in 1937, the Deutsches Theater in Munich announced him as the most famous clown in Europe. The "chip" of the artist was his large suitcase and a huge coat, in which various musical instruments were hidden. Nook performed at the most famous concert venues in Europe, but despite his fame, he remained a rather modest person. The clown was very musical, playing the saxophone, mandolin, flute, clarinet, violin, harmonica. In the 60s, he was written about as the most gentle clown of all time. Nuka was often compared to another legend, Grock, but the German had his own unique image.

Konstantin Bergman

The professional career of a clown began at the age of 14, with his brother Nikolai, he staged the number "Voltigeur Acrobats". Until 1936, the couple performed together, using the images of the popular comedy film actors G. Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin. During the war, Bergman acted as part of the front-line brigades. Fame brought him a simple reprise "Dog-Hitler". It told how a clown barking at everyone was embarrassed to call Hitler, because she might be offended. In 1956, Bergman became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. The clown was able to create a mask of an important dandy, wearing a ridiculously dandy costume. The circus artist switched to colloquial reprises, discussing not only everyday topics, but even politics. Bergman was a rather versatile clown, including in other numbers. He jumped over the car like an acrobat, took part in air flights. Bergman toured the country a lot, Iran applauded him. The famous clown starred in two films, in "The Girl on the Ball" he essentially played himself.

Leonid Yengibarov

Despite the short life, this man managed to leave a bright mark in art. Mim managed to create a new role - a sad clown, besides, Yengibarov was also a talented writer. Already by 1961, Yengibarov traveled to many Soviet cities and had resounding success everywhere. At the same time, a trip abroad took place, to Poland, where the grateful audience also applauded the clown. In 1964, at the International Festival in Prague, Yengibarov was recognized as the best clown in the world, and his short stories began to be published.

Yury Nikulin

Most people know Nikulin as a brilliant film actor. But his calling was the circus. After the end of hostilities, Nikulin tried to enter VGIK and other theater institutes. But he was not accepted anywhere, since the selection committees could not discern acting talents in a young man. As a result, Nikulin entered the clowning studio at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The young actor, together with Mikhail Shuidin, began to assist the Pencil. The couple went on tour a lot and quickly gained experience. Since 1950, Nikulin and Shuidin began to work independently. Their joint work continued until 1981. If Shuidin had the image of a shirt-guy who knows everything, then Nikulin portrayed a lazy and melancholic person.

Marcel Marceau

During World War II, the aspiring clown fled the country. He took part in the Resistance, and most of his relatives, including his parents, died in Auschwitz. In 1947, Marceau created his most famous look. The clown Bip with a white face, in a striped sweater and with a shabby hat, became known to the whole world. At the same time, the clown troupe "Commonwealth of Mimes" was created, which existed for 13 years. The productions of this unusual theater with solo performances were seen by the best venues in the country. For his contribution to art, the actor received France's highest award - the Order of the Legion of Honor.

Oleg Popov

The artist was able to create an artistic image of the "Solar Clown". This resilient man with a shock of blond hair wore excessively wide trousers and a plaid cap. In performances, the clown uses a variety of techniques - acrobatics, juggling, parody, balancing act. Particular attention is paid to the entrees, which are realized with the help of eccentrics and buffoonery. Among the most famous reprises of Popov, one can recall "Whistle", "Ray and" Cook ". In his most famous act, the clown tries to catch a ray of sunshine in his bag. The artist's work was not limited to the theater alone, he starred in television a lot, participated in the children's TV show "Alarm Clock". Popov even acted in films (more than 10 films) and directed circus performances. The famous clown took part in the first tour of the Soviet circus in Western Europe. Performances there brought Popov truly worldwide fame. The clown became a laureate of the International Circus Festival in Warsaw, received an Oscar in Brussels, received the Golden Clown prize at the Monte Carlo Festival.

Slava Polunin

In the 1980s, Vyacheslav created the famous Litsedei Theater. He literally blew up the audience with the numbers "Asisyai", "Nizza" and "Blue Canary". The theater became very popular. In 1982, Polunin organized a mime parade, which brought together more than 800 pantomime artists from all over the country. In 1985, as part of the World Gathering of Youth and Students, a festival was held, in which international clowns also took part. Since then, Polunin has organized many festivals, put on performances, numbers and reprises, trying on various masks. Since 1988, the clown has moved abroad, where he receives worldwide fame. His "snow show" is now considered a theatrical classic. Spectators say that Polunin's snow warms their hearts. The works of the clown were awarded the Laurence Olivier Prize in England, awards in Edinburgh, Liverpool, Barcelona. Polunin is an honorary resident of London.

The Parisians liked this special, unearthly habit of making people laugh. Researchers of circus comedy call this style English. And it doesn't make sense. After all, clown masks came to the arenas of the whole world from England. By the way, even today in large and small European circuses clowns are mostly English.

Clown 1.

Mentally disabled person.

Clowns are also called people who do things that make things worse.

Gotta watch out for this clown!

Youth slang


1. A circus performer whose main task is to make visitors laugh.

2. An insecure and notorious person who is subconsciously afraid of condemnation and ridicule and therefore pretends that he always wants to make everyone laugh and cheer everyone up. A frivolous person who behaves like a jester in a company. Payas. Show-off.

3. Clone. A person who uses someone else's name on communication resources (chat, forum, etc.) or registers his own, outwardly indistinguishable from the original (for example, instead of Russian "a" - Latin "a") and communicating in this way with the aim of provocation, wishing give the wrong impression of a person or just to laugh.

1. Oh, Van, look what clowns!

2. You are a clown, I told you ice cream to the children, flowers to the woman!

3. Ban the clown!

Youth slang, vernacular

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .


See what "clown" is in other dictionaries:

    clown- See jester... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. clown actor, jester; artist, carpet, gaer, buffon, buffoon, harlequin, buffoon, baluster, buffoon, eccentric, comedian, farce ... Synonym dictionary

    Clown- Clown. CLOWN (English clown, from the Latin colonus redneck, rude), a circus performer who performs humorous numbers, participating in satirical scenes that use the techniques of eccentricity, grotesque, parody. It usually creates... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CLOWN- (English clown, from Latin colonus villager, man). Jester, clown. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. A clown jester amusing the audience with jokes and pantomimes. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    clown- a, m. English. clown. Vasily Alexandrovich, a clown from the circus, or a clone in Burkovsky: he lets out lights and is not afraid of anyone, he flew on a flying balloon! Remizov Cross Sisters 23. Clowning. Probably, tired of clownery, Purishkevich gets up and goes ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    clown- CLOWN, buffon, comedian, jester, outdated. geer, outdated. clown, old. buffoon CLOWNING, buffoonery, obsolete. gaerstvo razg. CLOWN, buffoon, clownish, outdated. gaersky, outdated. buffoonish … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    CLOWN- (English clown) a circus artist, a comic character using the techniques of the grotesque and buffoonery. There are clowns: carpet, comedian, etc ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CLOWN- CLOWN, clown, husband. (English clown). Circus comedian, clown. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    CLOWN- CLOWN, ah, husband. A circus artist who uses the techniques of the grotesque and buffoonery. K. carpet. K. comedian. To build a clown out of yourself | female clowness [ne], s. | adj. clown, oh, oh. Dictionary … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Clown- (eng. clown) harlequin of the English scene, related to Open Chineel, German Hanswursty and Spanish Gracioso, appears at the beginning of the 16th century; originally improvised his roles. K. was not absent in the tragedy either; Shakespeare often introduces him into his ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Clown- ■ Unscrewed from childhood ... Lexicon of Common Truths

    Clown- This term has other meanings, see Clown (meanings). Clown ... Wikipedia


  • Clown Yak, Hjalmar Bergman, Hjalmar Bergman - the greatest Swedish writer of the 20th century. The last of the books written by Bergman, the novel "Clown Yak" is the creative result of the writer, a bitter confession that reveals the tragedy of the situation ... Publisher: Fiction. Moscow, Buy for 140 rubles
  • Clown, Hjalmar Bergman, The collection includes detectives by three famous masters of the genre - E. S. Gardner, K. Brown and Agatha Christie. The heroes of their works are the elderly lawyer Perry Mason, the young police lieutenant Al Wheeler ... Series:

The carpet clown as an integral character of the program established itself in the Soviet circus, replacing the traditional Ryzhy, who performed in pauses. The name - carpet - the clown got from the original function, which was limited to his performance. He had to fill in the pauses when the carpet was unrolled or removed, artistic props were set up. This clown interfered with the work of the uniformists, poured sawdust on the carpet, hid some of the props under the floor of the jacket, and entertained the audience with other similar jokes. And when a wheelbarrow with a carpet was taken away from the arena, he always jumped on it or jumped on the back of the uniformist who was pushing the wheelbarrow. This was approximately the "set" of his jokes and tricks, characteristic of the first carpets.

The pause ended - and the carpetman had to leave the arena, regardless of whether he had time to finish his reprise. Such a disrespectful attitude towards his speech was dictated by those specific, narrow functions that he performed in the program. This, of course, limited the creative possibilities of the carpet. In the pre-revolutionary Russian circus, however, there were also gifted "carpet" or "carpet" clowns, as they were then called (P. Brykin, for example, or V. Kambarov). Sometimes capable carpet buff clowns included in their entre. The best artists, performing in the role of the Reds at the carpet, delivered a lot of fun minutes to the public. Gradually, interest in the funny eccentric, in his tricks, grew more and more. His position in the circus has changed: the carpet one has become not only an obligatory participant in each program, but also occupied a leading position in it. Its functions are no longer limited to filling in pauses. Instead of the term "carpety" on the posters they write: "The whole evening in the arena is a clown ..." and they give the name and surname of the artist. Naturally, the repertoire of clowns at the carpet has also changed: from small jokes to plot pantomimic scenes, from humorous interludes to satirical pamphlets, from parodies to lyrical short stories - such is the range of creativity of today's clowning masters. Now it is not carpet clowns who adapt to the program, but, it happens, the program is "tied" to their performance. And this is natural: the carpet ones are the favorites of the audience, they are eagerly awaited at the arena. Today carpets set the tone for the whole performance.

The whole evening the clown communicates with the audience, "warms up" their interest in the program, contributes to the best perception of each number individually and the program as a whole; it decisively influences the emotional mood of the audience. That is why in our circus carpet clowns have become the premieres of the program, and the performance of the most talented of them is often equated to an attraction. The role of a carpet clown is also highly valued by artists, who perfectly understand that the atmosphere of a circus performance as a whole depends on the clown.

The mask of the modern clown is mostly realistic. The viewer laughs with the clown at his tricks, and not at him, as was the case in the old circus. However, this so-called everyday type of clown was not established immediately - it was preceded by a long period of evolution, difficult searches, disappointing failures and joyful discoveries. In the 20s. clowns, fascinated by the transformation of circus art, began to abandon the traditional mask of Red.

However, new images have not yet been found. The attention of the artists was attracted by the famous characters of comedies. Their bright characters, which gained immense popularity among the audience, migrated from the screen to the arena. The masks of Pat and Patachon, Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin flashed in the circus and on the stage. Especially "lucky" Charlie Chaplin, who appeared in many programs. But this, of course, was only a pale copy of the little tramp Charlie. However, very soon the performers themselves realized that the image of a loser, a sad and funny little man facing the social injustice of a bourgeois society, which Charlie was, does not correspond to the position of a carpet clown in the Soviet circus and cannot fulfill the tasks assigned to him. The discrepancy between form and content made our clowns look for their own, original images.

One of the first who managed to find new features of the carpet was P. A. Alekseev. At the very beginning of the 30s. on the arena of the Leningrad circus appeared the always hurrying accountant Pavel Alekseevich, in a baggy suit, with a briefcase in his hand. This funny character was very popular in Leningrad. Following P. A. Alekseev, the young artist Mikhail Rumyantsev also abandoned the mask of Charlie Chaplin. He created the image of a cheerful prankster Pencil, which brought him worldwide fame. The Pencil suit is close to everyday. And yet he distinguishes the clown from those sitting in the auditorium. Bytovism would impoverish the image of a clown, reduce him to a person from the public, or turn him into a theatrical character. The black suit of the Pencil is a little oversized, it sits baggy on him. The boots are also slightly larger, but not huge, like buffoonery clowns. The pointed hat is somewhat small, as if it completes a kind of wig with a mop of hair at the back. And how this costume harmonizes with the figure of the artist!

The image created by Rumyantsev surprisingly corresponds to the personality of the artist.

The clown image of Oleg Popov is extremely modern and interesting in its own way. His creative feature is aptly defined by the epithet "Solar Clown", which he received during his tours abroad and became an integral part of his name. Bright, original characters were created by our other gifted comedians. Among them are Yuri Nikulin, Leonid Yengibarov, Andrey Nikolaev, Heinrich Rotman and Gennady Makovsky.

Among the slender, strong and dexterous artists performing in the circus arena, the awkward figure of the carpetman always looks especially funny. And this is a winning contrast for him.

Koverny is a versatile artist. He must master the techniques of acrobatics, gymnastics, juggling, balancing act, be able to play musical instruments. His clown's arsenal includes parody, grotesque, eccentricity, reprise-word, and reprise-action. Truly versatile circus performers include Konstantin Musin, Konstantin Berman, Alexei Sergeev, Gennady (Henry) Lerry, and Roman Shirman. Each of them, before becoming a clown, participated in many numbers, different in genre. For example, Roman Shirman was a comedian on a trampoline, performed in a group juggling act and in a musical eccentric act. One of the tested numbers in the carpet clown's repertoire is a parody. The clown tries to imitate the artists who have just performed (acrobats, jugglers, gymnasts), but he does everything clumsily, which causes the laughter of the audience. But the clown must perform these exercises in a funny, parodic way. That is his task. In the end, he nevertheless "masters" the parodied trick and performs it with professional skill, but in a clownish manner. This is where the personality of the character is revealed.

A carpet clown who turns to parody must master acting skills, fiction, know the parodied genre perfectly, otherwise parody will turn into imitation, and comedy will become comedy.

Parody is not the only technique in the carpet's palette. The clown must be an excellent mime, as many of his reprises are wordless. Mimicry is one of the main expressive means of a clown. Facial expressions can say a lot, sometimes more than words. The range of topics of clown pantomimes is extremely extensive, original and conventional language. The clown "shoots" from a stick, and the viewer believes in this convention.

A talented artist with the help of facial expressions and gestures can convincingly convey the plot of the scene and convey its main idea to the viewer. The actions of the clown in pantomimes must be logical and extremely clear. If the viewer does not immediately understand what the clown wanted to express, and must guess about it, then the artist's actions are not well thought out and did not achieve the goal. Many carpets, in addition to facial expressions and gestures, use an elephant. However, the clown cannot talk normally, as in everyday life. He has a special, clownish language, a special intonation, a peculiar pattern of speech. Every good clown has his own pronunciation, his own individual command of the word, his own manner of speaking. The artist must know the laws and techniques of speech, own the culture of the word. Some carpets accompany their appearance on the arena with some kind of sharp exclamation, often pronounced in falsetto. This technique of drawing attention to yourself always causes a cheerful reaction in the auditorium.

In our time, the work of a clown is closely connected with a director who knows the specifics of clowning well. Perhaps, in no other genre of circus the role of the director is as important as in this one. Creation of a clown's image, stage behavior, selection of repertoire - in a word, everything connected with the performance of a clown - requires the director's attention. It is no coincidence that many of the students of the chief director of the Moscow Circus M. S. Mestechkin, who has been managing the clowning studio for a long time and educated such now famous clowns as Yu. Nikulin, M. Shuidin, Yu. Kotov, and others, being recognized masters, continue creative contact with your tutor.

And in conclusion, it should be said that the palette of the comic is not limited to the clownery genre. Comic characters are included in various numbers of the program - air flights, gymnastics on the horizontal bars, in the performances of cyclists. And how much fun the funny jumps of comedians on a trampoline and on flip boards bring to the numbers! However, in recent years, funny characters are found in numbers less and less. Such "seriousness" impoverishes the programs.

3.B. Gurevich, On the genres of the Soviet circus, M., 1977.

The villain from the new 'It' movie could be at the top of the list

Today, the horror film “It” based on the novel by Stephen King is released in Russian cinemas. We are accustomed to the fact that a clown is a cheerful and funny person who makes the audience laugh at circus performances, public holidays or the stage. American literature and the film industry have created images of completely different clowns - terrible monsters and maniacs who instill fear in people to such an extent that, according to statistics, one in seven experiences coulrophobia - fear of clowns.

A selection of the scariest movie killer clowns.

13) Clowns, Killer Clowns from Outer Space, 1988

One Friday night, a small town received a message from outer space in the form of killer clowns who came out to hunt for human blood. Local police can't keep up with calls from people who claim their loved ones were killed with cotton candy and had their blood drunk from a straw.

12) Gurdy, 100 Tears, 2007

His real name is Luther Edward Baxter. Healthy clown. He peacefully worked in the circus, until, to his misfortune, he met a certain Tracy, who had a jealous bitch Roxanne in her girlfriends. And once she brazenly accused the good-natured Gurdy of rape, because of which he was severely beaten by the circus strongman Ralfio. After that, Gurdy got angry, flew off the coils, and Roxanne and Ralphio became his first victims.

11) Violator, Spawn, 1997

Violator is a demon of hell whose main job is to guide the new Spawn (a human soul meant to lead the armies of hell) on the "right" path. In other words, Violator should be a mentor and a kind of "nanny", and this role certainly does not suit him, because the demon despises people and believes that the right to lead the armies of hell into battle should not belong to Spawn, but to Violator himself. Violator's external clumsiness and comedy is deceptive: like any demon, he is extremely strong, and in particular, he is able to turn into a hefty horned monster.

10) Killjoy, Killer Clown, 2000

A terrible demon comes to life thanks to a Voodoo ritual performed on a clown doll and commits a series of truly horrific murders. The evil spirit of Killjoy drives around in a truck, luring his victims into it.

9) Killer Clown, Diner of Death 2007

Killer Clown was once a young boy named Archie who worked part-time by dressing up as a clown. Peers often laughed at the teenager. And once dying in a fire, he mystically rises from the dead, turning into a horned monster. The creature begins to pursue the offenders, who die one by one.

8) Jack Attek, Demonic Toys, 1992

Jack is a constantly neighing clown head on a spring, living in his box, although he can crawl out of it and crawl around like a worm. He tears enemies with his teeth, is able to yell so loudly that the eyes of those around him fly out of their sockets. The goal of Jack, like any demonic toy, is to make sacrifices to the demon master and, if possible, find him a human shell body.

7) John Gacy, Gravedigger Gacy, 2003

John Gacy looked like a model good citizen. He moonlighted as clowns in a local hospital, but in addition he kept a terrible secret - he killed his lovers, laying out the bodies of the victims in his basement in obscene poses. An end to his murders was put by the fact that the neighbors could not stand the strange smell coming from his basement and turned to the police.

6) Uncle Billy, Serial "Mad Killer Clown", 2003

The fat clown worked in a hospital where he entertained sick children. The parents of one girl invited him to their daughter's birthday party, but the next morning they discovered that the birthday girl was missing. The clues found by the police indicated that the same clown had kidnapped her, but he had an alibi and was released. Parents did not put up with this and staged lynching: they caught a clown, brought him to the forest, tied him to a tree and beat him to death.

5) Captain Spaulding, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects

Real name is Johnny Lee Jones. Captain Spaulding named after the character played by the old American comedian Groucho Marx. For some time he was adopted by a Negro family. Since childhood, he showed a craving for various kinds of perversions and violence. He had a half-brother, Charlie, who, after the first murder committed by Spaulding, gave him another nickname - Cutter.

In 1963, on the eve of Halloween, six-year-old Michael Myers committed a terrible crime - he stabbed his older sister to death. For the next fifteen years, Michael was in a psychiatric clinic under the watchful eye of Dr. Sam Loomis, who during all this time could not get through to his patient and came to the conclusion that the boy was hopeless. In 1978, having escaped from the hospital, he begins the mass murder of teenagers in his hometown of Haddonfield.

3) Zombie Clown, "Welcome to Zombieland", 2009

After a zombie invasion in the United States, a small group of survivors roam the country from coast to coast, fighting the living dead. They decide to stop at an amusement park, hoping they'll be safe there. It was too naive...

2) Clown, Poltergeist, 1982

The plot is standard about films about poltergeist. Here is just one exception. The spirit manages to inhabit the clown doll, and it turns into a terrible monster that takes the children.

1) Pennywise, It, 1990

Even after 27 years, Pennywise the clown remains the most terrible killer clown. he lives in a mystical world inaccessible to people, from where he goes hunting. "It" feeds on human fear and suffering. When this masterpiece was decided to film in 1990, director Tommy Lee Wallace chose Tim Curry's "Dancing Clown" as Pennywise. At first it surprised everyone, but then Curry managed to leave a mark on the soul of a whole generation of children. Pennywise is by far the scariest clown in the world.

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