Shevchuk the history of sound. Yuri Shevchuk and DDT presented the program "The History of Sound


“There, they say, there are another five or six thousand people on the street - will we wait or will we start? We've been ready for a long time, ”to the approving roar of the Olimpiysky, musicians entered the stage behind Yuri Shevchuk and the concert began. At that time, a real nightmare was happening on the street: the access system of the sports complex could not cope, there were queues around the entrances, a terrible crush at the turnstiles at the entrances. Some got to the concert only closer to the middle, but, apparently, no one was left behind - with Shevchuk, his fans seem to have no other way.

The current concert is part of a tour called "The History of Sound", which started back in the fall. Its concept is more or less exhaustively described in the title: this year the DDT group is 38 years old, Shevchuk is 60 in May. There is another, less obvious problem. Shevchuk in the tenths, on the one hand, regained some of it - not even popularity, but rather relevance, but on the other hand, this happened not thanks to music, but because of the active citizenship. The current program is not last turn recalls that Yuri Yulianovich is not in vain presented as a musician, and his team has come a long way.

Formally, the program is divided into three blocks: 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and modern times. In reality, this division is more arbitrary.

For example, the 80's bloc started with "Born in the USSR" (1997), and in the mid-nineties the song "In Battle" of 2005 was released. These are, however, particulars that were easy to overlook due to the grandeur of the show's concept. Everything is simple. A ray of light is directed at Shevchuk (or, more rarely, the soloist), while the others play almost in the dark. Above their heads is a giant screen, on which a video sequence of the most diverse content, carefully prepared for each semantic block, is broadcast - from feasts behind the scenes to historical chronicle. The latter, of course, is much more. In combination, all this produces an amazing effect, because at some point you realize that a small (compared to the screen, in any case) person on the stage was a participant or, let's say, an active eyewitness to everything that is shown there: from the last congresses of the Politburo to the rallies five years ago, which are rhymed with the events of the early nineties.

During a visit to the transfer " Evening Urgant"(the first appearance in several years on Central television) Shevchuk with a characteristic smile said that the idea of ​​the show is a little rock musician in the background big country. Yuri Yulianovich did not lie: "History of Sound" - in many respects, surprisingly, not about his thoughts about the country (about which everyone is already well informed), but about determining his own place in it. As a result, it turns out that Shevchuk, whom half of the population of the CIS considers his own father, is perhaps the only musician in the country who consciously and actively shuns any totalitarianism inherent in stadium rock.

"History of Sound" is a show about what he is capable of. small man, about why he deserves not pity, but respect.

After the gigantic show “Otherwise”, Shevchuk, without reducing, in general, capacities, with the help of stage design alone, talks about what he likes to talk about in interviews - about the freedom of every individual and his right to self-expression. In this context, it doesn’t matter at all what traditionally brought him down (in particular, about Ukraine, where the musician somewhat obsessively wished for peace and goodness, and then sang a new song “Russian Spring”), that the lines of new songs will be routinely accused of lopsidedness and strangeness figurative series, despite the fact that in fact they are much more worthy of the creativity of the so-called contemporary poets. Shevchuk does not insist on being right, he insists on the necessity and ability of everyone to maintain dignity, to talk about painful things - even stupidity. Not on a dispute, but on a dialogue. In a sense, Shevchuk insists on the right of every person to be independent, separate, no one's. On the part of the musician, whom they are now and then trying to drag into some kind of camp, the statement is not even bold (there were more courageous deeds in the life of Yuri Yulianovich), but important and valuable.

As for the songs, this time the fans really should have been satisfied.

IN last years"DDT" traveled with the programs of the albums "Otherwise" and "Transparent", paying fundamentally little attention to the "nurse songs" at the end of the performance. This time, the musicians gave out several archival items (such as "Pigs on the Rainbow") and a set of greatest hits, which many people like to sing in a drunken karaoke choir - “Whistle”, “In the Last Autumn”, “Rain”, “Motherland”, “That's All” ... Another thing is that Shevchuk himself seems to be much more interested in playing and singing new songs, which the public politely endures in anticipation of "Autumn" - by the way, it never sounded. However, the public's need for well-heard hits is not new, but the new items are intriguing in a good way with a peppy sound that continues the experiments of the Transparent album. And so, the current tour is only an intermediate result, and the history of the DDT sound continues.

The best songs from the most iconic albums of the legendary band - from the moment of foundation to the present day - are for the first time combined into one program, an extended version of which will be performed at grandiose concerts on March 5, 2017 in Moscow, on the stage of the Olimpiysky Sports Complex and on March 11, 2017 in the native Petersburg, within the walls of the SKK.

For many, DDT concerts are a sign of the quality of live music. And this time the group is ready to present their legendary sound, their interesting visual and lighting solutions in both capitals.

It seems that the group has been going to these large-scale concerts all their lives. Having long mastered the largest venues in the country with high-tech shows, destroying stereotypes about Russian rock, they reached the most hidden meanings and floated to the surface again “born in the USSR”: uniting millions of people who speak the same language and live in the largest country in the world. Without exaggeration, the program of selected songs of the DDT group is the main rock event of the decade, the program consists of three parts - according to three eras of the legendary band. An impressive nationwide tour awaited by millions of fans of the band will end grand concert in St. Petersburg. The track list included the songs "Don't Shoot", "Last Autumn", "That's All", "Major Boys", "I Got This Role", "Whistle", "Wind", "Motherland", "Eyes" and other, well-known compositions.

The band's sound has changed drastically since its inception: from rhythm and blues to industrial and indie music. Sometimes it became more decisive, sometimes more voluminous and lyrical. The repertoire included philosophical waltzes, and rock ballads, and satirical fables, and poetic readings. DDT show programs are several special trailers with equipment, huge screens with colorful video art and conceptual multimedia installations. But the main thing for which they love DDT remains unchanged - their interest and love for a person in this difficult time of change.

Yuri Shevchuk has always occupied a special niche in Russian rock. The main milestones in the life of the leader of DDT can be described by a simple listing of songs that have become popular throughout the country.

Written in 1981 in Ufa, the song "Rain" is probably the earliest of all DDT hits. We all remember the pacifist song "Don't Shoot!" (1982). They say that it was then that the group called its "chemical" name. "I got this role" - a bitter confession young man late Soviet era(1984). In Leningrad, there was a joyful anticipation of change (1987). "Premonition Civil War” was written in 1988 immediately after the funeral of Alexander Bashlachev. Shevchuk wrote the bitter hit "Motherland" in 1989 after reading Boris Pasternak's brilliant novel Doctor Zhivago. In the text appeared "black headlights at the neighboring gate", "crowded scaffold" and a verse about "God the Father". Later in 1991, DDT recorded the song "Born in the USSR", in response to the collapse of the Union, which has long become a meme. And only in 1992 the notorious "What is Autumn" brought Shevchuk a massive people's love. The second hit about the beloved city "Black Dog Petersburg" (1992) is a real Russian blues, heavy and gloomy. Another hit was beautiful song"You're Not Alone", which featured a memorable video featuring a trucker and a running dog. In the album "That's All" (1994) there is not a single passing song. The most famous song O Chechen war – « Dead city. Christmas "(1995). The song "Love" (1995) was born from Shevchuk's flight to the village - so as not to go crazy from what he saw in Chechnya.

You can continue to list the names of your favorite songs familiar to everyone, it is important to understand that we managed to live together with them in three different eras, to survive the impossible, it seems that they have learned to live again - in a new time and a new reality.

In the spring of 2017, you will get a rare opportunity to hear all your favorite songs in one concert, which have not been performed for a very long time, but, in the opinion of the musicians, are still relevant today.

“We are glad that the program happened - we have the opportunity to expand the boundaries of meanings and make our musical fields experimental. the main task- place all the songs that we want to play within the boundaries of one concert ... ”, says Yuri Shevchuk.

The best songs from the most iconic albums of the legendary band - from the moment of foundation to the present day - are for the first time combined into one program, an extended version of which will be performed at grandiose concerts on March 5, 2017 in Moscow, on the stage of the Olimpiysky Sports Complex and on March 11, 2017 in the native Petersburg, within the walls of the SKK.

For many, DDT concerts are a sign of the quality of live music. And this time the group is ready to present their legendary sound, their interesting visual and lighting solutions in both capitals.

It seems that the group has been going to these large-scale concerts all their lives. Having long mastered the largest venues in the country with high-tech shows, destroying stereotypes about Russian rock, they reached the most hidden meanings and floated to the surface again “born in the USSR”: uniting millions of people who speak the same language and live in the largest country in the world. Without exaggeration, the program of selected songs of the DDT group is the main rock event of the decade, the program consists of three parts - according to three eras of the legendary band. An impressive tour across the country, which is waiting for millions of fans of the group, will end with a grand concert in St. Petersburg. The track list included the songs "Don't Shoot", "Last Autumn", "That's All", "Major Boys", "I Got This Role", "Whistle", "Wind", "Motherland", "Eyes" and other, well-known compositions.

The band's sound has changed drastically since its inception: from rhythm and blues to industrial and indie music. Sometimes it became more decisive, sometimes more voluminous and lyrical. The repertoire included philosophical waltzes, and rock ballads, and satirical fables, and poetic readings. DDT show programs are several special trailers with equipment, huge screens with colorful video art and conceptual multimedia installations. But the main thing for which they love DDT remains unchanged - their interest and love for a person in this difficult time of change.

Yuri Shevchuk has always occupied a special niche in Russian rock. The main milestones in the life of the leader of DDT can be described by a simple listing of songs that have become popular throughout the country.

Written in 1981 in Ufa, the song "Rain" is probably the earliest of all DDT hits. We all remember the pacifist song "Don't Shoot!" (1982). They say that it was then that the group called its "chemical" name. "I got this role" - a bitter confession of a young man in the late Soviet era (1984). In Leningrad, there was a joyful anticipation of change (1987). "Premonition of the Civil War" was written in 1988 immediately after the funeral of Alexander Bashlachev. Shevchuk wrote the bitter hit "Motherland" in 1989 after reading Boris Pasternak's brilliant novel Doctor Zhivago. In the text appeared "black headlights at the neighboring gates", "crowded scaffold" and a verse about "God the Father". Later in 1991, DDT recorded the song "Born in the USSR", in response to the collapse of the Union, which has long become a meme. And only in 1992 the notorious "What is Autumn" brought Shevchuk massive popular love. The second hit about the beloved city "Black Dog Petersburg" (1992) is a real Russian blues, heavy and gloomy. Another hit was the beautiful song “You are not alone”, for which a memorable video was shot with a trucker and a running dog. In the album "That's All" (1994) there is not a single passing song. The most famous song about the Chechen war is “Dead City. Christmas "(1995). The song "Love" (1995) was born from Shevchuk's flight to the village - so as not to go crazy from what he saw in Chechnya.

You can continue to list the names of your favorite songs familiar to everyone, it is important to understand that we managed to live together with them in three different eras, to survive the impossible, it seems that they have learned to live again - in a new time and a new reality.

In the spring of 2017, you will get a rare opportunity to hear all your favorite songs in one concert, which have not been performed for a very long time, but, in the opinion of the musicians, are still relevant today.

“We are glad that the program happened - we have the opportunity to expand the boundaries of meanings and make our musical fields experimental. The main task is to place all the songs that we want to play within the boundaries of one concert…”, says Yuri Shevchuk.

"History of Sound" concert program"", which is scheduled to premiere in September 2016. The tour of the same name will take place mainly in the cities of Russia. The tour route of Yuri Shevchuk's team is at the stage of formation and will be supplemented with new dates. You can find the current schedule of the group in the corresponding section:

The concept of the concert program

The concert program "History of Sound" was announced in May 2016 as part of an interview with the Dozhd TV channel. The conversation with the musician took place on the Hard Day's Night program. At the same time, the leader of DDT announced that he had put aside work on new material and, accordingly, the recording of the next album, and instead decided to recall old works.

The program "DDT" "History" is unique in its own way. For several decades of active creative activity the musicians only once made a retrospective program - "From and To", which was dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the group. Thus, for the first time in many years, fans will be able to hear from the stage songs that have not been performed at concerts for more than ten, and even fifteen years.

According to Yuri Shevchuk, the new concert program is not a set of songs, but the history of the country through the prism of perception of the DDT leader. Turning to the past, the musician wants to understand the present and hopes that he can also help other people in this. At the same time, Yuri Yulianovich notes that in the "History" there is a place not only for politics, but also for lyrics.

The history of sound - the first concert of the tour

Songs from the DDT program - The history of sound

The first concert of the “History of Sound” tour took place on September 30 in Murmansk. Some of the most anticipated works, such as “Truth to Truth”, for example, were never performed, others were performed in new arrangements. The band played the following songs:

  • Do you remember
  • Policeman in a rock club
  • Conveyor
  • Serpent Petrov
  • Mom, I love Luber
  • They came for you
  • Ceiling
  • I appreciate your courage (Tea)
  • whistled
  • Time

Title: History of Sound
Artist: DDT
Year: 2017
Genre: Rock
Country Russia
Duration: 03:00:48
Format/Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps

Additional Information:
DDT group presents a collection best songs titled "History of Sound". The tracklist of the disc is made up of thirty-seven songs written over the thirty-seven years of the band's existence. The collection includes one new song- "Love is not lost." All the rest are well known to the public from their studio albums.

DDT - Soviet and Russian rock band, founded in the summer of 1980 in Ufa. The leader of the group, the author of most of the songs and the only permanent member is Yuri Shevchuk.

The band's name comes from chemical Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (colloquially "For a domestic creature", "Dust"), which in the form of a powder was used in the fight against harmful insects. There were also erroneous transcripts of DDT - "Good afternoon, comrades!", "Fools from the house of technology" and "House of children's creativity."

IN this moment it is planned to re-release several numbered albums on CD and on LP, and preparations are underway to record a new album, with the presumed title "Brick Walls".


01. Remember (Transparent, 2014)
02. Born in the USSR (Born in the USSR, 1997)
03. Policeman in the Rock Club (Thaw, 1991)
04. Serpent Petrov (Plastun, 1991)
05. Mom, I love Luber (Thaw, 1991)
06. Major Boys (Time, 1985)
07. Dead dog (Time, 1985)
08. Revolution (I got this role, 1988)
09. Time (Time, 1985)
10. Pig on the Rainbow (Pig on the Rainbow, 1982)
11. Leningrad (Thaw, 1991)
12. Don't shoot! (Pig on the Rainbow, 1982)
13. I got this part (I got this part, 1988)
14. Plastun (Plastun, 1991)

01. Anticipation of the Civil War (Plastun, 1991)
02. Truth to Truth (Born in the USSR, 1997)
03. Boys (Born in the USSR, 1997)
04. Black Dog Petersburg (Black Dog Petersburg, 1994)
05. Snowstorm (World Number Zero - Single, 1998)
06. Into the Fight (Missing, 2005)
07. We (World Number Zero, 1999)
08. They Came For You (Otherwise, 2011)
09. Ceiling (August Snowstorm, 1999)
10. Love (Love, 1996)

01. Eyes (That's all..., 1995)
02. Night Ludmila (August Snowstorm, 1999)
03. New Heart (August Snowstorm, 1999)
04. Rain (Pig on the Rainbow, 1982)
05. In the last autumn (Actress Spring, 1992)
06. Whistled (Whistled, 1999)
07. Pogrom (Transparent, 2014)
08. Wind (That's all..., 1995)
09. What is Autumn (Actress Spring, 1992)
10. Song about freedom (Otherwise, 2011)
11. Motherland (Actress Spring, 1992)
12. This is everything ... (This is everything ..., 1995)
13. Love is not lost (History of sound, 2017)

Yuri Shevchuk - vocals, acoustic guitar, 12 string guitar, guitar, poetry, basic musical themes(1980-present)
Konstantin Shumailov - keyboards, samplers, programming, backing vocals (1996-present)
Alexey Fedichev - lead guitar, mandolin, backing vocals (2003-present)
Artyom Mamai - drums, vibraphone, bass guitar, keyboards (2010-present)
Roman Nevelev - bass guitar (2011-present)
Anton Vishnyakov - trombone, backing vocals, tambourine, shaker (2010-present)
Alena Romanova - backing vocals, voice (2010-present) Download torrent

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