Bench for press exercises. Do-it-yourself benches and exercise equipment for the home: from a simple shop to a multifunctional complex


Keeping a slim body and maintaining good health can only be counted on with regular training. In particular, those who want to pump the abdominal area to get the coveted "cubes" should pay attention to special sports equipment. So, even the most standard bench for the press can help you get the perfect flat stomach in just a month.

How indispensable is a bench for training

This simulator becomes simply indispensable in cases where it is necessary to quickly get rid of folds in the abdomen, remove excess fat from the waist, and make the muscles more prominent. By the way, such a bench is suitable for the press and back, it helps to pump the buttocks and thighs.

Regular exercises on the bench most positively affect the state of internal organs, make the body systems work with increased activity. Physical activity allows you to get rid of stress, raise morale and force you to show willpower to achieve your goals.

Press bench: main types

There are separate types of simulators for this purpose. They differ from each other not only in design, but also in the degree of load on individual muscle zones:

  1. Bench with a horizontal plane - contains a flat unregulated surface. On such a simulator, it will be enough for beginner athletes to simply perform the exercise. A bench for a press of such a plan can cost about 1500-2000 rubles.
  2. Bench with adjustable back - contains fastenings for fixing the plane at certain angles. The operation of the simulator allows you to work out individual zones with amplification. The price in the domestic market starts from 2500 rubles.
  3. The curved flat abs bench is ideal for flexing elements. Similar simulators cost about 2500-3500 rubles.
  4. Roman bench - contains rollers to secure the feet in a static position. Allows you to exert increased loads on the abdominal area due to the lack of emphasis under the back. Prices here start from 4000 rubles.
  5. Universal bench - the design features of the simulator open up the possibility for pumping not only the abdominal region, but also the legs and back. As a rule, it is used as an element of complex training equipment.

Manufacturing materials

Of course, the more high-quality bases are used for the production of the simulator, the longer it serves its owner. To count on the longest possible functioning of the press bench, you should give preference to products with a steel frame. Wood and plastic are lightweight, but deformable. In general, the greater the difference between the allowable load and the athlete's weight, the higher the resistance margin of the simulator to damage.

As for the nature of the upholstery, it is recommended to purchase a bench covered with non-staining dense material. Fillers in the form of foam rubber absorb unpleasant odors well and are amenable to rapid wear. Therefore, it is better to give preference to silicone or crushed rubber crumb. When choosing a bench, the presence of neat, strong seams, the absence of glue stains, protruding threads are welcome. All this testifies to the decent quality of the upholstery.

When choosing a simulator for training the abdominal area, it is welcome to use anti-allergic materials as materials for the manufacture. Otherwise, quite unpleasant reactions on the skin may occur as a result of the contact of the bench surface with the body.

When choosing a bench for training the press, special attention should be paid to the following:

  1. The simulator should have a convenient and simple adjustment system. This will allow each member of the family to train based on personal needs.
  2. Before buying a bench, you should once again check it in action.
  3. It is desirable that the elements that come into contact with the body during active movements are covered with a soft and strong enough material to avoid bruises and bruises.

Do-it-yourself bench for the press

There are several ways to make a bench for pumping the abdominals with your own hands. Let's focus on the simplest and most affordable.

To make a bench for the press, it is enough to get a solid board with a width of about 40 cm and a length not less than the height of the tallest user who plans to use the device. As a means to change the slope, it is worth using a wooden block, it is stuffed onto one of the ends of the bench. The latter will act as the basis for hooking the bench to the ladders of the Swedish wall.

To keep on the board, you can fix the feet on the crossbar, which is located immediately above the end of the bench. However, for these purposes it is more convenient to fit a strong belt to the end of the product.


As you can see, the selection of a bench for training the press should be approached as carefully as possible, not only paying attention to the above recommendations, but also based on personal, specific needs. Get a truly ergonomic, high-quality and functional simulator, and classes will be beneficial, satisfying and safe.

Many of those for whom sports have become a part of their lives strive to diversify their workouts in order to make them better and more productive. To do this, almost everyone tries to sign up for a gym or create optimal conditions for exercising at home, because only with the help of additional sports equipment and inventory can you achieve maximum results. And one of the effective assistants in creating beautiful relief forms can rightfully be considered a bench for the press. So, what exercises on the press bench should be included in your training program, we will describe further.

A wide variety of exercises allows you to work out various muscle groups located in the abdominal region. But to get the desired result, it is important to practice regularly and know how to do certain movements correctly in accordance with the execution technique.

Before moving on to the exercises on the board for the press, it is worth giving some advice to those who only decide to buy such a simulator. It should be noted right away that at the moment sports equipment stores offer a variety of types of benches for the press, which, at first glance, do not have cardinal differences. However, this is far from the case, and before choosing the most suitable type of simulator, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them.

In the sporting goods market, the leaders in sales among simulators are definitely the bench for the press. Firstly, it is cheap compared to other professional and multifunctional simulators. And secondly, it is great for training at home, with which an inexperienced athlete often begins his journey in sports.

Budget press simulators are represented by the brands Body Solid, Stingrey, Body Sculpture, Atemi, Torneo and others. When choosing between the models of these companies, be sure to consider the following:

  • your level of physical fitness;
  • body weight;
  • the frequency of their training on the simulator in the future;
  • What is the state of health of the back and spine.

Given that the price of budget press simulators is set taking into account the materials used in the production of structures, it is recommended to pay attention to the body and the quality of the upholstery fabric, because they must withstand decent physical exertion.

5 types of bench

So, what kind of board can a girl or a guy buy for home workouts so that the swing of the press is safe and productive?

  1. A folding exercise machine with an inclined surface is a great option for small spaces and people whose weight does not reach 100 kg. The inclined board for the press allows you to pump the press effectively and daily, focusing on the study of the lower abdominal zone.
  2. Folding press simulator with adjustable surface - ideal for athletes with an average level of physical fitness and with a small body weight. During training on it, the athlete can adjust the level of inclination of the board, which allows you to choose which abdominal muscle groups will be more involved in the workout.
  3. Folding press bench with curved surface - an option for athletes with an above-average fitness level. It can be used by people with a small body weight and sufficient experience in sports.
  4. A non-separable Roman chair is a type of exercise equipment for people with any level of training, body weight and height no higher than average. Since such structures are usually non-separable and unregulated, it will be very difficult for tall people to use them for their intended purpose.
  5. The compact Torneo hyperextension machine is the most practical and effective machine for those who work out at home and have an average level of physical fitness. Training on it makes the swing of the press the most productive, allowing you to work out the lower press, develop the muscles of the lumbar, thighs and buttocks.

When choosing a suitable press simulator, you need to focus not only on your level of training and the cost of construction, but also on the quality of materials, as well as how practical the installation will be. After all, many folding benches make street training possible, more effective and beneficial to the body.

For craftsmen who are able to make exercise equipment with their own hands, there is an original option - to make a bench yourself, taking into account the individual parameters of your body. In this case, a drawing is useful for self-manufacturing the structure, the type of which you liked the most. At the moment, similar drawings can be found on the net in order to follow the instructions to make your own simulator.

List of exercises for training on the simulator

So, you have chosen which bench for the press will be the most suitable for you and decided to buy / make it yourself. Now the only thing left is to create an individual set of exercises for training on the bench for the press.

And before you start testing exercises for pumping the press on the bench, it is important to find out the features of their implementation:

  • When carrying out movements, you should strain your abdominal muscles in order to increase the effectiveness of your actions.
  • All movements must be done at a leisurely pace. Especially if you have moved to a higher level of training and use a dumbbell or other type of weight during your workout.
  • The main effort (flexion) during work on the simulator should be carried out on exhalation, and on inhalation - extension.
  • With an increase in the angle of the bench, the load on the muscles also increases.

4 basic exercises

Now you can move on to the main training part. The session may include the following exercises for the press:

Other effective exercises for pumping the press on the simulator, which may include a home workout program, are on the video.

A beautiful pumped up body is the dream of many modern men and women. You can achieve such a figure with regular exercise and a healthy diet. An integral part of training are exercises for the development of abdominal muscles. Everyone who works out in the gym or performs would like to. How to do this and what exercises to use, and will be discussed in this article. Exercises on the bench for the press will help you quickly achieve results.

Such classes can be carried out both at home (if there is a bench) or in the gym. Exercises using this projectile are many times more effective than a regular abs workout on the floor. When training on an incline bench, all the muscles of the press work, and on the floor - mainly the rectus muscles. The most important thing when training on an incline bench is the regular and correct exercise, a healthy diet and the desire to gain a toned stomach and a slender waist. If you are result-oriented, you will succeed in a very short time.

How to choose a simulator for training the press

Benches are of two types: curved and straight. If you are just starting out with exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles, then the curved bench for the press is most likely not suitable for you. It is better to choose a straight bench. It is easier to ensure the correct technique for performing exercises on it (it is easier to control the position of the back and not include the lower back in the work). When choosing a simulator, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • board width (the wider, the more comfortable for the back),
  • the ability to quickly and conveniently adjust the angle of inclination and thrust elements,
  • upholstery quality: the coating must be dense, wear-resistant and non-slip,
  • material of construction: it is advisable to choose simulators with a steel body, as they are more durable than plastic ones.

Exercise technique

To achieve results faster, it is important to do the exercises on an incline bench correctly. Below are the main points that you should pay attention to when conducting exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles:

  • try to keep your stomach in constant tension,
  • breathe correctly: bend the torso when exhaling, unbend when inhaling,
  • when bending, do not tilt your head with your chin down (towards your chest), do not pull it up with your hands,
  • take your time, do the exercises slowly,
  • do not perform the exercises abruptly, with a jerk; make sure that the pelvis does not come off the training board.

To get fast results, you need to exercise regularly. Make a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles and exercise for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Start your workout with a warm-up to warm up your muscles and prepare them for the main exercises. At the initial stage, fix the bench at a slight angle of inclination. Then, as you get used to the workout, increase the angle of the incline bench.

Trunk raises

Trunk raises are very useful for training the upper abdominal muscles.

Take the starting position: lying on an inclined bench, legs fixed, hands behind your head, neck straight. Start lifting your body up. Try not to rise to the highest point, that is, do not rest on your legs, as at this moment the abdominal muscles relax. After lifting, fix the torso at the top for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Watch the position of the back - in order not to overload the lower back, do not straighten it completely.

Another option for performing this exercise is not going all the way down (that is, not lowering your back completely to an incline bench). Thus, the range of motion decreases, and it becomes easier to perform the exercise on the board. The exercise is well suited for those who are just starting to pump the press.

To engage the oblique abdominal muscles, you can do lifts with turns to the right and left. The starting position is the same, but when lifting the body, turn your shoulders alternately to the right, then to the left.

Repeat each of the exercises 30-40 times, with several breaks. Gradually (when the body gets used to the loads), you can train with additional weights. To do this, hold a dumbbell in your hands (behind your head) and do the exercise. It is not recommended to take extra weight at the initial stage of training. It is important that the body gets used to the loads. It is worth increasing the intensity of classes gradually.


When performing twists, the rectus abdominis muscles are well trained.

Take the starting position: lying on an inclined bench, hands behind your head, legs fixed on top. The exercise is similar to the previous one - you need to rise up, but now only the upper back should come off the bench, the rest of the body remains motionless. When performing twists, pay attention - you do not need to try to pull your head up with your hands. It is necessary to tear the shoulder blades off the board only due to the efforts of the abdominal muscles.

Can . The starting position is the same, only when lifting, turn the upper back to the right and left alternately. So, the oblique abdominal muscles begin to train additionally.

Twisting do 2-3 sets, each 10-15 times, depending on the sensations and initial training. Gradually (with each session) increase the number of repetitions. To achieve the greatest effect from the exercise, you can take a dumbbell by the head.

Leg raise

Leg raises work the lower abdominals well. Adjust the angle of the board - set it at a 45 degree angle. Lie down on it with your head up, with your hands hold either the edge of the board or the foot roller (as you prefer). Fix the pelvis and back position well: when doing the exercise, they should remain motionless. Slowly raise your legs until your buttocks start to lift off the bench. You can lift both straight legs and bent at the knees (reverse twisting).

Another similar one is "bicycle". The starting position is the same as in the previous task. Raise your legs perpendicular to the bench and make a movement, as if pedaling. Watch the position of the back and pelvis - they should not move.

Turning over sideways from the previous position, perform the exercise "retraction of the legs." To do this, hold on to the top of the bench or to the roller with one hand, bend the other and put it on your belt. Legs are straight. Then bend your top leg and slowly bring it back. Do the exercise with both legs.

Do each exercise 30-40 times in 2-3 sets (10-15 in each). To increase the load, you can wear weights on your legs.

Stretching exercises

In order for the abdominal muscles to recover after a workout, do a few simple stretching exercises.

Lie on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor and lift the top of the body, straightening your arms, and then bend back a little. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Lie on the mat with your back, stretch out in length, put a small roller under your lower back. Stay in this position for about a minute.

From a standing position, tilt your upper body back slightly, sliding your hands along the back of your thigh.

Tips for Conducting Effective Abs Workouts

To conduct effective training and achieve results in a short time, follow these recommendations:

  1. Practice regularly. You can add a few to the main workout (if you already play sports), you can do them separately, allocating 3-4 days a week for this. In the latter case, of course, the result will be noticeable faster.
  2. Before exercising, to warm up the muscles, do a little warm-up. After class, do not forget to stretch the abdominal muscles to relax them after an active workout.
  3. After a few sessions, you will begin to get used to the loads. At this stage, it will be necessary to increase the intensity of the exercises in order for the classes to be as effective. To do this, you can take additional weight: dumbbells and weights.
  4. If your goal is to form a slender waist, then it is advisable to add cardio training (for example, running) and proper nutrition to training for the press.

Performing all the exercises for the abdominal muscles, as well as the recommendations proposed in the article, you will achieve results in a short time, since the press bench is the most effective simulator for this muscle group.

The simulator consists of a steel frame, a durable inclined bench and rollers that fix the legs during exercise. Classes on an incline bench are considered more effective than in a horizontal position. There are several types of trainers:

  • Cast construction with a fixed angle of inclination. The disadvantage of such a simulator is that the slope of the bench is always constant, so you cannot change the degree of load.
  • A simulator with adjustable rollers and a bench is more functional; you can adjust the degree of load on it.
  • The foldable ab bench is suitable for home workouts, it is easy to transport and takes up little space when folded.
  • The curved back exercise machine does not overload the back, reduces the risk of injury. Engaged on a curved bench is necessary for people with back diseases.
  • A bench with a frame for the bar expands the possibilities of training: it not only pumps the press, but also works out the muscles of the back and arms with the help of a bench press.

Rules for performing exercises for the press on the bench

An inclined bench for the press will allow you to achieve a beautiful relief of the abdominal muscles only if you strictly follow the recommendations developed by professional trainers specifically for this simulator. Basic Rules:

  • during exercise, constantly strain your abdominal muscles;
  • do not tear off the pelvis and lower back from the bench;
  • perform exercises smoothly, without jerking;
  • the neck and spine should be a straight line;
  • while exhaling, bend the body, unbend on inhalation;
  • when bending, round your back;
  • gradually increase the load: change the slope of the simulator, use weights.

Contraindications to exercise

A number of diseases are a contraindication to working out the abdominal muscles on the bench, as this threatens with complications. If you have the pathologies described below, before training, you should consult a doctor, choose sparing options for playing sports:

  • diastasis of the abdominal muscles;
  • vertebral hernias;
  • back diseases, injuries, rehabilitation period;
  • less than a year after caesarean section;
  • gynecological diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form.

The best exercises on the board for the press

All exercises on the press bench begin from one starting position. To take it, lie down on a bench, firmly press your pelvis and lower back against the board. Bend your knees and put your feet on the top roller, and put your feet behind the bottom one. If there is only one roller, then put your feet behind it, resting on your ankle. Legs should be securely fixed, not move during exercise. Keep your hands behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Don't strain your neck.

Body lifts with reduced amplitude

A popular exercise for beginners, during which the upper abdominal muscles are worked out, while the lower back is not overloaded. Performed in 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Hands can be held behind the head, near the chest or at the temples.

  1. Take a starting position.
  2. As you exhale, lift your torso, rounding your back.
  3. Exhale, lower the body, but not completely - do not lie down again on the bench.
  4. On the next exhale, lift the body again. You can completely lower the body only at the end of the approach.

Trunk lifts with rotation

Lifting with a turn helps to pump the upper press on the bench and strengthen the oblique muscles. During the exercise, it is important not to try to touch the hips, this only reduces the effectiveness of the workout. Lifts are performed in 3 sets of 20 times.

  1. Take a starting position, place your hands behind your head.
  2. Tear off your shoulders, lift the body, moving towards the legs. The pelvis and lower back are immobile.
  3. As you lift, turn your torso to the right, then to the left.

straight twist

This simple exercise effectively trains both parts of the rectus abdominis. The upper abdominal muscles develop, relief cubes are formed. The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

  1. From the starting position, lift the body, round the back.
  2. When the angle between the body and legs is 90 degrees, fix for a couple of seconds.

oblique twist

This type of twisting works out the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, helps not only to form a press and a toned stomach, but also to maintain the waist. Like all exercises with a press bench, it is performed in 3 sets, the number of repetitions is 20-25:

  1. Take the starting position: hands are located at the temples, elbows are apart.
  2. At the same time as lifting the body, pull the right elbow to the left knee, and then the left elbow to the right knee.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Perform, alternating elbows each repetition, or during one repetition, turn the body to the left, then to the right.

Leg raises

During the exercise, the lower part of the muscles, the upper part of the thighs are worked out. There are two execution techniques - with straight or bent knees. Both options are performed in 2 or 3 sets of 10-20 times, it depends on the level of physical fitness:

  1. Lie with your head against the fixing rollers.
  2. Press your lower back, pelvis and back against the bench.
  3. Grasp the rollers or the edge of the board with your hands.
  4. Slowly lift straight, outstretched legs up, without lifting your lower back from the bench.
  5. Round your back while slightly pushing your pelvis out.
  6. When the pelvis rises slightly, start slowly lowering your legs, but do not put them on the bench, but bring them to the point where the legs are parallel to the floor. From this position, continue to repeat the movements.
  7. If you perform the exercise with bent legs, then when lifting, pull them to your stomach, rounding your back.


A simple and long-familiar exercise perfectly works out the press on an incline bench. During execution, the lower muscle section, the front of the thigh muscles, and the muscles of the lower back are involved. Performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions:

  1. Starting position as in the leg raise exercise.
  2. Grasp the foot rollers with your hands, raise your legs strictly parallel to the floor.
  3. Start rotating movements as you would while riding a bicycle.
  4. If it's hard for you, lift your legs higher, creating a right angle between your hips and your body. This will reduce the load.


There are a huge number of shells and simulators for pumping the press, which was previously performed on the floor with a traditional torso lift. However, for those who are constantly engaged in the presented type of exercises, the traditional exercise becomes ineffective - the muscles must be constantly strained, so you have to gradually complicate the technique. To achieve a better result or maintain an existing one, you can perform exercises on the bench for the press- a special simulator that does not take up as much space as it allows you to train at home.

Bench for the press - in appearance it is an ordinary bench with handles and crossbars, which make it possible to train in many positions. The simulator is offered in two types - straight and curved. A curved bench for pumping the press is suitable only for trained people - the projectile has an outwardly curved surface, which contributes to the implementation of a complicated scheme. Straight - offered for beginners in sports or athletes who want to pump abdominal musclesusing more effective positions and exercises. The answers to all questions can be found in the article.

As mentioned above, the bench for strengthening the abdominal muscles is offered by manufacturers in two forms. This makes it possible to discard numerous multifunctional models already at the first stages of selection. An incline bench press has a huge number of advantages. Firstly, it contributes to easier pumping of the press. Most people complain that when the abdominal muscles are strengthened on the floor, back pain occurs. Secondly, the simulator makes it possible to perform a whole range of exercises, from simple loads to more complex ones.

  • The bench width parameter is selected individually and by “fitting”. A wider board is preferred - it will be more convenient to carry out a long workout on the bench.
  • Simple and convenient adjustment of the angle of inclination - the simulator can be gradually “upgraded”, where they are guided by their own capabilities and achievements. At first, the press is pumped in a horizontal position. Gradually, the angle of inclination is reduced, moving to a vertical position.
  • Upholstery - made of natural material, non-slip, so as not to aggravate training for pumping the press.
  • Steel body is a must for obese people or athletic men over 100kg to perform more advanced ab exercises on the bench.

Standard pumping of the press is more conducive to strengthening the rectus abdominis muscles - while it is not always possible to get the coveted 6 pack abs. The training bench pumps all muscle groups - straight and oblique - resulting in a stately torso.

Class rules

It is important to know exactly how to properly pump the press on the bench, since making mistakes will make the workout ineffective.

The main rules include:

  • abdominal muscles during pumping are always kept in tension;
  • on exhalation, a movement is performed, on inhalation, a return to the starting position occurs;
  • the head during classes on the bench is in a straight position - it is a continuation of the spine;
  • all movements are performed without haste - this will only improve the result;
  • beware of jerking - it can injure your back;
  • training will be effective if you perform each exercise with 20-30 repetitions, the entire session should be at least 20 minutes in time.

If there are fat deposits on the abdomen, it is useless to pump the press. It will be, but under the thickness of fat cells. Therefore, in addition to pumping the press on the bench, you should adhere to the basics of proper nutrition.

Exercises for pumping the abdomen

To pump up the press, you will have to turn to various exercises that are divided into groups - here they are guided by the types of muscles for pumping.

Upper section

To pump the upper section, you will have to perform exercises with a torso lift. The most effective include:

  • Traditional pumping - lying on your back, legs fixed, hands behind your head. Perform body lifts, trying to touch your knees with your elbows.
  • The bench goes down a little, the press is pumped from a prone position, but with an incomplete return to the surface. In this case, the stomach remains in tension all the time.
  • The previous position can help in pumping the oblique muscles of the abdomen - the body rises with a turn to the side.

In the best case, this is a repetition of each exercise 30-40 times. Thus, you can pump the press in 2-3 weeks of regular training.

Oblique muscles of the press

The oblique abdominal muscles can be pumped on the bench using the following exercises:

  • The legs are fixed at the top of a slightly inclined bench, hands behind the head - it is necessary to do lifts, but tearing off only the upper back from the surface.
  • The starting position is the same, but the lifting of the part of the body is carried out with the twisting of the body to the sides.
  • From the previous position, it is also necessary to do body lifts, touching the right knee with the left elbow, and the left knee with the right.

At the initial stages, for pumping the press, it is enough to use only 15-20 repetitions of each exercise. Further, the number of repetitions is increased by the maximum possible number.

lower division

The following exercises using a sports bench allow women to quickly remove the stomach after childbirth. The bench is set at an angle of 45 degrees.

An effective complex includes:

  • Position head up, back on the bench, legs down. It is necessary to do leg lifts, bending them at the knees until the buttocks are lifted off the surface.
  • In the previous starting position, a simple exercise "bike" is used. Try not to tear your buttocks off the surface.
  • Turn on your side - perform leg abduction in a bent state. Change position and repeat with the other leg.

The described complex can gradually become more complicated by simply reducing the angle of the bench - this will increase the amplitude of lifting the body or legs, which will make it necessary to strain the press more.

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