Dictionary-reference book of criminal law What is honor, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. Definition: what is the honor and dignity of a person


HONOR, -and, about honor, in honor and in honor, w. 1. Worthy of respect and pride in the moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hit someone. h. Court of honor (officer). 2. Good, spotless reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of hours from an early age (ate). H. brand name. Black uniform (about someone's official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, innocence. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Ch. for work. Give hours to someone. Ch. and glory to the heroes! * It would be an honor to be offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, as you wish, do not want and do not need to. Your (your, his, her, their) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. There is, but not about your honor (proverb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - is held in high esteem. in honor of someone or something preposition with genus n. - especially for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone-something. Reception in honor of the delegation. With honor to get out (from some kind of position) - to find a worthy way out. To do honor to someone - 1) to characterize from the good side. Such an act does honor to his mind and heart, 2) to show respect. Do honor with your visit. I have the honor (to ask, offer, inform) (obsolete) - a politeness formula in a speech addressed to a superior person. I have the honor to introduce my friend to you. To whose credit - characterizes someone well, does honor to someone. A lot of honor to whom (colloquially disapproved) - did not deserve, someone is not worthy. something Should I apologize to him? Lots of honor. To salute - 1) to whom, to greet, putting a hand to a headdress. salute an officer; 2) what, to pay due attention to what-mu-n. (joking). Salute the meal. The field of honor (obsolete high) is the same as the battlefield. It's time (or should) and honor to know

Watch value HONOR in other dictionaries

salute- trump
take under the visor (make under the visor)
Synonym dictionary

Honor- and. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. A man of honour, unsullied honour. Honestly, I assure you...
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Honor- honor, honor, carry, that (old.). 1. Read. 2. Consider, believe.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

In Honor Preposition- 1. from the genus. pad. Use when referring to: 1) someone. or something, as a sign of respect, respect for which some kind of action and 2) a solemn occasion for smth.; on the occasion of........
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor According to Honor Adv. Razg.- 1. As befits; good, worthy, honor honor.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor Honor Adv. Razg.- 1. As befits; good, decent.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor Acceptance — -
acceptance of the protested draft by a third
face to rescue
credit or reputation
drawer, that is, the person who issued the draft.
Economic dictionary

- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreels
programs, presentation in office
characteristics, public ........
Economic dictionary

Economic dictionary

Honor- -And; and.
1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); maintaining dignity and respect...
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Dissemination of Information Discrediting the Honor and Dignity of Citizens and Organizations- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreel programs, presentation in official characteristics, public statements, ........
Law Dictionary

Information discrediting honor and dignity- - information that does not correspond to reality, containing a statement about a violation by a citizen or organization of legislation or moral principles (about committing ........
Law Dictionary

Honor- - a category that means a moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable........
Law Dictionary

Honor Dignity, Business Reputation- (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Glory, Honor- “Give glory to God” means: do not pervert the truth (Joshua 7:19; John 9:24). The most important advantage of man over animals is his soul, which is why it is named........
Historical dictionary

Honor- see "Glory".
Historical dictionary

Blessing, Honor— Philosophical meaning of the term: Virtue (Stoics, Cicero, Horace, Lucan).
Philosophical Dictionary

honor f., genus. p. -i, honest, honest cross, honor (see), regale (see), Ukrainian. honor, blr. Chest, other Russian. chst, st.-glory. chst τιμή (Klots., Supr., etc.), Bolg. honest, Serbohorv. part, Slovenian. čȃst, Czech. čest f., slvts. čest᾽, Polish. cześć, genus. n. szsi, v.-puddle. česć, n. sesć. Praslav. *čьstь, associated with Art.-Slav. read, clean (see read), related to other ind. cittiṣ f. "thinking, understanding, intention", Avest. čisti- "thinking, knowledge, understanding"; other degree of vowel alternation: other-ind. сḗtati "observes, notices, thinks", ltsh. šk̨ist, šk̨ìetu "to think, observe"; see Bernecker I, 173 et seq.; Trautman, BSW 135; Meillet, MSL 14, 349; M. - E. 4, 47; Libert 100. Cf. what, read. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress

Honor A noun cm. _Annex II

About honor

in honor ( unfold respected)

I knew not only by hearsay,

What is his labor V big honorAnd,

What without an iron stump *

And do not really weave the bast shoes.



-And , and.

The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual.

A matter of honor. Swear on honor.

Batiushka said to me: - Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey the bosses; do not chase after their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter.

He was a man of a new breed: Exceptionally understood honor, And even sinless income He called theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha.

Honor `Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language`

honor General Slav. Suf. derivative (suff. -th, cf. power, news etc.) from the same base as honor, honor"revere" čütti (tt > st, b > e), honor, read. Honor literally - "reverence, honor, respect." School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

English honor; German Ahre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by the individual from society, the community.


- English honor; German Ahre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by the individual from society, the community.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

A category that means a moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable and intransferrable. A citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of Ch.'s discrediting information, if the person who disseminated such information does not prove that it is true, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination.

Honor DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or a legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the said information, the citizen or legal entity shall have the right to apply to the court for recognition of the said information as untrue.

see "Glory".

And, about honor, in honor and in honor, f. 1. Worthy of respect and pride in the moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hit someone. h. Court of honor (officer). 2. Good, spotless reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of hours from an early age (ate). H. brand name. Black uniform (about someone's official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, innocence. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Ch. for work. Give hours to someone. Ch. and glory to the heroes! * It would be an honor to be offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, as you wish, do not want and do not need to. Your (your, his, her, their) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. There is, but not about your honor (proverb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - is held in high esteem. in honor of someone or something preposition with genus n. - especially for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone-something. Reception in honor of the delegation. With honor to get out (from some kind of position) - to find a worthy way out. Do...



recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a carrier of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); the recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as a person (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). Awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since this feeling largely depends ...

Honor 1. honor, h e sti, about honor; But: to be honored (in honor) 2. honor, honor, honor, honor

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001 .


To be in (on) honor. Perm., Prikam. 1. Same as be honored. 2. It's expensive to appreciate. SGPO, 61, 680; MFS, 110

Be honored. Razg. Obsolete To be respected, to be honored. BMS 1998, 625; SHZF 2001, 27; Podyukov 1989, 227.

Get out of honor. Ohlon. Leave from somewhere. without scandal. SRNG 5, 286.

To my credit whom, whose. Razg. Paying tribute to the merits, merits of someone. (to say, notice smth.). FSRYA, 526.

By honor. Razg. 1. Properly; just like over...

the dignity of a person, his right to respect himself in the face of God and the right to be respected by spiritually sighted people (I.A. Ilyin). In this sense, in the terms of Holy Rus', "honor is above all." “The mind gives birth to honor, but dishonor takes it away”, “For honor, the head dies”, “Honor is protected by the head”, “Honor is firm, in the word stand”. Death can also be taken as honor, for "disgrace is worse than death."

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


A huge honor

great honor

Huge honor

Dictionary of Russian idioms. . Word combinations with a high degree meaning Academic 2011


Cm. reverence

to honor...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999

recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a carrier of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); the recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as a person (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). The awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since the development of the individual, fruitful for the person himself and for society, largely depends on this feeling.


HONOR-And; and.

1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); preservation of one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of others. Man of honor. Born without honor, without conscience(about a very dishonorable person). The concept of honor. Debt of honor(one on which the preservation of personal dignity depends). law of honor(one that requires immutable fulfillment in order to maintain a sense of personal dignity and decency). Working, professional, military, scientific Protect the hours and dignity of citizens. matter of honor(about the observance of some rules, ...

1. The story of the American writer W. Faulkner.
2. A poem by a Venezuelan writer of the 19th century. Andres Bello "Ode to ... farming in the tropics."
3. Roman Valentin Pikul "... I have."
4. Convention, which you strive to observe unconditionally.
5. The novel by the American writer Daniela Steel "Silent ...".
6. Girlish or army.
7. What did A.S. Pushkin advise to keep from a young age in the story "The Captain's Daughter"?
8. What can you give away without losing?
9. “The son-in-law loves to take, and the father-in-law loves ...” (last).
10. "Yes, but not about yours ...".
11. They give it to the army.
12. It can be given away without having or without losing it.
13. Take care of her from a young age.
14. Honor, respect.
15. Miniature of the Russian writer L. Andreev.

HONOR - DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their distribution. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the said information, the citizen or legal entity shall have the right to apply to the court for recognition of the said information as untrue.

and. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. A man of honour, unsullied honour. By honor, I assure you with honor, an assurance, an affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. Honor cannot be sewn to the skin, if not. If you knew honor, you would be ashamed. | Conditional, secular, worldly nobility, often false, imaginary. My honor is offended by this. Field of honor, battlefield, battle. My honor requires blood. It is possible not to pay debts, but honor requires the payment of gambling debts. | High rank, rank, rank, position. And he is a temporary worker, but he stands high, in honor. They will add honor, and give a lot of salaries, Kotoshikhin. In honor, that in wool is warm. In honor, the Siberian princes of the boyars are higher, but they don’t sit in any thought, Kotoshikhin. Not on a caftan, honor, but under a caftan. Honor is put on - you can throw it off. | External proof of difference; honor, honor, reverence, honour, expression of respect, recognition of one's superiority. There is no prophet without honor, only in the fatherland ...



1. Worthy of respect and pride moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. Debt of honor. matter of honor(concerns someone's honor). Hit someone. h. Court of Honor(officer).

2. Good, spotless reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of hours from a young age(last). H. brand name. Ch. uniform(about someone's official authority, reputation; ironic).

3. Chastity, innocence. Maiden h.

4. Honor, respect. Ch. for work. Give hours to someone. Ch. and glory to the heroes!

Come out with honor(from any position) to find a worthy way out.

do honor to whom; to what) 1) to characterize from the good side. Such an act does honor to his mind and heart; 2) show respect. Do honor with your visit.

I have the honor(ask, suggest, inform) (obsolete) formula of politeness in a speech addressed to a superior person. I have the honor to introduce my friend to you.

To my credit whom characterizes someone well, does credit to someone.

Salute 1) to whom, greet by putting your hand on your headdress. salute an officer; 2) what, give due attention to something. (joking). Salute the meal.

It's time(or necessary) and honor to know(colloquial) that's enough, it's time to finish (do something). We stayed, it's time and honor to know.

Perform with honor What do something. very well, successfully cope with smth.

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .



See what "HONOR" is in other dictionaries:

    honor- 1, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    Female the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. A man of honour, unsullied honour. By honor, I assure you with honor, an assurance, an affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. Honor to the skin ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Exist., f., use. very often Morphology: (no) what? honor, why? honor, (see) what? honor what? honor about what? about honor 1. Honor is a good, spotless reputation, an honest name. Family honor. | Company honor. | Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    1. HONOR1, honor, about honor, in honor and in honor, pl. (obsolete) honors, honors, honors, wives. 1. only units Moral or social dignity, that which causes, maintains respect (for oneself or from others). “And the first treasure is my honor… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    AND; and. 1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); preservation of one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of others. Man of honor. Born without honor, without conscience (oh ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See honor to enter in honor ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. honor to lose honor; chastity, girlish color, honor, purity, pride, reverence, reverence, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Honor- Honor ♦ Honneur Dignity in the eyes of other people. Or self-esteem taking itself seriously. Honor can lead to heroism, but also to war or murder (the so-called crimes of honor). Extremely ambiguous feeling, they can't... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for damages and moral ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Always do the right thing. It will give you pleasure
some people and surprise everyone else.

Mark Twain

What is this article about? By and large, how to live calmly, happily and in harmony with yourself. And it's expensive. This is not available to many. And, in fact, money can't buy it.

Don't believe? Look at the life of the rich who did not get their wealth in an honest way. They are not at all happy. Rather agitated and restless, always in suspense, sometimes lost. No matter how much they want to show others that this is not so. Although, if you want to live such a life, then do not read the article further.

So what is honor?

Honor is a set of qualities of a person, due to which he gains self-respect. It includes such qualities as nobility, justice, valor, courage, honesty and strict moral principles. This word comes from the Slavic word čütti and literally means "reverence, honor, respect." We can say that honor is the veneration of oneself.

Honor is a set of qualities of a person, due to which he gains self-respect.

Winnie the Pooh loved himself very much. And it was for what! He:

1. Never took all their honey from bees. Only half.
2. He always shared with homeless cubs - he gave away a third of the honey he got. Very generous.
3. Not all honey is alone, but invited Owl or Heel to him. He was insanely hospitable.

And oh, how he respected himself! He was very proud of himself! He had his own Winnie the Pooh HONOR.

In the past, honor was associated not so much with the inner qualities of a person as with his ability to behave in society, to comply with established norms and rules of behavior. This was required to maintain reputation and respect for others.

Honor is closely related to the concept of honesty. After all First of all, a person should not deceive himself.

Honor sets limits on what people can afford to do without feeling guilty or remorseful.

Our honor is to follow the best and
to improve the worst, if it can still become more perfect.

What is decency

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts.
And do not expect them from cheap people.
Woody Allen

There is also such a thing as decency.

Decency is honesty, inability to low, immoral, antisocial acts.

Decency is when a person is honest and does not intentionally harm others.

If a person is truthful and simply makes sure not to harm other people, he can be considered decent. If he does something, but these actions do not intentionally cause unpleasant consequences for others, then such actions cannot characterize a person as dishonorable.

In ancient Greece, the word decency was given the following definition - it is “the sincerity of character, combined with the right way of thinking; honesty of character.

Integrity is spiritual cleanliness.

Decency is when, contrary to one’s own interests, a person will act according to his conscience, “as it should be.”

One of the richest people in the world, Warren Buffett, said: “When I hire people, I pay attention to three qualities. The first is decency, the second is intelligence and the third is high energy. But in the absence of the first, the other two will kill you!”

Winnie was a very decent bear. And he simply could not touch Piglet's honey pot until he allowed it. And that is why he played the console with Pyatochok until the very night, because at the end a real PRIZE was waiting for him! Ha, but Pyatochek doesn’t even suspect!

By the way, there is such a thing as sincerity. Sincerity is the absence of contradictions between what a person says and what he really wants or feels. Sincerity is the ability to refuse deceit and speak as it is. Sincerely means "truthfully" and "frankly".

What is respect

Respect is the recognition that another person has merit and merit. Thanks to this feeling, communication between people becomes comfortable. We find in others something good, worthy, if not admiration, then recognition.

You can love just like that. But you can only respect for something.

Relationships in any team are built on this feeling: at work, in the family, in the company.

Respect is the recognition that another person has merit and merit.

Piglet had great respect for Owl. She always gave wise advice: where to find an oak tree with acorns, where are the dirtiest puddles, how to get smeared better, with a crust. Yes, Owl knew a lot about it! Respect.

And Eeyore Piglet just loved the donkey. There was nothing to respect for: he was painfully stupid, he couldn’t even buy a carrot in the store.

In order to express your respect to a person, it is enough to treat him without disdain, to listen, not to hurt his feelings, not to scoff, to speak politely to him, not to offend his honor, etc.

Before you have entered into a dialogue with a person, you can already show or not show respect for him. For example, if a woman is standing in front of you and you are standing with your hands in your pockets, you are disrespecting her. It turns out that respect as a respectful attitude is partly related to etiquette.

Sometimes respect lies in tolerance, indulgence. For example, if your interlocutor expresses a point of view different from yours. Treat him with respect, because these are his views on life, and they have the right to exist.

It is worth noting that respect does not have to be associated with sympathy. You can even respect your enemy - for some quality or an act committed by him.

Nobody can be happy
if he does not command his own respect.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Self-respect is the first step to being respected by others.
Jonathan Trigell.

What is a person's character?

The character of a person is understood as all the features of a person, that is, all his various qualities and personality traits that leave an imprint on all his actions and manifestations. In other words, character is a set of properties that determine a person's behavior in society. And these properties themselves are called character traits.

character is a set of properties that determine a person's behavior in society.

The nature of the Rabbit was calm: he very calmly watched as Piglet had been trying to pull Winnie out of his hole for half an hour. And how, with every attempt, a beautifully finished rabbit hole (made to the latest standards of the Forest) turned into ruins. And Winnie still didn't get through...

But the character of Piglet was eccentric: he rushed around Winnie and kept saying something and saying something.

Character traits are individual qualities of a person that affect her behavior. For example: confidence and goodwill, or caring and understanding.

The word "character" comes from the ancient Greek word "χαρακτηρ", which means: "sign, distinguishing feature, sign."

What are the "yes" and "no" of a person, such is his character.
A quick "yes" or "no" distinguishes a lively, firm, decisive character,
slow is prudent and timid.

I. Lavater

Character is like a tree, and reputation is its shadow.
We care about the shadow, but what we really need to think about is the tree.

A. Lincoln

What is human dignity

In society, it is customary, seeing a well-dressed person, to say that he looks worthy. But, is dignity manifested only externally? Shouldn't it touch the heart of a person and influence his actions? Let's see what human dignity is.

The dignity of a person is his respect for himself, a sense of the significance of himself as a person, the ability to get out of any situation without stepping over his principles.

The dignity of a man is his respect for himself.

The owl has always been proud of itself, respected. And it was for what. In mouse-catching competitions, she was always the first. True, once, quite by accident and by mistake, she grabbed Winnie, tearing out a large tuft of wool from his back, well, it doesn’t happen to anyone.

But Owl realized that she was mistaken. She immediately apologized. She smeared her entire back with green paint and flew away. Satisfying as hell. And on the way she caught 5 more mice - she had to play poker with someone. And mice, as everyone knows, are excellent players.

Be that as it may, the Owl understood: She did a great job! And Winnie cured, and managed to make a party for mice, and played poker herself.

This is the ability to interact with the world without sacrificing one's principles, without making concessions to base desires and bad deeds.

Self-esteem is a person's awareness of their own significance and value, and the observance of certain rules of behavior based on self-esteem.

It is inherent in everyone from birth. The dignity of a person allows him to realize the importance of not only himself, but also those around him. A person has to shape it, educate and train it in itself.

People who have this quality are respectful towards others. Dignity gives a person a sense of confidence in himself and in his abilities. The higher we value ourselves, the more potential opportunities open before us.

Probably, everyone in his life got into such situations when you experience a feeling of lack of self-respect and your own worthlessness. It happens that people do not feel worthy, they believe that there is nothing to respect them for. This usually happens when a person commits a particular act, for which he subsequently feels remorse. In such cases, it is said that honor and dignity are lost.

As a rule, after some time a person makes amends, improves his reputation and again deserves respect. He ceases to consider himself a failure and insignificance, removes this definition from himself. At the same time, honor and dignity return to the person again.

To live means not only to satisfy the material needs of the body,
but above all to be conscious of one's human dignity.

Jules Verne

Not strong the best, but honest.
Honor and dignity are the strongest.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Human integrity

The meaning of the word "integrity", according to the explanatory dictionary: one that is whole, monolithic, indestructible, strong, united.

We can talk about the integrity of the individual, implying the harmonious unity of her bodily, mental, spiritual and moral life. If a person teaches a healthy lifestyle and high moral values ​​during the day, and at night and until the morning he “buzzes” in a nightclub, taking pictures of girls of easy virtue, then it is difficult to talk about the integrity of such a person.

The integrity of a person is the harmonious unity of her bodily, mental, spiritual and moral life.

Winnie looked at the tree and thought: if I don’t climb it and take honey from the beehive, then I’m not a real bear. A real bear should not miss a single hive!

But there are bees, and they bite. And the Owl considers this tree to be her own and will be extremely unhappy.

So Winnie sat in front of the tree for the third day and thought, thought, thought. He just cracked! He was pulled in all directions.

Vinnie is sick of it. He came to terms with himself: he's a bear! He must devastate all the hives in his path! And they always agree with the Owl.

Vinnie didn't hesitate anymore. He acted. And today he will have honey!

A whole person can be compared to a ready-made borscht - take it and eat it, unlike meat, cabbage, potatoes and beets. The integrity of a person presupposes the conformity of the content of a person's inner life and his external activity.

Speaking about the internal integrity of the personality, it means the ability of a person in critical situations to maintain his life strategy, to remain committed to his life positions and value orientations.

Personal integrity is spoken of when a person has the courage to look at things realistically, draw their own conclusions and, if necessary, speak about it, including resisting external pressure. This is a person who has a stable worldview and value system. This is a person who is not tormented by contradictions, who has peace and confidence inside.

It's not scary when the world collapses around you -
scary when it collapses inside you

Vlad Deckert

All guilt is a state of being lost in the past;
all anxiety is a state of being lost in the future.
Ken Wilber

Incomplete personality

An incomplete person or a person who has lost his integrity is a person who has internal contradictions with himself.

If a person does not have goals, constantly contradicts both everyone and himself, does not know how to make decisions, or shifts them to others so as not to be responsible for them, then such a person can hardly be called integral.

Incomplete personality - one who has internal contradictions with himself

Piglet sat on a chair and tore his hair. How did he let this happen?

Yesterday. I drank fermented honey. And then he pulled out the feathers from the Owl, then threw the poor donkey Eeyore on a tree, having previously painted it with red paint. And Vinnie. And poor Winnie Piglet was simply set on fire by dousing with gasoline. Oh, well, he drank yesterday.

But now. He's a good, correct pig. As a child, he was just an angel. But what about what he did yesterday?! Owl. Winnie. Eeyore…

How can he live now, after everything he has done? Oh woe woe...

For these people there is no guideline in life, their companions are self-doubt and low self-esteem. The consequences of all this are a constant change of personal beliefs and disappointment in everything. Not all, being in critical conditions, retain their qualities of an integral personality and remain unchanged in relation to their life positions.

How to feel like a worthy person

If for some reason you do not feel like a worthy person, this situation can be corrected.

First of all, you need to stop all attempts to humiliate yourself by others. You deserve good treatment.

It is necessary to constantly improve yourself, replenishing your knowledge and skills with your baggage. Learn to do your job better or make a better product (the product is the result of some work).

The more valuable you are to others, the higher your self-respect and dignity will be.

In order to feel worthy, one must responsibly approach the fulfillment of one's duty. This concerns specific obligations and assignments undertaken. But this also includes the fulfillment of family obligations, a responsible attitude to work tasks, the ability to keep promises and understand the significance of one's words and deeds.

How not to lose dignity and honor?

Having done something that is against one's honor, having lost one's dignity, a person loses not only faith in himself. He deprives himself of a sense of confidence, self-respect and plunges into the abyss of despair and self-abasement.

We'll fix it. But if you, having committed an offense for which you are ashamed, and do not correct it, you continue to fall lower, degrading to a state that is most often described as dishonorable, fallen. At least you will feel worse and worse.

Usually, the one who lost himself often did not want such an outcome. In order to recover in his own eyes and the eyes of those around him, he will need to figure out how to fix what he has done: he needs to develop a plan for how the damage will be corrected and compensated. No matter how difficult it may seem.

Beware of people who achieve their goals through manipulation. They don't care about you or your welfare. They have vested interests towards you. And by the way, this is the type of people who will tell you, insist that they are your friends. Don't get fooled by this. Happiness

In the old days, people were afraid to lose their honor, defended it and died for it in duels. Now, of course, there is no such thing, but this does not mean that he is not endowed with this quality. Everyone should know honor. Why does a person need dignity and how not to lose it?

Definition: what is honor

The concept of "honor" means the totality due to which he gains self-respect. It includes such as nobility, justice, valor, courage, honesty, high morality and strict moral principles.

In the past, honor was associated not so much with internal as with his ability to behave in society, to comply with established norms and rules of behavior. This was required to maintain a reputation and respect for one's person.

The definition of the word "honor" is closely related to the concept of honesty. First of all, a person should not deceive himself. Honor sets limits on what people can afford to do without feeling guilty or remorseful.

What is human dignity

The dignity of a person is his respect for his person, a sense of the significance of himself as a person, the ability to get out of any situation without stepping over his principles. It is inherent in each of the people from birth.

The dignity of a person allows him to realize the importance of not only himself, but also those around him. People who have this quality are respectful towards others. Dignity gives a person a sense of confidence in himself and in his abilities. The higher we value ourselves, the more potential opportunities open before us.

Honor and dignity are somewhat similar to each other. They establish the criteria for a person's self-respect, as well as the attitude towards his person on the part of society and reflect the moral value of the individual.

Does every person have honor and dignity

Probably, everyone in his life got into such situations when you experience a feeling of lack of self-respect and your own worthlessness. From a legal point of view, the definition of what honor and dignity is, assumes that every person is endowed with these qualities at birth. They cannot disappear and disappear during life. The dignity of a person is protected by law, in case of humiliation, the perpetrator faces punishment.

In fact, it happens that people do not feel worthy, they believe that there is nothing to respect them for. Most often, this happens when a person commits one or another act, for which he subsequently feels remorse. In such cases, it is said that honor and dignity are lost.

As a rule, after some time a person makes amends, improves his reputation, and again deserves the respect of society. He ceases to consider himself a failure and insignificance, removes this definition from himself. At the same time, honor and dignity return to the person again.

How to feel like a worthy person

If for some reason you do not feel like a worthy person, you can make efforts to correct this situation. First of all, you need to stop all attempts to humiliate yourself from others. Only by learning to properly place yourself in society can you feel worthy of respect.

It is necessary to constantly replenish knowledge and skills in your luggage, improve in the profession and other areas of life. The more value you represent as a specialist, the higher your self-respect, and therefore dignity.

In order to feel one's honor and dignity, it is necessary to approach the fulfillment of duty responsibly. This applies not only to the debt to the state, but also to specific obligations and assignments undertaken. This includes the fulfillment of family obligations, a responsible attitude to work tasks, the ability to keep promises and understand the significance of their words and deeds.

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