Composition based on the picture friends. Composition based on the painting by E.N.

  • Plan:
  • 1. E.N. Shirokov and his paintings.
  • 2. My first impressions of the painting "Friends".
  • 3. The composition of the canvas.
  • 4. The boy and the dog are true friends!
  • 5. Conclusions.

Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov is a famous Russian artist whose paintings depict the life of ordinary people. One of the most famous works of the master is the painting "Friends", in which he depicted his son.

The description of the painting "Friends" by Shirokov does not coincide with my initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit. When I heard the name of this canvas, I decided that several boys would be painted on it. And what was my surprise when I saw a boy and a dog on the reproduction! I really liked that the artist showed friendship from such an unusual angle in his work, because a dog can really be a true friend.

The figures of a boy and a large black dog in the picture are placed in the foreground. The composition is built in such a way that both characters are in the middle of the canvas and look equal. The background is not spelled out at all - the viewer sees only the blurry gray walls of the room and the monochromatic red bedspread on which the friends sat. Thanks to this, all attention is focused on the main characters. The colors of the canvas, dim, stingy (mostly red, blue, gray and black) are also not able to attract attention. The emphasis is on the inner feelings of the characters, on their relationships.

The dog listens attentively to his master. He even raised one ear, and sympathy and a desire to share the misfortune shine in his eyes. And it seems to me that after the boy speaks out, he really will feel better. After all, the general mood of the picture is not sad, but rather calm and confident. Yes, now friends are sad. But the most important thing is that they can always support and cheer each other up.

I want to finish the essay on the painting “Friends” by Shirokov with the following conclusion: you should always value your friends. After all, if you have a real friend, you are not afraid of anything.

The most popular February materials for grade 7.

1. A word about the picture

2.Main characters

3.Own perception

Painting by E.N. Shirokov's "Friends" is not named so by chance, because it depicts sincere friendship. Only friends in our case became a dog and a man, although this is quite real.

A blanket lies on the floor, a boy sits on it, and a dog is at his feet. The guy is wearing a dark blue T-shirt, gray trousers, and sandals of the same color. On the feet are blue socks. The boy sadly looks at the dog and strokes its back. His four-legged friend put his head on his front paws and looks ahead. I think his gaze is also downcast. Maybe the dog is sick.

The dog has black fur and white paws. His body is completely relaxed, one ear is up, perhaps he is listening to what the boy is saying to him. The boy now supports him, paying as much attention as possible. It is worth noting that the owner is also concerned about the sadness of the four-legged friend, because his face also does not express joy. This is what true friendship consists of, in support in times of difficulties and illnesses.

Looking at this canvas, I felt sorry for both the dog and the boy. I wanted to help both of them to make them happy. I hope they will be all right.

Composition based on the picture Friends of Shirokov Grade 7

1. What are they, real friends

2. Who is on the canvas

3. Evaluation of what you see

Dogs are the most loyal of all animals. They will never run away from you in a difficult situation, they will not exchange your care, they, like people, need our attention. The friendship between a man and a dog is described in many literary, musical and cinematographic works. And the fidelity of this animal is always amazing. It is this kind of true friendship that is depicted in the reproduction of the painting “Friends” by Shirokov.

The main part of the canvas is occupied by the figures of the main characters: a boy and his four-legged friend. There is a brown blanket in the middle of the room. It is all wrinkled, perhaps before that a child and an animal played on it. Now our heroes are depicted as thoughtful. The young man is dressed in a blue T-shirt, gray trousers, sandals and socks, it can be assumed that it is the last days of summer outside. The boy's eyes are lowered and fixed on the animal.

The dog, peacefully tucking its paws, lies at the feet of the owner. One ear is lowered, the other is raised, in order to hear what the boy is talking about. The child leans on the floor with one hand, and strokes the back of the dog with the other. The puppy's black coat is shiny in daylight, which indicates the boy's good care of him. The dog's eyes are open and look into the distance, his gaze is sad, perhaps this is due to the owner's story.

I really liked this picture. I have long dreamed of the same faithful comrade, with whom I will share sorrows and joys, who will meet me from school. It's great that this boy has such a wonderful friend.

Composition based on the painting Friends of Shirokov from the face of a boy

1. Return home

2.Something happened

3. Dog longing

Today I came home from school earlier than usual. The last lesson of literature was cancelled. I hurried home to do my homework and go outside. Moreover, I had to walk the dog. Usually, when I come to the door of the apartment, I can already hear Jack's joyful barking, but now it was quiet.

I quickly opened the door, the dog was nowhere to be seen. I didn't take off my sandals, just threw off my backpack and jacket, went to my room, Jack was not there. I found him in my brother's room, the dog managed to pull off the red coverlet from the bed, and now he lay peacefully on it in the middle of the room. But something was wrong...

Jack was absolutely healthy, shiny black hair, a wet nose, only his eyes were somehow especially sad. I sat down next to him, resting one hand on the floor. He called him quietly: "Hey, Buddy!" Jack did not turn his head, only raised one ear. He perfectly heard what I was talking to him, I'm sure he understood me, because dogs are smart animals. But something was troubling him at that moment. Then I began to stroke his back, slowly ran my fingers through his fur, feeling the protruding shoulder blades, vertebrae.

The dog continued to lie all the same. His huge golden eyes stared intently out the window, for a moment it seemed to me that his gaze literally froze. At such moments, a person usually cries, this is what I expected from Jack, and also that he would tell me about what worries him so much. The sun was shining outside the window, the voices of birds were heard, and he was sad about something. I also began to mourn with him. Perhaps Jack has already begun to miss the past summer, or maybe he was upset that in the morning I got ready for school so quickly that I did not have time to play with him. After all, Jack is usually the one who brings me my backpack and boots to the door when I leave, and today I was in a hurry because I overslept. And now I felt doubly ashamed in front of the teacher, to whom I was late for the lesson, and in front of my best friend, who is so waiting for my attention.

EN Shirokov, now a professor at the State Institute of Arts and Culture in Perm, is famous among his students. It's not even that he is one of the outstanding representatives of the "severe style". The point is not even in the sadly romantic nature of his works, which inspire the viewers with the impression of everyday worries and monumental characters, but in his special talent.

The name of this painter at one time (1960-1980) was on everyone's lips, he became a living artistic symbol of Perm. His paintings were expected like today's premieres of blockbusters. And, in fact, they were a kind of action games, only from the field of painting. Spectators and colleagues, art historians and party leaders of that time were not indifferent to the work of E. Shirokov. The paintings were reprinted in magazines and became obligatory attributes of the Soviet house.

It is striking how, not in word, not in deed, but with a brush, Shirokov was able to convey to the totalitarian authorities, “turned” on communism and the people, who were diligently labeled a worker with the power of fine art. They wrote about him and will continue to write about him - Wikipedia, periodicals, local and regional. His students will listen to lectures with delight, and the audience will once again admire the picture "Friends".

The fact that a dog and a person have a special relationship is not worth talking about. How many films have been made about boys and dogs! But they cannot be compared with Shirokov's canvas, in its realism and unusualness. The artist, on a subconscious level, is trying to convey to us that the animal can listen and alleviate suffering, will always be there and will never betray.

By the way, Shirokov is not the only one who painted animals and children. If you remember Murillo, you will see an enthusiastic child from the 16th century, rejoicing in communication with his four-legged friend. Here is a boy from the 20th century, dressed in a blue T-shirt, dark blue pants and sandals.

He simply adores his dog, and she is delighted with the touch of the owner and his presence. Black glossy wool, well-groomed, like silk, conveys all the boy's love for a pet. It is difficult to name his breed, but this is not so important, because looking into his intelligent eyes, we notice that in addition to beauty, they glow with intelligence and health.

And this animal also has very funny paws, as if dressed in elegant white socks. The head lying on them occupies almost the entire foreground of the picture. In kind beady eyes, one can read the understanding of the problems of his closest friend. One ear is raised, it is clear that the animal is listening attentively to the boy, trying not to miss a single word of his. Both the dog and the owner are sad. But the first worries about the sorrows of a person, and not about his own. Animals can listen, understand and sympathize - that's what the viewer sees on the canvas. And this is their devoted friendship to man.

Most likely, the boy told her something sad from his life. The dog became sad with him, accepted his emotions as his own. We can only guess what really happened to the student: his friends did not invite him to go out, he got a "deuce" or was punished by his parents for misconduct. Only one thing is visible - an injustice has occurred in the life of this child, from which only communication with an animal can save.

It is noteworthy that the artist does not clearly write out the background of the picture. Blurred walls - that's what surrounds friends. But if you look at what they are sitting on, then the audience will not be surprised at all. This is a dog bed. Not a bed, not a floor, not a chair. Most likely, the animal did not even know about the insults, and the boy came to him, because only with him, together and on his territory, he feels confident and calm.

The location of the heroes of the canvas relative to each other, almost the same expression of the eyes convey the warmest, sincere and friendly feelings. A dog for a boy is not just a pet, but a friend, a grateful listener and adviser. And, if you are one of the literary-savvy people, then you can safely recall Turgenev, who said that in an animal and a person “the same life”.

As for the coloristic features of the painting "Friends", all the shades convey the mood of the boy and the dog. The background is surrounded by a dirty gray wall - the best confirmation of the joylessness and gloom of the home atmosphere, the child's depression and his depressed state. In addition, the gray background carries another semantic load - it becomes a reflection of the clarity of the figures.

The red-brown dog rug and yellow floor against the background of the images of the main characters, made in dark colors, seem somewhat out of place. But Shirokov would not be Shirokov if he did not achieve harmony. The viewer not only sees sadness - he feels it, and, first of all, thanks to the color solutions of the work.

The cold tones of colors used by the artist perform another function - they become a contrast for warm spiritual human feelings.

Surprisingly, friends here are not people. The friendship shown by Shirokov is unique. It lies in the unity of souls, the ability to love and be devoted. The dog and the boy do not even need to talk - it is important for them to be able to listen to the heart of their friend. Perhaps the boy in the picture did not find among the people the same devoted and honest friend that he found in the person of the dog. Such an amazing kinship of souls cannot but activate all the warmest feelings of the audience.

The work is admirable, if only because Shirokov managed to convey not just the poses of the characters, but the most important thing in the human world - emotions. It can be seen that the artist put all his love into every brush stroke, all his childhood memories, and all his love for animals.

Only two figures on a dirty gray background: a man and an animal - and we already see an almost textbook example of the concept of "friendship". This is mutual assistance, and the ability to listen and support in grief, and devotion, and the desire to be needed by your friend.

The boy in the picture "Friends" is very lucky: he found what few find - a devoted living being who will not only love him, but also protect and protect him. The black dog in the painting "Friends" is a real Polkan from Russian fairy tales, who gives his affection only to the best people.

A dog is man's most faithful and devoted friend. Sometimes it happens that you are sitting at home and you are sad, you are not in the mood at all and you don’t want to do anything. But suddenly your pet comes up to you, he gives you his love and warmth, caresses, and you immediately feel better.

In the painting by E. Shirokov "Friends" we see a boy and his faithful friend - a big black dog. The dog is not completely black, it has white slippers on its paws. Her eyes are filled with loyalty and devotion. One ear of the dog is lowered down, and with the other, she seems to listen to everything that the owner tells her about. A boy sits next to the dog. He wears a simple blue T-shirt and gray pants. On his feet are gray sandals. I think he just came in from the street and hasn't taken off his shoes yet. It is clear that the boy is upset about something. Perhaps he had a fight with his parents or friends, or maybe he got a bad grade in school. It can also be assumed that the dog is sick, so the boy is sad, sitting next to his best friend. When your pet is sick, you are ready to do everything possible for him. The picture shows that a very warm trusting relationship has developed between the boy and the dog. This is a true friendship that nothing will break!

For real friendship there can be no barriers, it must be sincere. If someone communicates or makes friends in order to receive some benefit, then this is very bad and it is difficult to call such a relationship friendship. No wonder they say that "a dog is a man's best friend", I completely agree with this! I hope that in the life of every person there will be a true friend, and no matter who it is - an animal or a person, the dog will not give you valuable advice in difficult times, but he is ready for anything for you!

Together with the article “An essay based on the painting by Shirokov“ Friends ”they read:

The painting "Friends" by Shirokov is one of the most famous and popular works of the author. Its plot is obvious, and the characters provide rich food for thought. That is why essays are often written on this picture in Russian schools, analyzing what they saw, thinking about the meaning of true friendship and fidelity.

Description of the picture

In the painting "Friends" by Shirokov, you can see a man and a dog. A teenager in a blue T-shirt and flip flops sits on the couch next to his dog.

The dog is black with white paws. He folded his head at the feet of the owner in anticipation of love and affection. The young man gently caresses the dog with one hand, sharing his love with her and conveying his care to her.

Both have a rather sad look. What happened, why they are saddened, is unknown. It remains behind the scenes, the viewer only has to guess about it.

Artist Shirokov

He was born in 1931 in the Urals, in a small village called Kasli. Graduated from art school in Sverdlovsk. The fact that he would connect his fate with painting, he decided in his youth. After he continued his education in Leningrad. In the northern capital, in 1958, he received a diploma from the Mukhina School of Art and Industry. After that, he settled and lived in Perm. He worked at the local state institute of arts and culture.

painting style

He is considered a prominent representative of the "severe style" of painting. This is a special trend in socialist realism, extremely popular at the turn of the 50s and 60s.

This style is characterized by the fact that the masters are trying to sing the fate of their contemporaries, as a rule, ordinary people - workers, students. They pay special attention to their willpower, energy. Artists of the "severe style" of painting glorify the romance of everyday work. Their paintings are as concise and generalized as possible. Expressiveness can be achieved through the plane of color, as well as the linear contours of the figures.

Some consider the "severe style" to be a real Soviet Reformation in art. This is a new type of adult and responsible hero who has his own experience and knowledge, sincere faith in his work, has powerful internal motivation, and therefore does not need additional incentives from the party or the church. E. Shirokov's painting "Friends" can also be attributed to this style.

The meaning of friendship

Reflecting on this picture, many rightly notice that there is no person in the world who would be indifferent to friendship. A person who doesn't need her. After all, a friend is the most dear and close being.

Interestingly, it does not have to be a person. Especially in moments of loneliness and depression, people often find kindred spirits in our smaller brothers. We can observe the same situation in the painting "Friends" by Shirokov.

This is the case when a man and a dog found each other, they are sure that each one will come to the aid of the other right now. Finding such a friend is difficult, especially in childhood. So friendship with animals is especially common among teenagers. So a person can realize such an important need for communication. It is this situation that we can see in the picture of E. N. Shirokov "Friends".

When a friend is a dog

The dog became the best friend of the hero of this canvas. The viewer will definitely notice that between the man and the dog in the picture of E. N. Shirokov "Friends" there seems to be some kind of connection invisible to the eye. There is a firm belief that they will never betray or abandon each other, but will remain faithful for many years.

The dog, being always there, will protect the young man in a difficult moment of danger, ready to sacrifice his own life for him. And we know many such examples from history.

Artistic Features

It is noteworthy that when describing Shirokov's painting "Friends", it should be noted that dark tones predominate on it. But at the same time, the artist manages to achieve a subtle feeling of lightness and warmth. He achieves it with the help of a subtle combination of clear and precise contours with cold colors.

At school, the task is often given to write an essay based on the painting "Friends" by E. N. Shirokov, because it is such works of art that help to understand what true friendship is.

No wonder the author chose the dog to convey his idea to the viewer. After all, it is this animal that is primordially associated with fidelity and devotion, integral components of true friendship. The dog is always devoted to his master, she is not looking for momentary gain, her love is limitless, she is always ready to help.

Composition characteristics

In order to write an intelligent work, it is necessary to draw up an essay plan based on Shirokov's painting "Friends". The classical one looks like this: the biography of the artist, a description of the composition and plot, psychological characteristics. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

In general, it is worth noting that the work of this author is distinguished by a special psychological expressiveness. A striking example is the canvas to which this article is devoted. The composition of the picture is built in such a way that both characters are in the very center of the canvas. Therefore, the viewer perceives them on a psychological level as equal characters.

The sadness of a teenager who leans on the floor with one hand and strokes a dog with the other was clearly transferred to his pet. It can be a failure in school, such as a bad grade, or a fiasco in love affairs. Because of unrequited love in adolescence, almost everyone experiences. And there may be family troubles, quarrels with parents, or dozens of other similar reasons. We can only guess about this.

dark colors

It seems that the artist chose the darkest colors and tones for this work. The teen has dark hair and is wearing a navy blue T-shirt, gray trousers and sandals. The dog is predominantly black.

They sit against a light gray wall that reflects their silhouettes. In this way, the artist once again emphasizes the depressed state of the characters. The objects that surround them look dull and everyday. Therefore, they are not able to attract more or less the attention of the viewer. The main focus is on the characters and their relationship.

Two friends

Judging by this picture, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that we are not facing a dog and his owner, but two friends. The same idea is confirmed by the title of the picture. The artist seems to be giving us a hint.

If you look closely at this picture, you will notice that in reality the teenager, most likely, has already told a sad story to his four-legged friend. This can be seen from his raised ear. Of course, the dog is not able to help with advice or support a friend with words. But she can listen and express sympathy with her eyes, and at certain moments this is even more important.

If you remember yourself at that age, then you can say with a certain degree of certainty that in an hour and a half the boy’s sadness will pass, and he will run to play with friends or kick the ball in football, forgetting about all his troubles. There is no doubt that the support of his four-legged friend will help him in this.

For many, this picture causes a conflicting feeling. On the one hand, the sadness in which the characters are immersed cannot but evoke sad thoughts. On the other hand, you begin to sincerely envy them, because they prove that true friendship exists in the world, and the boy and his dog are vivid confirmation of this. Therefore, it is believed that in reality the heroes will be all right, all problems and hardships will bypass them. The dog will continue to be a faithful and devoted companion, and his young master will continue to carefully look after him.

Genuine admiration is the skill with which this picture is written. Mean, sometimes even gloomy colors convey a large number of emotions and experiences. This is sadness, and the desire to help a close and dear person, and peace of mind about tomorrow, which will certainly be better than today.

On the example of this picture, you can be sure that the artist manages to show the whole essence of the relationship between people and animals. Such important feelings as understanding, mutual assistance, devotion, the ability to support at a difficult moment in any way are reflected. All this is the components of the concept of true friendship. It is no coincidence that for many years the dog was considered the most devoted friend of man. She is ready to help him and support him in the most difficult situations.

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