Dance for husband Private dance for a loved one


Erotic dance- the art of seducing a man

What a man, not seeing on the street attractive girl mentally does not begin to undress this divine creature?!

For a man, the process of undressing a woman is a real surge of emotions, it is new world shrouded in mystery and passion. Which of us does not dream of a passionate night, of that moment when love and elements unite together, which are sometimes beyond the control of the human brain.

Our bedroom is a place of mystery and a place of passion. This is the place where all vital problems are solved.

Having received our portion of pleasure, we will be full of strength and energy, we will rejoice even on a cloudy day.

The power of sorcery

The bedroom is the keeper of our secrets. Miracles happen in this room and our sex life is transformed.

One of the stages of knowing the sacrament is erotic dance. He has been assigned one of the leading roles.

You have been waiting for this night for so long, and now a miracle has happened, the person whom you consider the object of your love is next to you. The dream came true. Now the main thing is to captivate your partner interesting game. He is waiting and hoping that you will give him those unforgettable moments that he will keep in his memory for a long time.

You should try to be seductive, show with your temptation that you are exactly the woman that he needs so much in life.

And for this, a woman must make a lot of effort. She must show her skill and her inspiration in this difficult science called "witchcraft". You must be able to make sensual movements and must put all your power of seduction into them.

The Science of Winning

You don't have to learn how to dance Gogo or New Burlesque. But to have the simplest basics of seduction is your duty.

You should not confuse "home" striptease with Gogo or New Burlesque dance. "Easily put on" Gogos can only fire up the audience, and your task is much more difficult. You need to get your partner to come to the point where he loses control of himself.

On this night, all means of struggle are good, as long as the woman feels like a winner, and the winners are not judged, they are admired.

Perseverance and labor

Everyone knows that hardwork and work always lead to the desired results.

No worries. You have seen more than one movie that made you admire the female erotic dance. You haven't lost everything yet. Each of you can learn this craft. In almost every city there are all sorts of courses where you will be taught the important moves of seduction. If you live in small town- do not despair. There is a mirror in front of you… Train, dance. This is very useful, as the process of dancing burns calories. You will learn not only to dance and seduce a man, but also to declare war on excess weight.

However, you need to understand that after five or six hours of training you will not become a master. This is hard work and you need to endure it, master it, if you want to bewitch a man. Nothing happens without difficulty, and no one will bring your happiness to you on a silver platter. Try to master at least the elementary art of erotic dance. This art can bring freshness to a relationship with a loved one.

Preparatory process

remember, that erotic dance This is the true art of seduction. Those women who can dance, they are more likely to captivate a man.

You must learn to move freely and sexually, you must learn to make your body flexible and graceful. Having mastered dance moves, You can create your own improvisations for any music.

Under the chords of relaxing music, you just want to dissolve in the sounds of a melody next to your loved one. The body becomes beyond our control and begins to move plastically, smoothly, slowly, like the body of a panther or a cat.

You need to learn how to move from smooth music to rhythmic music. You should learn to make clear and sharp turns, it would be nice to learn to “own” some parts of the body: arms, hips, head, stomach.

You must impress your loved one, you must be different from his previous woman.

It makes sense to learn a little choreography and hone your skills to impress your loved one.

First of all, it is important to create a pleasant atmosphere. This is the atmosphere in which you will feel confident and at the same time relaxed. You should let your loved one know in advance that tonight will be a special evening, completely different from previous evenings.


Before starting erotic dances, you can pamper and relax your one and only in the bath, you can gently wipe his body with a towel, slowly describing each fold of the body, while whispering gentle and affectionate words in his ear.

You must set up your partner in a lyrical way in advance. He should be ready for the fact that you will surprise him with your originality and uniqueness.

Basic golden rules

Before conquering your one and only craft with a beginner stripper, do not forget about the correct timing. Meet him after work at the door of your apartment with a gentle and affectionate face and don't forget to compliment.

Make sure that the apartment has a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. Cheer him up, let him feel that you need him, and that he is the most desirable and most beloved man for you.

Try to "turn" his head with the help of dance. Let him feel that this erotic dance is for him, and only for him.

Don't forget to throw dancing looks at your loved one during the dance. It's no secret that your eyes and your movements can say much more than words. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Try to undress slowly and with pleasure. You should see a fire in his eyes, which, igniting every minute, can turn into a flame.

Don't forget to involve your partner in an erotic dance. He will be grateful to you for this.

The ability to control one's body makes a person more confident and free, which undoubtedly helps in many ways. life situations. In dance, a woman feels her strength, her grace and her perfection. Remember that the application of the acquired skills depends on your female fantasy and your inspiration.

cc licensed flickr photo shared by Michail Bormin

Dance is not only the movement of the body, it is, first of all, the movement of the soul. Dance can say a lot, convey your mood and state of mind. A dance for a loved one is also very romantic and seductive. If you want to please your loved one with an unusual surprise that will surely be remembered for a long time, we recommend that you learn how to dance the dance, which will be a wonderful addition and "highlight" to your romantic meetings.

Beautiful dance for a loved one

In order to learn how to dance such a dance, you do not need to urgently go to a choreographic school - you canstudy completely free right at home! To do this, you just need to watch a video lesson called "How to dance seductive dances." The author of this video is the famous dancer and choreographer Keira Lachey. The version of the dance proposed by her is designed for the most wide circle performers - from beginners to professionals. Therefore, even if you do not have any choreographic training, you should not be upset, because you can learn to dance thanks to this video. It is very convenient that the training lesson allows you to study at home without outside help. Thus, you can devote as much time to training as you want, and at the same time you do not have to adapt to other people.

Seductive dancing video

The author of this video demonstrates a whole choreographic composition that will allow you to dance lovely dance for your partner. Of course, training should begin with mastering the individual elements of the dance, and only then, when you learn how to perform each individual movement well, they can be combined into a dance. At the same time, we advise you not to concentrate solely on the dance technique, first of all, your dance should come from the heart in order to fully convey your feelings for your partner. Therefore, you should not be upset if you suddenly fail to do something perfectly, in this case, the sincerity of the performance will be able to compensate for minor technical shortcomings. We wish you pleasant viewing and successful learning!

As Bernard Shaw said, dancing is nothing but the vertical expression of horizontal desires. At all times, girls have been looking for new ways to charm a man. Our mothers adopted Sophia Loren's fatal looks, Marilyn Monroe's gait, and today your girlfriends are mastering Thai and Indian massage together. ritual dances. The most courageous went to strip plastic courses. So you yourself decided to learn belly dancing.

All these efforts are intended not for the general public, but for one, the most important viewer - a loved one. Almost none of the visitors to the schools of Arabic dances or strip dancing plans concert activity. Each hopes that, having learned a few movements, she will become unique for her man. Remember: experiments are good at the right time and in the right place.

Situations where body language is needed:

Make an impression

Oriental dance is still at the height of fashion. Everyone will be delighted when you offer to perform real bellydance at a party. And if the company has the one you dream of, you can be sure that he will not resist. When dancing for everyone, be sure to give him a couple of special looks.

Refresh relationships

You've been together for quite some time, and your sweetheart imagines that he knows everything about you, so it's time to master the exciting dance. And when he tunes in to a traditional and already a bit boring evening, give him a show for adults. Believe me, he will be extremely happy with such a surprise.

Enjoy it

Even if you are not trying to win over anyone, but just "break away" in a nightclub, you can get a lot of new fans. Elements of strip dancing or belly dancing look very exciting. The main thing is to enjoy the movement and think less about how you look from the outside!

Dmitry worked with Marina whole year and practically did not notice her - plump, short, not at all to his taste. On the birthday of the company, the employees arranged a skit, and the girls prepared a belly dance. They came out in monists, bright oriental dresses. And suddenly Dmitry realized that girls with forms admire him! And when he met Marina's eyes, he immediately decided to make an appointment with her. Now she dances only for him.

Debutante Rules

For the first time arranging a "performance" for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

Get ready in advance!

Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing a few candid poses in front of a mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, strip plastic is a very demanding dance, all movements must be carefully worked out. It is not surprising that beginners often turn out not so much erotic as funny. Therefore, it is better to learn a few dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps "like in a movie."

Create twilight in the room, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.

Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because it will only spoil everything. The spectator is your beloved man who loves you any - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body, who longs for adventures with YOU! You are the one and only for him.


When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, focused face, the opposite effect is obtained. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your darling will never notice the inaccuracies in the plastic. Think of your favorite movies like Striptease, True Lies, or 9 and a Half Weeks - it's good to have someone to learn from!

Observe the measure!

The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, depict a couple of bold movements. Or once again beckon him with your hand. This will inspire the partner more than a full-fledged "performance". You don't even have to turn on the music.

Andrei invited Lena on a first date: he arranged a candlelit dinner in his apartment ... After finishing a glass of wine, the girl suddenly turned on the music and began to “give out” an intricate East Dance. For about 15 minutes. She tried so hard that it was a pity to stop her. Andrey puzzled over what to do: start dancing around her, clapping his hands or catching her around the room. In general, they both experienced nothing but awkwardness.

A few pluses:

Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in a couple. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about the figure.

Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.

Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Fashion is changeable. Today everyone is studying strip plastic, and tomorrow variations on the rumba theme will become popular. Dance without words will tell about the feelings that you have for a person. So live by dancing!

Many girls and women from year to year ask themselves the question: what to give a loved one?

Some do not want to deviate from stereotypes, and without thinking twice, they buy something necessary in everyday life or for personal hygiene.

For example: a set of screwdrivers, cologne, razors and more. But, if you want to make an unforgettable gift to your loved one, then we will help you in this choice - an erotic dance as a gift for a man will be a great option!

The most original gift

What gift can surprise a man? It must be original, enchanting and, most importantly, sexy. The most suitable choice is erotic dance. To do this, you need to follow a plan for its preparation.

First of all, you need to gain skills in the field of erotic dance.

  1. To do this, you can sign up for strip plastic lessons, where professional choreographers and directors will teach the art of undressing sexually to the music. But I warn you, such activities at this stage of life are not cheap! Therefore, there is an option to download online strip dance lessons or watch a number of videos on this topic.
  2. If you calculate your figure is not ideal, then you can visit strip aerobics. This is a great way to tighten your forms, as well as become more flexible and plastic.
  3. Of course, no one canceled self-improvement. You will have to take some time to get to know the capabilities of your body and prepare a series of clear movements. But, in no case do not prepare a clearly choreographed dance, because in a sexual gift for a man there must be improvisation in order to give free rein to your feelings. And also be sure to spend some time in front of the mirror to hone facial expressions.

If you decide to give a man an erotic dance, pay more attention to the beauty of your body, and not to the correct execution of movements, because in front of you is your beloved man, not a choreographer.


For your unforgettable surprise, your loved one needs to prepare a place where, in fact, everything will happen. Be sure the room should be twilight and candles to create an intimate atmosphere. You can still use an aroma lamp, but after consulting with experts in choosing the oils used.

If you are shy, due to lack of experience, in speaking in front of an audience, try to illuminate the place of your performance more brightly, but at the same time darken the place where the hero of the occasion will be located as much as possible so as not to see his face.
Some women say that in the first minutes of an erotic dance for a man, they did not know where to put their hands, so you can use additional items such as hat, headscarf, chair, etc.


To make your gift more sexy, choose underwear that fits perfectly and emphasizes your dignity.

A more suitable color for this kind of dance is red. Many scientists consider it the most exciting.


For erotic dance, take the kind of music that touches your feelings and awakens in you a passionate desire to dance.

Of course, it is better if it is a slow composition, preferably one with which you and your loved one have positive memories.

bewitching look

The key to the fact that your erotic dance for a man will go with a bang is your look. Do not look at the wallpaper or at the ceiling. Look only into the eyes of your partner, without looking away!

Finishing touch

To properly set up a man before your surprise, or take a bath together with rose petals and wine. This will set it in the right direction.

Do not be afraid to be sexy, because in front of you is your loved one who loves you. Be sure - your man will appreciate such an extravagant gift!

1. All men love with their eyes, and dancing will help to add a new spark to a relationship. Believe me, it does not matter at all whether you know how to dance or not, whether you have ever gone to dance lessons or not. In each of you lies this ability for beautiful, smooth and seductive movements.

2. First, drop all your complexes. Even if your body is not perfect, your man will not notice it and will not pay attention. Why are we so sure? Because men evaluate the image in general, and unlike women, they do not pay attention to details.

3. First, pick up some music. It should be seductive and set you in the right mood. See if you can dance to it and come up with your own moves.

4. As soon as the music is chosen, start preparing your image and the image of the room. by the most the best decoration rooms are candles. They will add mystery and intimacy to the atmosphere.

5. Choose the right suit. You can wear both the dress and his shirt. It doesn't matter at all. The main thing is to add accessories, and make it attractive to your man.

6. Practice in front of a mirror to avoid embarrassment. If you have never danced, then you should not try to portray complex steps. Just understand, standing in front of a mirror, how you can arch your body beautifully, or make a sexual movement.

7. Use foreign objects in the dance, such as a scarf, tie, or even an ice cube. For example, blindfold your beloved and turn on the music and you will see how intrigued he will be. To ignite great desire and passion in your loved one, forbid him to touch you until you allow it yourself. Your man will certainly be fascinated by this game.

8. If you want to dance something unusual, then of course you should seek the help of professionals. Well, if you want to deal on their own, then you can watch training videos for your development.

9. Don't be shy and love yourself. Be open and seductive. You know, your man will be delighted with such a gift, and your self-esteem will certainly increase. Don't believe? Check. And may love always surround you.

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