Dance moves for corporate parties. Dance master class for a corporate party - the nuances of preparation


You can hear about the dance master classes that are held at corporate parties different reviews. Quite often, some teams respond positively to completely identical programs, while others are extremely negative. What is the reason for this "mood swing"?

Usually in that the program does not live up to the expectations of the participants. And that's why eventspro recommends choosing a dance master class very carefully.

Different people - different dance programs

Incendiary disco for young and active

Modern popular music and club tracks are an excellent backdrop for a disco, during which professional dancers will be able to show how best to move, how to get maximum pleasure and positive emotions from dancing.

A joke dance battle can be held between the participants, and the dances themselves can be held to music with a changing tempo. If desired, the customer may ask to include several songs in the track list for slow dance. Usually such a program is ideal for young teams, but if no one is against, it can be organized for older people as well.

Ballroom dancing: let the fun be beautiful

What could be more romantic, loftier and more beautiful than ballroom dancing? Such a master class is conducted by a professional couple, each movement of which is verified to the smallest detail. If desired, the participants can remain spectators, or they themselves can try to repeat the movements under the guidance of the masters.

Usually ballroom dancing do not last long, and you can order a similar master class as a surprise. Also this perfect option in case the participants of the corporate party want not so much to dance themselves as to admire the beautiful costumes, admire the refined movements and enjoy the beautiful musical accompaniment. An additional plus is that usually ballroom dancing finds acceptance among people of all ages.

Professional master class

If the team is seriously interested in learning the elements of a particular dance, you can organize an outdoor event that will not only complement the corporate event, but will become one of it. cornerstones. Then, of course, the master class will be held not in the office or in the restaurant, but in the choreographic hall with a dressing room, mirrors and sound equipment.

First of all, enthusiasm will be required from the participants, moreover, for certain types dancing, you need to change clothes and shoes. The option is only suitable for the case when it suits everyone - otherwise, part of the team will be "overboard", and no unity will work.

Want a little exotic? Try ethnic dances

Also a rather specific option, but the effect is sometimes stunning. Greek, oriental, Latin American, Irish and many others - all of them are held to national music and are able to bring variety to life. Even just to admire how the masters dance is a pleasure.

But there is no dispute about tastes, therefore, as a basis for dance master- class at a corporate party, ethnic dances are suitable only when everyone is interested in them. This happens not so rarely: sometimes even one enthusiastic employee can “hook” the whole team on his hobby.

Can't choose one option? Use a Combination

For large groups, where ages and tastes vary greatly, a combined master class becomes a real salvation. You can use several sites or alternate different dances and different tracks with each other.

First, a show program from professional dancers, then a master class - or vice versa. Customers themselves choose and approve the program of the event. It turns out a corporate "concert by request" with dancing different styles, but it is possible to ensure that none of the participants is bored and does not feel left out.

Show with a star - no one wants to miss

A great way to increase the value of a dance workshop in the eyes of the participants is to invite a distinguished guest. Of course, the cost of the event will increase, but from the usual element of a corporate meeting, the meeting turns into a real one. star show.
Nobody wants to miss even a relatively short master class from a star dancer, because you can not only watch the performance of the master, but also talk with him, take a picture, ask a couple of questions and be inspired by his success.

What dances can be used?

  • Ballroom dancing creates a festive atmosphere and inspires the participants. These are tango, foxtrot, slow and Viennese waltz, samba, rumba.
  • Informal dances relax, amuse, defuse the atmosphere and relieve heavy thoughts. It's boogie-woogie, rock'n'roll, lindy hop, twist.
  • Incendiary and dynamic dances are suitable for lovers of activity and fast rhythm. It's salsa, hustle, bachata, Irish dances, flamenco, discofox, go-go and many others.

What do you want to receive?

This is actually very important question, because all disappointments happen when customers want something that they don’t tell the organizers of the dance master class. In this case, even the best professionals are completely powerless.

  1. Remember: you cannot learn how to dance professionally in a short master class - it takes weeks and months of training. Most the best option- just enjoy participating. If someone suddenly discovers the talent of a great dancer, it can be developed separately.
  2. What do the participants want - to compete or to be a team? It will depend on this whether the organizers will arrange a battle or, on the contrary, will give the participants the opportunity to put on a joint small number.
  3. What dances are more interesting for the participants: paired, single, group? It can be envy from age, from marital status and many more factors. But there is nothing worse than the wrong music.
  4. What do the participants want - to see people or to show themselves? In the first case, you can arrange a spectacular performance by professionals, and among the allotted time, allocate a few minutes for a master class. In the second case, you can organize both improvisation and a small dance flash mob, which the participants will learn and rehearse.
  5. Well, you can’t forget about the size of the team, the average age of the participants and their musical preferences. Voting, polling or oral questioningThe best way find out what your colleagues really want. Then you won't have to worry about everyone being happy.

The cost of a dance master class is relatively inexpensive, although the price strongly depends on the duration, the number of participants, the area used and the involved dance program. Do not forget to specify all the details in advance so as not to get into awkward situation. Then the dance master class will bring only positive emotions to everyone. Good luck!

A short plan for preparing a dance master class for a corporate party

If, after reading this article, you still want to start dancing, and the body requires new movements, we suggest that you move from words to actions.

If there is a professional dancer in your environment, to whom you can safely entrust the organization of a master class at your corporate party, we wish you a great time!

And if there is no such acquaintance, the issue of choosing a quality contractor is very acute, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

Also, a small list of questions will help you in organizing a dance master class.

  1. Determine who will be responsible for organizing the master class (for searching and interacting with the performer)
  2. Determine the period of time when the master class will be held at the event
  3. Come up with and coordinate with the presenter an original presentation of entertainment
  4. Determine the budget that the company will be willing to spend on the master class
  5. Determine the type/types of dances that will be shown at the master class
  6. Agree with the performer who will conduct the master class on the list of necessary props, and who will provide it.

Almost every company considers obligatory for its employees several corporate parties a year - on the occasion of the approaching New Year, as well as on the birthday of the company itself.

Such parties contribute to team building in an informal setting, filled with fun and the atmosphere of a real holiday.

Often, a corporate event is not limited to a feast, but also involves a rich entertainment program with a host, contests and, of course, a disco.

Any girl has a lot of worries about such an event - what to wear, what hairstyle to do, and also how to behave in such an environment with colleagues and superiors.

It seems that such fun parties are more suitable for young people, so a woman of forty years old may experience ambivalent feelings at the celebration.

On the one hand, you want to relax and support the general fun, and on the other hand, there is a fear of losing your face on the dance floor surrounded by graceful young girls.

Any corporate party is arranged by the authorities precisely with the aim of encouraging their employees, in the desire to arrange a real holiday for them.

And at such events, usually people do not hesitate to have fun and relax with all their hearts, regardless of their official position in the company.

Well, it’s really possible and even necessary to enjoy the holiday, but still, a woman at such a respectable age needs to “keep her mark” and make sure that her reputation does not suffer during the fun.

In this article, we will tell you about several rules of behavior for a woman at a corporate party and how to show yourself worthy on the dance floor.

Companies are different - some companies are a friendly team of 20-30 people, where everyone has known each other for more than one year, and some organizations, for example, large factories, have hundreds of employees in their staff, who often do not even know each other personally.

In any case, if you are going to attend a corporate party, you should adhere to these not very strict, but still rules.

  • Punctuality and dress code. The event, though festive, but still official. Most likely, before the start of the fun, the authorities decide to say acceptance speech, and maybe even award especially distinguished employees with diplomas. Therefore, it will be very impolite to be late for the start of the corporate party. The dress code also matters, as the party can take place both in a restaurant, where it is appropriate to wear evening attire, or in a country club, which involves a more informal atmosphere and comfortable clothes. Choose a refined, elegant, festive, but at the same time modest outfit no longer than the knee without a deep neckline, at the same time emphasizing the dignity of your figure.
  • Acquaintances, communication, conversations. If the team is unfamiliar to you, then a corporate party can be a great opportunity to make friends with colleagues. However, you should not cross the boundaries of what is permitted in communication, perhaps the interlocutor will not want to be frank even in such a fun environment. Talking only about work is also not worth it, because many people came to the party in order to relax and escape from everyday work.
  • Plan entertainment program. Any event has its own logical sequence of events - at the beginning of the evening there is usually a solemn part, speeches and congratulations, followed by a buffet with snacks, drinks and communication at the table, and only when everyone has completely relaxed, the entertainment and dance program comes into its power. Wait until the majority of people enter the dance floor, do not try to stand out with such an initiative as the desire to start dancing faster, because you are already a respectable lady, and not a young girl who can afford such carelessness.

How to behave on the dance floor for a woman over 40

By themselves, dancing seems to be a very harmless entertainment, but in a corporate setting it can be interpreted ambiguously.

Let's think about hidden dangers for a woman who dances at a festive event.

  1. A slow dance. Even if you - family woman with children, you may still be invited to a romantic pair dance. Whether to accept such an invitation or not is a purely personal matter and depends on your attitude towards the very possibility of dancing with another man. However, what if you were invited by the director of the firm himself? Most likely, it will be simply unacceptable to refuse him, because for someone a slow dance is just harmless entertainment, and your prejudices can be interpreted differently and not in your favor. Even if you accepted the invitation, try to keep the tactile contact between you and your partner as innocent as possible, and the distance between the bodies, which is called "pioneer".
  2. Dance competitions. Such entertainment, although very fun for observers, but the hero of the action, as a rule, always puts him in an absurd position. So that in the morning you won’t be ashamed and bitter about your clumsy “pas” in the image of some character, you should politely refuse to participate in such competitions where you need to dance.
  3. Liberated dances. It happens that the company is already very cheerful and friendly, and you have "a little" gone over with alcohol ... I want the apogee of the holiday, everyone's attention, and just prove to myself that "there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks." In this state, many ladies decide on the unthinkable - dancing on the table and even a light striptease. Needless to say, how incompatible this behavior is with the image of a beautiful forty-year-old woman?

If you are not confident in your dancing skills, then it may well be that the only right decision is to give up dancing altogether.

It is unlikely that someone will be able to drag you to the dance floor by force if you do not want it, and the boss, on the contrary, can appreciate your restraint and seriousness.

As a rule, a series of cheerful office parties begins in early December. And since a corporate party is exactly the kind of vacation where you really can’t relax, we have compiled a small guide to the most controversial and not as harmless as it might seem, entertainment at a corporate party, namely dancing. We will tell you how not to lose face.

No striptease

Of course, it would never occur to anyone in their right mind and solid memory to perform similar dances. But anything happens, so we strongly do not recommend overdoing it with alcohol, although there will be many temptations in the evening. Remember, despite the fact that on the one hand, there will be a table with free and endless drinks and “fun” colleagues who will furiously tease and shout - “Drink to the bottom!”, On the other hand, there will always be a boss who, even at a corporate party, remains yours leader. Even if you are used to being the center of attention, the phrase “Well, you gave yesterday!”, Which will fly around the whole office the next day, in this case, is unlikely to sound like a compliment.

The director cannot be denied.

it Golden Rule corporate party. To refuse the director who invited you to the dance means to offend him, and to offend the director means a lot of terrible consequences. During the slow dance with the director, keep a distance so as not to give rise to unnecessary activity in your address (except if you are secretly in love with him, and even then you should think three times!). But if your boss is very drunk and asks you to dance, you can, no, you just have to politely refuse. State what you need to the ladies' room, or pretend the phone is ringing. It won't be too difficult, but the next day the boss will be grateful that he didn't have to blush when you met in the hallway.

Dancing with a colleague - keep your distance

If you are invited to dance by a work colleague or a subordinate, the choice: to dance or not is yours. The main thing during the dance, do not forget about the distance. Even if the atmosphere seems laid-back and, it seems, “all your own”, you must remember that tomorrow, at any opportunity, you can become the epicenter of unnecessary gossip.

Don't make sudden movements

Feel the rhythm and move to the beat of the music. It is not necessary, wanting to seem liberated and bold, to make movements that are unusual for you in life. jerky movements and awkward turns, again, happen with alcohol abuse. Try not to lead to such situations, and if you feel that you have drunk too much, skip the first “pas” and wait until you feel better. After all, a couple of missed tracks, in this case, can save a reputation.

Say no to table dancing

Especially if you are in a high position at work. Even if the body requires "wild dances" and all the limiters have long been torn off by the last glass of rum, tell yourself - stop! Subordinates may stop taking you seriously, but does your boss need such a “right hand”.

Avoid plasticity competition

This is especially true for beginners! Even if you are a very good dancer, you should not join dance battles. It is not known what an ordinary competition can result in, because with one turn of the hip in right side this is clearly not limited. If you have recently entered this team and believe that in this way you will immediately become “your own”, you are deeply mistaken. Most often, the most “funny” employees are watching this competition, and the most intelligent and important ones are sitting on the sidelines. Buying time to make contact with the second will be much more fruitful.

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