Tibetan health-improving gymnastics for centenarians. Video exercises of Tibetan gymnastics for healing and longevity


Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has been known for more than a decade, but it has attracted close attention only now. A set of simple exercises is credited with truly miraculous properties, starting with the ability to live an additional twenty to thirty years.

What gives?

The monks of Tibetan monasteries are famous for their health and longevity. This fact can be associated with an ascetic lifestyle, a special mountain climate, and proper nutrition. But supporters of hormonal gymnastics give her the leading role in longevity.

Hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks helps:

  • Proper functioning of all body systems;
  • Stabilize the hormonal background, which is especially important for women;
  • Improve hearing and vision acuity;
  • Improve and rejuvenate the body;
  • Improve memory;
  • Stimulate the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Get rid of psycho-emotional stress, chronic fatigue;
  • cure chronic diseases;
  • Increase life span;
  • Strengthen blood vessels;
  • Establish lymph outflow;
  • Strengthen muscles and joints, get rid of pain;
  • Improve skin tone, get rid of cellulite and excess weight;
  • Align the oval of the face, tighten the chin, get rid of wrinkles;
  • Recharge with vigor and energy for the whole day

Execution rules

One of the brightest followers of the Tibetan monks was Olga Orlova, a folk healer who practices breathing, volitional, and hormonal techniques on herself. She strongly recommends that you follow the basic rules for performing a gymnastic complex, since without them there will be no expected effect.

  1. The optimal time to perform a set of exercises is considered early in the morning (before six in the morning), but if it is not possible to do gymnastics in the morning, then it is better to do it at a convenient time than to skip the day altogether;
  2. The second rule automatically follows from the first rule - it is necessary to perform the exercises every day, without gaps;
  3. Exercises are performed after waking up in bed. If the mattress is too soft, then you can move to the floor, to a gym mat or blanket;
  4. At the time of recovery, it is recommended to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs. It is best to give up bad habits in principle;
  5. Gymnastics is suitable for people of any age, but has a number of contraindications;
  6. All exercises are performed in a clearly defined rhythm: 1 second - one movement. Almost every exercise must be repeated 30 times in a row;
  7. At the initial stage, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, Olga Orlova warns about this and indicates that this is a normal, natural reaction of the body;
  8. To activate the lymph flow and start the digestive system, after the end of the gym, you should drink a glass of warm boiled water;
  9. Women during the exercises put their left hand on top, and the right hand on the bottom.


There are a number of diseases in which you need to approach the implementation of Tibetan gymnastics with caution or abandon this method of treatment altogether:

  • The rehabilitation period after surgical interventions;
  • State of hypertensive crisis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Diseases of the spine, joints during an exacerbation

In each case, everything is individual, diseases are not a direct ban, but require specialist advice.


Morning hormonal gymnastics consists of ten exercises, which must be performed in a strictly established sequence and a clear rhythm. There is a gradual activation of the endocrine glands, the lymph flow starts, the body starts working after sleep.

No. 1: warming up the palms

First you need to warm up the palms, give them energy. To this end, the palms rub against each other with a fairly large force. After doing the exercise, you should feel warmth in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands. Hot palms are an excellent sign indicating the vitality and powerful biofield of a person.

The less heat, the more "breakdowns" in the energy circuit. Moisturizing the skin of the hands, lethargy indicates the presence of chronic diseases.

It is in order to get rid of them and restore the biofield that the gymnastic exercises of Tibetan monks are intended.

2: Eye Charging

The second exercise is called the fashionable term "palming" - measures aimed at restoring visual acuity.

Warmed palms are placed on the eyes and pressed with medium force, the frequency is one movement per second. After thirty clicks, you need to pause, but do not remove your hands from your eyes for 30 seconds to two minutes.

As a result, blood circulation (nutrition) of the eyes and receptors around them is activated, vision improves, and chronic eye diseases disappear.

3: to hear better

The palms of the hands are placed on the auricles, the fingers are pulled back and closed with each other at the back of the head. Similar to the previous exercise, it is necessary to press on the ears (press the palms tightly) for thirty seconds (thirty times).

Exercise helps to restore hearing and eliminate chronic ear diseases. The main rule: gymnastics should not cause pain. If they appear, reduce the force of pressure.

4: return the oval of the face

In order to restore tone to the cells of the face, tighten the oval, get rid of wrinkles, it is necessary to do an exercise for facelift.

To perform it, hands are placed on the face, thumbs are taken behind the ears. The brushes are clenched into fists and intensively massage the skin from the bottom up, from the chin to the ears. It takes half a minute to complete.

After the end, blood rushes to the face, it turns pink, becomes ruddy. Lymph flow contributes to the disappearance of sagging, edema.

5: don't frown

To smooth the skin of the forehead, you need to put your palms one on top of the other and massage your forehead from one temple to another.

Performing this exercise stimulates the pituitary gland, smoothes wrinkles, and has a beneficial effect on the health of the sinuses.

6: on top

In order to restore the biofield, the sixth exercise of the complex is used.

Important: movements are made without touching the scalp, about three centimeters above it.

  • The first part: put a roller under the neck. Interlock your fingers into the lock and hold “strokes” above your head from the forehead to the back of the head and back. The rhythm is the same;
  • The second part: similar "strokes" across the head, from the left ear to the right.

This exercise allows you to return blood pressure to normal, improve the mobility of joints, muscles, and relieve pain.

7: “turn on” the thyroid gland

In this exercise, the right hand rests on the throat in the region of the thyroid gland.

For women:

  • The left moves over the body, a few centimeters from the skin, down to the umbilical fossa (thirty times). After the end, both hands remain on the throat for another half a minute.

For men:

  • Similarly, but the left hand remains motionless, and the movements are performed by the right

8: turn on the sun within ourselves

The exercise includes massage of the abdomen and exposure to the solar plexus.

For massage, hands are placed one on top of the other (women - left on top, men - right) and make circular movements on the stomach in a clockwise direction. Thus, intestinal motility improves, digestive problems, constipation, flatulence, and excessive gas formation disappear.

The field of the end of the massage palms remain in the area of ​​the solar plexus for another thirty seconds.

9: shaking feet and hands

Lying on your back, raise your arms and legs up. Keep them as straight as possible, place your feet and hands parallel to the bed.

  • Rotate the hands and ankles clockwise - 30 times;
  • Counterclockwise - 30 times;
  • Tilt the hands and ankles forward and backward 30 times;
  • Shake the limbs - 30 times.

The surface should be hard enough to keep the back straight and the spine tense.

10: rub heels

To perform the tenth, final exercise of the hormonal Tibetan gymnastics complex, it is necessary to take a sitting position.

If the skin of the legs is dry, it must be moistened with vegetable oil or cream.

  • In a circular motion, alternately rub the feet, pressing on the active points in the center;
  • Rub and stretch the phalangeal joints;
  • Continue massaging the legs, rising to the knees. Pay special attention to the ankles, popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes.

You can finish the cycle with circular movements of the neck, ten times in each direction.

Proper nutrition improves health

To complement the effect that hormonal gymnastics has, breathing exercises, a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and a change in the concept of nutrition will help:

  1. Products must be subjected to minimal heat treatment;
  2. Food should be fresh, not heated, you should not cook for the future;
  3. Useful boiled and baked food;
  4. Fry should be in ghee, refusing vegetable;
  5. Foods rich in starch should not be processed at high temperatures;
  6. Milk is good for children and not for adults;
  7. Separate nutrition allows you to maintain the intestines in order - a combination of incompatible products causes decay, fermentation, and intestinal disorders.

Just a few minutes a day will allow you to set up your body for proper functioning, launch its protective functions, and recharge your batteries.

The inherently simple hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks will be beneficial if you believe in it and set yourself up for success, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of Olga Orlova's fans and her methodology.

Wisdom has been accumulated in Tibet for centuries. The monks learned to comprehend the relationship of phenomena occurring in the universe. And their medicine, which often defies scientific explanation, really helps. At the same time, it does not heal a single disease, but restores the entire body. It is on this principle that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics works.

Gymnastics consists of very simple exercises. It does not require special training or any devices. You don't need a gym to do it. And, which is very important for the modern frantic pace of life, it takes very little time.

For the first time, an 84-year-old engineer, who was distinguished by good health and youthful appearance, spoke publicly about the hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks. The man said that he once took part in the construction of a power plant in Tibet. Their brigade provided electricity to one of the monasteries. In gratitude, the monks taught a unique gymnastics.

Operating principle

Tibetan gymnastics is based on the teachings about the human biofield. It is believed that as a result of external influences, it loses its harmony. The person starts to get sick. Gymnastics allows you to return harmony to the biofield. This point of view is shared by psychics. But for an ordinary person, this principle looks somewhat incomprehensible.

Doctor Yulia Yusipova, who has been studying Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine for a long time, says that the technique allows you to influence energy centers (some active points, of which there are quite a lot on the human body). During gymnastics, these centers are massaged, which forces the body to tune in to self-healing.

The ABC of Youth (a set of healing and rejuvenating techniques) with Nelly Shishatskaya recommends that you perform the exercises provided for by hormonal gymnastics as a morning exercise. It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands. So the body normalizes the production of hormones, rejuvenation and healing occur.

Positive aspects

Tibetan monks have always been famous for their excellent health, youthfulness and were reputed to be long-lived. Of course, this is dictated by the right way of life. Gymnastics also played an important role. Experts, analyzing the impact of this set of exercises on a person, argue that the technique is capable of:

  • prolong life by approximately 20-30 years;
  • relieve tension;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • relax spasmodic muscles;
  • activate the respiratory system;
  • restore the work of the digestive tract;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • normalize pressure;
  • enhance the synthesis of hormones of happiness;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • improve hearing;
  • stimulate mental activity;
  • tighten the skin;
  • improve joint mobility;
  • restore vision;
  • improve mood;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • energize and energize.

Tibetan gymnastics tightens the oval of the face, fights the second chin and ensures the elimination of jowls. It is recommended for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite.

Indications for use

Practicing Tibetan gymnastics is beneficial for all people. And in some cases, the technique can cure quite complex ailments.

  • Impaired blood supply. Gymnastics activates blood flow and improves blood supply to the brain. Therefore, it is recommended for encephalopathy, vertebrobasilar insufficiency.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system. Gymnastics is based on the technique of proper breathing. Thanks to this, it is possible to effectively treat diseases such as the common cold, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. It helps with bronchitis, pneumonia. There was a significant improvement in the condition of bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the excretory system. Hormonal gymnastics allows you to establish the functioning of the kidneys, improves the outflow of urine. This technique is advised to include in the treatment of pyelonephritis, renal failure, nephritis.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies. Proper breathing allows the body to receive more oxygen. This favorably affects all systems and, first of all, the heart muscle. Gymnastics helps to treat hypertension, ischemia, it is recommended for hypotension and VVD.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The Tibetan technique eliminates such unpleasant phenomena as dyspeptic disorders, flatulence. And gymnastics is especially effective for disorders dictated by a psychological factor, for example, with irritable bowel syndrome, eating disorders.
  • Joint diseases. Tibetan gymnastics improves lymph flow and blood flow, so that damaged joints receive better nutrition. Doctors believe that this technique is most useful for arthritis, gout, arthrosis.

Tibetan gymnastics is not an alternative to treatment prescribed by a doctor. Especially in oncology. It can only serve as an adjunct to therapy. And only if the attending physician approves it.


Hormonal gymnastics is one of the few methods that has no absolute contraindications. However, for some diseases, it is recommended to perform exercises in a gentle mode. People with the following conditions should be especially careful.

  • Pathologies of the spine. In case of severe curvature of the spine, the presence of intervertebral hernias, especially sequestered ones, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Diseases in the acute stage. An exacerbation of arthritis or a hypertensive crisis, a heart attack or a perforation of an ulcer are those pathologies in which you should not practice gymnastics.
  • Mental disorders. Various neuroses, psychoses, depressive states can only be treated under the supervision of a psychiatrist or neurologist.
  • Postoperative conditions. Gymnastics can provoke a divergence of the seams.

7 rules of recovery

Folk healer Olga Orlova in her videos clearly demonstrates the technique. She emphasizes that only strict adherence to the recommendations will achieve rejuvenation and recovery. Therefore, heading for longevity without disease, follow these seven recommendations.

  1. No to bad habits. The gymnastics of Tibetan monks is completely incompatible with the wrong way of life. In an effort to improve your body, start with a categorical exclusion from your life of alcohol, smoking, and especially drugs.
  2. Place . A big plus of this technique is that you do not need to run to the fitness room. Tibetan gymnastics is performed at home, without even getting out of bed. However, the surface must be solid. Therefore, it is better to still move to the floor, spreading a blanket or mattress.
  3. Time . Tibetan monks recommend doing gymnastics in the morning, from about 6:00 to 8:00. It is during this interval of time that the human body lends itself best to energy influences. Therefore, charging will be more efficient.
  4. Correct alternation. The complex consists of ten exercises built in a certain sequence. They cannot be interchanged. It is in this sequence that they harmoniously "tune" the energy zones.
  5. Regularity. Gymnastics must be performed daily. Experts say that sometimes you can give the body one day of rest, no more. But it’s better not to interrupt the technique, of course, if chronic pathologies have not made themselves felt.
  6. Temporary aggravation. Olga Orlova claims that exacerbations of chronic ailments may begin after a while. According to the expert, such symptoms indicate an active fight against diseases. It is important to be patient and not give up Tibetan gymnastics.
  7. Deep breathing. During hormonal gymnastics, breathing should be diaphragmatic, deep. Air is inhaled through the nose, filling the lungs as much as possible, and a calm exhalation occurs through the mouth.

Positive results from gymnastics may not be felt immediately, but only after a few months. And sometimes after a couple of years.

10 exercises

Wellness gymnastics for centenarians consists of ten exercises. Each movement must be repeated 30 times. It is important to adhere to the following pace: within one second - one movement. So, exactly half a minute is allotted for each exercise. And the whole gymnastics will take five minutes.

Warming up the palms

Peculiarities . Start with this exercise. It allows you to adjust the body to work and makes it possible to diagnose the biofield. It is believed that if the palms quickly warmed up and began to radiate heat, then health is in order. Prolonged warming up is a signal of the presence of chronic pathologies. And wet hands that do not warm up in any way characterize serious disorders in the body.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Connect your palms.
  3. Rub them vigorously for 30 seconds. The palms should become hot.

Sometimes hands can get cold quickly. If your palms are a little warm, warm them up again. You can start the next exercise only with hot hands.


Peculiarities . Eye exercise. It provides improved vision. Energy nutrition is received not only by the eyeballs, but also by important glands - the pituitary gland, the pineal gland. During exercise, the production of melatonin increases in the body. This substance not only improves hair color and protects against gray hair, but also rejuvenates all cells.

Execution technique

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Place your palms on your eye sockets.
  3. Rhythmically and gently begin to press on your closed eyes.
  4. In total, you need to make 30 such clicks.

Ear work

Peculiarities . As the name suggests, this exercise is good for the ears. And we are talking not only about the restoration of hearing, but also about the treatment of inflammatory processes. In addition, this exercise improves the condition of the vestibular apparatus, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. A nice bonus will be an improvement in the tone and texture of the skin.

Execution technique

  1. If your palms have cooled down, then reheat them.
  2. Press hot hands to your ears.
  3. Position them so that the fingers are on the back of the head, and the palms are in contact with the auricles.
  4. Do 30 simultaneous ear presses.

During pressure, discomfort or pain in the ears may occur. It is believed that this is how untreated inflammatory processes make themselves felt. It is necessary to loosen the pressure a little and continue the exercise. The discomfort will soon go away, along with chronic inflammation.

face lift

Peculiarities . This exercise is used for facelift. It improves the oval, eliminates the cheeks. In addition, it activates blood circulation, normalizes lymph flow.

Execution technique

  1. Clench your fists.
  2. Attach them to the chin so that the second phalanges are in the middle of the chin.
  3. In this case, the thumbs should also be in the center, but under the chin.
  4. Move to the earlobes, as if rubbing the lower part of the face - the lower jaw. If everything is done correctly, then your thumbs should be behind the auricles.
  5. As with all exercises, repeat this movement 30 times. And remember about the pace - half a minute for the entire exercise.

We stroke the forehead

Peculiarities . Exercise is designed to activate the functioning of the pituitary gland. It helps with a runny nose, helps to cleanse the sinuses with sinusitis. The exercise can be performed in two ways: contact and non-contact. To improve the body, most often resort to the second method. But if it is necessary to smooth out wrinkles, then the contact method is recommended, which involves touching the forehead.

Execution technique

  1. Put one hand on the other.
  2. The palms are turned towards the face.
  3. The man has his right hand on top, the woman has her left hand.
  4. Start rubbing your forehead (or drive at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface of the skin), moving between the temples.

Working with the parietal zone

Peculiarities . Non-contact head massage improves the functioning of the hypothalamus. It normalizes blood pressure. Moreover, this effect can help both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. An exercise that involves working with your hands above your head is good for the shoulder and elbow joints. Over time, their mobility increases significantly.


  1. Place a rolled towel under your neck.
  2. The hands are joined above the head, placing the left or right palm on top. It depends on gender.
  3. Without touching your head, begin to drive with your palms (at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface). Start near the forehead and move to the back of the head. Then move in the opposite direction.
  4. It is necessary to make 30 movements.
  5. After completing, hold your hand over the crown of the head, literally for a couple of seconds.
  6. Now you need to repeat 30 of the same movements, but now start near one ear and move to the other, and then back.

During the exercise, you need to breathe properly. Therefore, initially practice this technique. For example, master the breathing technique according to Ivanov.

Thyroid massage

Peculiarities . This exercise restores the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, it promotes energy to the solar plexus.

Execution technique

  1. The right hand is placed on the neck, on the thyroid gland. Men do the opposite.
  2. With your left palm, without touching the body, lead to the navel.
  3. Then go back to the thyroid gland.
  4. Repeat these movements 30 times.
  5. For the last time, returning to the thyroid gland, put one palm on the other and linger for a couple of seconds.

belly massage

Peculiarities . The next exercise should be working with the stomach. It allows you to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, provides effective bowel cleansing and fights chronic constipation.

Execution technique

  1. Place one hand on top of the other, palms facing your stomach.
  2. Perform circular motions.
  3. With each turn, slightly increase the pressure, as if plunging your hands into the abdominal cavity.

Performing the exercise, make rotational movements only in a clockwise direction. Massage in reverse instead of bowel cleansing contributes to constipation. This is due to the anatomical structure of the colon.


Peculiarities . Olga Orlova recommends doing this exercise on the floor, as a hard surface is needed. Its main task is to improve blood circulation in the vessels. In addition, the exercise is good for the joints and serves as an effective prevention of varicose veins.

Execution technique

  1. Stretch your arms up.
  2. Raise your legs in the same way.
  3. The limbs should be perpendicular to the floor, and the palms and feet should be parallel.
  4. At the same time, make rotational movements with your hands and ankles.
  5. Make 30 rotational movements.
  6. Now shake them, imitating a small tremor.

If desired, this exercise can be supplemented with the study of the elbow, knee, shoulder and pelvic joints. Finally, you can make the famous "bike".

Foot massage

Peculiarities . This is the final exercise, which should be given special attention. It is believed that it is on the foot that contains the most active points that are responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, this massage, like a conductor, allows you to adjust all systems.

Execution technique

  1. Sit in bed or in a chair in a comfortable position.
  2. Gently rub the sides of your feet. One leg, then the other.
  3. Fold your hand into a fist and massage each foot with your knuckles.
  4. Carefully work out exactly the central part, in which the largest accumulation of biological points is concentrated.
  5. If time allows, then massage your fingers, gently pull them and rub them. Then work with the shins, rise to the knees. Continuing to gently massage, reach the hips.

If during the gymnastics for the feet there is pain, then return to this area. You need to massage it again. In this case, do not press hard, so as not to increase discomfort.

After such a morning exercise, cheerfulness is felt all day long. And in order to maximize your mood for a positive and successful day, lie down in bed after gymnastics. Close your eyes and feel how the energy simply overflows your body.

The monks of Tibet, in ancient times, came up with a wellness, which has remained relevant in our time. If this exercise is performed conscientiously every day, then the human body will tone up and rejuvenate. In six months, a person will feel much better, health will improve. Thanks to Tibetan acupressure, you can get rid of chronic diseases, bring back to normal all the glands responsible for the normal functioning of the body. The human body begins to work as in 25 years.

Physical activity beats old age

People from generation to generation are trying to find out the secret of eternal youth. Sometimes this desire turns into a mania. In those days, they were constantly looking for a philosopher's stone, or they created an elixir of youth. There were also those who turned to the other world, sacrificed animals or people, only in order to secure eternal life for themselves. Each of these attempts failed.

In our time, a large number of medicines and devices have been invented that should prolong the youth of a person. People do different surgeries. Unfortunately, these methods do not always lead to success. The only thing that can be achieved is the distortion of reality and the ugliness of the natural appearance.

The only way to prolong youth is to take care of your health. This is the goal pursued by the morning exercises of Tibetan monks.

This practice is sometimes called Chinese, Thai, and even genetic. The correct name for this ritual is Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics (TGG).

Why hormonal? The answer is pretty simple. In the process of gymnastics, Tibetan acupressure is used for healing and longevity. By massaging biologically active points throughout the body, the massage therapist starts the healing process. The hormone of happiness is also released in the body. Thanks to him, the body is toned, the glands begin to actively produce hormones and the whole system returns to normal. That is why Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body of long-livers women and men charge with strength, energy and turn time.

biologically active points on the palms and feet

Benefits and contraindications for hormonal gymnastics

Thousands of people practice the hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks and feel its beneficial effects on themselves. The main thing they like is the ability to do exercises without getting out of bed. This technique is also called gymnastics for lazy people.

Thanks to Tibetan gymnastics for healing, the human endocrine system returns to normal. The right amount of hormones necessary for the functioning of the body enters the bloodstream. They are responsible for the natural processes occurring in the human body. If there is even the slightest failure in the hormonal system, the body will immediately respond to it. A person begins to get sick and eventually grow old.
Morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics gently affects the body, activates all the necessary points, smoothly awakening the body as a whole. Completely simple exercises performed directly in bed charge a person with vigor for the whole day. Thanks to this, a person feels a surge of vivacity for the whole day.

The benefits that Tibetan gymnastics brings for healing:

Tibetan monk

  • a person who wakes up even at an early time feels vigorous all day;
  • the body is hardened during the Tibetan therapeutic gymnastics;
  • in the ears will stop ringing;
  • there is an improvement in the organs of hearing and vision;
  • the stomach gradually disappears, and with the Tibetan, the double chin also disappears;
  • aging of the body is suspended;
  • the posture of a person becomes even and beautiful;
  • bones become strong and do not break;
  • the body naturally gets rid of toxins and harmful substances;
  • each cell is saturated with oxygen.

In the process of performing Tibetan for rejuvenation, the brain receives an increased amount of oxygen, and with it a large amount of useful substances with newly received blood, which contribute to normal functioning and memory improvement.
Depending on how severe the disease is, the exercises should be done every day without interruption for six months or several years every morning.

Contraindications in Tibetan gymnastics include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in acute form;
  • hypertension;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute form of arthritis;
  • pathological changes in the spine;
  • in the postoperative period.

During the Tibetan gymnastics, the practitioner should feel pleasure. Otherwise, charging should not be done. In addition, if a person is engaged in fitness or performs yoga exercises, you should not think that such exercises can replace your usual hobbies.

Tibetan monk

Before starting gymnastics, you should familiarize yourself with basic rules of Tibetan health practice:

  1. Gymnastics will give a positive effect when it is done in the morning, immediately after waking up, namely at 5 or 6 o'clock.
  2. You should do exercises either in bed or on the floor, laying a special rug under you. The surface must be hard.
  3. To do everything correctly, you need to learn all the exercises and their sequence.
  4. During the exercise, breathing should be even and deep.
  5. During the progression of the acute form of the disease, exercises are prohibited.
  6. It is necessary to completely abandon bad habits.
  7. Gymnastics should last from 8 to 15 minutes, with each movement performed 30 times.
  8. The age of a person does not matter for gymnastics.
  9. To perform the exercises, choose a comfortable position. This health-improving gymnastics for rejuvenation and longevity differs from yoga.
    Only after familiarizing yourself with the rules can you begin to perform the exercises.

Tibetan practices

10 basic exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Tibetan self-massage includes 10 basic exercises, with the help of which a person acts on every part of his body and brings the body's mechanism into tone.

  • Hand warming exercise

In order to perform it, you need to, in a prone position, raise your hands at chest level. Then actively rub your palms. During this exercise, you need to watch your palms. Their dryness indicates human health. If, in the process of warming the hands, the palms become covered with moisture and at the same time remain cold, this indicates that there are chronic diseases in the body that must be eliminated immediately.

  • Pressure on the eyes

First you need to press on the eyes while doing a small interval. After completing the exercise, leave your palms in their original position for a few seconds. After that, the eyes should remain closed for a short period of time. Thus, the work of the eyes is stimulated. There is a release of hormones from the pituitary and pineal glands.

  • Ear pressure

The exercise is similar in principle to the previous one. The difference is that you need to put warm palms on your ears so that your wrists are on your ears and your fingers rest on the back of your head. Thirty pressures are done at short intervals. Thus, it is possible to significantly improve hearing, restore the natural color of the skin and normalize the entire vestibular apparatus.

  • Tibetan gymnastics for the face

The hand should be bent into a fist, but at the same time the thumb is retracted to the side and applied to the earlobe. With a fist, you need to make massaging hormonal movements from the nose to the ears. The area of ​​skin between the eyebrows and near the sinuses is also massaged. Thus, wrinkles on the face are smoothed, swelling on the face is reduced, the work of the lymph nodes improves and the skin color is restored.

  • Forehead smoothing

To perform this exercise, the arms are folded in such a way that one brush overlaps the other. Then you need to make circular movements from the right temple to the left. This exercise improves blood flow, smoothes wrinkles, clears the sinuses, and improves the pituitary gland.

  • Exercises for rejuvenation in a non-contact way

To make it comfortable, a roller should be placed under the neck. After that, the palms are laid on top of each other and begin to smoothly draw from the crown of the head to the forehead, while touching the surface of the head is not necessary. The palms should be at a distance of 8 centimeters from her. Then a break is made for a few seconds and the action is repeated, only this time from one ear to the other. In this exercise, the impact occurs on the shoulder part of the body. With its help, the pressure decreases, the muscles of the forearm begin to return to normal.

  • Impact on the thyroid gland

You need to cover your neck with your right hand, and make movements with your left in a non-contact way. Movements should be made from the neck to the navel. After that, both hands should be placed in the lower abdomen. Thus, a person will distribute his energy throughout the body and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  • Tibetan hormonal

This exercise is done in three stages. First you need to make circular movements clockwise with your hands lying on your stomach with your palms down. In this case, you need to slightly press on the stomach. Then move your hands to the area of ​​the solar plexus, stomach and liver, while continuing to make circular motions. After that, the hands should be placed on the back in the region of the kidneys and held there for thirty seconds. Such actions contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Along with this, the work of other internal organs is activated, energy is distributed and the metabolic process improves.

  • Warm up legs and arms

In the prone position, you need to raise your arms and legs parallel to the surface and start rotating first with the hands and feet, then gradually move to the knee and elbow joints. After completing the exercise, you need to twitch the limbs to cause vibrating waves in them. So you restore the functionality of the capillaries and at the same time develop the joints.

  • Foot and joint massage

At the end of the whole complex of gymnastics, you need to rub the feet. To do this, sit comfortably and gently, but at the same time vigorously rub your feet. Then smoothly move to the fingers, knees, hips. Then do the same with your hands. If in the process of rubbing in some area there is pain, then more attention should be paid to it. So you improve the work of the whole organism as a whole.

Tibetan hormonal massage training

In addition to exercises, you can learn yourself and teach loved ones the techniques of Tibetan massage, which is done by a massage therapist. Such procedures are divided into several methods.

  1. The first way is massaging the whole body. To do this, aromatic oils are used and movements begin from the neck and continue along the back. You need to rub all the muscles of the body gradually to fill them with energy. Point movements are made with the fingertips, making movements in a circle. Vacuum jars can also be used for massage. At the end of the massage, special flour can be rubbed into the body to absorb excess oils.
  2. Tibetan massage for facial rejuvenation starts from the neck and progresses to the face. The skin must be clean and dry. For massage, essential oils are used, which are selected individually for each type of skin. During the procedure, attention should be paid to the cheeks, nose, forehead, eyes.
  3. Energy gymnastics of Tibetan monks is a dry Tibetan massage, with the help of which there is an effect not on the body, but on the human biofield. Thanks to this, the human body begins to work as in adolescence.
  4. Massage with the help of bowls is done in order to influence every cell in the human body with the help of ultrasonic vibrations. Thus, healing occurs at the molecular level.

Tibetan bowl massage

Hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks video and reviews

According to people practicing Tibetan hormonal practice, it has a positive effect on the body, which is expressed in the following:

  1. The pressure normalizes after a few weeks of classes.
  2. Waking up in the morning is not so painful.
  3. The person becomes vigorous, ready for work.
  4. The limbs are constantly warm.
  5. Pain in the joints and spine disappears.
  6. The person no longer suffers from constipation.
  7. The limbs stop swelling.
  8. Hearing and sight return.

Video review of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics:

Tibetan health practices promote rejuvenation and longevity. People who perform these exercises improve their health, their body retains its youth for a long time.

The most important! In order for the exercise to bear fruit, first of all, you need to believe its effectiveness, diligently and regularly performing all the exercises.

Hello dear readers! Recently, I learned about another amazing gymnastics - this is hormonal Tibetan gymnastics. Are any of you familiar with such gymnastics? And a friend of mine told me about it when we started talking about how to stay healthy and energetic longer. My friend has been doing this gymnastics for more than a year and, as she claims, she feels much better, many health problems are gone, she gets sick less often, and she has enough energy for the whole day. I also tried these fairly simple 10 exercises and it took me about 7-8 minutes to do it all. If you are not familiar with such a wellness complex, then I recommend it!

There is such a legend. Or maybe it was in fact, but the beginning of the popularity of anti-aging gymnastics falls on Soviet times. In those distant Soviet years in Tibet, Soviet engineers were building a power plant, the power line passed not far from the Tibetan monastery. And one engineer decided of his own free will to bring electricity to the village, where the monks lived at that time without electricity.

The monks liked the innovation very much and, in gratitude for such a generous gift, one of the monks showed the exercises of this gymnastics. This engineer is now about 90 years old, but they say that he is full of energy and is in his right mind.

And this gymnastics became popular thanks to the video of Olga Orlova, where she shows and tells how to do it correctly. This gymnastics is used not only for healing, but also for weight loss.

What is good hormonal Tibetan gymnastics

More and more adherents of this gymnastics appear. Someone even called it gymnastics for the lazy. Why? Probably because it can be done even in bed. So why has she become so popular?

It is known that Tibetan monks, performing these exercises daily, are always distinguished by good health and longevity. Because gymnastics

    • slows down the aging process, rejuvenating the body, improves overall health;
    • improves mood, tones, gives vitality, strength and energy for the whole day;
    • contributes to the normal functioning of all systems and organs of the body;
    • with its help, any diseases are cured;
  • the work of the endocrine glands improves and the hormonal background normalizes, facilitates the course of menopause;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • promotes weight loss, eliminates fat folds on the abdomen, cellulite and the second chin;
  • increases life expectancy by 20-30 years.

It should be noted that after performing such exercises for several months, you will hardly notice any positive changes in your health or appearance. But they will, if you follow certain rules when they are implemented.

Rules for performing Tibetan gymnastics

You can start doing such gymnastics at any age, it doesn’t matter how old you are if you decide to do these exercises.

The main condition: the exercises must be carried out daily and always before 6 o'clock in the morning.

This is a great alternative to fitness, which takes at least an hour. The best time for classes is early morning, Tibetan monks do gymnastics until 6 am. At this time, energy forces have a better effect on the human body. Given the different time zones and the rhythm of life of modern people, the optimal time for residents of central Russia is from 6 to 8 in the morning. Of course, hormonal gymnastics can be done at any other time, but the monks say that the effectiveness will be slightly less.

  1. Exercise should be done on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Exercises should be carried out lying in bed or on any other hard surface, for example, on the floor, spreading a rug or thin mattress.
  3. When performing exercises, breathing should be measured and deep; this is, first of all, breathing exercises.
  4. Each exercise consists of 30 repetitions, the frequency of movements is approximately equal to your heart rate. It turns out that it takes only half a minute to complete one exercise. But in general, gymnastics will take no more than 5-7 minutes.
  5. After the first days, discomfort and some soreness may appear, this should not be frightened.
  6. After doing the exercises, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water to activate the lymphatic system and the digestive tract.
  7. Starting Tibetan gymnastics, you should forever forget about the use of drugs, alcohol and smoking.
  8. When doing exercises, focus on quality: focus on proper breathing and your own feelings.

Who can do Tibetan gymnastics

Everyone can do hormonal Tibetan gymnastics. But if you have health problems, these exercises are definitely shown to you. When doing them, you must first of all understand why you are doing it. Mindless execution will not bring benefits.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a philosophy, not just exercises. For it to have a really noticeable effect, you need to be attentive to the signals of your body. If you are too far from believing in energy flows and the existence of chakras, gymnastics may not be for you.

Contraindications for Tibetan gymnastics

However, if you have high blood pressure (crisis), recent surgeries, acute arthritis, diseases and hernias of the spine, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, Parkinson's disease - you should not do such gymnastics yet. In any case, you should consult your physician.

Getting Started with Tibetan Gymnastics

So, you are awake. Good morning! Stretch and smile, create a good mood for yourself. It is better not to do gymnastics in a bad mood, there will be no effect!

  • Rubbing the palms. Without getting out of bed, rub your palms together so that you feel that they have become hot. At the same time, you can find out what your biofield is: if your palms are dry and hot, then everything is in order with your biofield. If the palms remain warm, then your biofield is reduced, and if they become wet, then this indicates that there is a malfunction in your body and you need to pay attention, there may be serious health problems.
  • Palming or biofaresis. This exercise should be familiar to you, so we started the exercises for and. After rubbing the palms, put the inside of the palm to the eyes and press on the closed eyeballs - 1 pressure in 1 second. We do 30 pressures. Do not immediately remove your palms, stay in this position for another half a minute, and if you want to improve your eyesight, then leave your palms in front of your eyes for 2 minutes. Interestingly, such palming improves the nutrition of the eyeball and nerve receptors of the eye, thereby improving vision and gray hair disappears.
  • Ear pumping. Interlock your fingers at the back of your head as if you are lying on a pillow with your fingers crossed under your head. But in this case, press the palms of your hands to your ears. Press your palms on your ears at the same pace - 1 pressure in 1 second, do 30 pressures. If there is pain when pressing, then press lightly. It is known that various organs are projected on the auricles, so such a massage of the auricles will help get rid of many diseases and at the same time hearing will improve.
  • Facelift. This exercise will improve lymph flow, as well as help get rid of the second chin and make the face oval beautiful. After the exercise, you will feel a rush of blood to your face. Clench your hands into fists so that your thumbs are behind your ear. Make gentle rubbing movements with clenched fists from the center of the chin to the ears.
  • Forehead massage. Place the palm of your left hand on your right and, with slight pressure, use the inside of your palm to massage from one temple to another. Even if you do not touch the skin, the effect of the exercise will still be. In this way, the nasal passages are healed and the pituitary gland is activated.
  • Massage of the parietal region. Put your left palm on your right and make stroking movements above your head, from one ear to another through the parietal region. The pace is the same. Thanks to this exercise, the mobility of the joints of the hands improves, and blood pressure also normalizes.
  • Thyroid massage. right palm put on the area of ​​​​the thyroid gland, and with the left palm we make movements from the thyroid gland to the navel. At the last 30th movement, we lower both palms to the navel. Thus, the functioning of the thyroid gland improves, immunity increases.
  • Belly massage. Again, put your left palm on your right and slowly, in circular motions clockwise, massage your stomach. This exercise contributes to good intestinal motility and its timely emptying. Important, make movements only clockwise, otherwise you can harm yourself (possible volvulus).
  • Shaking hands and feet. If you are sitting, lie on your back. Raise both arms up, perpendicular to the torso. Raise both legs up at a right angle. Shake your arms and legs for 30 seconds, then rotate your hands and feet to improve blood circulation.

  • Rubbing feet. To perform this exercise, you must sit down. We rub the feet, especially the middle part, then all the toes. Remember that all organs are also projected on the feet. We rub the feet first, then we rise higher, to the knees. We do the same with the second leg.

I found this video for you, where you can see how gymnastics exercises are performed correctly.


When my friend told me and showed me these exercises, I kept thinking how to remember all this. And when I did this hormonal Tibetan gymnastics several times, it turns out that it is not so difficult to remember: the sequence of exercises goes from top to bottom.

Remember the main thing is that you need to do gymnastics constantly. And even if, for some reason, you didn’t manage to do gymnastics right away, then do it as soon as possible. And do not forget that no more than 30 seconds are allotted for one exercise.

I looked on the Internet, there are various complexes that include from 5 to 20 exercises. Many complexes are added, but they are also useful. And you have to choose how you will do it. Or maybe you already do and you like this gymnastics? Write about it in the comments.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

In the 80s, a group of Soviet specialists installed a power plant in the Tibetan mountains. There they met monks from the local monastery. The head of the brigade extended the power line for them for a day. The monks had nothing to repay this generous gift and they thanked the workers by sharing with them the secrets of gymnastics for longevity.

20 years later, one of the engineers of that brigade told this story in Komsomolskaya Pravda. At the age of 80, he felt great thanks to practical training in the Tibetan methodology.

To be honest, I did not find this issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Internet. I learned this story from the video of Olga Orlova, thanks to her for making this technique accessible to everyone.

A complex of hormonal gymnastics lying in bed

Exercises of this gymnastics are done lying in bed after waking up. Best before 6 am. No special skills are required for this, everything is very simple and does not take much time, 5-10 minutes a day is enough. The main thing is to observe the stages of actions, the exercises are done in a complex, and not separately.

Exercise #1

Lying on your back, raise your hands up and join your palms together, then make 10-20 short rubbing movements (palms up and down). With the help of this ingenuous action, the general state of the biofield is diagnosed. If the palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with the energy of your body, if they are slightly warmed up, then there are some malfunctions, and if they are cold or moist, then this indicates problems with the vegetative-vascular system and a low level of energy. Regardless of the result, we move on to the next exercise.

Exercise #2

We apply the heated pads of the palms to the closed eyes and make light pressure movements. 30 movements of 1 second are enough. It is best to count to yourself. If you have poor eyesight, then leave after the thirtieth pressing of the palm of your hand in front of your eyes for 1-2 minutes. This will warm the eyes, nourish them with energy and help restore vision.

Exercise #3

Repeat the first exercise and put your palms on your ears and do the same rhythmic pressure actions as in the previous lesson. We count 30 movements in 1 second.

Exercise number 4

We put our fingers together in a gesture denoting "class!" (4 fingers in a relaxed fist, thumbs pointing up). We apply the fists to the lower part of the face so that the thumbs are behind the ears. We begin to make movements with our hands up and down, from the ears to the chin and in the opposite direction. It turns out a kind of facelift. Run 30 times.

Exercise number 5

We put the right palm to the forehead, and press it with the left palm. We make movements of hands from one temple to another and vice versa. Within 30 seconds we do 30 movements.

Exercise number 6

This exercise is also done lying down, but the pillow must be placed so that the head is slightly overhang. We put the left palm on the right and raise it above the head at a distance of about 5 cm. We make 30 movements from the top of the head to the forehead and in the opposite direction.

Exercise number 7

Hands are in exactly the same position as in the previous exercise. But this time we move our hands along the path - from the left ear to the right and back. We do 30 times.

Exercise number 8

We put our right hand on the thyroid gland, and with the left hand we describe an arc from the thyroid gland to the navel and in the opposite direction. For the 30th time, we put the left hand to the right and lower it onto the stomach.

Exercise number 9

In the position in which we completed the previous action, we begin to stroke the stomach in a clockwise direction. Only 30 turns.

Exercise number 10

We raise our arms and legs to a vertical position and make circular movements with our hands and feet. Several times in one direction and several times in the opposite direction. Then we begin to shake the hands and feet. This lesson can be divided into 2, separately for the arms and separately for the legs, or can be performed together.

Exercise number 11

We sit down and rub our legs. First, the feet, then we rise higher and massage the kneecaps, then the hips.

Pleasant results from the technique can be felt after the first session. The brain wakes up faster from sleep, the body is filled with a charge of vivacity and strength. There is a warm-up of the joints, the blood begins to circulate better. But to improve the body and for more noticeable effects, you need to practice daily for several months.

Here is a list of the positive results that this gymnastics contributes to:

  • improved vision and hearing
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • body rejuvenation
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increased immunity

From the reviews of people who have been practicing this technique for a long time, we can conclude that with the help of it you can get rid of chronic diseases and even tumors. It seems fantastic that such simple actions can bring such results. Although all this has a completely understandable justification, because during the performance of these exercises the points responsible for various organs are massaged, internal energy flows are activated and the chakras open.

Contraindications of Tibetan gymnastics

There are no strict contraindications for performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. But it is better to refrain from it after operations and during pregnancy. If you are in doubt about whether you can perform these exercises, then consult your doctor.

It should also be borne in mind that if you have chronic diseases, then during the course of hormonal gymnastics, the symptoms may intensify. These side effects are due to the fact that the disease is, as it were, drawn out of the body. In her video, Olga Orlova says that after 2 weeks of daily practice, her ear pain intensified, but she continued the practice and soon got rid of chronic inflammation.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, reviews and results

There are not many reviews on the Internet regarding this gymnastics and some of them are contradictory. You can find both positive and negative. Believe them or not, it's up to each individual.

Here are some of the positive reviews I found:

The complex consists of 11 exercises for 30 seconds, so it turns out that 5 and a half minutes are enough to complete it. I think that such a simple and fast technique deserves attention. If you have not tried it yet, then try it, and if you already practice it, then share your impressions in the comments to the article.

Video master class in hormonal gymnastics

Video by Olga Orlova with a detailed explanation of gymnastics

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

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