Types of installed equipment. Types of main equipment and its brief description


Production equipment (working machines) is the most active part of fixed assets. The number of production equipment, its composition, condition and degree of use depend on the possibility of increasing the volume and increasing the growth rate of production in all sectors of the economy. A huge role in this is played by the improvement of utilization, as well as the reconstruction and modernization of production equipment, primarily complex mechanization, which contributes to the elimination of manual labor, and complex automation of production, which provides for the transition to automated workshops and enterprises.

The purpose of production equipment is to change the shape or physical and chemical properties of the objects of labor. The variety of types of production equipment, its difference in purpose, design, operating principles, and the like make it necessary to classify working machines.

Depending on the method of influence on the object of labor machines are divided into two main groups:

Machines for machining;

Machines (devices) for chemical and thermal (thermal) treatment of objects of labor.

The first group includes a variety of machine tools for cutting metal and wood, metal forming, drilling and crushing devices and other machines that perform mechanical processing of the material.

All of these machines change only the shape of the objects of labor, while maintaining their physical and chemical properties.

Production equipment for thermal and chemical processing of materials includes blast furnaces, open-hearth furnaces, melting and electric melting furnaces, coke ovens, electric ferroalloy furnaces, sulfuric acid towers and other chemical apparatuses.

One of the important tasks of the statistics of production equipment is to study the degree of its technical perfection. The solution to this problem is helped by the classification (grouping) of equipment according to the principles of operation, drive and degree of automation.

Grouping by principle of action divides machines into those that work on the principle of rectilinear-return movement, and those that work on the principle of rotational (rotary) movement. The development of technology is aimed at the ever wider use of machines, in particular metalworking, according to the principle of rotational movement.

Important for characterizing the degree of perfection of production equipment is grouping machines according to the degree of automation. The highest degree of automation are machines that work without direct human intervention. The participation of the employee in this case is reduced to the supervision of the equipment and its regulation.

In addition to machines that are powered by hand or to each occasion and are serviced by one or more workers (zero degree of automation), there are machines that are powered by an engine, but require manual feed of the material (for example, a sewing machine with an electric motor). Here, the operating time of the machine and the worker who serves it coincide. There are also semi-automatic machines, that is, machines with a rigid (forced) connection of the working body with the object of labor, which ensures the processing of parts without the direct participation of the worker, whose role is to install and remove the part and troubleshoot. An example of a semi-automatic machine is a conventional loom.

The next degree of automation are automatic machines, that is, machines with a forced connection of the working body with the object of labor and with automatic supply of material and unloading of the processed product. In this case, the worker simultaneously serves several machines.

The highest degree of automation is achieved at automatic production and transport plants, that is, comprehensively automated enterprises.

Classification of membrane modules and devices. Apparatus for reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration are periodic and continuous action.

According to the way the membranes are arranged, the devices are divided into devices of the “filter press” type with flat-chamber filter elements, devices with cylindrical and rolled elements, and devices with membranes in the form of hollow fibers.

The listed apparatuses consist of separate sections or modules, which makes it possible to assemble apparatuses with different separation surface areas.

Depending on the shape of the membrane and the type of its installation, membrane devices are divided into four groups.

1. Apparatuses composed of modules of the filter-press type with plane-parallel filter elements (Fig.).

Rice. Scheme of the filter-press type membrane module

The module consists of frames and supporting drainage plates, through the pores of which the filtrate is discharged. The width of the channel through which the source liquid moves depends on the thickness of the gasket (frame) and is usually 0.8 ... 1.0 mm. The modules are mounted on a common frame, and the fluid to be separated can sequentially flow from one module to another or be supplied to each module independently. Within one module, the fluid moves through the channels in parallel.

The devices, made up of modules of the filter-press type, are simple in design, easy to install and maintain. The disadvantages of this type of apparatus are the low velocity of the liquid in the channel, the need for manual assembly and disassembly, and a relatively small specific filtering surface.

2. Devices with tubular filter elements. Two types of tubular elements are made: the membrane 1 is applied to the inner surface of the porous carrier tube 2 (Fig. a) or to the outer surface (Fig. b) and covered with a casing 3.

Rice. Scheme of a tubular filter element with a membrane: a - on the inner surface; b- on the outer surface

Elements with an internal membrane are advantageously used in open-case devices, when the filtrate flows freely through the surface of the tubes and is collected in trays installed at the bottom. When the initial solution moves along the tubes along the membrane, the best hydrodynamic conditions of the process are provided.

Tubular filter elements also include cylindrical cartridges consisting of a cylindrical porous frame covered with a membrane. The cartridges are equipped with sealing devices that allow you to collect pipes of a given length from them.

Tubular modules are characterized by a relatively small specific filtration surface.

3. Devices with roll or spiral modules. The spiral module device resembles a spiral heat exchanger. The spiral of the module consists of a tape of elastic drainage material 3, covered on both sides with tape membranes 2. A grid 1 of the separator is laid over the membranes. Such a multilayer tape is rolled up (Fig.) and placed in a cylindrical body.

Rice. Scheme of the roll filter module

The initial solution from the end of the roll enters immediately into all channels of the spiral, passes through them and is discharged in the form of a concentrate from the opposite end. The filtrate moves along the drainage layer from the periphery to the center of the spiral and is removed from the apparatus through the central tube.

Known modules with auxiliary tubes for the removal of the filtrate, installed in several places of the roll, modules with the end discharge of the filtrate and a whole range of designs that differ in the way of laying the roll.

The disadvantages of devices of this type are the need to replace the entire module in case of local damage to the membrane, as well as the difficulty of sealing at high operating pressure.

The advantages of roll-type modules are the high packing density of membranes and low metal consumption. The advantages of this design are indicated by the fact that plants with modules of this type are already operating in the world for desalination with a capacity of up to 10,000 m 3 per day.

4. Modules with hollow fiber membranes. These modules are structurally similar to modules with tubular membranes. The fibers are fastened at the ends of the module by filling the ends with an adhesive based on epoxy resins. Hollow fibers, which are sufficiently resistant to external and internal pressure, do not need a supporting frame, so they can be tightly packed in the form of strands inside the module. Such modules are characterized by the largest specific filtration surface. The disadvantages of modules with filter fibers are the ability to ensure mixing of the solution outside the fiber, especially inside it, as well as the need for preliminary thorough cleaning of the solution from foreign particles. Hollow fiber modules are mainly used in reverse osmosis processes.

Membrane devices have a large specific surface area of ​​separation, are easy to assemble and install, and are reliable in operation. The pressure drop in the devices is small.

The disadvantage of reverse osmosis devices is the high operating pressure, which leads to the need to use special pipeline seals and fittings designed for high pressure.

A general classification of centrifuges can be given depending on the main characteristics of the machines (Fig.).

Rice. Classification of sugar production centrifuges

First of all, centrifuges are classified according to the separation factor. Depending on this characteristic, normal ones are distinguished, in which F r<3000, и сверхцентрифуги, у которых Ф р >3000. According to the implementation of the working process, centrifuges are divided into continuously and periodically operating.

In the sugar industry, normal and filter centrifuges are used.

According to the method of removing sediment from the rotor, centrifuges with manual, gravitational, knife, pulsating, screw and inertial unloading are distinguished.

According to the nature of the location of the shaft on which the rotor is fixed, centrifuges are distinguished with a vertical and horizontal shaft arrangement. Centrifuges with a vertical shaft, depending on the location of the shaft support, can be suspended, when the support is located above the center of gravity of the rotor, and the rotor is fixed at the bottom of the shaft, and centrifuges, the rotor of which is located at the upper end of the shaft.

Separators can be classified according to the following features (fig.): technological purpose of separators; type of separators according to the design of the drum; method of unloading sediment (sludge); principle and nature of sludge discharge; design of the sludge discharge device; a method for supplying the initial heterogeneous system and removing separation products; scope (industry); type of separator drive.

Rice. Classification of separators

By technological purpose, separators are divided into three main classes:

1) separating separators used to separate a mixture of liquids that are insoluble one in another, and to concentrate suspensions and emulsions;

2) separators-clarifiers designed to separate solid particles from a liquid;

3) combined separators that serve to perform two or more operations for processing a liquid mixture.

Combined separators are called universal, which emphasizes their versatility. The class of combined separators includes separators in which the separation process is combined with some other process. So, separators-extractors, separators-reactors are known.

Two more groups can be attributed to the class of clarifier separators: separators designed for further dispersion (homogenization) of the dispersed phase of emulsions and their purification from impurities (these separators are called rate-setting separators, sometimes they are referred to as combined ones), and separators for removing microorganisms from the liquid system accumulated in the sludge space along with other mechanical impurities.

Types of separators according to the design of the drum are divided into two groups: disc and chamber. The rotor of disc separators is equipped with a package of conical inserts (plates), which divide the flow of the processed liquid into parallel thin layers; the rotor of chamber separators has a rib insert (with one chamber) or a set of concentric cylindrical inserts dividing its volume into annular chambers through which the treated liquid flows sequentially.

Disc separators, regardless of their industry and purpose, can be divided into two main types. The first type of separators has trays that provide liquid supply to the inter-tray spaces through holes in the trays themselves. Such separators are very often referred to as centrifugal tray separators. Separators also belong to this type, in which liquid comes to the top of the plates from slots in the plate holders. The second type of separators is characterized by the fact that the liquid enters the interplate spaces from the periphery and moves towards the center of the drum. The plates in these separators for the most part do not have holes.

According to the method of supplying the initial heterogeneous system and removing the separation products, three types of separators are distinguished: open, semi-closed and hermetic.

In open separators, the liquid mixture is fed into the rotor and the resulting liquid fractions are removed by an open stream. The separation process is not isolated from air access.

In semi-closed separators, the liquid is fed into the rotor in an open or closed flow, and the removal of one or both liquid fractions occurs under pressure through closed pipelines. The separation process is not isolated from air access.

Semi-closed rotors differ from open-type rotors by the presence of a device for the output of separation products under pressure.

In hermetic separators, the supply of the initial liquid to the rotor and the removal of liquid fractions occur under pressure through closed pipelines hermetically connected to the outlet pipes, the separation process in them is isolated from air access. The rotors of hermetic separators differ from the rotors of open and semi-closed separators by the design of the inlet and outlet devices.

According to the type of drive, separators are divided into three groups: with manual, combined and electromechanical drives.

Filters are classified depending on the feature into the following types:

By the type of pressure created for the movement of the filtered medium - on vacuum filters and filter presses;

By type of filtering partitions - frame, sheet, disk, cartridge, tubular;

According to the cleaning method - with manual, mechanized and regenerative cleaning;

According to the method of action - periodic and continuous action.

In the food industry, presses are used to separate the liquid phase from the solid (for example, preliminary or final pressing of food plant raw materials in the production of juices), for briquetting, granulation, etc.

By design, the press can be screw, belt, roller, piston, etc.

Not a single industry can do without special equipment, which is necessary for the production of products and goods, spare parts and other products, as well as for many other technological operations.

The implementation of the main processes in any production and in every industry is carried out by means of industrial equipment. It is a set of various machines and devices designed to perform various technological operations, in particular: finishing, harvesting, processing paintwork, thermal, and so on, necessary to obtain products of the required quality and accuracy.

Classification of industrial equipment

It can be divided into four main types according to their functional purpose:

  1. Transport vehicles are vehicles that transport goods. These include, for example, truck cranes, conveyors, transporters, loaders and stackers.
  2. Engine units. These devices are used to convert electrical or other energy into mechanical work. The list includes electric motors, hydraulic turbines and more.
  3. Machine tools or processing machines. These machines are designed to perform processing operations, or processing of various materials, for the production of various products, as well as machine components. These include turning, planing, milling and other machines, automatic lines, forging press and much more.
  4. Technological. This equipment is designed to perform several operations, it is fully automated and programmable, controlled by a remote control. An example of such a machine is a robotic arm.

Where to buy quality industrial equipment

Each consumer, regardless of whether he represents production - large or small - is looking for where sale of industrial equipment carried out on the most favorable terms for the client. These conditions mean:

  1. Quality equipment at low prices. Possibility of payment in all possible ways.
  2. The presence of a pleasant system of discounts for regular and wholesale customers.
  3. Provision of transport services (delivery, international transportation).
  4. Reduction of purchasing costs.
  5. Possibility of ordering products of a certain brand and manufacturer.
  6. Opportunity to buy the necessary components, spare parts, consumables for the purchased equipment.

And there is such a company that is ready to provide all of the above conditions for its customers. It is DMLieferant. It is the market leader in the supply of imported and domestic industrial equipment. The company is constantly developing, but even today its list of official suppliers includes more than 2,300 foreign companies.

The benefits of DMLieferant aresupply of industrial equipment and spare parts in the shortest possible time from any foreign manufacturers, as well as comprehensive service. For regular customers, free import / export of the necessary product samples, favorable conditions for cooperation and payment are provided.

Every industry requires equipment for the production of various goods and products, spare parts and other products, as well as for processing products and performing other production processes. Industrial equipment is a range of different machines and devices that are designed to perform all kinds of technological operations in order to obtain the required products of the required quality. It can be processing, harvesting, finishing and other operations. Many organizations also need to upgrade industrial equipment. So, if you need, for example, compressor equipment, you can order it on the website gk-sk.ru. The online store of this company presents a large selection of compressors.

Main types of equipment

Depending on the functional purpose, the following main types of industrial equipment can be distinguished:

1. Vehicles for transportation, which include various vehicles designed to transport various goods. For example, truck cranes, conveyors, loaders and many others.
2. Machines-motors designed to transform various types of energy into mechanical work. Such units include hydraulic turbines, electric motors, steam units.
3. Processing machines designed to perform actions for the processing or processing of various materials, the production of various products and machine parts, using mechanical energy for this. These are metal-cutting, planing machines, machines for processing various materials, presses, etc.
4. Technological equipment, with the help of which work is performed in an automated way, while the equipment is fully automated and controlled using a special remote control.

Separately, we can say about the processing machines, which are necessarily present at any manufacturing enterprise, with the help of which the production and processing of products of varying degrees of complexity is carried out.

The machine itself is a unit with the help of which the processing of various materials and the production of products used in various industries is carried out. This type of industrial equipment is very diverse. We can distinguish the following groups of industrial machines:

Various metalworking machines: metal cutting and forging and pressing machines;
other metalworking units;
equipment for processing products from various materials: ceramics, wood, stone, plastic, presses for the manufacture of DSPR;
equipment for welding and soldering.

Other types of classification

Industrial equipment can be distinguished by other criteria:

1. Depending on the conditions of transportation: oversized and oversized.
2. Depending on the features of the device:
with engineering equipment, for example, escalators, elevators, etc.;
with technological and energy equipment, for example, transformers, hydraulic machines, etc.
3. According to the method of exposure: mechanical, chemical, thermal.
4. By the nature of use: universal, specialized.

Turning to a specialized company, you can pick up any necessary industrial equipment.

Fixed assets- the main mechanical source of the production process. By means of a complex of machines and machine tools, a continuous process of manufacturing goods necessary for society takes place at the enterprise.

In addition, in addition to equipping with equipment, premises and various kinds of structures are needed in which or through which production activities would take place (buildings, bridges, tunnels, etc.). Machinery and equipment occupy the leading place in the composition of active fixed assets. According to their role in the production process, two types of machines can be distinguished.

Power Machines are power equipment that produces energy of various types (thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc.) or converts one type of energy into another. The energy factor is one of the most important elements through which the production process is carried out, the operation of machinery and equipment is ensured by the flow of current flows, as well as normal working conditions due to the lighting of production facilities. There are the following types of power machines:

1) prime movers that convert the energy of natural resources into mechanical energy (for example, gas and hydraulic turbines);

2) electric motors or secondary motors (for example, electric motors, which are an important part of the main production assets). On their basis, the entire volume of useful work is performed in the production of certain types of products, depending on the production specialization;

3) various electrical devices (welding, electric furnaces), through which the product acquires a certain shape and volume;

4) steam boilers, electric generators, transformers and other current converters.

Thus, power machines, being a source of recycled energy, ensure the operation of fixed assets, the task of which is the production of finished products.

working machines are a complex of machines and equipment, with the help of which workers act on the object of labor, which is raw materials and materials. In other words, it is production equipment.

Working machines for general production purposes are used in absolutely all industries, regardless of their specialization and technological orientation. This type of equipment includes conveyors, sorting machines, etc. Along with them, there are specialized machines that take place in a particular enterprise. Each industry has a special way of influencing the object of labor. In accordance with this, for example, in metallurgy there is production equipment for the following types of work:

1) mechanical processing of metals, which is carried out through the operation of metal-cutting equipment (drilling, turning, milling machines, etc.);

2) heat treatment of metal by means of exposure to sources of thermal energy, changes in the temperature regime. For example, in this way the process of melting metals is carried out, giving them the desired shape or creating alloys;

3) chemical treatment of metal by exposing it to chemically active elements.

2. Available equipment

Equipment at enterprises, depending on their production specialization, is of great practical importance. This is the so-called main active force of production, with the exception of workers, whose work is also highly valued. Equipment is a means of labor with which workers carry out labor activities.

Available equipment- this is a set of machines and machine tools that have already been purchased and are the property of the enterprise, that is, they are listed on its balance sheet and in inventory records. In accordance with their inclusion in the production process, the equipment is installed and uninstalled.

Installed equipment- machines ready for the manufacture of products that are located in workshops or other production facilities. It includes the following categories of equipment.

1) operating machinery and equipment- those who perform useful work, directly or indirectly participating in the production process. They are put into circulation at the present time and already transfer their own value to the manufactured product. It is this type of equipment that is called the main one, through which the planned production and operation of the enterprise as a whole are carried out;

2) dormant equipment turns out to be outside the production cycle for a number of reasons, including conservation, and various kinds of malfunctions that can be eliminated through a major or partial repair. For this, revolving funds are used: tools with a service life of less than 1 year, and spare parts;

3) equipment established, but currently located in overhaul, regardless of whether it is removed from the foundation or not. Accordingly, it cannot produce products, as a result of which the enterprise has to either reduce production or purchase new equipment, or increase the load on operating machines;

4) machinery and equipment in the starting period, i.e., equipment that has not yet been put into operation, but produces, albeit irregularly, any volume of production. It is listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise, but formally it is not working, so the goods it produces are above the norm.

Uninstalled hardware represented by machines and machine tools that are in the warehouses of the enterprise, i.e. they have already been delivered and are waiting in line for installation. In other words, this equipment was purchased to replace the old, obsolete or defective. In addition, the category of uninstalled equipment includes those fixed assets that are in transit, i.e., in fact, they already belong to the enterprise, but have not yet been delivered to its warehouses. This also includes surplus equipment, which is subject to write-off due to malfunction, as well as moral or physical wear and tear, regardless of its service life.

Today, in the age of developed high technology, mechanical equipment has appeared that works on auto control. As a result, the labor of workers who used to operate machines began to be squeezed out. At the same time, technological developments of this kind make it possible to increase labor productivity and expand the volume of production, which ultimately ensures a more efficient functioning of the enterprise itself.

3. Classification of equipment, power and its types

Equipment in the enterprise- this is an active part of fixed production assets that are directly involved in the production activities of the enterprise. The qualitative characteristic of the equipment is its condition and ability to produce something. Thus, the equipment is divided into the following types:

1) new fixed assets that have not yet been in operation. This type of equipment is a machine recently acquired by the enterprise of the previous or technologically and qualitatively newer model;

2) serviceable or requiring current repair. As a rule, this equipment is in working order, installed and operating in production shops. It regularly produces a certain volume of finished products and is part of the fixed assets. The need for routine repairs can be caused by minor malfunctions that are easily fixed. For example, this is possible when a part is displaced or worn;

3) equipment requiring major repairs includes those that do not work for several reasons at once. To restore it, accordingly, it takes a lot of time, new parts and labor of repair workers. As a rule, such equipment is out of the production process for a long time, and even when it is completely repaired, it cannot give the same production indicators as before;

4) obsolete equipment. Its deterioration is associated with the emergence of better and more advanced equipment, which allows achieving higher production results. In this case, the enterprise incurs the costs of acquiring new equipment, i.e., a complete re-equipment of production. However, with a limited amount of material resources, the enterprise can upgrade the "old" equipment. Of course, this is possible only if there are highly qualified innovators;

5) equipment subject to decommissioning: it is no longer subject to repair and cannot be reconstructed.

In addition to dividing equipment into groups according to quality characteristics, many organizations have a classification that distributes equipment by age. The structural age is the number of years (months, days) that have passed since the creation of fixed assets, and the physical age, respectively, is represented by the time from the beginning of its installation and commissioning.

Of great importance for production is such a characteristic of equipment as power.

Power- this is the ability of this type of equipment to produce a certain amount of goods or energy per unit of time worked. This indicator is calculated both in kW and in horsepower (1 hp \u003d 0.736 kW). From the point of view of equipment loading, the following types of power are distinguished:

1) normal power, which is characterized by the highest value of the coefficient of performance (COP);

2) maximum short-term power. For example, in case of emergency, the engine can run for a very limited period of time. In other words, this is the maximum power of the engine;

3) maximum continuous power - the highest power value with which the equipment can operate for an absolutely unlimited period of time without the risk of accidents.

For the enterprise itself, it is important to know the total energy capacity. It is calculated as the sum of engines available in production and determines the production capabilities of the enterprise: output, labor intensity and time costs.

4. Indicators of the use of equipment and the structure of the calendar fund of equipment operation time

The operation of the equipment can be characterized by the power of the engines, the volume of output, the norm of time, i.e., all kinds of characteristics of the final result. Thus, there are a number of indicators by which it is possible to calculate the usefulness and efficiency of a particular type of equipment.

1. Determination of the share of available and installed equipment in the total set of actually operating machines by means of the following coefficients:

1) K n = actually operating / available equipment;

2) K y = actually operating / installed equipment.

It is quite logical that the coefficient of installed equipment will be less than the final value of the coefficient of cash. This is due to the fact that the first is an integral part of the second.

2. The use of equipment in terms of the duration of the time period is described by the coefficient of its extensive load: K e = the time of the actual operation of the machine / the maximum possible time. In accordance with this, the structure of the calendar fund of working time can be represented as follows.

3. The coefficient of intensive utilization of equipment shows the degree of use of equipment by the power of its engines.

K and = actual power / maximum power.

The numerator of this formula is the value of the actual productivity of the equipment, which shows how much goods and services it produces at a given capacity per unit time. The denominator, respectively, contains the value of the maximum continuous power, that is, it shows what the maximum performance can be, all other things being equal.

4. An important indicator is the calculation of the use of equipment by the volume of work performed by it, i.e., the integral load factor.

To integr. = T fact. ? M fact. / Tmax? M max ,

where T is a fact. – actual hours worked;

M fact. - the power with which the equipment worked.

Accordingly, T max and M max are the maximum values ​​of the previous indicators, i.e. they show the potential capabilities of the equipment both in terms of the duration of the production process and in terms of power, at which the entire amount of work can be performed. If we take into account that the product of the values ​​of time and power is a physical indicator of work, the integral load factor can be represented in the following form: K integr. = W fact. / W max .

5. The equipment shift ratio shows how many shifts each piece of equipment works on average. According to this indicator, it is possible with a sufficient degree of probability to judge the size of the installed operating equipment and the efficiency of its work.

K see \u003d machine-shifts / machine-days.

The numerator shows the total number of machines working at a given value of daily shifts, and the denominator shows the number of machines involved in the production process for a certain number of days. In order to visualize how the shift ratio is calculated in practice, we can give the following example-task.

Let's assume that the calculations are made for one production day. In total, the company has 50 machines: 25 of them - in three shifts, 15 - in two and the remaining 10 - in one. We find the value of machine-shifts by multiplying the machines by the number of shifts they have worked, i.e. machine-shift = 25? 3 + 15? 2+10? 1 \u003d 115. Considering that 50 machines work for only one day, we immediately find the shift coefficient: K cm. \u003d 115 / 50 \u003d 2.3. This means that each machine works on average 2.3 shifts.

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