Three types of behavior in the zodiac. Cardinal, fixed, mutable signs


In our daily lives, we have to play many different roles every day. And often, when we are in any relationship, the role we take on dictates the rules of our behavior to us. It turns out a kind of paradox: we want to fully express ourselves, our “I”, but we are constantly forced to spend a lot of effort on the realization of only some of its parts. But we will be able to realize our potential better if we understand how we differ from our friends or other people with whom life confronts us. What is the leading type of behavior inherent in us and the people who surround us. So, let's try to explain one of the reasons for our dissimilarity to others with the help of astrology. The easiest way to try to understand this is by using the three behaviors known in astrology as cardinal, fixed, and mutable (or variable) behaviors. All signs of the zodiac are divided into these groups:

cardinal signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn;

fixed signs- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius;

mutable signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

In astrology they are called quality crosses. To find out which of these types of behavior prevails in your character, you just need to count how many planets of your horoscope are in each of the crosses. If one of them scores the highest number than the other two, then it is he who most often determines the style of your behavior. It's very simple! An example of such a calculation can be found at the end of the article.

It should be recalled here that in every person there are traits corresponding to all three types of behavior, and the pure type is extremely rare. Usually one of the types prevails over others, but is complemented by their inherent features. Let's try to understand how people behave in which this or that type of behavior prevails.

Cardinal type of behavior

If you, your life partner or your children have the most cardinal signs involved, then you are literally bursting with the desire to immediately begin to act. Such people simply need movement, active actions and a mobile lifestyle, otherwise they quickly begin to experience boredom and their creative potential may simply burn out. Cardinal people represent fearlessness, and the action itself is the motivating factor for starting the implementation of any projects for them. Because they are willing to take the lead, they often become leaders. The biggest disadvantage of having many birth chart planets in cardinal signs is that too much iron melts in their fire at once. We all know such personalities who start a thousand things, but rarely bring them to the end.

If you're dealing with a strong cardinal personality, then a direct confrontation is the best way to get things down to nothing, and you'll have to do it as quickly as possible! Best in this situation stubborn but benevolent defense, because they are not able to wait long, and besides, they are easily discouraged. In order to help the cardinal person to complete his undertakings, he needs to set short deadlines all the time. If the goal is large enough, it's best to break it down into a series of smaller ones that can be completed fairly quickly.

As you already understood, patience is not their main advantage. If you are going somewhere with a person of a strong cardinal type, then, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child, take care to bring enough toys, books, pictures, etc., or make sure you have a lot of topics to discuss, because they constantly need to have something to keep themselves occupied.

Fixed type of behavior

When the fixed type predominates in the birth chart, such a person is most often concerned with issues of protection and safety and prefers to stick to the once and for all routine. They really do not like all sorts of accidents, attempts to bring something new into the usual routine, do not like change at all. When they learn something, you can bet anything that this is how they will always do it. Therefore, the first thing to constantly keep in mind is that it is very difficult for them to decide on any changes. When they act within the usual framework, they have a feeling of safety, security, and it is in this that they draw strength - because they always know where they will go and what should happen in the next minute, they do not need any surprises!

The energy that fixed signs give is stability, reliability, stubbornness and, of course, stamina and constancy (sometimes even at a loss). These are exactly those people who are too slow in making a decision, are afraid to use the chance that has fallen to their lot or the opportunity that has opened up, as a result of which they lose everything. It was they who came up with the saying: “Less is better”. They need constant encouragement and encouragement so that they take the opportunity and make some changes in their lives.

If you have a child with a strong fixed type of behavior, then as a parent, you have an obligation to create such an environment for him that he feels in it so protected and out of danger that from time to time he makes (or at least allows) changes in his life. . Such children love everything familiar, and if something in their cozy world is broken, it can cause a feeling of insecurity and even hysteria.

The only way to get a fixed type person to do exactly what you want is to indirect impact. You must, so to speak, "sow the seed" by letting them know what you want and letting them do as they please. You will be surprised with what sense of responsibility your child, having a significant number of planets in fixed signs, will begin to repeat your own actions at the beginning of the task! And then, very soon, he will believe that he has an amazing idea (that is, your idea will be considered his own), and then slowly but surely, he will begin to implement it.

So the main difficulty for people with most planets in fixed signs is that they need to be able to move forward. They need to be nudged (unlike cardinal people who only need to point out the problem), but once they've gotten into it, it's very hard to stop them! Step by step, they will go all the way to the end. A person of a fixed type of behavior only needs to be encouraged and prompted in the direction. If you talk to such people, you will definitely hear complaints that they do not understand where and how to start in order to implement their favorite project! And all just because any change confuses them, and they are able to do only one thing.

If your child is dominated by a fixed type, then during the day he does not need the whole set of toys available in the house, because he will be focused and concentrated on only one thing, and he will selflessly play this game for hours. In addition, they are dependent, so you can always count on them. Sometimes, as mentioned above, this can be a source of trouble, because they do not easily give up their habits and have difficulty getting used to the new. You could allow this new thing to come into their lives and shift their psychological mechanisms so that they become more flexible and mobile. Then the goals that need to be achieved over time may be exactly what they need, giving the necessary protection and meaning to their lives.

mutable type of behavior

If you are dealing with a person with a strong mutable type (who has most of the planets in the mutable signs of the zodiac) or if you yourself are such a person, you may find that such people are difficult to manage. They flow around you like a stream of water, get lost in the crowd, succumbing and yielding to the desires of others, and then changing their attitude. And as a result, it often turns out that, succumbing, they achieve that others begin to fulfill their desires and accept their point of view. Children of this type do not know peace and adapt well to the constantly changing environment and living conditions. They are malleable, easily adapt to the environment and are suggestible.

Where cardinal people find ways to change what is happening, mutable people simply adapt to it. Very often, they can completely change their personal habits and behavior depending on what kind of people they are with at the moment. These are certainly not people of a fixed type, always remaining true to themselves and to everyone and everyone, demonstrating the same thing. Mutable people are very sensitive and try their best to avoid any direct conflict. They slide from one topic to another, and therefore the best way to communicate with them is to polite but firm approach.

Arm yourself with patience, and let them, albeit in parts, pieces, but tell the truth. Moreover, one part may be contained in one story, the other in a seemingly trifling remark, and so on. If, however, they are forced into rigid conventions, mutables will feel embarrassed, because such conventions limit their freedom to change depending on the situation. They are very fond of phrases like: “Enough about it”, “Let's talk about it tomorrow”. Their great strength lies in their ability to respond to changes in the world around them, adapting to them and finding a new way of being.

Now you see how just a small part of the information contained in the birth chart helps to understand the motives for different behavior in the same situation. People of the cardinal type will hardly appreciate the instructions and calls for measuredness and following the established orders, which find a warm response from the representatives of the fixed type. The latter are shocked by the need of people of the cardinal type to be in the thick of things and actively influence them. The mutable types, on the other hand, are the most adaptable and seem to be the best at getting along with everyone else, although their restless nature can cause a lot of problems for people with a fixed type of behavior.

Compatibility is not a simple matter, and there can be many complexities here. And we must not forget that in each of us there are traces of each of these three types. Each of us must learn to understand ourselves, and this can be the key to understanding those who are dear to us.

We all need love, approval and care, and we all want others to treat us well. If we can understand how we differ from others and why we do certain things, then perhaps it will be easier for us to understand and accept the motives and actions of other people. So why did it happen? DARE!

An example of determining the leading cross according to the horoscope

According to the tables of ephemerides or computer programs, you determine in which signs of the Zodiac the planets were on the day of your birth, and write out this information. We take 10 planets. You can also find out the location of the planets in your horoscope by building your own natal chart

Let's look at such an example. Let's say you were born on January 2, 1974. Here is what you should get:

The Sun is in Capricorn, a cardinal sign;
The Moon in Aries is another cardinal point;
Mercury in Capricorn is again a cardinal sign;
Venus in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Mars in Taurus is a fixed sign;
Jupiter in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Saturn in Cancer is a cardinal sign;
Uranus in Libra is a cardinal sign;
Neptune in Sagittarius is a mutable sign;
Pluto in Libra is a cardinal sign.

It is now easy to determine the dominant type. In this case, cardinal signs were most often encountered. And if you were born on this day, then your character traits are most likely inherent in the cardinal type.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. They are considered the initiators of the Zodiac. This is confirmed by the fact that on the first day of each season the Sun is in a cardinal sign: in spring in Aries, in summer in Cancer, in autumn in Libra and in winter in Capricorn.

People of these zodiac signs are extremely active and active. They value personal freedom and reject attempts to impose restrictions from outside. But their habit of doing things their own way can lead to problems with others, as they seek to discover new facets of life, but at the time and where it suits them, often showing intolerance towards others.

Properties of cardinal signs

Usually people who have a predominance of cardinal qualities are ambitious, they can even be arrogant. They strive to keep everything under control, although this desire can be veiled and imperceptible at first glance. However, each of these signs of the Zodiac is controlled by its own element, and the enterprise of nature manifests itself in accordance with it. For example, Aries, representing the element of Fire, generates new impulses through willpower and energy, while Cancer, associated with the element of Water, communicates with the world on an emotional level. Libra is under the control of the elements of Air, they move forward, creating harmonious relationships, and Capricorn, as a representative of the elements of Earth, leads through life the desire to create a solid foundation for material well-being and high achievements.

These signs can be called pioneers. They are distinguished by their ability to discover new facets of the world, to master new and exciting aspects of life. People who have many planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac in their natal chart are energetic and enterprising, however, they may lack the perseverance to go to their goals to the end. They may also lack indulgence towards those who do not have the same enthusiasm and creativity. As a result, if ambition finally gets the better of them, people with a predominance of cardinal qualities can become intolerant and sometimes even cruel. Their complete opposite is those who have few or no planets in the horoscope in the cardinal cross of the Zodiac. Lacking their own initiative, they often rely on others to carry out their plans.

The generally accepted dictionary meaning of the word "fixed" fully describes this astrological quality. Fixity is, first of all, constancy, steadfastness, purposefulness. All fixed signs are inflexible and rigid, they do not like changes in once established order. Their innate restraint prevents them from impulsively rushing into new endeavors, and very often they block the initiative coming from others. With fixed qualities, we improve what we have already begun, perhaps not even us. These qualities allow us to be balanced, stable, calm.

If there were no fixity, we would quickly light up with ideas, but our fuse would not last long, which, as a result, would lead to the fact that more than one thing, idea or thought would not be brought to the final completion.

It is people who have most of the planets in fixed signs of the zodiac who are characterized by perseverance, constancy, a desire to work in one direction, a narrow outlook, and professionalism in their field. They do not particularly like change and try to avoid it. Such people tend to trust, albeit old, but proven over the years methods, techniques, than any new discoveries and research. They are not deprived of shortcomings, for example: stubbornness, obsession with one thing, dogmatism and pedantry.

Fixed Signs in Astrology

Fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. All fixed (permanent) signs of the Zodiac are characterized by such qualities as determination, stability, devotion and consistency.

Taurus: Fixed, Earth

The earth element of Taurus' Permanent nature makes him focus on the accumulation of material values ​​and encourages him to protect what he accumulates. Since Taurus has a carnal, sensual nature, they like to touch material objects by touch. They take care of other people's property with the same responsibility as their own and often find themselves in positions of professional guardians.

The insurance business is the best area for Taurus due to the fact that Taurus is focused on security. Taurus is focused on the "here and now" and they need to feel the fruits of their labors. In short - many signs would rather be famous than rich, but not Taurus. Being an earthy, practical element, Taurus wants to have cash in hand.

Leo: Fixed, Fire

The element of Leo's Constant nature makes him extremely expressive, expressive, and many Leos are very artistic and creative. This sign takes an idea and doesn't stop until it's done - in whatever way Leo thinks is best.

In the animal world, the lion is the king of animals, and in astrology, Leo also asserts and defends his power all the time - regardless of whether this power is real or imagined. His efforts are supported by one extremely attractive quality - self-confidence. Few signs can so psychologically process their competitors and find out from them the secret of their success!

Scorpio: Fixed, Water

In accordance with the Water element of this sign, its role is to strengthen emotions and feelings - their own and others - and make them permanent. Since the goal of Scorpios is to convince others to reach a final agreement, strategize and move forward, it is easy to see why they are so good in the field of trade, negotiations and interpersonal relationships.

The need to control everything can make a Scorpio jealous and possessive. This may or may not be a very charming trait of him, depending on how far he takes it. Scorpios work with purpose, and you can always feel the source of power churning beneath the surface. If you want to change the mind of Scorpio, then it is useless. His constant nature can be maddening, although his devotion and constancy towards those he loves is one of his best qualities. His intense, seething passion (a water sign!) makes him extremely attractive.

Aquarius: Fixed, Air

The sociable Air Element of Aquarius mixes with its Permanent Attribute and leads this sign to make all its friendships and relationships permanent. Few signs take friendship as seriously as Aquarius, and he always seeks to protect his friends, protect them and take care of them. Another role of Aquarius is to create and establish groups and organizations, for his natural sphere in the zodiac is the 11th house.

Because Aquarius is a radical sign that rules the future, some readers may be surprised to learn that Aquarius is a permanent sign. You might think that he is a fickle sign. However, the constant nature of Aquarius is evident in his systematic and scientific way of thinking and in his insistence on following a clear procedure in order to be insured against mistakes and get the most accurate results. Aquarius is directed to the future, but not as impulsively and carelessly as Aries. Aquarius prefers complete objectivity - he will not have any emotional, momentary ideas. The Permanent Attribute makes him single-minded and persistent in his pursuit of discovery - and the rare Aquarius will not receive a generous source as payment for his attempts! And in the end - Aquarius is a sign-inventor!

Mutability is the most interesting of the modalities. Most of what happens to mutable people has to do with the head. There are so many cases when things happen in the imagination, and not in reality. Clients with multiple mutable signs in astrology are often influenced by what is going on in the rest of the chart.

What are mutable signs in astrology

They adjust and adapt to other influences. Since this is done on a mental level, people with severe mutability may respond to a certain aspect by making a plan.

When they make a plan, they decide that the deed is done. In the presence of negative tension, much of what happens is related to fear, paranoia, anxiety, and panic attacks. One of my clients with a mutable Taukkadrat says that when he starts a difficult streak, he practically freezes and is afraid to take a step forward or step back, afraid to make decisions.

Mutable signs in astrology are constantly in a state of anxiety and irritation, and at the same time they really suffer. When real events happen to them, the most difficult thing is the psychological stress that they experience.

Usually in astrology, mutable signs are considered very spreadable and easily adaptable to everything new. In other words, the interests of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are very diverse, and they are not characterized by the expressive dynamism of cardinal signs or the constancy and purposefulness of fixed signs.

If most of the planets in the horoscope are in mutable signs, the person will be very easy to adapt to other people and situations, but he will lack inner direction, and therefore it will be extremely difficult to achieve anything. The absence of the quality of mutability, on the contrary, indicates the lack of initiative of a person, his lack of craving for change.

Of course, it is far from always possible to classify people by the predominance of any one element or quality in their horoscope. It happens that the planets are distributed evenly over two or three elements, or two qualities are equally important for a person at once. Ideally, this would indicate a harmoniously developed personality, however, until a more detailed study of the horoscope, the astrologer cannot speak about this with full confidence.

To some extent, a successful distribution of planets by house can compensate for the missing quality or element: for example, in a person with a large number of planets in air houses (third, seventh and eleventh), their absence in air signs is thus compensated.

Still, signs are more important in this respect than houses. Of course, astrological combinations of opposite elements are clearly manifested in human relationships.

Mutable type of signs and elements

The element of a particular sign shows a certain kind of consciousness and a method of direct perception to which the individual is tuned. Air signs are associated with mental perception and expression, especially relating to geometric thought forms.

  • Fire signs express an animating, radiant, exciting life principle that can manifest itself as enthusiasm and love or as selfishness.
  • Water signs symbolize the cooling, healing and soothing principle of sensitivity and emotional response.
  • Earth signs show harmony with the world of physical forms and a practical ability to use the material world. In later chapters, we will consider in detail the nature and function of these elements.

The zodiac was considered in ancient times the "Soul of nature". If we consider the zodiac signs as the basic, archetypal energy patterns of the universe, then we can understand why they were of such great importance in ancient times.

Such a perception of the zodiac finds support in the psychic interpretations of the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who stated: "Life is maintained in this cycle of vibrations" (interpretation # 900-448).

Is it possible to speak of the zodiac as a cycle of vibrations? I think yes. Edgar Cayce also spoke of "each individual entity being tuned to a certain vibration" (interpretation #1861-12). All this should explain what we call the zodiac signs.

Brief description of mutable signs

According to astrology, the mutable signs of the zodiac are associated with the principle of harmony and can be perceived as spiral patterns of energy. Pisces and Virgo symbolize the downward spiral of energy, so these signs are connected in some way with the past: Pisces with past "karma" and Virgo with past crises in personality development. Gemini and Sagittarius symbolize the upward spiral of energy; these signs are future-oriented, which evokes the prophetic tendencies of Sagittarius and the endless musings of Gemini.

Features of the mutable sign Gemini

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Gemini has. Gemini represents the level of primary involvement in society and the achievement of a basic intellectual skill. This stage of development includes the formation of the child's first relationships with peers, in the family circle and outside it.

This phase also symbolizes the child's first attempts to think for himself, to see the world in his own way, to "comprehend" (through rational processes) and to express his understanding. Therefore, communication, the key word of this sign, operates here both on a social and intellectual level.

Air is most easily associated with the quality of mutability because of its intellectual focus and mobility. Gemini is a mutable air, a very versatile sign, restless, mobile and curious. Usually Gemini lacks depth and consistency.

What are the features of the mutable sign Virgo

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Virgo has. Virgo represents a period of service to society, learning the skill by which a person will earn a living, and initial contact with the everyday practical world of hard work, duties and responsibilities.

This phase of personal growth is almost completely overlooked in our society. So we have thousands - even millions - of young college graduates who have graduated and are frightened by the realization that they can't actually do anything.

Higher education filled their heads with a significant number of not very applicable and often useless ideas, meanwhile they did not acquire any real skill that would help them earn a living in the real world.

Because many of them are scholars or amateur intellectuals, it is difficult for them to return from the higher education phase of the ninth house to the hard work and service phase of the sixth house.

A significant improvement in the national educational program would result from the establishment of a period of apprenticeship immediately following the end of the Gemini phase (ages 14-16).

If the ancient rite of introduction into real life were revived in our country, many young people would consider themselves quite satisfied with work that brings them joy. Then the Sagittarius phase could follow naturally.

Mutable signs tend to acquire knowledge and disseminate it. In this four, Virgo may seem out of place - after all, she does not tend to scatter, on the contrary, she is distinguished by constant concentration of efforts and focus on one thing. And yet Virgo is a multi-talented sign, she, who is perfectly able to provide a wide variety of services to others, enters into close relations with very many people.

Peculiarities of the mutable sign Pisces

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Pisces has. Pisces represents the phase of individual development that occurs after a person has completed his work for the good of society, fulfilled family obligations and felt an overwhelming need to focus on himself in order to experience the most refined and important kind of education: the education of a spiritual person.

In India, although its traditions are slowly changing, there is a basic pattern of life that is closely related to the four stages described here. The last phase is usually characterized by the fact that the person withdraws from the world (including relatives) and devotes himself to spiritual disciplines.

The Pisces phase symbolizes the initiation and sacrifice of earthly attachments in order to become a channel for the manifestation and realization of the sublime truth, the all-encompassing whole.

The great psychologist Carl-Gustav Jung wrote an essay called "The Stages of Life" in which he described the normal pattern of conscious growth, very similar to what we are considering here. The last phase, according to Jung, is a clear inward turning towards spiritual awareness.

Pisces - mutable water - is probably the most elusive of all mutable signs, and very often they, subtly sensitive to the unspoken thoughts and feelings of other people, themselves suffer because of this.

What are the features of the mutable sign Sagittarius

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Sagittarius has. Sagittarius symbolizes the phase of development that follows naturally from the phase of Virgo's apprenticeship. It is often said that Sagittarius and the ninth house represent "higher education".

In a broader sense, Sagittarius symbolizes the achievement of mastery in a person's chosen field, whether it manifests itself as a master craftsman or as a worker in one of the exalted "professions".

This is the phase of individual education in which a person begins to have a noticeable impact on the world as a whole, through the education of his own students, the publication of the fruits of his labor or the setting of standards for future generations. Therefore, this phase of development includes both learning (in the sense of improving one's work, ideals, and character) and giving back what one has learned.

In traditional American education, we mistakenly assume that anyone with a Ph.D., M.D., or other advanced degree is an expert in their field.

We overlook the fact that true mastery comes only after a period of rigorous self-discipline, diligent and persistent work, and the gradual development of genuine modesty based on the realization that a person could not really have known anything without the labors of his predecessors.

Mutable sign Sagittarius. Just because we're getting people through all sorts of academic programs as quickly as possible to "produce" a lot of PhD's or M.D.'s, doesn't mean we're enriching our society with real experts. We sacrifice quality for quantity, just to maintain the illusion that mastery can come easily.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign whose passion for adventure is most evident in his pursuit of distant horizons, as well as in his constant religious and philosophical quest. Sagittarians are often criticized for being "head in the clouds", preferring intellectual pursuits and aspirations to earthly concerns.

The key word that characterizes cardinal signs is action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve the goal at any cost and, in general, the desire to act. At the heart of this is the need of all cardinal signs to succeed, rise to the challenge and win. Representatives of the cardinal signs of the zodiac are very active, active, energetic and intolerant. Cardinal signs highly value personal freedom, resolutely rejecting any attempts to impose restrictions on them, getting rid of any encroachment on their independence from anyone.

Symbol of cardinal signs

Common features of the signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, desire, desire and ability to influence the environment; hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center to the outside.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. They are considered the initiators of the Zodiac. This is confirmed by the fact that on the first day of each season the Sun is in a cardinal sign: in spring in Aries, in summer in Cancer, in autumn in Libra and in winter in Capricorn. In external activity, representatives of these four signs are the initiators of any processes. These are generators of energy and new ideas, creators of new directions in the field in which they are engaged. People of these zodiac signs are extremely active and active. They value personal freedom and reject attempts to impose restrictions from outside. But their habit of doing things their own way can lead to problems with others, as they seek to discover new facets of life, but at the time and where it suits them, often showing intolerance towards others. These signs can be called pioneers. They are distinguished by their ability to discover new facets of the world, to master new and exciting aspects of life.

Cardinal signs pair best with the element of fire, so Aries, the only cardinal fire sign, embodies it most explicitly.

people of cardinal signs

Usually people who have a predominance of cardinal qualities are ambitious, they can even be arrogant. They strive to keep everything under control, although this desire can be veiled and imperceptible at first glance. However, each of these signs of the Zodiac is controlled by its own element, and the enterprise of nature manifests itself in accordance with it.

Aries ()

Aries is the most energetic of all the cardinal signs, he makes decisions with lightning speed and takes action. He paves the way for others, infecting them with enthusiasm, but at the same time he himself squanders his ardor faster than anyone else. He is more successful in short-term business.

Cancer ()

Cancer approaches any business emotionally, so he is more inclined than other representatives of the square to become attached to the results of his work, he often turns to the past, looking for inspiration in it.

Scales ()

Libra more than others try to take into account the circumstances and opinions of other people, because people of this sign act most often in the field of human relations. These are the most hesitant representatives of the cardinal square, but they hesitate as long as the decision is being considered. Having accepted it, they are already unshakable.

Capricorn ()

Capricorn is the most patient of the cardinal square, unlike its other representatives, he knows how to distribute his forces well and always brings the work he has begun to the end. Even if it takes a long time.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac

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