Terrible forebodings and miraculous rescues of the artists of the Alexandrov Ensemble. Valery Khalilov: “The conductor of a military orchestra educates not only his orchestra members, but also all listeners


Valery Khalilov was born into a military family - his father and brother were military conductors. The musician's father graduated from a military music school in Tashkent. During the war, he was selected among the top ten boys and sent to study in Moscow, where he graduated from the Institute of Military Conductors. In the capital, he met his future wife. The young people moved to Uzbekistan, to the city of Termez bordering Afghanistan, where their son Valery was born.

When the boy was four years old, the family moved to Kazakhstan. Then the musical path of Valery Khalilov began - he learned to play the piano and quickly began performing on stage. When he was 11 years old, the family moved to Moscow. There Valery entered the Moscow military music school.

Later, entering M Moscow Suvorov military school of music, Khalilov almost "flew" - he received a deuce in mathematics, but thanks to the authority of his father, the boy was still allowed to retake the exam.

The conductor recalled with gratitude all his teachers, saying that the school had an amazing teaching staff. Cadets always took an example from their teachers - courtesy, culture and discipline.

One and a half meters of talent

When young Khalilov entered the military conducting department of the Moscow Conservatory, his height was only 156 centimeters. The admissions committee asked: "Why are you so small? You will need a high stand on the stage!" However, the applicant brilliantly passed the entrance exams and was admitted to the conservatory, where he studied conducting an orchestra and played the clarinet at the same time. After only one year, Khalilov sharply stretched out in height and by the end of his studies he already had a height of 176 centimeters.

In 1974, Khalilov married and, together with his young wife, went to the Leningrad Region - he was sent there to lead the orchestra of the Pushkin Military School of Radio Electronics. By the way, during the Great Patriotic War, the school had a funny abbreviation - VNOS: air surveillance, warning and communications. The composer Georgy Sviridov served in the same orchestra in the 1940s.

A few years later, when Khalilov had already returned to Moscow, he decided to meet with Sviridov - a book was published for the anniversary of the military school, and Khalilov wanted to give one copy to Sviridov and sign the other for himself.

- I bought flowers at the Belorussky railway station for the wife of Georgy Vasilyevich, I was very worried, I was still smoking then.<...>I asked him: "Why didn't you write military marches? After all, you served during the war." He replied: "To write marches, you have to serve a lot. Then you will understand what it is." He was right.

Chief military conductor of Russia

For more than 14 years, Valery Khalilov was the chief military conductor of Russia - from 2002 to 2016 he headed the military orchestra service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (otherwise it was called the ensemble, or orchestra, of the Russian Ministry of Defense). In May 2016, he was appointed director and artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, still remaining for many the chief military conductor of Russia.

The conductor must be a dictator. Good dictator. It must be very demanding, otherwise it just won't work, because we have a huge number of people and a minimum amount of time. If during this period I show gentleness, this will lead to the moral relaxation of the team. And these are still military units that are used to commands. So it is necessary

Valery Khalilov

But Khalilov was also demanding of himself. He worked very hard, including for the sake of popularizing military bands. Since 2007, on his initiative, the Spasskaya Tower festival began to be held. Khalilov became the musical director of the festival, which annually attracts the best military musicians from around the world. Large-scale opening and closing ceremonies of the festivals were held on Red Square and attracted tens of thousands of spectators.

Since 2009, the famous singer Mireille Mathieu has been a guest of every festival, and she always gladly accepted Valery Khalilov's offer to perform at the Spasskaya Tower.

Now it is difficult to imagine someone who can, with the same dedication and with the same passion, engage in the revival of military band performances in open areas. In 2017, from August 26 to September 3, Khalilov planned to hold the tenth anniversary festival "Spasskaya Tower", which was supposed to be the largest musical event in the life of Moscow and Russia. Now, apparently, the festival will be dedicated not only to the anniversary, but also to the memory of Valery Khalilov.

Valery Khalilov Chief Military Conductor of the Russian Federation: biography, achievements, photos. On December 25, 2016, after taking off from Sochi, the artistic director of the Alexandrov Ensemble Valery Khalilov tragically died. The tragedy happened at 5:40 am when an airliner flying to Syria crashed into the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including 64 members of the ensemble. Also on board the crashed ship were military personnel and Dr. Lisa, who flew to congratulate the inhabitants of Syria and Russian military personnel on the New Year.

Valery Khalilov was born in Uzbekistan, in the family of a military conductor on January 30, 1952. He started composing music at the age of 4. And at the age of 11, the parents sent the boy to the military music school in Moscow. After graduation, he became a conductor of the Pushkin Higher School of Radio Electronics of the Air Defense of Russia. In 1980, his orchestra took first place in the competition of military orchestras of the Leningrad District. He was transferred as a teacher to the military conducting department of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, then to the eagles of the military band service of the USSR Armed Forces.

From 2002 to the present day he has been the Chief Military Conductor.

Valery Khalilov Chief Military Conductor of the Russian Federation: biography, achievements, photos. In April 2016, Khalilov was appointed to the position of Head of the Ensemble. Valery Mikhailovich was the organizer of many theatrical, festive events. He has many awards and medals. He was a deeply religious person.


Born (01/30/1952) in the family of a military conductor in the city of Termez, Uzbek SSR.
Khalilov's father is a Lak by nationality, originally from the village of Khuty, Dagestan; mother -
Crimean Tatar. From the age of 11 - a pupil of the military music school
in Moscow (clarinet). In 1970-1975 he studied at the military conductor
faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

The first place of service - the conductor of the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher Military
command school of air defense radio electronics. In 1980 the orchestra under
under the control of Khalilov took 1st place in the competition
military bands of the Leningrad Military District. In 1981 Khalilov
was appointed lecturer at the military conducting faculty of the Moscow
State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.
In 1984 he was transferred to the Directorate of the Military Band Service of the USSR Armed Forces.
From 2002 to 2016 - Head of the Military Band Service of the Russian Federation -
Chief military conductor. He has repeatedly acted in this position
as a conductor of a combined military orchestra,
who took part in the parades dedicated to the Victory Day on Red Square.
Since May 2015 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Holiday Culture.
In April 2016, he was appointed to the position of Head of the Ensemble -
Artistic Director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble
Russian army named after A. V. Alexandrov.

Valery Khalilov acted as the organizer of many festive theatrical events,
participation in which was taken by both military brass bands of Russia and collectives
from many countries of the world. Among these events were such international military musical
festivals like "Kremlin Dawn" and "Spasskaya Tower". Was musical
head of the festivals "Spasskaya Tower", "Amur Waves" (Khabarovsk) and
"March of the Century" (Tambov), as well as the International Military Musical
festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Toured with leading orchestras of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
in Austria, Sweden, USA, Hungary, Germany, North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Finland,
France, Switzerland, Belgium.
Peru Khalilov owns works for brass band: "Adagio",
"Elegy", marches - "Cadet", "Youth", "Rynda", "Ulan", romances and songs.

AWARDS: Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree,
Order of Honor, medals of the USSR, medals of the Russian Federation.

ACADEMIC RANK - Associate Professor.

BROTHER VALERIA - Alexander Mikhailovich Khalilov - Senior Lecturer
military institute
(military conductors) of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Honored A
artist of the Russian Federation (1997), colonel. He is the composer of music
to the song "We are leaving the East" VIA "Cascade".

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov died in Sochi on December 25, 2016 in an aviation
the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense, heading to Syria.
In total, 92 people died, including 64 artists led and
m Ensemble named after Alexandrov.



A great tragedy happened, which, I think, not a single person passed by.
Constant reports on television, and millions of people not only
to the screens, but sincerely cry, experiencing this grave loss. On the faces of the Russians
sadness and sadness. People flying to help the military, all without exception -
worthy, talented, courageous.

I personally and the Kuban Cossack Choir knew the Red Banner Ensemble well
songs and dances named after Alexandrov - our most famous team, the pride of the country.
First impressions - from my earliest childhood, when I first heard
on the radio of the Red Banner. They sounded "Get up, the country is huge",
"Evening on the road" - yes, any song of their repertoire lifted the spirit.
The team itself was perceived as a sign of our patriotism,
impeccable professionalism and high spirituality. We know and remember
that its founder Alexander Vasilievich Alexandrov -
former regent of the main Russian church, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

We have a lot of intersections with Aleksandrovtsy. I remember one thing. In 2012
The 200th anniversary of the Napoleonic campaign was celebrated. At a concert in France, the ensemble
Alexandrova and the Kuban Cossack Choir performed as a single team.
We have retained the kindest feelings about this partnership. Recently
in Moscow, I headed the jury of the competition, which was held by the revived
Choral Society. Listened to Russian choirs, and as part of the arbitrators
was Lieutenant General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov.
We were connected by acquaintance on the go: at a meeting we nodded to each other,
they greeted each other, but did not communicate closely. We can say that the competition
in the Izmailovsky Kremlin gave me a close, very dear person.
We talked about the problems of the development of brass music, noted with regret
that it is now in deep decline. About brass bands
Valery Mikhailovich - the country's first military conductor - knew everything.
I told him about the marches held before perestroika.
in Krasnodar and in all Cossack cities. One of the topics of our conversations was
and the Red Banner Ensemble. Khalilov listened attentively to me
and agreed that he had a great responsibility
continue the glorious path of the team, which cannot stand still,
but must develop. We turned out to be like-minded people.
The conversations were wonderful, I felt in him a musician, an artist,
a citizen concerned with his life's work.

Valery Mikhailovich showed some exemplary human qualities.
For discussions, the jury retired to a small room, where it was very cold.
I arrived without warm clothes and was shivering with chills.
Then he brought a fur coat from the locker room and threw it over my shoulders.
I refused, said that it was not a general's
this business - to submit a fur coat. A military man, strict, even a little harsh,
Khalilov was kind, warm and caring at heart.

The Kuban Cossack Choir is already 205 years old, and every year on the birthday of the collective
we remember the departed and sing "Eternal Memory". Now we will remember
those who died on December 25 - Valery Khalilov and all the artists we will not forget.
They are our brothers in art, we mourn and experience the bitterness of loss.
The Kingdom of heaven. Eternal peace to all the innocent fallen! God is with us -
Let's remember this...

A very long time ago, back in Novosibirsk, from where I returned to my homeland more
four decades ago, I wrote a song. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
announced a poetry competition. Gennady Golovaty - young, then unknown
Chita poet - received the main prize for a poem of two quatrains.
At first, in my youth, I even experienced indignation: why only eight lines?
When I read them, they sounded in my heart and soul - and a song was born.
It has never been performed, but I dreamed that one day the Alexandrovites would sing it.
Apparently not meant to be. Now, in mourning days, I feel that these amazing
the poems are related to the fate of the Red Banner Ensemble.

* * *
The blind cannot look with anger.
The mute cannot scream with rage.
The armless cannot hold weapons.
The legless cannot step forward.

But - the dumb can look angrily.
But - the blind can scream furiously.
But - legless can hold weapons.
But - armless can step forward.

Newspaper "Culture"


Our Heavenly Father! May your name be hallowed!
Our Heavenly Intercessor - the Most Holy Theotokos!
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World! Mother Earth!
Prophets, Archangels, Angels, Saints!
Rest the soul of Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov,
artistic director and conductor
Ensemble named after Alexandrov
who died in the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft.
May the bright sorrow and prayers of relatives,
friends, fans and all kind people
help Valery's soul find heavenly rest.
May the death of this talented musician,
skillful leader and brave general
will serve to establish peace on Earth.
Let to replace Valery Khalilov
there will be a worthy leader for the Ensemble.
Let the Alexandrov Ensemble
gifted people will come, especially young people.
Glory and eternal memory to Valery Khalilov
and all who died with him.
Glory to the Heavenly Father
and all Divine powers!


On board the Tu-154 that crashed today was Valery Khalilov, chief military conductor of Russia, head of the ensemble - artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, who was sent with the ensemble to organize congratulatory New Year events at the Khmeimim air base.

These are fragments from several interviews of Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov - about childhood, profession and faith in God.

On Baptism and Faith

I was baptized at the age of four. I grew up in a village near Kirzhach, my grandmother was a believer, and not just pious, like all old women in those days, but a deeply, sincerely believer. She often said to me: “Granddaughter, it’s not our institution, it’s not for us to cancel,” because Orthodoxy and church life seemed to me something completely organic, unchanged and correct.

The wooden chapel that stood in our village was destroyed, and on holidays all the grandmothers went to the monastery church in the neighboring village. I walked with them, and I remember everything, although I was small: our forests are fabulous, Vladimir ... meadows of strawberries, domes of churches. Even Russian nature itself is fascinating, but how can one not love the Church at least as part of Russian spiritual culture - I don’t understand at all!

I was a strong man, to be honest, now I'm so thin. In general, I was so plump, plump, I was already, so to speak, a conscious little man. Dad was a communist, and mom, using the opportunity that my father worked, and I was in the village, she told my grandmother: “Come on, while my father is gone.”

But dad is not that he was against it, but you know how in those days? He was an army officer, he was a conductor, like my brother is a conductor, and his nephew is now a conductor in Sevastopol, by the way. Therefore, maybe because my mother was afraid that if they find out from my father, they can do something. In short, I was baptized.

I remember this moment very well, the first time I was baptized. They put me in the courtyard, in the yard, we have a hut and a yard in front of the hut. They put him in a bowl of cold water. Well, how is it? Batiushka leaned over me, and I was such a healthy boy, and I grabbed his beard. You know how it is... Ass by the beard.

I was baptized at the age of four, and when I slept in the hallway, I had a picture above my head. I don’t remember which one, there were a lot of holy people in this picture, but every “lights out”, as they say in military language now, I was accompanied by this picture. When I went to bed, the boy was completely, in the village in this hut.

Then she disappeared, because there were such times when they went, collected paintings, icons. And our village is unguarded, they just broke into many icons in many of our houses in the village, just ... Then there was such a disgrace. This icon is gone. In addition, we have such a village, so picturesque, so amazing, small, so patriarchal, it is simply impossible not to believe in something so heavenly there, with all its beauty.

This is the environment I grew up in. It's all, as they say, from God. I have this Russianness, it is laid down by this village.

This is what inspired me to believe in God. Well, besides this, there were just cases, very interesting ... and why did I live, then already, now it's called Yakimanka. As before, by the way, there is this church, the Oktyabrskaya metro station. And Easter, I remember. People walk around the church, I remember it very much.

We, young people, stand on the parapets around the church, the police do not let us go there. Grandmothers in kerchiefs with children with small ones penetrate there - they let them through. We can’t go there, we are young people – they don’t let us in, and I think that’s what they are doing there, what they are doing there, why they won’t let us in.

Here's the question: why? What are they doing so bad there, why are they not letting us in? I was always drawn to it, because singing was heard from there, some smells, you know, candles, that's all, crosses, some kind of sacrament. It was still attractive. The more they banned, the more I was drawn there in this sense. There are some little things that you don’t notice, and then you analyze: why did you do that? Yes, because this little thing influenced you, therefore everyone goes to God on their own, certainly, road, and some, maybe even some little things, lead to this road, I don’t know. Signs? Don't know. But it did, thank God!

On choosing a profession

My dad was a military conductor. My younger brother is now a military conductor. And the acting military conductor's nephew, lieutenant, serves as a sailor in Sevastopol. That is, I have a dynastic family in the male line, military conductors. Thanks to my father, I entered the Moscow military music school. And, to be honest, when I entered, I did not understand why I entered there. At the age of 11 he was torn away from home comfort, got into the walls of a closed educational institution.

Moreover, everything was inherent in the military warehouse of being: rise, lights out, exercises, physical activity. And, of course, general education and musical subjects. The term of study is 7 years, having entered at 11, I graduated at 18. All my physical, biological growth fell on this period. The school gave me the professional education that I still use today. That's how I became a military conductor.

About spiritual and military music

I often think about the internal similarity of seemingly opposite spheres - military and sacred music. After all, military music has tremendous power, and, contrary to stereotypes, it is by no means aggressive.

It pains me to hear when they say that the execution of marches is a step towards the militarization of the entire country. It seems to me that one must think in terms of artistic taste. A good march is as difficult to write as a good song! Each great composer has his own personality, as well as the national musical tradition: the main feature of our Russian military music is in its special melody, in its folklore, folk intonations.

Can modern people perceive classical music? It is possible to determine whether a person perceives music badly or well only after he learns to perceive! And how can a person discover the charm of classical music if he has not been instilled with a love for it since childhood?

There is a zone in the soul of each of us, open to everything high and good - open to the right music. And I call the right music the one that, in its emotional impact, induces a person to the best deeds - creation, creation. And if the so-called "light" music can serve as an unobtrusive background, then the classics - never. Listening to the classics is the work of the soul.

People at all times are the same, they are always open to good music. So, we must enlighten by virtue of our skills. Without boasting, I can say that we have opened the doors of many concert halls for military bands: the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the International House of Music.

And we give away free tickets, despite the fact that by all the laws of commerce people seem to be more willing to go to events when they bought a ticket for their hard-earned money. Believe me, I never flattered myself with the hope that all our concerts would be sold out, but we have people sitting on the steps just to listen to the music! And after that, how can one say that a modern person is not able to perceive the classics?

We dream of bringing brass music back to the parks, to the people. After all, people today especially lack something real ... at work, at home, and we try to fill this urgent need with live music, beautiful melodies.

Here a typical urban person comes to the concert: merged with the city, unable to imagine his life without hot water and TV, as if stuck, dried up to this comfortable life. And suddenly he hears the sounds of a military brass band, plunges into another world and ... thaws. Ask him at this moment what he is thinking about now, and he will definitely say: about love, about children, about the homeland, about God.

You know, I noticed an amazing thing: a brass band simply cannot play bad music! Even if the musicians play poorly, this music still enchants, even if some sounds are conveyed incorrectly. It's like in nature: one likes autumn, the other does not: everything fades, slushy, feet get wet. But still, every season is beautiful!

The same is true of wind music: its very nature, its very breath is pure, bright. Probably, it is in this plane that music - military or simply classical - intersects with spiritual life. And I really want my work to bring up only moral in people.

I have a joke. I say to religious people: “Do you know, I have a friend who wrote a Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The Influence of Brass Music on the Spiritual Life of the Clergy.”

This is a joke, but of course, in reality, and again I always say this: technology develops, but people tend to go where with urbanization? Where are they aiming? On nature. I always compare, look what happens on Friday, what will happen on the roads - where is everyone running? To the forest, to the meadows, to nature.

Here is a brass band - this is nature, this is a living sound emitted from there, from the inside. And even if he plays primitively, even the boys play, an amateur orchestra - these simple melodies, this primitivism even, in a sense, but the presentation of these sounds, these natural ones, and again I say, at the gene level makes people hear .

Around - once, it’s going, I don’t want to say, some people are all sorts, maybe even strange, but they are going, because apparently, this is our music, it somehow affects the cerebral cortex. Are going. Even if they play poorly, the crowd gathers around the brass band.

On Prayer on a Military March

For example, the march “General Miloradovich”. The idea was suggested by Colonel Babanko Gennady Ivanovich, who during my service in Pushkino was the head of the political department of the school and, already retired, wrote the book “General Miloradovich”, knowing that I write music, called me and said: Valer, write music about General Miloradovich , I will give you a book to read, and you, under the impression of this book, write a march.

And after reading the book, I realized that the fate of this general is completely unusual and not just forgotten, but in a conceptual sense it is simply perverted.

General Miloradovich, commanding the rearguard, did not allow the enemy to collide with our troops at the time he desired. Hero of the War of 1812.

In 1824, the December uprising. Senate square. As you know, the Decembrists withdrew their troops. Miloradovich was the governor-general of St. Petersburg. When he entered Senatskaya. square, the troops, recognizing him, began to fall on their faces. And one of the Decembrists, the former lieutenant Kakhovsky, seeing that a turning point in the uprising was about to take place, he inflicted a mortal wound on Miloradovich from behind with a lady's pistol, from which he died.

So there is Kakhovskogo street in St. Petersburg, but there is no Miloradovich street. And in general, the surname Miloradovich arose after the tsar summoned Khrabrenovich, his ancestor, and said: you are very dear to me with your courage, you will become Miloradovich.

And in this march, for the first time, I used a prayer, and I wrote the music for this prayer myself. There is no such analogue. And if you listen to the march carefully, you can imagine the secular life of St. Petersburg, and the prayer service before the battle, and the return of these Russian soldiers. All this with a choir.

By the way, in the march, in our Russian and Soviet, this is the first time - the introduction of prayer in the march. I did this based on the image that General Miloradovich himself promised me, because he was unconditionally Orthodox, a believer, and if the troops leave for the battlefield, there was always a prayer service.

So I made this prayer service - with the help of a believer, I found the words in the Gospel dedicated to “our howls”, and put music on these words, as is usually done. You will hear this prayer in the middle of the march. And then you will hear the victorious procession, the return of our troops from the battlefield under the salute, and again you will hear the first part, again the return to secular life. Like this, in the course of, I don’t know, in my opinion, five or four and a half minutes, the life of this glorious general Miloradovich will flash before you.

This is a march, this is a Russian march, I wrote it. There is nothing so reprehensible in it, concerning, as they say, sorry for the expression, there is no such thing as a boot. This is a very secular, very beautiful, it seems to me, march. By the way, many conductors have fallen in love with it and often perform it, although it is difficult to perform.

About military musicians of Russia

Our country is the only one where there is a well-functioning system of training military conductors. Abroad, they are people who already have a higher musical education and have passed certification in physical training. And our army itself grows musicians.

First, secondary education - the Moscow Military Music School accepts ninth-graders, after graduation they can enter the Institute of Military Conductors at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. Such a system of training and education provides a specialist who is familiar with army life from the inside.

Coming to the orchestra as a lieutenant, he already knows what and how to do. This has a positive effect on the skill of our orchestras. For example, during the parade on Red Square, 1000 military musicians play about 40 songs by heart. Foreigners are surprised at the synchronicity and beauty of the performance.

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov- Head of the Ensemble - Artistic Director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Aleksandrov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General.

Born in the family of a military conductor. He began studying music at the age of four. He graduated from the Moscow Military Music School (now the Moscow Military Music School) and the Military Conducting Department at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Upon graduation, he was appointed military conductor of the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher Military Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics.

After the orchestra conducted by Valery Khalilov took 1st place in the competition of military orchestras of the Leningrad Military District (1980), he became a teacher at the Conducting Department of the Military Conducting Faculty at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

In 1984, Valery Khalilov was transferred to the governing body of the military orchestra service of the USSR Ministry of Defense, where he served as an officer of the military orchestra service, senior officer and deputy head of the military orchestra service.

From 2002 to 2016 Valery Khalilov - Head of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Conductor.

In April 2016, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Valery Khalilov was appointed to the position of Head of the Ensemble - Artistic Director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov.

Valery Khalilov is the musical director of such international military music festivals as Spasskaya Tower (Moscow), Amur Waves (Khabarovsk), March of the Century (Tambov) and the International Military Music Festival in South Sakhalin.

Valery Khalilov is a member of the Union of Composers of Russia. His work as a composer is mainly associated with the genres of brass band, choral, vocal and chamber-instrumental music.

Has toured with the leading orchestras of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, North Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Poland, USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden.

Chief military conductor.
Head of the Military Orchestra Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Artistic Director of the Academic Ensemble
songs and dances of the Russian Army named after A.V. Aleksandrov.

Valery Khalilov was born on January 30, 1952 in the city of Termez, Republic of Uzbekistan. He grew up in the family of a military conductor. At the age of four he began to compose music. From the age of 11 he became a pupil of the military music school in Moscow. From 1970 to 1975 he studied at the military conducting faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of Professor G.P. Alyavdin.

His first place of service, as a conductor, was the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher Military Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics. In 1980, the orchestra under the direction of Khalilov won first place in the competition of military orchestras of the Leningrad Military District. In 1981, Khalilov was transferred as a teacher to the military conducting department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 1984 he moved to the department of the military band service of the USSR Armed Forces.

From 2002 to 2016, Khalilov served as Head of the Military Orchestra Service of the Russian Federation and Chief Military Conductor. In this position, he repeatedly acted as a conductor of the combined military orchestra, which took part in the Parades dedicated to the Victory Day on Red Square. Later he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Holiday Culture.

In December 2006, he was promoted to major general. In 2010 he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. He was a member of the Union of Composers of Russia.

Valery Khalilov in April 2016 was appointed to the position of Head of the Ensemble - Artistic Director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov.

Khalilov acted as the organizer of many festive theatrical events, in which both military brass bands of Russia and groups from many countries of the world took part. Among these events were such international military music festivals as the Kremlin Dawn and the Spasskaya Tower. He was the musical director of the international military music festivals "Spasskaya Tower", "Amur Waves" in the city of Khabarovsk, "March of the Century", the International Military Music Festival in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Has toured with the leading orchestras of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Austria, Sweden, USA, Hungary, Germany, North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Finland, France, Switzerland, Belgium. Khalilov's Peru owns works for a brass band: "Adagio", "Elegy", marches - "Cadet", "Youth", "Rynda", "Ulan", romances and songs.

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov died on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the city of Sochi, bound for Syria. In total, 92 people died, including 64 artists of the Alexandrov Ensemble headed by him, almost the entire choir and part of the orchestra musicians - accordion and balalaika players.

For merits in professional activity he was awarded the Honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation". He was awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, the Order of Honor, medals of the USSR and Russia. Laureate of the Prize of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art in the nomination "Musical Art".

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