Vlad kadoni personal biography. Biography

Vlad Kadoni is a participant in two seasons of the show "The Battle of Psychics", a participant, and then the host of the reality show "Dom-2". Calls himself a hereditary magician. The audience of "House-2" remembered him for his extravagant antics and harsh comments about new participants.

Childhood and youth

A native of Novosibirsk, Viktor Golunov (this is the real name of Kadoni) is the eldest son of Elena Golunova, who calls herself the “Siberian witch”. He does not remember his father: the man died when his son was just a baby. The mother soon remarried and gave birth to two more sons, Dima and Leo.

From a young age, Vitya hated his name, did not respond to it and came up with all sorts of pseudonyms for himself. Upon reaching adulthood, he officially changed his name to "Vladislav" and took the surname Kadoni, which translates as "warlock" from ancient languages.

Interest in esotericism and the occult sciences woke up Vlad in early childhood. The boy read a lot, was interested in the history of religion and the secrets of the universe. His mother encouraged his hobbies and, as a teenager, revealed to him the secret of the family gift. Realizing his involvement in the chosen clan, Kadoni moved away from his peers and began to diligently master the wisdom of black magic and extrasensory perception.

As a child, Vlad Kadoni experienced a terrible shock. Together with friends, he once explored an abandoned building, and while he was inside the building, the rest of the boys climbed onto the roof. One of them stepped on a wobbly slab. She fell and blocked the exit, and Vlad's friends, instead of calling for help, fled home. The boy spent a day in the basement without food and water. His mother went looking for him and, according to Kadoni, found him only thanks to psychic abilities.

After graduating from school, Vlad entered the sociology department of a local university, but did not study there for long. The young man often clashed with teachers, defending his point of view, and was soon expelled from the university.

He did not grieve for long about this, and a year later he became a student at the medical institute. In parallel, Vlad got a job at a construction company, where in a short time he grew from a simple trainee to a top manager. Soon, a capable young man was offered to work in Moscow, and without thinking twice, he went to the capital.

TV career

In Moscow, Vlad continued his studies in magical practices: he provided services for love spells, attracting money, removed damage and the crown of celibacy. In order to attract more attention to his person, he decided to participate in the TV show "The Battle of Psychics".

He did not demonstrate outstanding abilities, but he was remembered for constant disputes and conflicts with the participants and host Sergey Safronov.

Having entered the top five finalists, Kadoni left the project without having won the laurels of the winner, and six months later he went to "build love" on the reality show "Dom-2". In a romantic relationship, he did not particularly succeed, although he tried to hit on Inna Volovicheva, but his constant picks with another "magician" Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky were well remembered by TV fans.

Vlad Kadoni in the show "Dom-2"

Finally, shocking the audience and participants with the news of an increase in the genital organ, Vlad left Dom-2 to return to the Battle of Psychics again. This time he reached third place and passed the baton to his mother, who a year later also became a member of the "Battle".

After that, Kadoni appeared in the sensational film by Valeria Gai-Germanika “A Short Course in a Happy Life”, playing himself there, and after a while he again appeared on “House-2”, but already as a presenter. Viewers noted positive changes in his appearance.

I became the first man at Dom-2. The show needed a new character with negative charisma, some kind of anti-hero who would stir up the project's measured everyday life.

From that moment on, his television career began to steadily gain momentum. On the project, Vlad performs the functions of an “evil cop”, contrasting with the kind Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova, and does an excellent job with this role, provoking the participants with ironic and sometimes harsh statements addressed to them.

Personal life of Vlad Kadoni

In all interviews, Kadoni talks about his long and strong romantic relationship with Anna Devitskaya, the former producer of the Battle of Psychics. According to Vlad, he does everything possible to hide his private life from others, so he tries not to “shine” his beloved anywhere. The host admits that neither he nor his girlfriend are ready for the wedding yet.

Vlad Kadoni now

Working at TNT takes Kadoni all the time and brings a steady income. The host bought a country house near Moscow and an expensive car and gives the impression of a person who is completely satisfied with his life. He plans to continue building a career on TV and open a school of conflictology.

Age: 32 years old

City Novosibirsk

Height: 171 cm Weight: 67 kg

On the project 1549 days

Real name - Viktor Golunov.

Vlad Kadoni was born in the city of Novosibirsk. All his childhood passed there. From about the age of 11, Vlad began to be interested in black magic and develop psychic abilities in himself. From the age of 17 he began to actively practice. But, as Kadoni himself claims, his first results began to work out only by the age of twenty.

A notable milestone in Vlad's life was his participation in the sixth season of the battle of psychics, in which he even managed to reach the final, and after that fame came to the guy.

After participating in the "Battle of Psychics", Vlad remained to work in Moscow, providing paid services of a "magical nature", along with other participants in the famous show.

But, soon Kadoni realized that his popularity was rapidly declining, and people began to forget about his "merits" in the "battle of psychics." Vlad goes to the television project Dom 2, where he decides to "promote" and expand his "client base" due to the huge audience of the show. And, I must say, he did a good job! He became one of the most talked about members of House 2, and his "magic" deeds also went uphill.

Now about everything in order. From the very beginning, Vlad Kadoni began to have conflict situations with other members of House 2. His first "vis-a-vis" was Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky, whom Vlad tried to force to confess to the complete absence of psychic abilities. But, Rustam Solntsev became the main enemy, with whom the black magician fought for the title of the main intriguer of the project.

With the girls at Kadoni, the project somehow does not add up. There was a series of petty romances in which the magician constantly showed his disrespect for his partners. So at first it was with Nelly Ermolaeva. After they settled in the VIP house, Vlad constantly bullied the girl and tried to "bend" her under him, all the time carrying out uncoordinated trips outside the perimeter and other disrespectful acts. The black magician played so much that he missed the moment when Ermolaeva went to live with Nikita Kuznetsov in city apartments. After that, Nelly and Nikita formed a very bright couple, and most importantly, the girl’s attention was absolutely not attracted by her former young man. Since then, Vlad's heart has been entirely owned by a burning brunette, as a result of which, the young man is trying in every possible way to take Nelli away from Nikita Kuznetsov. But, it's all in vain.

At the moment, Vlad has a couple with Inna Volovicheva, and almost all members of House 2 speak out about the complete fictitiousness in their relationship. It is difficult to judge whether they have a contractual relationship or not, but the fact that our "black magician" does not miss the slightest opportunity to participate in every possible way in the life of Nelly Ermolaeva, which leads to certain thoughts about the sincerity of his couple with Inna ...

On September 13, 2010, Vlad was offered to go to the plastic surgery clinic, where Kadoni is going to increase his penis to 30 cm.

On September 1, 2011, Kadoni won the Man of the Year competition. The victory became possible, largely due to his conflict with Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, who at that time was very much disliked by viewers and wished for her speedy departure.

On September 21, 2011, the black magician left the project of his own free will. There was a lot of gossip that he found his love outside the perimeter with Valeria Gai Germanika.

Bored, the sorcerer returned to House 2 on March 26, 2015 - but not as a participant, but as a co-host. He conducts the execution, arranges tête-à-tête, gives advice to the participants ... In a word, he helps Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina with all his might.

The charming brunette was popular with the fairer sex. In order to save himself from the excessive attention of the “Domovsky” young ladies, the magician publicly declared that his heart was busy, and there was no need to waste time seeking his location.

Vlad Kadoni Vkontakte page.

Let me give a short summary from the biography of the hereditary magician:

  • Age 30 years.
  • Place of birth - the outskirts of Novosibirsk.
  • Virgo zodiac sign.
  • Height 171 cm.
  • Marital status bachelor.
  • The main activity is a showman, businessman, magician.

And now let's plunge into the childhood of little Viti to find out where he got such an unusual gift from. It is worth noting that the boy's mother is a hereditary witch Elena Golunova. Many are familiar with her, thanks to her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” program and victory in season 13. She gave birth to a son at the age of 18, she is very proud of him and teaches all the wisdom of magic.

Vitya did not know his father, his mother married again. She had sons - Dmitry and Leo.

As a child, Vladik really wanted to become a priest, but after that he changed his mind and began to pay much attention to black magic. Mom had a hand in developing the gift of clairvoyance in her son, taught him to understand the occult, to which he is very grateful.

Not everyone knows, but the young man has a degree in psychology.

After the guy moved to Moscow, he decided to take the pseudonym Vlad Kadoni. In the translation of Kadon, it can be translated as a warlock.

Participation in the transfer

In the capital, Vlad for a long time provided the population with various services related to magic. He helped to solve personal problems, got rid of celibacy, filmed the prophecy, suggested conspiracies. The novice magician understood that he needed good advertising in order for his craft to bring in a high income, and it was for this reason that he recovered to win the hearts of viewers on the Battle of Psychics project.

The first time the magician took part in the program in 2008. This was the sixth season of the battle. Kadoni claimed that he was a black magician. At that time, he was very thin, weighed only 68 kilograms, and no one took him seriously. The hosts, especially the Safronov brothers, often made fun of the guy, called him into conflict. But, despite the regular and offensive criticism, the warlock, as the young man was called at the battle, reached the top five and left the program with his head held high.

New try

Two and a half years later, Kadoni decided to try his hand at the project again. During this time he gained experience, became more confident in himself.

At the qualifying round, Vlad and psychologist Vitaly Gibert had a conflict. The psychologist could not understand what the participant from Dom-2 had forgotten on a more serious show. After all, he built relationships throughout the country, put himself in an unsightly light, and now he also claims to be the best in the battle among serious and busy, and, most importantly, talented people. Kadoni tried to control himself and not react to provocations, and was even slightly ironic.

Despite the success in the Battle of Psychics Season 11, Vlad could not find a common language with the Safronov brothers, who regularly made fun of him and ridiculed him. Kadoni managed to win the hearts of viewers and even take third place, which earned him honor and respect.

Project Dom-2

For the first time, Vlad got to the scandalous television set in 2009 as a bow participant. He immediately declared his passion for black magic. From the behavior of the young man, it was clear that he needed PR, not love, although he conscientiously tried to court cute girls.

On the TV show, Kadoni often had disagreements with Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky, because this guy positioned himself as a white magician. The guys constantly quarreled, trying to discredit each other in the eyes of the public. Somehow they even got together in a magical duel. The fight was won by Vlad.

When the magician realized that he was not successful with intrigues, he began to twist love with Inna Volovicheva. At that time, the girl had already declared herself a couple with Wentz, but still secretly ran on dates with Vlad.

It is worth noting that the girl looked very appetizing, due to too magnificent forms. Relations with Kadoni pushed her to change, and Inna decided to completely change her appearance, that is, to lose weight. But along with the extra kilos, love also left. In 2010, the couple broke up.

In 2011, Vlad will leave the television set with a small scandal. Some juicy details have become known. The young man had an operation to increase the reproductive organ. He admitted that he always dreamed of being perfect in everything.

New turn

In 2015, Vlad Kadoni reappeared on a TV project where everyone can build their love. At that time, he had already received the title of man of the year. The magician became more self-confident, looked presentable. But he appeared not as a participant, but as another host of the program. He acquired a Hollywood smile and gathered a real army of fans. The young man boasted of a prestigious job and a brand new townhouse, taken on a mortgage.

As for the personal front, there are, as always, many questions and few answers, a mystery shrouded in darkness. Vlad is often credited with novels with:

  • Christy Deryabina.
  • Valeria Gai Germanika (provocative director of sensational films).

There were rumors that Kadoni is married and has several children. Vlad denied the speculation, saying that his heart was busy. In order to take his words seriously, on the pages on social networks, the warlock published a series of photographs with his girlfriend. True, her face was hard to see.

But recently it became known that Anna Devitskaya turned out to be Vlad's lover. With her, a charming brunette even flew to Turkey on vacation.

Successes and achievements

Let's remember all the projects involving the guy:

  1. Program "Battle of psychics". In particular, 2008, 2012.
  2. TV show Dom-2. From 2009 to 2011. Since 2015, the leader of the project.
  3. New Morning Program. Speech on NTV with a heading called "Morning".
  4. Transfer "Wake up". Conducting master classes starting from 204.

Among other things, Vlad is developing as a businessman. Since the autumn of 2016, a boutique has opened its doors, where exclusive perfumes are sold. And in 2017, the young man opened a beauty salon. By the way, the institutions have an impeccable reputation and they bring a very good income to their owner.

Vlad Kadoni is an ordinary guy from Novosibirsk who gained some fame thanks to his participation in the show "The Battle of Psychics". The name of the man is a pseudonym that he took for himself after moving to Moscow.

Participation in the battle did not bring the desired popularity to the young man. He decided to go to Dom-2. The personal life of Vlad Kadoni did not improve there. Participation in the battle left an imprint on his biography. Many did not take him seriously.

However, this did not stop Vlad from achieving what he wanted. The man, starting in 2015, became the host of the TV show "House-2".

Personal life of Vlad Kadoni

The personal life of the magician has become interesting to the public ever since Vlad Kadoni first appeared on the project. The man met with Nelly Ermolaeva. In addition, his biography was associated with Inna Volovicheva. Take a look at the photo. The young people here are very happy.

However, their union did not last long. For some reason, it was difficult for a young man to start a serious relationship on the project. Many girls did not take Vlad seriously. It seemed to them that he was more puzzled by the PR of himself than by the search for a soul mate.

It is also known that some time ago Vlad Kadoni met with the famous Russian producer Valeria Gai Germanika. The girl is known for her scandalous films, which, although they did not appear on the big screen, nevertheless, were remembered by fans of short films for their uncensored plot.

After Kadoni parted with Germany, for a long time his personal life was covered in darkness. Now the young man is in a relationship.

Vlad's relatives say that he is very happy. However, no one calls the name of his chosen one.

Vlad says that he and his girlfriend are from different companies. Few will approve this union if they find out who managed to win the heart of the magician. The TV presenter does not want to provoke the appearance of gossip around his person. That is why he keeps the name of his girlfriend a secret. However, their joint photos quite often appear on social networks.

Interview with Kadoni

No one will tell so vividly and colorfully about the biography and personal life of the darkest person of the Dom-2 project as Vlad Kadoni himself. The man often gives interviews for popular women's magazines. In addition, you can read an interview with him in the Dom-2 magazine for 2017.

Vlad Kadoni at the Dom-2 project

Journalists asked Vlad several questions of interest to viewers. So information appeared in the press that Kadoni had bought a house for his beloved. Journalists asked if this was so. The man admitted that he really bought real estate for his beloved. As it turned out, this is just a tankhouse. Vlad took it to a mortgage, deciding to make a "small" surprise for his lady of the heart. The presenter's friend very quickly found out what kind of surprise her beloved had prepared for her.

Having discussed the purchase of a townhouse, the young people came to the conclusion that this waste is untimely. It is better to wait a bit and buy a big luxurious house where they can accommodate two, and possibly three, if they manage to have a baby.

Vlad Kadoni in the program "Battle of Psychics"

Not only members of house 2, such as, her favorite presenter Vlad Kadoni does it well. You can't refuse the ability to surprise and amuse the former magician. On any talk show, and now in the "Wedding for a Million" contest, the presenter excelled. Everyone is shocked, with whom Kadoni lives! With three huge, slippery snakes, which feed live chickens. Wow roommates chose Viktor Golunov, how is he not afraid to be with them in the same house?

Here is the answer to the question: Why does Kadoni occasionally look strangely at the participants in house 2? Surely, he mentally feeds the slow-witted "hamsters" to his pythons. Or pythons. And then he goes to feed the bugs, spiders and giant cockroaches that were lucky enough to live in his house. Livestock Kadoni sometimes participates in the filming of reality shows, and risks his life. After all, the last time Sasha Gobozov almost ate one cockroach, and he also says that Olga Zharikova feeds him well.

Well, Kadoni, well, it does!

Lately, Vlad Kadoni has become inflated, he constantly brings the deceived participants to clean water (as if they were supposed to do something else according to the scenario), he can humiliate or support - at his own discretion. , then the snake dragged with Alena Savkina to hiss for the company, then he performs in the studio as a kind of dandy in a suit from the common dressing room. Well, Kadoni, well, it does! - the spectators rejoice, tired of the quarrelsome and noisy inhabitants of the teledomik.

Kadoni is coming - and the set comes to life, will it be boring without him if he decides to leave home 2? But he is waiting for offers from Channel One, will he be the first to find a good position? After all, Andrei Cherkasov is also not a bastard and is already attending courses for TV presenters.

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