Sick Andrey Gubin: I signed a death warrant. Andrey Gubin - personal life, biography, photo, wife and news What happened to Andrey Gubin now


Andrei has long disappeared from the gossip column. Once his hits sounded from every iron, but now the performer lives as a recluse. Fans following Gubin believe that this is due to the serious diagnosis that the doctors gave him. The singer's illness is called "left-sided prosopalgia."


Gubin himself is sure that he has ill-wishers. These enemies allegedly have been chasing him for ten years and provoked an accident in Sochi, in which the artist almost suffered. That is what he told the audience in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov. Andrey thinks that there could be an attempt on his life. From the frames of the car flattened from the impact, the hair on the head stands on end.

“It was scary. For no reason at all - the road was empty, and then the car took off, arrived in the frontal. Taking into account all the events that are happening around, I seriously say:“ These are no longer toys, ”Gubin caught up with fear.

According to the singer, he was in a taxi. “I wasn’t driving and I was sitting next to the driver. It was an attempt on my life. I just ask for some elementary cleanliness so that they don’t kill me. Sneaks against me began a long time ago. I didn’t notice them, I was small. Well, what is this nonsense, what are you doing? Andrew is angry.

Partly because of his fears, partly because of ill health, Gubin is lonely. However, the performer still believes in love and hopes to meet his soul mate, unless, of course, he is killed by mysterious ill-wishers, whom the singer is so afraid of.

“I like a lot of girls. I’m quite strong, despite my modest size, a guy,” Andrei reassured the alarmed public. “Naturally, I’m looking for a girl for myself to admire her for a long time ... , two, three ... And then the sores began, it was not up to it, but the girls still like it. Just like before. "

Gubin also spoke about health problems. "I am gradually losing my hearing. And I feel happiness from this. That I will not listen to this nonsense. Can you imagine what a person can be brought to, that he, losing his hearing, rejoices that he can become deaf?" - the artist joked and added that he does not have depression.

Recall that at the end of April, the artist scared fans with his interview for the program "Oh, mommy!" Gubin said that he ended his musical career due to the fact that he allegedly "floats" the entire left side of his face, there are "some stripes" on his neck, his lips "turn blue" and in general "everything".

Popular in the 90s, singer Andrei Gubin was the idol of millions. Numerous fans showered their favorite artist with flowers and gifts and did everything to attract attention - they waited behind the stage after the concerts, guarded under the windows near the musician's house. Despite the fact that Andrei was surrounded by crowds of fans who dreamed of connecting their lives with him, now the performer of the hits “Winter-Cold”, “Girls Like Stars” spends his days alone. In the program "Nineties" Gubin admitted that he loved only one girl in his life, who once starred in his video "Liza". However, his shyness prevented him from building normal relationships and starting a family with his chosen one.

“She was such a smart girl, I remember, I was scared. I merged, ”Andrey admitted.

Although Gubin failed to keep his beloved, the artist's relatives are aware of what is happening in the life of his former passion. As the sister of the singer Anastasia Boeva ​​said, the girl was able to find happiness with another man and started a family.

"She is doing well. She now lives in Switzerland, she has two wonderful children,” said a relative of the star of the 90s.

// Photo: Frame from Andrey Gubin's video

It is worth noting that the girl who starred in Gubin's video is the daughter of actor Igor Starygin, the famous Aramis from the film "D" artagnan and the three musketeers. It is known that, having matured, blond Anastasia Starygina really started a family, but she has one son growing up, and not two, as Andrey Gubin's sister noted in an interview with the TV channel.In addition, the daughter of the famous artist did not go to live abroad and spent her whole life at home.Admirers of Andrei Gubin's work are also well aware that he was not romantically involved with Anastasia Starygina, and therefore the information shared by the singer himself and his sister is not entirely true.It remains only to guess who the artist and his relative actually had in mind, speaking of the only girl whom Gubin loved with all his heart.

Now the singer lives alone, continues to write music and is being treated for a serious illness that has paralyzed his muscles. He does not blame anyone for not finding his soul mate. Andrei believes that during his life he met the wrong girls - he did not dare to start a family with any of them. Despite the fact that now a man is a little over 40, and he can quite successfully establish a personal life, women are not eager to see an idol of the 90s next to them. Andrei does not leave attempts to meet his only one and even goes to various tricks to draw attention to his person.

“I don’t have relationships with women. Although I really love them. Nobody communicates with me. I always make contact with girls both in life and in social networks, but they all merge me in a row. Once, in order to shorten the time for the dating process, I left an announcement: “Ready to become a sponsor. Andrey". And you know, no answer. On the one hand, it made me happy. This means that women are not yet so corrupt, ”Gubin told StarHit.

Andrei Gubin is the golden boy of the Russian stage, his frenzied popularity was envied, which led to unfounded criticism. She sometimes crossed the line of decency. Despite the long-term disappearance from the media space, the artist is remembered and often included in ratings dedicated to forgotten stars.


The real name of the singer is Klimentyev, he was born in Ufa, but 8 years after that, the family moved to Moscow. Here problems with housing and registration begin, so the Klimentyevs often move, and Andrei changes schools. But this does not prevent him from studying well. The good grades and diligence of the boy pushed his stepfather to achieve a transfer from the 2nd grade directly to the 4th, which caused the start of problems with academic performance.

Andrey Gubin in childhood and now

In addition to studying, Andrey played chess and was seriously fond of football. Here he achieved a serious result, got into the national team of the capital, but a serious injury prevented him from continuing his sports career.

Andrey's creative path began in adolescence, when his father gave him a guitar. It could have started earlier, but the burr became an obstacle, from which the guy got rid of thanks to the support of relatives and classes with a speech therapist. Soon, the aspiring musician writes the first song called "The Tramp Boy". He performed it in the popular television project Up to Sixteen and Older.

By this time, there was no trace of Andrey's academic performance. This was facilitated by the freedom-loving, revolutionary views of the teenager, which provoked conflicts with teachers. Because of this, Gubin's certificate was spoiled by several unsatisfactory grades.

For some time after school, Andrei was engaged in journalism. But a failed interview with Andrei Makarevich forced him to abandon this lesson. The guy entered the Gnessin School, but soon dropped out of school due to the dullness and monotony of the educational process.

Start of takeoff

In the late 80s, Andrey recorded 3 albums: "Homeless", "Ave Maria", "Prince and Princess". They were produced in limited editions and today are considered rare and valuable. By this time, the father of the young performer became a wealthy man, organized a serious business. This had a positive effect on Andrei's career, which he was later blamed for. Detractors said that the "boy" made his way to the stage not thanks to his talent, but for his father's money.

Andrey Gubin on the set of the video

The beginning of the singer's take-off was his performance at the Slavutich pop contest in the mid-90s. Here he was noticed by Leonid Agutin and contributed to the professional recording of the album "Vagabond Boy". He was a crazy success. After 2 years, the fans were pleased with the next disc "Only You". In her support, a mega tour was organized in the CIS countries.

Andrey Gubin during the concert

In the late 90s, the singer left for Canada to record an English-language album. But Andrei did not succeed, and he returned to Russia. Soon after, the third album “It was, but passed” is released, which becomes very successful, but is criticized by experts.

Andrey Gubin was the idol of millions of girls

This does not stop the singer from recording the 4th album "Always with you" in 2 years. In the mid-2000s, collaborations with Olga Orlova and the Kraski group were released.

Andrey tried himself as a producer, his ward was Yulia Beretta and the Pay Attention group. The singer himself no longer released full-fledged albums, but only collections of the best songs, diluted with several new compositions.

Personal life

Andrei is not married and has no children. This often became the reason for the appearance of rumors about the unconventional orientation of the "golden boy". Gubin himself says that in the days of glory he was content with fleeting romances with fans and dancers.

Andrey Gubin with his fans

The popular artist's problems began after the death of his father (actually his stepfather, but he raised Andrei like a son) in 2007. The tragic event was the cause of alcohol abuse. This problem was superimposed by a disease of the nervous system, from which Andrey suffers today.

Singer Andrey Gubin now

The once famous artist has completely disappeared from the air, does not release hits. Andrei travels and rarely gives interviews to journalists.

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At the beginning of 2015, the public was shocked by the picture of Andrei Gubin: in the photos taken by the artist's fans in Egypt, it was difficult to recognize the once handsome and dazzlingly smiling singer.

The fans were shocked by the appearance of their idol and wondered: what is the star of the 90s doing now? A year later, the performer told reporters about his life after the end of his career.

Photo with fans in Sharm el-Sheikh / Photo: social networks

More than ten years ago, due to an illness of the nervous system, Gubin was forced to end his career. Now he leads a secluded life, rarely gives interviews and prefers not to leave his home in the east of Moscow without a good reason.

According to the pop star, he no longer goes to the doctors.

Finished with these wanderings through the offices eight years ago. They couldn't understand what was wrong with me. I gave 40 thousand dollars - the result is zero. I lay at home for a year, read books, and then it dawned on me and I started riding a bike. Everything was getting better,"

the artist noted in an interview with StarHit.

For several years he lived in Egypt, where he rented a house for $150. Gubin made repairs there with his own hands, but, according to him, did not take root in the country - because of the mosque, in which prayers were sung five times a day.

I wanted to write music and couldn't listen when the notes got past. He dreamed of building a camp site, playing the piano, but to hell with it! Not allowed! Eventually my ears curled up and I moved out."

the singer said.

Photo: Andrey Gubin's personal archive

the performer said.

When asked about his personal life, Andrei Gubin replied that he, as before, was alone. Sometimes he goes to concerts with former colleagues.

Gubin at the concert of Vladimir Presnyakov / Photo: personal archive

I don’t communicate with anyone, because I’m shy, I’m afraid to disturb someone. The other side of this is that I don't like to be disturbed. I walk in Sokolniki Park, I go to Gorky Park by bike. They recognize me"

Gubin confessed.

He hasn't even started a family yet.

I have no relationship with women, although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I always make contact with girls both in life and in social networks, but they all merge me in a row. Once, in order to reduce the time for the dating process, I left an announcement: "Ready to become a sponsor. Andrey." And you know, no answer. On the one hand, it made me happy. So, women are not yet so corrupt, "-

quotes the singer edition.

WITH Andrey Gubin, author and performer of the songs “Winter, Cold”, “Vagabond Boy”, etc., a star of the nineties, we met at the Rosa Khutor ski resort. In the off-season, when there was no snow already or still in the mountains. “And what are you doing there in the mountains?” I asked him on the phone, while still in Moscow. "I'm running away from the disease," he joked grimly.

Vladimir Polupanov, "AiF": - At what point did you decide to disappear from the stage sky?

Andrey Gubin: I didn't "disappear" anywhere. At the age of 29, when I was still actively performing, I had various sores. They accumulated, accumulated ... And at some point it hit so hard that it simply became impossible to go on stage. How do men usually react when they get sick: oh, tomorrow it will pass. I waited a week, a month - does not pass. And after 3 months it didn't. Something crackles in the head, crunches, it hurts to move the jaw, it hurts to open the mouth. Year went to different doctors. They fed me all sorts of drugs. All to no avail. Nothing helps. I spent a year at home, reading books. I only went out to the store. Then it became boring to lie at home. Bought a bike. Started to ride. It got better. The more I move, the better I feel. The scheme of my treatment today is very simple: I try to gradually increase the load.

You don't look sick from the outside.

- That's what you think.

What exactly hurts you?

- The whole body is sick.

Are you living on painkillers?

- No. I just endure.

- When did it start for you? Was there some kind of shock or psychotrauma?

- Of course, there was no such thing that I was stuffed in the face. The human body is a single system. Started from the back. And if somewhere in the back is clamped, then gradually the lymph nodes begin to work worse, the lymph shoots in the neck, the resonators work worse. My back hurts, and my left arm has been struggling to lift for several years (which is why I don’t drive a car), and my face. That's why I don't sing today. And I have a philosophical attitude to this: apparently, I had to live such a life. Here I live.

Does it hurt you to sing?

- It hurts even to speak, to move your jaw. I think the teeth will start to fall out soon. Therefore, do not be surprised, dear viewers, when you see Andrei Gubin without teeth. This can happen, unfortunately. Although I really do not want this and I struggle with it. But I can't do anything about it.

"I'm optimistic"

Are you in pain every day? Or are there periods when the pain subsides?

“I sleep at night, of course. And in the morning everything hurts again. It only gets easier when I start moving. Therefore, like a fool, I ride around Moscow on a bicycle and a scooter or go on foot. But I remain optimistic. And sometimes I feel capable of a lot. I have a lot of vitality. At certain moments, I feel capable of a lot. I am now such a machine that you can fuck! You can't tell me that yet, really. But I am very strong. I'm not performing right now, but I'll be performing later. So I think it's all for the good.

- And what did the doctors diagnose you with?

- I spent a year of my life and about 50 thousand dollars on doctors. I was told that my spine is in good condition, nerve conduction is good, my brain is in order, etc. I was examined in Germany, Israel, and in Russia almost all central neurological clinics, psychiatrists, psychotherapists. And I received certificates from everyone that everything is in order with me. But at the same time, everything hurts me. I thought they were making fun of me.

- Do you miss the stage?

- I can easily do without a stage. Even today they offer me to speak here and there. And the money seems to be normal. But why be embarrassed? Let the image of Andrey Gubin remain clean and unsullied. And somehow I'll live. As a last resort, I will sell an apartment in Moscow.

And then, it's not easy - I want to go on stage, I took it and went there. First you need to write good songs, record them (one, two, three - ten), release a record. The album was sold, it seems that you can go on tour. You have to think how to make a good show.

What is interesting about our work is that you are working on a lot. I compose melodies, poems, plus I participate in the process of arranging. This, excuse me, is not just like a journalist: I took an interview and printed it. And then the first, second, third. And then you have to move beautifully on the stage. That is a lot of components. Therefore, such a profession does not bother for a long time.

There are artists from God - they have a longing for the stage. And I'm not an artist from God. I just write songs and sing them. And I never considered myself a super singer. I am like Bruce Springsteen. He is not an artist from God. And also the author of the songs that he sings. And he is good at this. And make another musician sing his songs, they will not be so good.

Have you managed to earn enough money to live without need?

- No. I have never been a rich person. It used to be good: black cash. They paid you money in your hands, you went and spent it. I didn't spend much though. I tried to postpone. Folded-folded. Bought an apartment in Moscow. Now, of course, artists earn much more. But don't think that I'm complaining. I live with dignity, although I do not chic. Every year I spend 4-5 months abroad.

- And what do you do there?

- Sports. Because if I do not go in for sports, then I quickly begin to feel worse. I live only because I move. I played a lot of sports as a child. Played football.

How many times have we played together? Earlier.

- Yes Yes. You know I love sports. Just used to be music, girls, sports. And now sports, music and... I hardly communicate with women.

- Why?

“I think they are at war with me. I'll tell you later what's going on with me, not under a tape recorder... Every male wants to please the females. When a male likes a large number of females, he experiences some share of happiness. But, if this goes on for a long time, you already want some kind of peace.

It became not up to women

- That is, you don’t miss the hysteria that the fans staged at your concerts?

- No. Hysteria at concerts. And then you say to a fan: “Let’s go, maybe we’ll hang out after the concert?” And she: “No, I can’t. I need to go home." All the hysteria ends here. It would be better if there was less hysteria, but more specifics (laughs).

Why didn't you have a family?

- At the age of 24, I met Lucy ( Lucy Kobevko, member of the Caramel group - Ed.). I loved her quite a lot. She was a good girl, but stupid. And we parted after a year and a half with swearing and quarrels. A year and a half I moved away from this love. A normal person cannot immediately fall in love after such a breakup. It took me a long time to fall in love. I can't, that's all. At the age of 29, I began to seem to pay attention to girls again. It seems to have let go - ready to fall in love. And he fell ill so badly that it was again not up to women. Although I am a family man by nature. But, when health problems began, you only think about how to get out.

- Have you ever suffered that you do not have children?

— I would suffer if the situation in the world were different.

- Explain?

“The situation in the world is not normal. Only the blind and deaf can evaluate what is happening in the world as the norm. When the situation normalizes, then everything will be fine with me.

Are these related things?

- I think yes. At least my life definitely depends on the situation in the world. It's a shame for society when the choir Turkish on Red Square sings along with Stas Mikhailov! And people don't care. If only they gave havat.

- You were taken to some wrong steppe ... You told me that you traveled to Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don by public transport. Was it an attempt to look at the country not from the window of an expensive car?

— Yes, I have long dreamed of riding a double-decker train. It was just such a childish desire. I drove from Voronezh to Rostov on the second floor, in a seat. And then I walked around the city, watched what was happening around. So I got to Sochi. Ground transport. The plane is not interesting. I rode the bus along with ordinary people. Before, I couldn’t go to the stall for cigarettes - everyone recognized me. And now I go shopping. Sometimes they recognize me, but most of the time they don't.

- Before recording this interview, you and I walked to the supermarket on Rosa Khutor. And none of the people recognized you. Doesn't that bother you at all?

- I don't want to flirt with you. Therefore, I will answer this way: I go and understand that everyone here already knows me, they just don’t show it. I feel more attention. Even more than before. Therefore, I do not suffer from lack of attention. Olympic champion, swimmer Salnikov, once said that a man needs fame in order to put it at the feet of his beloved woman. Why do we write all these songs and shoot videos? To find a good girl and drag her somewhere, so that later there ... To put all sorts of experiments. Understand?

- I don't understand.

What else do you need fame and money for? I remember my life and understand that I was happy when I was in love. And when I was not in love, but everything went smoothly in my career, I can’t say that I was happy. In general, unfortunately, I was very unhappy in my life. Here I gave an interview to one of the TV channels, which was then accompanied by a voice-over text: “And then the tramp boy began to have a black streak ...”. This is about my illness. And I think: “Are you fucking there?! Do you think I had a white streak before that?” I didn't have it. She was black too.

- Black all the time? Why?

Because being an artist is a very hard and stressful job. You screw and you screw. And no happiness. I had a white stripe from 6 to 8 years. And then, when I met Lisa, I had a white streak for a couple of months. And then another year and a half, when Lucy and I had a relationship. That's all my white stripes. When we moved to Moscow, the cops chased us, and my father scolded me all the way.

Why did your father scold you?

- He always found something for it.

Was it cruel?

“Just always dissatisfied. Our family relationships were complicated. But not because my father is bad or me. The father was very demanding. Or maybe I'm just weak...

- But for sure, when you were actively performing, the audience applauded you, the fans rushed to hotel rooms, were you happier than now, during the period of semi-forgetfulness?

“I’m telling you, I have a terrible life right now. Every day pain and gnashing of teeth. Until happiness me as horse-radish knows until what. I was happier then than I am now because I was healthier. Health is one of the most important things in life. In a healthy body healthy mind.

Three times a week I washed the floors in the temple

Have you fallen into religion?

- I'm a believer. But not fanatical. I don’t walk the streets with banners on which “Believe in God!” is written. I hardly go to church either. I somehow agreed that I would wash the floor in the church, which is 100 meters from my house in Moscow. You have to do some socially useful work. So I decided that I would wash the floor in the temple. Washed three times a week. Didn't get anyone. This went on for a month, until some grandmother yelled at me and turned away from there.

- For what? Didn't wash it right?

- Yes. Can you imagine - not so washed! If she hadn't yelled at me, I would still go there with pleasure. But, of course, I got offended and left. One hour of such work in my state is equal to 10-15 hours of work of a healthy person.

- And your illness is not a consequence of the fact that at some point in your life you took drugs or drank in a black way?

- Of course, it is easiest to decide that a person is an alcoholic or a drug addict if something is wrong with his health. Drunk and smoked. I have never been an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who gets drunk, right? And we can all drink. But I don't hangover. I'm pretty reserved. Although, when I worked a lot, in the evenings somewhere with friends I always drank. For real, in Russian.

- You said that you borrowed money from your father at first. Did he demand that you repay the debt?

- Yes. What's wrong with that? I have no resentment towards my father. I'm even glad that he took the money from me then. It is not known where I would spend them. After the release of the first record, I was already a well-known artist, and I had no money. The team had to be fed, but there were no concerts at all. Then "Ivanushki" were at their peak. How to outdo them? The second disc - "Winter-Cold" - was released, they made a little extra money. Barely exhaled - and then the default. They left for Canada.

- For what?

- I myself, to be honest, did not really understand why we were invited there. But I decided to go. We were rented an apartment, they gave us money for food and said: “Compose.” And that's it - no more movement. Nothing happened. And we returned back. It was very difficult, I had, in fact, to start all over again. Only after the release of the fourth record, I exhaled. But at the age of 29 he fell ill. Here, everything that I have earned, now I am gradually eating away. Copyright some drip. I don't have any business.

How many songs have you written in total?

- 4 records is 40 songs. There are 2 more albums that are recorded but not released. There are already 60. Well, there are 150 sketches. The melodies are mostly: somewhere there is a verse, somewhere there is a chorus.

You see, good pop music is like a complex mathematical equation. With the ability and perseverance, it can be invented and solved. But a real hit like "A Million Scarlet Roses" is impossible to calculate. This is a work of genius. And it doesn't count. But here is the song "Clouds" Igor Matvienko- good. But this can be composed, having the ability. Plus hard work, perseverance and diligence are important.

- You wrote songs for many artists.

— Few. 7-8 songs for Julia Beretta, one Jeanne Friske. And one more Kristina Orbakaite: "Snow". She didn't suit her. I wondered why Christina took it and wrote it down. The song is good but difficult. That's why she didn't shoot.

- You now began to appear more often on television in various talk shows. Why all of a sudden?

— I spent a lot of time abroad. And he didn't answer calls at all. But somehow I took the phone, I was invited to television. And I thought that now there is such a situation in my life that I can give a couple of interviews. Makarevich once they asked: “Andrey, why do you rarely give interviews?” “Because everything I want to say, I say in my songs,” he replied. And since I don’t say anything in songs now, and I like to talk, I decided: why not.

- Do you still have friends?

“I never had close friends. Beloved woman, probably, is the closest friend. But now I don't have it either. I like women. And I'm ready to forgive them a lot. If I didn't love them, I wouldn't have written so many tender songs. Now I don't love anyone, unfortunately. And I think women are partly to blame. That's why I can't write. How can I write about love when I only think about how to save my own skin?!

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