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Many modern gardeners do not think that it is possible to grow a crop without plowing, weeding, hilling and daily watering. But there are also "lazy" gardeners who do without these agricultural procedures - and at the same time harvest good crops! Ivan Boyarintsev from the village of Tyelga is one of them. Learn more about the straw farming method that helps him achieve success:

Laziness is the engine of progress

“I'm really a lazy person myself. In addition, about 15 years ago I had an operation in the abdomen. So I could not dig with a shovel in the spring. But I didn't want to leave the garden either. Then knowledgeable people told me about non-traditional farming. A year later, I had a second operation, so heavy physical activity was completely banned. It was then that I began to invent my own “lazy” agriculture and realized that this is a completely different worldview and a special science,” says Ivan Boyarintsev.

Straw has become the main assistant for the gardener.

“Plants do not eat their own kind, that is, organic ones. Accordingly, manure and straw as such are useless to the plant. Only inorganic compounds that the plant receives through the roots from the waste products of spider bugs and worms bring benefits, ”the gardener notes. This became the first postulate of his theory.

The second postulate is that it is necessary to intervene in the life of plants and gardens as little as possible so as not to disturb the fragile natural balance.

Gradually, Boyarintsev came to the idea that land use and agriculture are inherently opposite occupations. Gardening (land use) is a forced measure for the majority of Russians, a way to survive.

“Gardeners are forced to pull out the maximum yield from their 4–6 acres, fitting a variety of horticultural crops in unacceptable proximity, without thinking about the balance and fertility of the land on the site. Agriculture, on the other hand, means the rational harmonious use of the land. Straw farming can be compared to arranging soil in a forest. Straw supports the soil structure and enriches the soil so that chemical fertilization becomes unnecessary. But this effect is manifested only if the principle of "refusal of plowing" is fulfilled. Soil quality improves with each season. This is mainly the result of the fact that everything grown in the garden returned to the soil, with the exception of fruits, ”Ivan notes.

Prepare straw in autumn

It is better to start straw farming in autumn. The first step is to buy straw in bales. As a rule, at this time of the year it is in abundance with many farmers. In the spring this is much more difficult to do. Further, with thoughts about straw farming, you need to spend the winter, and in the spring get to work.

The main advice that Ivan Boyarintsev gives to beginner gardeners is to agree on a new method in the family: “Before buying straw, I told my wife about my intention to grow a garden in a new way. She supported me. Now it helps me achieve high yields.”

In the spring, the earth should be covered with a layer of cardboard or newspapers. If the cardboard is from boxes, it must be cleaned of adhesive tape. Paper will not allow weeds to break through, at the same time it quickly decomposes and does not harm the earth. Many novice farmers are afraid that this will create an ideal environment for the appearance of slugs and other garden pests - but Boyarintsev is sure that uninvited guests are a temporary phenomenon.

“Within six months, the natural balance in the garden will be established. If slugs or some other living creatures appeared, then those who will eat them will soon come. In my garden there are mice, and hedgehogs, and an owl. And that's okay. Let's say all the neighbors have the Colorado potato beetle, but I have never had one. It flies in, leaves its offspring, but at night, beetles unfamiliar to me, which hide from the sun under the straw during the day, come out of their shelters and eat the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle in the embryo. For 15 years, not a single leaf has been eaten and no chemistry,” the farmer shares his experience.

Slugs for balance

The next step is to cover the cardboard sheets with a layer of straw. The easiest way to roll out rolls. The height of the straw layer should be at least 20-30 cm. This is necessary so that the plantings feel great all summer. Straw covers from the sun. Differences in night and day temperatures provide condensation and the necessary moisture. It should be taken into account that the thickness and density of the covering material changes - the straw "sits down" after some time by almost half of its thickness. If its layer is too thick, the soil warms up slowly in spring, so you need to calculate empirically how much hay to lay.

If they blow often strong winds or the site is in a draft, then it is recommended to lightly sprinkle the straw with earth or immediately wet it strongly. Potatoes, strawberries, onions, and carrots grow equally well in straw. The easiest way to plant potatoes in the straw.

“They say that the Cossacks used to lay potatoes on the ground and cover them with a good layer of straw. For the first few years, I made holes in straw. And this year I tried the Cossack style. The difference in seedlings was only three days, and the hassle is much less, - recommends the interlocutor.

Many are afraid of the dominance of mice. But Boyarintsev is sure that you just need to change your worldview.

“Yes, part of the crop suffers from mice. But it is not more than 10 percent. You have to get used to sharing. And he takes it for granted. Yes, and different snakes-hedgehogs perfectly regulate the number of mice, if they themselves are not driven out of the site, and for this, again, straw is needed so that they have somewhere to hide, ”advises Boyarintsev.

To plant small seeds in straw, you need to make a groove in it, pour a row of earth into it and place the seeds.

According to him, straw farming is, of course, not a panacea, but it can really get rid of garden duties. For an urban man, but still not abandoning his piece of land, this is just a gift: a huge amount of time saved without loss of productivity.


The essence of the technique without weeding and hilling is to create a kind of coating over the sprouts of planted potatoes to retain heat and moisture, which contribute to the full growth and development of tubers.

Various materials are used as a coating:

  • special black film (agrofibre), which allows moisture to pass through, but prevents the growth of weeds;
  • pieces of cardboard;
  • hay or straw.

Moreover, the seeds do not have to be buried. You can create “nests” right on the surface of the earth, for example, from straw, and just wait for the result (read about how to grow potatoes under straw).

The method without weeding and hilling includes planting potatoes not only on the territory of the site, but also in special devices, such as:

  • boxes;
  • boxes;

The method without hilling justifies itself with good yields. You can also hear a lot of summer residents and positive feedback from summer residents who have tried it.


The advantage of this technique is that the mulch (cover) creates an excellent microclimate for growing large volumes of crops with minimal resources. As practice shows, from one bush you can get about 15-20 potatoes weighing up to 300 grams, and this is an excellent result, given the minimum effort.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of using straw for growing potatoes:

  • Straw perfectly retains moisture. The soil, and with it the seeds, even on the hottest days will be protected from overheating and drought. Of course, in the absence of rain, it is still recommended to water the plants, but this can be done much less frequently and less abundantly.
  • Over time, the straw will begin to decompose and turn into humus. Along with the development of useful for the soil carbon dioxide, worms and microorganisms will appear that promote the growth and development of tubers.
  • Weeding will no longer be a painful chore, because it is difficult for weed sprouts to break through a significant layer of mulch to the light.
  • Insects that have settled in the straw are excellent allies in the fight against Colorado potato beetles.
  • There will be no need to hill the bushes, since the root crops will not be deep underground.
  • Due to the absence of adhering clods of earth, fruit picking will be easier, more pleasant and faster without auxiliary equipment.
  • Straw will be an excellent fertilizer after harvest. If you lightly bury it with earth, the beneficial bacteria will be preserved and remain effective for the next year.

Of the minuses of this method, it is worth noting:

The necessary conditions

To increase the effectiveness of this method of growing potatoes, certain conditions must be met.

Choose your seed potatoes wisely

It is believed that any potato is suitable for this growing technique.

Despite the fact that many vegetable growers prefer Dutch varieties, domestic varieties should not be neglected.

Perhaps they are less productive, but more resistant to adverse conditions. In the southern regions, such varieties are perfect:

  • Condor for its palatability and stability in storage.
  • Impala for high yield.
  • Red Scarlett for precocity.

For the northern regions, varieties are widely used: Kholmogorsky and Antonina.

Seed potatoes should have strong, juicy sprouts, while dried fruits will reduce the chances of getting a rich harvest.

You can prepare your own seeds for planting. For this you need:

  1. Put the potatoes in boxes or boxes and put them in a bright, warm room 3-4 weeks before planting on the site.
  2. Pick up root crops the size of egg. Large potatoes can be cut, but sprouts should remain on each part.

What tool will be needed?

The main tool that will be required for this method is the coating. If it is not a problem to find a film or cardboard, then you will have to tinker with hay and straw. The material should be enough for at least two laying. Straw can be used the next year, covered in a dry, secure room..

If space allows, you can set aside a small area and grow hay and straw yourself. Choosing agrofibre as a coating, it is worth considering that the soil will need to be well fertilized before planting.

The right fertilizers and land are the key to success

As a fertilizer, a mixture of humus and ash is excellent. If the earth is infected with a wireworm, you can lay out next to the planted potatoes onion peel, which also repels Colorado beetles. It is recommended to change the planting site every year so that the potato does not degenerate.

Effectively plant potatoes on a layer of peat rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. From organic fertilizers preference is given to urea. It is advisable to prepare the land for planting potatoes in the fall. If the area is densely overgrown with weeds, it is not necessary to weed and dig it several times. It is enough just to turn the top layer of turf over so that the greens are on the bottom and the roots are on top.

All winter the grass will rot, and by spring excellent soil will be formed, rich in useful substances. Do not be afraid that weed seeds, crumbling, will germinate again, because the straw cover will prevent this process.

Finally, in the fall, you can sow the area allocated for potatoes with crops such as mustard, rye or oats. They will not only nourish the soil with useful vitamins, but also help in the fight against annoying weeds.

The grown stems are cut and left directly on the beds. For shelter, you can cut the grass in the spring, before it produces seeds..

"Sent us an article from the Belarusian magazine "Khozyain" about growing a crop without digging the earth, weeding, watering and fertilizing.

The intervals between the holes depend on the culture: for beets, onions and other low crops (in two rows) - 5 cm; for cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, daikon, kohlrabi (in one row) - 30 cm; for all types of cabbage (in a checkerboard pattern) - 35 cm; for zucchini, watermelons and melons in one row - 70 cm; pumpkins - 100 cm; for physalis - 50x50 cm. Sow cold-resistant crops first: all types of cabbage (for seedlings), watercress, lettuce, radish, parsley, dill, carrots, onions; after a couple of weeks - peas, beans, lettuce, beets. In early May - cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini; closer to June - seedlings of tomatoes, watermelons and melons.

In the prepared holes intended for sowing seeds, fill them with a small hill of moistened soil prepared from sawdust and compost (2: 1) or peat soil used for growing seedlings. Ordinary land from the garden is not suitable, it may contain weed seeds, their roots and pests. In large holes, sow 5 seeds of radishes and carrots, 1 beet, in small holes - 2 seeds each. Align the hill of soil, lightly press with the palm of your hand. When planting seedlings, moisten a clod of earth in advance and lower it into the hole, deepening the torn edges of the film into the ground. This will prevent weeds from growing inside the holes and protect the planting from insect pests.
If a bear is hosting in your garden or the area is overgrown with couch grass, I recommend putting non-woven cases rolled into bags directly into the holes. The roots of seedlings will easily grow through them into the ground; for pests, such a cone is an insurmountable barrier. After planting, water the plants abundantly, cover with loose and moistened soil, which was mentioned above. You can additionally cover the area with a thin (17 or 30 g / m) covering non-woven material. Press the edges to the ground, like a film. Lay the panel loosely so as not to interfere with the plants growing under it. I did not cover the plants in this way.
At the end of the season, remove the film and remove all plant debris. Let the weeds grow a bit and add some organic matter, including healthy tops of grown vegetables.
This method can also be used to grow many-year-old vegetable crops, flowers, garden strawberries and even shrubs.

Today, many gardeners use the usual method of planting potatoes: they plow the ground, make holes, apply fertilizer and tubers, and throughout the season they spud and weed the root crop. But sometimes even such care does not bring the expected harvest. If you approach the cultivation of potatoes wisely, then you can do this without weeding, hilling and unnecessary trouble. This is the most efficient and very simple method for harvesting potatoes.

This method was actively used by our ancestors. Its essence lies in the use of straw. You will not only get a great harvest, but you will also forget about hilling and Colorado potato beetles forever.

Growing potatoes wisely: the essence of the process

It is also important that there is no need to dig the soil. Preparation of potatoes for planting is carried out in its detailed selection and germination under the sun. The landing process is quite simple:

  1. Tubers are laid in shallow holes.
Cover the area with straw at least 15 cm

After that, you can simply forget about the plot with potatoes until the fall. Do not worry that bugs will eat it or the tops will dry out. Straw not only perfectly protects the root crop, but also creates a shadow. Other advantages of this method include:

  • Lack of watering. Potatoes do not need abundant watering. The soil will be slightly damp even in the most intense heat.

  • Rotting, dry grass attracts beneficial microorganisms and insects. As a result, the plant receives everything it needs for full growth.
  • Weeding and hilling is not required.

As for the collection of potatoes, for everyone who does not like to dig, this method will be a relief, because the finished crop will lie right on the surface, all that remains is to rake the straw. Such potatoes have a wonderful aroma, excellent taste and friability. Few immediately trust this method, fearing its inefficiency, so they use straw only on part of the site. But the next year, the whole area becomes thatched.

It is possible to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling. To do this, it is only important to prepare the required amount of dry grass, bring it and scatter it on the site. We hope our tips will help you grow excellent potatoes in your country house.

Video: Potatoes under hay

Such cultivation of potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling under straw appeared in our country at the beginning of the last century. For some reason, this method of cultivation is not widely used, although it is successful.

What is the essence of the method

To save time and money on growing potatoes, this method is ideal. To begin with, you just need to drop the potatoes into the ground, and then fill it with a layer of straw twenty centimeters. In addition to straw, you can also fill up the beds with foliage or weeds, in general, with any plant debris.

After that, you can not appear in the garden until autumn. It turns out that with this method of cultivation, additional hilling is not required, the fight against Colorado beetles. In this case, the harvest will be good.

Detailed description of the process

If you believe that this method helps in growing potatoes without hilling and weeding, then you can start mastering it. Peasants before the revolution very often used this method of planting to get a good harvest without much hassle. Then the method was forgotten, but why not bring it back to life. Moreover, it carries only solid positive aspects.

On undigged and unplowed land, it will be necessary to spread out sprouted and potato tubers at a certain distance from each other. Now put a layer of straw or any vegetable residues from the garden or garden on top. The layer should be 20, and even 30 centimeters is better. That's all, about your potatoes until the fall, until the harvest, you can simply forget.

When the time for harvesting potatoes comes, you will need to remove the layer of shelter. By this time, the bushes will already begin to dry out. Potatoes are harvested directly from the soil surface, there will be no need to dig up potatoes, so at this stage of cultivation it will be possible to avoid trouble. People who have already decided to try this method of growing potatoes say that the harvest from one square meter of land is even higher than when growing in the traditional troublesome way.

How to improve the way

By itself, such a growing scheme is extremely simple and convenient, but gardeners are trying to constantly improve it. For example, you can add stirring potatoes. For this, a metal fang is taken, about 12 cm is inserted into the tuber laying line. It remains to do fangs. The procedure is simple and does not take much time, but the yield can be increased by another 20%.

You can also try before laying the germinated tubers on the site, first fill it with peat literally 15 cm. If you put the tubers on peat, and then cover it with straw or other plant debris. Again, this trick will help increase the final yield.

What was found out during the experiment

Due to the fact that this method of sprouting potatoes on certain time was forgotten, many did not believe in its effectiveness. Then a group of enthusiasts decided to test whether growing under straw is really so effective.

A site was chosen for the experiment. Everything was done according to technology. They brought it into the soil, loosened it. Lay the tubers well germinated already at this point.

Next, they also laid the stalks of last year's sunflower, and on top they laid a layer of 30 cm garden plant debris. The landing was made in early June. As usual, shoots were expected in a month. At first they were pale and frail, it was hard to believe that bushes would really grow out of it. But, then they rose, closed in a continuous carpet under the straw and began to bloom.

In July, the temperature in our latitudes is high and can rise to +35 degrees. But it was checked that under the straw the temperature does not rise above 19 degrees. This means that ideal conditions for vegetation have been created. And dry time under the straw will always be wet.

When autumn comes, remove the straw. There were a lot of potatoes underneath. Moreover, part of the tubers was on the surface, and zast, buried in the ground. But still, everything was easy to choose. Up to one and a half kilograms of potatoes were collected under each bush.

These are encouraging results that allow you to plant potatoes without additional care and get an excellent harvest. Does the method work, each gardener can only check for own experience. But those who took a chance and tried this method of growing potatoes leave only positive reviews. When the harvest is harvested, you can cook excellent

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