The meaning of the name Arthur, character and fate. Name Arthur: the meaning of the name for a child and an adult


Arthur is a very unusual, albeit widespread, name. Most of the modern popular names came to us from Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. But the interpretation of the meaning of the name Arthur cannot be found in Roman and Greek sources.

The history of the appearance of the name

The meaning and origin of the name Arthur in history was indicated as early as the 7th century BC, as evidenced by the first sources mentioning such a name. These springs belong to the Irish and Welsh peoples. For the most part, what the name Arthur means, the Slavic peoples learned from the epic about King Arthur and the knights of the round table and later popularized it.

Linguists believe that the name Arthur means "Bear". This is how the word "arth" is translated from Welsh, from which the name was formed. A more accurate meaning of the name Arthur comes from the word "arth-ur", it literally translates as "man-bear".

However, there is another theory of the origin of the male name. Some scientists are convinced that the name has Greek roots. Arthur may be derived from the Greek name for the star Arcturus. In translation, it also has a connection with the bear, namely, “Guardian of the Bear”.

In fact, there are many more theories about the appearance of the name Arthur in the history, but these two remain the most popular.

The fate of a child named Arthur

For a boy, the meaning of the name Arthur since childhood lies in complaisance and poise. The kid will grow up very impressionable and at the same time vulnerable. Often enjoys the love of others, who simply spoil him with it. Such an attitude threatens to turn Arthur into an egoist already at a conscious age.

Arthur Smolyaninov

Most of Arthur's character traits come from his mother. In addition, there is a personal feature - daydreaming. Everyone knows that this boy is a dreamer. Since childhood, he begins to dream of a successful career and a happy family. But in the process of growing up, daydreaming is replaced by such traits of Arthur's character as prudence and practicality. You can't expect initiative from a child. Little Arthur is used to being in the process of waiting. He just calmly waits while other people do what he wants for him. Such a feature in the meaning of the name Arthur is not terrible for a child, but in adulthood it can negatively affect the character and relationships with people.

In school life, Arthur will feel uncomfortable. When entering school, the character of the child changes dramatically. Such traits as irascibility, impulsiveness, stubbornness are manifested. Studying will be given to the boy hard. It will also be difficult for the boy to find contact and interact with classmates. Often kids tend to choose the path of teachers' pets. Therefore, they will belong to the category of children who are ready for anything to achieve this goal. They are ready day and night to tell everything to the teacher about others.

The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy lies in the main goal of the child - stands out. He loves fashion and knows a little about it, often putting on non-standard and bright things. Such tendencies of character lead to loneliness, Arthur always has very few friends. And if behavior leads to the development of vanity and arrogance, which is also not uncommon, then he may have even fewer friends.

The older Arthur becomes, the more contradictory his character becomes. Every day you can see a new person. On one day you can see a quiet, calm and prudent guy, on the other - quick-tempered, unbalanced and impulsive. The main thing is to help the young man direct all unrealized energy in the right direction, as often people with that name are haunted by nervous breakdowns.

The nature of the name

The meaning of the character of the name Arthur is revealed depending on the time of year when the person was born.
The meaning of the name Arthur, born in the winter season, is a difficult fate. It is not easy to develop because of the basic qualities of a man, such as straightforwardness, excessive emotionality. He considers himself one of the fighters for justice, but often in the process of upholding the truth he will cross the boundaries of what is permissible. He sets the bar for high demands both for himself and for others, relatives, even relatives and loved ones. He will look for his love for a very long time. His half should be a real ideal, treat him with tenderness and understanding.

Softness and sensitivity - this is what the name Arthur means for a person born in spring. It will be difficult for a courteous man to endure swearing and scandals. Therefore, even at the slightest hint of their appearance, he tries to prevent them. Such a man is distinguished by firmness of spirit, he is reliable and responsible. Any woman next to the spring Arthur will feel protected. But he also has a weakness in the form of vanity and high arrogance. For himself, such a man is looking for a strong-willed woman who can completely obey.

For Arthur born in the summer, the meaning of the name lies in isolation and vulnerability. Such a person will be very constrained, taciturn, selective. He is distinguished by sensitivity, but he is used to treating people with distrust. All experiences accumulate within itself. His ideal state is loneliness, the only way he feels coziness and comfort. A man loves long trips, travel, business trips, but it is very difficult to get along with people. He prefers not to make new acquaintances, therefore, he will build a family, most likely, already in adulthood. As his half, he will choose the woman whom he can fully trust.

A person born in autumn with the name Arthur, which means "mighty bear", will be very unpredictable. His characteristic features are practicality and prudence, but at the same time he is inclined to commit rash actions, which he often regrets later. A guy who was born in the autumn season will become the soul of the company and a great friend. But as a husband and father, this person will not show himself too well because of such qualities of character as waywardness, independence, inconstancy. He can't get rid of them, and he doesn't want to. The personal life of autumn Arthur can develop like an unsuccessful romance.

Personal life

Love for a person named Arthur, the fate and meaning of the name is expressed by devotion to one's choice. When he chooses a certain girl, he makes every effort and ingenuity to always surprise her. The older a guy gets, the harder it is for him to choose a woman. When looking for a chosen one, she will be especially careful, so it will be quite difficult for girls to captivate such a man. The meaning of the name Arthur does not allow this man to take a leading position in a relationship. He usually prefers equality, rarely needs a woman who can manage and direct him.

For the sake of the chosen one, he can dare to do the most serious things. The courtship period in a relationship can drag on for a long time due to the fact that platonic relationships are extremely important for this man. Usually, relationships with first love in such men do not develop into anything serious. Although the chosen one reciprocates, their relationship does not exist for a long time. But Arthur forever keeps in his memory all the vivid memories that he had from his first love.

Arthur is in no hurry to create a family. The young guy is wise beyond his years, so he takes a very responsible approach to choosing a wife. An obligatory requirement for him is a spectacular appearance. Next to you, he sees only that woman who is naturally endowed with excellent external data, knows how to take care of herself and has confidence. Often the guy turns out to be jealous and expresses a vicious feeling for no good reason.

He is always ready to receive guests with cordiality and hospitality, which are given to him from birth. He will be glad to see relatives and friends at any time of the day. He will do everything to ensure that his wife is provided with everything necessary in everyday life, but you should not expect help with the housework from him. As a dad, Arthur does not seek to take the initiative, to take part in the process of raising children. However, he associates with children friendly relations, pampers them and indulges them.

Features of behavior in the family

Lover of comfort - that's what the name Arthur means. This person will do everything to ensure his convenience. The face of prosperity will always be his house, on the furnishings of which he will definitely not save. He loves pets very much, but this love is manifested only in words. In fact, care, maintenance and feeding falls on the shoulders of the wife or children.

The man is firmly convinced that his vocation is to provide for his family. The solution of domestic issues, in his opinion, is the prerogative of a woman. A positive feature of such a family man is that he never shows aggression towards his loved ones. He values ​​his relatives very much and, in the name of preserving the family, forever excludes casual hobbies.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Arthur, the character and fate of this person depend on the choice of the field of activity in which he wants to realize himself. He naturally has a predisposition to various areas. He will be equally successful in building a brilliant career as a surgeon, lawyer or artist. The priority for him is the financial side of the issue. If the job does not bring the desired income, then he will hasten to change it.

A man named Arthur can quickly climb up the career ladder. But it is difficult for him to fight his stubbornness, which hinders the path to success. He has natural cunning, intuition, is able to be flexible in communicating with people, so he often finds a way out of a difficult situation very quickly. The exact meaning of the name Arthur is to always strive to find a middle ground in communication between a superior and a subordinate.

Arthur has by nature an excellent memory, has an analytical mindset, but often he lacks a banal interest in order to fully reveal these abilities of his. Professions suitable for him are military affairs, sports, natural sciences, art.

The secret of the name Arthur

The secret of the name Arthur is the strong will of this person. In ordinary life situations, it is impossible to notice the strong-willed qualities of Arthur. In order for him to manifest and reveal them, a strong motivation is needed. When a difficult life situation arises, it is thanks to the iron will that Arthur will be able to get out of it.
Another secret of the name Arthur is the lack of involvement in any household chores and affairs. This man does not tolerate women's housework, and men's work will be a burden for him. Therefore, a person knows how to turn everything in life so that he does not have to do this.

Name astrology:
patron planet - Neptune;
zodiac constellation - Aquarius;
totem animal - bear;
suitable color - white;
the ideal plant is the flowers of an apple tree, among the trees there corresponds an oak;
he has more than one talisman stone - it is chalcedony and turquoise.


Alice, Camilla, Isolde, Albina, Stella can become Arthur's girlfriends. He will be able to create a strong marriage with girls named Diana, Anna, Love, Valentina, Lydia, Raisa, Lyudmila. This person will not find happiness with Olga, Nelly, Ruslana, Alla, Veronica.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Arthur:

Presumably the name comes from a Celtic word meaning "bear". This animal was highly revered by the druid priests. Hero of Celtic myths, character of European medieval stories about the Knights of the Round Table ("Arthurian legends", "Arthurian story cycle").

The symbol of personality is men who withstand storms. The main character traits are excitability, susceptibility, morality, sexuality.

Arthur seems to be a normal personality, and his character is not bad. However, there is not one feature that is very important for a man - working capacity. Or rather, the desire to work.

Yes, the Arthurs are not one of those people who earn their daily bread in the lot of their face. Instead of himself, he makes others work. He is not overly ambitious - he just needs a quiet, prosperous life. He does not like to face the storms of life face to face. No, he has the psychology of a reed and a badger - his totemic plant and animal, which usually tend to bend down to the ground during cataclysms or hide in a cozy warm mink. After all, Arthur is too deep into his inner world, so he is afraid of ordinary (real) life.

It needs to be shaken well from time to time so that it does not fall asleep completely in its “hole”. So Arthur's parents need to introduce him to the sport, determine his hobbies and contribute to their development. However, this will not be easy - Arthur's excitability resembles a sleeping queen. In fact, he would like to have many friends, communicate with them, but on the condition that this does not oblige him to anything.

And all because the speed of Arthur's reaction is very weak. In addition, he is afraid of defeat - failure greatly shocks him ... His field of activity is quite extensive. Most of all, Arthur is suitable for the profession of a link between managers and performers, that is, he is an excellent manager. He can also be a good administrator, controller, customs officer...

Many Arthurs achieve great success in the field of electronics, as well as medicine, especially non-traditional. Among them there are a lot of good psychics, surgeons, dentists. Success in this area is ensured by his powerful, exceptional intuition. Arthur often uses it, especially in cases where he does not want to use his head.

An analytical mindset, well-developed imagination and memory also help him navigate life well. However, he lacks the usual healthy curiosity. To some extent, this compensates for the sensitivity to everything that is connected with good and evil. Arthur is also impeccable in regard to morality. However, he does not recognize too harsh rules. He is annoyed by their scrupulousness, which often turns out to be out of place.

The name Arthur has no Christian designation. Not listed in saints. Name days are celebrated according to the actual birthday.

Happy birthday to Arthur:

Do not forget to celebrate Arthur's name day and congratulate Arthur on the day of the angel.

Your birthday, which means -

I wish only you, Arthur,

In line for happiness and good luck

Be the first of all candidates!

Succeed in all matters and plans,

To be on the crest of life's wave,

Visit all the beautiful countries

Look at life from the best side!

Our Arthur

Wide nature!

But if he sees things

Contrary to nature

He becomes sharper

And the blood boil in Arthur!

I believe in him immensely

Neither night nor day

Let's not wake the beast

that slumbers in it

us this adventure

Not to my liking at all.

And to drink for Arthur

It's high time already!

Arthur is a rather complex person!

Mobile and mobile, like a "goat".

He loves adventure, adventure,

It happens sometimes too unrestrained.

But at the same time - to the limit businesslike.

Always, everywhere he strives to be in time:

Arthur is in a hurry, he is in a hurry in his affairs

(Which is why it sometimes makes me laugh)

There are many businessmen among the Arthurs,

Artists, divers and athletes.

Arthur, as a rule, is sociable, handsome.

And, if necessary, he will be courteous,

But, in general, by nature - stubborn,

Perhaps because he is honest and direct.

Arthur narcissistically adores himself

And Arthur knows the price of his qualities very well.

Life with Arthur is not boring, it's interesting.

But what he can throw out is unknown to his wife.

He is often uncontrollable and defiant,

Since our Arthur is always unpredictable

The birth of a child is a big event for every family. Therefore, choosing a name for a baby from young parents takes a lot of time. Some name their son or daughter in honor of relatives, others in honor of famous people, others choose what they just like, and the fourth sometimes stop at rather exotic options. However, it is worth remembering that the name given at birth affects the fate and character of its owner. This article will reveal the meaning of the name Arthur. Detailed information will help to establish communication with this man.

The name Arthur - origin and meaning

There are several versions of its appearance. According to the most common, it is of Celtic origin and is derived from the name Arthur, which translates as "stone" or "bear". Its most famous bearer was the legendary King Arthur, who in the VI century. led the resistance to the Saxon conquest.

According to another version, the name is of Greek origin. In this case, it is generally accepted that it appeared from the name of the star "Arcturus", which means "guardian of the bear."

There is also an opinion that it is of Latin origin. The word "artus" means "power", strength, and according to another version it is translated as "plowman".


The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy allows us to characterize its owner. In childhood, this is an obedient child, balanced and calm, always obeys his elders, it is difficult to piss him off. Sometimes it seems that Arthur is watching from the sidelines for any situation.

He can be thoughtful, at such moments it is better not to touch him, he makes important decisions for himself.

The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy says that he is often the only child in the family. His parents pamper him, trying to fulfill any whim of his son. But the boy does not use this, but accepts gifts with gratitude. He also draws very well.

However, this meaning of the name Arthur for a child becomes irrelevant with age. Already as a teenager, his character changes, with those around him he is increasingly quick-tempered and stubborn. He will also try to find a relative or friend who will do everything for him. Usually such a person is almost always.

Outwardly and in character, Arthur often looks like his mother. He is closer to her than to his father.

It is very important from childhood to teach the boy to set high goals and realize them.

Schoolboy Arthur

The meaning of the name, the character of its owner suggests that he does not show interest in learning. With many subjects he has certain difficulties.

However, Arthur does not study well due to a lack of motivation, since he already knows from the school bench what is useful to him in life and what is not.

But in the direction where the boy shows his interest, he becomes the best student. Both parents and teachers can instill a love of knowledge in Arthur. The boy needs to explain the importance of education from childhood.

The meaning of the name Arthur suggests that the boy usually has a good relationship with his classmates. He is ready to stand up for the weak, but he himself can become the instigator of a fight. He finds his best friend at school.


The meaning of the name Arthur speaks of its owner as a person for whom public opinion is very important. The man has excellent intuition, he feels people well. This allows you to influence the decisions of loved ones and manipulate them.

Arthur has a very complex character. It happens to be quick-tempered and vindictive. After a quarrel, he cannot forget the insult for a long time, at the most unexpected moment he will definitely remember it and strike back.

In extreme situations, Arthur shows firmness of character and takes the situation into his own hands.

He has many friends and even more acquaintances. However, they are mostly transient people who change frequently.

An analytical mindset helps Arthur to navigate well in life. He has a good memory, but the lack of curiosity and determination does not allow him to achieve what he wants.

However, it is very important for a man to always be on top, because failures and defeats unsettle him for a long time. At such moments, he can withdraw into himself, and not communicate with anyone for several days.

Arthur's character traits

Many features characteristic of the owner of this name, depending on the time of year of his birth, may appear more clearly or almost absent.

So, "summer" Arthur is very easy to offend. At the same time, he will bear his revenge for a long time and carefully. He is squeamish, frequently washes his hands, and eats in public only as a last resort. He spends a lot of time in his car, loves speed.

"Winter" Arthur is stubborn and persistent. However, despite these character traits, life is difficult for him. It takes a lot of effort to be successful. But the desired man always achieves. He loves beautiful girls, in a relationship he is jealous. Marries usually late.

"Autumn" Arthur is vulnerable and has been very spoiled since childhood. Can be unpredictable in their actions. With age, he becomes prudent, he rarely finds real friends.

"Spring" Arthur grows up as a sickly and impressionable child. He is especially close to his mother. A life partner will be looking for someone similar to her. The desire to be the best in everything helps him achieve certain successes in life.

Love and sex

The meaning of the name Arthur suggests that its owner is a favorite of women. He is gallant, attentive, always looks great, with good manners.

When choosing a girl, he is very picky. His chosen one should be beautiful, well-groomed and smart. However, he will dominate the relationship. Arthur is jealous, he will never forgive his partner's betrayal, he will part with her immediately.

Himself in a relationship will be faithful to his companion, he will perceive any suspicion in his address as a personal insult.

He understands female psychology, so Arthur's chosen one must always be honest with her man. In return, she will receive attention from him, unexpected gifts and devotion from her partner.

Sex for a man is also important. However, he will not lie down with anyone in bed. With a partner he will be gentle and affectionate, she is also expected to be active.

Marriage and family

The meaning of the name Arthur in Islam characterizes him as a devoted man. He has been looking for a life partner for a long time, so he marries late. From marriage expects an equal and honest union. It can be very difficult to get him involved. However, for the sake of love, Arthur is ready to sacrifice a lot if he realizes that the girl is really his soulmate.

The wife will feel like behind a stone wall. The husband is ready to protect her and the children from all adversity. In the family, Arthur feels a sense of peace.

He loves his children very much, usually he has two or three children. Will take an active part in their education. Arthur is a strict father, but fair. When necessary, he always helps his children with advice. However, in the event of a divorce from his wife and children, he also begins to communicate less.

Arthur will never do household chores, especially "women's duties". At the same time, he expects that his house is always clean and comfortable, that there is a delicious hot lunch on the table. Also, a man is a burden and men's work in the house. If something needs to be done, he will definitely hire someone.

Arthur will have a strong family with Albina, Alice, Camilla, Stela, Elsa. Difficulties arise in relations with Alla, Eugenia, Veronica, Lydia, Marianna, Julia.


The complex nature of Arthur prevents him from achieving great success in his work. Stubbornness, unwillingness to obey, hot temper of a man are not always accepted by colleagues.

Arthur should be reserved and flexible when communicating.

For a man, those professions are suitable in which he is an intermediate link between the boss and subordinates. Usually these are controllers, customs officers, wardens.

However, Arthur also manifests himself in medicine, becomes a good surgeon, dentist.

In rare cases, a man finds himself in art. Maybe an actor or an artist.


A child named Arthur (the origin and meaning speaks of this) is characterized as a sickly boy. Often there are disorders of the nervous system, vision and digestion.

Mental problems should also not be confused with fatigue. Parents should devote a lot of time to the health of the boy. Hardening can change the situation in the shortest possible time. Thus, Arthur grows up as a healthy man who devotes a lot of time to sports. Most often it is swimming, running and weightlifting.

It is better for him to spend his vacation by the water, by the sea.

Male name Arthur: meaning and general information

Planet Neptune.

The stone is chalcedony.

The animal is a bear.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Plant - oak, apple tree.

The day of the week is Saturday.

Lucky season is winter.

What does the name Arthur mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Reliable Resourceful Creative

Artur Smolyaninov, actor

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Name origin: Ancient Celtic

When you're lucky: Monday, Friday

When there are problems: Saturday

Important years of life: 21, 47

Zodiac sign: Leo

Lucky number: 15

What does the name Arthur mean?

The name Arthur most people associate with the description of the legendary King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Therefore, the meaning of the name Arthur is perceived as something militant, bringing justice, reliable and strong.

All this is not unreasonable: this name really endows the character of its owner with some “royal” qualities, including some laziness and gravity on the one hand, on the other hand, the ability to think soberly in a critical situation and, if necessary, mobilize all your forces.

The interpretation of the name is not so unambiguous - it contains many secrets and pitfalls.

His foreign origin initially did not imply the presence of a patronymic, therefore, before naming their son Arthur, parents should consider whether it will be beautifully combined with this proud nickname.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

From its rough cold pronunciation, one can guess where it came from - from Scandinavia. It comes from the Celtic bibasic word "Artorigs", where "artos" means "bear", and "rigs" is translated as "leader". Thus, the name Arthur can be interpreted as "man-bear".

The history of the name Arthur to this day evokes thoughts about its most famous representative - the British King Arthur.

And although it still remains a mystery to everyone what of his deeds took place, and what is nothing more than an invention idealized by the people, his image often acts as a criterion for evaluating the characteristics of other Arthurs.

In Russia, this name became widespread after the October Revolution, and later became popular thanks to the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes.

The origin of the name Arthur and its "bearish" meaning undoubtedly left a mark on the character.

Usually calm, measured, in the event of a conflict, Arturik becomes uncontrollable, explosive. Although, of course, to bring it to the "white heat", you need to try hard.

Forms of the name Simple: ArturFull: ArturOld: ArturAffectionate Arturchik

"Royal" origin has influenced the owners of the name Arthur since childhood. Little Arturchik is characterized by some dreaminess, isolation, parents and friends often have to bother the boy in order to achieve some kind of response. What does the name Arthur mean for an adult man?

Balanced, even imperturbable, having passed the period of youthful maximalism, in maturity it turns into a stubborn, quick-tempered, irritable.

He uses his creative potential by creating something with his own hands or generating ideas. He is prone to active recreation, although sports are more likely to prefer dancing or cycling.

The characteristic of the name Arthur is as follows - intellectual, collected, resourceful, creative. He does not like to be responsible for others, he prefers to work and study on his own.

He has a good memory, even after 5 years they can retell some insignificant story in full detail. True, in order for Arthur's abilities to manifest themselves to the fullest, his interest is necessary.

Without the appropriate mood, passion, it is very difficult to achieve anything from this person. In this case, he will prefer to stay on the couch and theorize.

Morality is of great importance to Arthur. Impeccable themselves, they demand similar moral fortitude from others. The character of the name Arthur is often manifested in such traits as indecision, unwillingness to fight for a place in the sun, scrupulousness in matters of ethical standards.

Sensitive to his victories, and especially defeats. Even a small life failure can permanently unsettle him.

He is also concerned about the opinions of other people, because he often depends on him. In the case of an unfair assessment, it becomes unbalanced and unpredictable.

Another characteristic of Arthur can be called the ability to become active in the face of difficulties - sometimes only an extremely difficult life situation can make him act, gather himself, excite his mental abilities and willpower.

He could make a good firefighter or an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since in an emergency he does not lose self-control, but, on the contrary, begins to think faster, more clearly.

Character traits Intellectuality Resourcefulness Creative imagination Reliability Morality Stealth Short temper Vanity Stubbornness Indecisiveness

Arthur is an impressionable, amorous nature. But, despite this, getting married is usually in no hurry. He can live with one girl for a long time, as he is monogamous, but he is in no hurry to formalize the relationship.

Good and bad couples Alisa Anna Diana Lyudmila Elsa Veronica Marina Nelli Olga Stella

If the girl is patient, compatibility with her husband will be complete, and family happiness will not take long.

It is in the family that the best qualities of Arthur are manifested: no matter what business he undertakes - helping his wife, raising children, home improvement - industriousness, non-conflict, concentration, delicacy and responsiveness will be manifested in everything.

You can trust him with anything - he will do just fine. He perfectly understands female psychology, therefore relations with his wife are very harmonious.

The meaning of the name Arthur for a boy

The meaning of this beautiful name will surely leave a touch of romance and chivalry on its owner. The sedate, "royal" Arthur is a bit like a bear - laziness, slowness, the ability to quickly get together in a critical situation.

Like this formidable beast, the child is outwardly good-natured and calm, but this impression is deceptive. And it means that anyone crossing the road or hurting their pride will be severely punished.

Your child is very dreamy, lives in a fictional world, occasionally "surfacing" to the surface of reality. Arthur is constantly coming up with something new and interesting.

Smart, resourceful, creative, versatile. Your boy likes to theorize rather than make his dreams come true.

Where will Arthur be successful? For this child, the engine of progress is interest in the subject being studied. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to achieve good results from Arthur. The ability to think clearly and act quickly in a critical situation can push him to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Most often, Arturchik will opt for a more calm, measured work.

If you have chosen this name for your boy, try to develop independence in him - Arthur from an early age must learn to rely only on himself. Teach the guy to sports, cycling, dancing, swimming will suit him.

What games will Arthur like? This little boy is interested in one. Arturchik will be happy to invent a fairy tale story in which he is assigned the role of a knight. He loves to read and retell what he has read. The child often bypasses active games, preferring gatherings with a guitar or board games.

When is the name day?

Not in the Orthodox calendar. © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

What does the name Arthur mean?

Arthurs are characterized by ambition, isolation and vulnerability, their main desire is the desire for success.

Arthur, translated from Celtic, means "bear man".

Origin of the name Arthur:

The name Arthur is believed to have come from the Celtic language, derived from the Celtic "art" - "bear", and means "man-bear", "mighty as a bear." This name is associated with strength, power, mental stamina.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Arthur:

As children, Arthurs are calm and rarely cause trouble for their parents, if one remembers to protect them from colds and allergies, which they are often prone to at an early age. Usually, they look like their mother and prefer to stay close to her, although they have no problems communicating with their peers. Little Arthur learns obediently and without internal rebellion, but if you put a lot of pressure on him, in his youth he can become stubborn and quick-tempered. He is intelligent, has a wide and unusual range of interests, and has a penchant for collecting.

Arthurs rarely strive for leadership, but they also do not want to be lagging behind, the last. The ideal work role for them is one that does not imply a rigid hierarchy and regulation of relations. In business, they prefer to rely on themselves, they do not like to answer for others. Analytical mindset is combined in them with intuition. Arturs are talented programmers and willingly deal with electronics. Many of them find themselves in art and related professions that require breadth of knowledge, impetuosity and emotional sensitivity.

In communication, Arthur is an introvert, he chooses friends carefully and reluctantly. He does not like to reveal his soul to anyone. Disgusted, it is easy to offend him, but he himself can be unpleasant because of his arrogance and temper. Maintains comradely relations without difficulty, but hardly lets people closer. Dreamy nature makes him vulnerable and prone to deep emotional experiences. Spoiled in childhood, Arthurs, in adulthood, cannot get rid of egoism, subconsciously expect admiration for themselves, often work for the public, pose.

The Arthurs begin to be interested in women early, but they marry late. Arthur's attitude towards the chosen one is largely chivalrous, he is ready to protect and patronize her. In a woman he is looking for a beautiful lady, a noble ideal, which also affects the sexual sphere - in bed for Arthur, the harmony of the spiritual and the carnal, refinement and sincerity are important. He is prone to total control, but a woman who will not react painfully to him will become lucky under the tutelage of Arthur. Arthur is jealous and violently shows feelings, betrayals hurt his pride and pride, he himself can easily change if he has ceased to have strong feelings for his wife. The unions of the Arthurs with women named Inna, Lyubov, Lydia, Natalya, Lyudmila and Maria are successful, and difficulties should be expected in love relationships with Olga, Stella and Nyura.

In the family, Arthur seeks, above all, peace and a quiet haven. He does not spend much time with his loved ones, although he sincerely loves them, it is very important for him to understand that he has his own home to which he can return. He is attached to children, but, as a rule, "at a distance", most of the children's life in Arthur's family is taken care of by his wife.

Arthurs, who were born in winter, are harsh, they make picky critics and attentive controllers. "Autumn" ones are a little less harsh, emphatically correct in their statements and fair. "Spring" - cheerful and happy, and those born in the summer - inquisitive and restless.

Name Arthur in different languages:

  • Name Arthur in English: Arthur (Arthur)
  • Chinese name Arthur: 阿尔图尔 (Aertuer)
  • Name Arthur in Japanese: アルトゥル (Aruturu)
  • Name Arthur in Spanish: Arturo (Arturo)
  • Name Arthur in German: Arthur (Arthur)
  • Name Arthur in Polish: Artur (Arthur)
  • Name Artur in Ukrainian: Artur

Forms and variants of the name Arthur: Arti, Arturka, Art, Artik, Archi, Artyusha, Atya, Tura, Artya

Arthur - name color: violet

Flower Artur: peony

Where did the name Arthur come from and what does it mean?


Origin of the name Arthur: Presumably from a Celtic word meaning: big bear. Arthur - the name of the legendary king of the Britons (V - VI centuries)
Description of the name Arthur:
These calm, balanced children are a joy for their parents, everyone is happy with them, they are obedient. At school, the character changes, the boys become quick-tempered and show stubbornness. Look like a mother both externally and internally. They are fond of drawing, numismatics.
"Summer" - closed, not too talkative. "Winter", on the contrary, are emotional, are engaged in wrestling, boxing, read a lot. Natures are passionate. Their professions: trade workers, dentists, surgeons, lawyers, artists, tailors, shoemakers. They marry late, they are very attached to the family, children, but they do not help their wives. Willingly go on long trips. Hospitable.
"Summer" - squeamish, easily hurt. They like to drive a car, but not to repair. "Winter" in life is difficult, although they are stubborn and persistent. Before getting married, they choose a bride for a long time, they prefer tall and slender girls.
It is not easy for the Arthurs to succeed. They are quick-tempered, stubborn, sometimes cunning. But thanks to their flexibility, they still achieve a position in society. Jealous. In the morning they like to sleep longer.
"Autumn" - prudent. In the family, Arthur, as a rule, is the last child, so he grows up spoiled and unpredictable. Lightweight and squeamish. "Spring" - often get sick: they have weak lungs and throat. Very sensitive.

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Arthur is a male given name of Celtic origin.
Diminutives: Arturchik, Artik, Turik,
Patronymic: Arturovich, Arturovna; unfold Arturych, ArtikAis, Artik, borka, eeway, borka Most of all, the name is popular among the peoples of Western Europe. In many Slavic, Romance, and Germanic languages, the name Arthur is written as Artur. The Finnish version of the name is Artturi, not Arttu!. Art - short form. It is noteworthy that the name "Arthur" is considered their own by the gypsies and Armenians. Translation from Armenian "Take the sword."
Translated from the Celtic language as "Mighty", "Big fight". There are suggestions that the name "Arthur" comes from the Roman word Artorius ("plowman"). The ancient Celts had a bear-like goddess Artio.
The Celtic name artos translates as "bear". Other Celtic languages ​​have similar names such as Old Irish Art, Artúur, Welsh Arth - which may serve as a source for the modern name.


The meaning and origin of the name:
presumably the name comes from a Celtic word meaning "bear". This animal was highly revered by the druid priests.
in Russian sounding, the name Arthur involuntarily suggests some intellectuality inherent in its owner. However, it contains not even one, but two calls to action, so sometimes it's hard to say what to expect from Arthur. So, let's say, when the conflict seems to have already been settled, he may suddenly begin a new bout of dissatisfaction, which often makes others suspect Arthur's imbalance of character. This is a more erroneous idea, which nevertheless it is desirable to try to correct, otherwise such an attitude of people can really deprive him of balance. The best thing is if, having felt a new impetus to action, Arthur does not return to old grievances, but directs energy in a different direction, for example, expressing it in a work of art or simply laughing at himself.
It was not by chance that I mentioned the possibility of artistic creativity, since very often the energy of the name carries Arthur into the realm of fantasies and dreams. This is partly due to its musical sound and rhythm, and partly to the fabulous image of the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, who, according to legend, is still sleeping on the mysterious island of Avalon, waiting in the wings to return one day.
The reverie inherent in Arthur can find expression in literature, painting, professions associated with travel and adventure.

We are used to such a simple name as Arthur. Few people thought about where it comes from. It has become so ingrained in our culture that everyone considers it native. In fact, its roots go deep into the history of ancient times, but not ours.

Origin and meaning of the name

It is impossible to determine what nationality the name Arthur belongs to. After all, there is not even a single version of the origin of this name.

Some believe that it comes from the Roman word Artōrius of obscure etymology, used as a surname. Experts in antiquity claim that the name Arthur from Greek means "guardian of the bear." This interpretation is associated with the name of the brightest star in our sky - Arcturus, which is translated from ancient Greek as "guardian of the bear." According to legend, the name of the star is identified with Arkad (the son of Zeus and Callisto) placed by his father in heaven to protect his mother, who was turned into a bear by Hera. This theory has been confirmed by few scientists. She looks suspicious to them.
They decided to contribute to the origin of the name Arthur and the Armenians. In Armenian history, this name is quite common, and even today its popularity is no less. He has several translations: some argue that Arthur is “the light of truth”, according to other sources, the name came from the combination arev + tvats, which means “given by God / the sun”, or from the combination ar + tur, translated as “take the sword "or" the sword of the brave.

In Islam, the name Arthur is also often found, which for boys means a strong, large physique.

The most recognized version of the origin of the name Arthur is the one according to which the word is of Celtic origin. It was formed from the Welsh "arth" - a bear, and "art-ur" - a bear-man. The first mention of this name dates back to the seventh century and is associated with the legendary figure of King Arthur - the hero of the British epic.
Probably, such an interpretation of the name is the most truthful, because even the Muslim name Arthur has: strong, strong, large build, which is the bear man.

In general, the name Arthur is found in more than fifteen languages, and everywhere its interpretation is in one way or another connected with strength, muscles and endurance.

Did you know? In 1191, on the territory of an English abbey, archaeologists found the grave of a man and a woman, on which the name of King Arthur was presumably carved. The grave has not survived to this day, but a sign for tourists has remained in its place.

Having learned about the origin of the name Arthur, let's figure out what it means for a child. A baby with this name will grow up calm and obedient. He, to a greater extent, adopts his mother's traits of character and appearance. His main drawback is daydreaming, which in the future may negatively affect his studies if parents fail to teach the child to concentrate on important objects and be decisive in their actions. To have a desire to master something, you need motivation. It should come from both family members and teachers at the kindergarten or school.
Arthur has an athletic build, so you can teach your baby to physical activity from an early age. This will help him to be decisive and purposeful.

All daydreaming, melancholy and laziness in adolescence are intensified. He has no desire to do anything, and if he does, then the patience to finish is not always enough. It is easier for him to shift the responsibility to someone else.

For men, the name Arthur means that such a person is not characterized by male prudence, confidence, responsibility. They are like overage children who can do anything. Cunning, smart and resourceful, which is not at all liked by others. These qualities are used to achieve their goals. They don't like responsibility. Defeat is painful. In communication, they are easily able to cross the line of what is permitted.

Name and patronymic forms

  • Full name is Arthur.
  • Derivatives - Arturka, Artya, Atya, Artusik, Artyusha, Tura, Arto, Arturchik, Turo, Art, Arturik, Artik, Arturka.
  • Affectionate - Artya, Atya, Arturchik, Arturushka, Arturonka, Artyusha, Artyunya, Artyusya.
  • Abbreviated - Arturka, Ar, Ari, Art.
  • Declension - Arthur, Arthur, Arthur.
  • Patronymic - Arturovich and Arturovna. Arturych is common among the people.
  • Church - in the holy calendar is absent. When baptized, they usually use Artemy, Artyom, or by the date of baptism.

name angel day

What the name Arthur means for a boy in Orthodoxy according to the church calendar is unknown, since it is absent from the church calendar. Therefore, it is not known on which day to celebrate the day of the angel. If it doesn’t matter to you the nature of whether these are Orthodox or Catholic customs, then you can celebrate the day of the saints on November 14 and December 24.

Name in different languages

  • Albanian: Arthur.
  • Arabic: أرثر, ارثور, ارتور.
  • Armenian: Արթուր (Art"ur).
  • Bengali: আর্থার (Ārthāra).
  • Breton: Arzhur.
  • Bulgarian: Artur.
  • Catalan: Artur, Artus.
  • Chinese: Simplified: 亚瑟 (Yàsè), 阿瑟 (Āsè), 阿图尔 (Ātúěr), Traditional: 亞瑟 (Yàsè), 阿瑟 (Āsè), 阿圖爾 (Ātúěr).
  • Croatian: Artur.
  • Czech: Artus, Artur.
  • Danish: Arthur.
  • Dutch: Arthur, Artuur.
  • Estonian: Arthur.
  • English: Arthur.
  • Finnish: Artturi, Arttu, Arto.
  • French: Arthur.
  • Georgian: ართური (Arturi).
  • German: Artur, Arthur.
  • Greek: Αρθούρος (Arthouros/Artouros).
  • Hebrew: ארתור (Artur).
  • Hindi: आर्थर (aAarthar).
  • Ugric: Artúr;.
  • Icelandic: Arthur.
  • Irish: Artúr;.
  • Italian: Arturo.
  • Japanese: アーサー (Āsā) (in katakana).
  • Canadian: ಆರ್ಥರ್‌ (Ārthar‌).
  • Korean: 아서 (Aseo), 아써 (Asseo), 아더 (Adeo)
  • Latin: Arturus/Arthurus, Artorius/Arturius.
  • Latvian: Artūrs.
  • Lithuanian: Artūras.
  • Maltese: Arturu, Turu.
  • Norman: Èrthu;.
  • Norwegian: Artur.
  • Ossetian: Artur.
  • Persian: آرتور.
  • Polish: Arthur.
  • Portuguese: Artur, Arthur.
  • Romanian: Arthur, Artur.
  • Russian: Artur.
  • Serbian: Artur.
  • Slovak: Artur.
  • Slovenian: Artur.
  • Spanish: Arturo.
  • Swedish: Arthur.
  • Turkish: Arthur.
  • Ukrainian: Arthur (Artur).
  • Uzbek: Artur.
  • Welsh (Welsh): Arthur.

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

(05/22/1859 - 07/07/1930) - English writer. From childhood he loved sports, knightly traditions. He loved to tell his friends fictional stories. Trained to be a doctor. In the third year of university, he began to try himself as a writer. During his student years, he worked on a whaling ship. This changed his character, made him courageous and strong. He was a surgeon in a military field hospital. Since 1907, he took an active part in social and political activities, especially during the First World War. Thanks to his gift of persuasion, he was able to organize the people to defend their land. In the post-war years he traveled extensively.

Did you know?There are many more Slavic languages ​​than names. Koreans, on the other hand, have only about 300 different surnames among the 80 million Koreans around the world. But there are many thousands of names formed by a combination of two words, so it is very difficult to meet a namesake in Korea.

(02/22/1788 - 09/21/1860) - German philosopher. He began to study as a doctor, but changed his mind and transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1812 he defended his doctorate. Eight years later he became an associate professor. He lived as a bachelor until old age. He did not like luxury so much that he refused to use the most necessary things. I carefully monitored my health. He always expressed his opinion sharply. He was narcissistic, vain, distrustful, suspicious. He rarely left the aisles of his house, where he spent time reading books. He spoke six languages. Considered a pessimist philosopher.
Arthur John Birch(08/3/1915 - 12/8/1995) - Australian scientist in the field of organic chemistry. Already at the age of 25 he became a doctor of sciences. At the age of 37 he became a professor at the University of Sydney, and two years later - at Manchester. In 1967 he founded a research school in chemistry at the National University in Canberra (Australia). For a year he served as president of Queen's University in Australia. He was a foreign member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in 1976.

Arthur Cayley(08/16/1821 - 01/26/1895) - English mathematician. As a fourteen-year-old teenager, he already possessed the makings of a genius. This was reported to his parents by a school teacher and offered to continue his studies in Cambridge. Studying in college, at the age of 20, he publishes his articles in a local mathematical journal, written after reading the works of Lagrange and Laplace. Considered the best student of the course. Entering the university, he continues to write articles for the magazine and starts working as a lawyer. At 42, he gets a professorship at Cambridge, leaves the practice of law and goes headlong into his favorite mathematics. He lived quietly and calmly with his wife in Cambridge. Considered the most productive scientist of the century before last.

Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov(09/25/1939 - 10/01/2014) - Soviet-Russian oceanologist. Explored the Arctic and Antarctic. He graduated from the Marine Engineering School in Leningrad. For a long time he held the ordinary positions of an engineer, a researcher.
Thanks to his initiative, responsible approach to work, ability to get along with people and organize them, in 1970 he was able to break into the top of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology. Conducts active scientific activity. In 2008 he received the title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2011, he leads an expedition to the Far East to study the state of coastal flora and fauna after the Fukushima accident. He was also an active political figure. More than once he was a deputy of the State Duma.

Analyzing the biography of famous people, we can conclude that most of the figures who bore the name Arthur are distinguished by purposefulness, confidence in their actions, and the ability to convince and organize people.

The main character traits of people with this name

Before talking about the character, let's characterize the name Arthur:

  • dreamy;
  • seeks to please everyone;
  • developed intuition;
  • captures people's moods well;
  • gallant, has charm (it is easy for such a person to drive women crazy).
All these qualities help to take high positions, while not having much knowledge or talent.
Arthur lives in his own world, avoids conflict situations, seeks to shift responsibility to someone else. There is a will, but it can only be shown in extreme situations.

The advantages include:

  • enterprise;
  • resourcefulness;
  • intelligence;
  • creative mindset.
To the disadvantages:
  • mannerisms;
  • popularity;
  • unsociableness;
  • selfishness.

Young Arthur is calm and obedient. The older the boy becomes, the more unpredictable his character becomes. This is especially noticeable in adolescence. The character of the young Arthurs changes almost every day: sometimes he cannot concentrate on his business, he always tries to start something new; then he calmly and judiciously analyzes the situation. During this period, it is necessary to direct his energy in the right direction, otherwise the teenager may have nervous strain.
In an unfamiliar company, Arthur feels insecure, keeps away from everyone. But if there is at least one familiar face among strangers, he will try to attract attention to himself. Sometimes he is too zealous and seems, for others, funny and ridiculous.

Important!Arthur is sanguine.

An adult man is not distinguished by industriousness. He easily determines the nature of the people around him and skillfully manages them. He does not seek power, but loves prosperity. Therefore, professions that bring a good income are suitable for him, and in which he will not be responsible for anyone other than himself. Then he can achieve great success. Able to start his own business, as he has organizational talent. He cannot stand monotony in work, as he himself is very restless and changeable.

Such people have many friends, but there are practically no real ones, they are selected according to the principle: to whom you can delegate some business.

It is easy to communicate with women, as they love him very much. But he chooses his life partner very carefully and for a long time. He needs a beautiful and charismatic personality.
Family comes first for him. It should nurture and inspire further action. Always consult with his wife. He likes to spend his free time with his family. An ideal relationship can collapse due to Arthur's unbridled jealousy. He is so absorbed in his beloved that he is able to suspect her of everything. However, he will sacrifice everything for his family.

Important!The character of Arthur, like any other person, depends on the zodiac sign under which he was born. They give it special features.

Name astrology

  • Planet - Neptune, Moon;
  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius, Gemini;
  • Color - white, red, blue, green;
  • Stone - chalcedony, turquoise;
  • Tree - oak, apple tree;
  • Animal - bear;
  • Element - fire;
  • The number is six;
  • Metal - ;
  • Character - dreamy, well-developed intuition.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

To better understand the characteristics of the name Arthur, you need to understand what it means for each letter.

The first and defining letter "A" speaks of energy, the desire to start doing something. Meeting twice the letter "P" determines the speed of understanding the essence of what is happening. Responsible for courage and interest.

"T" and "U" in combination increase the characteristics of each. They make a person creative, with a particularly developed intuition and imagination.

As you can see, the person with the name Arthur is peculiar. Such a man does not like to sit in one place. He needs movement. At the same time, this is a big dreamer who rarely brings things to the end because of his restlessness.

The name Arthur, whose origin has Celtic roots, is distinguished by undeniable beauty. In translation, it means "mighty bear." People who do not bother with standard everyday chores usually go by the name Arthur. His origin is noble, and, in fact, these men are the very gallantry and ambition in the flesh.

People with this name strive for a secure, but quiet life. They very skillfully move away from conflicts, experiencing a storm of feelings that has erupted within themselves. Most often it is introverts who bear the name Arthur. Its origin, as mentioned earlier, is noble, but the people who own it also have negative features. These are rather vain, pragmatic, selfish and secretive personalities. It can be difficult at certain moments to guess the reaction of such a man to any news or event. Not interested in anything if it doesn't concern him personally, Arthur.

The translation of the name says that this is a free and strong-willed person, however, his will, as a rule, finds its manifestation in extreme situations. His excitement can awaken the will. Arthur does not have many comrades and tries to build relationships in such a way that he does not bind and burden himself with any obligations. People with this name react slowly to what is happening around them, but nevertheless they have a heightened sense of defeat. Any, even the smallest failure, shocks them and can even destroy them morally for a while.

What does the name Arthur mean - in general terms it is clear. And what are these people in the business sphere? They choose a profession that is something between a subordinate and a boss. Arthur does not want to take on the role of leader, but he also does not want to go to subordinates. He is suitable for such professions as administrator, customs officer, electronics engineer, physician. These men achieve good success in the field where alternative medicine is used. Such diverse professions are suitable for people who bear the name Arthur. Its origin is ancient, and the name has a rich history. It is worth recalling at least the famous leader of the Britons of the sixth century. Also, many famous dentists and surgeons bore this name.

Named so people have excellent intuition, which often helps in difficult situations. If you do not want to develop something, going into every detail, Arthur will use his intuition. These personalities are owners. They have a well-developed imagination, and besides, an excellent memory should be noted. It is thanks to these two qualities that Arthurs make good musicians or artists. They also prefer to have long thoughts about life.

This man is very sensitive and impressionable. He sincerely experiences the evil that someone has done to him, and remembers the good with gratitude. Impeccable morally. But he does not like to obey customs. Strict limits are not for him.

And finally, a few words about personal relationships that may develop with Arthur. It should be said right away that these are very sexy men. Sensitive and delicate, they are well versed in female psychology. At first, however, they can be indecisive. But it is worth saying one thing - this man can be completely and completely trusted.

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