Star biography of Svetlana Lazareva. What Svetlana Lazareva looks like now - the performer of the most touching song about her mother Singer Svetlana Lazareva personal life


Singer Svetlana Lazareva first spoke about the breakup with businessman Valery Kuzmin, with whom she was 19 years old.


Rumors that not everything is going smoothly in the personal life of the singer Svetlana Lazareva appeared in a secular party a few weeks ago. It was rumored that the star broke up with her husband, businessman Valery Kuzmin, with whom she had been happy for the last nineteen years. The singer herself remained silent until the last moment. However, she made an exception for us.

“We really broke up,” Svetlana did not hide. “But I think it’s ridiculous and stupid to throw mud at a person with whom I lived for nineteen years. Maybe someone will twist a finger at the temple, but I am proud that I packed up and left beautifully. She left the way a man should have left. She left without taking anything with her. I considered it necessary to do so. Many people suggested that I start dividing the jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to sue anything, because I always leave beautifully.

Valery Kuzmin / frame

I don’t want to say that he is so-and-so, but I am so good. No, I always say only one thing: "Time puts everything in its place." Because "God is not Timoshka, he sees a little." In any case, in this marriage I am not ashamed of myself. I tried my best to keep my family together. I tried to glue everything together, hid a lot, did not want to bring problems up for discussion. She turned everything into a joke, smoothed out sharp corners, but, apparently, it did not work out. You know, in life I am a very faithful person. She lived with her first husband, the poet Simon Osiashvili, for eight and a half years. And probably would have lived until now, if he wanted to have children. If we had a common child, I would never leave him. Because in general it is very difficult to part with people.

I accept people for who they are. But there comes a moment when the partner begins to use it and does not control himself. I understand. I know that in every family there are unpleasant moments. But these moments should have an edge. And when the line is beyond the line, I think that there is no point in holding on. Especially when one partner tries. And one, as you know, is not a warrior in the field.

They lived happily with Simon Osiashvili for 8 years / Boris Kremer

Now my friends support me. I have a lot of them: I am a sociable person, light and open. So I have no shortage of communication. More recently, I came to the conclusion that all nineteen years of my marriage I looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. But now they are broken. For me, my family was everything - the most important thing in life. I know for sure: there is no turning back. If I make a decision, then finally. I am a strong person, I can endure for a very long time, but when the shutters fall, I take it and leave. Once again, I note: I do not pretend to anything.

All these nineteen years, I provided for myself. All major purchases - cars, fur coats, jewelry - I bought with my own money. She even filmed the clips herself: her husband did not help in this. I can not call myself a darling of fate. I just lived with the person I loved with a crazy, sick love. Of course, she made many stupid mistakes precisely because of sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different.

Only devoted fans remember how Lazareva and Lada Dance lit up in the once popular group "Women's Council" / Evgeny Matveev

I have sacrificed a lot for my family. I left the scene, went to the very peak, when my hits rattled from each iron: “Shop”, “Vest”, “Come back home”, “Treason” ... I left and have no regrets. She gave birth to a daughter. Natasha is already an adult: she will soon be nineteen years old. For her, of course, our situation is a very unpleasant moment. She worries, of course. I continue to work. I have many concerts, recently returned from Siberia. I work not only solo, but also with the Blue Bird group, with which I started my career. Recently, on tour in Krasnoyarsk, I opened my eyes in the morning and remembered my song “Go to all four sides,” which Simon Osiashvili wrote to me: “Today I woke up with a smile, because I woke up free. You are not my destiny, but a mistake. Too bad it opened so late." A song that was written so long ago turned out to be relevant to me now.

Recently, a song appeared in my repertoire, where there are such words: “I will give a tender, almost sinless heart into good hands.” She is already loved by her fans. But now I don’t aspire to give my heart into good hands. Today I am even afraid of the word "love". Over these 19 years, I have fallen in love so much that I have some kind of horror in front of men. For some reason, now in a relationship I see only sheer selfishness, lies and betrayal.

After breaking up with her husband, Svetlana moved to a house on Novorizhskoye Highway with her daughter Natasha / Natalia Loginova / Russian Look

I have already bought a townhouse with my daughter in New Riga. Now we will live there. Thank God, I worked all the time and secured my rear, one might say. I am not an evil person, I am not angry with him and I wish him all the best. You know, if journalists ask me after some time: “Why did you break up with your husband? For what reason?”, I will probably answer like this: “Let's talk about my first husband, Simon Osiashvili. It's much more interesting!"


“Valley introduced me to her husband”

Svetlana Lazareva began her career at the Blue Bird VIA, and then, together with Lada Dance and Alina Vitebskaya, she performed in the Women's Council trio. In the late 80s, Lazareva met Simon Osiashvili, who soon called her to the registry office. Thanks to this tandem, the loudest hits of the singer were born.

In the mid-90s, the singer met her second husband, Valery Kuzmin, at his birthday party, where she came to perform. She was advised to pay attention to Valery by Larisa Dolina, who also performed that evening. The businessman attracted the attention of the star, and soon she, leaving her pop career, completely immersed herself in family life. Their family was called almost perfect. The husband avoided publicity and almost never appeared next to the star in public.

Svetlana Lazareva is not a fictitious name, from birth. So the azure light that accompanies the singer through life comes from Above. Hence such an easy, at first glance, but not a simple road in reality in creativity and, moreover, in personal life.

And the singer's creative path began when Svetlana was very young. Work as a soloist in the VIA "Blue Bird" (1983-1989) made the girl immediately famous and adult. Indeed, in Soviet groups, the speaker was not the “pop star” who was lucky to climb the musical Olympus and now this is the “easy life” and earnings. Then every musician in the group, and even more so, the vocal performer (soloist), was, in fact, the political tribune of his country, responsible for every word and musical phrase in the song. Imagine, at the age of 20, receiving the Order of Friendship of Peoples award after a tour in Vietnam. Then the Order of Friendship of Lebanon. Back then, they didn't just hand out awards. Especially in Lebanon. The young singer justified her awards and people's love beyond words: within a few years, 6 discs were released, incl. with the same name of one of the widely known songs, which has already become popular, “Telnyashka” (1990-1991). For participation in the festival "Youth and Students" she was awarded an order. Svetlana caused great joy among her fans when she went on the air as the host of the popular music program "Morning Mail".

The maturation of Svetlana Lazareva, as a creative person, dictated the need to create her own project in show business. Thus, one of the first exclusively female groups, the Women's Council, arose. Here Svetlana acted as an organizer and as a singer, along with such well-known singers today and loved by the public as Lada Dens and Alina Vitebskaya.

In general, moving both directly and honestly along her creative path, Svetlana met many good and talented people, friendship with whom began at different periods of the singer's life, and continues to this day. Let's name such famous names as Arkady Arkanov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Irina Saltykova, Katya Semenova, Sergey Drozdov.

Having a hardworking and restless character, Svetlana, in parallel with her work on the stage: trips, concerts, tours, recording music videos and CDs, was engaged in her professional education. GITIS (State Institute of Theatrical Art) Svetlana successfully graduated as a director of mass performances. Svetlana, like all purposeful and pedantic natures, prefers to be a pro in her field. Not recognizing slyness either in life or on stage, she demonstrates to her beloved audience her strong, pure voice, like all the colors and manifestations of nature itself, always in a new way, as soon as she wants to convey a song to people in the hall. Excellent acting data and the singer's lively subtle soul leave no one indifferent at her concerts. After all, these concerts are never repeated, one is always different from the other. Probably because she, as a true actress, does nothing “at full speed” or “under her breath”. She goes all out like a woman giving birth to her first child.

Speaking of the personal life of the singer. The idle audience loves to "dig" into the artist's soul, into his wives - husbands, divorces and scandals. The smooth life of an actor does not suit the audience hungry for yellow stories. Often, artists themselves have to invent "roughness" and "splinters" in their biography for the sake of opportunistic fame.

In the case of Svetlana, everything is not simple and not smooth in fact. But she is not inclined to win cheap authority from her listener with true stories and fiction from her personal life. Originally Russian pride does not allow her to let people into her soul. She handles all her problems on her own. The only one to whom she entrusts herself, her soul is her songs. They contain her life, her entire biography, her entire “Azure Light”.

Svetlana can talk about only one fact of her personal life for hours - this is her daughter Natasha. Svetlana is mother. You can say, "crazy mother." She loves her daughter! This is another of her great talents - the talent of motherhood. And as a mother in the broadest sense of the word, she cannot understand and accept such a terrible injustice as orphans, abandoned children. Therefore, whenever possible, she provides all possible assistance to the orphanage in Mordovia. What else can a singer do to protect abandoned and orphaned children from tears and pain? How can he explain to society the enormity of the situation of lonely people? What can she do to make the world a cleaner and fairer place? The singer can sing! Her song "Mama" helped many to find peace of mind, find themselves in a world of incredible injustice, find strength and live and forgive each other.

Today, the singer is painted literally in seconds. She likes it. She likes to be in the "crucible" of modern life. She has many interests. Many plans. She, as always, sings, gives interviews, gives her solo albums, participates in concerts of her friends, in radio programs, and prepares a new program for her listeners.

Svetlana looks to tomorrow with optimism, confidently, knowing what will be in this her “tomorrow”. There will be songs, there will be a favorite creative work, and most importantly, it will be needed by people "who are in a hurry to do good." All this is the meaning of life. As one of her songs says: “Who said there is no happiness in life, oh, don’t believe him. If anyone has met me, they understand why.”

And to you, dear friends, we wish you happiness and meetings at concerts with a great singer and a wonderful person with a name and voice like an azure light.

Svetlana Lazareva

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
Verkhny Ufaley, Chelyabinsk region


60 kg

170 cm

Biography of Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva is an artist who became popular back in the nineties. Since then, she has managed to do a lot - record several albums, tour half the country and ... disappear without a trace from the Russian stage.

Today, her popularity is slowly waning. New hits appear in her repertoire extremely rarely. However, one should not assume that the star of Svetlana Lazareva disappeared without a trace from the musical horizon of Russia. She is also loved by many loyal fans, and therefore our biographical article, dedicated to the most important moments in the creative life of the singer, will certainly be of interest to many.

Childhood and family of Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva was born on April 24, 1962 in the small provincial town of Verkhny Ufaley (Chelyabinsk region). In this place, our today's heroine spent all her childhood and youth. There she began to sing for the first time and dream of a career as a pop artist.

Svetlana Lazareva became famous in the Mirage group, and after starting a solo career

Sveta's path to musical creativity was quite ordinary. At first she arranged mini-concerts for her acquaintances and friends, and then she also began to study vocals at a music school. Working on herself, the girl achieved considerable success, and this did not escape the sensitive gaze of professional teachers. The girl was often invited to various school and youth concerts. Thus, already in her teens, Svetlana Lazareva began to often perform on stage.

The first songs of Svetlana Lazareva

Having received a diploma of graduation, our today's heroine decided to follow the chosen path and, on the advice of her friends, moved to Krasnodar, where she very soon got a job at the local philharmonic society. That is how the famous Soviet composer Teodor Efimov noticed the girl during one of the concerts.

The girl's vocal abilities, as well as her bright appearance and artistry, made a favorable impression on the famous master. As a result, very soon he recommended the girl to the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Blue Bird". Subsequently, it was this musical group that became one of the main pages in the creative biography of the provincial artist.

Star Trek singer Svetlana Lazareva

As part of the VIA "Blue Bird", our today's heroine was already in 1983, when she was only nineteen years old. It was in this musical ensemble that Svetlana Lazareva grew up and improved as an artist. The team was successful, however, as music historians noted, performing as part of the Blue Bird, the young vocalist was always under the strict pressure of Soviet censorship, and therefore it could not be called real creativity in full.

Svetlana Lazareva - Mom

The situation became even more serious when the VIA Blue Bird team began touring outside the Soviet Union. During this period, the group became very popular in some states of the socialist persuasion and subsequently even received national awards in Vietnam, Lebanon and a number of other countries ideologically close to the USSR. Thus, VIA "Blue Bird" became a kind of hallmark of the Soviet Union. That is why the ideological pressure on it increased even more.

Feeling this, at some point Svetlana Lazareva decided to leave the team. And as a result, already in 1988, she created her own group - "Women's Council". The formation of the first "girls-band" in the USSR took place immediately after the end of the music festival in Jurmala, during which our today's heroine met two other young pop singers Alena Vitebskaya and Lada Dance. Together they decided to organize a trio, which, in fact, received the name "Women's Council". This project sang more cheerful and incendiary songs than the Blue Bird, and was also distinguished by irrepressible energy and the use of rather unusual outfits during its performances.

Svetlana Lazareva - Telnyashka

As a result, the Women's Council group became a kind of flash on the stage of the collapsing Soviet Union. The impudent and eccentric girls were “a product of their time”, and therefore the popularity of the team was rather fleeting. Already in the late nineties, the group began to burst at the seams, and therefore very quickly broke up. Each of the participants began their own musical career. And Svetlana Lazareva was no exception to the rule.

Solo career of Svetlana Lazareva

In 1990, our today's heroine presented her first album to the public - "Let's Get Married". The record, which includes both cheerful songs and more lyrical compositions, has become quite popular among listeners. It was on it that such famous songs as "Yellow Ships", "Do not scold me, mother" and some others were first presented.

No less successful was also the second "solo album" of the singer - "Vest". This disc consisted mainly of "restaurant hits", and therefore became popular in a slightly different audience environment.

Svetlana Lazareva on television

In parallel with musical creativity, Svetlana Lazareva also worked as a TV presenter. In the mid-nineties, together with her longtime friend Lada Dance, she hosted the Morning Mail program. However, the television career was short-lived. One of the reasons for this was a tight tour schedule and an abundance of creative plans.

The singer Svetlana Lazareva has a daughter named Natalia

In 1995 and 1998, our today's heroine released two more solo albums, and soon she also set about creating her own production center, within which she began to work closely with young musicians. The artist remained the same, but at some point her popularity slowly waned. New songs began to appear in her repertoire extremely rarely, and the album "Names for All Seasons" released in 2002 went almost unnoticed by the audience.

Svetlana Lazareva at present

Currently, Svetlana Lazareva continues to tour Russia with national teams and solo concerts, but the format of her performances remains somewhat different. She often appears in provincial cities, performs in nursing homes and women's colonies. Nothing is known about the recording of new studio albums.

Personal life of Svetlana Lazareva

For many years, Svetlana Lazareva has been married to a businessman named Valery Kuzmin. In 1996, the famous artist gave birth to her husband's daughter Natalina. As the celebrity herself says, she gave the name of her daughter in honor of her longtime friend, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

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Svetlana Lazareva is well remembered by the public for her immortal hits "Shop" and "Telnyashka". The blond beauty performed at the main concert venues of the country and gathered thousands of halls, but suddenly left the stage for the sake of her family. Acquaintance with her future husband, businessman Valery Kuzmin, took place at a celebration where Svetlana sang. Lazareva's company was then made up of the singer Larisa Dolina, who advised her to pay attention to a promising man. Leaving her pop career, the popular singer completely immersed herself in family life. The marriage of Svetlana Lazareva with Valery Kuzmin lasted 19 years. Previously, the star of the 90s preferred not to comment on rumors about the breakup of the family, but now she decided to tell fans about important changes in her life.

“We really broke up,” Svetlana told the publication “Interlocutor”. “But I think it’s ridiculous and stupid to throw mud at a person with whom I lived for nineteen years. Maybe someone will twist a finger at the temple, but I am proud that I packed up and left beautifully. She left the way a man should have left. She left without taking anything with her. I considered it necessary to do so. Many people suggested that I start dividing the jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to sue anything, because I always leave beautifully.

According to the star of past years, at the moment she is supported by numerous friends. The decision to leave the man to whom she devoted 19 years of her life and for whom she sacrificed fame, Svetlana did not decide right away. According to her confessions, it was difficult for her to decide on this.

// Photo: Fragment of the TV program

“All these nineteen years I provided for myself,” continues Lazareva. - All major purchases - cars, fur coats, jewelry - I bought with my own money. She even filmed the clips herself: her husband did not help in this. I can not call myself a darling of fate. I just lived with the person I loved with a crazy, sick love. Of course, she made many stupid mistakes precisely because of sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different. ”

The retro star has an 18-year-old daughter Natasha, with whom she will soon move into a newly acquired townhouse in New Riga. The singer worries about her daughter, for whom the divorce of her parents has become a kind of trauma.

Recall that before Svetlana Lazareva was married to singer and composer Simon Osiashvili. According to the artist, their marriage fell apart due to the unwillingness of the man to have children.

Svetlana Yuryevna Lazareva - Soviet and Russian pop artist, soloist of the VIA "Blue Bird" (1983-1989), host of the TV show "Morning Mail".

Svetlana was born on April 24, 1962 in the city of Verkhny Ufaley, Chelyabinsk Region, in the family of the director of the House of Culture, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Yuri Ivanovich Lazarev and Zhanna Vasilievna, artistic director of the Palace of Culture. In addition to a leading administrative position, my father led the city's brass band. Svetlana has a sister.

Yuri Ivanovich from an early age instilled in his daughters a good musical taste, introduced them to jazz musical compositions. In addition to studying at a music school, Svetlana went in for sports, ballroom dancing, played in a theater studio and a brass band. At the age of 12, the girl took part in the Wider Circle contest.


After school, Svetlana left for Moscow, where she entered GITIS as a mass director. Already in her first year, the girl got a job at the Philharmonic, where she captivated the leaders with her jazz style of singing. At one of the concerts, Svetlana met the Soviet composer Teodor Efimov, who advised his musician friends from the Blue Bird group - Yuri Metelkin, Mikhail and Robert Bolotny - to pay attention to the young vocalist.

VIA "Blue Bird" was organized on the territory of Belarus in the early 70s. With the growth of popularity, the musicians moved to the RSFSR, to the city of Gorky. By the time Svetlana Lazareva joined the group, 4 studio albums had already been recorded: “Mom's record”, “From heart to heart”, “Alone with myself”, “My love is alive”.

In the 80s, the Blue Bird VIA included vocalists, Nina Costa,. He worked as a sound engineer. The team performed at international festivals in Bulgaria, Moscow, toured Afghanistan, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea. Vocalist Svetlana Lazareva was awarded the Order of Friendship in Vietnam and Lebanon.

Svetlana Lazareva and VIA "Blue Bird"

In 1988, while performing at the international festival in Jurmala, Svetlana met young performers and Alena Vitebskaya. Soon Lazareva left the "Blue Bird" for the sake of a new project - the trio "Women's Council". In 1990, a new era began in the creative biography of Svetlana Lazareva: the singer began her solo career. The very first album of the artist "Let's Get Married", which included the songs "Yellow Ships", "Wet Snow", "Choose", "Waiting for You", received all-Russian fame.

Svetlana Lazareva and the trio "Women's Council"

The second disc of the singer "Telnyashka" appeared four years after the first. It included tracks that sounded close to restaurant music - “Go to all four sides”, “I saw the boy off to the army”, “Your words are worthless”. A year later, Svetlana released the third collection "The ABC of Love", which included musical compositions of a predominantly lyrical nature - "Sing Guitar", "Shop", "Mama" (known as "Mom, you are my pilgrim"), "Kiss" .

In the mid-90s, the popular singer was invited to work as a TV presenter. Together with Ilona Bronevitskaya, Svetlana Lazareva hosted the Morning Mail program for several seasons. In 1998, the singer headed the production center, under the roof of which young composers and performers gathered. In the same year, the artist delighted fans with new songs from the fourth album "Watercolor" - "Tell Me the Truth", "I'll Hug and Kiss", "Hangover of Love".

Unlike her colleagues, Svetlana Lazareva rarely created story clips for hits, she only recorded videos from her concerts. Nevertheless, in the early 2000s, the artist released a video for the song "Mama". In 2001, the next studio album “I'm so different” appeared, which included the tracks “Really”, “Livni”, “She was herself”, “Autumn”. A year later, the artist released the collection "Names for All Seasons" with hits from past years and new musical compositions "Come Home", "Love Me", "My Alien".

Since the mid-2000s, Svetlana has gone into the shadows. The singer devoted herself to the family, occasionally performing solo. In 2006, Svetlana Lazareva took part in the Golden Voices concert of the Blue Bird group. On the stage, the artist appeared, accompanied by former members of the team - Sergei Drozdov and Sergei Levkin. In 2006, Lazareva received the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and a year later - the Silver Order "For Contribution to Art".

In April 2014, the former soloists of the Blue Bird VIA repeated the combined concert of the former members of the ensemble. The performance took place at the Mir Theater and Concert Hall on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Performed by Yuri Antonov, Igor Sarukhanov, Svetlana Lazareva and other musicians, songs of the 70-80s were performed - “I don’t dream of you”, “Where the maple makes noise”, “So that’s what you are”, “White ship”, “ I'm going to meet you", "Bitterly", "Hello, how do you live", "Mom's record", "You are now offending love."

Personal life

After graduation, Svetlana Lazareva got married for the first time. The husband of the young singer was an engineer by education, songwriter Simon Osiashvili, who at that time collaborated with the Blue Bird VIA. The marriage did not last long and broke up due to the unwillingness of her husband to have children.

Svetlana met her second chosen one Valery Kuzmin in adulthood. The long-awaited meeting, which changed the personal life of the artist, took place after the singer visited the Sretensky Monastery. Soon after meeting Valery, the singer felt that she was pregnant.

Daughter Natalia was born when the artist was already 34 years old. The girl got her name in honor of her friend Svetlana -. The birth was difficult, the singer spent nine days after the operation in intensive care. After the birth of their daughter, the Lazareva family settled in the small town of Bronnitsy near Moscow.

After 19 years of marriage, Svetlana and Valery decided to divorce. The artist left all the jointly acquired property to her husband. Daughter Natalya, who at that time was 18, was having a hard time with her parents' divorce, although she had already studied at the university at the Faculty of Journalism. For herself and her daughter, Svetlana Lazareva bought a townhouse in New Riga.

Svetlana Lazareva now

For several years now, the singer has been continuously touring with popular hits of the 90s. The artist does not record new albums. Lazareva often visits orphanages and nursing homes with concerts. Now Svetlana Lazareva performed at the 15th anniversary of the festival, which is held in Tver in memory of Fr.

On the singer's official website, you can see photos dedicated to the family, parents, as well as pictures from Lazareva's concert performances.


  • 1990 - "Let's Get Married"
  • 1994 - Vest
  • 1995 - ABC of Love
  • 1998 - "Watercolor"
  • 2001 - "I'm so different"
  • 2002 - "Names for All Seasons"

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