10 sentences about who the Goths are briefly. About Goths


The Goths are tribes that emerged from Scandinavia in the 1st century AD. In the 2nd-3rd centuries they actively advanced across Europe and conquered its eastern part. In the middle of the 3rd century, the Gothic tribes reached the Northern Black Sea region. Presumably, it was there that mixing of the Goths with other tribes that had a more developed culture took place, as a result of which the cultivation of the Gothic tribes accelerated. Around the same time, the adoption of the Christian faith by the Goths took place. Interestingly, before the adoption of Christianity, the religious Gothic world was quite extensive, it included wolves, nature spirits, and totemism.

By the beginning of the 4th century, the Gothic tribes had already attacked Asia Minor, the Balkans and conquered Dacia. The ancient Goths made their invasions and continued to develop successfully until the middle of the 4th century. The tribe of the Huns, forced to defend their lands from attacks, dealt a significant blow to the Goths, as a result of which the number of the Gothic tribe was significantly reduced, and the rest was divided into two tribes. Each tribe had its own king, chose its own path and acquired a new name. These tribes became known as Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

Ostrogoths and Visigoths

The formation of these two communities occurred as a result of the collapse of a single community ready. The Visigoths, or as they were also called by the Tervings, occupied vast areas from the Danube to the Dnieper. So it was until in 376 AD, they were attacked by the Huns and fleeing, they moved to the Roman Empire, where they settled. Then in 507, under the onslaught of Clovis I, the king of the Franks, the Goths fled to Spain, and in the 8th century they were completely exterminated by the Arabs.

The Ostrogoths, or Greutungs, settled in the lands between the Black and Baltic Seas. After a clash with the Huns, the partially defeated Ostrogoths were forced to flee and settle in the vicinity of the Danube. Having got used to it a little and having gained strength, they conquered Italy and created a kingdom in it. In the 6th century, the Ostrogoths were nevertheless defeated by Justinian I, the Byzantine emperor.

Robes of the Ancient Goths

It is very difficult to judge the clothes of the Goths today, since the last tribes of the Goths were exterminated in the 15th century. But referring to the writings of ancient historians and excavations of the remains of the graves of the Goths, one can form a generalized idea. So, Goth men dressed in pants that fit the body and raincoats with one or two fasteners. Often a spike was used as a fastener.
The robes of women were similar to those of men, but at the same time they wore cloaks more often sleeveless. There were cases when, during excavations, a bone comb was found on the heads of women. Also in the writings of historians there are moments describing women's jewelry, or rather, beads made of carnelian and amber. Almost all Goths wore belts, while men hung a knife on it, and some women - bags and jewelry.

The culture of the ancient Goths

The ancient Goths among the most developed were such handicraft areas as glass, leather and metallurgical. In view of the militancy of the Goths, the processing of metals and the manufacture of weapons was especially important to them.
Also, the need to conquer new lands for the possibility of existence determined their spiritual culture. War games and competitions were widespread among the Goths. According to the writings of ancient authors, the most common competition among the Goths was a game reminiscent of modern horse riding. The Goth mounted a horse and rode it in a circle while gaining speed, in parallel he threw a spear and caught it himself.

In the culture of the ancient Goths, jewelry craft was of great importance. It was it that was the most developed, along with glass and metallurgical. By processing metal, stones and glass, they made jewelry for the body and clothes. In addition, an image of the king of the Goths Theodoric, made of multi-colored pebbles, was found in Naples Square.

In the 1st-3rd centuries AD, only intra-tribal marriages were acceptable among the Goths. Excavations show that during this period, the Goths mastered weaving, leather, glass, blacksmithing and carpentry crafts to varying degrees. At the end of the 3rd century, there was a mixture of Gothic tribes with other, more developed ones. The result of mixing was accelerated cultural development and the development of new crafts. So there was a change in the customs and mentality of the Gothic tribe.

Goths(English Goths, from English gothic meaning barbaric, rude) is a subculture that originated in the late 70s of the XX century in the UK on the basis of the punk movement. The gothic subculture is quite diverse and heterogeneous, however, all its representatives are characterized to some extent by a specific image and interest in gothic music. Being originally a youth subculture, now in the world the subculture is represented by people aged 14 to 45 years and older.

The development of the goth subculture has been closely linked to the evolution of the gothic rock music genre. It reached its heyday in the first half of the 1980s, when such artists as Bauhaus, Southern Death Cult, Siouxsie and the Banshees and others gained wide popularity. The London club Batcave had a significant influence on the formation of Gothic. By 1983, it was already possible to say that the new subculture was finally established.

In the second half of the 1980s and during the 1990s, the goth subculture gained significant prominence, which led to its division into several relatively independent currents. Despite this, it continued to develop and today it is a heterogeneous, branched system of separate directions. Today, the Gothic subculture is distributed mainly in Europe and North America, to a lesser extent - in Asia and Australia. It has a developed social and information infrastructure - thematic magazines are published, websites are maintained, gothic music festivals are regularly held.

The main components of the subculture are goth fashion and goth music.

Gothic fashion is very diverse and includes a number of specific trends, but common features for most of them are the predominance of black in clothes, specific paraphernalia and special makeup. Gothic music is usually referred to as gothic rock, death rock and darkwave, however, this concept may also include some derivative genres, for example, gothic metal. The development of Gothic was influenced by certain works of literature and cinema, and later the elements of subcultural aesthetics themselves began to penetrate into mass art. The gothic subculture is especially closely related with a vampire theme.

One of the psychological foundations of the Gothic movement was a "passive", aesthetic protest against the prevailing cultural stereotypes. Most representatives of the subculture are characterized by some common character traits(For example, isolation), but no Goths do not have a single worldview. Despite the fact that Goths in general negative attitude towards modern society, They able to successfully integrate. Within the subculture developed own rules and standards, formed certain attitude towards religion, a special understanding of femininity and masculinity, specific views on interpersonal relationships.

goth subculture constantly has been criticized from various perspectives.. IN mass media more often a distorted, negative image of Gothic is replicated; from conservative public circles and religious organizations to the subculture often various accusations are made, most often not corresponding to the truth. In many countries, including those considered developed, Goths regularly face hostility from others, and sometimes even become victims of aggression.

History of formation and development

Origin and development (1979-1985)

Gothic subculture long been perceived as part of the punk movement, from which inherited many style elements. In the photo - modern Goths, adhering to the traditional image of "dark punks". Poland, 2003

The origin of the gothic subculture dates back to the late 1970s, when the influence of punk in Britain began to wane, and a number of groups (Joy Division, The Damned, The Clash and others) turned to a new genre called "post-punk". A number of bands gradually emerged, united by common stylistic features, which later formed the "first wave" of gothic rock - Bauhaus, Virgin Prunes, Southern Death Cult, Sex Gang Children, Specimen, Ausgang. There is no consensus as to which band was the first "really gothic" - many artists are called the pioneers of the genre, for example, Killing Joke or Gloria Mundi; nevertheless, it is generally accepted that the Bauhaus belongs to the primacy in the invention of a new genre. Among first gothic recordings musicologists single out the single "Bela Lugosi's Dead" Bauhaus (1979), albums Unknown Pleasures (1979) and Closer (1980) Joy Division, albums Join Hands (1979) and Juju (1981) Siouxsie and the Banshees. By 1981, it was already possible to say that a new youth movement had formed around these groups - its basis was made up of fans of the musicians, who adopted certain elements of their image from them. Probably the most important for the goth subculture can be considered 1982, marked by the opening of the famous Batcave club - some sociologists believe that this event marked the date of the emergence of the subculture. The album was released the same year. pornographyThe Cure, which modern researchers consider one of the pinnacles of early Gothic music.

Gothic has long been perceived as part of the punk movement. Titles Goth subcultures and musical genre gothic rock(English Gothic Rock or English Goth Rock) appeared in English only in the early 1980s. Initially, they were used in an ironic sense - in a word "Gothic" reviewers have sought to emphasize gloominess and compositional simplicity of melodies created by representatives of the new genre.

One of the first bands to be labeled "gothic" was Joy. According to another version, the name owes its existence to Ian Astbury, vocalist of the band Southern Death Cult, who nicknamed his friend Andy McElliot from Sex Gang Children "Earl Visigoth" and "Gothic Goblin", and his fans - "Goths". In October 1983, journalist Tom Wagh described "hordes of Goths" in a magazine Zig Zag; from that moment on, the name of the subculture was securely entrenched.

Splitting and mainstream popularity (1985-1995)

The second half of the 1980s was marked by the emergence of the "second wave" of gothic rock.(performers of this period include Sisters of Mercy, The Mission, Fields of the Nephilim, All About Eve and other groups) and the gradual withdrawal of representatives of the "first wave" into the shadow- some groups (for example, Bauhaus) broke up, others (The Cult, Flesh for Lulu) changed the genre. It was during this period that Gothic became popular and began to be actively covered by mainstream publications.

With the onset of the 1990s, the gothic subculture established itself as a "scene" - the first books about it were published, the first musical compilations were recorded - and at the same time it underwent significant distortion, faced with an influx of new participants who had no idea about its essence and history. What led to the departure of the Goths in the underground. Many of them even refused call yourself as such, believing that this term turned out to be too heavily compromised; such a trend is still preserved. The popularity of a number of groups, especially the Sisters of Mercy, led to the fact that gothic music became less original - many newly emerging groups simply borrowed elements of style from artists who had already gained fame, as a result of which their work began to seem like a banal imitation. According to the journalists of the New Musical Express, goth ceased to exist in 1991/1992 - although in fact it rather went into the shadows and closed in on itself. The groups that arose during this period readily accepted the definition of "Gothic", in contrast to their predecessors; they were able, despite some secondary sounding, to form their own developed scene, which was practically not covered by popular publications. 1995 can be considered a turning point - at that time the gothic completely ceased to shock and surprise, it actually integrated into Western society and became a more or less familiar part of it.

During the 1990s and 2000s, the subculture underwent splitting - several regional trends, often oppositely oriented, broke away from the movement, and musical genres interpenetrated; as a result, ideas about "gothic" today can vary greatly. This naturally gives rise to disputes and leads to misunderstandings - for example, in the USA (due to the incompetence of journalists), “Gothic” is often understood as all directions that are not related to the mainstream, and the German “Schwarz scene”, usually associated with subculture, actually brings together a huge number of disparate musical genres - from electronic dance music to black metal.

From ordinary people, the Goths differ in a special position in life, which for the uninitiated in the "Gothic" secrets, may seem unattractive. The most important principle of this direction is “carpediem”. Its essence is that you need to live every day as if it were your last, but at the same time, the Goths do not know how to enjoy positive emotions, on the contrary, they are inspired by heartache, despair and condition.

The "Gothic" style in art, no matter books, films or music, is characterized by an atmosphere of "gloomy" romance, that is, a certain mystery is inherent in any work, as well as a share of mysticism and obscurity. By the way, there are no exact criteria for evaluating this atmosphere, so there is a lot of controversy about whether this or that work is Gothic. Today MirSovetov will help its reader to understand all the intricacies of this subculture.

The history of the emergence of modern Gothic culture

To delve deeper into Gothic culture, of course, you need to familiarize yourself with its history. It is interesting that it arose quite a long time ago, but they began to pay close attention to it only now. Throughout its existence, this subculture has experienced many ups and downs, but its supporters at all times have been the young generation of intellectuals who were bored with living “like everyone else”.

It is known that the Gothic subculture originated in Western Europe and North America at the turn of the 70-80s of the last century. Then, as today, the youth of the middle class followed this current. It was at this time that her financial situation began to improve and, having felt it to the fullest, young people increasingly began to suffer from internal instability and a lack of self-identification. This led to the fact that they could not achieve an internal balance and were guided solely by the system of values ​​that was imposed on them from the outside. By the way, it is believed that this was the prerequisite for the formation of their own culture, which was based on the dramatic events and traditions of a particular historical period.

At the beginning of the eighties, representatives of the Gothic culture were divided into two camps:

  1. Appolonian, whose representatives were engaged in various aspects in art and philosophy, characteristic of this subculture. They were not prone to rebelliousness and devoted themselves entirely to the process of creating musical and literary works. Some representatives of the appolonian unsuccessfully tried to legitimize this trend, but society perceived them as harmless and painful dreamers.
  2. Dionysan were obsessed with the pursuit of pleasure and prone to self-destruction, which is why this direction was considered unsightly and dangerous.

Over time, both of these currents disappeared, mixed with traditional culture, because the youth grew up, and the philosophy of the Goths did not fit in with the entry into adulthood. However, the next generation of "sufferers" soon grew up and Gothic culture began to gradually revive. At the beginning of the 90s, there was a substitution of concepts, and the dress code turned out to be at the forefront, that is, people who call themselves Goths sincerely believed that it was enough to dress in the style of Goths to be called Goths. And yet, this trend is still at the peak of popularity to this day, and the new generation has successfully begun to develop its creative potential, which was previously considered the idea of ​​​​a basic ready school.

The image and image of modern ready

The goth wardrobe is quite diverse, ranging from Renaissance outfits to the traditional image of the "dark" punks of the 80s. By the way, the clothes in almost all cases are made in black, but sometimes the image can be “diluted” with other shades: white, red, blue, less often green. Unusually popular are outfits made in an old style full of romance, the main attributes of which are lace, corsages and frills. The gothic wardrobe as a whole is notable for its flashy, austerity and eroticism at the same time, combining a large number of styles and styles. As a rule, Goths prefer clothes made of silk, wrinkled velvet, vinyl, brocade, latex and mesh, but it must be admitted that leather is the dominant material.

Another distinguishing feature inherent in the Goths is hair and makeup. The hair should be long and straight, and sometimes they are lifted with a gel, collected in buns. A little less common is the Iroquois. As a rule, hair is dyed black, white or purple, but double dyeing is also found, for example, bright purple strands against black hair. Goth makeup can lead a simple layman into a state of bewilderment. Girls prefer to make up in the vamp style - a dense layer of white, designed to give the face a deathly pallor, black eyeliner, and lipstick and nail polish can be either black or blood red. By the way, young men use the “raven” style and also use makeup, which differs little from the female one. And sometimes both sexes, using cosmetics, imitate bruises under the eyes.

Symbols and attributes of modern Goths

Among the Gothic symbols, Egyptian, Celtic (crosses and ornaments) and occult (pentagrams, inverted crosses and others) attributes are equally common. Although it must be admitted that there is no specific single sign for everyone, it all depends on the personal preferences of the representative of this subculture. As a rule, all jewelry - rings, bracelets, brooches and chains are made of silver (gold is excluded due to "banality"). The main attribute of the Goths is considered to be the Egyptian ankh cross, which is also called a symbol of life. A little less often, you can find Goths using another symbol that came from Egypt - the “Eye of Ra”. Both of these symbols are worn both in the form of traditional jewelry and as patches on clothes.

As for Christian symbolism, it must be admitted that it is used very rarely. Basically, preference is given to crucifixes, only they must be stylized as "Gothic". A striking example is the Cross of St. James (cross-knife). Various symbols of death are quite actively used - the Goths tend to decorate themselves with skulls, coffins and images of bats (a symbol of vampires).

In addition to the above paraphernalia, you can find studded collars, contact lenses that mimic the eyes of animals or a colorless iris. As well as tight leather armlets and black bandages on the wrists.

Another important addition to this subculture is gothic literature, photos, music and films, the so-called "spiritual food" is ready. To summarize, this is an art that not only gives impetus to the development of thinking and makes you shudder with horror, but also to understand yourself and your addictions.

The worldview of modern Goths

The Goths have a peculiar worldview, which can be characterized by two concepts:

  1. Absolute individualism is a direction of thoughts, feelings and desires that puts the life and views of one particular person higher than the life of a large society.
  2. Unusual (dark) romance.

Representatives of this culture believe that one should always try to get as much out of life as possible, search for beauty where there is none, and also always look at all events (good and bad) that take place in life with wide eyes. They also seek to change the gray everyday life, bringing into them emotions gleaned from art, image and other sources. Goths prefer to know the truth in order to treat it with dark sarcasm, the main principle is "die smiling". Another nuance is an attempt to turn all emotions, be it joy, pain, resentment, and others, into vital energy.

Goths draw inspiration from such sources (special books, films) that other people find abstruse and heavy. Representatives of this subculture live and enjoy exclusively what affects their emotions. Music in the Gothic style is distinguished by a bright emotional color, and ordinary people not only do not need this spectrum, but can also lead to a depressive state. Goth, on the contrary, needs an abundance of colors and sensations - pain, absolute depression, boundless sadness and joy from the fact that every day you have to overcome certain obstacles. If we talk about sadness and joy as two dimensions, then we must admit that the Goths are approximately in the middle. Their emotions are cold, and they draw joy and vitality from depression and gloomy sadness. The Goths are sure that you need to live here and now, love - to the grave, look - bright and sexy, while respecting the individuality, and if we speak, then only the truth.

Every year at the end of May, World Ready Day is celebrated. This holiday dedicated to Gothic culture appeared in 2009. However, today many have forgotten who the real Goths were, under whose onslaught Rome fell in 410. Although the Romans considered them "savages" and "barbarians", in fact the Goths were a highly developed people who kept their neighbors in fear.

1. Motherland ready

Only one source on the origin of the Goths has survived - Getica, a historical treatise written by the Roman historian Jordanes in the 6th century. According to Jordanes, "the Goths came from the" womb that gives birth to tribes and peoples "- the islands of Scandza. Most scholars believe that Scandza is Scandinavia. Jordanes described how the Goths drove out and subjugated peoples along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea to create their own domain there outside the Roman Empire In the twentieth century, archaeological evidence confirmed that such migration did occur during the first three centuries.

2. Trade, diplomacy, hunting, agriculture, cattle breeding, fishing...

The reputation of the Goths as "barbarians" comes from Roman sources, who viewed them (at various times) as pests, a threat to society and second class people within the empire. In fact, during the time that the Goths lived between the Baltic and Black Seas, they were mostly peaceful hunters and farmers who were well versed in horse riding, archery and falconry. They traded with their neighbors and led both sedentary and nomadic lives. The Goths created a complex agricultural culture with rather complex political structures.

3. Many of the Goths were Christians

Another misconception is that the Goths were pagans. In the 4th century, the Bishop of Constantinople sent the missionary Ulfilas to convert the Goths to the Christian faith. Although Christianity did not become universal among the Goths, quite a few people converted to the new faith and a whole separate Gothic alphabet was created to translate the Bible.

4. Rulers ready

Until the end of the 4th century the Goths did not have a ruler. Instead, their political system was represented by clan chiefs, from which one leader was chosen in times of danger or to officially represent the clans at the diplomatic level (usually with the Roman Empire). At other times, he was no different from other Goths, either in daily habits, or in clothes, etc.

5. Two branches ready

Approximately 370 AD The Huns invaded the territory of the Goths, slaughtering and plundering the villages. This incident forever divided the Goths into two groups. The Ostrogoths ("Eastern Goths") remained east of the Dniester River and were largely subjugated by the Huns, becoming their vassals. The Visigoths ("Western Goths" or "noble Goths") established their domain, stretching from the Dniester to the Danube River, and for the next few decades were sworn enemies of the Romans.

However, it is possible that the split between the two branches is much older. The Roman historian Jordanes mentions that the Goths traveled in three boats, so there were supposedly three different branches of this people even before they left the island of Scandza. On the third boat were the Gepids - one of the most mysterious Germanic tribes.

6. Huns, Goths and Romans

The Visigoths, led by King Fritigern, were forced to ask the emperor Valens, who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire, for protection when they tried to flee from the Huns (also while they continued to conflict with another Visigoth ruler). In 376 AD Valens agreed to this in exchange for mass conversion of the Goths to Christianity, as well as the fact that the Goths would be called up for military service in the Roman army.

Fritigern led some 80,000 men to the Danube River, the traditional frontier of Gothic lands. But their situation did not get much better under Roman rule. Corrupt Roman officials have stolen grain destined for Goth refugees. Driven to despair, the Goths began to sell their children into slavery. The Romans offered the meat of one dog in exchange for one child.

7 The Fritigern Revolt That Changed Europe

The hungry, desperate Visigoths soon rebelled against their Roman overlords and destroyed most of the province called Thrace. Valens led the Roman army to the city of Adrianople, which Fritigern captured. This ended with the Goths killing about 10,000 - 20,000 Roman soldiers, including Valens himself. The battle had consequences that changed Europe. The defeat of such a nation, including the assassination of the emperor by the "barbarians" was humiliating and was the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Valens' successor Theodosius I was forced to make peace with the Visigoths. According to the treaty of 382, ​​they began to be considered an autonomous group within the Roman Empire, with the right to land between the Danube River and the Balkan Mountains. However, the Goths did not have the right to marry and have children with Roman citizens). However, given that Rome had many external enemies and internal usurpers, Theodosius insisted that the Goths fight as part of the Roman army. This ultimately proved to be the death of Rome.

8. 15 years of uprisings

For the most part, the Roman army used the Visigoths as cannon fodder, putting them in the front line while the Romans were constantly in the safe rear. Naturally, this caused resentment among the Goths. At the end of the 4th century, a talented military leader named Alaric was found among the Visigoths. He fought quite successfully in the Roman army, but the refusal of promotion played a role in his subsequent actions: Alaric organized the Visigoths under his command.

During his 15 years of leadership, the Goths rebelled against the Romans several times, capturing cities throughout the empire. The provincial leaders supported Alaric, and the leaders of central Rome insulted and killed the Gothic citizens and slaves in retaliation. However, this only led to the fact that Alaric had more and more followers.

9. The battles lasted two years, and ended in 3 days

In 408, when the Roman army was diverted to military campaigns against the Franks and Vandals, Alaric finally went on a campaign against Rome - the very heart of the empire (although Rome at that time was not the capital, since in the 3rd century the capital was first transferred to Milan, and then in 402 to Ravenna). He added former slaves and members of other oppressed tribes to his army and laid siege to Rome.

The first siege was successful, with Alaric and his army looting several tons of gold and silver, thousands of tunics and skins, and 1,400 kilograms of pepper. Two more sieges followed: one in 409, after which a puppet emperor sat on the Roman throne, and in 410, when Rome finally fell. It was the first time in 800 years that the "Eternal City" fell to attackers, although the siege was relatively "mild" by 5th century standards: citizens were not massacred.

The Visigoths burned buildings, desecrated statues, plundered property, and captured a host of captives for ransom or sale into slavery. The Goths also took with them all the books from Rome, although few of them were literate because the books represented the wealth of the Romans. The wealthy Alaric launched an offensive from Italy to Africa, but died on the way.

10. Conquest of Europe by the Goths

In the conditions of the collapse of the Roman Empire, Theodoric the Great built the Ostrogothic kingdom, which crushed all of Italy under him. He then attempted to reunite his tribe with the Visigoths by appointing himself regent of the Kingdom of Toulouse, the Visigothic center in present-day France, which they created after they left Rome.

11 The Goths Saved Roman Culture

The Visigoths came to the Iberian Peninsula, where they founded their capital called Toledo. Because the Goths constantly interacted with the Romans, much of the clothing, language, architecture, and code of law of this kingdom were modeled after their Roman counterparts, while the culture of the Empire itself was sinking. The Visigoths eventually converted to Catholicism and merged, culturally and militarily, with the local population of the peninsula, essentially creating the future Spanish people.

Knowing the history of the Goths, it is doubly interesting to see how.


Goths are not some external stylization of death and everything connected with it. Goths are adherents of the subculture in its original sense. Theirs is individual. Their attitude to certain phenomena of objective reality is a purely personal opinion and is not clear to an ordinary person. Goths even have their own romance. However, do not confuse the true Goths with the so-called pseudo-Goths! Pseudo-goths - those who simply wear black, play death, but at the same time have nothing to do with the real goth movement. These people only repeat the main features of the Gothic image. By the way, those who believe that the Goths are completely and completely connected with gloomy and afterlife music are also wrong. This is wrong! Ordinary people can also gothic: it is music according to the mood.

Gothic began to spread and develop widely at the end of the last century, and the Goths were people for whom both the world itself and its values ​​\u200b\u200bare alien. However, one should not equate all the Goths under the mere concept of their subculture. It should be understood that behind each of the adherents of this trend (mainly youth), wearing dark robes and other specific paraphernalia, there is a separate person with his own specific problems. To understand who the Goths are, you need to learn to see in these people not their image, but the images that dominate the Gothic environment. However, you need to look not at the images of demons, monsters and death, but at the loneliness that runs like an invisible thread through the whole life of a Goth.

Psychologists and sociologists believe that teenage Goths are maximalists and romantics. In such and girls, these feelings are manifested to a much greater extent than in their peers who are not representatives of this subculture. Psychologists say that many young Goths have a fairly high intellect, allowing them to think about the meaning of life and about those things that their peers still do not care about.

Modern Goths have mixed elements of several styles. For example, piercings, tattoos, metal chains were taken from the punk style. From there, the Goths adopted the predominance of black fabric in the form of velvet, suede, satin or leather. Gothic pendants and pendants look like skulls, bats, crosses, coffins, etc. Modern Goths prefer silver as a metal for their paraphernalia. The beautiful half is ready to acquire lacing, corsets, lace, flounces, etc. Unfortunately, many modern goths are not adherents of the gothic subculture, but of some informal lifestyle, however, informal goths also have a special view of the world and current events, though different from the general gothic orientation.

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