Summary of the organization of an outdoor game in the middle group. Purpose: to move in different directions, at different paces, to show objects, to convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds. Exercise in the sound pronunciation of the voice of animals and birds. Before that we were spinning


Outdoor games

« Sticky Stumps»

Description: Drivers (there may be several) squat down, and the rest of the players run between them. Drivers try, squatting motionless, to catch or at least touch with their hands (branches) running children. If they succeeded, then the caught child becomes the driver and now he himself must catch the cheerful runners. Rules: you can not catch players for clothes.


Description: Children walk in a circle holding hands, in the middle of the circle sits a child - "zucchini". “Zucchini, zucchini, Thin legs, Red boots We fed you, We gave you water, We'll put you on your feet, We'll make you dance. Dance as much as you want, choose who you want! "Zucchini" dances, and then chooses another child, who becomes "zucchini".

"The gray bunny washes himself ..." (jumping)

Tasks: Exercise in jumping on two legs moving forward. Learn to match actions with words.

Material: Bunny mask.

Game progress: Everyone becomes in a circle, a bunny is selected, it becomes in the center of the circle. Children forming a circle say:

The gray bunny washes. Washed the tail

It can be seen that he is going to visit, he washed his ear,

I washed my nose and wiped it dry!

Bunny makes all the movements corresponding to the text. Then he bounces on two legs, advancing (going to visit) to one of those standing in a circle. He takes the place of the bunny.

"At the bear in the forest" (Run)

Tasks: Teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Material: Mushrooms, berries, baskets, bear mask. Game progress: Determine the bear's den (at the end of the playground) and the children's house on the other. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they say in chorus: At the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms, berries, But the bear does not sleep

And growls at us.

As soon as the children have finished saying the poem, the bear gets up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

"Bird and Cat" (run)

Tasks: To develop determination in children, to exercise in running with dodging.

Description: A circle is drawn on the ground or a cord with tied ends is placed. The teacher chooses a trap that becomes in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest - birds, are outside the circle. The cat is sleeping, the birds fly into the circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat is considered to be caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When 2-3 birds are caught, a new cat is selected.

Rules: The cat catches birds only in a circle.

The cat can touch the birds, but not grab them.

Options : If the cat can't catch anyone for a long time, add another cat.

"Aircraft" (run)
Tasks: Develop children's orientation in space, consolidate the skill

building in a column. Practice running.
Description:Children are built in 3-4 columns in different places sites that

marked with checkboxes. The players pretend to be pilots on airplanes.

They are preparing to fly. At the signal of the educator, “Get ready for the flight!” children circle with their arms bent at the elbows - they start the engine. "Fly!" - says the teacher. Children raise their arms to the sides and fly in all directions, in different directions. At the signal of the educator "To land!" - planes find their places and land, build in columns and go down on one knee. The teacher notes which column was built first.

Rules: The players must fly out after the teacher's signal "Fly!".

At the signal of the educator "To land!" - the players must return to their columns, to the places where their sign is posted (a flag is placed).

Options: While the planes are flying, swap the flags, take them to the opposite side.

Change the leaders in the columns.

"Colored Cars" (run)

Tasks:To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal. Exercise children in running, walking.Description:Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In the hand - 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. Raises the flag, children with a flag of this color run around the site in any direction, on the go they buzz, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “Cars are returning!” - go step by step to their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise both 2 and all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.
Rules:You can leave the garages only at the signal of the teacher, return to the garage also at the signal. If the flag is omitted, the cars do not move.
Options: Arrange landmarks of different colors in the corners. At the signal “Cars are leaving”, at this time, swap landmarks. Invite children to remember different brands of cars.

"Fox in the chicken coop" » (jumping)

Tasks: To develop children's dexterity and ability to perform movement on a signal, exercise in dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.Description:A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches) there are chickens, the children stand on the benches. On the other side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the chickens - they walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the “Fox”, the chickens run away into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag the chicken that did not have time to climb the perch. He takes her to his hole. The hens jump off the perch and the game resumes.
Rules:A fox can catch chickens and chickens can climb a roost

only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".

"Hares and the wolf" (jumping)
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal,

exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.
Description: One of the players is appointed a wolf, the rest

represent rabbits. On one side of the site, hares mark

place yourself with cones, pebbles, from which circles are laid out

or squares. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places.

The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine.

The teacher says: "Bunnies jump, hop - hop - hop, on

green on the meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming.

Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site.

They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher says the wordWolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them, to touch. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is selected.
Rules: Hares run out at the words - hares jump.
You can return to your places only after the word "Wolf!".
Options : You can’t catch those hares that the hare-mother gave a paw to. Put cubes on the way - stumps, hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. A wolf to jump over an obstacle - a stream.
"Horses" (run) Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, coordinate movements with each other, exercise in running, walking.
Description: Children are divided into 2 equal groups. One group depicts grooms, the other - horses. A stable is outlined on one side. On the other - a room for grooms, between them a meadow. The teacher says:“Grooms, get up quickly, harness the horses!” . Grooms with reins in their hands, run to the stables and harness the horses. When all the horses are harnessed, they line up one after another and, at the direction of the teacher, walk or run. According to the teacher"Arrived!" grooms stop horses. The teacher says"Go rest!" Grooms unharness the horses and let them graze in the meadow. They return to their places to rest. Horses calmly walk around the site, graze, nibble grass. At the signal of the teacher"Grooms, harness the horses!" the groom catches his horse, which runs away from him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, everyone lines up one after the other. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says:"Take the horses to the stable!" . The grooms take the horses to the stable, unharness them and give the reins to the teacher.
Rules: The players change movements at the signal of the teacher. At the signal "Go to rest" - the grooms return to their places.
Options : Enable walking on the bridge - a board laid horizontally or obliquely, offer different goals trips.

"Bird Flight" (climbing)
Tasks: Develop a response to verbal signals. Practice climbing the gymnastic ladder.
Material: Gymnastic ladders, bird masks.
Game progress: Children stand at one end of the hall, they are birds. At the other end of the hall is a tower (gymnastic wall). At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!” Birds fly with their wings spread. At the signal "Storm!" - birds fly to the tower - hiding from the storm in the trees. After the words: “The storm has stopped,” the birds fly again.

"The Shepherd and the Flock" Tasks: Strengthening the ability to play by the rules of the game. Practice crawling

all fours around the room.
Material: For the shepherd's hat, whip and horn.
Game progress: They choose a shepherd, give him a horn and a whip. Children depict a herd (cows,

calves, sheep). The teacher says the words:
Early, early in the morning And the cows are in harmony with him
Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru." Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu."
Children perform actions to the words, then the shepherd drives the herd into the field (to the agreed lawn), everyone roams around it. After a while, the shepherd cracks his whip, drives the flock home.
"Homeless Bunny" (run) Tasks: Teach children to act on a signal. Develop attention, ingenuity.
Rabbit children make houses out of jump ropes folded in a ring. At the signal of the teacher, the hares run out
from houses, jump one after another, jump on one leg. Hares rush to occupy any house, but one house is not enough. He becomes a "homeless hare". Now he acts as a leader, saying:
Hares run in the fieldJumped across the meadow
Children run out and frolic on the playground. Game continues.

"Kittens and Puppies" (with jumps) Tasks : The game can be played in a room where there is a gymnastic wall, or on a site.
Game progress: The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, others - puppies. Kittens are near the gymnastic wall, puppies are on the other side of the room (in the booths behind the benches, behind the ladder, placed on the edge)
The teacher offers the kittens to run easily, gently. At the words of the teacher "PUPPIES", the second group of children climb over the benches. They run on all fours after the kittens and bark “aw-aw-aw-aw!”. The kittens, meowing, quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. The teacher is there all the time. The puppies return to their homes, the game resumes.

"Traps" (run) Tasks: Learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other.
Game progress: Children are randomly placed on the playground. The leader - the trap, appointed by the teacher or chosen by the players, becomes in the middle of the site. The teacher says: “One, two, three - catch!” At this signal, all the children scatter around the playground, dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with one of the players and touch it with their hand (tarnish). The one whom the trap has touched with his hand steps aside. The game ends when the trap catches 3-4 players. Then a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. In order for the children to better orient themselves, the trap can be given some kind of distinctive sign - tie a ribbon on your hand, pin a bow,

put on a hat with a sultan, etc. If the trap turned out to be awkward

and long time can't catch anyone

the teacher stops

game and appoints another driver.

"The Cook and the Kittens"

Target: to exercise children in various types of walking or running, the development of speed of reaction, dexterity, the ability to focus on the word.

Description of the game: According to the counting rhyme, a cook is selected, who guards the objects lying in the hoop - "sausages". The cook walks around inside the hoop, cord - "kitchen". Children - kittens go in a circle, performing different kinds walking, running, saying the text:

Pussy crying in the hallway

Kittens have great grief:

Tricky cook poor pussies

Doesn't let you grab sausages.

With last word"kittens" run into the "kitchen", trying to grab a sausage. The cook is trying to knock down the players who have run in. Defeated players are out of the game. The game continues until all the sausages have been stolen from the cook. The winning kitten becomes the chef.

You can not run into a circle ahead of time. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is forbidden to take 2 or more items at the same time.


Target: to develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description of the game: the players are divided into two unequal teams, the large one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest are mice. Words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Beware the cheats

We will get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps

Let's get everyone now!

Then the children put their hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases.

"We are funny guys"

Tasks: Development of dexterity and coordination of movement, perform movements on a signal.
Description: Number of players (all children). Place - hall, playground. Before the game, draw two parallel lines-"at home". The leader becomes in the center, the rest of the players are located behind the line of one of the "houses". At the signal of the teacher, the children say:

We funny boys,

We love to run and play. But try to catch up with us! After the word "catch up" the players run to the opposite "house". The driver tries to catch up with them and touch them with his hand. The children touched by the driver step aside. After that, the game is repeated. Drivers should be changed after 3-4 runs. Together with the change of drivers, they enter the game. Rules: You can run across only after the words "catch". You can't run back to the house. You can catch those running only to the opposite "house".

« Cucumber, cucumber ... "

At one end of the hall is a teacher (trap), at the other - children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

"Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end.

The mouse lives there

It will bite your tail off."

Children run to their places, and the teacher catches up with them. The teacher pronounces the text in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word.

"Burn, burn bright! »

Target: develop in children endurance, orientation in space.

Practice running fast.

Game description:

The players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. "Catching" stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word "run", the children standing in the last couple, run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands in front of the catcher, who tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the catcher succeeds in doing this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the rest is catching.

"Swan geese"
Tasks: exercise in dodge running.
Description: Participants of the game choose a wolf and a master, the rest - swan geese. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - the wolf lives under the mountain. The owner releases the geese into the field for a walk, to pinch the green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese:
- Geese-geese! - Ha-ha-ha.
- Do you want to eat? - Yes, yes, yes.
- Swan geese! Home!- Gray wolf under the mountain!
- What is he doing there
- Ryabchikov pinches.
- Well, run home!
The geese run into the house, the wolf tries to catch them. Those caught are out of the game. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes a wolf.
Rules: Geese should "fly" all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after the words: “Well, run home!”

"Cat and Mice"

On one side of the hall, a small part is fenced with slats placed on chairs (or racks with a stretched cord at a height of 50 cm) - this is the house of mice. At some distance from the house of mice, a cat is sitting on a chair. The teacher says: “The cat guards the mice,

He pretended to be asleep."

Children crawl under slats or cords, get up and run in all directions.

The teacher says:

"Hush, mice, don't make noise

And don't wake up the cat.

Children easily, silently run. After 30-35 seconds, the teacher exclaims: “The cat woke up!” A child pretending to be a cat yells "Meow!" and runs after mice, they hide in their minks. Children do not crawl under the slats, but run into the burrows through the unobstructed part. the game is repeated. The role of the cat is played by a different child each time


Children become pairs and hold on to a rope tied at the ends,

One is left and the other right hand. The teacher is on one

from the sides of the hall and in his hands are flags of different colors - red,

yellow and green. A green flag is raised up - and the children run,

the tram moves in a circle. If the checkbox is checked yellow color,

then the tram slows down, and accordingly to the red flag -

the tram must stop.

« Shaggy dog" Target: improve the ability to move in all directions, move in accordance with the text, develop orientation in space, dexterity.

Game progress: children stand on one side of the hall. The driver - the dog - is on the other side. Children quietly approach him with the words

Here lies shaggy dog, burying your nose in your paws.
Quietly, quietly, he lies, either dozing, or sleeping.
Let's go up to him, wake him up, and see what happens!

After these words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. Children run away, and the dog tries to catch them.

« Sunshine and Rain" Target: to form the ability to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; learn to act on a signal.

Game progress : children sit on chairs. The teacher says "Sunshine!". Children walk and run around the room in different directions. After the owls "Rain!", They run to their places.

The game can take place with musical accompaniment. After the game is well mastered, words can be replaced with sound signals.

"Bubble" Target: teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on the game actions; develop the ability to coordinate actions with spoken words.

Game progress : children, together with the teacher, holding hands, form a circle and pronounce the words:

Inflate a bubble, inflate a big one.
Stay like this and don't break.

The players, in accordance with the text, step back holding hands until the teacher says “The bubble has burst!”. Then the players squat down and say "Clap!". And they go to the center of the circle with the sound “shhhh”. then again become in a circle.

"The mother hen and the chicks" Target: improve the ability to crawl under the rope without touching it; develop dexterity, attention; act on a signal; nurture mutual assistance, camaraderie.

Game progress: children depicting chickens, along with a hen, are behind a stretched rope. The mother hen leaves the house and calls the chickens "ko-ko-ko." At her call, the chickens crawling under the rope run to her. At the words "Big Bird" the chickens quickly run away. When the chickens run into the house, you can raise the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.

"Ocean is shaking" Target: to give knowledge about various steamships, old sailboats, rigging items.

Game progress : the players sit on chairs, each is assigned a specific name. Then the captain begins to move around the outer circle, naming the items needed for sailing. All the named items stand up. To the words “The sea is worried1”, the children begin to move to the music, depicting the movements of the waves. Captain's command "Calm the sea!" serves as a signal that you need to take your seats as soon as possible. Left without a chair becomes the captain.

"Fishing rod »

Target: develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress: the players stand in a circle, in the center is the teacher, he holds in his hands a rope to which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself, and the children jump up, trying to prevent the bag from hitting them. Having described two or three circles with a bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of those caught is counted.
The bee interferes with sleep
Game of facial muscles. The bee decided to sit on the tongue - the children quickly clenched their lips, made their lips a tube and began to twist them from side to side.

Relaxation: From the bright sun, the cubs closed their eyes and wrinkled their noses. The bee flew in again and sat on the forehead (move the eyebrows up and down).

Relaxation: The cubs are sleeping. Mom is in the forest.

"Water got into my ears"
In the supine position, rhythmically shake your head, shaking water out of one ear and out of the other.

face sunbathing : The chin is sunbathing - expose the sun to the chin, slightly open the lips and teeth (inhale). A bug flies tightly to close the mouth (holding the breath). The bug flew away. Slightly open your mouth, exhale with relief.

Nose sunbathing - expose your nose to the sun. The mouth is half open. A butterfly is flying. He chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle the nose, lift the sponge up, the mouth is half open (holding the breath). Butterfly flew away, relax. Inhale.

Eyebrows - swing. Move your eyebrows up and down.

Relaxation : Sleep on the shore.

"Train" Target: to form the ability to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; learn to start moving and stop on a signal.

Game progress: first involved in the game small group children. at first, each child holds on to the clothes of the person in front, then they move freely one after another, moving their arms, imitating the movements of the wheels. The role of the locomotive is first played by the educator. Only after repeated repetitions, the role of the leader is entrusted to the most active child.

"Where does the bell ring?" Target: develop an eye, auditory orientation, the ability to navigate in space.

Game progress : children stand on one side of the hall. The teacher asks them to turn away. At this time, another adult, hiding, rings a bell. Children are invited to listen to where the bell rings and find it. The children turn and walk towards the sound.

You need to ring the bell loudly at first, then lower the sound.

"Round dance"

Target: teach children to dance; practice squatting.

Children behind the teacher pronounce the words.

Holding hands, they walk in a circle.

Around rose bushes, among herbs and flowers

We are circling, we are circling a round dance, oh, we are a cheerful people!

Before we started spinning, we fell to the ground.


When pronouncing last sentence doing squats.


Target: move slowly, repeat the movements of the teacher.

Adult instructions:

- I will be a thread, and you will be beads. Listen to me and be careful!

- I string beads on a string. - Takes the hand of willing children. The rest come and take by the hand last child, forming a long chain - beads.

Sings slowly:

How we sculpted beads

How do we make beads?

(slowly leads forward in a straight line)

beads, beads,

Beautiful beads.

How we played with beads

How do we collect beads?

(drives the chain from one side

to another across the group)

beads, beads,

Beautiful beads.

How we curled beads

How we curled beads

(slowly spinning,

winding the chain around itself)

beads, beads

Beautiful beads.

"Inflate, bubble!"

Target: perform various different movements, forming a circle. Exercise in the pronunciation of the sound (Ш).

Adult instructions:

- We will now inflate the bubble so that it becomes large and does not burst.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform actions.

Blow up, bubble!

(holding hands, parting)

Blow up big...

stay like this

And don't crash!

(stand holding hands)


(without releasing hands, converge to the center)


Target: move in different directions, at different paces, show objects, pass characteristic movements animals, birds. Exercise in the sound pronunciation of the voice of animals and birds.

Adult instructions:

- everyone needs to stand one after another - we will be wagons. There are gifts in the trailers. A locomotive is ahead. The teacher plays the role of a locomotive, stands in front of the children, moving slowly, says:

Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo!

The train is rushing at full speed.

(children follow adults,

pronounce: choo-choo-choo)

I puff, puff, puff,

I haul a hundred wagons.


The adult turns now in one direction, then in the other. Continues: "Arrived!"

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring as a gift?

- Balls!

(children jump like balls)

Woo! the locomotive is calling everyone.

(children get into wagons)

Choo-choo-choo! Go!

Steam locomotive buzzed

And he brought wagons.


I'll go far!

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What did you bring as a gift?

- Little birds!

(imitates birds)

Steam locomotive buzzed

And he brought wagons.


I'll go far! ..............

"Sun and Rain"

Target: coordinate the movements with the text of the poem,

imitating an adult.

Adult instructions:

- What a nice weather! Now I'll go out and call the kids to play!

He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk.

The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he pronounces the text:

The sun looks out the window

Lights up in our room.

We clap our hands

Very happy with the sun! (A. Barto)

Children listen and repeat the poem after the teacher. Then, under his words, they make movements, imitating the teacher:


Top top top

Top top top

Top top top

(everyone stomps their feet while standing still)





(everyone clap their hands, imitating the teacher)

- Now let's run! - the teacher offers and runs away. Children run into different sides. Unexpectedly for them, the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home!" Everyone rushes to their houses.

Rain, rain, more fun

Drip, do not regret the drops.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window!

- Now I'll go outside and see if the rain has stopped or not.

- The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! (children go out for a walk)

- Oh, it's starting to rain! (children run to the houses).

hare deftly From the beds of juicy carrots And crispy cabbage. The garden will be empty. In turn, the children throw the balls "vegetables" into the basket: with the left hand - "carrot", and with the right - "cabbage".


Target: Cultivate endurance and discipline. Practice throwing the ball at a horizontal target with your left and right hands. Develop the eye, oculomotor functions, fixation of the gaze. Equipment: baskets, small balls of two colors. Description. At a distance of 2 m from the children there are baskets, next to the children are small balls of two colors. The teacher explains to the children that they are hares, and the balls are vegetables that need to be collected in baskets. Hares will deftly gather juicy carrots And crispy cabbage from the beds. The garden will be empty. In turn, the children throw the balls "vegetables" into the basket: with the left hand - "carrot", and with the right - "cabbage".

Games for sports exercises

"Run Silently"

Target : to cultivate endurance, patience, the ability to move silently.

Game progress: children are divided into three groups and line up behind the line. A driver is chosen, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. On a signal, one subgroup silently runs past the one leading to the other end of the hall. If the driver hears, he says "Stop!" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group ran. If he correctly indicated the group, the children step aside. If they make a mistake, they return to their places. So alternately run through all the groups. The winner is the group that ran quietly and that the driver could not detect.

« Who has the ball?
Target: develop mindfulness; to consolidate the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the rules of the game.

Game progress : The players form a circle. The driver is chosen, who stands in the center. The rest of the players move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

The teacher gives someone the ball, and the children pass it to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says "Hands!" and the one to whom they are addressing must put out both hands. If the driver guessed right, he picks up the ball and stands in a circle. The player from whom the ball was taken becomes the driver.

"Where did you knock?"
Target : to consolidate the ability to navigate in space, to follow the rules of the game.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The driver stands in the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher silently walks around the circle behind, stops near someone, knocks with a stick and puts it so that it would not be visible. Steps aside and says "It's time!". The one standing in the circle must guess where they knocked and go up to the one who has the wand hidden. Having guessed, he takes the place of the child behind whom the wand was hidden, and he becomes the leader.

"Take care of the item?"
: teach children to act on a signal; develop dexterity, endurance, eye.

Game progress : The children stand in a circle. At the feet of each child is a cube. The teacher is in a circle and tries to take the cube from one or the other child. The player, to whom the driver approaches, crouches and closes the cube with his hands and does not allow him to touch it. At first, the driver does not take the cubes from the children, but only pretends. Then, when repeating, he can take the cube from the player who did not have time to cover it with his hands. This child is temporarily out of the game.

"Find" a mate
Target: develop dexterity, the ability to avoid collisions, act quickly on a signal.

Game progress : for the game you need handkerchiefs according to the number of children. half of the handkerchiefs of one color, half of the other. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter. To the words "Find a couple!" children with identical handkerchiefs stand in pairs. If the child is left without a pair, the players say "Vanya, Vanya, don't yawn, quickly choose a pair."

Words the teacher can be replaced by a sound signal. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.

"Air" football

Game progress: children from a sitting position, pinching a bar with their feet,

roll onto their back and throw a block over the net,

at the gate or away.

Instead of a bar, you can use a ball.

« Air football»

Target: improve dexterity, strength, ingenuity; develop coordination of movements.

Game progress: children from a sitting position, pinching the bar with their feet, roll onto their backs and throw the bar over the net, into the gate or into the distance. Instead of a bar, you can use a ball.


Target . Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the participants of the game. Develop the ability to crawl between objects, crawl under obstacles (height - 50 cm.), Without hitting objects. Develop orientation in space, visual perception objects of the surrounding reality.

Description : Children line up in a column and imitate a stream and pronounce the words: The stream flows, murmuring, The stones go around. So the water of the key falls into the river.

« Sharp arrows»

Target . Cultivate endurance and discipline. Improve skills in throwing the ball at a vertical target. Develop the eye, oculomotor functions, fixation of the gaze.Equipment: balls according to the number of children. Description. The children are given balls. The teacher, together with the children, says: Strong hands, eye marks. It is difficult for the army without us. We throw balls at the target - We hit exactly

« Bring the ball"

Description : Players sit on chairs along the wall. Not far from them, at a distance of 3-4 steps, a line is drawn in chalk. 5-6 children stand behind this line and turn their backs to the sitting children. Near the standing children, a teacher stands with a box of small balls. The number of balls should be the same as behind the line of children.

The teacher says "one, two, three - run!" and with these words he throws all the balls out of the box. The children who were standing run after the balls and try to catch them, and having caught them, they bring them back to the teacher and sit on the chairs. The game continues until all the children have brought their balls. Then the group changes. Who stood to sit down, and who sat - gets up.22.

"What is hidden?"

Description: Children sit on chairs or on the floor. The teacher lays out several objects in front of them and asks the children to try to remember them. After that, the children stand up and turn away to face the wall. While no one sees, the teacher hides some object and allows the children to turn around. Players must remember what is missing, but do not speak out loud about their guess. The teacher approaches everyone and they already tell in their ear what is missing. When most of the children answer correctly, the teacher speaks loudly about the loss and the game continues again.

"Get in the circle"

Description: Children stand in a circle in the center of which a circle with a diameter of no more than 2 meters is outlined in chalk. Each player is given a bag of sand. Task: on the command "throw" you need to throw your bag into the drawn circle. When everyone throws, the command "take the bag" is given. Children collect each of their bags and again stand in their places.

"Two balls"

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length from one another. The teacher gives two balls to the children who are standing nearby. On the “one” command, the children begin to pass the balls, one on the right side of themselves, and the other on the left. When the balls meet at the children who are standing nearby, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball up 2-3 times, catch it, and then come up to the children who are standing in a circle nearby and give them the ball, and they themselves stand in their places . Game continues. The teacher marks the children for whom the ball has never fallen when passed to another. thirty."Hit the Object"

Description: Children sit across the room. A circle is drawn in the center of the room (diameter (1.5 - 2 m). Place a box (40 cm high) in the middle of the circle. Put two balls or two bags (filled with squeak) in the box for each child. The teacher takes 4 - 5 children , who approach the box, take two balls and stand on the circle line at a distance of 1 m from the box and at a certain distance from one another. At the signal "one", the children all together throw the balls with their right hand into the box (target). At the signal " two" - they throw the balls with their left hand. The game ends when the children throw two balls each.

"Get in the hoop!"

Description: Divide the children into columns and plant them at opposite ends along the room. Place two targets (vertical) in the middle of the room. Before each target, place two bags (weighing 150 g) on ​​the line. The distance from the target to the line is 1.5 - 2 m. Children from two columns come to the line, take the bags in their right hand and, at a certain signal from the teacher "one", throw the bags at the target. Then take the bags left hand and on the repeated signal "one" they throw the bags at the target with their left hand. Then the bags are collected and placed on the line, sit down in their places. The teacher notes which of the children got into the hoop. Then the rest of the children from both columns go to throw, etc. The game ends when all the children throw the balls at the goal.

"Whose column will gather faster?"

Description: Children stand in two columns opposite the teacher. At a certain signal, the children walk in columns one after the other or in their column they are arranged in pairs and walk in pairs. Then they scatter all over the place. To the word of the educator: "Stop!" everyone stops and closes their eyes. The teacher changes place and says: "One, two, three, quickly line up in columns near me!" The teacher notes whose column will gather faster. Then the game is repeated

"Pass the hoops!"

Description: Children stand in a circle facing the center. The teacher takes the hoops and the word "one!" gives the hoop to the child on the right, and on - "two" - to the child on the left. Children take the hoops for free places and, turning the body, transfer the hoops to outstretched arms forward, in the other direction, pass it on. The child who has two hoops goes to the middle and performs different movements with the hoops. To the words of the teacher: "Tolya, get up around, pass the hoops!" Tolya gets up where he wants and, on the agreed signal "one", passes one hoop to right side, on the signal "two" passes the hoop to the left side. The game is repeated 3 - 4 times

"Get the bag in the circle"
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing with the right and left hand.
Description: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle a circle is laid out of the rope, the ends of the rope are tied, the circle can be drawn. The diameter of the circle is 2 meters. Children are at a distance of 1-2 steps from the circle. Sandbags in hand. At the word of the educator, “Throw it!”, Everyone throws their bags into the circle. "Pick up the bags!" - says the teacher. children raise

bags fall into place. The teacher notes which

the bag does not hit the circle, the game continues.

Children throw with the other hand.
Rules: You need to throw the bag at the word of the teacher

"Give it up!"
Raise at the signal "Raise!".

"Ball up"

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to compete, exercise in throwing the ball with both hands from the bottom up and catching it, Learn to correlate actions with words.

Description: Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to its middle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” The players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone should stop, and the driver, without leaving the spot, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The player who was hit by the driver becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he remains again and the game continues.

Rules: The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words: “Ball up!”. The driver is allowed to catch the ball from one rebound from the ground. If one of the players after the words "Stop!" continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. Running away from the driver, children should not hide behind buildings or trees.

"Toss-Catch" (ball throwing and catching game)

Tasks: Teaching children to compete. Practice throwing the ball with both hands from the bottom up and catching it.

Game progress: Children are freely located in the room or on the court, each holding a ball in his hands. At the signal of the educator: “Start!” children throw the ball up and catch it. Everyone counts how many times they can catch the ball without dropping it.

Directions . Children can be divided into pairs. Some throw and catch balls, while others count or everyone becomes in a circle, and one or two of the players go to the middle of the circle and throw the ball. Everyone is watching to make sure the job is done right. You can also introduce an element of competition: who will toss and catch the ball more once? You can also include such exercises: throwing the ball up, wait until it hits the ground, and then catch it; hit the ball on the ground and catch it; throw the ball higher, clap your hands, catch the ball; toss the ball, quickly turn around and, after the ball bounces off the ground, catch it.


Tasks: Teach children the basic rules of the game. Exercise in a strong and sharp rolling of the ball into the skittles with the right hand. Develop an eye. Material: Skittles, balls. Description: Skittles are placed withat intervals of 10-15 cm from each other. Children roll one ball at a time from a distance of 1-1.5 m

Outdoor games in winter


This dance game with salok elements. Before the game, they choose the driver - "Frost" with a rhyme. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. "Frost" stands in the center of the circle. They dance and say:

“Zimushka-Winter is coming,

She has a white hair.

Three aunts go with her -

White undershirts:

Blizzard, Blizzard and Snowstorm.

Those aunts have a servant:

Furious Uncle Frost,

Whoever grabs - he froze!

After these words, the children scatter, and "Frost" tries to overpower them, "freeze". The one whom the frost managed to touch must freeze in place, arms outstretched to the side. The rest of the players can "unfreeze" it - throw a snowball at it (and, of course, hit it). When all players except one are frozen, the game ends and the last, most dexterous player becomes the new Frost.

For younger children, the rules can be simplified. The one whom Frost caught up with first becomes the driver. And the game starts again.

"Two Frosts"

Target: develop speed of reaction, dexterity; to consolidate the ability to coordinate game actions with words.

Game progress: two houses are marked on opposite sides of the site. The players are located in one of them. Leading - Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose stand in the middle, facing the players and pronounce the text

I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which of you will decide to set off on the path?

The chorus players answer: "We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!"

After these words, the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the Frosts try to catch them and freeze them. "Frozen" stop at the place where they were touched and stand still until the end of the run.

Snow carousel.

Holding hands, the children form a circle around the snowman and depict snowflakes. At the signal of an adult, they walk slowly at first, then faster and faster, in the end they run. After the players run around the circle several times, the adult invites them to change the direction of movement, saying: “The wind has changed, snowflakes flew in the other direction.” The players slow down, stop and start moving in the opposite direction. At first they move slowly, and then faster and faster, until the adult says: “The wind has completely died down, snowflakes calmly fall to the ground.” The movement of the snow carousel slows down, the children stop and release their hands. After a short rest, the game resumes.

"Game with cones"

They throw cones. They catch and remove their equipment with their paws. They lay the cones aside and drop their paws along the body - they rest. Performed 2-3 times

Snowflakes and wind

Purpose of the game: development of the child's imagination, mindfulness, ability to play in a team.

It is good to play the game on the first snow that has fallen, after showing the children through the window how the snow is falling, draw their attention to the flight of snowflakes.

It is the “snowflakes” that children become when they enter the playground. They hold hands, forming a circle that can move in different directions.

The teacher says: “A strong wind blew! .. Scatter, snowflakes! ..”.

At this signal from the teacher, the actual game begins: the children scatter in different directions around the playground, like snowflakes blown away by the wind, spread their arms to the sides, run, spin like snowflakes. After a while, the teacher says: “The wind has died down! .. Come back, snowflakes! ..”

At this signal, the children rush to return, join hands again, forming a circle.

Mobile game "Snowflakes"

Target: coordinate the movements with the text of the poem.

Adult instructions:

- The teacher reminds that the snow is very light, it slowly falls to the ground, spinning when the breeze blows.

Children move according to the text:

To the meadow, to the meadow

Quietly the snow falls

snowflakes are falling,

White fluffs.

They flew, they flew

And they lay down on the ground.

Snowflakes sleep quietly

White fluffs.

But suddenly a breeze blew -

Our snowball is spinning.

Snowflakes are spinning

White fluffs.

"Don't Wake the Bear"

Game progress : A bear is selected from among the players. On one edge of the site, the bear's house is indicated - the den in which he sleeps. On the other, the children get up. The choir players read a poem by I. Tokmakova “As on a hill - snow, snow, And under a hill - snow, snow, And on a Christmas tree - snow, snow. A bear sleeps under the snow. Hush, hush ... Do not make noise. During the pronunciation of the text, the players go to the "lair", simulating skiing. At the signal of an adult: one-two-three - catch! The guys try to run away from the "awakened" bear and return to the start line. The children who manage to stay uncaught the most times win.


Game progress: Frost is chosen. Children go around and sing: “Santa Claus! Father Frost! You have a red nose. Take a walk with us, Do not freeze, but catch up! Children run in different directions. Frost runs after them and tries to touch someone with his hand. Anyone touched by Frost is considered frozen. He should stop and spread his arms to the sides. The rest of the participants in the game can unfreeze it by touching their shoulder with their hand. The game is played several times. After every 3-5 caught, a new Frost. Wins Frost, who managed to freeze more kids. FAST SHEDGES Game progress: Two lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 10-15 m. The first line is the “start”, and the second is the “finish”. Playing children are divided into "triples". Each trio has one sled, which is placed on the "start" line. One of the three players gets into the sled, and the other two take up the rope. The team that crosses the finish line first wins.

. "Pass the snow"

Game progress: Children stand in 2 lines opposite each other. The first players receive a "snowball". At the whistle, a snowball is passed from hand to hand along the line. Last child in the line, when the "snowball" is in his hands, he lifts it up. The game is repeated, only the "snowball" is passed in the opposite direction.

Irina Shevchenko
Synopsis of the outdoor game "Hares and the Wolf" in middle group.

Program tasks:

Practice running, practice jumping on both legs, squatting.

Cultivate courage, attentiveness, collectivism.

1. Choice games.

The teacher asks the children to guess riddles:

An eared beast, gray in summer,

And in winter it is snow-white.

I wasn't afraid of him

Chased it for an hour. (Hare)

Fears wolf and fox

And a hunter in the forest

From prickly hedgehog

Trembling is also hiding

After all, the worst coward

This little one (Bunny).

"That's right guys - it's all about the bunny".

2. Create children's interest in the game.

“Look here guys. A bunny came to visit us"- Show children a toy - hare.

Hare cowardly, everyone in the forest fears: animals, birds, and wolf with the fox the most!

Come on guys, we'll play a game with you now « Hares and wolf» .


3. Gathering children to play.

We invite all children to play, we will strengthen friendship.

I really like the game, shout out loud Everybody: "Hooray!" The children are listening.

4. Organization of the players.

Let's all make one big circle. The children, along with the teacher, stand in a circle.

5. Explanation of the rules games.

Hear how we will play: We will appoint one of the players wolf, the rest represent hares. On one side of the site hares they mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which they lay out circles-houses. at first hares games are standing in their places. Wolf located at the opposite end of the site - in a ravine. caregiver He speaks: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, to the green on the meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if it's coming wolf». Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of wolf. The teacher says the word « Wolf» , wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after hares trying to catch them, touch them. Hares wolf they can no longer be reached. Caught hares wolf takes him to the ravine. After the wolf will catch 2-3 hares, choose another wolf. Children listen and remember the rules games that the teacher is talking about. Ask questions if someone doesn't understand.

6. Distribution of roles

And now guys, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose wolf.

One, two, three, four, five,

There is nowhere for a bunny to jump;

walks everywhere wolf, wolf,

He teeth - click, click!

And we hide in the bushes

Hide, bunny, and you.

You wolf, wait!

Children, together with the teacher, choose counting rhymes wolf...

7. Site marking.

On one side of the site there will be a place for wolf(draw a line, or put a rope, twine, and on the other side houses hares(draw circles, you can take pebbles). Each house can accommodate 2 - 3 hare. Children listen carefully.

8. Distribution of inventory and attributes.

To give hats for hares - masks.

Bunny children wear masks.

9. Signal to start games.

One-two-three ... the game began.

Children prepare, listen carefully to the signal from the teacher.

10. Playing the game

“The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, to the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, listen to see if it's coming wolf».

I signal - « Wolf

Hares everyone runs away to their place, where wolf they can no longer be reached.

11. End signal games.

On signal one - two - three games, game ends (if the children wish, the game can be repeated).

Children listen to the teacher's signal at the end games.

12. Pedagogical analysis games

Were dexterous « Hares» ?

AND « Wolf» was smart?

Well done guys, today everyone was dexterous and attentive!

Find your place!

Purpose: to develop dexterity, attention, the ability to quickly respond to a signal, to form spatial orientation skills.

Each player chooses a house for himself - a hoop with any geometric figure lying in it. At the signal of the teacher: "Let's go for a walk!" The guys come out of their houses and walk. The teacher, meanwhile, swaps the figures. To the signal "Find your place!" children find their home. Reward those guys who found their house first.

flight of birds

Purpose: to exercise in running, climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Children are birds, they are on the same side playground and imitate their actions: looking for food, swimming, chirping, cleaning feathers, etc. At the signal of the teacher: “Birds, fly!” - children fly (run across the playground), spreading their wings (raising their arms to the sides). At the signal: "Storm!" - at the expense of an adult “Fly home! One two Three!" birds fly to the "nests": they climb onto the gymnastic ladder. At the signal of an adult, “The storm is over. The sun came out ”the birds descend from their shelters and again fly to the feeding place. The loser is the one who does not have time, at the signal “One-two-three”, to take his place on the gymnastic ladder during a storm.
Attention: the teacher insures children when climbing and dismounting from the gymnastic ladder. Children should not be allowed to jump off its upper slats.

In places!

Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, to form skills of orientation in space.

The players form circles. In the center of each circle lies an object (cube, bag, skittle). At the signal of the teacher, everyone scatters around the room in different directions. To the signal "In places!" all players must quickly stand in a circle around their subject. Those guys who are the first to stand in a circle win.

Sly Fox

Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, to form skills of orientation in space. Develop patience and observation in children. Exercise in fast running, in building in a circle, in catching.

The players stand in a circle. The distance between children is one step. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, goes around the circle behind them and touches one child - he becomes a fox. The players open their eyes and carefully look at each other, guessing which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. Children ask in chorus, first quietly, then louder: “Cunning fox, where are you? "After saying these words three times, the cunning fox comes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says:" I'm here! Everyone scatters around the site, and the fox catches them. She takes the caught children to her house (a predetermined place). When the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says: “In a circle!”. All players stand in a circle, and the game resumes.

The game "Do not hurt!"

Purpose: to exercise children in walking and running with a snake, to enrich motor experience, to develop coordination of movements, orientation in space.

The teacher places the skittles at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The players snake between the pins, trying not to hit them. After the children have completed the task, invite them to walk along the path, limited by skittles on both sides, 40-50 cm wide with closed (blindfolded) eyes.

Frogs and herons

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Practice jumping forward.

Determine with the children the boundaries of the swamp, in the corner of which is the nest of the "heron". At the signal of the teacher, the "frogs" begin to move in the direction of the "swamp", moving only by jumping on both legs. As soon as the “frogs” cross the border of the “swamp” and enter its territory, the “heron” can begin to catch them. Having caught the “frog”, the “heron” takes it to the nest. It is important to fulfill the condition of the game: frogs move only by jumping!

Wolf in the ditch

Purpose: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jump.

On the floor, the boundaries of the "lawn" are marked, on which the "goats" will have fun and jump. In the middle, a "ditch" about a meter wide is indicated - two parallel lines. The ditch runs across the entire lawn. Put one participant in the ditch - he plays the role of a "wolf". The rest become "goats". Before the start of the game, they stand outside the "lawn". The host commands: “Goats are in the field! Wolf in the ditch! "Goats" jump out into the clearing, have fun, try to jump over the moat. "Wolf" at this moment should try to knock down one of the participants. A “goat” is considered a loser if it was touched by a “wolf” or if it could not jump over the ditch without hitting the lines. The loser is out of the game. At the command of the leader “Goats, go home!”, The “goats” return to their original position. The losers again become "goats" and enter the game. The wolf is replaced every 2-3 dashes.

homeless hare

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, the ability to respond to a signal, to enrich motor experience, to form spatial orientation skills.

A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares - take their places in hoops lying on the floor - houses. At a signal, the hares run out of their houses and play on the grass. As soon as the host says: “The hunter is coming!”, The hares run away to their houses. And a homeless hare escapes from a hunter by running into any house; then the hare, which did not have enough house, becomes a homeless hare.

Fishermen and fish

Purpose: to develop in children dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal.

On the floor lies a cord in the shape of a circle - this is a net. In the center of the circle are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players are fish. Fish children run all over the site and run into a circle. The fishermen catch them. You can catch fish children only in a circle. The fish must run into the circle (net) and run out of it so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches the most fish is the best fisherman.

Find the figure

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, attention, the ability to respond to a signal, to enrich motor experience, to form spatial orientation skills.

The teacher distributes geometric shapes to the children: squares, rectangles, circles, triangles. On the floor in different angles the sites are laid out one by one geometric figure. After the words of the teacher “Go for a walk,” the children disperse in different directions. When the teacher says "Find your figure!" children gather in the appropriate corner of the playground. Can be used musical accompaniment games. Then at the end of the music, the children should find their figure.

Through the stream

Purpose: to develop dexterity in children, exercise in jumping on both legs, in balance.

All players sit on chairs, 2 cords are placed 6 steps from them, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a stream. Children should use the “pebbles” - planks to cross to the other side without getting their feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump from one pebble to another. By the word "Let's go!" the children begin to cross the stream. The one who stumbled steps aside - "dry shoes."


Purpose: to develop dexterity, eye, coordination of movements, accuracy.

The guys are invited to knock down the skittles from a distance of 2 meters from a sitting position, lying down. As you complete the task, the distance to the pins increases.

Fishing rod

Purpose: to develop agility, speed, coordination of movements, the ability to quickly respond to changing situations, exercise in high jumps.

The players stand in a circle with the teacher in the center. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground itself (floor), and the children jump up on two legs, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. “Caught on the bait” are those players who did not have time to jump and the bag touched their legs.

Get in the circle

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing with the right and left hand.

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from a large hoop in the center or a circle of rope with a diameter of 1-1.5 m. Children have sandbags or other objects for throwing in their hands. On a signal, they throw objects into the circle with their right and left hands; on another signal, they take them out of the circle. The teacher notes those who managed to get in.


Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal, to enrich motor experience.

Children stand in a column according to their height. The first child in the column is a "locomotive", the rest are "carriages". The locomotive, after the teacher's signal, buzzes: "u-u-u", at this time the children bend their arms at the elbows. After the whistle of the locomotive, the children stretch their hands forward and say: "chu", with their hands they depict the movement of the wheels. They repeat this 3-4 times. To the words of the teacher: "The wheels are knocking," the children take a step in place, to the signal "let's go" - they go, gradually accelerating their step, then on the run. To the words of the educator: "bridge", "tunnel" or "downhill" the train goes slowly, and "from the mountain" it goes faster again. When the teacher raises the red flag, the train stops; when green - moves on. The train approaches the station slowly and stops. The locomotive releases steam: "psh - sh ...".

The cook and the kittens

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, attention.

According to the counting rhyme, a cook is selected who guards the objects lying in the hoop - “sausages”. The cook walks around the hoop - the "kitchen". Children - kittens go in a circle, performing various types of walking, running, pronouncing the text:

Pussy crying in the hallway
Kittens have great grief:
Tricky cook poor pussies
Doesn't let you grab sausages.

With the last word, "kittens" run into the "kitchen", trying to grab a sausage. The cook is trying to knock down the players who have run in. Defeated players are out of the game. The game continues until all the sausages have been stolen from the cook. The winning kitten becomes the chef.
You can not run into a circle ahead of time. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is forbidden to take 2 or more items at the same time.


Purpose: to develop the ability to stand in a circle, respond to a signal, enrich the motor experience of children. Practice running.

Children stand in a circle leading the circle.


I walk in the garden
And I pick flowers.
I will weave a wreath out of them -
Catch me, friend!

With these words, the host puts a wreath on the head of any child. He himself runs away, and a child with a wreath catches up with him. The game continues until all the children are in the role of leader.


Purpose: to develop auditory perception.

Children in a circle leading blindfolded in the center of the circle.
Children: Cow, cow, give us milk!
Leading: I will give milk to someone I can guess.
The teacher gives a sign to one of the children. He, trying to change his voice, says "Moo".


Purpose: to develop dexterity, ingenuity, orientation in space, the ability to follow the rules of the game.

An adult marks a circle with a diameter of 4-4.5 m on the floor. Two children are chosen from among the players who will be fishermen. They join hands, forming a fishing net. The rest of the participants are fish. They swim in the lake - they run inside the circle. Fish cannot run out of the circle.
At the command of the leader, the fishermen run into the lake, trying to catch the fish, they run in pairs without disengaging their hands. Caught fish stand between the fishermen. Thus, with each participant caught, the net expands, and the fish become smaller and smaller. When the net becomes large enough, the fishermen have the opportunity to surround the fish. If the fishermen hold hands, forming a circle, then the fish inside the circle are considered to be caught.
Fish can break out of the net if one of the fishermen (they are always on the edges of the net) releases the hand of the player next to him while moving. The fisherman must, as soon as possible, take the hand of the player who has not yet unhooked from the net. The game continues until the fishermen have caught all the fish. The last player caught is the winner.
At the end of the game, the extreme participants of the network join hands, and the children begin to dance, sing any cheerful song.

salute (with ball)

Purpose: to exercise in catching and tossing the ball.

Children take balls of different colors and freely position themselves around the room. An adult with children says:

These are not crackers:
The guns fired.
People dance and sing.
In the sky - fireworks! (children throw balls and catch them).

At the signal of an adult: “The fireworks are over!” children stop throwing balls up.
You can throw the ball up only after the command "Salute".

Hit the target (with the ball)

Purpose: to develop accuracy.

Children have to throw the ball into the distance into a basket or box located at a distance of at least 2-3 m.


Purpose: to exercise in building in a circle. To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity.

The players are divided into two unequal teams, the large one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest are mice. Words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone ate, everyone ate.
Beware the cheats
We will get to you.
Let's set up mousetraps
Let's get everyone now!

Then the children put their hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases.

Carp and pike

Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate in space, act on a signal.

They choose a driver - a pike. Children are divided into two groups. The first group is carp, the second is pebbles. "Pebbles" squat loosely at a distance of one or more steps from each other. Behind them hide "carp". "Karasiki" on a signal emerge from shelters - they run around the site in different directions. At the signal "Pike!" a pike swims up, and crucian carp hide behind pebbles. One crucian should hide behind one pebble. A pike has the right to grab a crucian that has not found a shelter for itself or the one who hid behind a stone second.


Purpose: to exercise children in rolling, throwing and catching the ball, in the ability to coordinate movement with the word, develop attention, dexterity. Cultivate endurance and discipline.

The players roll the ball from one to the other in a circle, saying:

An apple rolls into a round dance circle,
Whoever raised it is the governor ...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He says:

Today I am a warlord.
I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. The children say in chorus:

One, two, do not crow
And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying to grab the ball before their partner. The one who runs first and grabs the ball rolls it in a circle. Game continues.
Roll or throw the ball only nearby standing player. You can not interfere with a player running around the circle. The one who first touched the ball won.

We are brave guys

Purpose: to develop the ability to coordinate movements with the text of the poem.
The teacher reads a poem, and the children crawl and walk, portraying scouts.

We are brave guys
Dexterous, skillful.
Crawl here and there - on the roads (forward)
On bridges (on the board)
We will climb the mountain high (on an inclined board)
We can see it is far away.
And then we'll find a path
And let's walk along it a little (walking along the winding "path" marked with cords).

Hunters and ducks

Purpose: to train children in throwing a ball at a moving target. Develop the eye, oculomotor functions, fixation of the gaze.

All participants are divided into 2 teams. One team is the hunters and the other is the ducks. On the site, a large circle is laid out of the cord. Ducks stand inside the circle, and the hunters behind the circle.
On the “Start” command, the hunters try to hit the ducks with the ball. Duck members must dodge the ball. They are only allowed to run inside the circle.
If the ball touches a duck, then this player (duck) is out of the game and leaves the circle, and the game continues.
The game can be continued until all the ducks are "killed". When all the ducks are killed, then the teams can change - the hunters become ducks, and the ducks become hunters.


Purpose: to exercise climbing on the gymnastic wall, climbing from one span to another, to teach to be attentive, not to drown, to act on a signal. Formation skills safe behavior on the gym wall.

A puppy climbed a fence
And I couldn't get down.
We are not afraid of heights
And we are trying to help him.
The teacher offers the children to help the Puppy go down, but for this you need to climb the gymnastic wall. Children take turns climbing in and touching the Puppy, thus saving him.

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