Russian folk games. Piggy bank of round dance games for preschool children.


There lived a little spider. And more than anything in the world, he loved to weave cobwebs. The spider wakes up in the morning, crawls out of his house into the street - and begins work: either he will intertwine the blades of grass with cobwebs, then, then the twigs. The beauty!

But not everyone liked it. Once a bee flew to the spider and buzzed:

- Do not weave cobwebs on flowers, they won’t let me collect nectar!

And the grasshopper jumped after her:

- And do not confuse the blades of grass! I don't feel comfortable walking through them!

And then the bird complained:

- Your cobwebs prevent me from building a nest ...

The spider was upset that no one likes his work, hid in an old hollow and decided not to go out again.

He sits alone in the dark and cries. Suddenly he hears someone calling:

- Help, help! I'm about to fall!

A spider ran out of the hollow, looked around - and saw a small bug. A bug caught on a twig with its paw - and hung, about to fall! What to do? And then the spider came up with! He took his threads, ran under a twig and quickly weaved a large strong cobweb.

- Jump, bug! My web will catch you!

The bug jumped down - and did not hurt at all.

- Thank you, spider! I will tell everyone how you helped me.

Since then, the spider has been weaving its cobwebs - and everyone only says thanks to him.

Hammock for an ant

Somehow the ants decided to build a new house for themselves. They gathered together and began to collect twigs, needles, grains of sand. They worked hard, tried hard. That's just not an easy job for such little builders. They carried a long twig, got tired - and dropped it. A twig fell to the ground and hurt one ant's leg. The child sat down on the ground and cried.

A spider ran past and asked:

“What happened, little ant?”

We were carrying a long twig, and it fell and hurt my paw. How can I help my friends now?

- And you rest a little bit - and your paw will no longer hurt. Do you want me to weave a hammock for you?

- Of course I want! - the ant rejoiced.

I wove a small, comfortable hammock out of my cobwebs. An ant sat in it, swayed a little - and his paw passed.

- Blimey! Friends, come here soon! Look how cool the spider came up with.

Ants came running, saw a hammock and were very, very happy:

- Thank you, spider! We will now take turns resting in it. And we will build our house even faster.

That's how the little spider helped his friends build a big, big anthill.

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We have an attic in our house.
In the darkest corner
The Spider lived and worked.
He is as tall as a fingernail.

He caught midges, he ate.
Took to work again.
And the patterns weaved beautifully.
As an artist, everyone marvels.

The pouch was neat.
Everyone is amazing.
Polite pleasant.
He was kind and handsome.
The commander was not lazy.

In the morning I built for charging.
And gave them orders.

Wings to the side, in a squat.
Get in line with Mosquitoes.
And we walk.
One two Three.

The whole team lined up.
Wings flap and buzz.
Legs up, wings down.

Inhale, and exhale.
And fly fast into the sky.

Stand still, stand still.
The night spider says.

Now everyone is in the shower.
Go faster.
Pour cold water over.

Don't make noise, don't make noise.
If you want to be healthy.
Rest after shower.

Quiet hour.
Rest everyone.

Then take lessons.
Allocate time on time.

Learn just fine.
Dress fashionably and decently.

I'm giving you a lesson.
To be friends as in the ranks.

Play together all together.
Don't forget about football.

Your parents work for you.
And you must work.

Do your homework on time.
Go to bed on time in the evening.

Help your mom at home.
Don't be lazy, water the flowers.

Plant seedlings at school.
Like a green patrol.
Protect the greens.

This is pure oxygen.
The tree gives us all.

Courtesy, culture.

In trams and metro
Give in to the elders.

Refer to the elders as you.
All residents are our mosquitoes.

Cleanliness is the key to health.
All fun and enjoyment.

Who behaves carefully.
He'll get into the top spot.

Who violates discipline.
He gets an A at school.

When everything is clean, everyone is happy.
Remove hair carefully.

Wash your hands before eating.
Says to mosquitoes Spider night.

And then the trouble happened.

She came unexpectedly, as always.
The clouds are darkening, the thunder is rumbling.

The bumblebee is wet from the rain.
And all wet flies.

And flew right into the attic.
Where the Spider lived and worked.

The skies darkened in the sky.
And a violent storm broke out.

The rain poured like a bucket.
The container began to knock, that, that.

The bumblebee disturbed my peace.
And spoiled the web pattern.

After all, the web is not simple.
Silky, white, gold.

And she is strong.
Must withstand both the Bumblebee and the Elephant.

And now you are the soul of a Bumblebee.
Get out quick.

And then I quickly jump.
I will spin in a web.

After all, I am a hard worker.
Although very small in stature.

And I wish you well Bumblebee.
Leave, hurry up.

You fly all over the world.
And you bite animals.

You don't work Bumblebee ever.
This is your trouble.

Poor cows with their tails up.
Dust flies from them not three miles away.

They run fast and roar.
Bumblebees are afraid. They say.

What will you bite.

From under their feet, sparks fly.
And they move like the wind.

From the evil buzzing of the Bumblebee.
More than fear.

From thunder, lightning and rain.

And you fly, and be healthy.
There is fear in the eyes of the cows.

And you're buzzing. And you're buzzing.
And you buzz, and you buzz.

For cows in vain you fly.

And my advice to you is Shmel.
Work honestly and quickly.

Work is happiness for everyone.
And then only in life.
There will be success.

Even though you are a bumblebee and a giant.
Well, I'm small.

A Spider flew in, Bumblebee bites.
A web of it around, it shakes.

The beaten bumblebee flies out.
And he speaks with resentment.

He speaks in Russian.
I'll fly for the Elephant.

The elephant lives in Africa.
He will bring me victory.

The African Elephant is coming.
Ii talks like that.

I am strength, I am gigantic in stature.
I am a big elephant.

I am African. .
And I came from afar.

To see
And fight him.

On such a formidable Spider.

That defeated the giant bumblebee.
Like a volcanic eruption.

The elephant got into a fighting stance.

And the Spider is like an arrow here.
Boldly attacks the Elephant.

The elephant trumpets like a locomotive.
The spider flew right into his nose.

From the terrible pain of the giant.
He suddenly fell to his knees.

And the spider in the nose keeps curling.
He laughs at the Elephant.

And spinning, all sentences.
Here's the Elephant Science.

For you to know me from now on.
That I am the strongest!

Don't defend the Evil Bumblebees.
And be proud.

And don't hurt others.

And the Elephant asks for mercy.
Now I know you are a strong Spider.

Give me the Spider only time.
This will be a lesson for me.

Now Spider I will know.
And I will not defend the evil Bumblebees.

Elephant runs, trumpets.

And behind him, only dust rushes.

And he breaks trees.
He remembers the spider.

This is the power of miracles.
The bumblebee took to the skies again.

The Bumblebee says there in the sky.
Well, the Spider is also a sly one.

He beat the Elephant, well done.

But I won't let go of resentment.
I will call the King of Beasts.

He is stronger than all and wiser.

Let the forest hear its roar.
He is the king of all mighty beasts.

And our worker Spider.
Already crawled into the attic.

The spider sits, invigorates.
He is not afraid of anyone.

And the King of Beasts comes.
The most formidable of all kings.

Where is the terrible Spider.
The one that is as tall as a fingernail.

The one that won.
Giant elephant.

He swept it away like the fiery lava of a volcano.

I don't see him anywhere.
Bumblebee whispers softly.

He sits there in the attic.
And the Spider answered him.

You are the strongest lion.
There is no dispute.

Strength is no mind.
Get closer.

I'll serenade you.
The spider shot into the Tsar's ear with an arrow.

And the lion roared in pain.

The lion began to spin and roll.
And he began to roll in the dust.

And how the ball began to jump.
He took a breath and suddenly fell.

This is the strength you have.
You defeated Spider me.

The spider kept crawling.
And he wound his web.

And he warned all the animals.

To live in peace and work
And to be proud of your work.

We must live in the world.
And be friends.

And don't forget the brotherhood.
This is the most important thing.

Our wealth.

You are strong Spider like Zeus.
Let me go to the forest

Go, go, you are the king of the forest.
After all, you are the sovereign of all animals.

Fresh wind Bumblebee, so breathes.
The trees are swaying in the breeze.

Leaves fall and curl.
They follow the wind.

Thunder rumbles, the earth shakes.
The bumblebee rushes like a swallow.

He meets Man.

Hey, hunter, wait.
I'll tell you the case is not simple.

It's in the attic of the house.
In the darkest corner

Lives there scary and cool.
But he is not very tall.

He tamed the elephant and the lion.
Defeated two giants.

And they went out to fight honestly.
And everyone begged for mercy.

They fought so long and so hard.
Over there, on the mountain nearby.

Let's go see the strong man.
What conquers all from the shoulder.

The hunter approaches the attic.
And he's on guard all the time.

I am a young hunter.
Come out and fight me.

After all, you are a hunter Man.
You are the smartest in this age.

Judge me yourself.
The culprit of the fight is Bumblebee, not me.

After all, I am a hard worker.
Although very small in stature.

I work all day.
I twist a cobweb.

Like a beautiful picture.
And I wish you all the best.

But Bumblebee does not work.
Buzzing, flying everywhere.

He's a slacker who bites everyone.
Glory and honor to us in work.

Your mind and work are stronger than animals.
You are very kind, dear to everyone.

Kindness is not for everyone.
Animals have strength.
And there is no mind.

The world is happiness in work.
We need peace everywhere.

Live peacefully, work peacefully.
Peacefully be friends and be proud of it.

This is my commandment.
In the happiness of peaceful labor.

Spider Hunter listened.
And his peace, and the web did not break.

And told him bye.
And left the attic.

The bumblebee flew, flew, flew.
I didn't get more defenders.

He flew into his hollow.
Think about how to do good.

The story ends with good.
Bumblebee doesn't care anymore.

Force and evil will not lead to good.

Welcome your truth.
And good work.

Always and everywhere will find protection.

I.G. Nikonov.

Game "Grasshoppers"

Chalk is required for the game. An adult draws a circle on the site of such a size that all participants can fit freely around the circumference. One of the players is appointed as the leader, he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - grasshoppers - stand at the very line behind the circle. At the command of the leader, the grasshoppers begin to jump inside the circle, and then jump out of it. The driver tries to catch one of the participants at the moment when the latter is inside the circle. The caught player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the grasshopper, after which the game is repeated.

The game can be made more difficult by changing its rules: jump in, and also jump in on one leg, or jump out only after clapping your hands.


Moth-Vitilyok,(Children move in a circle, smoothly flapping their arms like wings)
Bring us the breeze
From the gate - turn,
(stop, turn around and run in the opposite direction)
Drive the boat into the stream.
- Wei, wei, breeze,
(They stop, take turns reaching for the hand extended upwards - to the side)
Pull the sailboat
Drive the chips
From west to east.
(Slowly, they run in a circle with a side step)


  • Mobile ping-pong game "The bee flies from flower to flower", with a ball
  • Toy-fun "Bilbock". The task is to hit a ball tied to a rod on a cord into a cup attached to the end of the same rod.

Physical education "Hard-working bee"

The bee works all day(Hand draw a circle in front of you)
And she is not too lazy to work.(Wagning index fingers in denial)
Flying from flower to flower(Rhythmic wave of hands)
Glues pollen to the abdomen.(Circular movements of the palm on the stomach)
Proboscis sucks nectar,(Stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)
Gathers a lot in a day.(“Open” all fingers in front of you)
He will carry the nectar to the hive(depict flight)
And it will come back like a bullet.(Sharply throws out his hand with outstretched index finger forward)
Honey will be rammed in honeycombs,(Stomping feet)
Soon winter will come.(squirming)
The bees will have something to eat.(imitation of the movement of a spoon)
They have to try in the summer.(Imitation of putting honey in a honeycomb)

Mobile game "Bees"

The rhyme players choose a Flower, and then are divided into two groups: Watchmen and Bees.
Watchmen, holding hands, walk around the Flower and sing:

spring bees,
Wings of gold
What are you sitting
Do you fly into the field?
Al beats you with rain,
Does the sun bake you?
Fly over the high mountains
For green forests -
On a round meadow
On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle, and the Watchman, either raising or lowering his hands, interferes with them.
As soon as one of the Bees manages to penetrate the circle and touch the Flower, the Watchmen, who failed to save the Flower, scatter. The bees run after them, trying to sting and buzz in their ears.


  • Draw 10-14 cows, color in 2 (or more) colors. Place them throughout the room within sight of the baby. Look for cows of a certain color or arrange a contest - who will collect the cows of a given color faster.

Turn into a ladybug and do a gym session

Circled around themselves
And turned into ladybugs
Ladybugs, show your heads
Spouts, mouths, wings - arms, legs, tummies.
(show named parts of the body)
Ladybugs, turn your heads to the right,
Ladybugs, turn your heads to the left
(Head turns to the right, to the left)
Stomp your feet, flap your wings(Stomp their feet. Clap their hands)
They turned to each other and smiled sweetly.(turn around, smile)

Educational game "Ladybug Landing"

Guys, a ladybug flew to visit us. Look how beautiful she is! She has red wings, they have a lot of dots - they are black. Ladybug can fly high (shows) and low (shows). Show how a ladybug flies high in the sky (children raise their hands), and then she will fly to the ground - it will be low (crouch).(Repeat several times).

Distribute the ladybug templates to the children. The teacher has a toy.
Educator: flew, flew, sat on the head; flew, flew, sat on the spout; flew, flew, sat on a leg, etc.(At the same time, the teacher shows the children how to lower the ladybug onto a given part of the body).

Mobile game "Ladybug and the breeze"

And now I invite you to smile at each other, play together, become brave and dexterous ladybugs. Let's play the game "Ladybugs and the wind."

  • The sun is shining ladybugs crawl across the meadow.(Children get on all fours and crawl on the floor)
  • An angry cold wind blew, turned the bugs over.(Children roll over on their backs, move their relaxed legs and arms, if one of the children has tense, constrained, jerky movements, then you can help the child to relieve excessive tension by stroking)
  • A kind warm breeze blew, helped the bugs to roll over.(Children get back on all fours and crawl)
  • The warm wind blew harder, lifted the ladybugs into the air, and they flew away.(Children, depicting the flight of ladybugs, run slowly, wave their arms smoothly)
  • The sparrow is flying! Save yourself, ladybugs!(Children run into the arms of the teacher and parents).



One driver is an elephant, the rest are ants.

Elephant: "Let the ants walk and dance from the heart" - Children dance as they want.
Elephant: "The ants made a noise, I'm tired of them! The elephant went for a walk, stomping on the ants." - The ants scatter, the elephant tries to catch them (touch the ant with your hand). Of those who were not caught, with the help of a rhyme, a driving elephant is chosen.

Mobile game "ANTS AND RAIN"

Purpose: to teach to orient in space, to act after a signal.

Game progress: Children - "ants" sit in houses (hoops). On the other side sits "rain". "Rain" dozes, "ants" scatter in different sides. On command: “It starts to rain!”, The ants run to their houses, and the “rain” tries to touch everyone (“soak”) with his hand. Those who are touched by the “rain” are out of the game. The game continues until the most dexterous "ant" remains.

The spider squats in the center of the circle. Children begin to dance around the spider, saying loudly:

- Spider-spider,
thin legs,
red boots,
We fed you
We fed you
They put on their feet.
(Players approach the bug and help him to his feet)
Forced to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose who you want!
(The spider dances and chooses from the circle who will be the spider with the next horse)

After that, the game starts all over again, already with a new "spider".

Relay race "SPIDER"

Let's check if the spider wove a strong web?
Two teams compete to see which one will quickly get over the "web" - gymnastic hoops with wound threads or ribbons.

The information is taken from open Internet sources. If we violate anyone's rights, please report it.

O general lesson literary reading on this topic " A country folk art "became a lesson for us in discovering children's talents.

B It was proposed to come up with a continuation of the tale based on its beginning. And now - a kaleidoscope of fairy tales, each of which is good in its own way, judge for yourself.

To classroom teacher
Vavrenchuk Natalya Alexandrovna

(2008-2009 academic year)


AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
And then one day a Butterfly got into the web. She fluttered helplessly with her beautiful wings, trying to get out. The spider heard the noise and ran to look. When he saw Butterfly, he liked her very much. She was wonderful! The spider felt sorry for her. He helped her get out of the web. The butterfly took off and thanked the spider for saving it.
And since then they have become best friends and often played together in the same clearing.

AND silt - there was a spider. Every day he wove a cobweb. It was his favorite work. And then one day a bug came to him. The bug was very boastful. He said:
- I will help you.
The spider replied:
- You can't.
But the bug insisted. Gave the spider bug a job. The bug with the web was spinning and spinning, and nothing worked for him.
The spider said:
- Enough, you will not succeed with the web. You have your business and I have mine.

Sviridchuk Arina

AT in the same forest lived a small beautiful bug - a spider. Every morning he woke up and started to work. His job was to weave web, and he liked it very much.
And then one day he woke up from the fact that it was raining. After the rain from the rays of the sun, everything around shone. The spider saw that its web shimmered with a thousand small diamonds. I crawled closer, and it turned out that these were small droplets.
Suddenly one drop shook and laughed:
- Ha... Ha... Ha!!! Let's be friends!
- Let `s play! - answered the spider, I had no friends for a long time.
And they started having fun. They ran one after another from blade of grass to blade of grass, from flower to flower.
Suddenly, a drop slipped from the blade of grass and fell into a puddle. The spider cried, because he would never see his girlfriend again - a drop.
And the drop says to him:
- Don't worry, spider, I'll be right back. From warm sun I will become a ferry, I will rise into the sky and become a cloud. Then the clouds will gather into clouds, and as a drop of rain I will return to you again.

AND silt was a spider. Once he was spinning a cobweb, and a fly flew to him. She stuck to the web. The spider crawled up to the fly and asked:
- What are you doing here?
Mukha says:
- Don't eat me, have pity on me!
The spider said he would let go. And released the fly.
A butterfly flew in and asked the spider:
- What are you doing?
“Weaving a web,” said the spider, “because tomorrow is my birthday. I'm inviting you".
His friends brought him gifts and a cake. And they began to have fun. The spider was happy because it was his birthday. He treated everyone to cake.
This is how the spider lived and lived.
That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

And then one day, somewhere from the sky, a butterfly flew to the spider web. She was of unprecedented beauty, but with a wounded wing. She was called Peacock, because her wings were like peacock feathers. The spider sheltered the poor butterfly and even wove her a cobweb blanket. In the morning, the butterfly recovered and, thanking her savior, flew away to her flower city.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his job was to weave a web - and he really liked it.
And then one day he weaved, weaved a web and he himself became entangled in it. At that moment, butterflies were flying by. Butterflies asked the spider:
The spider answered them:
- I weaved, weaved a web and got confused. Butterflies did not help him, but only laughed at him and flew away. At this time, an ant and a worm were walking along the path. They saw a spider and asked:
- Spider bug, why are you tangled in the web?
The spider answered them:
- I weaved, weaved a web and got confused. Then the worm took the web at one end, and the ant at the other end, they dragged it together and unraveled the web.
So friends helped the Spider-Bug.

Stelmashuk Vladislav

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
And then one day, when he woke up, he saw that the web was damaged. A butterfly is entangled in the web. At first he was very angry with the butterfly for ruining the web, but the butterfly was very beautiful and polite. She asked the spider for forgiveness for ruining the web and offered her friendship to the spider. He thought: after all, no one had been friends with him before.
Butterfly explained to him what friendship is, and the spider agreed to be friends with her. He helped her get out of the web. Since then, every morning the butterfly flew to the spider in the forest and told him about everything she saw and heard, and the spider showed her his new drawings from the web.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
One day, a small shiny fly got into the spider's web. Buzzed, buzzed, trying to escape from the web, but she did not succeed. Exhausted, she began to call for help.
The spider felt sorry for the little fly, he let it go, and they became friends.

Egorova Alina

AT in the same forest lived a little spider, his name was Shnyuk. He lived in an openwork kingdom of cobwebs. Ladybugs came to visit, sit on the web. They drank tea with pretzels, swayed on a gossamer hammock.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
And then, one day, a spider caught a fly in its web.
The fly was young and smart. She floundered in the web and freed herself. She was very glad to be alive. And the spider bug was upset and began to weave its web further.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
And then one day a spider went through the forest to look for food. He sees a fly flying towards him. The bug hid, and when she flew closer, he launched a web at her. And then dragged her into the hole. When he wanted to eat the fly, she began to ask him to let her go. The spider took pity on the fly and let it go.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful Spider. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - to weave a cobweb - and he liked it very much. And then one day, a butterfly flew to him, she hooked the cobweb and tore it. Saw this spider and got upset. And the butterfly asked him:
- What are you crying, Spider?
- You broke my cobweb, and I worked on it for so long.
The butterfly apologized and flew away, and the spider began to weave a new cobweb.

AT In the same forest lived a small beautiful spider bug. Every morning he woke up and started to work. And his work was - weaving a web - and he liked it very much.
And then one day a spider on a web was picked up by the wind and carried far, far from the forest. She flew, flew, flew ... And caught on a cow's horns with a cobweb. The owner of the cow did not notice the poutine and the spider on it. When the cow was brought into the barn, the spider wove a web on the horns of the cow. There were a lot of flies in the barn. The spider ate so much of them that he grew fat and grew. In the morning, the owner took the cow out of the barn and noticed a spider on her horns. He took a broom, brushed off uninvited guest and web. The spider got scared and ran away to the forest, which was next to the village, where he wove a new web and began to live there, as in his old forest.

One of the essential elements in the formation of a child's personality preschool age is an musical education. It must also be carried out in kindergarten, and at home. The music itself, the movements performed in concert with it, develop the musical ear of the child, teach him to feel the rhythm and perfectly control his body.

The benefits of music games for children

A musical game can give a child considerable pleasure because he:

  • enjoys the music itself (receives aesthetic pleasure);
  • has the ability to express their emotions;
  • has the ability to move;
  • communicates with other children and adults as part of the game process.

At the same time, the musical game has a positive effect on the development and personal development of a preschooler:

  1. Since this kind of play activity requires preliminary learning of the lyrics of the song, the child trains speech and memory.
  2. Musical games for the most part imply the existence of rules that discipline a preschooler.
  3. During the game develops creative thinking child, because you have to “get used to” this or that role: to be a spider, a bunny, palm branches, sea ​​wave, other.
  4. The kid learns to listen and hear music, becomes more attentive and concentrated.
  5. A child moving to the beat of music develops modal and musical-rhythmic feelings, as well as the relationship between them.

Children often perceive fun musical games as a kind of reward, so educators can use them as a discipline factor.

Features of the organization of musical games for children

A variety of multimedia tools today greatly simplify the organization music games in conditions preschool or at home. Picking up a game is also easy. If parents do this at home, they need to consider the following:

  • before starting the game itself, you need to learn the lyrics of the song with your child;
  • the theme of the game and its content should be close to the baby, correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world around him, and also have an educational moment;
  • it will be difficult for a small child to combine singing with movements, therefore, for preschoolers, games should be selected in which they will be slow or alternating with singing.

Types of music games

Organized for children 4-6 years old, musical games are:

  1. Under a musical instrument (these include some mobile and story games).
  2. With singing (counters, round dances, folk games).
  3. Musical and didactic (such are organized by a specialist directly for the comprehensive musical development).
  4. Rhythmic with words (develop the rhythm of speech and movements).
  5. Performances (for preschoolers, such games can be ritual, for example, carols, or based on children's fairy tales).
  6. Multimedia games (in the 21st century it is quite reasonable to separate them into a separate category).

Examples of music games

It is worth mentioning once again that the computer and the Internet can become parents' assistants in organizing music games at home. First, the computer can replace musical instruments if no one in the family owns them. Secondly, the Internet is a source of didactic information and ideas.

Organize a musical game process at home, it is possible both for one child and for a group of preschoolers.

1. Finger game to the music "The mouse climbed for the first time"

Target: train fine and gross motor skills, develop speech, memory, attention and musical ear of the child.

Game progress:
Parent and child sit on the floor opposite each other. In the process of memorizing the words of the song, first say the adult, then the adult and the child at the same time, then the child himself.
The words of the song are accompanied by movements.
"The mouse climbed for the first time
See what time it is, ”fingers collected in a pinch“ run ”on the opposite handle from the brush to the shoulder.
“Suddenly the clock said “Bom!” - the child makes a clap above his head.
“The mouse rolled down somersaults,” the child’s arms make circular movements and seem to roll down.
Further, the mouse climbs the clock for the second and third time, respectively, to sing the word “Bom!” and clapping over your head is necessary twice and thrice.

Target: development of coordination of movements, general improvement of the child's body, training of memory and oral speech skills.

Game progress:
The child stands on the floor and, singing a song, performs a certain sequence of actions.
“Here is a tall house,” the child raises his arms above his head.
“The roof is a triangle in it,” the child folds his arms over his head, forming a triangle.
“Windows open,” the baby lowers the arms to chest level and spreads them apart.
“The doors are closing,” the baby’s arms cross in front.
“Smoke is coming out of the chimney,” a spiral is described with a pen in the air.
“Here is a wonderful tower!”, - the baby’s arms rise up again.

3. Group game with singing "Spider"

Purpose of the game: development musical ability preschoolers, their socialization.

Game progress:
A spider-leader is chosen from a group of preschoolers, for this you can use a counting rhyme. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. "Spider" stands in the center of the circle. Children lead a round dance and sing a famous song:
spider bug,
thin legs,
red boots,
We fed you
We fed you
They put on their feet. (players approach the bug and help him to his feet)
Forced to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose who you want!

"Spider" dances in a circle of children, and at the end of the song chooses the one who will become the new "spider".
The game can continue until the children lose interest in it.

4. Folk musical outdoor game "Brook"

Purpose of the game: introduction to folk traditions, learning rhythm, training coordination of movements.

Game progress:
The Brook is played not only by preschoolers, but also by older children and even adults. This folk game has no restrictions on time and number of participants.
Children are divided into pairs, hold hands and stand one after another. Clasped hands are lifted up, forming a corridor.

Under the folk dance tune, the first couple runs along the corridor to its very end and becomes the last one. The second couple follows. The game continues until last couple won't run down the hallway. After that, the children join hands and lead a round dance. Then again they break into pairs, the stream runs again.

When playing "Brook", children must act in concert, do not push, wait for their turn. At older preschool age, they can be offered a more complex option, in which only one participant runs through the corridor, chooses a mate among the children in the stream and takes it to the end. The remaining member of the broken couple, in turn, must run under clasped hands, take another child with them. The game continues in the same vein.

Purpose of the game: development musical ear and memory of a preschool child, oral speech training.

Game progress:
In order for the gameplay to be varied, at least three participants are needed. If parents don't know how to play musical instruments, they can find in advance fragments or soundtracks without words to their favorite children's songs of kids.

Children sit on a carpet or chairs. They are given flags. Parents play a melody from a song or turn on a fragment of it. Children must guess its name or be able to continue. The kid who guessed the melody and was the first to raise the flag hums it to the music, the rest help him. As a reward, the child receives a token. Game continues. The one with the most chips wins.

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