The left hand which hemisphere develops. The main functions of the cerebral hemispheres


The human brain is the main division of the central nervous system, it is located in the cranial cavity. The composition of the brain includes a huge number of neurons, between which there are synaptic connections. These connections allow neurons to form electrical impulses that control the full functioning of the human body.

The human brain is not fully understood. Scientists believe that in a person only a part of neurons are involved in the process of life, and therefore many people do not show their possible abilities.

The left hemisphere of the brain and related functions

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for verbal information, it is responsible for the language abilities of a person, controls speech, the ability to write and read. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person is able to remember various facts, events, dates, names, their sequence and how they will look in writing. The left hemisphere is responsible for the analytical thinking of a person, thanks to this hemisphere, logic and analysis of facts are developed, as well as manipulations with numbers and mathematical formulas. Besides left hemisphere The brain is responsible for the sequence of the information processing process (step-by-step processing).

Thanks to the left hemisphere, all information received by a person is processed, classified, analyzed, the left hemisphere establishes cause-and-effect relationships and formulates conclusions.

The right hemisphere of the brain and its functions

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing the so-called non-verbal information, that is, for processing information expressed in images and symbols, and not words.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the imagination, with its help a person is able to fantasize, dream, and also compose prose. Here are located the ability of a person to initiative and art (music, drawing, etc.). The right hemisphere is responsible for parallel processing of information, that is, like a computer, it allows a person to simultaneously analyze several different streams of information, make decisions and solve problems, considering the problem simultaneously as a whole and with different sides.

Thanks to the right hemisphere of the brain, we make intuitive connections between images, understand a variety of metaphors, and perceive humor. The right hemisphere allows a person to recognize complex images that cannot be decomposed into elementary components, for example, the process of recognizing people's faces and the emotions that these faces display.

Synchronized work of both hemispheres

The intuitive work of the right hemisphere of the brain is based on facts that have been analyzed by the left hemisphere. It should be noted that the work of both hemispheres of the brain is equally important for a person. With the help of the left hemisphere, the world is simplified and analyzed, and thanks to the right hemisphere, it is perceived as it really is.

If there were no right, "creative" hemisphere of the brain, people would turn into unemotional, calculating machines that could only adapt the world to their life activity.

It should be noted that the right hemisphere controls the work of the left half of the human body, and the left hemisphere - the right half of the body. That is why it is believed that a person who has a better developed left half of the body ("left-handed") is better developed and Creative skills. By training the corresponding part of the body, we train the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for these actions.

In a predominant number of people, one of the hemispheres dominates: the right or the left. When a child is born, he evenly uses the opportunities that he initially has in different hemispheres. However, in the process of development, growth and learning, one of the hemispheres begins to develop more actively. So, in schools in which there is a mathematical bias, little time is devoted to creativity, and in art and music schools children hardly develop logical thinking.

However, nothing prevents you from training both hemispheres of the brain yourself. So, Leonardo da Vinci, who regularly trained, was fluent in both right hand, and left. He was not only creative person, but also an analyst who had a well-developed logical thinking, and in completely different areas of activity.

The brain - what is each part of it responsible for?

Brain is a big mystery even for modern biology. Despite all the successes in the development of medicine, in particular, and science in general, we still cannot clearly answer the question: “How exactly do we think?”. In addition, understanding the difference between the conscious and the subconscious, it is also not possible to clearly identify their location, and even more so to separate them.

However, to clarify some aspects for yourself, even people from medicine and anatomy are distant. Therefore, in this article we will consider the structure and functionality of the brain.

Definition of the brain

Brain This is not the prerogative of the individual alone. Most of the chordates (which include homo sapiens), have this body, and enjoy all its benefits as reference point central nervous system.

How the brain works

The brain is an organ that has been studied rather poorly due to the complexity of its design. Its structure is still the subject disputes in academic circles.

However, there are some basic facts:

  1. adult human brain consists of twenty-five billion neurons (approximately). This mass makes up the gray matter.
  2. There are three skins:
    • solid;
    • soft;
    • Cobweb (liquor circulation channels);

They perform protective functions , responsible for safety during impacts, and any other damage.

In the most common aspect, the brain is divided into three parts, such as:

  • Two large hemispheres;
  • Cerebellum;
  • Trunk;

It is impossible not to highlight another common view of this organ:

  • Final (hemisphere);
  • Intermediate;
  • Posterior (cerebellum);
  • Average;
  • Oblong;

In addition, it is necessary to mention the structure of the telencephalon, the combined hemispheres:

  • frontal lobe;
  • Occipital;
  • Parietal;
  • Temporal;

Functions and tasks

A rather difficult topic to discuss, since the brain does almost everything that you yourself do (or manage these processes).

You need to start with the fact that it is the brain that performs the highest function that determines the rationality of a person as a species - thinking. It also processes signals received from all receptors - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. In addition, the brain controls sensations, in the form of emotions, feelings, etc.

It should be mentioned that all movements human body are also controlled by the brain - even if these are reflex reactions that we are far from always aware of.

What is each part of the brain responsible for?

As mentioned earlier, the number of functions performed brain very, very extensive. Some of them are very important because they are noticeable, some vice versa. Nevertheless, it is far from always possible to determine exactly which part of the brain is responsible for what. The imperfection of even modern medicine is obvious. However, those aspects that have already been sufficiently explored are presented below.

In addition to the various departments that are highlighted in separate paragraphs below, just a few departments need to be mentioned, without which your life would be a real nightmare:

  • Medulla responsible for all protective reflexes of the body. This includes sneezing, vomiting and coughing, as well as some of the most important reflexes.
  • thalamus– translator of information received by receptors about environment and the state of the body into human-understandable signals. So, it controls pain, muscle, auditory, olfactory, visual (partially), temperature and other signals entering the brain from various centers.
  • Hypothalamus simply controls your life. Keeps a finger on the pulse, so to speak. It regulates the heart rate. In turn, this also affects the regulation of blood pressure, thermoregulation. In addition, the hypothalamus can influence the production of hormones in case of stress. It also controls feelings such as hunger, thirst, sexuality and pleasure.
  • Epithalamus- controls your biorhythms, that is, it makes it possible to fall asleep at night and feel cheerful during the day. In addition, he is also responsible for metabolism, "managing".

This is far from full list, even if you add here what you read below. However, most of the functions are displayed, and there are still disputes about others.

Left hemisphere

The left cerebral hemisphere is the controller of such functions as:

  • Oral speech;
  • Analytical activities of various kinds (logic);
  • Mathematical calculations;

In addition, this hemisphere is also responsible for the formation abstract thinking which distinguishes humans from other animal species. It also controls the movement of the left limbs.

Right hemisphere

Right cerebral hemisphere The brain is a kind of human hard drive. That is, it is there that memories of the world around you are stored. But in itself, such information is of little use, which means that, along with the preservation of this knowledge, algorithms for interaction with various objects of the surrounding world based on past experience are also stored in the right hemisphere.

Cerebellum and ventricles

Cerebellum is, to some extent, an offshoot of the compound spinal cord and bark hemispheres. Such a location is quite logical, since it makes it possible to obtain duplicate information about the position of the body in space and the transmission of signals to various muscles.

The cerebellum is mainly engaged in the fact that it constantly corrects the position of the body in space, being responsible for automatic, reflex, movements, and for conscious actions. Thus, it is the source of such a necessary function as movement coordination in space.

In addition, the cerebellum is also responsible for regulation balance and muscle tone while simultaneously working with muscle memory.

Also interesting is the ability of the cerebellum to adapt to any changes in the perception of information in the shortest possible time. It is assumed that even with impaired vision (an experiment with an invertoscope), a person adapts to a new state in just a few days and can again coordinate the position of the body, relying on the cerebellum.

frontal lobes

frontal lobes is a kind of dashboard of the human body. She supports him in an upright position, making it possible to move freely.

Moreover, precisely due to frontal lobes curiosity, initiative, activity and independence of a person at the time of making any decisions are “calculated”.

Also, one of the main functions of this department is critical self-assessment. Thus, this makes the frontal lobes a kind of conscience, at least in relation to social markers of behavior. That is, any social deviations that are unacceptable in society do not pass the control of the frontal lobe, and, accordingly, are not performed.

Any injury in this part of the brain is fraught with:

  • behavioral disorders;
  • mood swings;
  • general inadequacy;
  • senselessness of actions.

Another function of the frontal lobes is arbitrary decisions and their planning. Also, the development of various skills and abilities depends precisely on the activity of this department. The dominant share of this department is responsible for the development of speech, and its further control. Equally important is the ability to think abstractly.


Pituitary often referred to as a brain appendage. Its functions are reduced to the production of hormones responsible for puberty, development and functioning in general.

In fact, the pituitary gland is something like a chemical laboratory, which decides what exactly you will become in the process of growing up of the body.


Coordination, as a skill to navigate in space and not to touch objects with different parts of the body in a random order, is controlled by the cerebellum.

In addition, the cerebellum controls such functions of the brain as kinetic awareness- in general, it highest level coordination, which allows you to navigate in the surrounding space, noting the distance to objects and calculating the ability to move in free zones.


Such an important function as speech is managed by several departments at once:

  • Dominant part of the frontal lobe(above), which is responsible for the control of oral speech.
  • temporal lobes responsible for speech recognition.

Basically, we can say that it is responsible for speech left hemisphere brain, if you do not take into account the division of the telencephalon into different lobes and departments.


Emotional regulation- This is the area controlled by the hypothalamus, along with a number of other important functions.

Strictly speaking, emotions are not created in the hypothalamus, but it is there that the influence on endocrine system person. Already after a certain set of hormones has been produced, a person feels something, however, the gap between the orders of the hypothalamus and the production of hormones can be completely insignificant.

prefrontal cortex

Functions prefrontal cortex lie in the field of mental and motor activity of the body, which correlates with future goals and plans.

In addition, the prefrontal cortex plays a significant role in creating complex thought patterns,

plans and algorithms of action.

home peculiarity the fact that this part of the brain does not "see" the difference between the regulation of the internal processes of the body and following the social framework of external behavior.

When you are faced with a difficult choice, which appeared mainly due to your own conflicting thoughts - give thanks for it. prefrontal cortex brain. It is there that differentiation and/or integration of various concepts and objects takes place.

Also in this department is predicted the result of your actions, and an adjustment is made in comparison with the result that you want to get.

In this way, we are talking about volitional control, concentration on the subject of work and emotional regulation. That is, if you are constantly distracted during work, you cannot concentrate, then the conclusion drawn prefrontal cortex, was disappointing and you won't be able to achieve desired result exactly this way.

The last proven function of the prefrontal cortex to date is one of the substrates short term memory.


Memory- this is a very broad concept, which includes descriptions of higher mental functions that allow you to reproduce previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities at the right time. All higher animals possess it, however, it is naturally most developed in humans.

It is almost impossible to determine exactly which part of the brain is responsible for memory (long-term or short-term). Physiological studies show that the areas responsible for storing memories are distributed over the entire surface of the cerebral cortex.

Mechanism The action of memory is as follows - in the brain, a certain combination of neurons is excited in a strict sequence. These sequences and combinations are called neural networks. Previously, the more common theory was that individual neurons were responsible for memories.

Brain diseases

The brain is the same organ as all the others in the human body, which means it is also susceptible to various diseases. The list of such diseases is quite extensive.

It will be easier to consider it if we divide them into several groups:

  1. Viral diseases. The most common of these are viral encephalitis (weakness in the muscles, severe drowsiness, coma, confusion and difficulty thinking in general), encephalomyelitis (fever, vomiting, impaired coordination and motor skills of the limbs, dizziness, loss of consciousness), meningitis (high temperature, general weakness, vomiting), etc.
  2. Tumor diseases. Their number is also quite large, although not all of them are malignant. Any tumor appears as the final stage of failure in the production of cells. Instead of ordinary death and subsequent replacement, the cell begins to multiply, filling all the space free from healthy tissues. Symptoms of tumors are headaches and convulsions. Also, their presence is easy to determine by hallucinations from various receptors, confusion and problems with speech.
  3. Neurodegenerative diseases. By common definition it is also a disturbance in the life cycle of cells in different parts brain. So, Alzheimer's disease is described as impaired conduction of nerve cells, which leads to memory loss. Huntington's disease, in turn, is the result of atrophy of the cerebral cortex. There are other options. The general symptoms are as follows - problems with memory, thinking, gait and motor skills, the presence of convulsions, tremors, spasms or pain.
  4. Vascular diseases are also quite different, although, in fact, they are reduced to violations in the structure of blood vessels. So, an aneurysm is nothing more than a protrusion of the wall of a certain vessel - which does not make it less dangerous. Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of blood vessels in the brain, but vascular dementia is characterized by their complete destruction.

The main secret of our body is the structure and function of the brain.

As you know, this most important organ consists of two hemispheres - left and right. Their unequal value was first stated by M. Dax, a doctor from France, who studied this issue in detail.

Based on the results of numerous studies, it can be concluded that people who complain about the left hemisphere of the brain do not work well.

This part of the brain is responsible for human ability to think logically and to speak. It is directly related to words, symbols, signs. The main difference between the left hemisphere and the right one is the way in which information is processed. Thanks to the left hemisphere, we build complex phrases, but the right one is responsible for their emotional coloring.

If the left side of the brain is working normally, a person adequately evaluates the joyful moments that occur in life, not subject and has a good sense of humor. If the left hemisphere is damaged, a person disappears, negative emotions appear, he becomes aggressive.

The left hemisphere has another important function: it responds to speech. It is noteworthy that they do not perceive any other sounds, be it the sound of the wind, the rustle of grass, laughter, etc. People with a well-developed left hemisphere consider truth as a relative category, they successfully cheat, embellish reality with virtuosity, and even deliberately deceive. This part of the brain is responsible for human intellectual abilities, counting, literacy, reading and linear thinking. The left hemisphere allows us to think methodically.

Work on the development of the left hemisphere should be carried out from the youngest school age. Psychophysiologists note that for its normal operation it is important to regularly solve logical and mathematical problems. It is equally useful to solve crossword puzzles. In the course of their solution, a person reasons, that is, he acts not intuitively, but analytically.

Another way to activate the left hemisphere is to train the muscles of the right side of the body. As a result of systematic complex classes significantly improves memory mood swings disappear developing intuition.

To be in good location spirit, it is necessary to load the left hemisphere with work, and not necessarily difficult. You can, for example, put a few coins in your pocket and try to determine their value by touch, and then calculate the total amount.

Quiz: Which hemisphere is your best?

To answer the question posed, it is proposed to perform simple tasks.

The principle is the same everywhere: if you do something better with your right hand, then your left hemisphere is more developed, and vice versa.

  1. « Lock". Cross the fingers of both hands without thinking. The decisive factor is thumb left or right hand turned out to be on top of you. If it is right, then the left hemisphere is more developed, and vice versa.
  2. To complete the next task you need to cross your arms over your chest. See which one is at the top? If it is right, then your left hemisphere is better developed.
  3. clap your hands. At the same time, pay attention to the leading hand, which moves more actively. If the left hand is more active, then the right hemisphere is more developed, if the right hand, then the left hemisphere.
  4. Another interesting test is as follows: need to make both hands work synchronously. For example, take a pen in each of them. Draw at the same time different geometric figures- triangle, square and circle. Drawings made by the leading hand are distinguished by greater clarity of lines.
  5. Prepare a sheet of paper. Put a dot (bold) in its center. Take a pencil in your right hand and close your eyes. Now try to hit the makeshift target at least fifteen times. Then do the same manipulation with the left hand. Now analyze in which case the accuracy of hits is higher.
  6. Take Blank sheet paper and draw on it two squares one and a half by one and a half centimeters. Further need to quickly shade them(the first - with the right hand, the second - with the left, or vice versa). Now see which square has more lines. In the figure shaded by the leading hand, the stripes will be more frequent.

If you happen to be doing most of the tasks better right hand, then you dominate left hemisphere(since the left hemisphere is responsible for right side human body, and the right - for the left side). And vice versa.

Of course, the informative value of one test may be lower than another, but in combination they allow you to determine with maximum certainty which hand the subject is leading. Thanks to simple tests, it will be possible to establish the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. This information will help determine which exercises should be given increased attention.

So, what is the activation of the left hemisphere of the brain? This is a sequential excitation and inhibition of neurons. This process can be influenced different ways. It turns out that good mood- this is no longer an abstract state, but a completely achievable goal. You will be able to look at the world in a new way, if you yourself want it. There are no more obstacles.

Develop both your hemispheres and have a good mood!))

Hemispheres of the brain

The brain controls all activities of the central nervous system. Until now, it has been poorly studied and is fraught with many mysteries for scientists. Many of us know from the school biology course that our brain has two hemispheres, each of which performs its own functions. Next, we will look at what exactly they are responsible for, and dwell in more detail on the right hemisphere of the brain.

Let's start by looking at what the left hemisphere is responsible for. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for everything related to logic. His activity is connected with verbal communication, with memory, with operating with numbers, facts, with abstract thinking. When processing experience, it analyzes, classifies, systematizes what happened and, on the basis of this, draws a general conclusion. The left side of the brain is a good helper where analytical thinking is required, it is necessary to establish the cause of an event and its effect. It allows you to engage in activities in stages, gradually moving from one point of the plan to another. Due to it, we perceive the meaning of what was said literally. Left-brained people have good language skills and usually know several foreign languages. The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body.

Right Hemisphere Functions

Below we will look at what the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for.

  1. processing of non-verbal information. The right hemisphere of the brain processes the signals that come to us in the form of symbols, images, gestures, signs, sounds, colors and in other ways. The definitions of objects in this case are merged with their essence, and do not simply designate them;
  2. art aptitude. Musical, artistic ability also associated with the work of the right half. This also includes skills in other areas. creative activity(dancing, modeling, etc.). Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can perceive music, pictures, dance numbers and other works of art, enjoy them. At the same time, those people in whom it is well developed can not only emotionally react to the masterpieces of other people, but also create their own;
  3. orientation in space. The right hemisphere of the brain helps us determine our location in relation to other objects, as well as the distance to these objects. All this helps us not to get lost in an unfamiliar city, to get to our destination;
  4. perception of metaphors. Due to the work of the right side of the brain, we are able to understand the allegorical meaning of words, which helps us in interacting with people around us. Thanks to her, we capture the meaning of set expressions, proverbs and sayings. This also includes a sense of humor, the ability to laugh at a joke;
  5. imagination. The right side of the brain allows us to create our own own stories. We can create the most incredible interweaving of the plot and mental images which are far from our real experience. One example of such image generation is dreams. Another example: dreams and fantasies;
  6. emotions. Emotions are closely related to the right hemisphere. Due to its work, we can emotionally perceive ongoing events, recognize emotional signals from other people. We can understand the hidden reasons for other people's actions, which helps in establishing contacts and protects against possible dangers, because. makes you feel deceitful;
  7. simultaneous processing of multiple blocks of information. The right hemisphere works simultaneously with a large amount of information. It takes information as a whole. Such a complex perception allows us to effectively solve problems. This can be compared with the seen plan of the city as a whole, and not with the transition from house to house. With this method of processing, the solution to the problem may look like an intuitive insight;
  8. face recognition. The work of the right side of the brain allows us to recognize faces, recognize our acquaintances;
  9. The left half of the body is subordinate to the right hemisphere.

The principle of how the hemispheres of the brain work is especially noticeable when observing a person who has had one of them removed. People who have had the right half of their brain removed find it difficult to navigate even in a small area, they need help to get to their destination. Such a person takes everything that is said literally, because. cannot perceive the allegorical meaning of words. He does not respond to other people's emotions and appears unemotional himself. He cannot enjoy musical works. However, the restorative abilities of our body are such that subsequently the remaining half takes over part of the functions of the remote one. This is especially true in cases where the operation was performed in childhood.

Which half is dominant?

Which of the two hemispheres is dominant? Previously, scientists believed that the left. However, it is now known that the left and right hemispheres of our brain work in commonwealth, and the dominance of one of them is associated with nature. specific person. You are probably wondering which hemisphere is dominant in you. To determine this, you can take special tests. You can also analyze what types of activities you are better at, what you are capable of. In order for the hemispheres of the brain to work harmoniously, it is useful to perform special exercises, increasing the potential of the weaker of them.

During childhood, the right side of the brain is more active. We perceive the world through images. However, our whole system of education and the style of our life develop the functions of the left. Thus, the right hemisphere is often inactive, its functions are not properly developed, and gradually it loses its potential. Such a bias in the future negatively affects our lives.

The ability to achieve great success due to the harmonious work of the hemispheres is shown by examples brilliant people. For example, Leonardo da Vinci was excellent with both hands. It is known that he was not only fine artist and a sculptor, but also a scientist. The work of the hemispheres of his brain was harmonious. Their development was uniform, thanks to which he was able to create such discoveries and inventions that change the life of not only a particular person, but society as a whole.

What will the development of the right hemisphere give us

Drawing a general conclusion, we note that the activity of the left side of the brain is associated with the processing of previous experience and the generation of decisions based on it. However, we all know that it is impossible to compose something new, guided only by previous experience. The right half of the brain goes beyond experience, creates something that was not there. She gives us holistic perception information rather than getting bogged down in details. A comprehensive view of the problem allows us to create a solution that would not be possible if we focused only on part of it.

Of course, thanks to the development of the right hemisphere, you will advance far in the field of communication, you will better understand the desires and motives of other people. This will improve your relationships at home and at work. You will be able to easily establish contacts with people, contact inner world person.

The activity of the right hemisphere allows you to effectively solve emerging problems in personal and professional life find your place in a changing world.

Thanks to the coordinated activity of both hemispheres, life becomes harmonious.

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Until recently, it was believed that a person with a developed left hemisphere is much more adapted to real life. And it seems to be clear why. It's easier for him to learn. He is purposeful, can clearly express his desires and describe emotions, and is also able to learn quickly.

This happened because the bulk of the work that was given to people was based on the constant repetition of the same and hard concentration.

Today, the world has changed a little, and dreamers (namely, those who have a developed right hemisphere are called) get a chance to live the way they want. Much more appears creative professions. And their thoughtfulness, romanticism and daydreaming are perceived as the ability to think creatively.

Synchronous work of the hemispheres

Despite the fact that each person has more developed either the right or left hemisphere, in fact they work together. It cannot be that only one half of the brain is responsible for all human activity.

Each hemisphere is responsible for certain functions. So, for example, if in general a person did not have the right hemisphere responsible for emotions, then a person would be like a robot without emotions and feelings, which builds life in a way that is beneficial to him. And vice versa, if the left hemisphere did not exist, then the person would turn into a purely antisocial being who cannot take care of himself in any way.

Thanks to both hemispheres, life becomes complete. So, the perception of the world with the help of the left hemisphere is simplified, but the right one makes it native, that is, it shows it as it is, with all the flaws and virtues.

It should also be noted that depending on which hemisphere is more developed in, his ability to write will depend, namely, the person will be right-handed or left-handed.

It so happened in society that practitioners all know the features of right-handers and left-handers, and therefore, even by character and abilities, they can easily tell which hand he writes with.

Most creative people (actors, writers, etc.) write with their left hand, which once again confirms the theory about the hemispheres.

The functions of the left hemisphere of the brain are very important, as they help a person to analyze information, to perceive the world. In addition, without such abilities, it would be difficult to survive in the current world.

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