Forms and methods of work with the family in the kindergarten. Active forms of work with children in kindergarten to educate safe behavior



Generalization of the experience of the head of the MDOU "Kindergarten in the village of Maryino-Lashmino"

Shimanova Olga Nikolaevna

SUBJECT: Role didactic games when learning

preschoolers account

Introduction 3

1 Mathematical training of children before school age to school 5

1.1 Trained about readiness for learning or school maturity 5

1.2 Age criteria mathematical representations preschool children 9

1.3 Development of cognitive processes in the process of mathematical preparation and learning for school 17

2 Didactic games in mathematics classes in kindergarten 21

2.1 Didactic games for teaching mathematics to preschoolers 21

2.2 Organization and conduct of didactic games 25

Conclusion 31

References 33

Annex 34


Preschool children show a spontaneous interest in mathematical categories: quantity, shape, time, space, which help them better navigate things and situations, organize and connect them with each other, and contribute to the formation of concepts.

Kindergartens and preparatory classes take into account this interest and try to increase children's knowledge in this area. However, acquaintance with the content of these concepts and the formation of elementary mathematical representations often leaves much to be desired.

The concept of preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for the cognitive development of preschoolers, of which mathematical development is a part. In this regard, we are interested in the problem: the use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers.

At present, there is a whole trend in pedagogical science- game pedagogy, which considers the game to be the leading method of educating and educating children of preschool and primary school age. Emphasis on the game (game activities, game forms, techniques) is the most important way to include children in academic work, a way to provide an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions. IN last years questions of the theory and practice of didactic games have been developed and are being developed by many researchers: A.P. Usovoi, E.I. Radina, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.F. Ivanitskaya, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger. In all studies, the relationship between learning and play was established, the structure of gameplay, the main forms and methods of managing didactic games.

But the main task of many studies is how to arouse a steady cognitive interest, how to arouse a thirst for the difficult process of cognition. This is the relevance of our work.

The object of the research is the process of development of play activity of preschool children. Subject of study: The role of didactic games in the development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers

The purpose of the study: to determine the most effective ways of developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers through didactic games.

Work tasks:

  • reveal psychological features preschool children;
  • prove that the game is the leading activity of preschoolers;
  • reveal the educational role of didactic games and their significance in the development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers;
  • to analyze the features of the organization of work in the classroom in mathematics in kindergarten;
  • determine the types of didactic games, their organization and conduct in mathematics classes

To solve the tasks set, methods were used: analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the research problem; observation, diagnostics, mathematical data processing.

1 Mathematical preparation of preschool children for schooling

1.1 Trained about readiness for learning or school maturity

IN Lately the task of preparing children for schooling is one of the important places in the development of ideas of psychological science.

The successful solution of the tasks of developing the child's personality, increasing the effectiveness of training is largely determined by how correctly the level of preparedness of children for schooling is taken into account. IN modern psychology Unfortunately, there is no single and clear definition of the concept of "readiness for schooling" or "school maturity".

Currently, domestic psychologists adhere to the point of view of L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina, who emphasize that a child of preschool age cannot have "school" qualities in their pure form, i.e. psychological traits characteristic of a schoolchild, since they, like any mental formations, are formed in the course of the activity for which they are necessary, i.e. educational. Based on this, L.A. Wenger believes that the psychological readiness for school education does not consist in the fact that the “school” qualities themselves are formed in the child, but in the fact that he masters the prerequisites for their subsequent assimilation.

L.I. Back in the 1960s, Bozhovich pointed out that readiness for schooling consists of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of one's cognitive activity and for the social position of the student. Similar views were developed by A.I. Zaporozhets, who noted that readiness to study at school “is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child’s personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical and synthetic activity, the degree of formation of mechanisms of volitional regulation of actions, etc. etc."[ Smolentseva 2007]

In the works of E.E. Kravtsova, when characterizing the psychological readiness of children for school, the main emphasis is on the role of communication in the development of the child. There are three areas - attitude towards an adult, towards a peer and towards oneself, the level of development, which determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components of educational activity. An essential indicator in this concept is the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers in terms of cooperation and cooperation. It is believed that children with high rates of cooperation and cooperation at the same time have good indicators of intellectual development.

In all studies, despite the difference in approaches, the fact is recognized that schooling will be effective only if the first-grader has the necessary and sufficient for initial stage learning qualities, which are then developed and improved in the educational process. Based on this provision, it is possible to formulate a definition of psychological readiness for school.

Psychological readiness for school is a necessary and sufficient level of a child’s mental development for mastering school curriculum in the conditions of training in a group of peers.

It can be said that a certain basis of development is taken as the basis for readiness for schooling, without which a child cannot successfully study at school. In fact, work on psychological readiness for school is based on the position that learning follows development, since it is recognized that one cannot start learning at school if there is no certain level of mental development.

Learning is a process joint activities educator and learner. The goal of the teacher is to manage the cognitive activity of the student, as a result of which he assimilates the knowledge and methods of cognition accumulated by mankind, acquires skills and abilities. The purpose of schooling is to develop the student's ability for self-learning, to develop his individuality, active creative thinking, and abilities. More K.D. Ushinsky pointed out that the student should not only be given this or that knowledge, "but also develop in him the desire and ability to acquire new knowledge on his own, without a teacher." The ability to self-learning implies the formation of educational activities. [Smolentseva 2007]

Educational activity, in contrast to the learning process, is, from the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, purposeful cognitive activity learner. Educational activity is social in content (it is the assimilation of all the riches of culture and science accumulated by mankind), social in meaning (it is socially significant and socially valued), social in the form of implementation (it is implemented in accordance with socially developed norms), but at the same time, it is individual in terms of the result, that is, the knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of action acquired in the process of educational activity are the acquisition of an individual student. And this, according to D.B. Elkonina, main characteristic school education.

The second essential feature of systematic schooling

Mandatory compliance by all students with the same rules that govern the behavior of the student during their stay at school. By their nature, these rules are socially developed ways of behavior that ensure, first of all, the productivity of the work of everything. cool team, and, consequently, they are socially directed in their content. Subordination to the rules, on the one hand, requires the child to be able to regulate his behavior and, on the other hand, forms more high forms arbitrary control of behavior in accordance with rules that have a social collectivist orientation is the most important educational function in the school. With individual tutoring, many of these rules fall away.

The third essential feature of systematic schooling is that with admission to school, the study of science begins in the system or logic of science itself. The system of scientific concepts is not identical to the sum of worldly ideas. Scientific knowledge does not directly coincide with practical knowledge. Empirical knowledge that develops in the child in the process personal experience using objects, or solving practical problems, experience acquired under the guidance of adults in the preschool period. But the essence of things does not lie on the surface, cannot be directly perceived, it is revealed in the course of the socio-historical process of cognition and production. The transition to the study of science is the transition to the knowledge of the world as it is objectively for human knowledge.

The fourth essential feature of schooling is that in the transition to it, the child has to radically change the entire system of relations with the adult educating him. To communicate with the teacher, the student needs to master special means. This applies primarily to the ability to correctly perceive the patterns of actions shown by the teacher during the explanation, and to adequately interpret the assessments that the teacher gives to the actions performed by the students, and their results. [Smolentseva 2007]

The features of systematic schooling presuppose a certain level of the child's mental development, so the success of a novice student's education is largely determined by the level of his psychological readiness for learning.

Currently, the term "personal-centered learning" is very popular. But how does "personally oriented learning" differ from "traditional" because all learning is inherently the creation of conditions for the development of the individual, and, therefore, it is developing and student-oriented? From our point of view, this issue is very well considered in the work of I.S. Yakimanskaya. She identifies the following positions of student-centered learning:

  • student-centered learning should ensure the development and self-development of the student's personality, based on the identification of his individual features as a subject of cognition and objective activity;
  • the educational process of student-centered learning provides each student, based on his abilities, inclinations, interests, value orientations and subjective experience, the opportunity to realize himself in cognition, learning activities, behavior;
  • the content of education, its means and methods are selected and organized so that the student can show ingenuity to the subject material, its kind of form;
  • criteria base of student-centered learning

takes into account not only the level of knowledge, skills and abilities achieved, but also the formation of a certain intellect (its properties, qualities, nature of manifestations);

  • education as a set of knowledge, skills, individual abilities is the most important means of developing the spiritual and intellectual qualities of a student and is the main goal of modern education;
  • training and education are not identical in nature and results. Learning through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provides social and professional adaptation in society. Education forms an individual perception of the world, the possibility of its creative transformation, the widespread use of subjective experience in the interpretation and evaluation of facts, phenomena, events surrounding reality on the basis of personally significant values ​​and internal attitudes;
  • in this context, traditional education cannot be the leading one in a holistic educational process. Significant are those components that develop the individuality of the student, create all the necessary conditions for his self-development, self-expression;
  • student-centered learning is based on the principle of variability, i.e. recognition of the diversity of content and forms educational process, the choice of which should be carried out by a subject teacher, educator, taking into account the development goal of each child, his pedagogical support in the cognitive process, and difficult life circumstances.

But still typical for the domestic school is the traditional form of organization of the learning process, characterized by the complete conditionality of the activities of students by the educational institution, that is, "closed learning"

1.2 Age criteria for mathematical representations of preschool children

Successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of the child's thinking, the ability to generalize and systematize their knowledge, and creatively solve various problems. Developed mathematical thinking not only helps the child to navigate and feel confident in his surroundings. modern world but also contributes to its overall mental development. This implies the main requirement for the form of organization of education and upbringing - to make classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations as effective as possible in order to ensure that the child learns the maximum amount of knowledge available to him at each age stage and stimulate progressive intellectual development.

The teacher organizes work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children in the classroom and outside the classroom 2-3 times a week. Classes consist of several parts, united by one topic. The duration and intensity of classes throughout the year increases gradually. The structure of each lesson provides a break to relieve mental and physical stress lasting 1-3 minutes. It can be a dynamic exercise with speech accompaniment or " finger gymnastics", eye exercises or a relaxation exercise. In each lesson, children perform different kinds activities in order to consolidate mathematical knowledge.

In mathematics classes, educators use methods (verbal, visual, game) and techniques (story, conversation, description, indication and explanation, questions for children, children's answers, sample, showing real objects, pictures, actions with numerical cards, numbers, didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, etc.).

The integrated use of all methods and techniques, forms of education will help solve one of the main tasks - to carry out the mathematical training of preschoolers and bring the development of their thinking to a level sufficient for the successful assimilation of mathematics at school. When organizing and conducting classes in mathematics, it is always necessary to remember the age of children and the individual characteristics of each child. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail each age group and correlate it with the methods and techniques that would be appropriate to use in teaching mathematics.

IN junior group begin special work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, lay the foundations for the mathematical development of children.

Classes on the development of mathematical representations of children are held from September on a certain day of the week. The duration of the lesson is 12 - 15 minutes. The child acquires new knowledge on the basis of direct perception, when he follows the actions of the teacher, listens to his explanations and instructions, and acts with didactic material himself.

Attention in children 3-4 years old is involuntary, unstable, the ability to remember is characterized by unintentionality. Therefore, gaming techniques and didactic games are widely used in the classroom. They are organized in such a way that, if possible, all children participate in the action at the same time and they do not have to wait for their turn. There are games associated with active movements: walking and running. However, using game techniques, the teacher does not allow them to distract children from the main thing (albeit elementary, but mathematical work). When for the first time some property is distinguished and it is important to focus the attention of children on it, game moments may or may not be present.

The use of visual aids that are attractive to children is of great importance. In each manual, exactly the sign to which the attention of the kids should be directed is clearly emphasized, and the rest are leveled.

The elucidation of mathematical properties is carried out on the basis of a comparison of objects characterized by either similar or opposite properties. Objects are used in which the cognizable property is pronounced, which are familiar to children, without unnecessary details, differ in no more than 1-2 features. Accuracy of perception is facilitated by movements (hand gestures), circling a model of a geometric figure with a hand helps children to more accurately perceive its shape, and holding a hand along, say, a scarf, a ribbon, establishes the ratio of objects precisely on this basis.

Children are taught to consistently identify and compare the homogeneous properties of things. The comparison is based on practical ways mappings: overlays or applications.

Great importance is attached to the work of children with didactic material. Toddlers are already able to perform fairly complex actions in a certain sequence. However, if the child does not cope with the task, works unproductively, he quickly loses interest in him, gets tired and is distracted from work. Given this, the teacher gives the children a sample of each new mode of action. Seeking to warn possible mistakes, he shows all the methods of work and explains in detail the sequence of actions. At the same time, explanations should be extremely clear, clear, specific, given at a pace accessible to the perception of a small child. If the teacher speaks in a hurry, then the children stop understanding him and get distracted. The teacher demonstrates the most complex methods of action 2-3 times, each time drawing the attention of the kids to new details. Only repeated demonstration and naming of the same methods of action in different situations with a change in visual material allow children to learn them. When children learn the method of action, then its display becomes unnecessary. Now they can be asked to complete the task only according to verbal instructions.

Spatial and quantitative relationships can be reflected in words. Every new way actions assimilated by children, each newly distinguished property is fixed in the exact word. The teacher pronounces the new word slowly, highlighting it with intonation. All the children together (in chorus) repeat it.

The most difficult thing for kids is the reflection of mathematical connections and relationships in speech, since it requires the ability to build not only simple, but also complex sentences. The teacher gives a sample answer. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher can start the answer phrase, and the child will finish it. At first, you have to ask the children auxiliary questions, and then ask them to tell everything at once.

In order for children to understand the mode of action, they are offered to say in the course of work what and how they are doing, and when the action has already been mastered, before starting work, make an assumption about what and how to do. Connections are established between the properties of things and the actions by which they are revealed. At this teacher does not allow the use of words whose meaning is not clear to children.

IN middle group classes on the development of elementary mathematical

performances are held weekly, on a certain day of the week. The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes. At each lesson, work is carried out simultaneously on a new topic and a repetition of the past. From the first lessons, children in this group are giveneducational tasks,that give their actions a purposeful character.

The attention of four-year-olds, like three-year-olds, is not yet stable. For a solid assimilation of knowledge, they must be interested in work. Casual conversation with children, which is conducted at a leisurely pace, the attractiveness of visual aids, the widespread use of gaming exercises and didactic games - all this creates a good emotional mood. Games are used in which the game action is at the same time an elementary mathematical action.

Use in math classvisual-effective teaching methods:showing the teacher samples and methods of action, the implementation of practical tasks by children, including elementary mathematical activities.

In the fifth year, children intensively develop the ability to explore. In this regard, the children are encouraged to more or less independently identify the properties and relationships of mathematical objects. The teacher puts before the children questions, requiring search. He prompts, and if necessary, shows what needs to be done to find the answer to them.

Children acquire knowledge by experience, reflecting in speech what was directly observed. Thus, it is possible to avoid the separation of the verbal form of the utterance from the content expressed in it, i.e., to eliminate the formal assimilation of knowledge. This is especially important! Children given age they easily remember words and expressions, sometimes not correlating them with specific objects, their properties.

The place and nature of the use of visual (sample, display) and verbal (instructions, explanations, questions, etc.) teaching methods are determined by the level of assimilation of the material being studied by the children. When children get acquainted with new types of activity (counting, counting, comparing objects by size), a complete, detailed display and explanation of all methods of action, their nature and sequence, a detailed and consistent examination of the sample are necessary. Instructions encourage children to follow the actions of the teacher or the child called to his table, introduce them to the exact verbal designation of these actions. Explanations should be short and clear. The use of words and expressions incomprehensible to children is unacceptable.

In the course of explaining the new, children are involved in joint actions with the teacher, in the performance of individual actions. New knowledge only gradually acquires its generalized meaning for children of this age.

In the middle group, as in the younger one, it is necessary to repeatedly show actions that are new for children, while changing visual aids, tasks, methods of work vary slightly. This ensures the manifestation of activity and independence in the assimilation of new ways of action by children. The more diverse the work of children with visual aids, the more consciously they acquire knowledge. The teacher asks questions so that new knowledge is reflected in the exact word. Children are constantly taught to explain their actions, talk about what and how they did, what happened as a result. The teacher patiently listens to the answers of the children, does not hurry with a hint, does not finish speaking for them. If necessary, gives a sample answer, poses additional questions, in some cases begins a phrase, and the child finishes it. Correcting mistakes in speech, the teacher offers to repeat words, expressions, encourages children to rely on visual material. As the appropriate vocabulary is mastered, the semantic meaning of words is revealed, children cease to need a full, detailed display.

In subsequent classes, they act mainly according to verbal instructions. The teacher shows only a few techniques. By answering questions, the child repeats the instructions, for example, says what size strip should be put first, which one after. Children learn to coherently talk about the completed task. In the future, they act on the basis of only verbal instructions. However, if the children find it difficult, the teacher resorts to the sample, to the demonstration, and to additional questions. All errors are corrected in the course of action with didactic material.

Gradually increase the volume of tasks, they begin to consist of 2-3 links.

IN senior group the duration of the lesson changes slightly compared to the average (from 20 to 25 minutes), but the amount of knowledge and the pace of work noticeably increase.

Visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques in mathematics classes in the senior group are mainly used in the complex. Five-year-old children are able to understand the cognitive task set by the teacher and act in accordance with his instructions. Setting the task allows you to excite their cognitive activity. Such situations are created when the available knowledge is not enough to find the answer to the question posed, and there is a need to learn something new, to learn something new.

The motivation for the search is the proposal to solve any game or practical problem.

Organizing independent work children with handouts, the teacher also sets tasks for them (check, learn, learn new things, etc.).

Consolidation and refinement of knowledge, methods of action in a number of cases is carried out by offering children tasks, the content of which reflects situations that are close and understandable to them. The interest of children in solving such problems ensures the active work of thought, a solid assimilation of knowledge.

Mathematical representations “equal”, “not equal”, “more - less”, “whole and part”, etc.formed on the basis of comparison.Children of 5 years old can already, under the guidance of a teacher, consistently consider objects, single out and compare their homogeneous features. On the basis of comparison, they reveal essential relations, for example, relations of equality and inequality, sequence, whole and part, etc., make the simplest conclusions.

Operations Development mental activity(analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) in the older group are given great attention. All these operations are performed by children based on visibility. So in the older group, children are presented with objects that already have 2-3 signs of difference.

Children are first taught to compare objects in pairs, and then to compare several objects at once. They arrange the same objects in a row or group them according to one or another attribute. Finally, they compare in conflict situation, when the essential features for solving this problem are masked by others, outwardly more pronounced. The comparison is made on the basis of direct and indirect methods of comparison and opposition (overlays, applications, counting, "modeling measurement"). As a result of these actions, children equalize the number of objects or violate their equality, i.e., perform elementary actions of a mathematical nature.

Isolation and assimilation of mathematical properties, connections, relationships is achievedperforming a variety of activities.Of great importance in teaching children 5 years old is stillactive inclusion in the work of different analyzers.

Consideration, analysis and comparison of objects when solving problems of the same typeproduced in a specific sequence.For example, children are taught to sequentially analyze and describe a pattern made up of patterns. geometric shapes, etc. Gradually, they master the general method of solving problems of this category and use it consciously.

Since the understanding of the content of the task and the ways of solving it by children of this age is carried out in the course of practical actions, the mistakes made by children are always corrected through actions with didactic material.

In the senior groupexpand the types of visual aids and somewhat change their nature.Toys and things continue to be used as illustrative material. But now great place It takes work with pictures, color and silhouette images of objects, and the drawings of objects can be schematic.

From the middle of the school year, the simplest schemes are introduced, for example, "numerical figures", "numerical ladder", "path scheme" (pictures on which images of objects are placed in a certain sequence).

“Deputies” of real objects begin to serve as a visual support.Missing in this moment the teacher presents the subjects with models of geometric shapes. Experience shows that children easily accept such abstract visualization. Visualization activates children and serves as a support for arbitrary memory, therefore, in some cases, phenomena that do not have a visual form are modeled. For example, the days of the week are conventionally denoted by multi-colored chips. This helps children establish ordinal relationships between the days of the week and remember their sequence.

Working with children 5-6 years oldthe role verbal devices learning.Instructions and explanations of the teacher direct and plan the activities of children. When giving instructions, he takes into account what children know and can do, and shows only new methods of work. The questions of the teacher during the explanation stimulate the manifestation of independence and ingenuity by children, prompting them to seek different ways solving the same problem.

Children are taught to find different formulations to characterize the same mathematical connections and relationships. The development of new modes of action in speech is essential. Therefore, while working with With handouts, the teacher asks one or the other child what, how and why he is doing. One child can do the task at the blackboard at this time and explain their actions. Accompanying the action with speech allows children to comprehend it. After completing any task, a survey follows. Children report what and how they did and what happened as a result. [Shcherbakova 2005]

As the ability to perform certain actions is accumulated, the child can be asked to first suggest what and how to do (build a number of objects, group them, etc.), and then perform a practical action. This is how children are taught to plan ways and order of completing a task.

The assimilation of the correct turns of speech is ensured by their repeated repetition in connection with the implementation different options assignments of the same type.

In the older group, they begin to use word games and game exercises based on performance actions.

The complication and variability of work methods, the change of benefits and situations stimulate the manifestation of independence by children, activate their thinking. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher constantly introduces elements of the game (search, guessing) and competition into them.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion: the use of various methods and techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations depends on the age of the children, the level of mathematical development, and the individual characteristics of each child. It should also be noted that for more effective teaching of mathematics to children, it is necessary to integrate all the methods and techniques of teaching preschool children.

1.3 Development of cognitive processes in the process of mathematical preparation and learning for school with the help of didactic games

Assimilation of mathematical knowledge on different stages schooling causes significant difficulties for many students. One of the reasons that give rise to difficulties and overload of students in the process of mastering knowledge is the insufficient preparation of the thinking of preschoolers for the assimilation of this knowledge. Therefore, in its content, mathematical training should not be limited to the formation of ideas about numbers and simple geometric figures, teaching counting, addition and subtraction, measurements in the simplest cases. From the point of view of the modern concept of teaching the youngest children, no less important than arithmetic operations, in order to prepare them for the assimilation of mathematical knowledge, is the formation logical thinking. Children need to be taught not only to calculate and measure, but also to reason.

Learning is most productive if it takes place in the context of practical and play activities, when conditions are created under which the knowledge acquired by children earlier becomes necessary for them, as it helps to solve a practical problem, and therefore is absorbed more easily and faster. [Novoselova 2002]

An analysis of the learning state of preschoolers leads many experts to the conclusion that learning in games is necessary. In other words, we are talking about the need to develop the learning functions of the game, which involves learning through the game.

The game is not only pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important, with its help you can develop the attention, memory, thinking, and imagination of the baby. While playing, a child can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, develop abilities, sometimes without realizing it.

Game learning is a form of educational process in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilation of social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, abilities, emotional and evaluative activity.

The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game children act as they would act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of their ability to overcome difficulties. And such a high levelachieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

High activity, emotional coloring of the game gives rise to a high degree of openness of the participants. It was experimentally shown that in a situation of some absent-mindednessattentionsometimes it is easier to convince a person to accept a new point of view for him. If something insignificant distracts the attention of a person, then the effect of persuasion will be stronger. Perhaps this, to some extent, determines the high productivity of the learning impact of game situations.

The following features of the game for preschoolers can be distinguished:

  1. The game is the most accessible and leading activity for preschool children.
  2. The game is also an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities.
  3. All psychological neoplasms originate in the game
  4. The game contributes to the formation of all aspects of the child's personality, leads to significant changes in his psyche
  5. The game is an important means of mental education of the child, where mental activity is associated with the work of all mental processes.

At all stages of preschool childhood game method be given in the classroom big role. It should be noted that the “learning game” (although the word educational can be considered a synonym for the word didactic) emphasizes the use of the game as a method of teaching, and not consolidating or repeating already acquired knowledge.

In the classroom and Everyday life didactic games and game exercises are widely used. By organizing games outside of class, they consolidate, deepen and expand the mathematical representations of children, and most importantly, learning and game tasks are solved at the same time. In some cases, games carry the main teaching load. That is why in the classroom and in everyday life, educators should make extensive use of didactic games and game exercises. [Shcherbakova 2005]

Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementation program objectives. The place of the didactic game in the structure of classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at fulfilling specific task formation of representations. In the younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, the entire lesson should be held in the form of a game. Didactic games are also appropriate at the end of the lesson in order to reproduce and consolidate what was previously learned.

In the formation of mathematical representations in children, various didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used. They differ from typical educational tasks and exercises in the unusual setting of the problem (find, guess), the unexpectedness of presenting it on behalf of some literary fairy tale hero. Game exercises should be distinguished from didactic games in terms of structure, purpose, level of children's independence, and the role of the teacher. They, as a rule, do not include all the structural elements of a didactic game (didactic task, rules, game actions). Their purpose is to exercise children in order to develop skills and abilities. In the younger group, the usual educational exercises can be given a playful character and then they can be used as a method of introducing children to the new educational material. The exercise is carried out by the educator (gives the task, controls the answer), while the children are less independent than in the didactic game. There are no self-learning elements in the exercise.

Didactic games are divided into:

Games with objects

Board games

word games

Also, when forming elementary ideas among preschoolers, you can use: games for planar modeling (Pythagoras, Tangram, etc.), puzzle games, joke tasks, crossword puzzles, puzzles, educational games.

Despite the variety of games, their main task should be the development of logical thinking, namely the ability to establish the simplest patterns: the order of alternation of figures in color, shape, size. This is also facilitated by game exercises for finding a figure missed in a row. [Shcherbakova 2005]

Also, a necessary condition for success in work is creative attitude educator to mathematical games: variation of game actions and questions, individualization of requirements for children, repetition of games in the same form or with complication. Mathematical preparation of children for school involves not only the assimilation of certain knowledge by children, the formation of their quantitative spatial and temporal representations. The most important is the development of mental abilities in preschoolers, the ability to solve various problems. The widespread use of special educational games is important for awakening preschoolers' interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activity, and general mental development.

2 Didactic games in the classroom in mathematics in kindergarten

2.1 Didactic games for teaching mathematics to preschoolers

Gaming activity is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals, except for enjoyment, pleasure from the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces.

Nature has created children's games for comprehensive preparation for life. Therefore, they have a genetic connection with all types of human activity and act as a specifically childish form of knowledge, labor, communication, art, and sports. Hence the names of the games: cognitive, intellectual, construction, game-work, game-communication. There are also music games, artistic, dramatization games, mobile, sports.

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of games: games with fixed, open rules and games with hidden rules. An example of games of the first type is the majority of didactic, cognitive and outdoor games, this also includes developing intellectual, musical, fun games, attractions.

The second type includes role-playing games. Rules in them exist implicitly. They are in the norms of behavior of reproduced heroes: the doctor does not put a thermometer on himself, the passenger does not fly in the cockpit.

Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the educator. Listed signs inherent in all games, but in some games some features are more distinct, in others - others.

  1. Games with numbers and numbers
  2. time travel games
  3. Orientation games
  4. Games with geometric shapes
  5. Logic games

The first group of games includes teaching children to count in the forward and backward order. Using a fairy tale plot, children are introduced to the formation of all numbers within 10, by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects. Two groups of objects are compared, located either on the lower or on the upper strip of the counting ruler. This is done so that children do not have the misconception that more is always in the upper band, and the smaller one is in the lower band.

Playing such didactic games as "What number is missing?", "How much?", "Confusion?", "Correct the mistake", "Remove the numbers", "Name the neighbors", children learn to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany with words their actions.

Didactic games such as "Think of a number", "What's your name?", "Make a sign", "Make a number", "Who will be the first to name which toy is gone?" and many others are used in the classroom in free time, with the aim of developing children's attention, memory, thinking.

The second group of mathematical games (time travel games) serves to introduce children to the days of the week. It is explained that each day of the week has its own name. In order for children to better remember the name of the days of the week, they are indicated by circles of different colors. Observation is carried out for several weeks, indicating by circles every day. This is done specifically so that the children can independently conclude that the sequence of days of the week is unchanged. The children are told that the names of the days of the week guess which day of the week is on the account: Monday is the first day after the end of the week, Tuesday is the second day, Wednesday is the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday is the fifth. After such a conversation, games are offered in order to fix the names of the days of the week and their sequence. Children enjoy playing the game "Live Week." For the game, 7 children are called to the board, counted in order and receive circles of different colors indicating the days of the week. Children line up in such a sequence as the days of the week go in order. For example, the first child with a yellow circle in their hands, indicating the first day of the week - Monday, etc.

Then the game gets more difficult. Children are built from any other day of the week. In the future, you can use the following games "Name it soon", "Days of the week", "Name the missing word", "All year round", "Twelve months", which help children quickly remember the names of the days of the week and the names of the months, their sequence.

The third group includes spatial orientation games. Spatial representations of children are constantly expanding and fixed in the process of all types of activities. The task of the teacher is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine the position of one or another object in relation to another in a word. For example, there is a hare to the right of the doll, a pyramid to the left of the doll, and so on. A child is selected and the toy is hidden in relation to him (behind the back, on the right, on the left, etc.). This arouses interest in children and organizes them for the lesson. In order to interest children, so that the result is better, subject games are used with the appearance of a fairy-tale hero. For example, the game “Find a toy”, - “At night, when there was no one in the group,” the children say, “Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid the toys, and wrote in a letter how they can be found." Then a letter is printed out, which says: "You need to stand in front of the teacher's table, go 3 steps to the right, etc.". Children complete the task, find a toy. Then, the task becomes more difficult - i.e. the letter does not give a description of the location of the toy, but only a diagram. According to the scheme, children must determine where the hidden object is. There are many games and exercises that contribute to the development of spatial orientation in children: "Find a similar one", "Tell me about your pattern", "Carpet workshop", "Artist", "Journey around the room" and many other games. While playing the games discussed, children learn to use words to indicate the position of objects.

To consolidate knowledge about the shape of geometric shapes, children are invited to recognize the shape of a circle, triangle, square in the surrounding objects. For example, it is asked: "What geometric figure does the bottom of the plate resemble?" (tabletop surface, sheet of paper, etc.). There is a Lotto game. Children are offered pictures (3-4 pieces each), in which they look for a figure similar to the one shown. Then, the children are invited to name and tell what they found.

The didactic game "Geometric Mosaic" can be used in the classroom and in your free time, in order to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, in order to develop attention and imagination in children. Before the start of the game, the children are divided into two teams according to their level of skills and abilities. Teams are given tasks of varying difficulty. For example:

  • Drawing up an image of an object from geometric shapes (work on a finished dissected sample)
  • Conditional work (to assemble a human figure, a girl in a dress)
  • Work on one's own design (just human)

Each team receives the same set of geometric shapes. Children independently agree on how to complete the task, on the order of work. Each player in the team, in turn, participates in the transformation of a geometric figure, adding his own element, composing a separate element of an object from several figures. In conclusion, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving a constructive idea. The use of these didactic games helps to consolidate memory, attention, and thinking in children.

Consider didactic games for the development of logical thinking. At preschool age, elements of logical thinking begin to form in children, i.e. develops the ability to reason, to draw their own conclusions. There are many didactic games and exercises that affect the development creativity in children, as they have an effect on the imagination and contribute to the development out-of-the-box thinking in children. These are such games as "Find a non-standard figure, what is the difference?", "Mill", and others. They are aimed at training thinking when performing actions.

These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a series of figures, signs, for finding numbers. Acquaintance with such games begins with elementary tasks for logical thinking - a chain of patterns. In such exercises, there is an alternation of objects or geometric shapes. Children are invited to continue the row or find the missing element. In addition, tasks of this nature are given: continue the chain, alternating in a certain sequence squares, large and small circles of yellow and red. After the children learn to perform such exercises, the tasks for them become more complicated. It is proposed to complete a task in which it is necessary to alternate objects, take into account both color and size.

2.2 Organization and conduct of didactic games

The relevance of didactic material (actual formulations of mathematical problems, visual aids, etc.) actually helps children perceive tasks as a game, feel interested in getting the right result, and strive for the best possible solution.

Collectivity allows you to rally the children's team into a single group, into a single organism, capable of solving problems more high level than available to one child, and often more complex.

Competitiveness creates a desire in a child or a group of children to complete a task faster and better than a competitor, which reduces the time to complete the task, on the one hand, and achieve a realistically acceptable result, on the other. Almost any team game can serve as a classic example of the above principles: “What? Where? When?" (one half asks questions - the other answers them).

Based on these principles, it is possible to formulate requirements for didactic games held in the classroom:

Games should be based on games familiar to children. To this end, it is important to observe children, identify their favorite games, analyze which games children like more and which less.

Each game should contain an element of novelty.

You can not impose on children a game that seems useful, the game is voluntary. Children should be able to refuse a game if they don't like it and choose another game.

The game is not a lesson. A game technique that includes children in new theme, an element of competition, a riddle, a journey into a fairy tale and much more ... - this is not only the methodological wealth of the teacher, but also the general, rich in impressions work of children in the classroom.

The emotional state of the teacher should correspond to the activity in which he participates. Unlike all other methodological means, the game requires a special state from the one who conducts it. It is necessary not only to be able to conduct the game, but also to play with the children.

The game is a diagnostic tool. The child is revealed in the game in all its best and not the best qualities.

Under no circumstances should disciplinary measures be taken against children who violate the rules of the game or the game atmosphere. This can only be an occasion for a friendly conversation, an explanation, and even better, when, having gathered together, the children analyze, sort out who, how he showed himself in the game, and how it would be necessary to avoid conflict.

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical representations are conditionally divided into the following groups:

Games with numbers and numbers.

Time travel games.

Games for orientation in space.

Games with geometric shapes.

Games for logical thinking.

The first group of games includes teaching children to count in the forward and backward order. Using a fairy tale plot, children are introduced to the formation of all numbers within 10 by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects. Two groups of objects are compared, located either on the lower or on the upper strip of the counting ruler. This is done so that children do not have the erroneous idea that a larger number is always on the top band, and a smaller one on the bottom.

Playing such didactic games as “What number is missing?”, “How much?”, “Confusion?”, “Correct the mistake”, “Remove the numbers”, “Name the neighbors”, children learn to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany words to your actions.

Didactic games, such as “Think of a number”, “What is your name?”, “Make a sign”, “Make a number”, “Who will be the first to name which toy is gone?” and many others are used in the classroom in their free time, with the aim of developing children's attention, memory, thinking.

The second group of mathematical games (time travel games) serves to introduce children to the days of the week. It is explained that each day of the week has its own name. In order for children to better remember the name of the days of the week, they are indicated by circles of different colors. Observation is carried out for several weeks, indicating by circles every day. This is done specifically so that the children can independently conclude that the sequence of days of the week is unchanged. The children are told that in the name of the days of the week it is guessed which day of the week is on the account. Monday is the first day after the end of the week, Tuesday is the second day, Wednesday is the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday is the fifth. After such a conversation, games are offered in order to fix the names of the days of the week and their sequence. Children enjoy playing the game "Live Week". 7 children are called for the game, they are counted in order and receive circles of different colors indicating the days of the week. Children line up in such a sequence as the days of the week go in order. For example, the first child with a yellow circle in their hands, indicating the first day of the week - Monday, etc.

Then the game gets more difficult. Children are built from any other day of the week. In the future, you can use the following games “Name it soon”, “Days of the week”, “Name the missing word”, “All year round”, “Twelve months”, which help children quickly remember the names of the days of the week and the names of the months, their sequence.

The third group includes spatial orientation games. Spatial representations of children are constantly expanding and fixed in the process of all types of activities. The task of the teacher is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine the position of one or another object in relation to another. For example, there is a hare to the right of the doll, a pyramid to the left of the doll, and so on. A child is selected and the toy is hidden in relation to him (behind the back, on the right, on the left, etc.). This arouses interest in children and organizes them for the lesson. In order to interest children, so that the result is better, subject games are used with the appearance of a fairy-tale hero. For example, the game “Find a toy”, - “At night, when there was no one in the group,” the children say, “Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid the toys and wrote in a letter how to find them.” Then a letter is printed out, in which it is written: “You need to stand in front of the teacher's table, go 3 steps to the right, etc. ". Children complete the task, find a toy. Then the task becomes more difficult - i.e. the letter does not give a description of the location of the toy, but only a diagram. According to the scheme, children must determine where the hidden object is. There are many games and exercises that contribute to the development of spatial orientation in children: “Find a similar toy”, “Tell me about your pattern”, “Carpet workshop”, “Artist”, “Journey around the room” and many other games. By playing such games, children learn to use words to indicate the position of objects.

To consolidate knowledge about the shape of geometric shapes, children are invited to recognize the shape of a circle, triangle, square in the surrounding objects. For example, it is asked: “What geometric figure does the bottom of the plate resemble?” (tabletop surface, sheet of paper, etc.). A lotto game is played. Children are offered pictures (3-4 pieces each), in which they look for a figure similar to the one shown. Then, the children are invited to name and tell what they found.

The didactic game "Geometric Mosaic" can be used in the classroom and in your free time, in order to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, in order to develop attention and imagination in children.

Before the start of the game, the children are divided into two teams according to their level of skills and abilities. Teams are given tasks of varying difficulty.

For example:

a) Drawing up an image of an object from geometric shapes (work on a finished dissected sample),

b) Work according to the condition (to assemble a human figure, a girl in a dress),

c) Work on your own.

Each team receives the same set of geometric shapes. Children independently agree on how to complete the task, on the order of work. Each player in the team, in turn, participates in the transformation of a geometric figure, adding his own element, composing a separate element of an object from several figures. In conclusion, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving a constructive idea.

The use of these didactic games helps to consolidate memory, attention, and thinking in children.

Consider didactic games for the development of logical thinking. At preschool age, elements of logical thinking begin to form in children, i.e. develops the ability to reason, to draw their own conclusions. There are many didactic games and exercises that affect the development of creativity in children, as they have an effect on the imagination and contribute to the development of non-standard thinking in children. These are such games as “Find a non-standard figure”, “Mill”, and others. They are aimed at training thinking when performing actions.

These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a number of figures, signs, for finding numbers. Acquaintance with such games begins with elementary tasks for logical thinking - a chain of patterns. In such exercises, there is an alternation of objects or geometric shapes. Children are invited to continue the row or find the missing element.

In addition, tasks of the following nature are given: to continue the chain, alternating in a certain sequence squares, large and small circles of yellow and red. After the children learn to perform such exercises, the tasks for them become more complicated. It is proposed to complete a task in which it is necessary to alternate objects, take into account both color and size.


The kindergarten performs the task of comprehensively preparing children for school in the process of systematic, targeted pedagogical influence. The tasks of the kindergarten teacher include, in addition to systematic preparation for school, the study of unfavorable options for the child's mental development, personality traits and behavior. The best option for the formation of school maturity in a child is the close interaction of the kindergarten and the school, their cooperation on all aspects of the issue of preparing children for schooling.

A didactic game is a complex phenomenon, but a structure is clearly revealed in it, i.e. the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. One of the main elements of the game is a didactic task, which is determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. The presence of a didactic task or several tasks emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of the educational content on the processes of cognitive activity of children. The didactic task is determined by the educator and reflects his teaching activity.

The structural element of the game is the game task carried out by children in the game activity. Two tasks - didactic and game - reflect the relationship between learning and play. In contrast to the direct setting of a didactic task in the classroom in a didactic game, it is carried out through a game task, determines the game actions, becomes the task of the child himself, arouses the desire and need to solve it, and activates the game actions.

One of constituent elements didactic games are the rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the personality of the child and the group of children, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions in their development and enrichment. In a didactic game, the rules are given. Using the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children.

The rules of the game are educational, organizational, formative in nature, and most often they are combined in various ways. Teaching rules help to reveal to children what and how to do, they correlate with game actions, reveal the way they act. The rules organize the cognitive activity of children: consider something, think, compare, find a way to solve the problem set by the game.

Organizing rules determine the order, sequence of game actions and relationships of children. Playing relationships and real relationships between children are formed in the game. Relationships in the game are determined by role-playing relationships.

The rules of the game should be aimed at fostering positive game relationships and real in their relationship.

Compliance with the rules during the game necessitates the manifestation of efforts, mastering the ways of communication in the game and outside the game and the formation of not only knowledge, but also a variety of feelings, the accumulation of good emotions and the assimilation of traditions.

The management of children's didactic games should aim to:

Establishing the right balance between the game and the world, knowledge in the life of the child;

Education in the game of physical and psychological qualities necessary for the future figure and worker.


  1. Kasabutsky, N.I. Let's play: Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents / N.I. Kasabutsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 180 p.
  2. Kononova, N.G. Musical and didactic games for preschoolers / N.G. Kononova - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - 168 p.
  3. Karazan, V.N. Orientation in space (senior preschool age). / V.N. Karazan. // Doshk. education, 2000, no. 5.
  4. Korneeva, G. A., Museibova, T. A. Guidelines to study the course "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschool children." - M., 2000.
  5. Mikhailova, Z.A. Gaming entertaining tasks for preschoolers Z.A. Mikhailova - M.: Enlightenment, 2007. - 182 p.
  6. Novoselova, S.L. Didactic games and activities with children early age/ S.L. Novoselova - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. - 144 p.
  7. Nevolina G. "The Know-It-All Holiday" // Education of schoolchildren. - 2004. - No. 6 - S. 70-73
  8. Smolentseva, A.A. Plot-didactic games with mathematical content / A.A. Smolentseva - M.: Enlightenment, 2007. - 197 p.
  9. Sorokina, A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten / A.I. Sorokina - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - 196 p.
  10. Taruntaeva, T.V. Development of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers / T.V. Taruntaeva - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 88 p.
  11. Usova, A.P. Education in kindergarten / A.P. Usova - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 98 p.
  12. Shcherbakova, E.I. Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten / E.I. Shcherbakova - M: Academy, 2005. - 272 p.

Annex A


  1. Quantity and account:
  1. Account within 5 - 10 (ownership of counting activities)
  2. Knowledge of numbers (depending on the studied numbers)
  3. The ability to determine the relationship in relations between adjacent numbers (to determine the relationship between numbers means to answer the questions: “Which of the numbers is greater? Which is less?” To determine the relationship - to answer the question: “How much is one number more or less than another?”)
  4. Knowing that the next number can be obtained by adding one, the previous one by subtracting one
  5. The ability to determine the quantitative composition of a number from units within 3
  6. The ability to divide an object into two equal parts, to find out that one part is half, i.e. one of two equal parts. Determine if a part is less than the whole
  1. Size:
  1. The ability to highlight the length, width, height, thickness of objects and show it with your hand. Compare two objects according to these parameters by overlay, application and by eye.
  2. The ability to compare two objects in two parameters at the same time
  3. The ability to compare two objects using a conditional measure
  4. The ability to build serial series according to the model and according to the rule, according to one or two signs simultaneously from 3-5 items
  1. Geometric shapes and shapes of objects:
  1. The ability to find the right one among the geometric shapes, name it, simplest analysis figure structure: counting vertices, sides, angles; what does it look like
  2. Form ideas about the line (straight line, curve, polyline, arc, half-arc)
  1. Orientation in space:
  1. Ability to correctly show the right and left hands
  2. The ability to determine the position of objects from oneself, from other objects
  3. Ability to move in a given direction
  1. Time Orientation:
  1. The ability to identify pictures of parts of the day, seasons
  2. Know the names and sequence of days of the week, seasons
  3. Concepts "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow"


Annex B

Holiday "Know-it-alls"

(game educational program for children of primary school age, dedicated to the holiday knowledge)

G. Nevolina, teacher additional education Center children's creativity"Rainbow" of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow


2 leading

Tsar Literate





good manners teacher




Note. The program can be shown on the Day of Knowledge, and on Teacher's Day, and on the Day of the ABC Book, and on the holiday of graduates elementary school. It has been played more than 20 times, and depending on the audience, some blocks have been omitted or added. For example, in music school quizzes were added on music, in English - on knowledge of the language, in art - the hero Tube. The main condition is the preservation of the stage outline for the roles of Blot, Sloppy and Twos, as well as the loser Pinocchio. Focusing on the performers, you can enter instead of the Tsar Literate the Queen of Knowledge.

1st leader.

Good afternoon, our young viewers!

Good afternoon dear parents!

To everyone who hastened to us here,

Good afternoon, we speak from the heart!

2nd leader.

The long-awaited September has come,

Especially desirable for schoolchildren.

The school is reopening its doors.

With love and special trust,

Excited and proud of the rank of schoolchildren,

They go to their favorite class.

With all together, friendly family

They will go through the school, in such a native way!

Podium or steps in front of the school. Fanfare sounds.

1st presenter . Here is the fanfare:

There will be a holiday, you know.

Just before you start

We must shout in unison:

"We will not be lazy here,

Let's sing and have fun!"

Children scream in unison. At the same time, a competition is held: the audience is divided in half, and each half is invited to shout separately, the result is compared.

2nd host . Well, which side shouted better?

Having fun is nonsense

And what about studies?

So that study does not limp,

Time was not wasted

We are at the know-it-all holiday

We all know without hiding.

Presenters can walk with microphones among the guys, addressing someone in particular.

1st presenter . Who loves to be lazy

2nd host . Sometimes the diary will forget?

1st presenter . Who wakes up the lessons?!

2nd host . With whom are always some troubles?!


We will all know for sure!

Our holiday without a change!

1st presenter . Yes, guys, our Know-It-All holiday is a holiday of Autumn and Study, so we will try to spend it in such a way that, while having fun, you can test your knowledge.

King of Literacy. Wait, wait, who's talking about knowledge here? How is it to start the Know-It-All party without me? Do you know who I am?

(Children read the inscription on the crown: "Tsar Literate".)

King of Literacy. Right! But let's play a little: who will tell me the word for the letter "Y"? What about the "Y" word?

1st presenter . Gramoteyushka, maybe the teachers will tell us?

King of Literacy. And who will name the word with six letters "y"? But you don't know! This word is “vylysypydysty”.

2nd host . What a cunning fellow you are. Confused everyone!

King of Literacy. I just love to play and confuse everyone so that it's fun, I really want my daughter Princess Nesmeyana to have fun. I can't cheer her up! Call the teachers, we will have fun lessons.

1st leader. And here is the princess!

2nd leader. And here are the teachers!

They come out in the robes of a teacher of Mathematics, good manners.

Nesmeyana. I'm tired of everything! Bored, even cry! Woo!

King of Literacy. Well, teachers, cheer up the princess, and I'll go for a scarf to wipe my tears.


Mathematician. Guys, can you count? Let's play and count! If I say once, you just go around in circles if i say two, you crouch and keep walking if - three, then go in the opposite direction four - jump sideways, and five - backwards. And I will change the order of the account, and you be careful and quickly complete the tasks.

If the holiday is held on large area, then you can choose 10-15 people or one from each class. The game is played with cheerful music.

1st presenter . Cheered up, Nesmeyanushka?

Mathematician. And let's quickly repeat the multiplication table:





As a rule, when they shout in unison, the guys are mistaken.

And that's wrong!

Good manners teacher.You played, dear teacher, let me play

game! You guys need to follow me quickly.

Hands to the heels and to the ears.

On your knees and on your shoulders

To the sides, to the waist, up,

And now a funny laugh!

All the boys: ha ha ha!

(Children shout: “Ha ha!”)

All girls: hee hee hee!

And adults: ho-ho-ho!(Everyone repeats.)

Can you do it even faster?(The game is played at an accelerated pace.)

Pinocchio (appears, pushing everyone, even Nesmeyana).You yourself had fun, but they didn’t invite me? So, only troubles: he hid from Malvina all day long, makes him study!

Nesmeyana. What the hell is this? Pushes, does not know how to behave!

The King of Literacy returns. Watching Pinocchio.

Good manners teacher.What a disgrace! Who are you?

Pinocchio. Who are you?

King of Literacy. How do you talk? I'll turn you into a piece of wood! I have a friend Hottabych, he can do anything.

Hottabych. I I'll give you a geography lesson. Do you know about Pinocchio ibn Balda...

Pinocchio. Hey, take it easy!

Hottabych. That the Earth stands on three pillars?

Pinocchio. Guys, tell me. Is it correct?(No!)

Hottabych. AND Is the earth flat as a cake?(No!)

Pinocchio. You're lying! Really guys?

You can invite one of the students who raises his hand to tell about what the Earth is like.

Hottabych. You offend the old pensioner!

Pinocchio. Your knowledge is outdated, you need to go to first grade.

Hottabych. I With pleasure, I love to learn!

Good manners teacher.I want to help you and fun game by geography. If I say fire, you circle around yourself. If I say air, raise your hands up and shout: "Air!".

If I say land then squat down and bang your fists on the ground if I say water, then squat down and say “Bul-Bul!”

Be careful.

Everything is said at a fast pace. Pinocchio confuses everyone, Nesmeyana laughs.

King of Literacy. It's good that Nesmey-nushka was amused! Now only to teach Pinocchio to read and write.

Pinocchio. I don't want to study!

Throws textbooks.

Musical and light explosion effect.

All the heroes run away in fright, Deuces come out. On black suits or headbands, you can draw deuces. Dance.

1st Deuce. Twos, wow! Here we are waiting for our time!

2nd Deuce. Oh, how many guys are here, they probably do not like to study!

3rd Deuce. It's good that there is no Literacy!

4th Deuce. Let's get into the diaries to the guys!

1st Deuce. Oh, who is in a hurry to help us?

2nd Deuce. Our dear girlfriends, Klyaksa with the Sloppy!

Under dance music Klyaksa and Sloppy come out.

Slut. Guys, do you want to be our friends?

Blot. Yes, they are our friends! We need to check who's hands are dirty. Come on, put your hands out.

When Klyaksa and Sloppy run through, the children hide their hands behind their backs, then put them out again.

Slut. I love how sluts love it, when children stick gum to chairs, spoil clothes.

Blot. And I love it when they write on the desks. Do you like to do this too? Answer: No!

Slut. But we will check now: we will divide you into two teams. Twos, help.

Two packages of candy wrappers collected in advance are poured onto the stage. Each team must collect them faster than the other.

Slut. Look how neat the kids are.

Pinocchio appears on the stage. Twos and Blob with Sloppy do not see him.

Blot. Children, let's take an oath.

Twos help pronounce the oath.

Be more lazy

study less,

Lose your diary more often!

Tearing books, notebooks.

Forget about order

Then they will say: the worst student!

Slut. Who wants to be the baddest? Girls, beat, dare more, write on the desk bad words, Squeal, squeal, do not learn anything, Then there will be a bad rumor about you!

But cute Pinocchio is a lazy and loser!


Literate, Literate, hurry here quickly! We need to drive the Deuce away, We need to save the guys!

King of Literacy. Ah, that's who decided to ruin our holiday.

I took vitamin "P" for you.

Waving a belt, Deuces squat in the corner. Together with them Klyaksa and Sloppy. All heroes come out.

Nesmeyana. When we defeated them, then my mood rose!

Pinocchio. And I wanted to learn!

King of Literacy. Then let Nesmeyana make us happy, lead us funny lesson in English. And you will answer in unison.


1. In English every day The pen is called rap.

2. I see a lot of hands in the class, The book is in English book.

3. Sat down at the desk, a crackling sound is heard, Desk in English desk.

4. A dashing cowboy galloped, Boy in English boy.

5. The bus is taking us fast, Bus in English bus.

6. The famous Robin Hood Was good, so good.

7. In the room and din, and noise. A room, we'll say room.

8. Store, please, stop! We go to this shop.

9. The palace stands on the street, the street was called street.

King of Literacy. And now let the leaders continue our holiday.

1st leader. Let's have a fun music lesson first.

2nd leader. Sound range from to to to,

The first note will be before.

1st leader. And behind her in the yard

We will wave a pen re.

2nd leader. Well, who's there? Look!

Well, of course, note mi\

1st leader. What is this beauty?

Well, of course, note F\

2nd leader. In yard grows beans.

Note in the scale salt.

1st leader. Hastened to us not in vain

Well, of course, note la.

2nd leader.

Came to us in a taxi

Well, of course, note si.

King of Literacy.

In the end we want to dance

To teach you fun.

Klyaksa and Sloppy.

Forgive us, forgive us

And let your holiday.


We'll get better, we swear

And let's turn to Fives.


Well, shall we forgive them, friends?

You can't get angry on a holiday!

Teachers. Are you sure you'll get better?

Twos. Yes!

King of Literacy. Well then stay!Here it is possible to perform a cheerful song "Twice two - four!"

1st leader.

Someone somewhere made a desk For whom?(Answer: For me!)

2nd leader.

Drawn somewhere a map For whom?(Answer: For me!)

1st leader.

Pen, pencil in a pencil case For whom?(Answer: For me!)

2nd leader.

There's a bell at recess, And computers at the wall.

King of Literacy.

So, you need to study like this, So, you need to work like that,

Pinocchio. For people not to be ashamed

All. For whom? (Answer: For me!)

Annex B

Summaries of classes in the second junior group

Lesson 1.

Target. To teach children to single out individual objects from a group and make up a group of individual objects, to establish relationships between the concepts of “one”, “many”, “few”; use words many, one, one at a time, none; agree the numeral one with nouns in gender and number.

Demo material. A set of bird toys (there are as many as there are children in the group), a napkin, 4 cards, 1 flag is glued on the first of them, 3 flags on the second, 8 flags on the third, nothing is glued on the fourth card.

Course progress. 1st part. Children sit in a semicircle in front of the children's table. Bird toys on a tray under a napkin.

“Peak-peak, peak-peak! - the teacher says and asks: - Who is this screaming? (Takes off the napkin.) Who is this? How many birds? How many birds! A whole flock!" (The words are many and the flock are distinguished by intonation.)

The teacher takes turns calling the children to the table and invites them to take one bird each: he asks 3-4 kids to say how many birds they took. Emphasizes that everyone should take one bird. There are fewer and fewer birds on the tray and, finally, not a single one remains. The expressions “one by one”, “none” are distinguished by intonation.

At the suggestion of the teacher, the children examine the toys. The teacher asks the question: “How many birds does each have?” 3-4 children answer the question. The teacher summarizes the answers: “Vera has one bird, Natasha has one, Dima also has one, everyone has one bird, and not a single bird was left on the tray. Let's all say together: "Not a single bird." Next, the teacher asks to bring the birds (they want to peck the grains): “Now I will pour the grains, the birds will see and want to peck them.” Again, one by one, he calls the children to the table, asks how many birds each brought, emphasizes the result of the actions: “Olya brought one bird, Galya brought one bird, Kiryusha another one, there are more and more birds.”

When all the birds are on the tray again, the teacher finds out how many birds there are and makes a generalization: “Everyone brought one bird, and there were a lot of birds on the tray, the whole flock gathered! How many birds do you have? (“Not at all”, “Not a single one.”) That’s right, you don’t have a single bird now, and there are a lot of birds on the tray!” Then he calls 2-3 children, asks to take one bird, show his birds to the other children and say how many birds. (“One bird.”) He invites the rest to answer the following questions: “How many birds did Katya, Yura and Alyosha take? (“One bird at a time.”) How many birds do you have left? (“Not a single bird.”) How many birds are on the tray?” (“Many birds.”) Expressions: “one bird”, “not a single bird”, “many birds” - the children repeat everything together (in chorus).

The teacher concludes: “That’s right, we don’t have a single bird, Katya, Yura and Alyosha each have one bird, and there are a lot of birds on the tray, the whole flock has gathered.”

This exercise is repeated.

2nd part. The teacher puts 4 cards in a row. Calling the kids in turn, he invites them to show where one (few, many, not one) flag is. Then, pointing to the cards, he asks questions: “How many flags are there? Are there many or few flags here? and so on.

Lesson 2.

Target. To teach children to single out individual items from a group and make a group of individual items; find 1-2 features common to all items in the group; use words many, one, one at a time, none; learn to agree the numeral one with the noun in gender and number.

Demo material. Toys (Christmas trees and bunnies according to the number of children in the group, a car).

Course progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of the children's table. The teacher brings Christmas trees by car, draws the attention of the kids to how many there are.

Taking the Christmas tree in his hand, he asks: “How many Christmas trees do I have? How many Christmas trees are on the car? Each child is invited to take one Christmas tree. Calling the children in turn, the teacher asks three or four of them to say how many Christmas trees he took, emphasizes that each child takes one Christmas tree, and there are fewer and fewer of them in the car, and, finally, not a single one remains.

Finds out how it happened; asks questions: “What color is the Christmas tree? How many Christmas trees does Gali have? Each question is answered by 2-3 children. The teacher summarizes the answers of the kids: “All children have one Christmas tree. How many trees are on the car? Are there Christmas trees on the table?

There is not a single Christmas tree on the table, ”he clarifies with the children, then he suggests thinking about what needs to be done so that there are a lot of Christmas trees on the table. (“There will be a lot of Christmas trees on the table if everyone brings one at a time”) Then he calls the children one by one to the table. He asks each of them how many Christmas trees he put up, emphasizes the result of the action of each and all children: “Kiryusha put up one Christmas tree, Olya another one, Lena another one, there are more and more Christmas trees.”

When all the Christmas trees are on the table, the teacher asks: “How many Christmas trees have become? Yes, there are a lot of Christmas trees on the table! Whole forest! How did we get so many Christmas trees?

Similarly, work is carried out with bunnies, which are initially “hidden” on a tray under a napkin.

The teacher distributes and collects bunnies twice. During the second gathering, the children, acting in turn, release the bunnies into the "forest". They gather around the table and play with the bunnies. The teacher asks, “How many bunnies are in the forest? How many Christmas trees? - and concludes: There are a lot of Christmas trees and bunnies in the forest.

Active forms of work with children in kindergarten to educate safe behavior

Modern preschool education reflects the general, inherent educational systems internal goals - to promote the development of man, his cultural self-determination and productive inclusion in life. It is necessary that in preschool childhood each child acquires sufficient personal socio-cultural experience, which will serve as the foundation for his full development and readiness for schooling.

Preschool age is the optimal period for the formation of social skills and it is difficult to harbor the illusion that they will arise by themselves at a more mature age.

Working in a kindergarten, you notice that children have become dependent, lack of initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to make the right decision in extreme situations, do not know the rules of behavior for safety. And that is why right now in many preschool educational institutions they began to look for opportunities for fruitful work on the "basics of the safety of preschool children." This problem is being developed, causing interest among practitioners and researchers. Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

This problem seems so relevant that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic.

The purpose of the work: to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them, the formation in children of the skills of conscious safe behavior.

The goal is realized by solving several tasks:

1. Create conditions for enhancing the mental activity of children, develop the need and desire to acquire new knowledge about the rules of safe behavior.

2. Use various means and forms of work for children to learn the rules of safe behavior.

3. Teach children to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

4. To cultivate a caring attitude towards one's health and the health of loved ones, a caring attitude towards the world around.

5. To develop in children the ability to anticipate possible danger in a specific changing situation and build adequate safe behavior.

In connection with all of the above, the work on educating the skills of safe behavior of children should by no means be a one-time action. It must be carried out smoothly, systematically, constantly. It should cover all types of children's activities so that the child passes the received "theoretical" knowledge through productive activities and then implements it in games and in everyday life outside the kindergarten.

The formation of the foundations of the life safety of children is carried out in different areas of activity, the main ones are work with children and parents. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him for meeting with possible difficulties, to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as an example for the child to follow.

The purpose of preventive work on safety in kindergarten is to increase the awareness of children and parents about behavior in emergency situations.

Cooperation with the parents of children, helping the family in educating the safe behavior of the child in our group goes through active forms of interaction: trainings - "Minutes of safety" - their everyday life"; workshop for parents “Family Leisure. The child's safe place is in it"; "round tables": "Safety of children of primary preschool age", "Game is not fun"; consultations "Safety in your home", "For parents about the rules traffic”, “Introducing children to medicinal plants”, “The role of the family in reducing road traffic injuries”, “Pranking children with fire”; visual campaigning: a questionnaire for parents on the problem of familiarizing preschool children with the rules of safety in everyday life, a folder-slider "Fairytale safety", a safety corner; entertainment “The road is dangerous! »; exhibitions of artistic and productive activities of children and adults.

Life safety of preschool children, its provision in our group is carried out in two directions: elimination of trauma dangerous situations and fostering safe behaviour.

this work conducted through:

Organized activities children - classes, excursions, trainings;

Joint activities of adults and children - dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observations, work, reading fiction, didactic, outdoor games, productive activities, holidays, entertainment;

Free independent activity of children - role-playing games.

We have created a comfortable, favorable microclimate in the group, conducive to the development of a self-confident personality, resistant to stress, an atmosphere warmth And emotional well-being children; space where children can get to know different material on Security Fundamentals (albums on this topic, children's drawings, board games, paintings, sets of illustrations, different types of theater, fiction, collections of poems, riddles, proverbs).

In the development of the child, a huge role belongs to the main type of children's activity in the preschool period - the game. The most significant events are reflected in the child's games, they can be used to trace what society is worried about, what dangers lie in wait for the child at home. The actions of children in certain situations, their behavior, attitudes towards each other depend on the content of the game. Reflecting in the game the events of the surrounding world, the child, as it were, becomes their participant, gets acquainted with the world, acting actively. He sincerely experiences everything that he imagines in the game. It is in the sincerity of the child's experiences that the power of the educational impact of the game lies. Since in the game, children mainly reflect what they were particularly struck by, it is not surprising that a bright but negative phenomenon or fact can become the theme of children's games. In my work I use verbal-visual, desktop-printed, didactic, role-playing, theatrical games.

It is absolutely too early to expect preschoolers to find a safe solution for themselves in a given situation. This decision needs to be prompted to them.

Everyone famous fairy tales contain examples of violations of the rules of safe behavior by the characters. We use this opportunity to consolidate the ideas of children. We talk, play situations with them, “rewrite” the fairy tale so that the characters take advantage of the safety rules. Folk tales multi-layered. Each has its own morality, and not one, from each one can draw important conclusions. According to fairy tales, like a ladder, the baby goes to adult life. new material(rules of safe behavior) children learn from fairy tale to fairy tale, each complements and expands the previous one, highlights some new situation or problem that the growing little man will have to face in real life. We widely use works of children's fiction. For example: “Rules of conduct for educated children”, “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov, “Moydodyr” by K. Chukovsky, etc. All the necessary books and theater are in a place accessible to children.

Desktop-printed "Halves", "What is good? What is bad? ” and didactic games on life safety “How not to get into trouble”, etc. help children consolidate their knowledge about the sources of danger, precautions and actions in possible dangerous situations.

Daily “safety minutes”, included in various classes and other regime processes, help to consolidate the knowledge and skills of personal safety among our pupils. Children know that they can only drink boiled water, be careful when going down and up stairs, about the danger of being at an open window, balcony door, have a clear idea of ​​​​the behavior in case of possible meetings and casual communication with strangers(in the store, in the elevator, on the street). We review and discuss with them the most typical situations created during such meetings, drawing their attention to the inadmissibility and danger of being alone with a stranger.

We also use the method of visual education, which is effective for reinforcing children's ideas about safety rules and the consequences of their violation. In the book corner there is a selection of books on ensuring the safety of children: “The main rules of conduct for educated children” by Ostrovskaya, “The basis of life safety” by Usacheva, “ Best Book kids." In the corner of creative activity there are coloring books and coloring sheets according to traffic rules and safety regulations.

We consolidate with the children their knowledge of the home address, telephone number, last name, first name and patronymic of the parents.

We use examples from personal experience to illustrate ways to behave safely.

best lesson safe behavior is an example of the adults around the child. For example, with scissors and in the game "Hairdresser's" with children.

Knowing that the modeling of possible dangerous situations on the layout and in the play corner, as well as the imitation of behavior patterns is a necessary method for children to learn safety rules, we use it in our work. Let's play different situations: child at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults. In game training it is necessary to include all sorts of “persuasion”, attractive promises. "What if.? » Questions of this type allow us, firstly, to identify how the child is likely to act in a given situation, and secondly, to discuss the situation and correct the behavior of children. The situations played out for babies can be reinforced by appropriate fairy tales, for example, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, the games “If there was a fire”, “If a stranger came to the house”, “The doll got sick”, “ Ambulance", "Hospital".

We teach children the proper handling of household items in the process of mastering them labor activity paying special attention to precautions: for example, game lesson"In the World of Dangerous Items".

We support children's interest in the learning process, combining it with jokes and fun.

We try to minimize the regulation of pupils' behavior by direct prohibitions.

We conduct game workshops with the phone and advise parents to fix them at home to learn the phone numbers of help services and the rules of behavior in specific dangerous situations.

Teaching children to clean up after themselves workplace, toys, focusing on the fact that order in the group and at home is not only for cleanliness, but also for safety.

Physical training- a factor influencing the behavior of a person in a dangerous situation. Therefore, one of the tasks of teaching the safe behavior of preschoolers is to develop their strength, dexterity, and endurance. And it is performed by us in physical education classes, in outdoor games, walks, various gymnastics: finger, breathing, etc.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves with some guidance from the teacher. Absolutely any role-playing game can be used to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons on life safety. In the game "Mothers and Daughters" you can fix the rules of behavior in the kitchen; in the game "Fire" children learn the rules of behavior in case of fire; in the game "On the roads of the city" fix the rules of the road.

To consolidate the rules of behavior with strangers, we offer children specially prepared games - dramatizations, while using images fairy tale characters or animal tales with happy endings.

Household items that are sources of potential danger to children are divided into three groups:

Items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stoves, sockets, switched on electrical appliances);

Items that, depending on the age of the children, you need to learn how to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

Items that adults should keep out of the reach of children (household chemicals, medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, cutting and stabbing tools).

We explain this to children and parents. To prevent dangerous situations, we will introduce children to the main group of fire hazardous objects that children cannot use on their own. When organizing a conversation, we use the appropriate children's literature: “Cat's House” by S. Marshak, “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky, “There once was a baby elephant” by G. Tsyferov.

Summing up the results of the work done, we can say that the issue of forming the foundations of life safety is relevant. This is primarily due to the need of society for a socially adapted personality. The uncertainty of modern environment requires not only a high activity of a person, but also his skills, the ability to adequately behave. Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive-playful attitude to much of what they encounter. And here the role of the teacher is important, who, choosing the right methods and techniques, introduces the child into the social world.

The task of parents and educators is to eliminate all sources of danger, as well as to create the free space of movement necessary for the normal development of the child without limiting curiosity (for his age) and interest in what surrounds him.

We understand that for preschoolers it is necessary to repeat verbal information many times and repeatedly conduct with them practical lessons on security. Therefore, we repeat, and conduct, and play, using for this various methods and techniques indicated above, trying to make life more informative, interesting and safer.


1. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina. Safety. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2004 - 144 p.

2. V. A. Lobashkina, D. E. Yakovlev. Road safety. Programs for the system of additional education for children. - M .: Education, 2009 - 48 p.

3. K. Yu. Belaya. How to keep preschoolers safe. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006 - 94 s

higher education

Michurin State Agrarian University

Institute socio-pedagogical

Direction 03/44/01. "Teacher Education"

Profile « Preschool education"

Graduating Department theories and technologies of preschool and primary education



on the topic of:

"Forms of work in a preschool educational organization"


Work manager: Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Technology of Preschool and primary education Boldyrikhina Valentina Nikitichna.__________________________________

(position, title, full name.)




(position, title, full name.)



Allowed for protection at the GAK

Department head Candidate of Philology


Kirpicheva E.V.


Signature ___________________



Introduction ____ 4

Chapter 18

1.1 Interactive forms of work with personnel in a modern preschool educational institution 8

1.2 Forms and methods of working with children of preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard __________________________________________ 14

1.3 The use of various forms of work with families in kindergarten to create a single educational space _________ 19

1.4 Forms of organization educational work in preschool _______ 28

Chapter 2Experimental work on the use of various forms in the educational process of a preschool educational institution (on the example of environmental education) ________________________________________ 38

2.1. Features of the organization of environmental work in preschools ____ 38

2.2. Forms and methods of work on the creation pedagogical conditions interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the environmental education of older preschoolers ____________________ 42

2.3. Increasing pedagogical competence on environmental education of preschoolers in the process methodical work in preschool 48

2.4 Progress and results of experimental work _______ 54

Conclusion _______________________________________________ 68

Conclusions and offers _____________________________________ 69

Bibliography _________________________________________ 74

Application _______________________________________________ 80


Tell me and I will forget;

Show me and I will remember;

Let me do it and I'll understand.

(Chinese proverb)

The quality of education is one of actual problems national pedagogy. The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by the teacher, his professionalism.

Improving the skills of teachers, replenishing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills is carried out with the help of various forms of methodological work, namely, using interactive forms and methods. The value of this approach is that it provides feedback, a frank exchange of views, and forms positive relationships between employees. The core of these forms of work with personnel are collective discussions, reasoning, argumentation of conclusions, competition of minds and talents.

The world of childhood is unique and unrepeatable, childhood impressions, good and bad, remain in people's memory forever. Scientists have long discovered that the decisive factor in the development of certain characteristics of thinking is not the experience itself (knowledge, skills, abilities), but the forms and methods of its assimilation. A reliable assistant in the upbringing and education of children is creative activity. Classes should be structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. This will make the work of the guys less tiring, more intense. Game forms allow you to activate the cognitive interests of preschoolers, surprise them, ignite the spark of curiosity. In play activities, the children intensively develop observation, memory, and imagination.

The renewal of the system of preschool education, the processes of humanization and democratization in it necessitated the need to intensify the interaction of the preschool institution with the family.

The family is a unique primary society that gives the child a sense of psychological security, “emotional support”, support, and unconditional, non-judgmental acceptance. This is the enduring significance of the family for a person in general, and for a preschooler in particular.

Modern programs for the education of preschoolers are built on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, the Law "On Education in Russian Federation”, Concepts of preschool education, achievements of psychology and pedagogy, .

However, parents who are social customers of educational services often do not have profound knowledge in this area. Therefore, the goal and objectives of public education should be the subject of a detailed discussion by teachers and parents, during which the teacher needs to convey to the family his vision of the result of raising a child and coordinate it with the pedagogical attitudes of the parents.

Teachers, children and parents are links of a single mechanism aimed at shaping the younger generation in the spirit of the requirements modern society. Therefore, it is so important in the conditions of a preschool educational organization to find such forms and methods of work that would ensure effective development all participants in the educational process in the preschool educational institution and the formation of the personality of each person. It is not so much their interaction that acquires relevance, but their mutual understanding, co-creation of preschool educational institutions and families in the upbringing and education of children, which is also reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education as one of the important tasks of the teacher's work [ 61].

Thus, relevance The topic of our study is not in doubt.

We are interested problem: what are the pedagogical conditions for improving efficiency educational process ECE when using various forms of work.

An objectof our research is a holistic pedagogical process in a preschool educational organization.

Itemresearch - the use of various forms of work in the holistic pedagogical process of a preschool educational organization (on the example of environmental education).

Target- theoretically substantiate and experimentally identify the pedagogical conditions for the use of various forms of work in the educational process of preschool education (using the example of environmental education).

We have put forward hypothesis: the quality of the work of a preschool educational organization depends on an integrated approach to the use of various forms and methods of working with children, parents and teaching staff.

The purpose and hypothesis determined the following tasks:

1. To study the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem.

2. Find out the state, content and main directions of the process of using various forms of work in the conditions of a preschool educational organization.

3. To reveal the features of the use of various forms of work in the holistic pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

4. Carry out experimental work (on the example of environmental education).

5. Implement the results obtained in the practice of a preschool educational organization.

Various methods were used to solve the tasks. scientific research - practical: observation, conversation, testing, questioning, experiment and theoretical: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, analysis and processing of the results of experimental work.

The methodological basis of our work was the research of scientists and practitioners in the field of preschool pedagogy, environmental education and upbringing of children, family pedagogy and the interaction of a preschool educational institution with parents.

The novelty of the work lies in an integrated approach to the problem of using various forms and methods of working with children, parents and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions.

The work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters of the main part, a conclusion, conclusions and suggestions, a list of references and an appendix.

The study was conducted in the senior group of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 24" Firefly "of the city of Michurinsk, Tambov region.

The practical application of the results of this work lies in the possibility of using its materials not only in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, but also when working with preschoolers in a general education school and an institution of additional education for children.

Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of various forms of work in a preschool educational organization

Interactive forms of work with personnel in a modern preschool educational institution

Before heads of preschool educational institutions often the question is how to make each teacher become an active, interested participant in the work of various forms of professional associations? How to get rid of the passivity of individual teachers? How to transfer them from reproductive activity to research, to the formation of the ability to reflect in the process of learning new and mastering familiar material?

Activation creative activity teachers is possible through non-traditional, interactive forms and methods of working with teachers. Many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. The word "interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", where "inter" is mutual, "act" is to act. Interactive means the ability to act or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or with someone (for example, a person). From this we can conclude that interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, during which the interaction of teachers or a teacher and the head of a methodological event is carried out. , .

It is quite obvious that work with personnel should be aimed at forming a creative team of like-minded people. The constant connection of the content of methodological work in a preschool institution with the results of the work of teachers ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each educator. At the same time, methodological work is of a proactive nature and is responsible for the development and improvement of all work with children, in accordance with new achievements in pedagogical and psychological science. Therefore, it is impossible to agree with the understanding of methodological work as the only service for correcting errors in the activities of the educator, although in the course of it these problems also have to be solved. The main thing is to provide real, effective and timely assistance to teachers. .

However, the problem of improving the professional skills of each preschool teacher is still one of the most difficult. It's no secret that sometimes a lot of effort is spent on organizing events, and the return is negligible. How to explain all this? Apparently, the traditional forms of methodical work, in which the main place is given to reports, speeches have lost their significance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions.

The value of interactive methods is the achievement of such important goals as:

1. Stimulation of interest and motivation for self-education.

2. Increasing the level of activity and independence.

3. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of their activities.

4. Development of the desire for cooperation, empathy. .

In addition, interactive learning provides an atmosphere that relieves tension and anxiety in adults in connection with inclusion in educational activities. Interactive activity provides not only an increase in knowledge, skills, methods of activity and communication, but also reveals new opportunities, is a necessary condition for the formation and improvement of competencies. The most effective forms of work with personnel include group work, including small groups, creative workshops, master classes, round tables, discussions, project seminars, case technologies, analysis of business documentation, role-playing and business games, imitating professional situations, quizzes, etc. .

The main focus of interactive forms is the activation of teachers, the development of their creative thinking, a non-standard way out of a problem situation.

One of the effective interactive forms introduced into work with teachers of preschool educational institutions is training (fast reaction, fast learning), because the modern life with its many difficulties, both economic and psychological, requires a person of any profession to exert all his moral and physical strength.

The teachers were in the most difficult situation, since their work, even in stable times, was characterized by high emotional tension and stress saturation. The negatively colored psychological state of the teacher reduces the effectiveness of the process of raising and educating children, increases conflict in relationships with colleagues, administration, and parents.

Pedagogical ring - orients teachers to study latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodical literature, contributes to the identification of various approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of one's position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness, a sense of humor. This form provides criteria for evaluating the responses, speeches and actions of the participants. Here you need: general erudition; professional knowledge, skills, abilities; the ability to get out of a difficult situation, impromptu. For example, the pedagogical ring: "Ways to improve the learning process in a preschool educational institution."

Every creatively working educator knows how often he is visited by wonderful ideas, sudden insights (eureka), which, being unclaimed in a timely manner, are lost and forgotten. Whatever happens, there is discussion - this is a discussion-argument, a clash of different points of view, positions, approaches. Discussion should not be confused with polemics, i.e. purposeful, emotional, obviously biased upholding of an already formed position. In pedagogical experience, folded forms of discussions have become widespread, which include: round table, aquarium technique. Its main task is to develop the skills of critical evaluation of different approaches to solving specific issues in practice. work of preschool educational institution, the ability to reasonably defend one's point of view, to form a culture of discussion. Themes for round tables may be different, but they must necessarily contain alternative elements in their wording. For example, - “Problems of interaction between public and family education on present stage”, “Preschool educational institution - what should it be?”, “The strength of the personality of the educator. What is it?”, “Ten commandments of a creative person. Do you agree with them?" .

Symposium - discussion, during which participants make presentations representing their points of view, after which they answer questions from the audience.

Debate - a discussion built on the basis of prearranged speeches by representatives of the two opposing groups.

"Court hearing" - discussion imitating trial(hearing).

KVN What? Where? When?, Lucky case. It is successfully used to develop a quick response to a change in the pedagogical situation, the ability to find the best solution to the problem.

Pedagogical situations, impromptu - a method of activating pedagogical knowledge in the process of everyday communication, relationships with children, parents, colleagues. For example, a child tells the teacher that mom and dad have separated, and now he will have new dad. What might be the teacher's reaction? .

The disadvantage of traditional forms of work (along with the advantages) is that not all educators act as active participants. This shortcoming is overcome by business game and other innovative forms of work with teaching staff. The business game can be used not only as a test lesson based on the results of a theoretical seminar on a topical problem for the ECE, but also in the development of solutions new problem. For example: "Is it easy to be a preschooler?"

Bank of ideas - this is a rational way of collectively solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods at this stage of the ECE. For example: "Ecology of the game: how to bring the game back into the life of the kindergarten?".

An effective form, in our opinion, is the holding of an exhibition - fairs of pedagogical ideas, auction. Competently prepared and conducted, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education. Therefore, the main result of the exhibition-fair is a noticeable professional and personal growth of educators. Thanks to this form of work with teachers, conditions are created for the public presentation of the best examples of their professional activities, the emergence of new ideas, the establishment and expansion of business and creative contacts with colleagues.

Master Class . Its main goal is to get acquainted with the pedagogical experience, the system of work, the author's findings and everything that helped the teacher to achieve the best results. The master class can be held both inside the preschool and for teachers of the preschool of the city and region.

Creative hour "Gold Placers" - work in small teams, where methodological recommendations are developed, models for analyzing a literary or musical work, a plan for searching for a “treasure”, new ones are being introduced unconventional techniques drawing.

Quality mugs organized at the initiative of the administration, taking into account the delegation of authority. The leading method is "brainstorming" or "brainstorming". A prerequisite for organizing a circle is the presence of a teacher who is able to train colleagues without the help of the administration.

Pedagogical "studio" or teaching workshop. Their goal: the teacher-master acquaints the members of the teaching staff with the main ideas of his educational system and practical advice for its implementation. There is also the implementation of individual practical tasks with an eye to further use in working with children. For example: "Development creative imagination preschooler by means of fiction, art, experimentation.

"Coaching session" - interactive communication, developing counseling, discussion (question-answer). The “Do it for me” principle practically does not work, here the teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but only answers the questions that the consultant asks him, and he himself finds ways to solve problems. Confucius said: “Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three. In this process, individual support is provided for teachers who set themselves the task of professional and personal growth, improving personal efficiency. For example: "Working with a certified teacher".

Working in a team, it is important to know its psychological climate, the emotional state of teachers, the level of professional and personal development. You can create corporation, uniting teachers with a common interest - "Union of like-minded people". This is a corporation of kind, sociable, smart, sincere, organized, lucky people. Examples of some events: super bachelorette party, designer workshop, finest hour, mystical New Year, access to the theater, cinema, trip to nature.

Another form that is often used before open events for parents, educators of the city, region is the mood of the teacher for successful work - "Quick - setting":

If you want people to like you, smile! Smile, Sun Ray for the saddened, nature's antidote for trouble.

· You are the best and most beautiful, let all the models of the world envy you.

· There are people like a golden coin: the longer they work, the more they are valued.

· There is no better beloved friend than your favorite work: it does not grow old, and does not allow to grow old.

· Difficulties temper on the way to happiness.

Summing up, we can say that a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff will lead to an increase in the level of educational work of preschool educational institutions and will unite the team of teachers. Interactive teaching methods are methods that allow you to introduce effective communication into the learning process, which involves the involvement of the student in learning as an active participant, and not a listener or observer.

Forms and methods of working with children of preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

In the Federal State educational standard preschool education is one of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful implementation The program is the use in the educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their psychological, age and individual characteristics. In kindergarten, frontal, group, individual forms of organized learning are used.

Individual shape the organization of training makes it possible to individualize training (content, methods, means), but it requires a lot of nervous costs from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.

group form organization of training (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups. The bases for a complete set: personal sympathy, common interests, but not on levels of development. At the same time, the teacher, first of all, it is important to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process.

front shape organization of training. Work with the whole group, a clear schedule, a single content. At the same time, the content of training on frontal exercises could be an activity artistic nature. The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the possibility of interaction between children, the cost-effectiveness of education; The disadvantage is the difficulty in individualizing learning.

Throughout the day, the teacher has the opportunity to carry out training using various forms of organizing children, there are frontal forms of education:

· a walk, which consists of: observing nature, surrounding life; outdoor games; labor in nature and on the site; independent gaming activity; excursions;

· games: role-playing; didactic games; dramatization games; sport games;

· duty of children: in the dining room; in class:

· labor: collective; household; in the corner of nature; art;

· entertainment, holidays; experimentation; project activity; reading fiction; conversations; puppet show; leisure evenings, etc.

· In the pre-school educational institution - highlighted special time in the process of holding regime moments, individual work with children is organized. The content of training in this case is the following activities: subject-game, labor, sports, productive, communication, role-playing and other games that can be a source and means of learning.

Methods and techniques for organizing training. In preschool education, visual and game methods are used in combination with verbal methods. The process of teaching children in kindergarten is built on the basis of visibility in teaching, and a special organization of the environment contributes to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas.

The main form of organization of education in preschool educational institution is directly educational activity (GCD) . Directly educational activities are organized and conducted by teachers in accordance with the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution. GCD is conducted with children of all age groups of the kindergarten. In the daily routine of each group, the time of the GCD is determined, in accordance with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime of preschool educational organizations» . Work in kindergarten is carried out in the following areas:

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Physical development;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Of course, changing the quality of education, updating the content of preschool education requires a substantial restructuring. However, success awaits those who are looking for new approaches, new interesting forms. Forms and methods of working with children in the new conditions are used in all areas of the development of the child's personality, , , , , , .

Updating the content of education requires teachers to: use new modern forms of work with children; integrated educational activities; project activities (research, creative projects; role-playing projects; information-practice-oriented projects; creative projects in kindergarten); making layouts; creating a problem situation; the use of game learning situations, heuristic conversations, collecting, various creative activities - making panels, joint collages, working in a mini-workshop, organizing creative competitions, exhibitions, etc.

One of the important conditions for updating the content of education is new information and resource support for the educational process. Information resource support is understood as educational resources(any educational materials and means, a set of technological means, information and communication technologies: computers, other ICT equipment (multimedia boards, projectors, communication channels (telephone, Internet), a system of modern pedagogical technologies providing education in modern information educational environment. Today, information computer technologies can be considered as a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of learning and development of the child. This method allows the child to study with interest, find sources of information, cultivate independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, and develop the discipline of intellectual activity.

The game, as a method of learning, people have been using for a long time. Game activity can be used in the following cases: a) as independent technologies for mastering a topic or section; b) as elements of a larger technology; c) as a lesson or part of it (explanation, consolidation). IN communication games work is provided in pairs, groups of large and small and as a whole group, while participants must be able to move freely around the room. For such games, a subject-spatial environment or child development centers are created, with rich mobile, replaceable material. The pedagogical process should not impose a stereotyped approach to solving problems, it should respect and develop originality. individual style every preschooler.

At the heart of the learning games that are used in the classroom in the preschool educational institution is the principle of organizing classes in small groups. This allows you to include all children in active work, organize competition between teams, and develop the ability to work in a team. Game situations help to create a positive attitude towards learning and development, which is a necessary prerequisite for the successful assimilation of the material. Education is based on the following activities: cognitive, playful, creative, communicative.

As a result, preschoolers will have sufficiently developed moral standards of behavior, a culture of communication in a team, and the ability to cooperate. Using games in the work, it should be borne in mind that they must have two principles: educational and cognitive and entertaining. From a wide range of methods and techniques of working with children, first of all, those game activities are used that allow in a complex to solve developing, educating and educational tasks.

With the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard, such a method of working with children as a journey along the "river of time" (the idea of ​​historical time - from the past to the present) began to be widely used. It can also be called the "catalog method". The essence of the method is as follows. Before us, as if in focus, is an object that needs to be improved. In fantasy classes, preschool children play "Inventors". They invent furniture, dishes, animals, vegetables and fruits, confectionery, Christmas decorations. To select other objects, subject pictures of 7-8 pieces are used. This creates an atmosphere of mystery, even more interested in children, concentrates their attention. In the process of classes, children are liberated, they are not afraid to express their thoughts and ideas. Children of senior preschool age master the ability to arbitrarily designate and replace various phenomena, objects, their signs and properties with signs; as well as the ability to arbitrarily separate the designated content and means of designation. These skills relate to the ability of children to use sign-symbolic means. And finally, children master the method of creativity. They create new original objects, try to draw them, experience joy, satisfaction from mental efforts. They are proud of the results of their creativity, master the skills of a culture of behavior (learn to treat the statements of another person with patience and understanding, respect other people's opinions, etc.).

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the implementation of the program are based on the fact that the forms and methods of working with preschoolers should ensure the full development of the personality of children in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development children's personalities against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude to the world, to themselves and to other people. It is necessary to give every pupil the opportunity to fully live the period of preschool childhood.

Thus, at preschool age, it is necessary to organize optimal conditions for the further formation of educational activity, the development of a child's creative, proactive personality.

The use of various forms of work with families in kindergarten to create a unified educational space

The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coherence of the actions of the family and the preschool educational institution. A positive result can only be achieved when considering the family and kindergarten within the framework of a single educational space (CES), which implies interaction, cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout the child's preschool childhood. The most important feature of the SEP and at the same time a condition for its creation are the definition and acceptance by the participants of the pedagogical process of the common goals and objectives of educating preschoolers, which are formed in a single program for the upbringing, education and development of children.

The next sign and condition for the creation of the SEP should be the development and adoption of uniform requirements for the child at home and in the preschool educational institution. This contributes not only to the creation of psychological comfort for the child, but also to strengthening the authority of parents and teachers. An equally important sign and condition for the creation of the CEP is the development of a common approach to solving the problems of education; selection, generalization and coordination of pedagogical methods and techniques based on the study of the educational experience of the family and the transfer of information to parents about the technologies of the educational process.

Thus, modernity poses rather difficult tasks for preschool educational institutions and makes high demands on the professionalism of teachers. It is no coincidence that among specialists and scientists in the field of the family (T.A. Markova, O.L. Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova, V.P. Dubrova, I.V. Lapitskaya, etc.) it is considered recognized that there is a family institution institute of emotional relations. Every child today, as at all times, expects unconditional love from his mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother - he is loved not for good behavior and grades, but simply as he is, and for the fact that he just is.

The family for the child is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, then we must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, community.

the main objective teachers of a preschool institution - to professionally help the family in raising children, while not replacing it, but supplementing and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions:

· development of the interests and needs of the child;

· the distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in the ever-changing situations of raising children;

· maintaining openness in relationships between different generations in family;

· development of family lifestyle, formation family traditions;

understanding and acceptance of the individuality of the child, trust and respect for him as a unique personality, etc..

This goal is realized through the following tasks:

· fostering respect for childhood and parenthood;

· interacting with parents to explore their family microenvironment;

· promotion and promotion common culture family and psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

· providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the basics of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of practical work with children;

· the use of various forms of cooperation and joint creativity with parents, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.

The main conditions necessary for the implementation and trusting interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family are the following:

· study of families of pupils: taking into account differences in the age of parents, their education, general cultural level, personal characteristics of parents, their views on education, structure and character family relations and etc.;

· openness of the kindergarten to the family;

orientation of the teacher to work with children and parents.

Work with parents should be built, adhering to the following steps.

· Thinking through the content and forms of work with parents. Conducting a rapid survey to study their needs. The obtained data should be used for further work.

· Establishing friendly relations between educators and parents with a focus on future business cooperation. It is necessary to interest parents in the work that is supposed to be carried out with them, to form positive image child.

· Formation in parents full image their child and its correct perception by giving them knowledge, information that cannot be obtained in the family and which turn out to be unexpected and interesting for them. This may be information about some features of the child's communication with peers, his attitude to work, achievements in productive activities.

· Familiarization of the teacher with the problems of the family in the upbringing of the child. At this stage, educators enter into a dialogue with the parents, who play an active role here, telling the educator not only about the positive, but also about the difficulties, anxieties, and negative behavior of the child during the visit to the family.

Joint research with adults and the formation of the child's personality involves planning the specific content of the work and choosing the form of cooperation. Form (Latin word forma) - a device, a structure of something, a system for organizing something. All forms of work with parents are divided into collective, individual and visual-informational.

TO collective forms Working with parents includes the following. parent meetings - this is an effective form of work with parents, where the problems of the life of the group are discussed.

When preparing for the parent meeting, the following rules should be followed:

· the meeting must be purposeful;

· meet the needs and interests of parents;

· have a clearly defined practical character;

· carried out in the form of a dialogue;

· at the meeting, one should not publicize the failures of children, miscalculations of parents in education.

In preparing for the meeting, you can use the following plan:

· Survey of parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home, before the meeting, their results are used during the meeting.

· Production of invitations for each family (in the form of an application, drawing, postcard, etc.). It is important that children take part in the production of invitations.

· Making memos with advice on the topic of the meeting. Their content should be brief, the text is printed in large print.

· Preparation of competitions, exhibitions.

· Tape recording of children's answers on the topic of the meeting.

· An invitation to a meeting of a fairy-tale hero (using a surprise moment).

· Preparation of posters on the theme of the meeting, etc. , .

One of the effective, non-traditional forms of work with parents is mini meetings . Revealed interesting family, her upbringing experience is studied. Then she invites two or three families who share her positions in family education.

When working with parents, you can and should use pedagogical councils . The council consists of an educator, head, deputy head for core activities, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist teacher, a head nurse, and members of the parent committee. At the consultation, the educational potential of the family, its financial situation and the status of the child in the family are discussed. The result of the work of the council can be:

· availability of information about the characteristics of a particular family;

· determination of measures to help parents in raising a child;

· development of a program for the individual correction of the behavior of parents.

Currently, there is a growing interest in such forms of work with parents as research and design, role-playing, simulation and business games. During these games, the participants not only “absorb” certain knowledge, but also construct a new model of actions and relationships. During the discussion, the participants of the game, with the help of specialists, try to analyze the situation from all sides and find an acceptable solution. Sample Topics games can be: “Morning in your house”, “Walking in your family”, “Day off: what is it like?” .

One of the forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents is parent conference . The value of this type of work is that not only parents, but also the public participate in it. Pedagogues, employees of the education department, representatives of the medical service, teachers, educational psychologists, etc. speak at conferences.

Another form of work with parents is trainings. Training game exercises and tasks help to assess different ways interaction with the child, choose more successful ways of addressing him and communicating with him, replacing unwanted ones with constructive ones. The parent involved in the game training begins communication with the child, comprehends new truths.

One of the forms of work with parents at the present stage is to conduct various competitions, evenings of questions and answers . This allows you to clarify your pedagogical knowledge, apply it in practice, learn about something new, replenish each other's knowledge, discuss some problems of children's development.

When working with parents, use a form such as "Parent University" where different departments can work according to the needs of parents:

· "Department of competent motherhood" (Being a mother is my new profession).

· “Department of Effective Parenting” (Mom and Dad are the first and main teachers).

· "Department of family traditions" (Grandmothers and grandfathers - keepers of family traditions).

In order to make the work of the “Parent University” more productive, the preschool institution can organize activities with parents at different levels:

· general garden,

· intragroup,

· individual family.

· Must find a place in working with parents: home teachers' councils, lecture halls, oral magazines, days open doors, clubs of fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, seminars, workshops etc. , .

One of the most important forms of interaction between the family and the kindergarten is individual work with each parent . The advantage of this form is that through studying the specifics of the family, talking with parents (with each individually), observing the communication of parents with children both in the group and at home, teachers outline specific ways of joint interaction with the child.

One of the most common diagnostic methods is questioning.

The next important link in individual work is family visit . The main purpose of the visit is to get to know the child and his relatives in a familiar environment. In playing with a child, in a conversation with his relatives, you can learn a lot of necessary information about the baby, his passions and interests, etc. A visit is beneficial for parents: they get an idea of ​​how the caregiver communicates with the child and allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house. When organizing a home visit, you must comply with the following conditions:

· be tactful when visiting family;

· do not start a conversation in the family about the shortcomings of the child;

· do not ask parents a lot of questions about raising children;

You need to draw up a memo for yourself on organizing home visits and try to follow it,.

Teacher's conversation with parents - the most accessible form of establishing a connection between the teacher and the family, his systematic communication with his father, mother, and other family members.

Conversations must meet certain requirements:

· be specific and meaningful;

· to give parents new knowledge on the education and upbringing of children;

· arouse interest in pedagogical problems;

· increase the sense of responsibility for the upbringing of children.

One of the forms of differentiated work with parents is consultations. Consultations by their nature are close to conversation. The difference is that the conversation is a dialogue between the educator and the parent, and by conducting a consultation, answering the questions of the parents, the teacher seeks to give qualified advice.

Can also be used with parents individual notepads where the teacher records the progress of the children in different types activities, parents can mark what they are interested in raising children.

the main task visual propaganda - targeted systematic use of visual aids in order to familiarize parents with the tasks, content, methods of education in kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. In pedagogical practice, various types of visualization are used and combined: natural, visual, verbal-figurative, informational.

An example of informational propaganda is a corner for parents. The materials of the parent corner can be divided into two parts according to the content:

· informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, various announcements;

· materials covering the issues of raising children in kindergarten and family. They reflect the ongoing work on the upbringing and development of children. Parents clearly see how it is possible to equip a corner or a room for a child, receive answers to their questions, find out what consultations will be held in the near future. The most important thing is that the content of the parent corner should be short, clear, legible, so that parents would have a desire to refer to its content.

An effective form of work with parents is a variety of Exhibitions . For example, exhibitions of children's work: children's drawings, homemade toys, children's books, albums, etc. Exhibitions can also work, demonstrating to parents an important section of the program, for example: Visual activity children in the family and kindergarten", "The toy and its educational role".

information leaflets, which may contain the following information:

· announcements about meetings, events, excursions;

· requests for help;

· thanks to volunteers, etc.

· Notes for parents.

parent newspaper issued by the parents themselves. In it, they note interesting cases from the life of the family, share their experience of upbringing on certain issues. For example, "Family day off", "My mom", "My dad", "I'm at home", etc.

Slide folders , which are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick”, “The role of the father in raising children”, etc. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the folder-slider, they should talk with them about what they have read, answer questions that have arisen, listen to suggestions, etc.

On the effectiveness of the preschool work with parents shows:

· manifestation of parents' interest in the content of the educational process with children;

· the emergence of discussions, disputes on their initiative;

· answers to parents' questions by themselves; giving examples from their own experience;

· an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the personality of the child, his inner world;

· the desire of adults for individual contacts with the educator;

· reflection of parents on the correctness of the use of certain methods of education;

· increasing their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing debatable issues.

Forms of organization of educational work in preschool educational institutions

In pedagogical science there is no consensus on the forms of educational work. Firstly, the concept itself is ambiguously defined, and secondly, there are many classifications of forms of educational work. In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, nine meanings of the word "form" are given.

This is both an external combination and an established model, etc. Speaking of the form of educational work, we first of all have in mind the expression of the content of educational work through a certain structure of relations between teachers and students. E.V. Titova defines the form of educational work as an established procedure for organizing specific acts, situations, procedures for the interaction of participants in the educational process, aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems (educational and organizational and practical); a set of organizational techniques and educational means that provide an external expression of educational work.

In order to understand the essence of the concept of "form of educational work", it is advisable to determine what place this phenomenon occupies in the pedagogical process. Forms of education are options for organizing a specific educational process, in which the goal, objectives, principles, patterns, methods and techniques of education are combined and combined. The task of the educator is to properly manage this process, build it on the basis of respect for the individual, recognition of her individuality, rights and freedoms. The educator should rely on potential personal capabilities, contributing to their development, and on the internal activity of children,

Functions educational work. First function- organizational. Any form of educational work involves the solution of an organizational problem. Both the educator and pupils can act as the organizer. The organization of the case reflects a certain logic of actions, the interaction of participants. There are generalized methods (algorithms) for organizing various forms of educational work that have become traditional and are used by many educators (conversations, collective creative activities, competitions, etc.). These methods involve the successive passage of a number of stages, stages of organizational activity. Second function- regulating. The use of one form or another allows you to regulate both the relationship between educators and pupils, and between children. Different forms affect the process of cohesion of a group of preschoolers in different ways. Third function- informative. The implementation of this function presupposes not only one-sided communication to pupils of a certain amount of knowledge, but also the actualization of their knowledge, an appeal to their experience. Based on the functional approach, the form of educational work can be defined as the main component of the organization of the pedagogical process that regulates the relationship between the educator and pupils.

The form, in fact, organizationally ensures the implementation of the goals, content, principles and methods of raising children. At the same time, the same form can reflect different content, sometimes even inconsistent. original intention. In pedagogical theory and practice, many forms of educational work have been created. Some Methodists strive to collect as many form names as possible, and even count several thousand of them. Trying to collect such a collection does not make any sense. It is impossible to enumerate all forms of educational work, and there is no such need. Each form does not repeat the other, but can only be similar to it.

Form classification educational work Titova E.V. . The choice of forms of educational work is determined on the basis of scientific principles, depending on the following factors:

1. The purpose of education.

3. Age of pupils.

4. The level of their upbringing and personal social experience.

5.Features children's team and his traditions.

6. Features and traditions of the region.

7. Technical and material capabilities of the preschool educational institution.

8. The level of professionalism of the educator.

Originally proposed by E.V. Titov's classification of forms of educational work. She believes that there are three main types of forms of educational work: events, activities, games . They differ in the following features: according to the target orientation, according to the position of the participants in the educational process, according to objective educational opportunities.

Events - these are events, activities, situations in a group organized by a teacher or someone else for pupils with the aim of direct educational impact on them. It highlights the characteristic features of this type of form. This is, first of all, the contemplative-performing position of children and the organizational role of adults. In other words, if something is organized by someone for pupils, and they, in turn, perceive, participate, perform, regulate, etc., then this is an event. The concept of "event" initially consists of two: "measure" and "accept". According to V.S. Bezrukova, the initial meaning of the event is to indicate the dosage of the measures applied to the pupil. As a certain type of work form, an event can be chosen: when you need to solve problems; when it is necessary to turn to the content of educational work that requires high competence; when organizational functions are too difficult for children; when the task is to directly teach children something; when measures are needed to improve the health of children, their physical development, to fulfill the daily routine, maintain discipline and order.

Affairs - this is a common work, important events carried out and organized by members of the team for the benefit and joy of someone, including themselves. Characteristic features: active and creative position of children; their participation in organizational activities; socially significant orientation of the content; amateur character and indirect pedagogical guidance. According to the nature of the implementation of form-cases, there are three subtypes:

· cases in which the organizational function is performed by any body or even someone personally;

· creative activities, distinguished primarily by the organizational creativity of any part of the team that conceives, plans and organizes their preparation and implementation;

· collective creative affairs (KTD), in the organization of which and the creative search for the best solutions and ways of mayut participation of all team members.

Among all forms of educational work, KTD have the objective greatest educational opportunities, since they:

· provide an opportunity for each child to make his personal contribution to the common work, to show his personal qualities;

· provide active implementation and enrichment of personal and collective experience; contribute to the strengthening of the group, its structure, contribute to the diversity of relations;

· emotionally attractive to children, allow you to rely on the content and methods of organizing activities that are significant for them in a variety of situations of the educational process.

Games - this is an imaginary or real activity, purposefully organized in a team of pupils for the purpose of recreation, entertainment, education. Characteristic features: do not carry a pronounced socially useful orientation, but are useful for the development and education of their participants; there is an indirect pedagogical influence hidden by game goals. Types of forms: business games, role-playing, games on the ground, sports games, educational, etc. .

For the listed types of forms, the following differences can be cited: events are held by someone for someone with the aim of influencing. Deeds are done for someone or for something, productive activity takes place in them. Games, on the other hand, are valuable in themselves, as a way to spend time in a joint vacation or study in an interesting and exciting way.

In the practice of educational work, there is such a phenomenon as the “rebirth of forms” from one type to another during their implementation. The transition of forms from one type to another "along the ladder": Events -\u003e Games -\u003e Affairs is the most favorable from the point of view of increasing the educational possibilities of these forms. Going in the opposite direction is unfavorable and undesirable. Having a sufficient supply of certain types of work forms, you can find new variations of them every time. It is only necessary to determine what parameters can be varied. Let's name some of them.

· By the time of preparation and holding: impromptu; relatively lengthy preparation.

· By way of organization: organized by one person; organized by a group of participants; organized collectively.

· By the nature of inclusion in the activity: mandatory participation; voluntary participation.

· On the interaction of the team with other teams and people: "open" (for others, together with others); "closed" (for their group).

· According to the methods of education: verbal (conversations); practical (hiking somewhere); visual (exhibitions).

· In the direction of educational work or types of activity: organization of cognitive and developmental activities; moral education; aesthetic education; physical education .

In preschool children, play is the main activity. Some elemental games of preschoolers have a pronounced resemblance to the games of representatives of the animal world, but even such simple games as catching up, wrestling and hide and seek are to a large extent civilized. In games, children imitate the labor activity of adults, take on various social roles. Already at this stage, differentiation occurs by gender. A special position is occupied by specially designed educational and therapeutic games.

Games show individual and age features children. At the age of 2-3 years, they begin to master the logical-figurative representation of reality. While playing, children begin to give objects contextually determined imaginary properties, to replace real objects with them (play games).

There are two main stages in the development of the game. The first of them (3-5 years) is characterized by the reproduction of the logic of people's real actions; objective actions are the content of the game. At the second stage (5-7 years), instead of reproducing the general logic, real relationships between people are simulated, that is, the content of the game at this stage is social relations. .

Educational games - these are games for the development of attention, memory, thinking, etc. Games should be original, interesting and carry a task, question, problem that the child needs to solve, only in this case they fulfill their purpose. One of the varieties of educational games are Board games, which in an interesting colorful form teach the child independence, ingenuity, imaginative thinking. For example, children's dominoes with the image of geometric shapes on the chips will not only teach the child to interact in a team, but also remember the basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).

At preschool age didactic game considered the main means of sensory education. The task of forming the sensory of the child is almost completely assigned to it: acquaintance with the form, size, color, space, sound. In contrast to the educational essence of classes in a didactic game, two principles operate simultaneously: educational - cognitive, and game - entertaining,.

In the Russian-language literature, attempts to give their theory of the game were made by D.N. Uznadze and L.S. Vygodsky. Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky emphasizes that the child, when playing, creates an imaginary situation for himself instead of a real one and acts in it, freeing himself from situational attachment and fulfilling a certain role, in accordance with the figurative meanings that he attaches to surrounding objects. At the same time, he does not consider pleasure to be the root cause of games, does not consider play to be the predominant type of child activity, but considers it an element of development (“the relationship of play to development should be compared with the relationship of learning to development” - according to the theory of the zone of proximal development).

According to the theory of Uznadze, who was especially interested in the motivation of the game, the game satisfies the functional need to use developing functions that are not yet connected to real activity; it also determines the content of the game. We believe that before talking about the classification of forms of educational work, it is necessary to determine what distinguishes one form from another, that is, to determine the features of the form. Such signs can be quantitative: forms differ from each other in the time of their preparation and conduct, the number of participants.

When we talk about the difference in forms over time, we mean that the educational relationships of its participants depend on the dosage over time. It is important to find out how long these relationships are, how long the teacher speaks and how much the pupil, how often this form is used in educational work.

It is impossible to enumerate and even more so to characterize all forms of educational work. Let us note only a few of them, acting in all types of their joint activities and being the most common.

Individual forms permeate the communication of educators and children. They operate in group and collective forms and ultimately determine the success of all other forms. TO individual forms works include: conversation; execution of a joint assignment; joint search for a solution to a problem, task.

TO group forms work can be attributed tips cases, creative groups, microcircles. In these forms, the educator manifests himself as an organizer. In contrast to collective forms, its influence on children is more noticeable, since the attention of preschoolers is paid more attention to it. the main task educator, on the one hand, to help everyone express themselves, and on the other hand, to create conditions for obtaining a tangible positive result in the group.

To the collective forms of work of educators with preschoolers include, first of all, various cases, competitions, performances, concerts, trips, sport competitions and others. Depending on the age of the pupils and a number of other conditions, educators can play a different role when using these forms: leading participant; organizer; an ordinary participant in an activity that influences children by personal example; assistant to children in the organization of activities.

All classifications are interrelated, and depending on the approach, the same form can be assigned to any of these classifications. When attempting to classify the forms of educational work, one should also keep in mind that there is such a phenomenon as the mutual transition of forms from one type to another. So, for example, an excursion or a competition, more often considered as an event, can become a collective creative work. All parents and teachers should know the forms of organization of education. The process of education, so multifaceted and complex, can be carried out using a variety of forms. All forms of educational organization are characterized by dynamism and mobility. Their choice will depend on the skill of the educators, the age of the children, the content of the educational work, and also on some other conditions in which the process of education takes place. Various variations of the forms of educational work make it possible to use their potential more fully and purposefully choose them, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, each type of form has its own specific educational opportunities, and they must be fully realized. educational process- this is an objectively complex and diverse phenomenon, therefore, effective educational activities can be organized only through the integrated use of various forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

Conclusions on Chapter 1.

The activation of the creative activity of teaching staff is possible through non-traditional, interactive forms of work with teachers, for example, such as training, pedagogical ring, discussion, round table, symposium, fair of pedagogical ideas, master class, intellectual game"What? Where? When?" and others. Moreover, a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff will lead to an increase in the level of educational work of preschool educational institutions and will unite the team of teachers.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Children, frontal, group and individual forms of organized learning are used in kindergarten. Moreover, the forms and methods of working with preschoolers should ensure the full development of the personality of children in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and a positive attitude towards the world, to themselves and to other people.

At present, the family and preschool should be considered within the framework of a single educational space (SEO), which implies interaction, cooperation between teachers of preschool and parents throughout the child's preschool childhood. The main goal of preschool teachers is to professionally help the family in raising children, while not replacing it, but supplementing and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions.

Speaking about the form of educational work, we, first of all, have in mind the expression of the content of educational work through a certain structure of relations between teachers and students. Moreover, all types of forms of work have their own pedagogical significance, and each of them is valuable in its own way in the process of education.

Experimental work on the use of various forms in the educational process of a preschool educational institution (on the example of environmental education)

2.1. Features of the organization of environmental work in preschool educational institutions

Children will get acquainted with the science of ecology at school, but environmental education must begin at a preschool age. To some, this may seem premature. However, child psychologists note the age of 5-6 years as the most receptive, open to learning. During this period, the child's attitude to himself, to the world around him is formed, the coordinate of values ​​is built, .

Every year the environmental situation in the world is deteriorating, and our goal, the goal of modern parents and educators, is to educate environmentally educated people who will treat nature as a friend, protect it, improve methods for saving it,

Ecological education in kindergarten contributes to: the formation of objective ideas about the processes occurring in nature; formation careful attitude to nature. The following programs can be used to work in the ecological direction in kindergarten:

· The basic program for the development of preschoolers "Origins",

· Ryzhova N.A.: "Our home is nature",

· Nikolaeva S.N.: "Young ecologist",

· Voronkevich O.A.: "Welcome to ecology",

· Kondratieva E.E.: "We",

· Veresov A.: "We are earthlings",

· Popova T.I.: "The world around us",

· Kochemasova E.E.: "Hello world!"

· From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education, etc. , , , , , , , .

Environmental education in kindergarten should begin with the teacher himself. Only an environmentally literate person can form an environmentally conscious personality. The educator must have a number of skills,.

Environmental education in kindergarten is carried out in several directions: directly with the main participants in the educational process - with children, at the pedagogical level, in cooperation with parents, , , , , .

Forms of work with children include environmental activities and conversations. The rules of safe behavior in nature are discussed with children, classes are held "Pantry of nature", "Forest is a helper of man", "Useful inventions" and others,.

The musical director, together with the methodologist and educators, prepares ecological holidays: “Ecological Knowledge Day”, “Earth Day”, “Summer Holiday”. Leisure activities are organized in the form of KVN "Connoisseurs of Nature".

During targeted walks, excursions, the teacher, together with the children, makes observations in nature. It can be both a direct acquaintance with the surrounding flora and fauna, and educational work, for example, with masterpieces of fine art: examining landscape paintings.

Children gain hands-on experience by helping to take care of plants and animals. As the child grows older, the range of his responsibilities expands. Older children are often involved in joint projects with preschoolers from nursery and younger groups. For example, younger guys grow vegetables in the garden, and their older comrades hold demonstrative workshops on cooking salads and other dishes from these vegetables,

Children of the preparatory group can keep an "ecological diary" in which they enter all observations, notes, experiments.

As the study cited above showed, the teaching staff needs to improve their skills, acquire appropriate skills in the subject of ecology. Business games are aimed at this, for example, “Ecological education by means of wildlife”, reviews of partial programs, seminars “Didactic games with environmental content”, non-traditional forms teachers' councils,

The workshop "New playing techniques that contribute to the environmental education of preschoolers" is in demand. One of the stimulating factors is the spirit of competition. Vernissages of pedagogical ideas "Ecological walks", "Environmental actions", "Forms of work on environmental education" are organized.

To improve the level of environmental literacy of teachers, booklets are published on current environmental issues in the world in general and in the city in particular. Interaction with parents is a necessary component of environmental education in kindergarten. An adult should lead by example to a child. Despite the fact that many parents do not have free time, they still enthusiastically respond to offers to take part in a joint clean-up day, landscaping the territory of the kindergarten, preparing feeders, collecting garbage, batteries, and so on. Environmental education should be continued beyond the preschool. On weekends or holidays, children are given the task of collecting exhibits for the nature museum in the garden together with their parents, making crafts from natural materials, and drawing a wall newspaper. , .

We studied the possible difficulties of teachers in organizing activities for the environmental education of preschoolers using a survey.

Teachers were asked to answer two questions regarding the organization of activities for the environmental education of preschoolers:

· What difficulties do you experience in organizing activities for the environmental education of preschool children?

· In what form do you provide environmental education in kindergarten?

Based on the analysis of the answers of teachers, the method of organizing game teaching situations on ecology caused the greatest difficulties - for 56% of teachers; organization of family projects of ecological orientation - 32%; organization of activities for children on the ecological path of the preschool educational institution - 18%; methodology for conducting ecological leisure activities - 11%; methodology for applying models in ecology - 7%; organization of children's work at the site - 5%; organization of children's work in the environmental center - 3% of teachers.

A survey of kindergarten teachers also showed that environmental education in kindergarten is carried out in various forms:

· the most popular were environmental classes and conversations - 33.9%;

· observations in nature - 14.5%,

· leisure activities - 10.8%,

· games - 9.7%;

· practical work (experiments) - 4.8%,

· consultations with parents - 2.2%,

· thematic exhibitions - 1.6%.

Based on the diagnostic data, we developed a system of events that we included in the planning calendar. In particular, we have developed a program for the cognitive development of preschoolers, which is based on the mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the state standard in the section "Knowledge", temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution, taking into account " Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From Birth to School" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. One of the sections of the program developed by us is devoted to familiarization with nature, has an environmental focus and is based on the methodological recommendations recommended for the main general education program preschool education "From Birth to School" . The section of this program dedicated to familiarization with nature and advanced planning on familiarization with the natural world are presented in the Appendix.

2.2. Forms and methods of work on creating pedagogical conditions for the interaction of teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents in the environmental education of older preschoolers

In order to increase the level of environmental education among older preschoolers, a system of environmental activities was developed in the form of various forms of work, including appropriate educational methods, techniques and tools (environmental circle, environmental classes, environmental games, research assignments, problem tasks, exercises etc.)

In this regard, we have compiled an action plan for working with older preschoolers, parents, and educators.

Table 1

Environmental Education Action Plan



Action plan


Group excursions with children and parents around the city "Weekend Club"


Meeting on environmental theme"Nature and moral education of children of senior preschool age"


Design a photo booth in the group "Nature of our city"


Children Art. preschool age

The game "Sparrows and the car"

The song "Grass-ant"


"Weekend Club" - a speech by parents on the topic "The house in which we live." With the help of this conversation, we would like to find out from parents what their house territory looks like, what their entrances look like, what they are doing in order to improve their appearance and do they do it at all? What could or would you like to do to improve the local area?


Prepare an information page for the parent corner: “Water is the source of life!” In the message, we want to remind adults how important the problem of saving our water resources is. Not only is there an acute problem with drinking water in some settlements (it is not enough or of very low quality), but it is also a habitat for many plants and other living organisms


Children Art. preschool age

Diagnosis of children according to the method of T.A. Serebryakova

The game "What is this bird."


Open Day: "Day ecological culture»


Involve parents in the creation of a wall newspaper dedicated to nature conservation


Children Art. preschool age

The game "Through the brook".

Dance "Snowflakes and Bunnies"


Ecological newspaper on the theme "Tvoydom-your health".


Conduct a consultation for parents "Playing, we learn nature." We want to tell you how to teach children to protect and protect nature with the help of environmental games, give some examples of games.


Children Art. preschool age

The game "From which tree is the leaf";

Diagnosis of children according to the method of T.A. Serebryakova


ecological game"Connoisseurs of Nature"


"Environmental landing" - to conduct walks around the city together with parents and children in order to collect plastic.


Children Art. preschool age

Together with the children, make memos for parents “Down with garbage!”, “Do not throw garbage anywhere!”

The game "Guess by description".


Competition for parents for the best leaflet on the theme "Let's make our city cleaner."


Conduct a consultation "Garbage-problem No. 1". With the help of this theme, we want to convey to parents how important this problem is in our city. Discuss how to recycle waste and how it can be reused. Show examples of the damage caused by waste to the city.

To conduct environmental seminars with teachers of preschool educational institutions, the topics of classes were developed. Interaction with parents contributes to increasing the efficiency of work on environmental education of children. Parents were consulted (Appendix), open classes(Appendix), performances were organized at parent meetings, visual information was drawn up at the Ecological Bulletin stand, group stands. Parents met with interesting events that occurred in the kindergarten, seasonal changes through the environmental newspaper published in the preschool educational institution. The purpose of the publication of the newspaper is to expand the information field for parents and the teaching staff about the ongoing work on the environmental education of children.

Parents were regular participants in all actions, thematic exhibitions held in kindergarten, such as: "Crafts from natural and waste materials", "Gifts of nature", "Amazing primroses", competition of environmental posters, "Potatoes - the second bread", "Museum at home and in kindergarten”, “Pharmaceutical garden”, etc. Parents took an active part in the preparation of environmental performances. One of the forms of work with parents carried out in kindergarten was the creation of a joint environmental circle.

We also developed a system of measures to organize the environmental educational process, which we introduced into our work during the formative experiment.

table 2

The system of measures for the organization of environmental

educational process

Forms of work

preschool age

Specially organized classes in environmental education according to the chosen program

1 lesson per week

Additional lessons

Ecological circle for children (senior preschool age) and parents

Cooperative activity

· visiting exhibitions in the museums of the city (from the middle group)

· creating a window garden

· observations and work in the garden and flower beds

· duty in the corner of nature

· conducting brain-rings by seasons

· didactic games,

· observations (short-term, cyclic),

· excursions,

· educational stories,

· viewing thematic albums,

· reading fiction

· composing and guessing riddles, compiling stories

· organization and conduct of excursions-hikes

· tradition "Meeting interesting people",

· watching TV shows, educational films

· educational holidays,

· ecological holidays, ecological theaters

· promotions, exhibitions, competitions

· collection creation,

· experimental research activity

· project activity,

· educational messages,

· performance of individual tasks

· simulation games

· quiz games

Independent activity

· didactic games

· observation,

· viewing albums, collections,

· sand and water games

· work in nature

During formative experiments, we tried to ensure that work with parents would be a gradual and continuous process, and the environmental information that educators offer parents would be personally meaningful to them.

2.3. Increasing pedagogical competence on environmental education of preschoolers in the process of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

The variety of forms of methodical work is determined, first of all, by the complexity of its goals, the variety of specific conditions in which the preschool institution is located. The main thing in methodical work is the provision of real effective assistance to teachers.

Our practice has shown that interactive forms of methodical work turned out to be the most effective.

Table 3

The activity of teachers in various forms methodical work

Forms of methodical work

The degree of activity of teachers



Mutual visiting weeks

Reviews - competitions

Pedagogical advice: in traditional form

In an unconventional form

business games


Exhibition organization

Presentation of work experience












Individual consultations

So, workshops are a productive form of advanced training for teachers. Necessary condition All teachers should be actively involved. To do this, they are offered tasks in advance that allow everyone to develop pedagogical abilities, pedagogical thinking, and sociability. In our institution, seminars on environmental topics are held annually. So, in 2014, the seminars "Family projects in environmental education" were held, in 2015 - the seminar "Research activities in environmental education."

When choosing content methodological material we are based on the principles of scientific, active nature of learning, variability and consistency. The logic of constructing such seminars, as a rule, is determined by the following structure: from general conceptual problems of child development at the present stage to the characterization of integrative approaches to environmental education through an activity approach. At the end of the seminars, exhibitions of games and manuals made by teachers on this topic are held.

Experience shows that with such a construction of the material, the teacher in work with children will be able to implement the acquired practical skills that determine the level of work on cognitive development. All this expands the boundaries of the teacher's professional activity and creates the prerequisites for raising his status.

Mutual visiting weeks play a significant role in the educational process of our preschool educational institution as a whole and in the system of improving the professional competence of teachers. They allow you to see the work of teachers, use their cognitive experience, realize their shortcomings. Teachers learn to analyze the features of the educational process in general, as well as joint and independent activities. For example, in 2014, the directly educational activities “Use of health saving techniques in the course of GCD” were viewed, in 2015 year - open viewing the joint activity "Work on the site."

To stimulate the activity of teachers in updating and improving the content of the subject-developing environment in our institution, review competitions are held annually. Reviews - competitions - this is a way to test professional knowledge, skills, pedagogical erudition, the ability to evaluate results by comparing one's abilities with others. From 2013 to 2015, competitions were held in the kindergarten for environmental centers, subject-developing environment for speech development children, creative activity centers, summer plots.

I would especially like to dwell on the competition of summer sections, which were held in 2014 and 2015. A lot of preliminary work was carried out with the teachers of the preschool educational institution: consultations on the topics: "Creating conditions for children's activities in walking areas", "Garden on the window", "Organization of children's work in nature", "Nature calendar as a method of environmental education", "The role of modeling in ecological education”, “Project activity in ecological education”, etc.

Trainings for teachers in order to increase motivation for creative activity, group cohesion, optimize the psychological climate in the team.

Study of work experience s other preschool educational institutions on this topic. Presentations of the experience of teachers allow us to solve a number of issues, such as:

· purposeful accumulation of pedagogical material;

· analysis of the results of activities for the cognitive development of children;

· interaction of all specialists.

Distribution in our institution pedagogical experience passes through open viewings, speeches at methodological events, including city ones. Over the past three years, the preschool educational institution has studied, summarized and presented the experience of teachers on the topics: “The development of cognitive activity of preschoolers in the process of research activities”, “Development of the creative abilities of older preschool children through theatrical activities”, “Environmental education of young children through didactic games”, “ Integration cognitive development and motor activity of preschoolers", "Development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers", "Development of logical thinking of older preschoolers through didactic games of mathematical content", "Development of speech of young children using small forms of folklore", "Development of ecological education of older preschoolers through the organization work on the environmental path of the preschool educational institution”, “Using the system of didactic games and exercises for sensory education of young children”, etc. 50% of teachers summarized their experience on topics related to the environmental education of preschoolers.

business games - a method of imitation of decision-making by teachers in various production situations, carried out according to specified rules. In preparing for the business game, we were guided by the following principles:

· The principle of joint activity implies an early choice of roles, while we model the most characteristic species interaction of all participants in the educational process.

· The principle of dialogic communication involves a comprehensive collective discussion with the maximum participation of all teachers.

· Problem principle: all situations and tasks of the business game contain some kind of problem.

Since 2013, we have held various business games aimed at improving the effectiveness of interaction between teachers and children, teachers and parents, including in the field of environmental education of preschoolers. In 2014, a business game "Forms and methods of environmental education of children" was held. In 2015 - a business game. " Effective Forms work with parents.

Pedagogical advice : to activate creativity teachers, improving their professional competence, we gradually moved from the traditional form of holding thematic pedagogical councils to non-traditional. At the same time, we adhere to the classical form of building a teachers' council:

1st part. Introductory speech by the chairman of the pedagogical council.

2nd part. Theoretical. The senior teacher indicates the essence of the topic, the problem. For this part, we use visual range: presentations, diagrams, tables, other visualization.

3rd part. Practical or discussion. It is in this part that the use of non-traditional methods is most effective. We use brainstorming, auction, role play, pedagogical situations, modeling method, resource method.

In 2015, a teachers' council was held in the form of an auction.

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