The winner of the school competition in the triple jump. Private rules for high jump and pole vault. Competition "Greek wrestling"


Participants have the right to mark their takeoff, while using marking signs or adhesive tape (using chalk is prohibited). Make trial attempts under the guidance of the chief referee.

The order in which participants perform attempts is determined by a draw.

Attempts are made only with the permission of the senior judge, who must make sure that the attempt is safe in the sector.

An exceptional round will be held when there are more than 15 participants in a category. The qualifying round will be carried out as follows. This category is called on stage, in numerical order, and on a single or double line, as appropriate. The athletes will be divided into two groups of equal sizes and positioned on the stage with one group on the right and the other on the left of the stage. The center of the stage will be free for comparison.

In numerical order and in groups no more than eight competing at the same time and each group is sent to central zone scenes to hold the rooms back. Right room. Back room on the left. At the end of the defenders, the entire category will return to a one-line position in turn order before leaving the stage.

When holding competitions with more than eight participants, preliminary competitions are held first, in which each participant is given three attempts. Then the participants with the best eight results advance to the final and are entitled to three more attempts. If two or more participants show the eighth result, then all of them are allowed to participate in the final.

Competitors may not chew gum or candy on stage. The hot round and round 1 dress will meet the following criteria. Bikinis must be opaque and two-piece. Bikinis must be solid black. Bikini material must be cloth.

Bikinis may not contain embellishments, frills, finished edges or borders. Shoes must be black with a classic heel, with a beak and heel. The thickness of the sole should not exceed 7 mm; and the height of the jump should not exceed 120 millimeters. Platform jumping is strictly prohibited. At the same time, the judges will evaluate the physique as a whole, depending on their degree of athleticism, proportion and skin tone. The heat round score will work as follows.

Final competitions are held at the end of the preliminary attempts without a break. The order of attempts in the final part of the competition is given to the participants, depending on the worst to the best.

Participants perform attempts in turn according to the protocol, at the call of the judge. Participants have the right to refuse to perform the next attempt or two attempts (but not three) and continue their performance in the following attempts.

If there is a tie between two or more competitors in 15th place, a tie will be allowed on stage with defenders overrated. Only 15 participants will perform in the Round. The procedures for the first round will be as follows. The whole category will be called on stage in one file and in digital order.

The queue will be split into two groups of equal size and will be placed on the stage so that one group remains to the right and the other to the left of the stage. The central part of the stage will be free for comparison. In numerical order and in groups of no more than eight athletes at a time, each group will be called to the center of the stage to hold the rear quarters.

The participant is given one minute to prepare and complete the attempt. The countdown begins from the moment the referee allows the attempt to be made by voice or flag.

If the participant intentionally delays the time of the attempt, then he is warned, and in the second case he is deprived of the attempt.

Individual places of the participants of the competition (except for high jump and pole vault) are determined by the best result from all preliminary and final competitions. If 2 have the same result, then look at 2 results regardless of the attempt. If everything is the same, then an additional attempt. Among the participants who did not make it to the final, places are distributed according to the results of the preliminary competition.

This initial grouping of defenders is for the judges to determine which athletes will follow the next comparisons. The number of athletes to be compared will be determined by the Chief of Arbitration, but not less than three and no more than 5 participants will be compared at the same time. The chief arbiter and his assistant must consider the proposals made by other arbitrators, and based on them.

Will request the first comparison according to the most frequent requests offered by the bureau. Then a second comparison and another one until all competitors have been called at least once. Individual comparisons will be made in the center of the stage. Total comparisons will be determined by the Chief of Arbitration.

During landing, any part of the body touched the surface of the sector behind the side edge of the pit closer to the repulsion bar than the footprint in the sand left upon landing;

After making the jump, returned back through the landing hole;

The sector for these jumps consists of a runway, a repulsion bar and a sand pit for landing.

All competitors will make at least one comparison. At the end of the comparisons, the category will be organized as a single file and in numerical order before leaving the scene. The score for 1 round will act as follows. Using Form #3, entitled "Individual Arbiter Classification", each judge will give each competitor an individual ranking from 1st to 15th, ensuring that two or more athletes do not receive the same classification.

Round 1 will be judged according to the following criteria. The judges will first evaluate the overall sporty look physics. This assessment must take into account everything physical. Evaluation starts from general impression from the physical and should take into account the hair and beauty of the face; general athletic development of muscles; presentation of a balanced physique developed symmetrically; skin condition and tone; and athletic ability to show confidence, balance and grace.

The runway must be at least 40 m long, 1.22-1.25 m wide and limited to lines 50 mm wide.

The repelling block is made of wood or other suitable material. Width 198-200 mm, length 1.21-1.22 m, thickness -100 mm. The repulsion block is located from the front edge of the landing pit at a distance of 1 to 3 m;

Physique should be assessed at the level of muscle tone acquired through training. Muscle groups should have a rounded, firm appearance with little fat. Physicists who are considered too muscular or too skinny should be punished.

The evaluation should take into account the stiffness and tone of the skin. The skin should be smooth and healthy, without cellulite. The face, hair and make-up must be in addition to the "Common Package" submitted by the athlete. The judge's assessment of the athlete's physique must include all work from the moment she enters the stage to the time she leaves the stage.

The sand pit for landing in the Long Jump and Triple Jump must be between 2.75 m and 3.00 m wide and symmetrically located with respect to the axis of the runway.

In the long jump, the competitor pushes off the board with one foot and then lands in a sand pit.

1. All results must be measured from the nearest edge of the track left in the landing zone by any part of the body to the measurement line or its extension.

Judges will be reminded that this is not a bodybuilding competition. Competitors need to have a shape for their muscles, but not the size, definition and vascular system that competitive bodybuilders represent. Any competitors who present these characteristics will be penalized.

The dress for the 2nd round must meet the following criteria. Color, material and texture are the competitor's choice. The bikini must cover at least ½ of gluteal muscle and the entire lower abdomen. High heels should be used for this round. The color and style of shoes can be chosen by a competitor. The thickness of the sole should not exceed 7 mm; and the height of the jump should not exceed 120 mm. Platform high heels are strictly prohibited.

2. If the participant pushes off to the bar, this cannot be a reason for recognizing the attempt as unsuccessful.

3. The jump is not counted if the participant:

Did not jump, but ran through the bar or to the side of it;

When repulsed, he stepped over the measurement line;

Pushed off from the side of the bar;

Question 1."Umid nihollari" competitions are the first link in the three-stage system created in the country sports games adopted in Uzbekistan. sports competitions the next two steps, after "Umid nihollari", are "Barkamol avlod" and the Universiade. The first stage competitions cover millions of schoolchildren and over the years have turned into a school of hardening and experience for thousands of young athletes and students. Many participants of the previous Umid Nihollari competitions today adequately defend the honor of our country in the international arenas.

Jewelry can be used with a restriction. The procedures for round 2 will be as follows.  The contestant will walk towards the center of the stage, stop and remain in a frontal position.  The opponent will then turn right and walk 5 steps towards the stage, stop and perform front and back poses.

 Then the athlete will turn to the right, walk 10 steps to the other side of the stage, stop and do the front and back pose.  The athlete then returns to the queue at the back of the stage. The athletes will then be asked to leave the stage in one file.

Let us note the uniqueness and originality of this three-stage system of sports games, which has received recognition far beyond the borders of Uzbekistan. Today's success is the result great attention which is given to the education of a healthy and comprehensively developed younger generation in Uzbekistan from the first years of independence under the leadership of President Islam Karimov. Given their importance, the issues of promoting sports, developing children's sports, creating material and technical bases, and building modern sports facilities have been raised high level state policy.

The score of the round will be performed according to the following procedures. The Judges will use Form No. 6 titled “Individual Arbiter Classification” and using the same scoring criteria as in the Preliminary, will classify competitors from 1st to 6th place without being able to classify two athletes in the same position.

Statisticians collect Form No. 6 from the judges and sign the classifications on Form No. 5 called "Score Sheet". "Partial Score 2nd Round". Judges will use Form #6 and Statisticians will use Form #. The same criteria used in the Round 1 decision will be used in this round. However, the judges must keep in mind that an athlete may submit another " General package» while wearing the bikini of your choice. Therefore, judges must ensure that this round is judged from a "fresh" perspective, ensuring that all competitors receive a clear mark based on that round's attire.

"Umid Nihollari" competitions are held in twelve sports: gymnastics, handball, swimming, football, volleyball, athletics, chess, table tennis, artistic gymnastics, basketball, kurash and belbogli-kurash.

Question 2.

RULES OF COMPETITIONS IN LONG JUMP 1. GENERAL PART 1.1. In the qualifying and main competitions (preliminaries and finals), the participants perform each attempt in turn. 1.2. Each participant has the right to mark his run-up and to check it, before the start of the competition, under the supervision of the judges, test non-record jumps. 1.3. The length of the take-off run is not limited, but the participant cannot demand an extension of the run-up beyond that specified in the rules. 1.4. The competitor must only attempt an attempt when called by the referee. 1.5. All jumps are counted after the command of the senior judge "Yes!", which he gives after the completion of the jump, if the requirements are not violated. In case of an unaccounted jump, the command "No!" is given. Simultaneously with the commands, the judge gives a signal with a flag; with a correctly performed jump - by raising the white flag up, and with an unaccounted for - red. 1.6. During the jump, it is not allowed to use any devices that can improve the result.


The procedures for the Awards Ceremony will be as follows. The Master of Ceremonies, using Form No. 7 titled "6 Finalists", will announce the number, name and country of the competitor in sixth position and remain at right side podium and receive his award. The Master of Ceremonies will then announce the number, name and country of the ranked competitor in 5th position and that will remain on the right side of the "podium" and receive his award. The Master of Ceremonies will then announce the number, name and country of the positioned athlete in 4th position and the athlete will stand on the left side of the podium and receive their award.

2.1. Long jumps are performed into a sand pit from a block made of wood or other suitable material, 198-202 mm wide, 1.21-1.22 m long, with a maximum thickness of 100 mm, firmly set into the ground flush with the surface of the runway and painted white.
2.2. Behind the far (counting from the takeoff side) edge of the bar ("measurement line") along its entire length, a removable plate with plasticine is installed - an "indicator" of the spade 98-102 mm wide, laid in the runway and exceeding the level of the take-off bar by 7 mm . At lower level competitions, the “indicator” may be a layer of wet sand or earth of the above shape and dimensions.
2.3. The distance between the bar and the nearest edge of the pit is determined by the panel of judges, depending on the qualifications of the participants, but in such a way that in the long jump with a run it is at least 1 m and the distance from the bar to the far edge of the pit is at least 10 m.

The ceremonies will announce the results of the 3rd, 2nd and finally the champion. National anthem athlete country will be played immediately after receiving the award. After the national anthem and ceremony national flag finalists may be asked to remain on stage for short period time for the purpose of photographing the category.

 More about the awards ceremony - Articles.  Results and table of teams - Article.  Publication of results - article. Immediately after the awards ceremony last category four champions of each category will be called to the stage digitally and in one file, in bikinis and on high heels of your choice.

In competitions for beginner athletes, the distance from the bar to the far edge of the pit in the long jump may be reduced to 7.6 m.
2.4. The runway must be at least 1.22 m wide and at least 40 m long, measured from the front edge of the pit.
2.5. The pit for landing in the long jump must have a width of at least 2.75 m for one runway and be symmetrically located with respect to the track.

The Judges will use Form No. 6 entitled "Individual Classification of the Judges" to classify athletes from 1st to 4th position. Statisticians will use Form No. 5 called "Score Sheet" and will record the scores and determine the final score.

The medal and trophy will be provided by the National Federation organizing the event - Performance and Team Classification Award - Article. Publication of results - article. Judges are reminded that posture and behavior at all times when athletes are on stage are considered. submitted general image must demonstrate a balance of self-confidence. This counts even when the competitor is in a relaxed position in the queue and during defensive comparisons. Standing in a row, competitors must be careful not to assume a tense position, bent and displaced arms in order to show muscularity.

The length of the pit in the direction of the jump must be at least 6 m, the depth - 0.5 m. The pit is framed by boards that should not protrude above the surface surrounding the pit.

The sand in the pit should be moist, well loosened and leveled at the same level as the runway.
3.1 With eight or fewer participants, everyone gets the right to perform six attempts.
3.2. In team competitions, each participant is given three attempts. The best score is taken into account.
3.3. The final places are distributed among the participants of the final according to the best result from all attempts (preliminary competition and final). Among the participants who did not reach the final, places are distributed according to the results of the preliminary competition.

Relaxed position means that the participant must. Standing and standing, facing the judges, arms hanging at the side of the body and legs together, or. Standing next to the body, slightly turned, the left side is facing the judges, so that the number of participants is clearly visible, left hand lies on the hip and left leg slightly forward and to the side.

The head and eyes are directed forward, the shoulders are back, the chest is stooped, and the stomach is "inside". Standing posture, head and eyes facing the same direction of the body, heels joined, toes turned outward at an angle of 30º, knees joined and half-bent, abdomen in, chest flopping, shoulders back, left hand slightly held center line body with slight bending of the elbow, fingers connected, palm facing the body, slightly curved arm, right hand slightly forward of the central axis of the body with a slight bend in the elbow, crossed fingers, palm of the hand facing the body, and a slightly arched arm.

If two or more participants showed the same best results, the places between them are distributed according to the best result from the remaining attempts (taking into account the results of the preliminary competitions and the final). This rule also applies to the case when the second results are equal, etc.

The advantage is given to jumper A, who has the best result of the other jumps (after 7.33 and 7.30). If this fails to determine the first place, the participants claiming it are given one additional attempt in succession in the same order until the winner is determined. After this, the jump-off stops and the places of all other jumpers participating in the jump-off are divided. In case of equality of indicators among participants who do not claim first place, places are also divided.
3.4. The results of the jumps are measured from the point of the trace left in the pit by any part of the jumper's body closest to the bar.

The positioning of the levers will result in a slight leftward rotation in the upper body, with the left shoulder aggravated to the right shoulder. This is normal and should not be overestimated. Competitors who do not adopt correct posture will receive a warning, after which points will be deducted from their classification.

Standing posture, head and eyes facing the same direction of the body, heels joined, toes turned outward at 30º, knees joined and half-bent, abdomen in, chest fussed, shoulders back, broad arms kept out of the way along the center line of the body , slightly bent, fingers bent, palms facing the body and about 10 cm away from the body, arms slightly curved.

3.6. In the long jump with a running start, the repulsion must be made from the bar or from the track in front of it. The jump is not valid if the jumper:
- ran through the bar or to the side of it;
- pushed off from the side of the bar or behind the measurement line;
- stepped on the measurement line, leaving a mark on the plasticine (sand) strip;
- touched the surface of the earth behind the measurement line with some part of the body, both without making a jump, and when making a jump;
- during the jump, touched the ground outside the hole at a closer distance from the block than the nearest footprint left
when landing in a hole;
- used any variant of somersault in the jump;
- leaving the pit after landing, went towards the bar.

Running long jump were part of the pentathlon back in Ancient Greece. Historians cannot say exactly how the sport was played, but it is known that ancient athletes jumped with dumbbells in their hands, pushing off from hard ground, and landing on soft, loosened ground.
Long jump competitions began to be held with the beginning of the revival of athletics. In 1860, this species was included in the program of the annual " big games» Oxford University in England. The first recorded record was 5.95 m. In 1868, the Englishman A. Toswell jumped 6.40 m, and already in 1874, the Irishman D. Lane overcame the seven-meter line. His record is 7.05 m.

In 1935, the American athlete D. Owen jumped 8.13 m, this record lasted until 1960. In 1968, on Olympic Games in Mexico City, R-Beamon (USA) shows a phenomenal result - 8.90 m, which is still an Olympic record. Only in 1991, another American, M. Powell, brought the world record up to 8.95 m.

In women, world records begin to be recorded since 1928. The first record holder was the Japanese K. Hitomi - 5.98 m. The six-meter line was overcome in 1939 by the German jumper K. Schultz - 6.12 m. became the Soviet jumper V. Bardauskene, who showed results in 1978 - 7.07 and 7.09 m. Currently, the world record belongs to the Russian jumper G. Chistyakova - 7.52 m.

The long jump technique has three varieties: “bending legs”, “bending”, “scissors”. The easiest way to "bend your legs" was used before late XIX V. The modern method of "scissors" first appeared in 1900, but became widespread only in the 30-40s. 20th century In 1920, the Finnish jumper Tuulos first demonstrated new technology long jump - "bending". Despite the fact that this method is less effective than the "scissors", many jumpers, and especially women, use it widely. A number of other jumpers use a combined technique of these two methods. The run-up long jump technique can be divided into four parts: run-up, take-off, flight and landing.

takeoff run. The run in the long jump is used to create the optimal speed of the jumper. The take-off speed in this form is closest to the maximum speed that an athlete can develop, unlike other types of jumps. The length of the run and the number of running steps depend on individual features athlete and his physical fitness. Leading athletes use up to 24 running steps with a take-off run of about 50 m. For women, these values ​​are somewhat less - up to 22 running steps with a take-off run of over 40 m. repulsion.

Start of run may be different. Basically, athletes use the following options: from a place and from an approach (or run-up), as well as with a gradual increase in speed and a sharp (sprint) start. The start of the run is important, as it sets the tone and rhythm of the run. The athlete must be trained to standard start takeoff and do not change it without prior preparation.

At the start of the run from a place, the athlete starts moving from the control mark, placing one foot forward, the other behind on the toe. Some runners perform in this position a slight swing back and forth, moving the weight of the body to the front. standing foot, then on the back standing. When an athlete starts the run-up with a movement (approach or run-up), it is important that he accurately hits the control mark with a predetermined foot. It must be remembered that when even number of the running steps of the takeoff, the push leg is placed on the control mark and the movement begins with the fly leg and vice versa.

After the athlete has completed the start of the run, takeoff speed set. Here the jumper performs running steps similar in technique to running short distances in a straight line. The amplitude of movements of the arms and legs is somewhat wider, the inclination of the torso reaches 80°, gradually assuming a vertical position by the end of the run. At this moment, it is necessary to focus on elastic repulsion with each step, control your movements, run in one line without swinging to the sides.

IN preparation for repulsion on the last 3-4 running steps, the athlete must develop the optimal speed for himself. This part of the run is characterized by an increase in the frequency of movements, a slight decrease in the length of the running step, and a slight increase in the rise of the thigh when it moves forward and upward. The push leg, straightened at the knee joint, in the last step is placed in the place of repulsion with a “raking” movement back to the full foot.

The deviation of the shoulders back before repulsion is achieved by actively pushing the pelvis forward with the swing leg in the last step, which is shorter than the previous ones. It is not recommended to specifically bend it at the knee joint when setting the push leg, performing a squat. Under the influence of the take-off speed and gravity of the jumper, the leg itself will bend at the knee joint, and when stretching tense muscles, repulsion will be more effective.

Repulsion. This part of the jump starts from the moment the foot is placed at the place of repulsion. The foot is placed on the whole foot with an emphasis on the outer arch, some athletes put the foot from the heel. In both cases, some sliding of the foot forward by 2 - 5 cm is possible, this is especially observed when setting the foot from the heel, since there are no spikes on it and it can slide forward. This is also facilitated by the irrational setting of the pushing leg, located too far from the projection of the GCM.

The optimal angle of setting the push leg is about 70 °, the leg is slightly bent at the knee joint. Beginning jumpers and athletes with insufficient development of leg strength are not recommended to artificially bend the leg at the knee, as the jumper may not be able to cope with the support reaction forces acting on him. In the depreciation phase (from the moment the foot is placed on the support to the moment of the vertical), in the first fractions of a second, there is a sharp increase in the reaction forces of the support, then their rapid decrease occurs. Under the influence of these forces, flexion occurs in the knee and hip joints. From the moment of the vertical, when the swing leg is actively extended forward and upward, extension is performed in these joints. Until the moment of the vertical, there is a slight increase in the reaction forces of the support due to the work of the muscles and the inertial properties of the fly leg and arms.

The work of the muscles involved in the extension of the knee and hip joints begins even before the passage of the vertical moment, i.e. flexion in the joints has not yet ended, and the extensor muscles are already actively starting their work, effectively using the elastic forces of the muscle components. The movements of the fly leg and arm forward contribute to the transfer of the momentum of the masses of these links to the entire body of the jumper. Repulsion ends at the moment of separation of the foot from the support, while the reaction forces of the support are already negligible.

The purpose of repulsion is to convert part of the horizontal take-off speed into the vertical take-off speed of the body of the jumper, i.e. give the body initial velocity. The optimal repulsion angle is within 75°, and the optimal departure angle is within 22°. The faster the repulsion, the less loss horizontal take-off speed, which means that the range of the jumper will increase.

Flight. After the body of the jumper is separated from the place of repulsion, the flight phase begins, where all movements are subject to maintaining balance and creating optimal conditions for landing. The repulsion gives the GCM a trajectory of movement, which is determined by the value of the initial take-off velocity of the body of the jumper, the take-off angle and the take-off height. The world's leading jumpers reach an initial speed of approximately 9.4-9.8 m/s. The height of the rise of the GCM is approximately 50 - 70 cm. Conventionally, the flight phase of the jump can be divided into three parts: 1) takeoff, 2) horizontal forward movement and 3) preparation for landing.

Take-off in all jumping methods is basically the same. It represents flight in a step. After repulsion, the push leg remains almost straight behind for some time, the fly leg is bent at the hip joint to the level of the horizon, the lower leg is bent at the knee joint at a right angle with the thigh of the fly leg. The body is slightly inclined forward. The arm opposite the fly leg is slightly bent at the elbow joint and is in front at the level of the head, the other half-bent arm is laid back. Head held straight, shoulders relaxed. The opposite movements of the arms and legs with a fairly wide amplitude and freedom of movement compensate for the rotational moment around the vertical axis of the body after the repulsion is completed. Next, movements are performed that correspond to the style of the chosen jump.

The flight phase of the jump "bending legs" is the simplest, both in execution and in the study of technique. After taking off in the step position, the push leg is bent at the knee joint and brought to the fly leg, the shoulders are retracted somewhat back to maintain balance, as well as to relieve excessive tension in the abdominal muscles and the front surface of the thighs, which keep the legs in weight. Hands, slightly bent at the elbows, rise up. When the trajectory of the GCM begins to go down, the shoulders are sent forward, the arms go down in a forward and down movement, the legs approach the chest, straightening at the knee joints. The jumper assumes a landing position.

The jump in the "bending" way is more complicated and requires a certain coordination of movements in flight. After taking off and flying in a step, the fly leg drops down and back to the push leg. The hand in front goes down, joining the other hand; arms are straightened at the elbow joints; then, moving back, rise up. The jumper is in a bent position and, as it were, maintains a pause, overcoming in this position a little less than half of the flight phase. After both legs go forward, bending at the hip and knee joints, the shoulders lean slightly forward, the arms drop forward and down. In the final part of the flight, the legs are straightened at the knee joints, the arms are laid back. The jumper assumes a landing position.

The most difficult and most effective in terms of technique is the long jump using the “scissors” method. Its effectiveness is manifested by maintaining the coordinating structure of the running step in the transition from takeoff to repulsion and in movements in flight. More accurate name of this method "running through the air", since the jumper in flight performs 2.5 - 3.5 steps.

From the position of a step in flight (first step), the fly leg straightens down and goes down and back, the push leg is brought forward. Continuing the movement, the swing leg moves back, bends at the knee joint, and the push leg is carried forward with the thigh, bent at the knee joint (second step). After that, the fly leg, bent at the knee joint, is brought forward, joining the push leg. After both legs are straightened at the knee joints, taking a position before landing. Hands perform circular movements, through the sides. When the swing leg goes down, the opposite arm goes down and the other arm goes up. When the pushing leg is brought forward, the opposite arm is also brought forward, and the other arm back. When pulling the fly leg to the push leg, the arms go down and are retracted before landing.

Landing. This final part of the jump has great importance for its range. Preparation for landing begins in the last part of the flight, when the jumper's GCM descends to its height during repulsion. The jumper straightens the legs at the knee joints, the shoulders go forward, the arms, slightly bent at the elbow joints, are retracted as far back as possible. For effective landing, you need to hold your legs so that their longitudinal axis is under more acute angle to the landing surface.

After contact of the feet with the landing surface (sand), the jumper actively sends his arms forward, bending his legs at the knee joints and bringing the CCM beyond the line of touching the sand with his feet. Some jumpers use side slip landings, i.e. after touching the sand with his feet, the jumper relaxes to a greater extent the leg in the direction of which he will make the exit, while actively helping himself with his hands and shoulders, a sharp turn is made in the direction of the exit. The turn is performed by moving through the back, i.e. back, while simultaneously bringing the other shoulder and arm forward. It must be remembered that bringing the arms forward prematurely will cause the legs to drop down and lead to an early touchdown on the landing site.

The sector for these jumps consists of a runway, a repulsion bar and a sand pit for landing. The runway must be at least 40 m long and 1.22 ( + 0.01) m and be limited to lines 50 mm wide. The repelling block must be made of wood (other suitable material) and have dimensions: width - 20 cm ( + 2 mm) mm, length - 1.22 ( + 0.01) m and a maximum thickness of 10 cm. It is firmly installed in the ground at the level of the track surface, and its surface is painted white. The take-off block is located from the front edge of the landing area at a distance of at least 13 meters for men and 11 meters for women.

The distance between the bar and the far edge of the landing pit must be at least 21 meters. Behind the edge of the bar, coinciding with the “measurement line”, a removable indicator bar (spade lock) with a length of 1.21 ( + 0.01) m and 10 cm wide ( + 2 mm). The indicator is inserted into the groove flush with the surface of the bar, has a protruding surface 7 mm high ( + 1 mm), which has bevels at an angle of 45° from the side of the takeoff run and from the side of the landing pit. The protruding surface of the indicator is covered with a thin layer of plasticine, on which the trace of the spade is fixed. On both sides of the bar along the measurement line, white lines 10 mm wide and 50 cm long are applied to the surface of the sector, on which rectangular indicators of the location of the bar are placed at a distance of 10 cm ( white color with a dark stripe at an angle of 45°).

The sand pit for landing in triple jumps must have a width of 2.75 m to 3.00 m and be located symmetrically with respect to the axis of the runway. The pit is framed with sides that should not protrude above the surface of the track, and the repulsion side closest to the bar should be 3 cm below the track level. The sand in the pit should be wet, loosened and on the same level with the track surface. The depth of the pit must be at least 50 cm.

On both sides of the runway and along the side walls of the pit, a safety zone (at least 1 m, and behind the far side of the pit - at least 5 m) should be provided, the surface of which should be flush with the surface of the track. The surface of the runway must meet the requirements for running tracks.

A triple jump is a consecutive run-up of three jumps in a row, pushing off, the first time from the bar, and the next two from the ground and landing in a sand pit after the third push-off. The triple jump must be performed in such a way that the second contact with the ground is made with the same foot that made the first take-off from the board, and the third contact with the ground with the other foot.

Thus, all three jumps must be performed in the following order of repulsion: right foot, right foot, left foot or left foot, left foot, right foot. An attempt is not counted if the foot that is not actively involved in the execution of this part of the jump touches the ground.

The results of the jumps are measured in a straight line perpendicular to the bar from the "take-off line" to the start of the track left in the hole by any part of the jumper's body. After completing the jump, the participant must exit the pit either forward or to the side.

The jump is not counted if the jumper, leaving the pit, after landing, went in the opposite direction (to the repulsion bar). Also, the jump is considered unsuccessful if the competitor landed outside the pit, pushed off next to the bar (regardless of the continuation of the “repulsion line”), after the start of the attempt left a clear mark with any part of the body on the plasticine or sand of the bar, regardless of whether whether the jump was made or not.

A competitor is given 6 attempts if there are 8 or fewer competitors. However, when there are more than 8 jumpers in the competition, so-called preliminary competitions are held, in which each participant is given 3 attempts. Eight best participants of the preliminary competitions go to the final, they are also given 3 more attempts. The results of the preliminary competitions are counted when summing up the results of the competition.

At large numbers participants in the competition (more than 12) additional preliminary (qualifying) competitions may be held, in which athletes must fulfill a certain qualification standard. Each participant in the qualifying competition is given 3 attempts. Qualifying competitions are held either earlier on the day of the main competition, or the day before. Participants who have fulfilled the qualification standard are allowed to the main competitions. If none of the athletes has fulfilled the qualification standard or it has been fulfilled by fewer participants than necessary for the main competitions, then the group of participants in the main competitions is expanded to the required number in accordance with the results shown at these competitions.

Long jump competitions are held by a team of judges, consisting of a senior judge, measuring judges and a secretary. An athlete who has reached the final of the main competition must, as a rule, take part in it. If one of the finalists fails to appear, the vacant place cannot be occupied by another athlete who did not qualify for the final. A jumper's refusal to participate in the main competitions or the final deprives him of the right to an individual place, and the result shown is not taken into account in the team standings. An exception may be a case related to illness, or other good reason recognized by the head judge.

During the competitions in long jumps, participants must perform each attempt in turn when called by the judge. From the moment of the call to perform the next attempt, the jumper is given no more than 1 minute. If an athlete performs an attempt after the time allotted for its implementation has expired, the attempt is not counted. If he started to run at the end of the allotted time, then his actions are not interrupted and the result is fixed.

All jumps are counted after the command of the senior judge "Yes". In case of an unsuccessful jump, the command "No" is given. Simultaneously with the teams, if the jump is performed correctly, the judge raises a white flag, if not counted, a red flag.

Among the participants of the final (after preliminary three attempts) places are distributed according to the best result, among those who did not enter the final - according to the results of the preliminary competition. In the event that several athletes showed the same best results, the places between them are distributed according to the best result from the remaining attempts (taking into account the results of the preliminary competitions and the final). This provision also applies to the case when the second results are equal, etc. Jump results are measured in whole centimeters rounded down. The measurement is made with a tape measure from the point of the trace left in the pit by any part of the jumper's body closest to the bar, the zero mark is attached to the peg fixing this point, in a straight line, perpendicular to the bar or its continuation.

Good luck with your jumps!

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