Jumping exercises. How to increase your high jump. Overview of muscle groups


Many amateurs and professional athletes face the challenge of increasing strength. Success in many team sports depends on the height of the jump and strength. Therefore, high jumps are important for basketball players, volleyball players, even gymnasts.

The term " explosive force"in sports practice means the ability of the muscles to push the athlete's body to a certain height. Boxers work on the development of explosive arm strength, in gymnastics and breakdance, in addition to arm strength, leg strength is important, in basketball - leg strength, etc.

The bouncing jacks are an exercise that should be used primarily to warm up before a fitness activity. They can also be an effective way to do some cardiovascular training if you do them for at least 15 minutes non-stop. Jack jumps are easy, but they require some coordination to work properly.

If you're going to use jump jacks for cardiovascular training, make sure you do a few stretches before you start your workout. Stretch your arms, lower back, and legs for a few minutes, then gently shake your arms and legs to finish loosening. Make sure your training boots are tightly tied so you don't have to stop to set them up in the middle of a jackpot workout.

Overview of muscle groups

High jumps from a place depend on the strength of the jerk that the body is able to make. What muscle groups are responsible for it? First of all, quadriceps and calf muscles are responsible for high jumps.

The largest muscle group, the front of the thigh, is responsible for extending the legs, and therefore for pushing out of place. This is why boxers train their calves, on which the power of kicking depends. The pushing of the body occurs along a chain consisting of the ankle, lower leg, thigh, therefore, it is worth developing the muscles in this sequence.

Jump Height Measurement

Since jumping jacks are an exercise you can do at home, you can turn on your TV or radio to help you pass the time during your workout. Wear your watch during your workout. You can just use Wall Clock if you don't want to wear a watch.

To perform the jump jack, stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms with your hands. Jump straight off the ground and spread your legs, quickly raising your arms high above your head until your hands almost touch. Keep your hands open with your palms facing you during the first part of the movement. Bring your feet back shoulder-width apart, quickly dropping your arms back to your sides to complete the first rep of the jump. Keep repeating the exercise for as long as you want to work on the cardiovascular system.

The mistake of athletes seeking to increase the height of the jump is insufficient attention to the development of muscles - stabilizers, abdomen and back.

The necessary conditions

More often in manuals it is recommended to develop abdominal muscles. But, even with daily training, the result may not be detected, because at high intensity the muscles do not have time to recover. In order to give them such an opportunity and get the effect, classes are held 3-4 times a week. So the athlete does not get overtraining, muscle tension and wear and tear.

If you start to experience any pain in your shoulders, either slow down the pace of jumping jacks or don't raise your arms so high. There are several ways to increase the intensity of your jackpot workout. Try wearing chest and ankle weights the next time you work out. Adding these weights will make it harder for jump nests to be done at the same speed, so make sure you're still using correct form.

You can also increase the duration of the jump nests to add more challenge to your workout. For example, if you usually do jump nests for 15 minutes, try doing them for 20 minutes. You can also try jumping nests for 10 minutes, resting for two minutes, and then doing them for another 10 minutes.

To improve jumping, you need to pay enough attention to this, i.e. perform exercises that develop jumping ability, without concessions to yourself, skipping classes. Jumps in athletics are distinguished by the technique of execution, but they are all the same in terms of end result. If the question of how to increase the jump is facing a basketball or volleyball player, track and field terms should be left aside, as discussed below.

Overview of muscle groups

Another way to add intensity to your jumping jack workout is to increase the speed you use with it. Make sure you continue to use correct form as you pick up the pace of the exercise. Once you can do jump nests faster for the same amount of time you normally train, either carry multiple weights or add more minutes to your training session.

Rises on toes

Here's some news that will make you jump for joy: Studies show that adding plyometric exercises to your workout can help increase bone density and prevent injury, as well as improve strength, strength, and agility when transfusing extra fat. Plyometry refers to movements that stretch a muscle before compressing it, such as when you land a squat jump and then immediately come back.

Basic exercises

To increase the jump in basketball, the athlete needs to improve his physical condition. He must become strong, hardy, healthy. Against this background, you need exercises that develop certain muscle groups.

Simple but popular among athletes different directions jump rope exercises, and in this case they come first. They must be included in the training program in boxing, volleyball, gymnastics, basketball. The most accessible element effectively affects the soleus and calf muscles. At first, it is recommended to jump daily for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time of classes to 30 minutes. The result will not keep you waiting: in 2-4 weeks it will be noticeable.

This high-tech workout is perfect for blasting calories and curing a lean, athletic lower body in no time. How it works: Twice a week, do 1 set of exercises in order, resting 30 seconds between moves. your nervous system it takes time to recover from this strenuous workout, so you shouldn't do it more than twice a week. Don't be discouraged if you need some time to work your way up to a full routine.

Stand height with different leg widths. Bend your knees and slide your hips back as you swing your arms straight behind you. Explosively jump from the ground as high as possible while swinging your arms above your head. Land softly, bending your knees, squatting down. Be sure to keep the chest up as you jump.

To increase your jumps, you need to push off the floor with both feet, keeping your ankles as close as possible.


No less effective squats- the main exercise of bodybuilders. If they are performed with weights, the muscles of the legs, lower back muscles and abdominals are developed. With a single exercise, you can strengthen all the muscles that work when performing jumps.

Bend your knee, slide your hips back and blast to the right. Land softly on your right leg with your knee. Get out of the ball thumb legs and jump back to the left. Continue jumping from side to side while keeping your chest up. Come into a plank position with your elbows directly below your shoulders and feet wide apart. Tighten your abs at the tight spot and hit your buttocks on them to lift your left leg off the ground. Return your foot to the floor and immediately lift your right leg. Continue alternating, lifting each leg to hip height.

Keep the button up and keep your feet and legs busy all the time. Remember to keep your hips level. Stand on a step, bench, or box with different leg widths. Exit the box by landing with both feet at the same time. Make sure to land softly with your knees bent. It is explosive to jump as high as possible from the ground. Quickly return to the rack on the box and repeat.

To increase the height of jumps, it is recommended to diversify traditional squats, supplementing them with push-ups: crouching to the line of parallel with the floor, jump out of this position with force. Minimizing landing time. Deep squats, performed 10-15 times with a 3-4 minute break between sets, help to engage all groups of leg muscles.

If your horse seems reluctant to go forward, if his body feels hard and unyielding to your aids, if his jumping style is flat or hollow, your horse may need some sort of trick. But at least you're not alone - a stiff horse is one of the most common rider complaints.

The stiffness of the horse not only leads to a rather unpleasant ride, but also significantly limits his athletic performance. “Think of a horse in four parts: head and neck, shoulder, rib and hind quarter,” says Liz Ashton, two-time Olympian evolution. Many horses get "blocked" somewhere in their bodies; this may manifest as stiffness in the mouth, in the shoulder, or in chest or back. To achieve flexibility it is very important that you can work through these blocks so that the horse can move all parts of the body in a relaxed and elastic way.

Rises on toes

Strengthens the calf muscles, and an unusually simple exercise- Rises on socks, which must be performed until a burning sensation appears in the calves. In full amplitude, perform the exercise from 20 to 30 times. The athlete should stand on his toes in the final phase of the exercise, then lowering himself smoothly onto his heels. The exercise is performed without jerking. Weights are added as endurance increases, for which they use dumbbells or perform jumping on their toes instead of lifts.

Potential is the antithesis of stiffness, referring to the horse's ability to flex comfortably in the fore and aft direction in response to rider assistance while remaining supple and relaxed. In addition to being a more enjoyable ride, this softness and flexibility is essential to success in any discipline, including jumping.

“Longitudinal elasticity is necessary for the horse to be able to jump and therefore get more elevation,” Liz says. She notes that lateral flexibility is equally important for a jumping horse. "If the horse isn't supple, then he won't be able to jump quickly because he won't bend around turns."

Decisive Factors

Two factors are important for high jumping − healthy lifestyle life and strength training.

If the decision to develop jumping ability is important to the athlete, he must take into account all the components of the exercises in order to quickly feel their effectiveness.

  • In order for high jumps to get improved performance, you need to visit the gym regularly.
  • Healthy sleep and proper nutrition are important for strengthening muscles and recovering from high jump training.
  • To evaluate the results of the training, once a month the athlete must register the height of the jumps.

A thorough warm-up is important for high jumps, warming up the muscles and helping to avoid injury. 10-20 minutes are allotted for a warm-up before training for high jumps. This is followed by stretching of the muscle fibers. Only after these preparatory stages the main workout begins.

Incorporating traditional flexibility exercise routines such as serpentines, circles and leg endurance into your jumping sessions will improve your horse's flexibility and strength and help him use his body more effectively over fences. Below are three of Liz's favorite jumping exercises; as you engage in these exercises you should feel the horse becoming lighter in your hand, more supple in the body and more balanced in the carriage.

Place four jumps evenly spaced centerline rings, with poles parallel to the long sides of the ring, and continue at a trot or canter to ride three loops of serpentine over jumps. You can ride another serpentine back down the length of the arena, or ride the big long side and re-enter the exercise on your original jump to the starting position.

By exercising 3-4 times a week, you will feel progress in a month: you will be able to make jumps that cannot be compared with those that were performed before.

Video: Urock 1: vertical jump, how to jump higher

The ability to jump is an integral part of the game of volleyball, equally important for both defense and attack. Athletes can increase their jump height by strengthening their respective muscles, practicing plyometrics, and improving their playing technique. Plyometric exercises help build strength, explosive speed and speed. By doing these exercises regularly, you will not only learn to jump higher, but also improve your skills.

The difficulty of this exercise lies in choosing your jump track. “The exercise should be performed as a semi-circle followed by a straight line over jumps,” Liz points out. "Bend your horse around your inside leg, go into the turn and straighten up with your outside leg and come out of the turn."

If you find yourself jumping over the line before the jump, Liz advises using your eyes early and driving the inside path to the fence. Other common rider mistakes can include losing rhythm or allowing the horse to fall on turns. To correct these problems, Liz suggests that you circle at the end of the serpentine cycle before moving on to the next element of the exercise. This will help correct the track and restore balance.


Development of appropriate muscles

    Strengthen your leg muscles. It is they who are driving force any jump. The stronger the muscles in your legs, the more you will be able to push off the ground to jump as high as possible. The type of leg exercises depends on what equipment you have. Check with your doctor or trainer to see if exercising will harm you.

    When you find that this exercise has become easy to ride, you can increase the difficulty by raising the jumps, spinning into smaller serpentine loops, or bringing the jumps closer together so the turns are tighter. Place four jumps evenly spaced around the circle. To start, set the jumps as cross rails and make the circle as big as possible. Enter the canter circle from the long side of the arena and make seven jumps so that your circle remains symmetrical and heading an equal number of canter steps between each jump, then exiting the circle on the side opposite your starting jump.

    Strengthen your calves. This muscle group plays essential role when jumping. Standing calf raises are simple and effective exercise, which can be performed both with additional weights and without them.

    Repeat the exercise in the other direction. If you find it difficult to maintain a symmetrical circle over jumps, place cones between jumps inside the track you want to ride. This will help you stay on the track you have chosen. It is also important that you enter a circle that has already built the correct pace for the exercise. "Start at the top of the circle to make sure you have a quality canter," says Liz. Count the rhythm out loud and keep counting all around the circle. If your horse experiences a loss of balance, get out of the circle, regroup and start again.

    Look for support and inspiration in partners, coaches and music. Find the right music and listen to it during your workout to distract yourself. Energetic music will cheer you up and give you strength. Find the right coach, partner, or use video tutorials.

    • The services of a coach can be expensive, but they are worth it, because by doing so you will ensure the safety and maximum effectiveness of your classes.
    • Choose your training partners carefully, because you will support and encourage each other. When training with people whose goals are not the same as yours, it's easy to get distracted and switch to other subjects.

Application of plyometrics

  1. Learn plyometrics and design the program that best suits your abilities and goals. Plyometrics are good because they include various explosive movements, and it requires almost no additional equipment; however, certain difficulties can arise if you have limited time and space. To make your workouts as effective as possible, select exercises that require significant effort from you.

    You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by decreasing the size of the circle, raising the jumps, and adding or leaving a step between jumps. Ride the jump and immediately after landing, ask for three or four steps with your right foot. This can be a tricky exercise because it requires a good bend and bend to the right for half a turn before the jump and bend to the left after the jump. It also requires the horse to establish a left canter on the landing side of the cross rail. In a semi circle, your right leg is on the girth and slightly opening the right inside support creates a bend and flexion inside.

    Incorporate plyometric exercises into your strength training program. In order to keep you from getting bored and your muscles do not lose flexibility, you can add 2-3 plyometric sessions per week to your workouts, combining them with cardio and strength exercises aimed at developing jumping ability. To further increase the effectiveness of plyometric exercises, wear a weighted vest when performing them.

    • To prevent sprains and injuries, plyometric exercises should be performed on a flat surface.
    • Never perform exercises on a hard concrete surface, as landing on it is unfavorable for the joints.
  2. Practice jumping. Remember that repetition is the mother of learning. To increase your jump height, find a high enough wall, grab a pack of stickers, and start jumping. Mark the height of the first jump on the wall with sticker number 1. After jumping above this level, stick a second sticker at the appropriate height, and so on.

  3. Use a plyometric box. With its help, you can perform exercises that allow you to increase the height of the jump. These exercises help to work out the explosive movements at the beginning of the jump and their coordination. This method consists of simply jumping onto the box from a standing position. Boxes specifically designed for this exercise are available in many gyms. For best results, do 3 sets of 10 jumps 4-5 times a week.

    • Before starting the exercises, make sure that there is enough space in the room so that when you jump, you will not hit your head on anything.
    • Check if the box is stable enough and will not slip out from under you when you jump on it.
    • Gradually increase the height of the box as you train.

Technique development

  1. Count your steps. Whether you're attacking at the net or blocking, the right moves before jumping will increase its height. Steps before the jump are determined by which hand you have leading. If you are going to shoot, stand facing the net with your non-dominant foot closer to the edge of the court and start moving parallel to the net. Accelerating on the last two steps, jump up sharply.

    • To increase your accuracy, take three steps before jumping. If you are right-handed, step left, right, left again and jump.
    • When punching, you should take one large and one small step, so that before jumping your non-primary leg is pulled up to the main one.
  2. For a stronger push, coordinate the movements of the arms and legs. The height of the jump also depends on the movements of your hands at the moment of repulsion from the ground. During the second step, start swinging your arms, remembering that you are not jumping forward, but up. By placing the second foot slightly in front of the first and swinging your arms up, you will stop your forward movement, converting it into upward momentum. By arching your arms back, and then swinging them up quickly and vigorously, you will give your jump a b O more strength.

    • Wave your arms in the direction you are going to move. While crouching, swing your arms down, giving the body an initial momentum. When you are about to jump, reverse the direction of your arms and bring them as sharply as possible over your head. At the beginning of the jump, your body should resemble a spring, unbending to the end at the highest point of the jump.
    • If you take three steps (left, right, left) before jumping, take your arms bent at the elbows slightly back, putting your palms up to the ceiling on the step with your right foot. Lower your non-dominant arm as you jump. As a rule, the blow is made with the leading (main) hand.
    • As you gain experience, work on the steps before the jump and coordination of movements for different types offensive strikes and defensive actions.
  3. Activate the body. Turning your whole body when hitting the ball, you will connect the muscles of the body. As a result, the blow will be much stronger than if you used one hand.

    • Before jumping, bend down, using the muscles of your back and abdomen, so that your body resembles a stretched bow, ready to release an arrow. Coordinate the movements of the body with the run-up and wave of the arms preceding the jump.
  • Wall jumps help develop jumping ability, but to improve in volleyball they should be combined with other exercises. To develop the full range of skills needed when playing volleyball, also practice shuttle running and wall squats.
  • It will take time to improve your jumping ability, so be patient and consistent.
  • Before the start of the volleyball season, it is recommended to do at least 2 months of plyometric training.
  • Before and after training, stretch your knees and other joints.


  • In volleyball, it is dangerous to jump not up, but forward, as you may touch the net or collide with another player. Use drills and techniques to help you develop a controlled vertical jump and solidify it into muscle memory.
  • Start a new type of training under the guidance of a trainer and take your time to avoid injuries and damage to muscles and joints.

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