The program of special physical training for long jumpers using a jumping simulator


Methodical development

Features of the use of means and methods of training long jumpers at various stages of training

There are many textbooks and teaching aids describing the features of building the educational and training process of athletes specializing in long jumps. Without repeating their content, I would like to briefly state my view on teaching this type of athletics, on the use of means and methods of training for diversified development physical qualities of athletes and achieving maximum results. All the above recommendations are based on our own many years of experience in training athletes specializing in long jumps, on the results of testing conducted at various stages of training. These guidelines can help novice coaches-teachers optimize the training process and achieve high sports results.

Selection of students and the main tasks of the educational and training process at the stage initial training

Recruitment of students in the initial training groups is best done at the age of 9 years. The main thing to pay attention to is the ability of children to develop speed. Three exercises can be used for testing:

  1. Running 30 meters from a high start
  2. Standing long jump
  3. Triple Jump

During the first year of classes, children train three times a week for 90 minutes. A year later, it is advisable to conduct the same test and compare the increase in results. If the gain is 10% or more, then this is a good indicator for further specialization in long jump.

The main objectives of the educational and training process at the stage of initial training are:

  1. Development of speed of movements
  2. Strengthening joints and increasing muscle strength
  3. Development of jumping ability

At the stage of initial training, it is advisable to give preference game method training, regularly including outdoor games and relay races in the training process. This method also allows young athletes to perform a large number of tasks without the threat of overwork.

At the stage of initial training, the study of the elements of the long jump technique begins.

General physical preparation of long jumpers

The main task The general physical training of athletes is the creation of a muscular corset, strengthening the muscles of the torso and legs. Conventionally, the exercises used for the general physical training of athletes can be divided into exercises with various weights and without weights - exercises with your own body weight or with a partner: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, oblique muscles of the body, chest, as well as the muscles of the anterior and back of the thigh, adductor and abductor muscles.

Below is a set of exercises with weights (with a “pancake”) of 5 kg.

  1. I.p. main stance, raise straight arms with a pancake up. The exercise is performed 10-12 times, 3-5 series.
  2. I.p. main stance, pancake on bent arms behind the head. Tilt forward to a position where the torso is parallel to the support (floor). Encourage students to keep their back straight. The exercise is also performed 10-12 times, 3-5 series, depending on the level of training.
  3. I.p. main stance, pancake on bent arms behind the head. Perform tilts to the right and left, 8-10 times in each direction, 3-5 series.
  4. I.p. main stance, pancake in front of the chest on bent arms. Perform body turns to the right and left, 8-10 times in each direction, 3-5 series.

To strengthen the muscles of the body, exercises with dumbbells, shock absorbers, stuffed balls, exercises in pairs with a partner, etc. can also be used.

Special physical training for long jumpers

The result in the long jump depends on the speed of the takeoff, the speed of the takeoff, the angle of departure and the landing technique.

Speed ​​is determined by the frequency of movements at the optimal stride length. To develop the frequency of movements, low foam rubber obstacles about 10 cm high are used, which are placed at a distance of 1 m. 25cm - 1m. 50cm (shortened arrangement). Students are given the installation to perform acceleration at maximum speed.

For the development of speed, multi-jumps from a run of 4-6 steps are also used, and special exercises for long jumpers - jumps in a step after a step and in a step after three running steps from a run.

As strength exercises for the development of leg muscles, lunge walking is used, including with weights of various weights, and squats, followed by jumping up.

The development of jumping ability is one of the primary tasks in training long jumpers. To achieve this goal, deep jumps are used (jumping from a small elevation down followed by jumping up), all types of jumping exercises on a flat surface and jumping on inclined plane.

The long jump requires a high level of development of students' coordination abilities. To develop coordination, you can use the following exercises:

  1. Running with a high hip lift with an emphasis on the right leg (the right leg rises 90 degrees, the left about 45). The same exercise is performed on the left leg.
  2. Running with shin whipping with an emphasis on the right and left legs.
  3. To these exercises, add the simultaneous rotation of the arms forward, backward and in different directions.

As a training of the vestibular apparatus effective tool is running with acceleration in a straight line on segments of 30-50 meters immediately after performing one or two forward somersaults.

As a means of special physical training, jumps and jumping exercises are used: multi-jumps, jumps in a step through a step on a comfortable and uncomfortable leg, jumps in a step through three running steps, mixed running and jumping (jogging, then a five-step multi-jump with a transition to an acceleration of 20-30 meters), running through foam obstacles 10 cm high, which allow you to set a fixed step length. Depending on the tasks of the training, the arrangement can vary from 1m. 25 cm (with the development of the frequency of movements) up to 2m. 30cm For the development of speed, 10-15 obstacles are set with a shortened arrangement. The running speed should be maximum.

In a weekly microcycle, it is advisable to include “soft” jumps and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot in the training session on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: jumps, “spring”, running on straight legs, jumping while pushing off with both legs from the floor (feet parallel to each other). friend, the legs should be straightened at the knee joints), short jumps (jumps) from foot to foot. On Tuesdays and Saturdays, more “hard” jumps are included: multi-jumps, long jump from a place, triple and five jumps from a place, jumps on one leg.

Teaching and improving the technique of the long jump

In addition to the development of speed-strength qualities, necessary condition to achieve high sports results in long jump is a high level technical training athletes. The following exercises are used to train and improve the technique of the long jump:

  1. Standing long jump.
  2. Swing jumps landing in a lunge.
  3. Long jump from one, three, five and seven steps of the run.

The main attention is drawn to the correct performance by students of the flight "in step".

It is also very important for long jumpers to master the rhythm of the run. For this, foam rubber obstacles with different arrangements are used, so that it is possible to change the length of the step while running.

To increase the speed of repulsion, jumping from a lowered support is an effective means. For this, three plinths are placed, each plinth is lower than the previous one. For a faster run of the last steps of the takeoff, foam rubber obstacles 10 cm high are installed in front of the plinths: the last 4 obstacles in front of the plinths are installed at a distance of 1 m. 30cm - 1m. 50cm from each other, and the next 4 obstacles at a distance of 1m. 60cm - 1m. 90cm

To improve the technique of taking off “in step”, the exercise jump “in step” is performed from three, five, seven and nine steps of the run.

To learn the technique of repulsion and flight "in step", jumps from an increased support are used. To do this, three plinths are installed in front of the landing pit, the last one is the highest. Students run 2-3 steps, run along the plinths, push off from the highest plinth, take off “in step” and then land in a low squat.

Concluding the topic of teaching and improving the technique of the long jump, let's summarize by listing the most important means of training, the use of which is necessary to achieve high sports results in this kind of athletics.

  1. For the development of speed qualities - exercises for the development of the frequency of movements:

Accelerations using foam obstacles with a shortened spacing

Alternating running and jumping: running, 5 multi-jumps over foam obstacles with a transition to acceleration. The distance between the obstacles can be gradually increased in accordance with the level of training of the athletes.

The same exercise is performed alternately on the right and left legs.

  1. To increase the repulsion force and optimize the departure angle “in step”:

Jumping "in step"

Jumps "in step" through one running step

Jumps "in step" through 3 and 5 running steps

  1. To improve the technique of flight and landing (all exercises are performed in the landing pit):

Standing long jump

Jump from one step "in step", emphasis on the execution of the swing

Jump from three running steps with a landing in a squat, emphasis on the swing and landing technique

Jump from seven running steps

A jump from seven running steps with a fixed step length (foam rubber obstacles 10 cm high are installed on the takeoff run, the arrangement of obstacles on the last three steps is slightly shorter than at the beginning of the takeoff run.

Planning the educational and training process of long jumpers within the annual cycle

After three years of study in sports school in the initial training groups, the athletes move to the training groups. The main task of the coach and athletes is to show high results at city and national level competitions. The annual training cycle is divided into preparatory, precompetitive and competitive periods. Planning weekly microcycles during these periods has its own characteristics.

When conducting classes with training groups, regardless of the period of preparation, it is always necessary to continue work aimed at developing speed qualities, as well as to increase the level of general physical fitness of athletes (strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press, back and arms, front and back of the thigh).

Jumping exercises, "soft" jumps, such as jumps, "spring", side steps, running on straight legs, are used in the initial stage of the preparatory period. As the back muscles strengthen, the training process includes multi-hops, deep jumps, jumps from an inclined plane through a vertical obstacle.

Below is an approximate plan for a weekly microcycle in the preparatory period:

  1. Mon. Exercises for the development of speed, general physical training
  2. Tue Endurance exercises, "soft" jumps
  3. Wed Deep jump
  4. Thu. Rest
  5. Fri. Multi-jumps, jumps from an inclined plane, exercises for the development of endurance
  6. Sat. Long jump with 1, 3, 5, 7 run steps
  7. Sun. Rest

An approximate weekly microcycle in the pre-competitive period:

  1. Mon. Long jump from a short run (from half and ¾ of the length of a regular run)
  2. Tue Special exercises for the long jump: jumping in a step after a step, after three steps, imitation of the technique of landing in a hang on the crossbar
  3. Wed Multi-jumping, general physical training
  4. Thu. Rest
  5. Fri. Running with time fixing on segments of 30, 50, 100 meters, coordination exercises
  6. Sat. Long jump from a full run
  7. Sun. Rest

Approximate weekly microcycle in the competitive period:

  1. Mon. Special exercises for the long jump
  2. Tue Sprint running, low start technique
  3. Wed Long jump from a full run
  4. Thu. Rest
  5. Fri. Pre-competition warm-up
  6. Sat. Competitions
  7. Sun. Rest

Week of general physical training (OFP-2)

1st day. Warm-up with hurdles - 30 min. Accelerations - 6 x 80-100 m alternating with jumps with a barbell 10x 60 kg, 10x80 kg, 8x 100 kg, 5x 120 kg (2-4 sets), 10 x 60 kg (2-4 sets) or with jumps on one leg with a partner on the back 10 times (6 sets each)**. After each approach to the bar, hang for 10 seconds. on the gym wall. High jumps 10-15 times with each leg "stepping over" or "flop". Throwing balls or shots - 30 min. 2 exercises for the development of the muscles of the abdomen and back 10-15 times (3 sets each). Game - 60-40 min.

2nd day. Warm-up with stuffed balls - 30 min. Accelerations - 80-100 m x4 times. Running jumps: long jumpers - D ** - long jumps - up to 8-12 running steps (b. sh.) - 12-16 times with a push and 10 times with a flywheel - from 6-8 b. sh.; triple jumpers - T - triple - 8-12 times from 6-10 b. w., length from 8 b. sh. from each leg

4-6 times. Strength exercises in pairs 30 min. in alternations with running 300, 200, 150 m -:

4-6 times. Slow run - 10-15 min.

3rd day. Warm-up with a partner (exercises for flexibility, with resistance, acrobatic; batic) - 30-40 min. Jerks, jerks, barbell clean-ups - only 1.5-2 tons, half-squats with quick standing up with a weight of 60 to 140 kg (2-2.5 tons in total); jumps 8 x 100 kg (2-4 sets), 5 x 120 kg (2-4 sets), 10 x 60 kg (2-4 sets). Or walking lunges and running with a partner on the back 40-50 mx 12 - 18 times, squats, half-squats - only 3-4 tons and jumping with a partner on the back on 1, 2 legs, only 60-120 times. D - in a light run of repulsion for each 3rd tiiar 6-8 times 3-5 series of tenth with

4-6 b. sh. run "steps" - 2 times, "leaps" 2-3 times on each. T - decimal with 6 b. sh. run "steps" - 2-3 times, "jumps" 4-6 times, "steps" - 1-2 times. Slow run - 30-20 min. with accelerations of 300-200 mx2-3 times.

4th day. Cross running - 30 min. Game - 60 min. Sauna, flexibility exercises, self-massage.

5th day. According to the plan of the first day with the inclusion in the series (running and jumps with a barbell) ten-fold "leaps" from 6 b. sh. 6-8 times on each instead of high jumps.

6th day. According to the plan of the third day. Slow run - 20-30 min. with accelerations of 200 mx2 times, 15 mx2-3 times.

7th day. Rest.

In total: general physical training - 9-8 hours, cross-country run - 20-16 km, sprint run - 3.4-4.5 km, long jump (triple), high jump - 30-50 times; jumping exercises - 1.3-2 km, lifts, half-squats - 7-9 tons, weight jumps - 210-360 times

Special Physical Training Week (SFP)

1st day. Warm-up with hurdles. Barrier run - 3-8 hurdles 4-6 times or T - walking lunges and running with a partner on the back 40-50 mx 6-10 times. Barbell snatches - 15-10 times. Squats - 15-10 times overhang from 80 kg to the maximum. Series: speed exercises for arms and legs for 10-15 seconds, starts 20-30 m x 2 times, jumps with a partner on the back on one leg 10 times each, jumping exercises 40 mx 2 times ("jumps" or D - repulsion for every 3rd step). Repeat the series 4-6 times. Running - 150 m - 3 times.

2nd day. Warm up for flexibility with a partner. Accelerations - 100 m x 4 times (beginning in the rhythm of the run). Long jump with a run up to 8 p. sh. 3-5 times.

D - long jump from 10-14 b. sh. - 4-6 times. Takeoff run 4-6 times and 3-6 times with a jump, from 12-10 b. sh. 2-3 times from each, from 8 b. sh. with a flywheel - 6 times, a triple jump from 6 b. sh. - 3-4 times.

T - triple jump from 4-8 b. sh. - 6-9 times, run-up - 4-6 times and 3-6 times with a jump to the track, length from the fly leg from 8 b. sh. 4-6 times, triple with 12, 10, 8 b. sh. By

Exercises for the press - 3 sets. Running - 150, 100 m 2 times (easy). Slow run - 10-15 min.

3rd day. Warm-up with a partner, exercises with resistance. Jerks, barbell pulls - only 1.5-2 tons. Squats only 20-12 times with a weight of 85-95% of the maximum. Series: jumps with a barbell (or a partner on two and one leg only 120-160 times), 10x80 kg, 10x * 100 kg, 10 x 120 kg x 2, 5 x 130 kg x 2-4, 5x140kgx2-4, 10x80- 60 kg x 4, after every two approaches, hang on the wall for 10 seconds, ten-fold jumps from 6 b. sh.

D - "steps" - 2-3 times, "jumps" 2-4 times on each, T - "jumps" in

5-6 times. Exercises for the speed of arms and legs for 10-20 seconds, 6 times. Running - 200, 150 mx2-3 times.

4th day. Game - 60 min. or cross running - 30 min. Sauna, flexibility exercises, relaxation, self-massage.

5th (day. Warm-up with hurdles. Barrier run 3-6 b. w. x4-6 times or run from the start 20-30 mkhb-8 times. Run in the rhythm of the run 4-6 times.

D - long jump with a run up to 10 b. sh. 3-5 times, from 12-14 b. sh. 4-6 times, from full

3-4 times, from 14.12, 10 b. sh. 2-3 times each.

T - triple jumps from a run up to 8 b, sh. 3-5 times, from the full "jump" - 4-6 unfold from 10, 12, 16, 10 6. sh. 2-3 times.

Everyone - long jumps from the fly leg from 8 b. sh. - 6 times. Jumps with a barbell or a partner a total of 60 times. Slow run - 1©-15 min.

6th day. Warm-up with a partner. Exercises for flexibility and resistance - for the speed of arms and legs, alternate with jumps with partners! 10-12 times each, starts 2-3 times and accelerations of 100 m. Repeat the series 2-3 times.

D - repulsions for each 3-5th step (8-1 # pushes) - 4 times, ten-fold “steps” - 2 times, “jumps” 3 times from a running start 4-5 b. sh..

T - tenfold "steps" 2 times, "leaps" 4-6 times from a running start b b. sh.

Throwing balls, shots. Veg 200,150,100 m. Repeat 2-4 times.

7th day. Rest.

Total: general physical training - 5-4 hours, cross-country run - 8- to km, starts - 30-40 times, run-ups - 14-20 times, sprint run - 3.7-5.4 km, long jumps (triple) - 34-50 times (22-34 times), jumping exercises - 1.0-1.5 km, lifts, half-squats - 6-5 tons, weight jumps - 380-280 times.

Technical Training Weeks (TP)

1st day. Warm-up with hurdles. Accelerations - 100 mx2 times .. Running in the rhythm of the run-up (with the addition of 2-4 b. sh.) on the track - 6 times.

D - Prywski in length from 6-8 b. sh. x 3 times, from 10-14 b. sh. 6 times, takeoff run in the sector 6-8 times (4-6 times with a jump), from 16-12 b. sh. 4-6 times, from the fly leg from 8- TO b. sh.

T - long jump from 6-8 b. sh. from push to fly 2 times, triple jump from 6-8 b. sh. - 4 times, from 10 b. sh. 3-4 times, take-off run in the sector 6-8 times (4-6 pas with a jump to the track or into the pit with fishing line), triple from 12-16 b. sh. (possible to complete) -

6-8 times, long jump with 8-10 b. sh. - 5 times.

Throwing the core. Slow run up to 10 min.

2nd day. Warm-up with a partner (you can exercise with resistance). Running in the rhythm of the run-up on the track (can be inclined or downwind) - 8-10 times.

D - on the sector (it is possible with the addition of 2 b. sh.) - 8-12 times, including 4-6 times with repulsion.

Repulsion on the 5th step - 5 times * 6-4 series. Five-fold "steps", "jumps" with

6 b. sh. run, only 6-4 times.

T - on the sector (with the addition of 2 b. on.) - 8-S-I2 times, including - 4-6 times with a "jump"; tenfold - fivefold from 6 6. sh., "steps" - 2 times, "leaps" - by

6-4 times on each.

Exercises for the press - 3 times. Running - 150 m 2 times for a while.

3rd day. According to the program of the first or second day. After a warm-up, perform speed exercises (for arms and legs) for 6 seconds. 6-4 series.

4th day. Warm up. Cross-country run in the forest - 20-30 min. Sauna, flexibility exercises, self-massage.

Day 5 According to the program of the first day.

6th day. According to the program of the second day. Instead of beta in the rhythm of the run, you can perform a series: jumps with a barbell - 5x 100-160 kg x 2 times or with a partner on one leg 10 times each, exercises with resistance, exercises for speed for arms and legs for 6 seconds, running from the start 20 m x 3-4 times walking on the move 10-30 m x 2 times. Repeat Series

7th day. Rest.

Total: OFP - 3 hours, cross-country run - 6-5 km, starts - 8-12 times, run-ups - 40-60 times, sprint run - 1.2 km, long jumps (triple) - 40-60 times ( 38-52), jumping exercises - 0.5-1 km.

Competitive Training Week (SP)

This week ends with competitions (C). Its content depends on the objectives and scale of the upcoming competitions: small, medium or large. Training days (T) and warm-up days (P) are planned in reverse order from competition day.

Trainings are held according to the program of the week of technical training.

The most typical options for preparing for competitions at the end of the previous week with rest (O) or competition (C) are presented in Table. 73.

The warm-up on the eve of the day of the competition is essential to create a stable state of the athlete, his best performance and adjustment for the next day.

The warm-up consists of the usual general developmental and special exercises and runs in the rhythm of the run 4-6 times or from the start

6-8 reps, 3-5 jumps for technique and rhythm of movements (landing) from a medium run-up or triple and 1-2 jumps from a full run to gain confidence (especially for women and rarely for triple jumpers), as well as two- three special speed-strength exercises with weights or with a partner (for toning). It is advisable to warm up during the hours of the upcoming competitions, and if there are qualifying competitions and races, then it is better during the hours of these preliminary competitions.

When preparing for major competitions, the following circumstances must be taken into account. In case of fatigue from exercises of its kind, the main exercise is excluded from the warm-ups and the volume and especially the intensity of its implementation in last week, as well as reducing the number of weight jumps. With fatigue from strength training (heaviness in the legs)

squats and weight jumps are excluded from training for

7-12 days and can be included in the warm-up on the eve of the competition. To restore the strength of the leg muscles and raise their tone, you should reduce running training and include jumping exercises every other day in the last 7-10 days.

In the preparation of women, it is necessary to take into account periodic changes in their performance, especially in strength and jumping exercises, reducing intensity and volume or special occasions excluding these funds from training. In other matters, the training of women is not fundamentally different from the training of men. -

The competition is a comprehensive test of a jumper's preparation.

The direct training of a jumper involves bringing health and performance to the highest level with the help of exercises, regimen, rest and nutrition, the athlete gaining confidence in his abilities and developing a tactical plan for performing at competitions. Time should also be taken to study the place and conditions of the competition: sectors, lanes, places for warm-up and gathering of participants.

The warm-up on the eve of the day of the competition should contribute to the regulation of the pre-start state. With the predominance of excitation in an athlete, excessive vigor, it is necessary to warm up calmly, using relaxation exercises, flexibility and light jogging. With a tendency to inhibition, lethargy, apathy, you need to do 2-3 series of jumps with a heavy barbell or with a partner and run from the start. Before the competition, you need to use the usual warm-up. In the sector, you should not do a lot of test runs or jumps, especially at full strength, as well as pay a lot of attention to rivals and be distracted.

The time before the first attempt is especially important to spend actively. After the competition, it is necessary to record the results of all attempts, the length of the run-up and the accuracy of hitting the bar, muscle sensations of the run-up and jump rhythm, the course of wrestling, well-being and features psychological state. Mark strengths and deficiencies in preparation (technical, physical, tactical, psychological) identified during the competition, write down their specific conclusions and evaluation of the performance. Discuss the results of the performance in competitions with the coach.

The following are exercises that develop speed in long jumpers.

First long jump speed exercise.

Starting position: low start. Running at a distance of 30-50 meters. We perform the exercise 5-8 series. We pay attention to the speed, which should be maximum.

The second exercise to train the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: one leg behind on the toe, the other in front. We perform jumps first on one leg, then on the other. Distance 20 m. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times with maximum speed. We monitor the coordination of movements of the fly and push legs.

The third exercise to train the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: the same. We run along an inclined track of 50-80 meters. We do 4-6 series with medium and high speed. Legs and arms should work actively.

The fourth exercise to train the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: main stance. Slow run with high and fast hip lift. We perform the exercise 20 times on each leg with medium and high speed.

The fifth exercise to train the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: legs bent at the knee joints. One hand is pulled back and the other forward. We perform quick hand movements, the same as when running in place. We do 2 series of 20-25 seconds at medium and high speed.

The sixth exercise to train the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: stand on one leg, sideways to the gymnastic wall. Hold on to it with your hand at shoulder level. The fly leg is slightly laid back. The partner holds her in front. At the command of the coach, the athlete begins to move forward with the pelvis and the thigh of the fly leg, while meeting the resistance of the partner. The resistance stops after one second, after which the thigh is brought forward with a whip-like movement. For each leg we do 10-15 times with medium and high speed. At the same time, the shoulders do not “fill up” back.

The seventh exercise for training the speed of the long jumper.

Starting position: push leg behind, swing leg in front. With a short run of 7 running steps, we run 6 barriers in a row with a reduced distance between them (7.5-8.5 meters). We perform the exercise 4-8 series at high speed. We focus on the swift and active execution of the final step and on the jump over the barrier.

The eighth exercise for training the speed of the long jumper.

Standing in place on one leg, we perform jumps:

  • Through a rope spinning fast in a circle. We repeat the exercise 15-25 times.
  • The same exercise, only running towards a moving rope. We do the exercise 15-25 times.

We make sure that the repulsion occurs in a timely manner. We perform the exercise with medium and high speed.

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Chapter 1. Literature Review

1.1 The main methods and means of developing speed-strength qualities in long jumpers

1.2 Features of speed-strength training in the training of a long jumper

1.3 Technical preparation of jumpers

1.4 The main methodological methods of improvement in technology

1.5 Advanced Specialization Stage in Long Jump

1.6 Anatomical and physiological features of children 15-17 years old

1.7 Hypothesis

Chapter 2. Purpose, tasks, methods and organization of research

Chapter 3. Research results and discussion

3.1 Technique for using the jumping machine in the training of the long jumper

3.2 Results of the pedagogical experiment


Of all the variety of problems facing those involved in physical culture and sports, one of the main ones is the development of speed-strength qualities.

The purpose of the work: to develop a program of special physical training for long jumpers using a jumping simulator.

The scientific novelty of this work is to clarify the magnitude of training effects on athletes aged 15-17 years using mainly running and jumping loads or loads associated mainly with jumping exercises and the use of a jumping simulator.

Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in practical work trainers involved in training long jumpers, when building a training process for older children school age at the advanced stage.

Subject of research: the training process of girls of senior school age.

Object of study: Girls of senior school age.

Theoretical significance: The results of the study can be used to consolidate knowledge about the effectiveness of the use of jumping, speed-strength exercises in the training activities of girls long jumpers of senior school age.

Chapter 1 Literature Review

1.1 Basic Methodsand means of development of high-speedforcesnew qualities in long jumpers

The most common form of manifestation of the speed-strength qualities of a long jumper is jumping exercises. Sports results in jumping sports are largely determined by the level of speed-strength fitness of an athlete.

Before proceeding with the development of the qualities necessary for a jumper, it is necessary to find out what strength he needs.

Most often, force manifests itself in movement, i.e. in the so-called dynamic mode (“dynamic strength”). Sometimes the athlete’s efforts are not accompanied by movement. In this case, they speak of a static (or isometric) mode of muscle work ("static strength").

According to the nature of the efforts in the dynamic force, three varieties are distinguished (according to V. Kuznetsov):

1) Explosive strength - a manifestation of strength with maximum acceleration, which is typical, for example, for the so-called speed-strength exercises: jumping, throwing, sprinting, sports games, boxing.

2) Rapid strength - manifestation of strength with non-maximal acceleration, for example, when performing fast (but not extremely fast) movements in running, swimming, cycling.

3) Slow force - manifested at a relatively slow movements with virtually no acceleration. For example, a bench press, push-ups with force on the rings or the crossbar.

Evaluating the amount of effort in a particular exercise or simple movement, use the terms "absolute" and "relative" force.

Absolute strength is the ultimate, maximum effort that an athlete can develop in a dynamic or static mode. An example of the manifestation of absolute strength in dynamic mode is lifting a barbell or squatting with a barbell of maximum weight.

Relative strength is estimated by the ratio of the magnitude of the absolute force to its own body weight, i.e. the magnitude of the force per 1 kg of its own body weight. This indicator is mainly used to objectively compare the strength preparedness of different athletes (Kuramshin Yu.F., 2004).

Often, the strength qualities of an athlete also include strength endurance - the ability to demonstrate optimal (not limiting for a given athlete) efforts for a relatively long time and repeatedly. Strength endurance is manifested primarily in cyclic sports (rowing, swimming, running).

As the practice of track and field athletics shows, athletes specializing in jumping need a special explosive force, which is expressed in the ability to manifest high power efforts with a minimum of harmful costs.

“It has been established that the use of a complex of special exercises with weights, weighing 30-50% of the maximum, contributes to a significant increase in speed abilities (up to 18%). The use of weights weighing 70-90% of the maximum gives the greatest increase in strength abilities (up to 19%). The use of weights weighing 50-70% of the maximum leads to a proportional development of speed, strength and speed-strength abilities. The use of this program ensures the stable preservation of the achieved level of speed-strength fitness "(Ozolin N.G., 1963; Barteniev L.V., 1966; Ozolin E.S., 1985).

Means of sports training of jumpers can be divided into three groups of physical exercises: basic, special and general developmental (Kreev V.A., 1996; Ozolina N.G., 1989).

Basic exercises cover view track and field jump in which the athlete specializes, including various conditions for their implementation.

Special exercises are used to develop the necessary motor qualities of a jumper, to master the technique of movements and improve it.

General developmental exercises are used by athletes for a general, versatile, physical development specific for each type of jump. Classes also include exercises from other sports: sports games, swimming, rowing, skiing and skating, etc.

For each exercise characteristic: starting position, direction and speed of movement of body parts, amplitude of movement, sequence and strength of tension of the working muscles, number and pace of repetitions or the total duration of the exercises. These factors make it possible to clearly imagine which major muscle groups are involved in this exercise and also to judge the nature of their work.

Compliance with certain conditions when performing each exercise allows jumpers to develop the motor qualities they need and improve their skills. So, performing exercises with the greatest amplitude will contribute to the development of flexibility, and with the highest possible speed and rate of repetitions - the development of speed of movement.

Exercises to overcome gradually increasing external resistances cause appropriate muscle tension and develop strength qualities. An increase in the number of repetitions of exercises, an increase in the duration and an increase in the intensity of their implementation develop general and special endurance. The more muscles involved in the movement, the more general endurance is improved, and vice versa: the fewer muscles work, the greater the local endurance of these muscle groups. Exercises involving a significant number muscle groups and a quick change in the condition and sequence of their tension contribute to the consistency in the work of the muscles, improve coordination and dexterity in movements.

Special exercises consist of one or more elements of the main exercise. This allows you to repeat big number times in different conditions: light, standard and weighted, as well as selectively affect certain muscle groups and develop to a greater extent one of the qualities necessary for a jumper.

The performance of special exercises requires special attention and control on the part of the coach and the athlete, both in form and content - technique and rhythm of performance. The greater the similarity between a special and basic exercise - a jump, the easier it is to transfer and more fully use the new acquired skills and qualities, the faster the growth of sports results.

It is advisable to perform special exercises in a certain rhythmic pattern (in accordance with the main exercise), with precise accents in muscle tension and relaxation. To maintain the greatest training effect, it is necessary to introduce variety into the conditions and environment of classes: change the place of training and the sequence of exercises, the number of repetitions and the amount of weights, shells and partners.

When improving the technique of movements, methods are used to perform exercises in parts and as a whole, with explanation, analysis and introspection, display, demonstration and independent tasks jumpers. (Kreev V.A., 1996; Popov V.B., 2001).

With the development and improvement of both physical qualities and motor skills, it is used as the main repeated method, as well as "to failure", variable, interval; circular (intermittent methods) and continuous method - uniform (development of general endurance). When developing special endurance in the intermittent (repeated) method, the following five components must be taken into account: the duration and intensity of execution (the length of the segment in running and the time of running), the duration of rest intervals (passive - sitting, active - walking, jogging), the number of repetitions. Rapid, explosive strength training has important feature, since here the state of freshness and mobility of nervous processes are of paramount importance (Loman V., 1985). Therefore, although the repeated method is one of the main ones in the preparation of jumpers, the number of repetitions in working with weights should be handled very carefully, since the emphasis of training may strive towards strength endurance (Semenov D.A., 1960).

For the development of explosive strength, the method of complex use of means of speed and strength training in one lesson or a system of related classes is effective. Consistent performance of exercises in combination with weights of 30 and 90% of the maximum is the most effective for the development of "explosive strength" and is accompanied by adaptation of the body to the load of speed-strength orientation (Guzhalovsky A.A., 1986).

In the speed-strength training of jumpers, methods of dynamic efforts are widely used, which cause the most rapid manifestation of strength, and methods of maximum conditions when performing exercises with weights.

When improving in technique and, especially, when building a new rhythm of movements, a variable method can be effective, providing for the optimal combination of increased (weighted) and lighter interaction of the jumper with the environment in order to make the most of the reaction of "fresh traces". It should be taken into account that the weighting of the condition of the exercise stimulates the manifestation and increases the level of special strength, and the relief - the special speed of movements.

A convenient and interesting form of organizing classes, especially in combination with endurance training, is the circular method.

It involves sequentially performing a series of 6-12 different exercises with minimal rest between them and repeating this series 3-5 times with a large interval between them for recovery. With the parallel improvement of technique and physical qualities, the method of conjugate effects is used, in which the amount of weight does not distort the technique of performing the main exercise - the jump as a whole or its individual elements.

The method of alternating loads from small to maximum in individual exercises, workouts, weekly cycles and microcycles is used to obtain the greatest reactions of the body and control sportswear athlete. When preparing jumpers for various competitions (match meetings or championships) - morning qualifying. Evening main and final - an interval method should be used with the establishment of certain time intervals between attempts, as well as morning and evening workouts.

Operational assessment during the training process, classes, weekly cycle and stages is provided by the method of control (test) exercises or series and the competitive method of their implementation, as well as accounting methods with graphic image(weekly) of the main training indicators, with analysis and, which is especially important for highly qualified jumpers, self-analysis and self-assessment of all aspects of training.

In training sessions, it is recommended to more often turn to the method of self-control of an athlete for the technique of movements and the quality of their implementation, freedom and naturalness; the size, coordination and emphasis of efforts, the rhythm of the exercise, especially the main one - the jump; time on the segments, in the run-up, as well as: the length of the run-up steps, the results of the jumps and the indicators in the control exercises. Self-control of time on segments and run-up, as well as the length of steps and run-up; results of jumps, memorizing muscle sensations and comparing them with objective indicators (in s, cm) and with the coach's assessment are necessary not only to create an idea of ​​​​a rational technique, but, mainly, to understand, master the sense of movement and control one's movements at various speeds .

Deep knowledge and creative use by the coach of the methods of performing various means of preparation will help to significantly speed up the process of improving in jumping.

In all types of athletics associated with speed-strength qualities, the growth of results is ensured mainly by two factors: an increase in the level of the speed-strength qualities themselves and the ability to fully use them, that is, the mastery of rational technique. These factors are inseparable: it is no coincidence that most of the means are both a means of speed-strength training and a means of improving technology. (Matveev L.P., 1991).

1.2 Featuresstrength trainingki in long jump training

The speed-strength training of a long jumper includes a variety of means and methods aimed at developing the athlete's ability to overcome significant external resistances (during repulsion) with the fastest possible movements (during the run) (Popov V.B., 2001; Yushko B.P., 1997 ). The effectiveness of the purposeful education of the speed-strength qualities of a jumper is achieved when he knows the specific characteristics of the movement when performing this type of athletics and constantly focuses on them when choosing special exercises. Only in this case, it is possible to individually select the means that correspond to the specifics of the qualities shown by the athlete in the main competitive exercise.

For solutions specific tasks speed-strength training uses a variety of exercises:

With overcoming the weight of one’s own body: fast running, jumps, jumping on one and two legs from a place and from a run (various in length and speed), in depth, in height, for a distance and in their various combinations, as well as strength exercises and gymnastic equipment;:

With various additional weights (belt, vest) in running, jumping exercises, jumping and throwing;

Using exposure external environment: running and jumping uphill and downhill, up and down stairs, on various grounds (lawn, sand, shallows, sawdust, paths in the forest) against the wind and downwind;

With overcoming external resistances in the fastest possible movements, in exercises with a partner, in exercises with weights of various weights and types (cuff weighing 0-5 kg, weighted belt, stuffed balls weighing 2-5 kg, dumbbells and kettlebells weighing 16--32 kg, sandbags weighing 5-15 kg), in exercises using block devices and elastic objects on simulators, in throwing various projectiles (stuffed balls, stones and cores of various weights - 2-10 kg, weights).

The speed-strength training of a young sprint jumper can provide the development of the qualities of speed and strength in the widest range of their combinations. It includes three main areas, the division into which is conditional and adopted for simplicity, clarity of presentation and accuracy in the application of exercises.

First. In the high-speed direction in training, the task is to increase the absolute speed of the main exercise (running, jumping) or its individual elements (various movements of the arms, legs, body), as well as their combinations - starting acceleration, run-up, repulsion and take-off in a step, grouping and landing.

It is necessary to facilitate the conditions for performing these exercises: running out from a low start, acceleration with a reduction in the length of steps, the distance between the barriers, but an increase in their pace; run or multi-hops downhill, downwind, with an increase in the length of the run by 2-4 running steps, repulsion from an elevation of 5-10 cm; use special front traction simulators and blocks that lighten body weight by 10-15% (during repulsion and running).

Movements should be performed as quickly as possible (faster than the main exercise or its element) and alternate with a given speed - 95--100% of the maximum. The speed of movements is achieved by improving the coordination of movements and consistency in the work of muscle groups. With continuous repetition of exercises, speed can be increased to maximum gradually - this will preserve freedom and range of motion. Enslavement and even straining is the enemy of speed. These exercises are best performed at the beginning of a training session, after a warm-up, thoroughly warming up the muscles in preliminary repetitions (at low speed) of the selected exercise.

Second. With the speed-strength direction in training, the task is to increase muscle strength and speed of movement.

The main exercises or its individual elements are used, as well as their combinations without weights or with a small weight in the form of a belt, vest, cuffs in running, jumping, multi-hopping from different runs; running, jumping against the wind, uphill, increasing the distance between barriers, the height of obstacles. Exercises are performed as quickly as possible and alternate at a given speed. In these exercises, the greatest power of movements is achieved and their full amplitude is maintained.

Third. With the direction of strength in preparation, the task is to develop the strength of the muscles involved in the performance of the main exercise.

The weight of weights or resistance ranges from 80% to the maximum, and the nature and pace of the exercise is different - from 60% to the fastest. In these exercises, the greatest indicators of absolute muscle strength are provided, which is facilitated by the manifestation of volitional qualities by the athlete.

To assess the effectiveness of speed-strength training, it is strongly recommended to systematically apply the method of various control exercises, which provides for multiple changes in indicators:

time, distance, weight, number of repetitions, etc. The measurement must be carried out under standard conditions after a warm-up, at certain intervals (at least 1 time in 1-2 weeks), and always at the stages of training.

When performing special exercises, you should follow the methodological rules:

monitor the correct pattern, amplitude, tempo and accents, as well as the angular values ​​of the manifestation of maximum muscle efforts for selective and most accurate impact on certain muscle groups in accordance with the working phases of the competitive exercise;

use the reflex strength and elasticity of pre-stretched muscles, constantly stimulate the stretch reflex by performing exercises in the rhythm of elastic swaying;

know that the faster the change in direction of movement, the transition from flexion to extension, from "twisting" to "untwisting" and the shorter the braking path, the greater the impact on the musculoskeletal system of athletes in this exercise;

remember that the number of repetitions in one approach should be up to

feelings of slight fatigue, but should not exceed 25--30 in jumping exercises and without weights, 10-15 in exercises with the use of small weights or efforts on simulators; 3--5 in exercises with medium weights or efforts; 1--2 in exercises with large and maximum weights. How more number repetitions, the more strength endurance develops. Use mixed modes. Special exercises for developing the qualities and improving the skills shown in sprinting and hurdling, jumping (perform the considered exercises with different amplitudes - from the widest to the minimum, but very quickly, without straining)

in different initial positions of movement of arms and legs as when running, the same with small weights in the hands, in sneakers;

movements with straight arms and legs in the upper support on barriers, bars and other supports;

changing the position of the legs in a lunge, on mats.

lifting, pushing and hitting a medicine ball different sides feet;

with the resistance of rubber (better - partner) in different positions, the removal and lowering of the legs (the resistance of the partner is greatest at the beginning of the movement);

the easiest way to attach a dumbbell to the foot;

running with a change in effort and pace: 6-10 running steps of active running, 6-10 by inertia, etc. on segments of 80-120 m and more;

hurdler gymnastics for the development of mobility in the hip joints, elasticity of ligaments and muscles;

imitation of crossing the barrier, attacks on the barrier and with the passage through

transfer of the pushing leg through the barrier in combination with the movement of the hands;

hurdling with different number running steps between barriers (3-- and from the start (7--11;

Flexibility exercises with light weights.

The above exercises contribute to the development of rapid strength and improvement of stretch reflexes (when performing exercises in the modes of springy, elastic and fast swaying) of those muscle groups that provide horizontal movement (running) of the athlete. Performing these exercises in alternation with running will increase coordination, balance, freedom and pace of movement, increase the length of steps and speed in sprinting, hurdling and jumping run.

To improve a low start, starting acceleration and transition to distance running, as well as the feelings and ability to accelerate in a run in jumps, exercises will help:

Running from the start uphill 6-10 with running out to the horizontal part of the path-path,

exit from the start with an emphasis on the blocks or a wall with a leg extension, long jumps from the blocks, imitation of running from the start in walking with long strides, maintaining tilt and balance, the same uphill;

the fastest possible movements of the arms, legs (with support against the wall), in the position of lying on the stomach and back, lifting the torso and legs;

running from the start with the resistance of a partner, with an emphasis on the shoulders and in a harness;

basic running exercises: with a high raising of the hip with an emphasis on lifting and lowering, with overwhelming the lower leg - all moving forward, pushing off with the foot. In each exercise, it is useful to change the pace, the degree of advancement, end the exercise with a transition to running;

run-up multi-jumps 2-6, steps from foot to foot, jumps on one, the same on an inclined track, up and down stairs, weight jumps

barbell, partner on the back, on the shoulders. In these exercises, elasticity develops in the bonds of body parts and the power of repulsion increases. This best exercise to strengthen the back of the body and especially the lumbar spine.

The following exercises are useful for developing speed-strength qualities and increasing repulsion power:

jumping with the help of a partner and elastic swaying with weights on the back and shoulders (barbell or partner)

jumping on objects on one and two legs from a place and from a run, jumping with reaching objects with a knee, foot, shoulder, arm and head, overcoming objects, through barriers of different heights and distances between them;

jumping from objects of different heights (25--60 cm) from a place and from -

run (on the bench) on one leg, followed by a long jump, to strengthen the arches of the foot; fast walking and running along the "eight" with a radius of 2-3 meters, lifting on the forefoot with different position stop (in parallel, socks together, and heels apart and vice versa), the same with weights, and standing ups on one leg;

sitting on a swing simulator repulsion with one foot from the wall; - jumping on two legs, from foot to foot, on one foot along a horizontal and inclined track down (from 1 ° to 35 °) and up (from 1 ° to 15 °) initial period development of absolute strength, the greatest effect is given by classes with

medium weights (up to 70% of the maximum), after 3-4 weeks it is advisable to gradually move to large weights (80-90%). Only with a high level of strength development will its further growth be ensured by the use of maximum weights (95-100%).

Sprint jumpers must constantly improve their performance in terms of strength - increasing muscle strength while maintaining or reducing body weight. This can only be done with the help of large and maximum weights, when 1-3 repetitions are done in one approach. Lifting 50% of the weight from the maximum in this exercise 10-15 times per approach (3-6 approaches in total) increases muscle mass and improve strength endurance.

For jumpers great importance has an increase in absolute strength indicators in the extension of the legs and back, but mainly a very fast "explosive" nature of their manifestation.

The intensity of strength training is characterized by both the weight of the weights and the speed of the exercises, as well as the associated amplitude of movements, compliance with right position and sequence of movements All this provides greater selectivity in the impact of the exercise.

The results of our research and rich practical experience show that in running and jumping during repulsion, the connection is most clearly manifested, expressed mathematically through the correlation coefficients of the external form - kinematics and content - the dynamics of movements. causality. Only an athlete who has a sufficient level of development of speed-strength qualities evenly over the entire range of their manifestations (from the fastest, most coordinated, free movements in the run-up to the instant manifestation of maximum muscle tension during repulsion) can count on success.

1.3 Technical training of jumpers

In the process of technical training of young sprint jumpers, two main interrelated tasks are solved: mastering the rational technique of track and field exercises and its improvement on the basis of a constant increase in the level of special speed-strength qualities and special endurance (Zmachinsky V.A., 1993; Kreev V.A., 1996; Yushkevich G.P., 1998).

The features of sprinting, hurdling and long jumps are their speed-strength nature, high accuracy of movements, as well as significant stresses, explosive efforts of high power that the jumper experiences during repulsion. Loads on the musculoskeletal system when interacting with the support can be several times higher than the athlete's own weight.

In this regard, the mastery of the technique of movements, tactical skill and improvement in them are closely related and determined by an increase in the level of special physical fitness young athlete.

Special attention of both coaches and athletes should be paid to one of the most important tasks of training - the process of improving the technique of movement goes through all stages throughout all the years of training and has practically no limit. Since at each new level of development of special motor and mental qualities (endurance, strength and speed, flexibility and coordination, confidence and purposefulness, as well as their possible combinations), the movement technique acquires a new content, then it should find its expression in the most perfect form and corresponding to the effective rhythm of the competitive exercise.

The period of training and initial mastery of the basics of technique covers the formation of movements in the main elements of competitive exercises with a gradual and steady expansion of skills. On this path, it is advisable to strictly adhere to pedagogical principles- from the main to the secondary, from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex. In accordance with them, training and improvement in the elements of technique can take place in the sequence of performing the elements of the entire exercise (long jump) or in free form(with elements of sprint and hurdling).

At the same time, it should be remembered that the primary task of training is to master the basics of the technique of any exercise - competitive, its training forms or special training.

If the technique of the exercise is not complicated, and the motor experience of the trainees is sufficiently large, it is advisable to study the technique with a holistic performance of the exercise, focusing only on the most important elements of the movements.

With the subsequent improvement in the technique of types, the young athlete will have to solve the following particular tasks. In sprinting: to increase the speed of running in a straight line and along a turn, to achieve an optimal combination of length and frequency of steps, to improve starting acceleration, to maintain control over freedom of movement, especially when finishing, to develop individual abilities.

Additionally for long jump: increase speed and achieve run-up stability; maintain running activity and contact with the track at the last steps of the run with a decrease in preparation for the push; increase the activity of actions in repulsion and reduce the emphasis when setting the foot; achieve balance in flight by increasing the activity of the movement of the shoulder girdle, swing movements of the arms and legs in repulsion, freedom and a wide range of movements of the arms and legs, improve movements in flight and improve landing - reduce body tilt and keep the feet far ahead.

1.4 Basic methodologicalopportunities for improvement in technology

Improvement in the technique of performing special and competitive exercises by young athletes proceeds more efficiently and reliably in cases where the coach adheres to the following rules and techniques (Gilev G.A., 1981; Gugua I.G., 2001; Ozolin N.G., 1989):

Follows the pattern, amplitude, sequence, freedom and naturalness of movements of athletes;

Able to create for each student the correct motor image of a competitive exercise of running, jumping or throwing;

Controls the dynamics of movements: the speed and pace, the magnitude and direction of the athlete's efforts, the rhythm of the exercises while constantly taking into account the external form and content of the elements of movements, and also explains the mechanisms and connections of the elements of movements, finds the best individual shape movements corresponding to the motor capabilities of a sprint jumper, hurdler jumper, limiting or eliminating limiting factors;

Develops the functions of motor and visual analyzers of those involved, clearly formulating tasks before the start of the exercise, setting guidelines, asking them about their feelings and comparing the best, average and worst attempts, correcting and shaping motor settings; In this case, the self-analysis and the report of the athlete on the performance of the exercise, supported by objective data: time, distance, effort vector, video recording, a specific assessment of the coach, are of decisive importance;

Alternates the intensity of the task of any exercise (at the same time it develops a sense of movement, speed, time, pace, rhythm, a sense of contact with the track, a sense of flight, a sense of projectile, etc.):

a) easily, freely, with maximum relaxation;

b) quickly, half strength, not for the result, with full control of freedom of movement;

c) in full force, emotionally, with a focus on maximum results;

Teaches thinking through the details when improving the elements of the technique of movements and their connections, and when automating movements - on the exercise as a whole and the general rhythm of execution; the ability to independently improve the technique of movement, develop the missing physical qualities, choosing from the whole variety of exercises only the most useful for oneself;

Sets different tasks and motor settings, sometimes contrasting, when performing different attempts of the same exercise: for speed, rhythm, height, range, freedom and amplitude, etc.;

Gives an accurate numerical or verbal assessment of the performance of the task, making adjustments, indicating ways to correct weaknesses and complicating or changing the task in time.

1.5 Stage of advanced specialization in jumpinglength

The duration of the stage is 4 years. The purpose of the stage is to conduct an in-depth specialized training in long jumps, which ensures the formation of technical skills and the improvement of special strength training. The tasks of the stage are to improve the long jump technique, increase the level of special strength training, improve general and special performance, improve volitional, technical, tactical skills in training and competitive conditions.

The main features of training at this stage are determined by a significant increase in the volume of training loads and an increase in the intensity of their implementation. great attention is given to pedagogical, medical and biological, psychological means recovery and prevention of injuries and diseases.

At this stage, basically the selection ends. Taking into account the degree of conformity of the biological age with the passport one, it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence to the model characteristics of the strongest long jumpers. In this period, it is necessary to monitor the systematic, without forcing, growth in the volume and intensity of training loads. A sharp increase in load often leads to injury and loss a large number promising long jumpers (Voronkin V.I., Ozolin N.G., Primakov Yu.N., 1989).

1.6 Anatomical and physiologicalsome features of children 15-17 years old

Modern sport is distinguished by the sharpest struggle, a high level of sports achievements, unprecedented growth of human physical capabilities. High level sports achievements imposes special requirements on the quality of training of athletes. One of the main conditions for the high efficiency of the athlete training system lies in the strict consideration of age and individual anatomical and physiological characteristics that are characteristic of certain stages of development of children and adolescents.

One of the main criteria for biological age is skeletal maturity, or "bone" age. At senior school age, there is a significant increase in the growth of the spine, which continues until the period of full development. The lumbar develops faster than all parts of the spine, and the cervical develops more slowly. The spine reaches its final height by the age of 25. The growth of the spine lags behind the growth of the body. This is because the limbs grow faster than the spine. At the age of 15-16, ossification of the upper and lower surfaces of the vertebrae, the sternum and its fusion with the ribs begins. The spinal column becomes stronger, and the chest continues to develop intensively, they are already less prone to deformation and are able to withstand even significant loads.

By the age of 15-16, the lower segments of the body of the sternum fuse. At the age of 15-17, mobility increases predominantly chest unlike previous periods of chest growth.

The ossification of the tarsal bones is a very long process, starting at the 4-8th month of embryogenesis, i.e. much earlier than the bones of the wrist, and ending only at the age of 12-19. In the development of the bones of the tarsus, sexual characteristics are reflected. In girls, ossification points appear earlier than in boys. Synostoses of the epiphyses with diaphyses in the bones of the metatarsus occur in the period of 15-19 years, and in the phalanges of the fingers from 9 to 18.

In older students, the growth of the body in length slows down (for some it ends). If adolescents are dominated by body height in length, then in older students, height in width clearly predominates. The bones become thicker and stronger, but the processes of ossification in them have not yet been completed.

By the age of 17-18, a highly differentiated structure has been formed muscle fiber, there is an increase in the mass of muscle tissue due to an increase in the diameter of the muscle fiber. It has been established that the diameter of the biceps muscle of the shoulder increases by 4-5 times by the age of 6, and by 6-8 times by the age of 17. The increase in muscle mass with age does not occur evenly: during the first 15 years, muscle weight increases by 9%, and from 15 to 17-18 years by 12%. Higher growth rates are typical for the muscles of the lower extremities compared to the muscles of the upper extremities. Gender differences in muscle and fat components are pronounced: muscle mass (in relation to body weight) in girls is approximately 13% less than in boys, and the mass of adipose tissue is approximately 10% more. The difference in muscle strength increases with age: at 15 years old, the difference is 8-10 kg, at 18 years old - 15-20 kg. The increase in body weight in girls is more intense than the increase in muscle strength. At the same time, girls, in comparison with boys, have higher accuracy and coordination of movements. (Yermolaev Yu.A., 1985). The musculoskeletal system in older students is able to withstand significant static stress and perform long-term work, which is due to nervous regulation, structure, chemical composition and contractile properties of muscles.

The functional properties of muscles change significantly in the process of ontogenesis. Increased excitability and lability of muscle tissue. Changes muscle tone. In newborns, the ability of muscles to relax is poorly expressed, which increases with age. This is usually associated with stiffness of movements in children and adolescents. Only after 15 years the movements become more plastic.

By the age of 13-15, the formation of all departments of the motor analyzer is completed, which is especially intensive at the age of 7-12 years. In the process of development of the musculoskeletal system, the motor qualities of the muscles change: speed, strength, agility and endurance. Their development is uneven. First of all, speed and dexterity of movements develop. The speed is determined by three indicators: the speed of a single movement, the time of the motor reaction and the frequency of movements. The speed of a single movement increases significantly in children from 4-5 years old and by the age of 13-14 reaches the level of an adult. By the age of 13-14, the time of a simple motor reaction also reaches the level of an adult. The maximum, arbitrary frequency of movements increases from 7 to 13 years, and in boys at 7-10 years it is higher than in girls, and from 13-14 years the frequency of movements in girls exceeds this indicator in boys. Finally, the maximum frequency of movements in given rhythm also increases at 7-9 years.

Until the age of 13-14, the development of dexterity is mainly completed. The greatest increase in the accuracy of movements is observed from 4-5 to 7-8 years. Moreover, the ability to reproduce the amplitude of movements up to 40o-50o increases to the maximum at 7-10 years and after 12 practically does not change, and the accuracy of reproduction of small angular displacements (up to 10-15) increases up to 13-14 years. Sports training has a significant impact on the development of agility in 15-16 year old athletes. The accuracy of movements is 2 times higher than that of untrained adolescents of the same age.

IN last turn improve the ability to quickly solve motor problems in different situations. Agility continues to improve until age 17.

The most significant rates of increase in flexibility indicators in movements performed with the participation of large parts of the body (for example, in the maximum inclinations of the body) are observed, as a rule, up to 13-14 years of age. Then these indicators stabilize and, if you do not perform exercises that specifically affect flexibility, they begin to decrease significantly already in adolescence.

The greatest increase in strength is observed in middle and senior school age, especially strength increases from 10-12 to 13-15 years. In girls, the increase in strength occurs somewhat earlier, from 10-12 years old, and in boys - from 13-14. However, boys according to this indicator in all age groups outnumber girls, but the difference is especially clear at 13-14 years old.

Later than other physical qualities, endurance develops. There are age, gender and individual differences in endurance. Children's endurance preschool age is at a low level, especially to static work. An intensive increase in endurance to dynamic work is observed from the age of 11-12. Also intensively from 11-12 years old, endurance to static loads increases. In general, by the age of 17-18, the endurance of schoolchildren is about 85% of the adult level. It reaches its maximum level by the age of 25-30 (Solodkov A.S., 1998).

Each age period has its own characteristics in the structure, functions of individual systems and organs, which change in connection with physical education and sports.

In adolescents and young men, after muscle exercise, lymphocytic and neutrophilic leukocytosis, and some changes in the composition of red blood, are observed. In 15-18-year-old schoolchildren, intensive muscular work is accompanied by an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 12-17%, hemoglobin by 7%. This occurs mainly due to the release of deposited blood into the general circulation. Prolonged physical stress at this age can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells. Recovery processes in the blood occur more slowly in schoolchildren than in adults.

The period of puberty is accompanied by a sharp increase in the functions of the sexual and other endocrine glands. This leads to an acceleration in the growth and development of the body. Moderate physical activity does not significantly affect the process of puberty and the function of the endocrine glands. Excessive physical stress can slow down the normal pace of development of adolescents. (Gandelsman A.B., 1975).

Under influence physical activity changes in the secretion of hormones of the adrenal cortex. Observations have shown that after training with power loads in young athletes, the excretion (excretion with urine) of the hormones of the adrenal cortex increases.

The minute volume of respiration (MOD) at the age of 15-17 is 110 ml/kg. The relative decline in MOU in adolescence and youth coincides with the growth of the absolute values ​​of this indicator among those who do not go in for sports.

The value of maximum pulmonary ventilation (MVL) in adolescence and youth practically does not change and is about 1.8 liters per minute per kg of weight. Systematic sports contribute to the growth of MVL.

Regular age-related increases in lung capacity (VC) in athletes are higher than in non-athletes. The ratio of VC and weight (vital indicator) is highest in adolescents and young men involved in cyclic sports.

With age, resistance to a lack of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) increases. Children of primary school age are the least resistant. By the age of 13-14, some of its indicators reach the level of 15-16-year-old adolescents, and even exceed them in terms of recovery speed.

At the age of 15-16, there is an increase in the duration of the recovery period from 28.8 to 52.9 seconds. Such changes are the result of neurohumoral changes associated with adolescent puberty.

Adolescents and young adults experience a faster decrease in blood sugar than adults. This is explained not only by the lower efficiency in the expenditure of energy resources, but also by the improvement in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, which is expressed in the insufficient mobilization ability of the liver to release sugar into the blood.

Absolute reserves of carbohydrates in adolescents and young men are also less than in adults. Therefore, the possibility of long-term work by adolescents and young men is limited.

One of the most informative indicators of the body's performance, an integral indicator of the capacity of the main energy systems of the body, primarily cardiovascular and respiratory, is the value of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). Many researchers have shown that BMD increases with age. In the period from 5 to 17 years, there is a tendency for a steady increase in the BMD - from 1385 ml / min in 8-year-olds to 3150 ml / min in 17-year-olds.

When analyzing the values ​​of the relative IPC, among schoolchildren and schoolgirls, there are significant differences. The decrease in BMD/kg with age in schoolgirls is obviously associated with an increase in adipose tissue, which, as is known, is not an oxygen consumer. The application of hydrostatic weighing and subsequent work confirmed that percentage fat in the body of schoolgirls grows and reaches 28/29% by the age of 16-17, while in schoolchildren, on the contrary, it gradually decreases. (Zimkin N.V., 1975)

With age, as the body grows and develops, both the absolute and relative sizes of the heart increase. An important indicator of the work of the heart is the heart rate (HR). With age, the heart rate decreases. At the age of 14-15, it approaches the indicators of adults and is 70-78 beats / min. Heart rate also depends on gender: in girls, the pulse is slightly more frequent than in boys of the same age. With a gradual decrease in the pulse, the systolic volume (SO) increases. At 13-16 years old, CO is 50-60 ml.

Currently, adolescents are experiencing acceleration - a complex biosocial phenomenon, which is expressed in accelerated process biological and mental processes, an increase in anthropometric indicators, an earlier onset of sexual and intellectual maturity.

In adolescents with low rates of physical development, the biological age may lag behind the passport age by 1-2 years, and in adolescents with high physical development advance by 1-2 years.

1.7 Research hypothesis

Hypothesis: it is assumed that the use of a special jumping simulator in the training of long jumpers improves the development of speed-strength abilities and increases the result.

Chapter 2. Purpose, tasks and methods of research organization.

Purpose: to develop a program of special physical training for long jumpers aged 15-17 years using a jumping simulator.

1) To identify the composition of the means of special physical training of long jumpers at the stage of in-depth specialization.

2) Develop a set of special exercises using various methodological techniques for preparing jumpers.

3) Experimentally substantiate the program using a jumping simulator.

1) Analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

2) Pedagogical supervision.

3) Testing.

4) Pedagogical experiment.

5) Method of mathematical statistics.

Organization of the study:

The analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out in the library and reading rooms of NSU Physical culture, Sports and health, them. P.F. Lesgaft. 26 were analyzed literary sources. This method made it possible to improve the basic methods and means of speed-strength training of long jumpers, to determine its specific features. In the course of the analysis, the most rational means and methods for the development of speed-strength abilities in long jumpers were revealed, as well as a methodology was developed that can play a decisive role in the development and improvement of sports and technical skills and increase the result of long jumpers.

Pedagogical observation is one of the means of identifying the most rational practical means for solving the set tasks. Pedagogical observation makes it possible to identify the relationship between the theoretical and practical components of the training process. This method made it possible to identify certain means and the methods that coaches use to develop speed-strength qualities in long jumpers aged 15-17. The observation was carried out on the basis of the Orlyonok SDYUSSH.

The pedagogical experiment took place in the Spartak sports camp from June 2008 to August 2008. The experiment involved 12 people. For the experiment, two groups of 6 people were created: control and experimental. The selection took place in accordance with the indicators of control exercises. The main difference between the groups was that the exercises I suggested were included in the training of the experimental group. Total Volume Intensity training sessions in the control and experimental groups was identical except for the use of the jumping machine in the experimental group. Two groups were offered certain loads. The first group trained in their usual mode using jumping and running exercises. The second group included exercises on the jumping machine in the training process.

After the experiment, data were taken in the control and experimental groups according to the proposed indicators to determine the level of development of physical qualities.


In our case main goal testing is that it promotes comparison of levels of training. Testing was carried out during training sessions in the following exercises:

1) long jump from a place;

2) triple jump from a place;

3) running 30 meters from the move;

a) The running time of 30 meters on the move is measured with a stopwatch. The timekeeper is located in the area of ​​​​the finish line, 3 meters from the track. The time is set at the start of the coach standing at the beginning of the segment 1.5 meters from the track and finishes fixing the time when the athlete runs through the finish doors (on the chest). To gain maximum speed, a run up to 20 meters is used. 3 attempts are given, the best result is recorded in the protocol.

b) Standing long jump measurement and triple jump from the spot is carried out by a team of two people using a tape measure (10 meters).

Athletes are given to make three attempts by the streaming method in accordance with the list. Of the three attempts, the best is recorded in the protocol.

The method of mathematical statistics was used to process the results of the pedagogical experiment.

Chapter 3you research and discussion

3.1 How to use the jumping machinera in long jump training

During the pedagogical experiment, the control and experimental groups carried out their training process together. The only exception was the performance of speed-strength exercises. In the control group, they were performed according to the generally accepted methodology (jumps and jumping exercises, jumps, sprinting, multi-hopping, etc.)

In the experimental group, a jumping simulator was used. The design of the device is as follows: two shock absorbers are attached to the athlete's belt and to the supporting movable platform. The lower ends of the shock absorber move along the site. Resistance can be changed directly during jumps. To do this, at the time of landing, you need to quickly move the lower ends of the shock absorber into more distant grooves.

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