Guilty without guilt is the meaning of a popular expression. Guilty without guilt


Guilty without guilt

Guilty without guilt
The expression has folklore roots, and in Russian literature it is first found in the play (act. 5, yavl. 3) "Undergrowth" (1781) by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1744-1792):
Pravdin. Husband and son could not but take part in the atrocity...
Prostakov. Guilty without guilt!

The expression gained wide popularity thanks to the play Guilty Without Guilt (1884) by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886).
Used: in relation to people who are groundlessly accused of something.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Guilty Without Guilt" is in other dictionaries:

    - “GUELTY WITHOUT GUILT”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1945, b/w, 98 min. Melodrama. Based on the drama of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky. The first film role of Vladimir Druzhnikov. The leader of the Soviet box office (1945, 1st place) 28.91 million viewers. Cast: Alla Tarasova (see TARASOVA ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Guilty without guilt (meanings). Guilty Without Guilt Genre: play

    Guilty Without Guilt ... Wikipedia

    Guilty Without Guilt (performance, 1993) Guilty Without Guilt Genre comedy Based on the play Guilty Without Guilt by A. N. Ostrovsky Director Pyotr Fomenko Actors ... Wikipedia

    Guilty without guilt: Guilty without guilt is the work of Elena Ivanovna Blaramberg (Apreleva), who published it in Vestnik Evropy in 1877 under the pseudonym Ardov E .. Guilty without guilt is the work of A. N. Ostrovsky (1881 ... ... Wikipedia

    Guilty Without Guilt (film, 1945) Guilty Without Guilt Genre drama Director Vladimir Petrov Scriptwriter Vladimir Petrov Starring ... Wikipedia

    - "Guilty Without Guilt" (1883), a play by A.N. Ostrovsky, a classic example of melodrama. In connection with this play, it is also legitimate to speak of an intra-genre synthesis, since the structure of the play combines the features of comedy, realistic everyday life and ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Guilty without guilt (meanings). Guilty Without Guilt ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Guilty without guilt (meanings). Guilty without guilt Genre comedy Based on the play Guilty without guilt by A. N. Ostrovsky Director ... Wikipedia

    Film RusNaz = Guilty Without Guilt Image = Director = Vladimir Petrov Genre = drama Scriptwriter = Vladimir Petrov Actors = Alla Tarasova Vladimir Druzhnikov Composer = Nikolai Kryukov Country = USSR Year = 1945 Company = Mosfilm Time = 92 min ... ... Wikipedia


  • Guilty Without Guilt, Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich. Associated with the name of A. N. Ostrovsky new era in history national dramaturgy: he opened a special world on the stage, previously unknown to the Russian theater. In the variety of types and destinies, household and ...
  • Guilty Without Guilt, A. Ostrovsky. A new era in the history of national drama is connected with the name of A. N. Ostrovsky: he opened a special world on the stage, previously unknown to the Russian theater. In the variety of types and destinies, household and ...

"Guilty Without Guilt"- a play (1881-1883), a classic example. In connection with this play, it is also legitimate to speak of an intra-genre synthesis, since the structure of the play combines the features of realistic everyday life and. But despite this, the play has the main melodramatic setting: firstly, the plot in which the whole action unfolds around the “suffering” heroine; motives - an unhappy mother, the death of a child and the betrayal of a loved one. Secondly, it is typical for melodrama: a change of names (in the 1st act the heroine's name is Lyubov Ivanovna Otradina, in the 2nd act her name is Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina). Of course, the names, which is typical of Ostrovsky, saying: - joy and - sadness. Third, a happy ending.

History of creation

Ostrovsky began working on the play in the summer of 1881, then made a trip to the Caucasus, where he stayed for more than a month. Returning from this trip on November 3, he resumed work on the play. On December 7, 1883, the play was completed. In the note "Regarding the Rules on Prizes for dramatic works”, referring to 1884, the playwright wrote about the play “Guilty Without Guilt”: “This is almost my fiftieth original work and very dear to me in many respects: a lot of labor and energy was spent on finishing it; it was written after a trip to the Caucasus, under the impression of an enthusiastic reception that the public gave me. I wanted to show the Russian public that the author revered by her did not rest on her laurels, that he still wanted to work and give her artistic pleasures, which she loves and honors him for. Then this work was created unusually successfully: artistic considerations suddenly occurred to me, accessible only to young forces, which I did not dare to count on at my age. You can hardly wait for the repetition of such a happy mood ”(A. N. Ostrovsky. About the theater. Notes, speeches, letters, ed. Art, 1941, p. 138).


  • Lyubov Ivanovna Otradina, a girl of noble birth / Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina, a famous provincial actress.
  • Taisa Ilyinishna Shelavina, girl, friend Otradina.
  • Grigory Lvovich Murov, a young man from provincial officials.
  • Annushka, Otradina's maid.
  • Arina Galchikha, petty bourgeois.
  • Nil Stratonych Dudukin, rich gentleman.
  • Nina Pavlovna Korinkina, actress.
  • Grigory Neznamov,
  • Shmaga - artists of the provincial theater.
  • Ivan, a servant in a hotel.
  • Milovzorov Petya, the first lover.
  • Guests and servants.


The focus of Ostrovsky is the character of a strong and strong-willed woman, capable of spiritually resurrecting after heavy blows of fate. All these years (after the 1st act 17 years have passed) she lived with constant inner pain. But she was able to survive, despite all the misfortunes, and realize herself in creativity. She became famous actress. All the pain once experienced in her youth, she embodied on stage. The actress became a favorite of the public. Of course, she also had envious people. But no matter what, she stays a good man who does not wish harm to anyone. She forgives and helps everyone.

There is also an opposite character in the play - this is the former beloved person of Kruchinina and the father of her son Grisha. His surname is Murov. He deceives and betrays everyone. Of course, Kruchinina will never be able to forgive him, he did too much harm to her.

But in the end, everything ends well: the unfortunate mother finds her supposedly long-dead son. She recognizes him in the actor Neznamov by the medallion. Neznamov (not knowing his origin) for the first time feels great power love.

According to the laws of the genre, vice is punished, and kindness is rewarded.


Ostrovsky’s statement about the image of Neznamov is interesting: “Neznamov, for an outsider’s eye,” the playwright wrote, “is nothing more, nothing less, like a young tavern hero, that’s how he should appear before the public. He, in his youth, cannot be either a seasoned insolent with his head held high, or a gloomy man who has lost faith in life and people; he still does not know much, has not seen much. He is half drunk, with a cocky air; but his insolence is shaded by some embarrassment. He knows provincial actresses and does not respect them, so he considers himself, as it were, in the right to speak rudeness to them, but at the same time he is smart and understands that it is too early for him to be a judge of other people's vices, and cannot get rid of embarrassment. And in his sarcastic smile, you can see the blush of youth and embarrassment. When he realized that he had met a pure nature, unknown to him, he was dumbfounded, he opened his mouth in surprise; he is lost, he seeks and cannot find a tone; his former conversation seemed to him not only insolent, but, what was even more terrible for him, stupid. It is very difficult to play Neznamov: there is both bad and good in him, and all this should be manifested both in gestures and in tone; bad in him: bad manners, impudent tone and manners acquired in a provincial troupe; good: the consciousness of the offended human dignity, which is expressed in him, although strongly, but more with sincere bitterness than with indignant protest, from which his tirades come out more touching ”(Ostrovsky in letters and memoirs. “Ezheg. Imperial Theatres”, 1910, issue VI, p. 53-54).


The play premiered in 1884. The play was originally intended by Ostrovsky for the Moscow Maly Theater, the role of Neznamov was written specifically for, and the role of Korinkina for.

"Guilty Without Guilt" is one of the most repertoire plays of the Russian theater.

  • First staging - January 15, 1884 in, in a benefit performance in the role of Korinkina. Other roles: Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Shelavina — , Shmaga — , Murov — , Galchikha — , Dudukin — , Milovzorov — , Annushka — ).

Among subsequent productions at the Maly Theater: ( March 4, 1908; dir. and role performer Dudukin — , Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Korinkin — , Shelavina — , Shmaga — , Galchikha— Sadovskaya, Murov — , Milovzorov — , Annushka — ).

  • January 20, 1884 V ( Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Korinkin — , Shelavina— Khlebnikov, Shmaga — , Murov— Lensky, Galchikha— Lenskaya, Dudukin — , Milovzorov— Kashirin, Annushka — ).

Subsequent staging in Alexandrinsky theater: (Oct 7 1910. Kruchinina — , Neznamov— Fedotov, Shmaga — , Korinkin — , Galchikha- Sharoviev).

  • Studio of the Maly Theatre, Moscow (1930; dir. Kaverin; Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Shmaga—); branch of the Maly T-ra (1940; dir. and Alekseev, art.; Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Korinkin — , Shmaga — , Dudukin — , Galchikha — );
  • (1937; dir., art. Goncharov, comp.; Kruchinina — , Neznamov- , later - , Korinkin — , Shmaga — , Dudukin — );
  • (1938; dir. Alien, art directors Konstantinovsky and Tovbin; Kruchinina— Medvedeva, Neznamov — , Shmaga — );
  • (1939; dir. D. M. Dudnikov, Kruchinina— T. Jacobson, Neznamov— D. Radlov)
  • Moscow (1944; dir., art.; Kruchinina — , Shmaga — );
  • (1948; director, art director Vinogradov; Kruchinina — , Neznamov — , Shmaga — ).
  • 1977 —
  • 1993 - "". . Fast.
  • 2000 - . Dir. and Spanish roles Kruchinina — .
  • 2004 - . Director-producer - hon. artist of Russia, Honored. Russian artist Gennady Chikhachev. Kruchinina - laureate international competition. Shmaga - h. R. Moscow Vyacheslav Amosov;
  • 2005 —

The expression gained particular popularity in connection with the play Guilty Without Guilt (1884) by the Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886). The plot of this play is as follows - a famous actress, who once fled from here because of unhappy love, comes on tour to a small provincial town. Many years ago, she was forced to leave her illegitimate son to be raised by strangers. Then it turns out that her son died while still young. In this town she meets a reckless drunkard, a handsome young actor. The famous actress begins to take an active part in the fate young man who turns out to be her son.

Based on the play, films were made - "Guilty Without Guilt", Gleb Panfilov, Russia, 2008, "Guilty Without Guilt", Petrov V.M., USSR, 1945

Even earlier, he used the expression (1745 - 1792) in the work "Undergrowth", 1781 (act. 5, fig. 3):

"Pr a in d and n. The husband and son could not but have participated in the atrocity ...

P r o s t a k o v. Guilty without guilt!"


“She needs me, not an apartment. What can I say?” Orlov sighed. “I hear only endless conversations, but I don’t see a way out of my situation. guilty without guilt! It was not called a loader, but climb into the body. All his life he denied the role of a hero, always could not stand Turgenev's novels, and suddenly, as if for laughter, he got into real heroes.

Dostoevsky F.M.

"Teenager"“No, I was the cause,” he answered, “and you only guilty without guilt. you know what happens guilty without guilt? These are the most unforgivable crimes and almost always carry punishment, ”he added, laughing strangely. “But I really thought for a minute that I had completely forgotten you and completely laughed at my stupid passion ... but you know that. And yet, what have I to do with the man you marry? I made you an offer yesterday, forgive me for it, it's absurd, but meanwhile there is absolutely nothing to replace it ... what could I do except this absurdity? I don't know..."

"Guilty Without Guilt"- play A. N. Ostrovsky(1881-1883), classical specimen melodramas. In connection with this play, it is legitimate to speak of an intra-genre synthesis, since the structure of the play combines the features comedy, realistic household and psychological drama. But despite this, the play has the main melodramatic setting: firstly, the plot in which the whole action unfolds around the “suffering” heroine; motives - an unhappy mother, the death of a child and the betrayal of a loved one. Secondly, it is typical for melodrama: a change of names (in the 1st act the heroine's name is Lyubov Ivanovna Otradina, in the 2nd act her name is Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina). Of course, the surnames, which is characteristic of Ostrovsky, saying: joy- joy and twist- sadness. Third, a happy ending.

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    Ostrovsky began working on the play in the summer of 1881, then made a trip to the Caucasus, where he stayed for more than a month. Returning from this trip on November 3, he resumed work on the play. On December 7, 1883, the play was completed. In a note “Regarding the “Rules on Prizes for Dramatic Works”, referring to 1884, the playwright wrote about the play “Guilty Without Guilt”: “This is almost my fiftieth original work and very expensive for me in many respects: for finishing a lot of work and energy was spent on it; it was written after a trip to the Caucasus, under the impression of an enthusiastic reception, which was given to me by Tiflis public. I wanted to show the Russian public that the author revered by her did not rest on her laurels, that he still wanted to work and give her artistic pleasures, which she loves and honors him for. Then this work was created unusually successfully: artistic considerations suddenly occurred to me, accessible only to young forces, which I did not dare to count on at my age. You can hardly wait for the repetition of such a happy mood ”(A. N. Ostrovsky. About the theater. Notes, speeches, letters, ed. Art, 1941, p. 138).


    • Lyubov Ivanovna Otradina, a girl of noble birth / Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina, a famous provincial actress.
    • Taisa Ilyinishna Shelavina, girl, friend Otradina.
    • Grigory Lvovich Murov, a young man from provincial officials.
    • Annushka, Otradina's maid.
    • Arina Galchikha, petty bourgeois.
    • Nil Stratonych Dudukin, rich gentleman.
    • Nina Pavlovna Korinkina, actress.
    • Grigory Neznamov,
    • Shmaga - artists of the provincial theater.
    • Ivan, a servant in a hotel.
    • Milovzorov Petya, the first lover.
    • Guests and servants.


    The focus of Ostrovsky is the character of a strong and strong-willed woman, capable of spiritually resurrecting after heavy blows of fate. All these years (after the 1st act 17 years have passed) she lived with constant inner pain. But she was able to survive, despite all the misfortunes, and realize herself in creativity. She became a famous actress. All the pain once experienced in her youth, she embodied on stage. The actress became a favorite of the public. Of course, she also had envious people. But in spite of everything, she remains a good person who does not wish harm to anyone. She forgives and helps everyone.

    There is also an opposite character in the play - this is the former beloved person of Kruchinina and the father of her son Grisha. His surname is Murov. He deceives and betrays everyone. Of course, Kruchinina will never be able to forgive him, he did too much harm to her.

    But in the end, everything ends well: the unfortunate mother finds her supposedly long-dead son. She recognizes him in the actor Neznamov by the medallion. Neznamov (not knowing his origin) for the first time feels the great power of love.

    According to the laws of the genre, vice is punished, and kindness is rewarded.


    Ostrovsky’s statement about the image of Neznamov is interesting: “Neznamov, for an outsider’s eye,” the playwright wrote, “is nothing more, nothing less, like a young tavern hero, that’s how he should appear before the public. He, in his youth, cannot be either a seasoned insolent with his head held high, or a gloomy man who has lost faith in life and people; he still does not know much, has not seen much. He is half drunk, with a cocky air; but his insolence is shaded by some embarrassment. He knows provincial actresses and does not respect them, so he considers himself, as it were, in the right to speak rudeness to them, but at the same time he is smart and understands that it is too early for him to be a judge of other people's vices, and cannot get rid of embarrassment. And in his sarcastic smile, you can see the blush of youth and embarrassment. When he realized that he had met a pure nature, unknown to him, he was dumbfounded, he opened his mouth in surprise; he is lost, he seeks and cannot find a tone; his former conversation seemed to him not only insolent, but, what was even more terrible for him, stupid. It is very difficult to play Neznamov: there is both bad and good in him, and all this should be manifested both in gestures and in tone; bad in him: bad manners, impudent tone and manners acquired in a provincial troupe; good: the consciousness of offended human dignity, which is expressed in him, although strongly, but more with sincere bitterness than with indignant protest, from which his tirades come out more touching ”(Ostrovsky in letters and memoirs. “Ezheg. imp. theaters”, 1910 , issue VI, pp. 53-54).


    The play premiered at Small Theater in 1884. The play was originally intended by Ostrovsky for the Moscow Maly Theater, the role of Neznamov was written specifically for Konstantin Rybakov, and the role of Korinkina - for Nadezhda Nikulina.

    "Guilty Without Guilt" is one of the most repertoire plays of the Russian theater.

    Among subsequent productions at the Maly Theater: ( March 4, 1908; dir. and role performer Dudukin - Lensky , Kruchinina - Yermolova , Neznamov - Ostuzhev , Korinkin - Yablochkin , Shelavina - Ryzhova , Shmaga - Sashin , Galchikha- Sadovskaya, Murov - Ryzhov , Milovzorov - Khudoleev , Annushka - Pashennaya).

    Subsequent productions at the Alexandrinsky Theater: ( Oct 7 1910. Kruchinina - Savina , Neznamov- Fedotov, Shmaga - Petrovsky , Korinkin- Potocka, Galchikha- Sharoviev).

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