How yolks fell in love with faith. Literature lesson on the story of A.I.


A. I. Kuprin wrote a beautiful and sad story about the love that everyone would like to experience. Story " Garnet bracelet"Just about such a sublime and disinterested feeling. And now readers continue to discuss whether the main character did the right thing by refusing her fan. Or, perhaps, an admirer would make her happy? To talk about this topic, you need to characterize Zheltkov from "Pomegranate bracelet."

Description of the appearance of a fan of the Faith

What is remarkable about this gentleman and why did the author decide to make him the main character? Maybe there is something unusual in Zheltkov's characterization in the story "Garnet Bracelet"? For example, in many romantic stories the main characters have a beautiful or memorable appearance. It should be noted right away: the name of the main character is not indicated in the story (perhaps his name is George). This can be explained by the writer's attempts to show the insignificance of a person in the eyes of society.

Zheltkov was tall and lean. His face is more like a girl's: soft features, blue eyes and a stubborn dimpled chin. It is the last point that indicates that despite the seeming pliability of nature, this person is actually stubborn and does not like to deviate from his decisions.

In appearance, he was 30-35 years old, that is, he was already an adult man and a fully formed personality. Nervousness was visible in all his movements: his fingers were constantly fiddling with buttons, and he himself was pale, which indicates his strong mental agitation. If you rely on external characteristic Zheltkov from "Garnet Bracelet", we can conclude that he has a soft, receptive nature, prone to feelings, but at the same time not devoid of perseverance.

The situation in the main character's room

For the first time, Kuprin "brings" his character to the reader's judgment during the visit of her husband and brother main character. Prior to that, its existence was known only through letters. To the characteristics of Zheltkov in the "Garnet Bracelet" you can add a description of his living conditions. The poor decoration of the room emphasizes his social position. After all, the reason that he could not openly communicate with Vera was social inequality.

The room was low-ceilinged, round windows barely illuminating it. From the furniture there was only a narrow bed, an old sofa and a table covered with a tablecloth. The whole situation suggests that the apartment is occupied by a person who is not rich at all and does not strive for comfort. But Zheltkov did not need this: in his life there was only one woman with whom he could be happy, but she was already married. Therefore, the man did not think about creating a family. That is, Zheltkov's characterization in the "Garnet Bracelet" complements important quality- he is single.

The fact that the house has small windows is indicative. The room is a reflection of the main character's existence. He had few joys in his life, it was full of difficulties, and Vera was the only bright ray for the unfortunate.

Zheltkov's character

Despite the insignificance of his position, the main character had an exalted nature, otherwise he would not have been capable of such disinterested love. The man served as an official in some ward. The fact that he had money is reported to the reader from a letter in which Zheltkov writes that he could not give Vera a gift worthy of her due to limited funds.

Zheltkov was educated and humble person did not consider himself endowed fine taste. For the hostess of the room he rented, Zheltkov became like own son- so courteous and kind-hearted was his manner.

Vera's husband saw in him a noble and honest nature, which is not capable of deceit. Main character immediately admits to him that he will not be able to stop loving Vera, because this feeling is stronger than him. But he will no longer bother her, because she asked for it, and the peace and happiness of his beloved is more important than anything in the world.

Zheltkov's love story for Vera

Despite the fact that this is an unrequited romance in letters, the writer was able to show a sublime feeling. Therefore, unusual love story has occupied the minds of readers for decades. As for Zheltkov's characterization in "Garnet Bracelet", it is precisely the readiness to be content with little, the ability to selfless love betrays the nobility of his soul.

He first saw Vera 8 years ago and immediately realized that she was the one, simply because there is no better woman in the world.

And all this time Zhelktov continued to love her, not expecting any reciprocity. He followed her, wrote letters, but not for the purpose of persecution, but simply because he sincerely loved. Zheltkov did not want anything for himself - for him, the well-being of Vera was most important. The man did not understand what deserved such happiness - a bright feeling for her. The tragedy of Vera is that she only realized at the very end that this was the very love that women dream of. She felt that Zheltkov forgave her, because his love was disinterested and sublime. In Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", Zheltkov's characterization is not a description of one person, but a true, constant, precious feeling.

Characteristics of the hero

Zheltkov G.S. The hero is “very pale, with a tender girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he was about 30, 35 years old...
7 years ago, Zh. fell in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, wrote letters to her. Then, at the request of the princess, he stopped bothering her. But now he again confessed his love to the princess. Zh. sent Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet. In the letter, he explained that garnet stones used to be in his grandmother's bracelet, later they were transferred to a gold bracelet. In his letter, J. repented that he had previously written "stupid and impudent letters." Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion remained in him. This letter was read not only by Vera Nikolaevna, but also by her brother and husband. They decide to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence between the princess and Zh. Zh. is experiencing "an enormous tragedy of the soul." Later, from the newspaper, the princess learns about the suicide of Zh., who explained his act as state embezzlement. Before his death, Zh. wrote to Vera Nikolaevna Farewell letter. In it, he called his feeling "tremendous happiness" sent to him by God. Zh. admitted that, apart from love for Vera Nikolaevna, “nothing interests him in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people ... Leaving, I say in delight: Yes, shine your name". Arriving to say goodbye to Zh., Vera Nikolaevna notices that after his death, his face shone with “deep importance”, “deep and sweet mystery”, as well as a “pacified expression”, which was “on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon”.

"Garnet bracelet"- The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written in 1910. The plot was based real story, which Kuprin filled with sad poetry. In 1915 and 1964, a film of the same name was made based on this work. The main characters of the story Garnet Bracelet reside bright moments life, they love, suffer.

Garnet bracelet main characters

    • Vasily Lvovich Shein - prince, provincial marshal of the nobility
    • Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - his wife, beloved Zheltkov
    • Georgy Stepanovich Zheltkov - official of the control chamber
  • Anna Nikolaevna Friesse - Vera's sister
  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - Vera's brother, assistant prosecutor
  • General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - grandfather of Vera and Anna
  • Lyudmila Lvovna Durasova - sister of Vasily Shein
  • Gustav Ivanovich Friesse - husband of Anna Nikolaevna
  • Jenny Reiter - pianist
  • Vasyuchok is a young varmint and a reveler.

Garnet bracelet characteristics Zheltkov

The protagonist of "Garnet Bracelet"- petty official funny last name Zheltkov, hopelessly and unrequitedly in love with Princess Vera, the wife of the marshal of the nobility.

Zheltkov G.S. The hero is “very pale, with a tender girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he was about 30, 35 years old...
7 years ago, Zh. fell in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, wrote letters to her. Then, at the request of the princess, he stopped bothering her. But now he again confessed his love to the princess. Zh. sent Vera Nikolaevna a garnet bracelet. In the letter, he explained that garnet stones used to be in his grandmother's bracelet, later they were transferred to a gold bracelet. In his letter, J. repented that he had previously written "stupid and impudent letters." Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion remained in him. This letter was read not only by Vera Nikolaevna, but also by her brother and husband. They decide to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence between the princess and Zh. Zh. is experiencing "an enormous tragedy of the soul." Later, from the newspaper, the princess learns about the suicide of Zh., who explained his act as state embezzlement. Before his death, Zh. wrote a farewell letter to Vera Nikolaevna. In it, he called his feeling "tremendous happiness" sent to him by God. Zh. admitted that, apart from love for Vera Nikolaevna, “nothing interests him in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people ... Leaving, I say in delight: Hallowed be thy name.” Arriving to say goodbye to Zh., Vera Nikolaevna notices that after his death, his face shone with “deep importance”, “deep and sweet mystery”, as well as a “peaceful expression”, which was “on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon”.

Garnet bracelet characteristic of Faith

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina- Princess, wife of Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, beloved Zheltkov.
Living in a seemingly prosperous marriage, the beautiful and pure V.N. fading away. From the first lines of the story, in the description autumn landscape with the "grassy, ​​sad smell" of the southern pre-winter, there is a feeling of withering. Like nature, the princess also withers, leading a monotonous, drowsy lifestyle. It is based on habitual and convenient connections, occupations, duties. All the emotions of the heroine have long been dulled. She "was strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little condescendingly kind, independent and regally calm." In the life of V.N. No true love. She is connected with her husband by a deep sense of friendship, respect, habit. However, in the entire environment of the princess there is no person awarded with this feeling. The princess's sister, Anna Nikolaevna, is married to a man whom she cannot stand. Brother V.N., Nikolai Nikolaevich, is not married and is not going to marry. Prince Shein's sister, Lyudmila Lvovna, is a widow. It is not for nothing that the friend of the Sheins, the old general Anosov, who also did not have true love in his life, says: “I don’t see true love.” Royal calm V.N. destroys Zheltkov. The heroine is experiencing the awakening of a new mental attitude. Outwardly, nothing special happens: guests come to V.N. But all this time, the inner tension of the heroine is growing. The most tense moment is the farewell of V.N. with the deceased Zheltkov, their only "date". “At that moment, she realized that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.” Returning home, V.N. finds a familiar pianist who plays her favorite excerpt from Zheltkov from Beethoven's second sonata.

I. A. Kuprin can be called one of the "kings" of prose. Love occupies a special place in his works. The story "Garnet Bracelet" is saturated with unearthly love. The plot of the work takes place in Odessa, beloved by Kuprin. It compares the great feeling of an official with the hardened soul of people standing above Zheltkov.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov. He holds the post of an official of the control chamber. G.S. has a pleasant appearance. He has eyes blue color, long soft hair. Zheltkov tall and lean physique. He has an elevated feeling.

Zheltkov is in love with Vera Shenina, a cold aristocrat. He considers her extraordinary. He himself is also a very unusual person. From the letter that Zheltkov wrote for Vera's name day, one can understand his spiritual appearance. He has nothing to hope for, but he is ready to sacrifice everything. There is admiration, respect, courage in his words. As a gift to Vera, he presented a garnet bracelet. He belonged to mother Zheltkova, who was already deceased at that time, so he was a very valuable hero. In addition, the bracelet has interesting history. According to legend, he gives the gift of foresight and protects its owner from violent death.

The meaning of the hero's life was endless love. He didn't need anything else. Zheltkov was filled with sweet thoughts about his beloved. The hero believed that escaping the city would not be able to resist his feelings. He couldn't let go of the dreams of Vera. Unfortunately, his love was not mutual. Unrequited love has destructive force. Zheltkov wrote in his letter that he was not interested in science, politics, or the world, in a word, absolutely nothing, except for his beloved Vera. His life was all about her. He wrote this letter before his suicide. With his conversion, he raised feelings to the level of tragedy. Now another world opens before Vera, filled with unknown feelings. It turns out that Zheltkov loved before last breath until the last beat of your heart.

It doesn't matter who you are: a turner, a boss, a writer, a deputy, a cashier, a commander - before love, everyone is on the same level. Yolk evokes a feeling of compassion, as unrequited love- it's a heavy burden. But only in her he saw the meaning of life, only she gave him moments saturated with happiness and madness. Probably the worst thing is to be indifferent to everything around and see in front of you only the object of your sigh.

Composition of Yolks with a portrait characteristic

Not a single work of Russian literature is devoted to the theme of love. This feeling in any of its manifestations drives people, the world. Relations between lovers often become a habit. However, A.I. Kuprin endowed one of his heroes of the story "Garnet Bracelet" with an immortal feeling - love that did not fade away until his death.

Although general characteristics Zheltkova was distinguished neither by her bright appearance, nor by special manifestations of male power, actions and ideas, however, at the end of the work, this hero focuses the attention of all those around him. He becomes understandable, reveals himself thanks to his rich inner world, where pure, sincere love takes place.

Occupying the position of a small official "in some state institution", he did not stand out either for merits or appearance. Unsightly appearance of a frail, short young man no older than forty, he looked more like a tender girl with a dimple in her chin and "soft hair." His pallor of skin, erratic movements, nervousness (“buttoning and unbuttoning buttons”) completed the image of an unsure-looking, secretive person.

Zheltkov's lack of his own housing confirmed his unfavorable financial situation. Judging by the description of the room he rented, he had some money. He lived in an unlit, small room with old furniture. However, despite such characteristics, this person turned out to have endless energy, which gave strength and the ability to endure any pressure on life path thanks to the moment when he first met Vera Sheina in the circus. Since then, love has overshadowed everything. He did not see any flaws in her, it was his ideal. Sometimes life seemed like torture to Zheltkov, since he did not see a grain of reciprocity. Beloved all the years was under his supervision. But he did not want to change anything, enjoying the opportunity to love.

This man did not have a special vision of the world. He was an ordinary man, able to truly love one woman all his life. Despite her marriage, coldness, hope for reciprocity glimmered in her soul. This feeling gave him unearthly strength, a feeling of happiness. The attitude towards the hero changes from the beginning to the end of the story. From a quiet, unknown, he turns into a thinking man with raging passions. However, she remains alone with her feelings, expressing thoughts only in letters. He was true to himself and to Vera. And happy only from the thought that he loves her passionately. Zheltkov's gift in the form of a garnet bracelet is nothing more than a desire to feel an invisible spiritual connection with a woman after she receives it.

Thus, Kuprin endowed Zheltkov with a feeling that pushes a person to exploits. In the soul of such people there is a place for kindness, patience, self-sacrifice and fidelity, the desire to give yourself without a trace.

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The hero of the story "Garnet Bracelet" is one of the most touching images in literature. The author himself wept over the manuscript of this work. Kuprin claimed that it is the most chaste of all that he created. Characteristics of the heroes ("Garnet Bracelet") is the topic of this article.


The main characters are the wife of Sheina. It is noteworthy that the characterization of the heroes ("Garnet Bracelet") is given by the author very unevenly. Kuprin did not consider it necessary to describe the disposition of Princess Vera, her habits. He described the appearance of the heroine, comparing her with her sister Anna.

Has a flexible figure, gentle, cold and proud face. That's almost all that is said about the main character. Her sister is depicted in more detail, although her presence in the story does not affect the plot in any way.

Each of the images is a kind of means for revealing main topic works, namely the themes of love. And therefore, the writer characterizes the characters quite selectively. "Garnet Bracelet" - a story in which fate and inner world characters can be understood from short phrases, said by them, and various small details.

Princess Vera is a kind, sensitive and honest woman. The ending of the story speaks of her ability to sympathize, when she comes to the house of the deceased Zheltkov to say goodbye to him. Honesty is indicated by the pangs of conscience that she experiences in one of the scenes. When a dispute flares up between Vasily and Vera's brother Nikolai about correspondence, which allegedly compromises all family members, Shein coldly remarks that this epistolary phenomenon is exclusively one-sided. At the words of her husband, the princess blushes deeply. After all, only one single message was received by the person who presented this ill-fated garnet bracelet.

The main characters, whose characteristics are finally revealed in the denouement, are secondary characters throughout the main part.

Vasily Shein

Even less is said about this hero than about Vera Nikolaevna. As already noted, in the work "Garnet Bracelet" the main characters, whose characteristics are given by the author at the beginning of the story succinctly and restrained, at the end show their best qualities. Vasily Shein goes to Zheltkov and, unlike Vera's brother, who accompanies him, behaves tactfully, politely and somewhat bewildered. The prince is able to see a huge tragedy in a man who has been in love with his wife for eight years. He knows how to feel someone else's pain even when the other would have shown only hostility and acute irritation.

Later, after Zheltkov commits suicide, Vasily conveys to Vera his impressions of what he saw: “This man loved you, and he was not insane,” he says, and at the same time treats with understanding the desire of the princess to say goodbye to the deceased.

But at the same time, both Vera and Vasily are arrogant people. Which, however, is not surprising, given their position in society. This quality is not negative. This is not arrogance, and not a kind of condescension, which is manifested in their attitude towards people who are not part of their circle. Faith is characterized by coldness and an authoritative tone. Vasily treats his wife's secret admirer with excessive irony. And, perhaps, all this led to the tragedy.

After reading summary works, it seems that love, which is so little in real life, dedicated Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The characterization of the characters, which is revealed in the story, gives, however, credibility and truthfulness to this plot. To understand this, you need to read carefully and thoughtfully.


The author took the image of this hero most fourth chapter. The image of Anosov plays important role in revealing the main idea of ​​the story. In one of the fragments, he talks with the heroine about true love, which he never for all his long life I didn’t experience it, because such a feeling is born once in a hundred years. And to Vera's story about Zheltkov, he suggested that this was that rare case.


This man is pale, has a tender girlish face. There is no need to talk about the qualities of his character, since Vera Nikolaevna is the meaning of his life. IN last letter he admits to her that after seeing her for the first time, he stopped being interested in anything. The image of Zheltkov is central to the plot, but little is said about him. Much more important is the strength of the feeling that he experienced the last eight years of his life than his personality.

With the help of a small diagram, you can summarize the analysis of images in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

Characteristics of heroes (table)

This is the nature of heroes. "Garnet Bracelet" - despite its small volume, is a deep work. The article presents short description images, and important details and citations are missing.

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