Card file of games for children of the second younger group.


The song came to visit

Development game musical ear, memory and performance abilities

Purpose: To develop musical memory, the ability to sing without musical accompaniment choir, ensemble and individually.

Game material: Magic bag and toys, heroes of children's songs.

Game progress: The teacher brings to the group magic pouch, consider it, speculate what it might be.

Eventually, the roles of adults and children will be assigned to justify the distinction between the two categories, guests and hosts. At the end of the game, all children can play a fun song, you can read it in the choir. Mother's Day Purpose: to specify flower rules and rules for placing a bouquet of flowers. Target tasks: Give flowers to loved ones, freely express their feelings about mother's day. Learning resources: natural or artificial flowers, money.

The florist will improvise in the corner of the class. Before the game begins, it will be determined which of the children plays the role of the seller, parent and child. Among the children will be asked to go to the flower shop. After they have bought the flowers, the children will head to the place that each house represents. In each house, the person who sows the flowers will be placed in advance. In both stages of the game - buying flowers, offering them - the supporter will follow the dialogue. In testimonies that will give them the role of parent and parent, they will insist that they keep a close eye on how children ask or offer flowers.

Educator: The song came to visit

And she brought a gift.

Come on, Tanya, come on

What's in the bag, look!

The child takes a toy out of the bag. The teacher offers to remember the song in which it occurs given character: cat, mouse, horse, bunny. A car, a bird, etc. The teacher invites the children to sing a song individually, in chorus or in an ensemble.

It will be pointed out that if the buyer child does not know to ask not to release the goods and be in a situation to accompany other children, return to the flower shop. It is desirable that the game be repeated in order to put all the children in the parent and child positions. Note. In large classrooms, the game can be difficult if you add a gift shop in addition to flower shop. In this case, each child will be given the choice of what he wants to buy, showing his initiative and independence in this direction.

Get the kids to give up the place for the adults. Indicative Objectives: To perform correctly as a traveler all the activities associated with traveling through a shared journey. Learning resources: money, tickets, compost, suitcases. Playing the game The teacher and the children will sit on seats simulating a tram, bus or train. They will fix several roles: cashier, dispatcher, drawing paper. The applicant will interpret the lead to provide explanations as to where the route is.

Note: The song is not necessarily about a toy. The hero can simply be mentioned in the song.

The toys are dancing

A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Purpose: To develop in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brhythm, to learn to memorize and transmit a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material: a set of small toys according to the number of children playing.

Game progress: 1 option

During each type of trip, the correct location and place where tickets are purchased will be tracked: - on the tram and city buses, from any ticket counter at the stations; - by bus, in case of travel outside the area, from the driver, taxi driver or cashier; - on the train, at the ticket counter at the station. During the trips, some specific activities will be introduced: - on the train: putting a suitcase, reading magazines, books, snacks, presenting tickets for control; - by bus: I read a newspaper, a magazine.

Rules of conduct will be remembered in right time. He will insist on taking the train so as not to run over children at intermediate stations so as not to lose him. It will also be possible to diversify the action by introducing different roles: mother, father, grandparents. He can also, in some variations, offer the roles of people who also.

The teacher and children are located around the table or on the floor.

Educator: The toys gathered to dance,

But they don't know how, where to start.

Bunny came forward

He sets an example for everyone

The teacher sets a simple rhythmic pattern by banging the toy on the table. The task of the children is to repeat the given drawing.

The game is repeated several times. The task can be given to the whole group of playing children, as well as individually. When the game is well enough mastered by the children, one of the children takes on the role of the leader.

Either option will be chosen by the proposer, the focus should be on the relationship that is established between those who travel and those who are part of the locomotive staff. Game "Department Store" Purpose: updating ideas and consolidating the actions associated with the process of buying and selling, developing the ability to use fairly different forms courtesy in dealing with store personnel. Reference purposes: observe the sequence of operations in the purchase process: request the necessary goods, consult the seller, inspect the goods, request a receipt, pay the cost of the goods, take the goods from the place of packaging.

Option 2

3 option

Children stand in a circle. Educator: The guys gathered to dance

But I don't know how to start!

I'll stomp once! I will slam once

Look at me,

Do as I do!

The teacher claps his hands, or performs stomp. Children repeat the given rhythm.

When the game is well enough mastered by the children, one of the children takes on the role of the leader.

Material resources: money, in the area of ​​a rag, everything that is needed for a doll is cloth, silk, clothes and other items of clothing; shoes; in ceramics: joyful; in a bookstore: books, stationery, toys, etc. playing the game The games will be preceded by a visit to a general store or slide presentation of aspects of such a store. At the beginning of the game, you will be reminded of the main actions in the store. Children will have to determine their own rules of conduct after some give a small demonstration.

4 option

The teacher plays with a subgroup of children, but sets the rhythmic pattern to each individually, in turn, inviting the rest of the children to evaluate the correctness of the task.

Notes: For the game, small toys from Kinder surprises, counting material: mushrooms, nesting dolls, ducklings, etc., any plastic and wooden toys, as well as nesting dolls of various sizes, can be used.

They will need to answer the question, “How would you do if you had to shop in a store, same or different?” The teacher selects the vendors according to the number of districts located. The choice will be made preferably at the suggestion of the children. To do this, 2-3 groups of buyers can be formed, possibly 2-3 families who can buy the necessary dolls. AT difficult game you can choose a shopkeeper. Initially, the role will be interpreted by the offeror and will have the task of controlling the way the purchase is made, the relationship between sellers and buyers, the order of the shelves, the ordering of the buyers, the supply of sales areas, etc. game Purpose of the show: to teach and apply to children the requirements of how to behave in the exhibition hall; The habit of children to obey each other, to obey the instructions of the leader.

So what is didactic games? These are specially designed game situations during which the child learns, acquires new skills or consolidates already acquired knowledge. For their implementation, special didactic material is prepared - various pictures, objects or toys. For teaching children 3-4 years old, several types of didactic games are usually used: stage games, board games, and sensory games. Let's take a look at concrete examples what you can think of at home.

Reference purposes: adapt your behavior to the conditions of the show: enter the exhibition hall only after you have bought tickets and put your clothes in the wardrobe, taking the place indicated on the ticket, do not say after the start of the show, applaud only when appropriate. Material resources: money, tickets with various images, similar pictures sitting on the seats, or tickets with numbers, bouquets of flowers, maybe sweets. The game will start by sharing roles and a group of actors with the host, host of the show.

The teacher will lead the audience and will oversee several activities in this regard: - buying tickets; - ticket control; - entrance to the wardrobe and clothing room; - Looks for a sign in the ticket and settlement; - waiting for the start signal of the show; - watch the show; - Returning home after taking. The supporter urged the children to appreciate the applause, to thank the actors by giving them flowers. The game can be challenging, introducing breaks during the show, visiting the buffet and shopping for merchandise. You can also buy programs at the beginning of the show and consult during breaks.

Game-staging "Tea drinking"

Purpose of the game: Enter the names of dishes in the child's dictionary, introduce them to their purpose, teach hospitality and politeness skills.

Equipment: Dolls or toy animals, toy dishes, a bell, a small table or stool, small chairs.

You call the baby and offer: "Let's invite your favorite dolls and animals to visit and give them tea." You discuss with the baby exactly who you will call and how you will treat. Together with the child, prepare the table, arrange the chairs. Then ring the bell and say: “And here is the first guest, Timka the bear cub. Hello, Timka, come in, sit down at the table. The kid should also say hello, make the bear sit more comfortably. The bell sounds again and the child welcomes the next guest.

After the show, children will be discussed. Operational Goals: Guess who called it. Teaching resources: beard, sham or scarf. Playing the game Children sit in a semicircle and in front of them is a blindfolded child with a bear in his arms. At the beginning of the game, the teacher makes a sign to the semicircular child, who shouts: "Martinel!". The one in the middle opens his eyes, he moves towards the one who suspects that he called out and put the bear in his arms. If he guesses, he reverses the roles between them, if not, he again passes in the middle, attaches himself to his eyes and waits for the next call of "Martinel".

When everyone is seated, you invite the baby to arrange the dishes: saucers, cups, spoons. All actions must be spoken out, for example: “We will put a small red cup for the Masha doll, and we will give Timka a big blue one.” During the game, ask the child questions, give explanations.

This is a sugar bowl, sugar is poured into it, and this is a milk jug, cream is poured into it.

If he does not guess correctly after three attempts, he is replaced by another child and the game continues. "Where did the bell ring?" Purpose: Development of the ability to navigate in space after listening. Operational Goals: Guess where the bell rang. Learning resources: bell. Playing the game Children willingly prepare to form a circle with their hands. The child stands in the middle of the circle, covering his face with his hands. The teacher has a bell in his hand. When the game begins, he moves after the children and puts the bell in the hands of one, continuing to move. At some point, he shouts: "Ready!".

The child who received the bell does not sound according to him, then takes it away and remains calm. The middle reveals his face, carefully looks at the children to capture any movement. He then turns to whoever he suspects has the call, hits him on the shoulder and asks. He raises his hands forward and, if he has a call, changes roles; if he did not guess, then he returns to the center, covers his face, and the game continues in the same way. After a few repetitions, if he does not guess, he is replaced by another.

Help the bear tie the napkin.

Give the bunny another cookie.

At the end of tea drinking, dolls and animals thank and say goodbye. The kid cleans the table, washes the dishes.

You can consolidate the knowledge gained during the game by showing the child pictures of dishes and offering to find the items that were used in the lesson. Make sure that the baby names objects using not only nouns, but also adjectives: a small spoon, a green tablecloth, a round table.

Operational goals: look for a hidden toy, follow the instructions received. Learning resources: toy, fairy tale. Playing the game The child is tied to the eye by crying. The children remain in their places, and one of them hides the toy. At the teacher's instruction, a blindfolded child unties his basma and begins to look for a hidden toy. When approaching the toy, the supporter, along with the class, says "warm" when they are very close to shouting "hot", and if they move away, they interfere with it with the word "cold". The game is played by pointing the child to these three words until he finds the toy.

Invite the child to tell dad, grandmother or someone else about how the tea party went, complete his story, remind him of forgotten details.

Board game "Merry meadow"

To conduct this game, you will need to make didactic material with your own hands in advance. From colored cardboard, cut out 4 multi-colored circles with a diameter of 10–15 cm, 6–8 petals of the same color and 5 butterflies each.

The game is resumed by changing the child looking for a hidden toy. Game "Warrior" Purpose: to develop physical strength. Operational Objectives: Draw the contestant along the control line. Teaching resources: chalk, ruler or thicker stick. Playing the game Children sit face to face in pairs with their right foot on the control line. A ruler or a thicker stick is placed on the ground next to each pair. At the signal given by the teacher, each child grabs the ruler with both hands and tries to pull his partner along the control line.

Purpose of the game: to teach or consolidate knowledge of primary colors, as well as the skills of matching objects by color. Develop counting skills, coordination of movements and motor skills of fingers.

Equipment: circles cut out of cardboard, petals and butterflies of four colors - red, blue, green, yellow.

You spread a plain tablecloth on the table, put circles on it and tell the child: “This is a clearing. Beautiful flowers grew on it. But the wind blew, cut off all the petals, and they mixed up. How now to find which flower had which petals? At the same time, pour petals mixed in color on the table and invite the baby to pick up petals of the same color for each circle.

Those who succeed are strong. When organizing the game, it is considered that pairs, as far as possible, have the same height and weight. The game "Wolf and Sheep" Purpose: Strengthening running skills. Indicative goals: work as quickly as possible. In this rectangle, representing the wolf forest, there will be a student. On one side of the rectangle, 4-5 steps to the long sides, the other "sheep" is wasted. At the signal, the sheep must cross the wolf forest, which at this time is trying to catch several sheep. Those who are caught become wolves and will catch the remaining sheep.

The game continues until one player is left unpunished to restart the game. Operational goals: sing and perform the movements required by the text. She fucked herself and fucked her, damn it, damn it, let me go. to the line one by one. You can.

When this task is completed, you put butterflies on the table and say: “Look what beautiful butterflies. They flew to our flowers. Let's plant red butterflies on a red flower, yellow ones on a yellow one, and so on. During the lesson, ask the child to voice their actions.

If the baby is well versed in colors and easily coped with the task, complicate the task. Let him plant blue butterflies on a red flower, and green ones on a yellow one, or vice versa. During the game, count the number of flowers, butterflies, say: "You have already planted one butterfly, one more, now there are two of them." This contributes to the development of counting skills, gives the concept of quantity.

The game restarts from the beginning, with another fox and other geese stolen. The game "Ball" Purpose: enrichment of vocabulary and development of musical ear. Operational goals: get the lyrics and the song of the song, throw and catch the ball in the rhythm of the song. Learning resources: balls, musical game with a ball.

Yes, this, let me go, give it to me, - 11. And what the hell is this, - he shouted. With our ministry, let's jump in. Hey, by the way, we see it, don't you understand it! Playing the game Children sit face to face on two lines one meter apart. The first row players have the ball in their hand. All the children sing the first two streets going rhythmically. The game restarts several times. Game "Kuku" Purpose: mental separation. Operational goals: To get the lyrics and melody of the song, perform the movements required by the lyrics of the song.

Be sure to encourage the child, praise him: “How quickly you did it! What a beautiful clearing you have turned out!

Board game "Help the Bear"

Purpose of the game: to teach and consolidate the child's ability to distinguish geometric figures and colors, develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: a large toy bear, a basket, panties and T-shirts cut out of colored paper with holes cut into them in the form of a circle, square, triangle; paper geometric shapes corresponding to the holes.

Sit the child at the table and say:

Today the bear Marya Ivanovna came to visit us, - show the bear, - oh, Marya Ivanovna, why are you crying?

I bought new T-shirts and panties for my cubs. But when she was walking through the forest, the basket caught on a bush, and all her clothes were torn. What should I do?


Don't cry, Marya Ivanovna. We will try to help you. Let's have your T-shirts and panties. We'll put patches on them.

Lay out multi-colored T-shirts and shorts cut out of paper, as well as “patches” from the basket on the table, and invite the baby to choose the right color and shape. At the same time, ask questions to the child: “What color patch will we put on this T-shirt? What is the shape of the hole in these panties? etc. After the task is completed, praise the baby on your behalf and on behalf of the bear, say goodbye to her.

At the end of the game, once again consolidate the knowledge gained with the baby by asking him to find objects in the room that resemble a circle, square and triangle in shape, or by looking at them in pictures.

Sensory game "Guess what's in the bag"

The sensory development of the child is focused on determining the properties of objects using the senses. little man it is very important to touch the object, smell it and even try it on the tooth in order to understand what it is. Sensory games help the baby to enrich their understanding of various objects, to understand their properties.

Purpose of the game: develop and consolidate the skills of determining the shape of an object and its properties. Develop imagination and ingenuity. Strengthen the motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: a small linen bag, pictures of fruits and vegetables, various fruits and vegetables (models can be used) - apple, banana, kiwi, orange, carrot, onion, cucumber, etc.

Preliminarily, consider together with the little one the pictures depicting fruits and vegetables, then offer to play an interesting game.

Put all vegetables and fruits in a bag. Ask the child to put the pen in, take one object and, without taking it out, guess what it is. During the game, ask the child questions: "Why do you think it's an orange?"

Answer: "Because it's round."

Question: What is the skin of a banana?

Answer: "Smooth", etc.

You can complicate the task by asking the baby to say what such and such a fruit or vegetable looks like, to recall its properties - for example, a bitter onion, it stings its eyes, an apple is sweet and tasty.

Our meeting is coming to an end. We hope we have convinced you that didactic games are a very simple, but very exciting activity, because they:

  • help the child to acquire and consolidate the necessary skills and knowledge;
  • expand vocabulary baby, contribute to the development of coherent speech;
  • teach the child the correct behavior in various everyday situations;
  • develop his thinking skills.

Write to us which of the proposed games your kid liked the most, what other didactic games you play with him. We look forward to your feedback, comments and suggestions.

We hope for new meeting with you, dear parents on the pages of our site. All the best! Goodbye!

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