Game situation "Polite garden". The course of educational activities


One of the greats said that parable carries a lesson, comprehending which, we will become closer to God.

The young family bought a house outside the city. They looked through a lot of options, traveled almost all the neighborhoods and finally saw what they had been dreaming about for so many years.

The move didn't take long. happy spouses enjoyed pleasant cares. And there were many. It was necessary to disassemble things, put things in order, get acquainted with the neighbors.

The first morning in the new house was sunny. We decided to have breakfast in the garden. While the young wife was preparing breakfast, her husband decided to look at the garden. And suddenly he stumbled upon a pile of garbage, poured out just on a flower bed. The man frowned, who only had the mind to do such a thing.

“It didn’t happen yesterday,” he thought.

And then his eyes caught some movement from the side. He turned and saw his neighbor walking into his house with a wry grin. A guess flashed through the man's head, but he shook his head.

- Yes, it can not be. How bad I am about people, - he took a dustpan, a broom and collected garbage in a bucket. I decided that the young wife did not need to know about this unpleasant story.

History repeated itself the next morning. The man was so upset that he could not hide it even from his wife.

Maybe we offended him in some way? Although what, we are not even familiar with him yet, - the man languidly picked at his plate with a fork.

- Calm down, - said the wife, - now we'll figure it out a bit and I'll go to the neighbors on a return visit. Everything will be fine, - the woman affectionately hugged her husband. People sometimes really need lessons in politeness.

The time was drawing near for dinner. The young wife took the largest bucket available in the house and collected the largest and most beautiful apples in the garden. I washed the apples and put them in a bucket. Then she cut a few roses and with these gifts went to a neighbor.

The neighbor opened the door immediately, the woman did not even have time to knock.

“Good afternoon,” the young woman said, “we are your neighbors.

The man's eyes rolled wildly.

“This is for you,” the woman put the bucket in front of her neighbor, “and this is for you too.”

She handed him the roses. The neighbor eyed the bouquet suspiciously.

“You understand what it is. We have been here for the second day, but we got to know each other only today. And we always take kind people to share what he himself is rich. So this is your home from ours. Goodbye.

And she went to the gate. The neighbor looked after her. A flush of shame slowly flooded his face. The lesson has been learned.

Did you like parable? If you don't like the young woman's answer, feel free to find your own.

One magical land, in small fabulous city, lived the young wizard Artie. He was still very small, but he had incredible strength!

It was courtesy. This power was endowed by his parents - good wizards.

What was it about this power? But wanted, for example, a young wizard new toy. This is where he used his power. Suitable for parents and say, “I behaved very well. And in magical garden The teacher praised me. Conjure me a toy!” And at the end he always added a polite spell "PLEASE!"

The kid said this spell, and immediately a chest with toys appeared - the parents could not resist his extraordinary power. But Artie was only allowed to choose one toy from the chest. Otherwise, the chest could take part of his magical power for himself.

Everyone in town loved Artie, adults and children alike. When he walked down the street, everyone rejoiced and laughed, because for every inhabitant of the magical town, the boy had his own polite spell:

— HELLO, mister baker! How are you doing? the boy asked happily.

— THANK YOU, Aunt Matilda, your pies are very tasty!

- GOOD NIGHT, grandfather Samson, tomorrow I will come to you to repair my shoes!

“He must have the gift of Politeness!” — people were surprised, — What a polite boy!

And everyone felt happy and light in their hearts. Because people were just beginning to understand what Politeness is and did not yet know how to say polite spells. Although the words were very simple, the townspeople had no idea about their great Magic Power yet. Therefore, strength was considered rare.

But one day Artie almost lost his Politeness.

The kid got used to the fact that everyone loves him anyway, and began to forget to say polite spells THANK YOU, HELLO, PLEASE.

The Power of Courtesy felt that they forgot about her, got offended and left wherever her eyes looked. Lost. She really doesn't like being forgotten about, especially little boys.

And there was a rumor in fairy town that Artie had lost the Gift of Courtesy. The parents got worried and decided to talk to the baby. And he began to be rude and snarl. Mom and dad got upset. They realized that things were really bad, their son's magical gift disappeared.

They called the most important, the most Kind Enchanter, who was kinder than anyone in the entire fairy-tale town. Children, adults, and even forest animals came running - everyone was so worried about the young wizard!

How are you, Artie? asked the Kindest Magician, smiling.

- What's your business? the kid snapped.

“Everything is clear,” said the Good Wizard, “the boy simply forgot all the polite spells, so Politeness was offended.

- What to do? How can our Artie get Politeness back so that she doesn't get offended anymore? parents threw up their hands.

“And here everything is magically simple,” smiled the Enchanter, “it is necessary that everyone around utter polite words. They are very simple, but the power in them is incredible! You can easily learn this magic. Ask for something and add "PLEASE" at the end. And when they give you something, say "THANK YOU". Say "HELLO" out loud in the morning and "GOOD NIGHT" in the evening. The Power of Courtesy will immediately begin to act and everyone will be happy and good!

- Simple as that! - the inhabitants of the city were delighted and clapped their hands happily, - now we can also become polite, and we will have the most polite city!

Here is a story that happened in a fairy-tale city. Magic power, of course, returned to the young wizard Artie. She was very wise and understood perfectly well that in order to become a real hero, you need to go through many trials.

Fairy tale for older children preschool age: "Land of Courtesy"

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department

Description: Author's fairy tale designed for older preschool children, educators preschool institutions, parents.
Purpose of work: The fairy tale introduces children to the culture of communication and makes them want to use polite words in everyday life.
Target: Formation in preschool children of moral and
morally- ethical standards behavior
1. enrichment of ideas about the rules and ethics of behavior;
2. formation of a positive emotional attitude to the implementation of the rules of conduct;
3. use problem situations to consolidate the learned rules of conduct;
4. Using real life situations to replenish personal experience cultural behavior.

In one city there lived a girl Natasha, who was very uneducated and rude. The girl was 5 years old, and she could sit alone in her room for hours on end and play with dolls.
But one day, when the girl was playing as usual, she heard a quiet melody. The music was unusually beautiful and Natasha immediately began to look for where it sounds from? First of all, the girl looked under the bed, but it was dark and quiet there, she looked into the nightstand, but there were tights and socks, then she paid attention to bookshelf on which stood a large number of different books. Natasha came closer and wonderful music started to get a little louder. Feeling a sense of excitement and interest, the girl put down a chair and, standing on it, looked at the shelf with colorful books. The books were so different thin and thick, high and low, but only one book attracted the attention of a little girl. It was a small, pink book, which lit up with a rainbow glow, it was from there that a quiet and such a fabulous melody was heard. Natasha could not resist and took the book in her hands, and although the girl knew the letters, she still did not know how to read. She wanted to look at the pictures, and without hesitation, she opened the first page.
In an instant, Natasha was inside fairyland. Before her eyes shone in its splendor fairy-tale castle.
- Oh, how did I get here? - thought the girl.
- I wonder who lives in such a beautiful castle?
She headed down the road, along which blossomed extraordinarily beautiful flowers, over which amazing, multi-colored butterflies fluttered. Natasha went inside the castle and saw a large hall that shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow from the sun's rays. on the throne of precious stones a beautiful, young woman was sitting, who smiled affably at the little guest.

Hello Natasha! - said the stranger.
- Who you are? I don't know you - the girl answered with surprise in her voice.
Of course you don't know me. All the inhabitants of the Earth are familiar with me, but you do not want to hear about me and my children - the woman answered with sadness in her voice.
- I am the Queen - Courtesy! And I invite to visit me in our fairyland only those boys and girls who never utter my magic words. Now your time has come Natasha, I want to introduce you to my beloved children, ”the woman said. The girl turned her head and saw a beautiful garden in which children were playing, what girls and boys were like her, but their clothes were not ordinary, but royal. The queen extended her snow-white hand to Natasha, and together they went out into the marvelous garden.
- Here are my children, meet Natasha. Everyone has their own name. The queen brought Natasha so close that the girl could even see the color of the children's eyes.
- These are my sons, I have 6 of them: prince Thank you prince Please prince Hello prince Excuse me prince Goodnight and most the little Prince Please.
- These are my daughters theirs too 6: Princess Goodbye, princess Allow me, princess Thank you, princess I'm sorry, princess Good morning and the most young princess Good afternoon.
Natasha had never thought that something like this could happen to her. Natasha really liked the children of the Queen, and she even wanted to play with them.
- Although my children are small, they are hard workers, they have been walking around the world for many years and help ordinary people and in joys and troubles - the beautiful Queen continued her story.
- Like this? Natasha was surprised.
The Courtesy Queen smiled and extended her hand towards where her children stood.
- But listen. For example, my son Prince Thank you, with his help people thank each other for some services, for help in business.
Or, for example, Prince Hello, with his help, people greet each other on the street, and when they come to visit, the first thing people say is the name of my son. You Natasha managed to offend each of my children. You never said a single polite word. Look how sad they are.
Natasha felt ashamed.
- You see, Natasha, in our magical land, time has no power over age, and although they look like your peers, this is far from being the case. My children and I have been serving people faithfully for many years, with our help it is easier for people to agree among themselves, it is easier to get out of any conflict or difficult situation, with our help, wars and bloody battles ended on Earth. The ability to use polite words correctly is a culture of behavior in society. With these words, the Queen ended her story.
Natasha listened to the Queen very carefully. But suddenly a bright butterfly waved its colorful wings, and gracefully sat on a huge, antique clock. Natasha knew the numbers well, but she still did not understand what time the clock shows?
- Is this a real watch? Natasha asked the Queen.
This is the clock - time! You see, they began to go very slowly and may soon stop completely.
- Why? – sincerely surprised girl.
- But because too many people on Earth have become uneducated and rude. They forgot the rules of conduct and words of politeness. And it may happen that someday the clock - time will stop its course, and we will disappear forever - the Queen of Politeness said sadly in her voice.
Natasha felt sorry for the Queen of Politeness and her charming children. And she even wanted to cry from resentment.
- And what needs to be done so that the clock - time begins to walk correctly, and never stops? - with a voice trembling with excitement asked the girl.
- You just have to be polite and educated people. And skillfully use such small, but such important and necessary words, and the Queen pointed her hand at her beautiful children. As soon as 1 ill-mannered child on Earth corrects himself and becomes polite, the clock will go one tick-tock faster. Only in this case we will not disappear not from human speech, not from a fairy-tale land.
- Oh, I understood everything! Natasha exclaimed happily.
- Probably, it's my fault, I didn't say good things, polite words. It was because of me that you almost died. I wish I could go home and make things right, but I don't know how I can get back to my mom?
Natasha did not have time to finish last word, so warm, light breeze touched her cheeks, and where in the distance such a familiar and at the same time such a beautiful melody played. The rainbow sparkled bright colors and disappeared without a trace. Natasha rubbed her eyes and looked around. She was sitting on the rug again in her room, her favorite dolls lay around.
- I must have fallen asleep and had a wonderful dream? - thought the girl.
The door creaked and Natasha's mother appeared on the threshold.
- Let's go eat my daughter, the soup is ready! She spoke softly and kindly.
Natasha wanted to say, as usual: I don’t want to, I won’t, I’m not hungry, leave me alone, I want to play. But this time the girl was in no hurry to answer. What if it was true, and not a dream, and somewhere far away in a magical land, the clock-time can stop forever? What will happen to the good Queen and her children then? I promised to fix everything. Mom, meanwhile, again called Natasha to dinner. Natasha turned and looked at the bookshelf, her cheeks blushed.
The girl smiled and said: “Okay mommy. Thank you. I am very hungry. And I will eat soup with great pleasure.
And indeed, to the surprise of her mother and grandmother, Natasha ate all the soup and two slices of bread. When the plate was already empty, Natasha told her mother: “Thank you mom for such Tasty dinner».
Natasha's mother opened her mouth in surprise: "So dear, good health!" Natasha kissed her mother.
- Mom, tell me, please, what kind of pink book is kept in my room on the shelf?
- This is a children's book, it's called: Lessons of politeness, why did you ask Natasha? Mom answered.
The girl approached her mother, hugged her tightly around the neck and said: “Mommy, this book is magical. Forgive me, please, that I was such an uneducated girl, now I will always say magic words to everyone every day. Now I know how necessary and indispensable they are!”
Natasha felt so light and cheerful, she looked at the bookshelf, on which stood a small, but such an important book. And although she knew all the letters, she still couldn't read, but she knew exactly what each polite word looked like.

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