The game "Magic bag" in a new variation, or "What will the object tell about itself? «Preschool age, Preschool education


Irina Ilyaschenko

The idea to make such a game was prompted by my slightly grown granddaughter. Her brightly colored rubber toys wandered from shelf to shelf. And it seems no longer plays, but it is a pity to throw away such beauty. I thought, I thought, where to adapt them? And I remembered magic bag.

I collected these toys and took them to kindergarten. She folded them.

And our baby lived game in a new way. They were no longer just toys, they were characters from our favorite fairy tales. Initially one child (his status define themselves - as an encouragement,.) pulled out of pouch toy, vsprminal from what (what) familiar fairy tale this character.

For example: "Masha and the Bear", Three Bears, "Zayushkina's hut".

We recall all fairy tales where there are fish characters. Of course, you can’t call it a pike, it’s more like a golden one, but you can agree with the children on the convention that this fish is such and such. The same had to be done when the usual pony horse in "Sivka-burka" was replaced by a zebra.

Yes, this is not important for children, the process of fantasizing is important to them. Using these toys (not afraid that they will tear, get dirty.) children can independently tell tales, role play them. Putting them on a pencil (each toy has a hole in the bottom) show theatrical representation. All this will make it possible to enrich the vocabulary of children, develop speech, build complex offers the ability to speak in public, to overcome their complexes and fears. These are the toys I found granddaughters:

We study with our senior group playing. And those children who have not matured by their age, in individual work with them, can highlight the features objects or toys: color, quantity, size, their functions. Continue to improve your ability to describe toys or items according to their purpose.

Related publications:

"Magic Pouch" is a game that helps to enrich the active and passive lexicon child, to make his speech more reasonable.

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Didactic game "Vegetables. Magic bag» Didactic game "Vegetables. Magic bag ”Purpose: to teach children to recognize vegetables by description, to distinguish by touch. Activity: Hello.

Integrated GCD in the senior group "Magic Pouch" Software content. 1. Teach children to guess riddles. 2. Continue to teach to distinguish and name the seasons. 3. Teach children to distinguish.

Abstract of the lesson on FEMP "Magic bag" CONSPECT of direct educational activities in middle group No. 7 on educational field « cognitive development» (formation.


This manual will help to successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children aged 5–6 with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of social life).

In order to make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program, the content of the work is presented by topics. Each topic is covered: an approximate course of a lesson, game-lesson or game is offered. The teacher can show creativity when planning classes, include variable game, problem situations which will make working with children even more successful and meaningful.

The study of each topic can be completed with a game task (puzzles, riddles, guessing drawings, etc.). Game tasks are presented in the workbook (Dybina O.V. I will know the world: Workbook for children 5-6 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009).

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world, it is impossible:

- be limited only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in it, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

- overload children with a large number of questions;

- reduce the organization of work with children only to the form of cognitive activities.

Acquaintance with the outside world must be carried out in accordance with psychological characteristics choosing appropriate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction to make this process more accessible and effective.

IN senior group familiarization with the surrounding world is carried out both in the form of games-classes, and in the form of a didactic game proper, when game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems is the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games, activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize their activity in relation to the world around them.

Didactic games can be used in joint activities children and adults, and in the independent activities of preschoolers, as well as to stimulate the activity of children in the process of learning about the world around them.

The guide presents additional material: options for games, activities, games, exercises, entertainment intended for use in working with children outside of class, on a walk.

To familiarize the children of the older group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), 2 classes per month are allotted.

The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 "Snowdrop" ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada "of the city of Togliatti, the head - Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, the methodologist - Kuznetsova Natalia Grigoryevna, participated in the development and testing of classes on familiarization with the work of adults.

The manual proposes an approximate distribution of material for the academic year. The teacher can distribute the material in his own way, in accordance with the holidays of the month (October - Teacher's Day; February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, April - Cosmonautics Day, etc.) or depending on the availability of the material.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Sample class notes


1. Items that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life

Software content. To form children's ideas about objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life; pay attention to the fact that they serve a person and he should treat them with care; reinforce the idea that objects have different purposes.

Material. Pictures depicting various objects, including objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life. Handout: large cards with two rows of cells, three cells each (in cells top row there are three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row - empty cells), and small cards with the image of objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation in everyday life.

Lesson progress

The teacher begins the lesson with a conversation: “Guys! Look carefully around and tell what surrounds you.

Children say that they are surrounded by many different objects, list them.

Educator. What world do all these objects belong to: natural or man-made? (To man-made, since a person made them with his own hands.) And why did a person come up with a table, bed, wardrobe, washing machine, TV, car and many other items?

Children say that any item is needed for something, each item performs its function.

Educator. Right. Each item has its purpose and is necessary for something. For example, a table is needed in order to write at it, or to eat at it. People sit on chairs, cook food on an electric or gas stove. There are objects with which a person works, objects with which he draws, and there are also objects that make it easier for a person to work in everyday life. Do you know such items? My riddles will help you find out some of them.

In our kitchen all year round

Santa Claus lives in the closet.


I have no legs, but I walk

There is no mouth, but I will say

When to sleep, when to wake up

When to start work.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing.

(Vacuum cleaner)

Back then forward

The steamer is sailing.

Stop - grief,

Pierces the sea.

Children guess riddles and, with the help of a teacher, explain what the benefits of these items are.

Educator. I will show you different pictures. Be careful! If the picture shows an object that facilitates the work of a person in everyday life, clap your hands, and if it is a different object, do not clap.

Then the game “Who needs ...?” is played, aimed at developing the ability to determine the purpose of objects that facilitate work in everyday life, to establish the causal investigative links between the labor process in everyday life and the object that facilitates it. Handouts are used: large cards with two rows of cells, three cells each (the cells of the top row show three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row there are empty cells), and small cards with images of objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation at home. (Approximate correspondence: bread - bread slicer, clothes - washing machine, etc.)

Children choose one large card. Small cards lie face down on the table. The teacher takes small cards one at a time, shows them to the children, names the object and asks: "Who needs ...".

The child who needs this card answers and explains his choice: "I need a mixer to beat the dough." The game is considered over when all empty cells are closed. The winner is the one who first closes the cells on his card.

2. My family

Software content. To continue to form in children an interest in the family, family members. Encourage to call the names, patronymics of family members; talk about their professions, what they are, what they like to do at home, what they do at work. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the lines of poetry and invites the children to determine the topic of the lesson:

Very wise grandfathers

Two grannies are beautiful.

Dad, my mom -

This is all mine...

The teacher focuses the children's attention on the word "family", offering to answer the question: "How many words does" family "consist of?" Let's check". Children name family members and keep count (two grandmothers, two grandfathers, mother, father and child). Next, the children determine characteristic difference each family is the similarity of family members. Children tell which of the family members they look like.

Look at me -

Who do I look like?

Cherry eyes, like dad's

Sunny smile - mothers.

Hair color like grandpa

The nose is definitely a grandmother.

Everyone in the family worked hard

That I was born like this!

Then the children determine the second characteristic difference of the family - the common surname. They are asked to give the names of their parents.

Physical education minute

I have a family -

She is very friendly.

We bake pancakes with mom (Imitation of movements.)

Unparalleled deliciousness!

With grandfather, we dig beds. (Imitation of movements.)

We plant flowers with my grandmother. (Imitation of movements.)

We play football with dad - (Imitation of movements.)

We kick the ball into the goal.

I love you so much (Wrap your arms around yourself.)

Your lovely family.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that in addition to the last name and first name, each person has a patronymic. The patronymic is given to the child by the name of the father, for example, if the father is Sergei, then the patronymic of the child is Sergeevich.

The game "Name the patronymic" is held.

The teacher calls male name, and the children say what kind of middle name will come out of him; girls call the middle name for daughters, and boys for sons:

Alexander - Alexandrovna - Alexandrovich;

Oleg - Olegovna - Olegovich;

Ivan - Ivanovna - Ivanovich;

Vasily - Vasilyevna - Vasilyevich.

After the game is over, each child is asked to name their full name, patronymic and surname.

Next, the teacher talks with the children about the occupations and professions of adult family members. Draws the children's attention to the fact that all adults care about their children. First, grandparents took care of their moms and dads, raised them, and now moms and dads take care of their children and parents. Be sure to note that when the children grow up, they will also take care of their parents.

The game "Professions of my parents" is being held.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws a ball into the player’s hands and asks the question “What does your mother work for?”. The player answers with a full answer: "My mother works as a salesman" - and returns the ball to the teacher.

Next, the teacher reads the phrases written on the board: “Friendly family”, “ A strong family», « A happy family”, “Caring family”, “ loving family”, “Healthy family” - and invites the children to choose words that characterize their families and explain why they think so.

Summing up, the teacher says that the children will grow up and everyone will have their own family. And it will be the most best family where adults will take care of children and elderly parents, and children will obey adults and help them in everything. And most importantly, everyone will love each other and treat each other with respect.

3. What the subject will tell about itself

Software content. Encourage children to highlight the features of objects: size, shape, color,

3. What the subject will tell about itself

Software content. Encourage children to highlight the features of objects: size, shape, color, material, parts, functions, purpose; continue to improve the ability to describe objects according to their characteristics.

Material. Chips (at least 10 pieces); subject pictures: electrical appliances, tape recorder, TV, telephone, washing machine, etc.; object description algorithm.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to play the game "What the subject tells about itself." Task: describe the object shown in the picture according to the algorithm.

Children choose a leader, determine the order, if necessary, repeat the meanings of the conditional symbols of the algorithm.

The facilitator chooses any picture depicting an object and shows it to the children. The first participant takes the algorithm, names one of the features of the shown object, receives a chip from the presenter in case of a correct statement and passes the card with the algorithm next participant. He acts in the same way. In case of an incorrect statement, the leader says: "Error" - and transfers the right to move to the next participant. If a participant, having received a card with an algorithm, makes a long pause, then after three claps of the leader, he loses the right to move and gives the card with the algorithm to the next participant. The game ends when all the features of the item are listed according to the algorithm and the host has no more questions or the chips have run out. The winner is the participant who gets the largest number chips.

The host has the right to ask questions during the game that clarify or supplement any feature of the subject.

Sample questions:

How to use the item correctly?

What are the most important parts of the subject? (What would the item not work without?)

- Who was involved in the creation of the object?

What did people use when this item didn't exist?

What would happen if this object disappeared from people's lives now?

- For what professions do you need this item?

If the game continues, the player with the most chips becomes the leader.

Then the teacher invites the children to "turn into" miscellaneous items man-made world. Children take turns describing "themselves", that is, the objects they have turned into: what shape, color, size, what material it is made of, what it is for, what parts it consists of. The rest of the guys guess the object. The teacher invites the children to remember everything they still know about this subject: about its past, where you can see this subject, etc. Children who find it difficult to describe the subject should be offered to use the algorithm.

4. About friendship and friends

Software content. Expand knowledge about peers, reinforce the rules of a friendly attitude towards them: share a toy, talk politely, friendly, if one of the guys in the group is sad, talk to him, play, always help, help out friends.

Material. An envelope containing a letter and a card.

Lesson progress

At the beginning of the lesson, an audio recording sounds: “Guys, help!” (3 times). The teacher invites the children to determine who is calling them for help. Draws their attention to the mirror; the audio recording sounds again: “Yes, I am the mirror. Our kingdom is in trouble. The evil king quarreled with all the adults and children of our kingdom. And now it is called "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". But that's half the trouble - today the king decided to execute the most honest, brave, kind boy, who was not affected by his witchcraft. His name is Gurd. He needs your help. If you are friendly and brave guys, then hurry up - there is very little time left.

The teacher, stimulating the interest of the children, finds out what they understood from the message of the mirror. After listening to the guys, draws their attention to the hint envelope, which contains a card and a letter. The map shows a route consisting of five tasks. Tasks are deciphered in the letter.

Exercise 1. Sing a song about friendship.

Children offer options and perform the "Song of Friendship".

Task 2. Name five proverbs about friendship, friends.

Children call: old friend better than the new two”, “One for all and all for one”, “Die yourself, but help a comrade”, “Friendship is strong by deeds”, “Friends are known in trouble”. If the children are experiencing difficulties, the teacher provides assistance.

Physical education minute

Children, standing in pairs, imitate the habits of animals in accordance with the text of the poem.

Everyone is friends in the world.
Adults and children are friends
Birds are friends with each other.
Snakes are friends under the mountain.
Hares are friends on the lawn,
Bears, wolves are friends in a flock.
Fish are friends under water.
You are with me and I am with you! (Hug a child next to you.)

Task 3. The game "Who is a friend?".

The teacher reads the lines of poetry, and the children, if a true friend does this, clap their hands and say: “Yes!”, And if they shouldn’t do this, then they are silent. (Be sure to lose the first situation so that the guys understand the rules of the game.)

He is always with me in trouble
I follow him like a mountain.

He comforts me when I cry
He will solve the problem with me.

Never eat stealthily -
Plums, pears, chocolates.

He won't bully
And tease and call names.

It is always dirtier than the night.
He tramples flowers in the flower bed.

He doesn't start fights
And it doesn't hurt dogs.

He took from the kids -
Doll, bear, dump truck.

He will help water the flowers.
And put the toys away too.

He will share a toy
A book, a doll, a rattle.

He values ​​our friendship
Always in a hurry to help me.

Task 4. Children are invited to draw the sun, which will disperse the clouds over the tower in which Gurd is imprisoned.

Mandatory conditions:

– you need to draw all together at the same time;

- 5 seconds are allotted for drawing.

The teacher invites the children to discuss the main condition - to draw all together, and even for a while. Leads them to the conclusion: everyone should draw at once, distributing work; one child draws a circle, and only then all the children draw a ray at the same time.

Children stand around the table, on which lies a sheet of drawing paper. The teacher gives the command and counts the time.

Task 5. The teacher writes the word Gurd on a piece of paper, then takes a mirror, puts it on a piece of paper and asks the children to read the received word. It is this word that will be the key to the tower. Children in chorus read: "Friend." As soon as the children say this word, there is a sound of broken glass, and then the voice of the boy Gurd sounds: “Thank you guys, it's me - Gurd. You saved me, and now I will definitely teach the children of my country to be friends just like you are friends. And when we all make friends, we will definitely come to visit you. Thank you! Goodbye friends!"

The teacher and children say goodbye to Gurd. In conclusion, the teacher says that the children coped with the tasks thanks to friendship. Today they showed everyone how to be friends, what friends should be and how to cherish friendship.

5. Paper collector

Software content. Expand children's ideas about different types of paper and its qualities; improve the ability to identify objects according to the characteristics of the material.

Material. Samples different types paper; paper items (album, newspaper, box, etc.).

Lesson progress

The teacher lays out samples of different types of paper on the tables in advance. Children examine the paper, and the teacher encourages them to highlight its qualitative characteristics, asking questions about what it is, how it can be determined - smooth or rough, thick or thin. The guys iron the sheets, feel, answer questions.

Then the teacher invites the children to crumple a sheet of paper (wrinkles), tear it into pieces (tear), pull the edges into different sides(the integrity of the sheet is violated, therefore, the material is fragile), put a sheet of paper in a container with water (it gets wet). The teacher demonstrates paper burning using a spirit lamp and matches. Children, together with the teacher, make up an algorithm for describing the properties of paper.

Then the teacher reads a telegram from the collector who collects different kinds paper. He travels through towns and villages and tells everyone about his collection. But in our city he had a trouble: a strong wind blew, and his collection scattered, and part of the collection fell into the group. The teacher invites the children to look for paper samples (the teacher hides them in advance in the group room). Children bring found samples.

There is a knock on the door, a collector (adult) enters, gets acquainted with the children, talks about his hobby and reports that he has all kinds of paper written down. He invites the children to organize the work as follows: he names the type of paper, and the children show a sample. During the lesson, the collector explains the purpose of each type of paper. Further, each child describes the properties of the found type of paper based on the compiled algorithm.

In conclusion, there is didactic game Find similarities and differences.

The teacher names the type of paper, and the children must find on the table an object made from paper of this type ( cardboard box, newspaper, album, crepe paper flower, etc.). Thus, the teacher brings the children to the understanding that all the objects found are made of paper, but different types of paper.

Program content:
The development of connected speech.
- Find the essential features of objects, determine and reproduce the logic of a descriptive story, use different means of expression, including linguistic ones: comparisons, epithets, antonyms.
Vocabulary development.
- IN descriptive stories about objects accurately and correctly select words that characterize the features of objects (electric current, electrical appliances, tools, plug, sole, cord).
Sound culture of speech.
- Speak fluently and correctly with different intonations.
Bring up careful attitude to the objects that surround them in everyday life.

Didactic material:
Diagram cards, subject pictures, attributes for the game "What are we made of?".

Course progress.

finger game.
Teapot with lid,
lid with bump,
Pine with a hole
From the steam hole...

Clean tongue.
Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, where are you sticking your nose?
Zhu-zhu-zhu! Zhu-zhu-zhu! I'm tidying up!

- Now we will play the game "Find a couple." I name the material, and you name the objects made from this material.
- Metal - (nail, fork, pan). Which subjects? (Metal).
- Wood - (table, chairs, door). Which subjects? (Wooden).
- Glass - (vase, glass). Which subjects? (Glass).
- Plastic - (pyramid, comb). Which subjects? (Plastic).

- Children, we received a letter from Dunno. He writes that he was given new game, but he could not play it, because he does not know what materials the objects are made of.
- Who can tell the rules of this game? (You need to lay out the cards to the material from which the objects are made).
Now, tell me about the item you put in. Describe its color, shape, parts of the material and how you can use it.
- Well done! You coped with the task, helped Dunno!

Hands to the sides - in flight
We send the plane:
Right wing forward
Left wing forward
Our plane took off.

We're going to the Household Electrical Appliances store. I will be the seller and you will be the buyers. Instead of money, I will receive your answers to my riddles and stories about electrical appliances.

He cleans the apartment, collects dust and debris.
- Whoever guessed first, he talks about the vacuum cleaner, using a diagram card.
What is a vacuum cleaner for? How does he work? What are vacuum cleaners? What you need to know when handling a vacuum cleaner? And how can you clean the apartment if there is no vacuum cleaner?

We plug it into the socket when we want tea. (An electric kettle is an electrical appliance designed to boil water).
- Why do you need an electric kettle?
- What does an electric kettle look like?
- What you need to know when handling an electric kettle?
How is an electric kettle different from a regular kettle?

It looks like a steamboat, floating smoothly over the linen. (Electric iron - a device designed for ironing clothes).
- What is the iron for?
- What you need to know when handling an iron?
- What would happen if there was no iron?

Blink, blink, dive into the bubble. In a bottle under the visor, at night in the room a day.
What is an electric lamp for?
- How was human housing illuminated before the advent of electric current?
What should not be done when handling an electric lamp?

Children, what did we buy at the Household Electrical Appliances store? (Iron, kettle, vacuum cleaner, lamp).
- What do they have in common? (Cord, plug).
What are these details for? (Plug in the socket).
- And what lives in the outlet? (Electricity).
- So, all these devices are powered by electricity and are called electrical appliances.
What other electrical appliances do you know?
- Can they be dangerous? Why?
What can happen if you don't use them correctly? (Fire, you can get burned).

Electrical appliances - our faithful friends and helpers. Although they are not alive, they must be handled carefully and carefully.

Title: Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group. Topic: Examining and compiling stories about objects.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, speech development, senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: Kindergarten No. 95
Location: Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia

Complex abstracts

Synopsis of educational activities of children with adults
in the senior group o.o. "Knowledge", "Communication"
"Journey to the World of Objects"

Marfina Olga Nikolaevna, teacher
d / s No. 63 Angarsk, Irkutsk region

Subject: Subject world.

Target: Expand ideas about the objects of the man-made world.

Educational tasks:

  1. To consolidate the ability of children to group objects according to their intended purpose: dishes, tools, equipment, objects for art.
  2. Deepen children's knowledge about the history of household appliances: vacuum cleaner, iron.
  3. Teach children to navigate past and present objects.
  4. To teach in the course of experimentation to identify the properties and qualities of the metal; create an algorithm for describing the material.
  5. Continue to learn how to make a coherent story using a series of pictures.

Development tasks:

  1. To develop the ability of free communication between adults and children.
  2. To develop cognitive activity, interest in objects of the man-made world.
  3. To consolidate the ability to establish causal relationships between the properties and qualities of the material and the method of use.

Educational tasks: Cultivate a caring attitude towards the objects of the man-made world.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading works of art.
  • Making riddles about objects.
  • D \ games "What first, what then", "Why 4", "Find out the material", "What are the objects made of?", "Wonderful bag", etc.
  • Examination of encyclopedias, illustrated material, cognitive screens "Chukh - choo, choo - choo, our iron has flared up" (history of the iron), "History of the vacuum cleaner", "History of the stove".
  • Classification (sticking pictures on whatman paper) household items.

Methodological and didactic support:

Two large envelopes - one with the image of "Kapitoshka" without an address, the other colorful with pictures with the address for d / s; a letter from Dunno; panel-backpack, subject pictures to it: a plate, a spoon, a mug; ax, saw, needle; tape recorder, camera, video camera; paints, album, brush (pencils).

Music on the disc "Riding on a train"; gate imitation (from soft modules) with the inscription "Flower City", signs "Laboratory of Unusual Experiments", "Museum of Talking Objects".

Household appliances (toys): vacuum cleaner, iron, kettle, coffee grinder, toaster, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.

History of the evolution of the iron and vacuum cleaner (in pictures).

For children: for each set of metal objects (coins, plates); napkin; container with water; magnet; album sheet, divided into 6 parts; black marker; wooden rounds.

To the educator: a ready-made algorithm, metal objects.

Easel; screens; paper sheet with three levels "sky", "earth", "water"; different transport stickers.

The teacher informs the children that an envelope has been sent to the address of our group. He spins it, admires how big and colorful it is, and lets the children see it.

What do you think is in the envelope? (children's guesses: surprise, letter)

Who can write a letter to us? (listens for answers: Carlson, Dunno)

Do you want to know who the letter is from? (Yes). Let's read!

Opens the envelope, reads the letter:

“Hello, dear guys! I learned from Carlson that you are interested in different subjects! In our Flower City, we love to invent items and would love it if you share your findings. I invite you to take an exciting journey into the world of things. I wish you success. Your friend... Dunno!"


Guys, what do you know about the Flower City? (children's answers). That's right, the guys there live famous inventors and famous inventors.

Guys, would you like to accept Dunno's invitation? (Yes) To go on a trip, we need to get ready for the road and put things in our backpack that may come in handy on the way.

Game exercise for grouping objects "Pack your backpack on the road." Children lay out objects on a panel - a backpack in groups:

Utensils - plate, spoon, mug.

Tools - an ax, a saw, a needle.

Technique - tape recorder, camera, video camera.

Items for drawing - paints, an album, a brush.

The teacher invites the children to take one picture from the table, which shows different objects and place them in groups.

Come, have it! Be careful!

At the end, the teacher invites the children to check whether the children have laid out everything correctly, if there are errors, then correct, tell:

What items did you put in a backpack one row? Why? How to call in one word? What are these items for on the road? (children's answers).

The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness.


Lera, what item did you put in your backpack? What is it for? Why did you put it next to...?

Well done, Lera, you have now tried and done everything right!


Guys, now we are ready to hit the road! Let's take an empty envelope with us and put everything new and interesting we learn on the trip into this envelope! What are we going to... (a locomotive whistle is heard)... on a train!

Fizminutka "Riding a train" (children stand one after another, put their hands on each other's shoulders, make a circle, stop)

The teacher draws attention to the gate with the inscription "Flower City".

Well, here we come to the Flower City (is reading)! Come on guys! Guys, this is the "Laboratory of unusual experiments" (is reading). Here, the smartest shorty - Znayka, must be working on testing his new invention!

Let's come and see!


Guys, what items do you see on the tray? (children call).

What material are they made from? (children's answer: metal) So what are they? (metal).


Come on guys, sit down and take a closer look at metal. The children sit at the table.

The teacher offers children experimental - experimental activities to identify the properties and qualities of the metal.

Guys, what do you want to know about metal? (children formulate a task).

How are we going to do it? What do we need for this? (children develop a methodology for conducting experiments) What do we do first, what then?

If we do this, what will we get? (children predict the result)

The teacher reminds the children about safety.

Let's test your guesses! Guys, be careful when handling metal objects: you can cut yourself on sharp edges! (children work, reveal the properties and qualities of the metal)

Sketch everything you learned about metal? (children draw an algorithm for the properties and qualities of metal using symbols).

The teacher offers to draw and tell. Formulation of the conclusion (verbal report) educator using a ready-made algorithm. The teacher suggests putting the most successful children's algorithm in an envelope.

Guys, you probably sat too long? Let's have a cup of tea with you!

Fizminutka "Teapot - grumbler."

I am a teapot - a grumbler, a troublemaker, a madman, (walking in place)

I expose my belly to everyone (hands on the belt, body turns left - right)

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting: (clap hands)

Hey people, I want to drink tea with you! (jumping in place)

The teacher leads the children to the sign "Museum of" talking "objects."

Here, guys, the inventions of famous mechanics are stored flower city- Screw and Shpuntik. These items can tell a lot about themselves. Let's come and take a look.

What miraculous technique did you learn? (children list: washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, toaster, etc.) See what these things have in common? (children's answer: these items make household work easier, they need to be connected to the mains, these are electrical appliances).


Guys, do you know what Appliances didn't they always look like this? Do you want to know how a man cleaned his home and sorted out his laundry in ancient times? (children answer: yes)

The teacher offers to take one picture from the table, examine it, remember the history of this subject, unite with those guys who have the same story, stand in order from the most ancient to the most modern. The teacher invites the shy child to choose a group of children who tell the story of their subject with the help of a counting rhyme.

Vacuum cleaner. A bunch of branches - a broom (broom)- brush - clapperboard - the first cordless roller vacuum cleaner - a modern vacuum cleaner that cleans not only carpets, but also the air.

Iron. Stone - wound on a rolling pin and carried out with a "ruble" (ribbed board)- the first iron was heated on the stove - "Brazier with coals" (coals from the oven were poured into the iron)- modern iron with temperature regulators, steaming and spraying.

Praise children.

Well done to all the guys, they correctly showed and told the history of objects, they didn’t miss anything!

Did you like the history of the vacuum cleaner (iron)? Do you think things have changed over time or stayed the same? (children's answer: a person sought to improve them, make them more comfortable and beautiful).

The teacher, with the consent of the children, decides to put the stories in an envelope. The teacher informs the children that the journey is coming to an end and it is time to return. Offers to take their places in the cars. To the music of "Riding on a train" the children return back.

The teacher reminds the children about the envelope in which they put everything interesting news about the things you learned today.


Guys, what to do with this envelope? What are you offering? (children's answer: send Dunno)

The teacher supports the idea of ​​children, approves, agrees to write the return address of the Flower City.


Did you enjoy our trip? Where would you like to travel next time? (children's statements). Praise them for interesting ideas.

The teacher calls the children to the easel.

If you think that everything worked out for you, it was easy and interesting for you, then stick a transport that flies in the sky.

If you think that you were wrong and something didn’t work out, then stick on the transport that drives along the road.

If nothing worked out for you, it was difficult and uninteresting, then stick water transport.

Children take the appropriate transport and evaluate themselves. Explain their decision. The teacher invites the children to go sign the envelope, and the children make drawings with their own hands.

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