Target entry: pros and cons. Receipt in the target direction


Sooner or later, all schoolchildren and their parents have a question: what to do after the end of the 11th grade? Where to go? Where to get a profession? There are more and more opportunities to continue learning. And one of the options for reliable income is targeted.

What do I need to do? First you need to decide on your future profession. Then find the appropriate direction of the enterprise, where you could work after graduation. If his management is interested in a young qualified worker, then the future student is given a referral to study in the required specialty. Or you can contact the municipality, where employers send applications for specialists.

In addition to all other documents, the applicant must submit to the selection committee (only one university and for a specific specialty) an application for receiving targeted education and a referral from the enterprise within the established time frame. Getting a target direction does not mean 100% admission to state-funded education. There is also a competition among target beneficiaries. With a positive result, a tripartite agreement is concluded between the educational institution, the enterprise and the student.

What are the benefits of targeted learning?

  • The results of the Unified State Examination for admission to the university of target students may be lower than those established for the rest, ordinary applicants.
  • Since the order on the admission of applicants-targeted students is issued before the order on the admission of applicants from the main stream, the target students who have not passed the competition can try to get into the university on a general basis.
  • The child receives education free of charge. But there are few budget places in all educational institutions. Not all students can afford to study for a fee. In addition, the target receives a scholarship.
  • The practice takes place at the enterprise that gave the target direction. Consequently, even before getting a job, he will know both the intricacies of production and the workforce. It is always safer to start working in an already familiar place among familiar people.
  • It is easier to write term papers while studying: all materials, especially for innovative scientific developments in the direction of interest to the employer, will be provided by the enterprise itself.
  • No need to worry about not finding a job after graduation. Having concluded the contract, the child is guaranteed to be employed for at least three years after graduation.
  • The employer does not require work experience. On the contrary, there is an opportunity to acquire it.

But is everything so beautiful, cloudless? Is it really only necessary to find an enterprise that will subsequently pay for the education of the child, take a referral - and get the coveted education, moreover, on a budgetary basis, and they also pay a scholarship. Why then does not everyone take advantage of this opportunity?

When choosing a target receipt, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

What kind of fly in the ointment can be in a huge barrel of honey called target education?

  • You have to independently find an enterprise interested in a particular specialist.
  • A target student is obliged (!) to study well.
  • If in the process of learning the child suddenly feels that his vocation is a completely different profession and there is a desire to enter or transfer to an educational institution of a completely different profile, he is still obliged to graduate from the university in the specialty specified in the contract and work out the allotted time.
  • It is necessary to work out the three years specified in the contract at the enterprise that gave the target direction for training. Regardless of the fact that, perhaps, the child would already like to work in another place, or he has a more prestigious offer, which is required to get a job in the nearest time after graduation, otherwise they will take another person.
  • If a student lives (or intends to live), for example, in St. Petersburg, and received a referral from an enterprise in Voronezh (hence, it paid for all the years of his study), he will go to Voronezh. As they say, debt by payment is red.
  • Can a young specialist refuse to work? Basically, maybe. But first, he will return to the enterprise the entire amount spent on his training.
  • Perhaps the work will not be very pleasant, relations in the team will not work out, wages will not seem high enough. Perhaps there is no career prospect in this position, but there are a lot of difficulties that arise during labor relations. But you will need to make every effort to join the team and do the work at the enterprise that has done so much for your child, in fact, without knowing him at all.

Therefore, before dwelling on the target income, you need to think very carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, and then boldly go to the intended goal, but with open eyes, understanding the consequences, taking full responsibility.

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In the heat of the entrance campaign, applicants are almost ready to sell their souls to the devil for such a coveted place in the university. For some, the target direction becomes a lifeline. What kind of document it is, who and where can get it, as well as the pros and cons of targeted training, we will describe further.

What is a target direction?

The target area allows you to get vocational, specialized secondary, higher (bachelor's and master's) and postgraduate education (postgraduate, doctoral studies) free of charge. An agreement on targeted training is a document that is signed by three parties: an applicant, a contracting authority and an educational institution.

Organizations that need certain specialists can apply to local or republican government bodies that are subordinate to educational institutions that train such specialists. Then the governing bodies, where applications for targeted training are received, form the numbers of the target set, taking into account the planned admission, and report this information to the Ministry of Education, customer organizations and educational institutions.

Public and private organizations can apply for targeted training.

Who is the target destination for?

Not everyone can get a target. Targeted training is provided for regional organizations where there is a shortage of specialists. Thus, the residents of the regional centers and the capital are not yet allowed to receive training in the target area. Registration does not play a key role, that is, you can take the target in an organization that is not located in the city where the applicant is registered. The main thing is in which organization the applicant wants to take the target direction, whether she has such an opportunity. However, the Ministry of Education plans to change the conditions for granting the targeted direction.

We plan to provide for the possibility of targeted training of specialists with higher education in certain specialties demanded by the economy for organizations, regardless of their location. Today, the target direction can be given by organizations located exclusively in certain settlements. At the same time, we are seeing a trend where even in the regional cities there are not enough specialists of one profile or another.

Igor Karpenko, Minister of Education of Belarus

How to get targeted referral?

You can go two ways. Call the admission committee of a university, college or lyceum and find out from which organizations you can bring a targeted referral to a specialty of interest. If you focus more on the place of work, then contact the organization where you would like to work and ask about the possibility of getting a targeted direction.

You can acquire a target direction at the admission committee of an educational institution, provided that there are vacancies for targeted training.

Does the target direction guarantee 100% receipt?

The number of places for target students is limited and is up to 60% of the recruitment plan for agricultural specialties, up to 50% for specialties of the Healthcare profile and up to 40% for all others. Having received the long-awaited direction in your hands, you should not relax, because at the university (lyceum, college) you will have to go through a competition among target students. For example, for some specialty, three places are allocated for targeted training, and there are five applicants. Of these, the first three with the most points will be selected, the remaining two can participate in the general competition.

If the target places are not filled, they can be transferred to a general competition or left vacant at the discretion of the educational institution. In the second case, for vacant places, having concluded an agreement on targeted training, of the same specialty or similar, and from a paid department too.

A contract for targeted training is considered valid when it has been signed by three parties. Therefore, you can take the target direction and not submit it to the selection committee (participate in the general competition).

By the way, a target student is no different from other state employees, except for the term of working off.

Many target places allocate

How much to work on the target area?

Those who have received higher education - at least five years, secondary special education - at least three years, vocational education - at least two years. At the request of the graduate, the period of compulsory working out may include, for example, the period of military service by conscription or in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of Belarus, maternity leave (until the child reaches the age of three years). Studying in the magistracy and graduate school does not affect the reduction in working time.

Reasons for terminating the target contract

During training, the contract may be terminated for the following reasons:

- the establishment of a citizen under the age of 18, disability;

- the establishment of a disability of I or II group to a citizen;

- the establishment of one of the parents or the husband (wife) of a citizen of a disability of group I or II or a disability of a child of a citizen;

- the occurrence of medical contraindications to work in the received specialty (direction of specialty, specialization) and the qualifications assigned;

— liquidation of the customer organization;

- early termination of educational relations due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen, educational institution.

The reasons for not working out in the target area are spelled out in. This can happen due to disability, diseases incompatible with work in the specialty, liquidation of the institution that issued the target referral, etc.

If at all, you can return the funds spent on training.

Is targeting worth it?

The conclusion of such an agreement is suitable for those applicants who plan to return to their native lands after studying or want to provide themselves with a job in advance. If your main goal is to study on a budget, it is better to think twice before deciding to conclude this contract. No one knows how life will turn out in a few years, and a lifeline can be a heavy burden. Legal advice will not be superfluous when signing such a serious document.

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The practice of targeted referral to a university has been preserved since the days of the Soviet Union. In the nineties, due to the mass closure of enterprises, the “state order” for specialists lost its relevance. But in recent years, an increasing number of applicants decide to take advantage of the opportunity of targeted training, thus providing themselves with more comfortable conditions for admission and a guarantee of further employment.

What is a destination

The target direction is a kind of official request of the state (at the level of local administration) or an interested employer addressed to the university.

In this request, the university is asked to allocate places for the study of specific students in a particular specialty. The target direction is given personally, only to one university and one specialty. In turn, a student who has received education in a target area is obliged to work for the benefit of the state or in a certain organization for a certain amount of time (usually from three to five years).

The procedure for obtaining a targeted direction to a university

It is necessary to take care of obtaining the target direction in advance, while still studying at school. There are several ways to get the desired position.

The university must give confirmation of the provision of places for targeted training before the start of the admission campaign. If there are more people who want to study under the target program than the number of allocated places, then a competition is held among the "targeted students", usually based on the results of the USE. Those who did not pass the competition for targeted training can try to go to the same specialty again, already with a general flow.

Advantages of the targeted direction to the university

Receiving the target direction, the applicant solves two problems at once. Firstly, the admission procedure is greatly facilitated. As a rule, the competition among applicants in the target direction is much lower than in the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a smaller number of points in the exam is required. Secondly, training in the target area should theoretically be free.

If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budgetary place. If a certain enterprise is interested in a future specialist, then it can bear the costs of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student, according to which the sending company pays for studies, and the student undertakes to work after graduation from the university for several years in this company. Well, the second important aspect is the further employment of the student, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to take a specialist trained by him, then he issues an "absentee list", which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty.

Most often, applicants take a targeted direction to a medical university. This is due to the great competition for a place, especially for prestigious specialties, and with further internships and employment. True, hospitals often do not want to pay for their studies or give a scholarship, but require after graduation to work for three or more years. In order not to get into a difficult ambiguous situation, the future student must carefully study the contract that he signs with the institution that sends him.

Documents required to receive the target referral

First, an application must be sent to the local administration, indicating the personal data of the student, the number of the general educational institution, and the class in which the child is currently studying. It is also necessary to indicate the desired specialty and university. A plus will be the characteristics attached to the application for the student from the principal of the school and the petition of the organization interested in obtaining this specialist.

When submitting documents for the target direction to the university, the applicant must provide the originals of the certificate, the result of the Unified State Examination and other required documents. Only in this case his application will be considered. Simultaneous admission in the target direction and on a general basis, although practiced, is not welcome.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to remind or tell applicants about the target area, its pros and cons. So, what are the good and bad things about entering the target area? In fact, the topic is quite extensive, so I will cover the main points, if you have questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer.

What is a target direction, how to get it and what are the advantages?

The target area is an opportunity to study at a university for free, get a specialty and, most interestingly, a place of work. How to get a target direction for training? Let's be honest, often the target direction is received, as they say, "by pull", but officially the options for where to get the target direction are as follows:

But do not think that the presence of a target area automatically makes you a student, this is not entirely true. There will still be a competition for admission, but not among all applicants, but only among “targeted students”, that is, applicants with a targeted direction. This competition is easier, since the competition is much lower, and the USE passing scores are somewhat lower.

Another point related to training in the target area is that now all universities are switching to the so-called Bologna system of education. Simply put, now instead of training specialists, there is training for bachelors and masters. A logical question is brewing, and who can you become after studying in the target area - a bachelor or a master? At the level of law, this is not spelled out (or I did not find it), but I found that you become a bachelor or master depends on the contract concluded with the enterprise and its willingness to pay for your education. If an enterprise needs masters and is ready to pay for education in a master's program, then you should be a master, otherwise - a bachelor

Now let's put together all the benefits of entering the target area:

  • It is easier to enter, there are fewer competitors, the USE passing score is lower.
  • Free training, because the enterprise that issued the target referral will pay for everything for you.
  • Availability of a job after graduation. Moreover, after admission, an agreement will be drawn up between the institute, the enterprise and you, where it will be stated that you are obliged to work for several years at this enterprise or reimburse the enterprise for all the money spent on paying for your education.

Receipt in the target direction, cons.

As always, in any good deed there is a fly in the ointment. Perhaps for you it will all be trifles, but it will not be superfluous to know about them:

  • You may be disappointed in your choice of specialty. Suddenly you realize that you want to be not, say, a doctor, but, for example, an architect. But after graduation, you will have to work as a physician for several years (at least 3 years).
  • You will not receive a scholarship from the institute and you can forget about it too. Perhaps there will be a scholarship from the enterprise, but not a fact.
  • You will not be able to move to another city until you have completed the period specified in the contract.
  • Perhaps every summer you will have an internship at the enterprise that gave you the target direction.
  • You may not like the institute you entered, but these are quite trifles, as it seems to me.

Weigh all the pros and cons and make a conclusion about whether you need a target direction or not. But I would advise, if possible, to take a target direction and study, knowing that there is already a job for you!

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