What do the fates of Vanyusha and Andrei Sokolov have in common? How did they find each other? From the story "the fate of man." “What is the significance of the meeting between Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha for each of them?” (According to Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man") Questions for discussion


Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" is rich in courageous and at the same time touching images. The main attention is focused on the personality of the protagonist - Andrei Sokolov. But his image would be incomplete without a small, but already such a strong man - Vanyushka.

The story is built on behalf of the narrator and the main character. The first narrator meets Andrei by chance, at the crossing. While he is waiting for his transport, a man approaches him with a little boy of about five years old. mistaking the narrator for a colleague, as simple a driver as he is. Therefore, the conversation is fastened relaxed and frank. The boy also boldly holds out his thin little hand to the narrator. He shakes her in a friendly way and asks why she is so cold with him, because it is warm outside. In addressing the boy, he admits the jocular address "old man". Vanya hugs her uncle by the knees and exclaims that he is not an old man at all, but still a boy.

The portrait characteristic of Vanya is not very large, but eloquent. He is about 5-6 years old. The boy's hair is blond curly, and his little hands are pink and cold. Vanyusha's eyes are especially memorable - "light as a sky." His image is the embodiment of spiritual purity and naivety. It was such a little man who managed to warm the soul of Andrei Sokolov, who happened to suffer so much in his lifetime.

The protagonist tells his difficult story: how he lived in his youth, how he survived during the war, and what his life has become today. At the beginning of the war, he was taken to the front. At home, he left his rather big family - his wife and three children. The eldest was already 17 years old, which means that he, too, soon had to go to war. The hero says that in the first months the war spared him, but after that luck turned away and he was captured by the Germans. Thanks to his strong character, integrity and dexterity, he gets out of captivity, although not on the first try.

Unfortunately, he learns the terrible news that a bomb hit his house when his wife and daughters were there. He hoped to meet with the remaining eldest son, but just before their meeting, he is also destroyed by enemies. So Sokolov was left alone without a single soul close to him. He survived, went through the whole war, but could not enjoy life. But one day the hero met a little boy near the teahouse. Vanya also had no one left, he even slept anywhere. The fate of the child greatly excited Andrei, and he decided that he would not let him go to waste.

A very touching scene in the story when Andrei tells Vanya that he is his father. The child does not refute what was said, but sincerely rejoices. Perhaps he understands that this is a lie, but he missed human warmth so much that he immediately accepts Andrei Sokolov as a father.

Vanya does not take an active part in the actions of the work, but his very existence makes the story more touching. The boy speaks little, almost does not participate in the conversation between his father and the narrator, but listens attentively to everything and looks closely. Vanechka is a bright image in the life of a hero.

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story “The Fate of a Man” on the pages of Pravda. In it, he spoke about the full hardships and hardships of the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man Andrei Sokolov. He lived before the war in peace and prosperity, shared his joys and sorrows with his people. Here is how he talks about his pre-war life: “For these ten years I worked day and night. He earned well, and we lived no worse than people. And the children made me happy: all three of them were excellent students, and the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics that they even wrote about him in the central newspaper ... For ten years we saved up a little money and before the war we built ourselves a little house with two rooms , with pantry and corridor. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order.

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as it destroyed the happiness of many other families. The horrors of fascist captivity far from the homeland, the death of the closest and dearest people weighed heavily on the soul of the soldier Sokolov. Recalling the difficult years in the war, Andrei Sokolov says: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder to talk about what happened in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, were tortured there in the camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, but in the throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... They beat for the fact that you are Russian, for the fact that you are still looking at the wide world, for the fact that you work for them, bastards ... They beat you easily, in order to kill you to death someday, to choke on your last blood and die from beatings..."

Andrey Sokolov withstood everything, since one faith supported him: the war would end, and he would return to his close and dear people, because Irina and her children were waiting for him so much. Andrei Sokolov learns from a neighbor's letter that Irina and her daughters were killed during the bombing, when the Germans bombed the aircraft factory. “A deep funnel filled with rusty water, weeds all around waist deep” - this is what remains of the former family well-being. One hope is the son Anatoly, who fought successfully, received six orders and medals. “And the old man’s dreams began at night: how the war will end, how I will marry my son, and I myself will live with the young, carpentry and babysit the grandchildren ...” - says Andrey. But these dreams of Andrei Sokolov were not destined to come true. On May 9, on Victory Day, Anatoly was killed by a German sniper. “So I buried my last joy and hope in a foreign, German land, my son’s battery struck, seeing off his commander on a long journey, and as if something broke in me ...” - says Andrey Sokolov.

He was left all alone in the whole wide world. Heavy inescapable grief seemed to live forever in his heart. Sholokhov, having met Andrei Sokolov, turn! attention to his eyes: “Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable, mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor. So Sokolov looks at the world around him with eyes, "as if sprinkled with ashes." The words escape from his lips: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? What did you distort? There is no answer for me either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can’t wait! ”

Deep lyricism is imbued with Sokolov’s story about an event that turned his whole life upside down - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the door of a teahouse: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain! And when Sokolov finds out that the boy’s father died at the front, his mother was killed during the bombing and he has no one, and nowhere to live, his heart boiled and he decided: “It won’t happen that we disappear separately! I will take him to my children. And immediately my heart felt light and somehow light.

This is how two lonely, unfortunate people crippled by the war found each other. They began to need each other. When Andrey Sokolov told the boy that he was his father, he rushed to his neck, began kissing his cheeks, lips, forehead, loudly and subtly shouting: “Daddy, dear! I knew! I knew you would find me! You can still find it! I've been waiting so long for you to find me!" Taking care of the boy became the most important thing in his life. The heart, which had turned to stone with grief, became softer. The boy changed before our eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes of not only Sokolov, but also those around him. Vanyushka tried to be constantly with his father, did not part with him for a minute. Hot love for his adopted son overwhelmed Sokolov’s heart: “I wake up, and he nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under a trap, sniffing softly, and it becomes so joyful in my soul that you can’t say it in words!”

The meeting of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha revived them to a new life, saved them from loneliness and longing, filled Andrei's life with deep meaning. It seemed that after the losses suffered, his life was over. Life “distorted” a person, but ’could not break him, kill the living soul in him. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and open person, modest and gentle. A simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human traits, reveals a deep mind, subtle observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story evokes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride in the Russian person, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the boundless possibilities of a person, if this is a real person. This is exactly how Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him both his love, and respect, and courageous pride, when, with faith in justice and the reason of history, he says: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and next to his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to this.

Sections: Literature

Lesson Objectives:

  • discuss the particular vulnerability of children in situations of armed conflict and the need to treat them humanely;
  • pay attention to the emotional and semantic load that the image of the main character carries;
  • develop the ability to comprehensively analyze an artistic image (in the unity of portrait, speech behavioral characteristics).

During the classes

“The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Childhood is a time to which a grown-up person mentally returns more than once. Everyone has their own memories, their own associations with this period of life. What associations do you have with the word childhood?

Let's create a cluster

At the end of the lesson, we will return to the cluster and discuss it.

We live in peacetime, but what about those guys whose childhood fell on the years of the war? What happened to them? What trace did the war leave in their souls? Could their suffering be alleviated?

During the war years, it was hard for everyone, but children become especially defenseless and vulnerable. We read the passage using the insert method. At home they made notes in the margins. And now, in order to delve deeper into the content of the text, we will answer questions for the story.

Who would you say is the main character in this passage?

Andrey Sokolov remains the main character of the whole story, but Vanyushka comes to the fore in this episode.

Pay attention to the board, in the center of which the word "Vanyushka" is written.

  1. What do you think is the main feature noticed in the appearance of the boy?
  2. A little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his little eyes are like stars after the rain.

  3. Reread the first dialogue between the boy and the “chauffeur-uncle”. What did you learn about Vanyushka from his remarks? What happened to him by the time of the meeting with Andrei Sokolov?
  4. The boy was left an orphan: during the bombing of the train, his mother died, his father did not return from the front, he has no home, he is starving.

    What trait in the image of Vanyushka is emphasized by the information about what he experienced during the war?
    Vanyushka is unprotected, vulnerable.

  5. What else can the reader learn about Van by the way he answers questions?
  6. Vanyushka is not the first time answers such questions. The words “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember,” “never,” where necessary, intensify the feeling of the severity of what the boy has endured.

  7. Why do you think the boy so quickly and recklessly believed that his father had found him? How does Vanya's speech convey his emotional state at the moment?
  8. Exclamatory sentences, repetitive syntactic constructions, the word “you will find” thrice repeated testify to how this child yearned for warmth, care, how bad it was for him, how great was his hope.

    What other words help characterize the boy's condition?
    “He says so quietly”, “whispers”, “asked how he exhaled”, “screams loudly and thinly, which is even muffled”.

  9. We imagine what the little hero looks like as he speaks. What else in the text allows us to complete our understanding of it?
  10. Pay attention to the description of the behavior of the boy's actions: at the teahouse, in Andrey Sokolov's car at the moment of the decisive explanation, where Sokolov lived, left alone in the care of the hostess - at the time of the evening conversation.

  11. So let's sum it up. What leading role in the image of Vanya emphasizes his appearance, experience, speech, actions.
  12. The appearance, experience, speech, actions of the boy emphasize his defenselessness, insecurity, vulnerability, vulnerability. Let's write this line in a notebook.

  13. Through whose eyes do we see Vanya for the first time?
  14. Through the eyes of Andrei Sokolov.

    What do you think, why did Andrey Sokolov fall in love with the boy so much?
    (The boy is also lonely, like A.S.)

    Like A.S. respond to his story? Why?
    A burning tear boiled in him, and he decided: “…”

    What artistic means convey the excited state of the characters after the explanation?
    Comparison: “like a blade of grass in the wind”, “like a waxwing”, exclamation: “My God, what happened here! How did I not miss the steering wheel then, you can be amazed! What kind of elevator is there for me ... "

  15. How do you think Andrey Sokolov made his decision? How long did the acquaintance of the boy and Andrei Sokolov last before the decisive conversation?
  16. Three days later, on the fourth day, a decisive event took place.

    Find in the text a moment where it can be said with certainty that Andrei Sokolov decided to adopt the boy.

  17. What is Andrey Sokolov going through, having told the boy “the holy truth”?
  18. His soul became light and somehow light when he decided to adopt an orphan, and the joy of the boy completely warmed Sokolov's heart. “And I have fog in my eyes…”, says the hero. Maybe this mist is the very unshed tears that finally appeared before the eyes and relieved the soul.

  19. What could the war not take away from Sokolov?
  20. The war, which seemed to take away everything from the hero, could not take away the most important thing from him - humanity, the desire for family unity with people.

  21. “But with him it’s a different matter ...” How do these words characterize Sokolov?
  22. Sokolov has a boy who needs care, affection, love.

    What is his concern for the boy?

  23. Is Sokolov alone in his ability to empathize?
  24. And Sokolov is not alone in this: the owner and hostess, with whom Andrei settled after the war, understood everything without words when their lodger brought his adopted son to the house, and began to help Sokolov look after Vanyushka.

  25. Who else from the characters emphasizes the special insecurity, vulnerability, vulnerability of a little boy?

  26. (Mistress).

Let's conclude:

What do you think, what is the role of the image of Vanya in this passage?

This image helps to better understand the character of the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. With the appearance of this character, it becomes possible to discuss the vulnerable position of children during the war.

And now let's return to the beginning of our lesson. Why do you think, when preparing to discuss the fragment, we selected associations for the word CHILDHOOD? Imagine and write down what associations Vanyushka might have with the word CHILDHOOD?

Why could he have such associations?

Completely opposite impressions, associations.


  • Have you ever encountered a defenseless, vulnerable creature?
  • Describe the feelings you experience in this situation.
  • Would you do anything to help him ease his suffering?

Answer these questions in writing.

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story “The Fate of a Man” on the pages of Pravda. In it, he spoke about the full hardships and hardships of the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man Andrei Sokolov. He lived before the war in peace and prosperity, shared his joys and sorrows with his people. Here is how he talks about his pre-war life: “For these ten years I worked day and night. He earned well, and we lived no worse than people. And the children were happy: all three of them studied with excellent marks, and the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics,

That they even wrote about him in the central newspaper ... For ten years we saved up a little money and before the war we built ourselves a little house with two rooms, with a pantry and a corridor. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order.

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as it destroyed the happiness of many other families. The horrors of fascist captivity far from the homeland, the death of the closest and dearest people weighed heavily on the soul of the soldier Sokolov. Remembering the difficult years in the war, Andrey Sokolov says: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder

Talk about what happened in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, were tortured there in the camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, but in the throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... that you are Russian, because you are still looking at the wide world, because you work for them, bastards ... They beat them easily, in order to kill them to death someday, so that they would choke on their last blood and die from beatings ... "

Andrey Sokolov withstood everything, since one faith supported him: the war would end, and he would return to his close and dear people, because Irina and her children were waiting for him so much. Andrei Sokolov learns from a neighbor's letter that Irina and her daughters died during the bombing, when the Germans bombed the aircraft factory. “A deep funnel filled with rusty water, weeds all around to the waist” - this is what remains of the former family well-being. One hope remained - the son Anatoly, who fought successfully, received six orders and medals. “And the old man’s dreams began at night: how the war will end, how I will marry my son, and I myself will live with the young, carpentry and babysit the grandchildren ...” - says Andrey. But these dreams of Andrei Sokolov were not destined to come true. On May 9, on Victory Day, Anatoly was killed by a German sniper. “So I buried my last joy and hope in a foreign, German land, my son’s battery hit, seeing off his commander on a long journey, and it was as if something broke in me ...” - says Andrey Sokolov.

He was left all alone in the whole wide world. Heavy inescapable grief seemed to live forever in his heart. Sholokhov, having met Andrei Sokolov, draws attention to his eyes: “Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable, mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor. So Sokolov looks at the world around him with eyes, "as if sprinkled with ashes." The words escape from his lips: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? What did you distort? There is no answer for me either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can’t wait!

Deep lyricism is imbued with Sokolov's story about an event that turned his whole life upside down - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the door of a teahouse: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain! And when Sokolov finds out that the boy’s father died at the front, his mother was killed during the bombing, and he has no one and nowhere to live, his heart boiled and he decided: “It won’t happen that we disappear separately! I will take him to my children. And immediately my heart felt light and somehow light.

This is how two lonely, unfortunate people crippled by the war found each other. They began to need each other. When Andrey Sokolov tells the boy that he is his father, he rushed to his neck, began to kiss him on the cheeks, on the lips, on the forehead, shouting loudly and subtly: “Daddy, dear! I knew! I knew you would find me! You will still find it! I've been waiting so long for you to find me!" Taking care of the boy became the most important thing in his life. The heart, which had turned to stone with grief, became softer. The boy changed before our eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes of not only Sokolov, but also those around him. Vanyushka tried to be constantly with his father, did not part with him for a minute. Hot love for his adopted son overwhelmed Sokolov’s heart: “I wake up, and he nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under a trap, sniffing softly, and it becomes so joyful in my soul that you can’t say it in words!”

The meeting of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha revived them to a new life, saved them from loneliness and longing, filled Andrei's life with deep meaning. It seemed that after the losses suffered, his life was over. But life "distorted" a person, but could not break him, kill the living soul in him. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and open person, modest and gentle. A simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human traits, reveals a deep mind, subtle observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story evokes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride in the Russian person, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the boundless possibilities of a person, if this is a real person. This is exactly how Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him both his love, and respect, and courageous pride, when, with faith in justice and the reason of history, he says: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and next to his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his Motherland calls him to this.

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M. Sholokhov "The fate of man."

70 years have passed since that memorable day. Children born after the war have already become adults, and they have already had their own children ... And the war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in the history books. Why do we remember it again and again?

Of the year. 1418 days. 34 thousand hours.

And 27 million dead compatriots.

27 million dead. Do you imagine what it is?

If a moment of silence is declared for each of the 27 million people who died in the country, the country will be silent ..43 years! 27 million. For 1418 days - this means 13 people died per minute. That's what 27 million means!

And how many of these 27 million are your peers. Children who never grew up.

Guys, we have been participating in the action for the third year already. Reading to children about the war.

On May 7 at 11.00 simultaneously in various parts of our country and abroad, an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War takes place.

In libraries, schools, kindergartens, orphanages, hospitals and other institutions, children read aloud the best examples of fiction dedicated to the events of 1941-1945. and great human achievement.

The idea of ​​holding such an action was born in the Samara Regional Children's Library five years ago. The number of participants increased from year to year.

In 2014, more than 350,000 children and adolescents became participants in the Action.

The action was carried out by more than 3,000 children's institutions from 4 countries: the Russian Federation of the Republic, Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine: a large number of institutions of culture, education, health and social protection: libraries, museums, kindergartens, and a huge number of other organizations.

The main idea of ​​which: reading works about the most striking episodes of the war . We read stories to you Anatoly Mityaev "Bag of Oatmeal" and A. Platonov "Little Soldier".

This year we will read the work of M. Sholokhov "Destiny of Man".

Reading the story of M. Sholokhov.

Discussion of what has been read.


Nearly half a century has passed since the publication of story "The fate of man". Farther and farther from us is the war, mercilessly grinding human lives, bringing so much grief and torment.

But every time we meet with the heroes of Sholokhov, we are surprised at how generous the human heart is, how inexhaustible kindness is in it, the indestructible need to protect and protect, even when, it would seem, there is nothing to think about. The end of the story is preceded by the author's unhurried reflection of a person who has seen and knows a lot in life:

“And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and grow up near his father’s shoulder, one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his homeland calls for this.”

In this reflection, the glorification of courage, stamina, the glorification of a man who withstood the blows of a military storm, endured the impossible.

Questions for discussion:

How do you understand the title of the story "The Fate of Man"?

( During the years of severe trials for the entire Soviet people, during the Great Patriotic War, this was the fate of not one person Andrei Sokolov, but also many of his contemporaries who went through the hardest suffering: the front, the torment of fascist captivity, the loss of loved ones who died on the front line and in the rear)

What happened to Andrei Sokolov's family?

( In June 1942, a bomb hit his house, his wife and both daughters were killed. The son was not at home. Upon learning of the death of his relatives, he volunteered for the front.)

What is instructive for you the story of A. Sokolov?

( boundless patriotism, unbending steadfastness and courageous patience, generosity, the ability to self-sacrifice, protection of the meaning and truth of human existence)

4. Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka? What is common in their fate?
(After meeting with the boy, whose “eyes are like a star after the rain”, Sokolov’s “heart departs, becomes softer”, “it became light and somehow light in the soul” As you can see, Vanya warmed Andrei Sokolov’s heart, his life again makes sense.")

Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both found a family. Where are they going and why?

(They go to the Kasharsky district. There, Sokolov is waiting for work, and Vanyushka is in school).

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