What does the qualification category represent? Big encyclopedia of oil and gas


Diploma qualifications are assigned to students by the state attestation commission of universities based on the results of training after the defense or passing exams and is consistent with the specialty.

What is a Diploma Qualification

Diploma qualification is the status of a graduate, reflecting a certain set of knowledge and skills acquired while studying at a university. After the transition to the Bologna system, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation assign qualification, specialist and master's degrees corresponding to the levels of professional education.

  1. Bachelor. The degree is awarded based on the results of four years of study at the university in all scientific areas, except for medicine. It gives the right not only to professional activity, but also provides an opportunity to obtain a master's degree.
  2. Specialist. The most common qualification in the educational system. Confirms the right to practice at a high professional level and to study abroad according to existing international agreements in order to obtain an academic degree. Usually the qualification of a specialist (lawyer, accountant, economist, manager) is awarded after five or six years of study at a university. The diploma is issued in all scientific fields, including medicine.
  3. Master. This degree requires two years of study in a research-oriented program. Bachelors or specialists of any direction can enter the training. The master's work must be an independent study conducted under the supervision of a supervisor. Master's and Specialist's qualifications entitle you to and participate in degree programs.

If the qualifications for the bachelor's degree do not match the chosen direction in the master's program, a certain exam is required before admission.

Diploma qualification example

In the diplomas of graduates of undergraduate and graduate programs, a bachelor's degree (academic or applied) and the direction in which the graduate can realize his knowledge and skills are indicated as qualifications. For example:

  • Applied Bachelor of Economics;
  • management;
  • master of cultural studies, jurisprudence, psychology.

In the diploma of graduates of a specialty, the first position indicates the profession received (it will be a qualification), the second - the branch of activity (specialty or direction of higher education according to the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science), for example:

  • engineer - specialty "construction of unique buildings and structures";
  • economist - "economic security";
  • pharmacist - "pharmacy";
  • lawyer - " ";
  • theater production designer - "scenography".

The choice of a future specialty and place of work should be based on the knowledge of what a diploma qualification is. Understanding the essence of the concept will allow you not to make mistakes when filling out important documents when applying for a job.

In this article, we will try to answer the following common questions: "What is a qualification?", "To whom is it assigned?", "Is it possible to improve the level of qualification and how?"

Surely every adult has an idea of ​​what it is

qualification. This term is inextricably linked with the concept of "activity". Any work, regardless of its nature and level of complexity, requires the employee to have certain training, as well as elementary knowledge and skills in order to perform it efficiently. From the foregoing, we can draw a certain conclusion about what a qualification is. This is the level of preparedness of the employee for the duties assigned to him.
A qualification is awarded after a course of study and a subsequent examination of knowledge. Upon graduation, an appropriate document is issued - a certificate or diploma. A common question: "What is it and how does it differ from a specialty?" The answer is simple: a specialty is a field of activity, and a qualification is a level of preparedness (engineer, bachelor).

The qualification of an employee is determined by such an indicator as a qualification category. It is assigned by the certification committee, taking into account the level of complexity,

conditions and responsibilities of the work process. In our country, a six-digit grid has been adopted to determine qualifications, in some cases an eight-digit one is used. For engineers, economists, public sector workers, the assignment of the appropriate category is applied. The employee's salary depends on the employee's tariff, it is formed by multiplying the tariff coefficient by the rate of the first category.

Specialists who already have higher education or higher education have the opportunity to improve their qualifications in order to expand and update their theoretical and practical skills, at the same time increasing their income level. There are the following types of training:

1. Short-term increase - up to 72 hours. Conducted at the initiative of the employer, the area - thematic issues in a particular production. Lectures are conducted by highly qualified staff members of the company. After passing the exam, a document is issued on the completion of a short-term advanced training course.

2. Thematic seminars and trainings - from 72 to 100 hours. Conducted for adaptation

Employees to new conditions of the production process or when introducing new technologies. This type of advanced training is carried out in the form of trainings, seminars on problematic issues.

3. Long-term - from 100 to 500 hours. Conducted for employees who have but lack practical skills. Upon completion, a certificate is issued. By law, such events must be held at least once every 5 years, but in practice, the frequency of such courses is set arbitrarily, at the request of the employer. The form of training can be different: on the job, with a break, with a partial combination. As a rule, the most optimal option is selected. In some cases, courses are held in another city. In this case, the employee is guaranteed to keep the job, as well as the average wage.

The law on professional standards has been in force for several months, but not everyone has finally figured out how to apply the new regulation in their companies. To help employers - practical recommendations from one of the most respected Russian experts in labor law, Maria Finatova.

What is this article about? Once again about professional standards, the application of which is still not clear to many. Let's talk about how to learn to determine the professional level at which the employee is.

All qualification levels specified in professional standards are used during their development to describe labor functions, requirements for education and training of employees. Uniform requirements for the qualifications of workers, established by skill levels, can be expanded and refined taking into account the specifics of the types of professional activity.

The level of qualification is defined as the ability of an employee to perform labor functions (tasks, duties) determined by the composition and level of complexity, which is achieved by mastering the necessary set of theoretical knowledge and skills.

The normative act that names qualification levels is the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2013 N 148n “On approval of qualification levels in order to develop draft professional standards”. There are 9 levels in total and each has its own requirements. The higher the level, the higher the requirements, the lower the level, the lower the requirements for the position. Usually the 1st level is unskilled work, for which there are no strict requirements. 2,3,4 levels of working specialties, 5.6 - specialists, 7.8 leaders of the organization, top managers, 9 - the country's leadership.

Each level has certain indicators, which include: powers and responsibilities, the nature of knowledge, the nature of skills and the main ways to achieve qualifications, on the basis of which a professional standard is developed.

For example, at the 1st qualification level they are like this:

And at the 6th qualification level, these are:

In order to understand at what level a particular employee is, the employer needs to carry out a whole range of activities:

  • To begin with, select the appropriate professional standard for compliance with which the position of the employee will be checked.
  • Then analyze his labor function, defined by the employment contract or job description for its compliance with the labor actions (TD) provided for in the chosen professional standard.
  • After that, the already verified labor actions are compared with labor functions in the same professional standard.
  • And in the end, from the compared labor functions (TF), determine which or which generalized labor functions (GTF) the employee is suitable for.

For each generalized labor function (GTF), the corresponding qualification level is indicated in the professional standard. By a simple procedure, you can determine what qualification level an employee has and what requirements are set for him.

For example, if we take the professional standard of the "Accountant", then you can see that it has only 2 qualification levels: 5 and 6 for the positions of "Accountant" and "Chief Accountant", and, accordingly, the requirements for these qualification levels are different. When comparing, it may turn out that one of the workers does not meet the standard, because he does not have enough experience, or length of service, or the necessary education at a certain level for him. In this situation, the employer must solve this problem: in the case of education, by sending the employee to study, in the case of experience and seniority, by transferring the employee to another position.

Situations may be different, but it must be remembered that the requirements of Law No. 122-FZ must be met by all employers, regardless of the legal form, form of ownership, number of employees, etc. However, the law does not provide for dismissals for non-compliance with professional standards. Therefore, it is important and possible to find the right solution in each specific situation with each specific employee.

Maria Finatova, Head of the Department of Consulting Projects and Partner of Valentina Mitrofanova Group of Companies

the degree and level of preparedness for any type of activity, labor. Qualification is determined by the amount of creative knowledge and practical skills that a person owns.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


from lat. qualis - what quality and facio - I do), the level of development of the employee's abilities, allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a particular type of activity. K. is determined by the volume of theoretical. knowledge and practical skills, to-rymi the employee owns, and is his most important socio-economic. characteristic.

K. reflects the degree of development of the individual in the most important sphere of life - in work and determines his social status. Economy The significance of K. is manifested in the fact that complex labor is more qualified. worker creates a product of greater value per unit time.

Theoretical knowledge corresponding to a certain level of K. includes both general education (they are the basis for post-school training in any type of activity) and special knowledge, the volume of which depends on the form and duration of the corresponding classes. The training of workers is carried out in the account. institutions of the system prof.-tech. education and directly on pro-from-ve; graduates - in higher. and cf. specialist. uch. institutions; scientific personnel - in postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Practical skills are mastered in the course of performing the relevant work by repeating them many times, as a result of which a strong dynamic is developed. stereotype. Initial skills are formed in the course of training, the development of sustainable prof. skills depends on work experience in one form or another prof. activity and is usually characterized by work experience in the profession.

The nature of K. is determined by the ratio between its elements (knowledge and skills) and depends on the level of development of technology, technology, organization of labor and production, i.e. on a separate stages of development of society and production is filled with specific content.

The speed of mastering K. depends on the conformity of the nature and content of the work performed with inclinations, abilities, and psychophysiology. to features of the person therefore the reasonable choice of a profession is of great importance for achievement of high level To., Krom the organization of professional orientation promotes.

An indicator of K. a worker is a qualification. category (class, category), to-ry is assigned to him in a particular profession in accordance with the requirements of the tariff qualification. characteristics of this profession.

As a rule, after completing the course according to the approved program in prof. uch. institutions or directly at the production of persons studying professions perform qualifications. trial work, then pass the qualification. theory exams. course. Passed graduation qualifications. examinations by the decision of qualifications. the commission is assigned the corresponding qualification (rank, class, category) according to the profession.

K. employees is determined primarily by the level received special. education (certified by a diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution), as well as work experience in a particular type of activity. These indicators are used in the establishment of qualifications. requirements for an employee performing certain job duties. In the qualification characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, the level of qualification requirements is determined by the complexity of the work included in the official duties. Individual differences in K. specialists are taken into account by intra-position qualifications. categorization based on attestation, etc. procedures. Qualification the requirements need to be updated regularly to reflect the dynamics of the specialties and stimulate the quality and flexibility of the prof. preparation.

Growth of qualifications level characterizes the country's productive forces, is a prerequisite for further social and economic. and sci.-tech. development, therefore, various measures are used to stimulate it, conditions are created for the development of higher K.

Material incentives include higher wages for work that requires more K., which is the basis of the tariff system, the use of allowances for tariff rates and salaries for prof. skill, bonuses for achieving production. indicators, which depend on K.

Moral incentives include the possibility of performing more interesting, meaningful work, a higher degree of independence and creativity in work, a more complete self-realization of the individual in prof. activities, various official forms. recognition of the high authority of an employee in a particular area.

In order to create conditions for prof. improvement, growth prof. mastery develops a system of advanced training. Raising the K. personnel is an element that is organically included in the system of continuous education, along with training and retraining, while ensuring the necessary continuity and interconnection between these stages of prof. education. N. P. Sorokina.

The problem of K. is of particular importance in the conditions of modern. stage of scientific and technical. revolution, to-ry is characterized by innovative development of the economy, science-intensive type of production, rapid structural changes and the priority of qualities, indicators of labor and products over quantitative ones. The innovative nature of development puts a creative person with her talent and prof. competence in the center of modern. production The high level of K. personnel is turning into the most important condition for the successful development of new technologies and the achievement of worthy positions in the world market for goods and services.

Increasing the role of K. in economics. development is reflected in the "human capital theory" developed by Amer. economists in the 1960s. 20th century As capital, it considers the stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, which acquires economic meaning and stimulates growth, produces, human strength. This is capital insofar as the mastery of it requires Means. labor and material resources, but these costs bring the owner a higher income.

As the role of qualifications in the economy increases, the importance of qualifications in the development of society increases. structures, i.e. distribution of amateurs. population by level K. Qualification. structure largely determines the possibility of adaptation decomp. social strata to those innovative processes, to-rye occur in the economy. This adaptation is associated with significant difficulties for those employed with a low level of K. due to a change in the structure of demand in the labor market: an increase in vacancies for highly qualified people. personnel and a reduction in demand for workers with low K. This phenomenon is associated with the development of the theory of two labor markets in the Amer. sociology (authors P. Deringer and M. Piore). According to this concept, in the conditions of scientific and technical. revolution, the previously single labor market broke up into markets isolated from each other: skilled workers. a workforce receptive to new technologies; and an unskilled workforce that is shrinking.

M in-in labor and the United States has developed a 6-point system for assessing the level of K. in terms of theoretical. knowledge and practical skills required for certain jobs. According to this system, K. is auxiliary. workers are estimated at an average of 1.3 points, drivers of transport - 2.2, qualified. workers - 2.5, technicians - 4.1, managers - 4.4, engineers - 5.1, natural scientists - 5.7 points. The level of requirements for qualifications. structure of the labor force is growing rapidly. This can be seen from the comparison of qualifications. requirements for existing in the US in the middle. 80s workplaces and newly created ones:

Along with creatures, shifts in qualifications. structure, important changes occur in the very content of K. These changes are ambiguous, because in production, much depends not only on its tech. level, but also on the forms of labor organization. In the conditions of routine production, microprocessor technology allows you to limit the functions of a person to template operations and turn him into an appendage of information. systems. The statement of the Nobel Prize winner V. Leontiev (USA) is known that a person ceases to be the most important factor of production if his tasks are limited to simply following instructions.

In the context of innovation process characteristic of the economy of modern. industrialized countries, computer technology has become a powerful means of expanding analytical. human abilities and enrichment of the creative content of his work. An intensive process of development, mastering the production of new types of goods and services, new technologies based on the close connection between science and production is impossible without the development of such personality traits as initiative, the ability to think logically and make decisions, find and use information, the ability to to learning. In industrialized countries under direct. the influence of scientific and technical. revolution, a new concept of K. Its main. features: polyvalence (versatility), a high level of general and technical. culture, dynamism. The concept of polyvalent K. was adopted by the Commission on prof. formation of the Common Market in 1970.

Modern technologies, primarily flexible automation systems, require the integration of labor functions associated with the maintenance of automatic equipment. systems. Under these conditions, the principle of "one person - one specialty", characteristic of the system of mechanized and conveyor production, turns out to be ineffective. Polyvalent k., based on the expansion of the profile and the combination of specialties, makes it possible to increase labor productivity by reducing personnel and at the same time increase the creative interest of workers and their responsibility for the quality of products. This is based modern. concepts of "enrichment of labor" and "humanization of labor".

An important feature of modern K. is also what app. experts call it intellectualization. Modern technology cannot be implemented without a high level of general and technical. culture of personnel, ensuring the accuracy of the implementation of technical. rules, understanding of all technical nol. process and its place in it, the speed of reaction and the correctness of decision-making. An important element of tech. culture becomes a social responsibility, including for the prevention of accidents that can lead to human casualties and environmental. disasters.

A characteristic feature of modern K. is her dynamism. Acquired K. can no longer be regarded as a stable set of prof. knowledge and skills, they must be dynamically updated as new technologies develop. According to research app. experts, volume prof. The engineer's knowledge must be renewed every 5 years by 50%. This implies the relevance of the problem of training in the continuation of the entire prof. careers.

In industrialized countries, there is an intensive search for ways to solve this problem, which have found implementation in the concept of lifelong education. It has been officially adopted by UNESCO and a number of regional international organizations. organizations as the basis for solving modern. problems of personnel training and the model of the education system in the future. Laws on continuing education were adopted in 1971 in France, in 1975 in Sweden, and in 1976 in the USA.

Modern the concept of K. introduces creatures, changes in the sphere of training and retraining of personnel. These areas are characterized by: a creative approach to the learning process, based on not just providing students with certain information, but developing creative abilities, the ability to learn new things and apply it in practice; interdisciplinary principle of development account. programs and their periodic updating; close connection uch. process with participation in practice. work on the development and development of new technologies.

The implementation of these changes required the closest cooperation between establishments with prom. enterprises and N. - and. in-tami, increasing the role of feedback between production and account. institutions, strengthening control over the quality of training and the importance of diplomas and certificates of education.

The processes of internationalization of the world market and the integration of the economy of industrially developed countries actualize the problem of international. standardization of K levels, including the identification of diplomas and certificates. Such identification is necessary to prevent discrimination against foreigners. labor force and creates conditions for a free labor market. In the countries included in the opr-tion of the European Community, in 1991, the identification of diplomas of higher education is provided. schools in connection with the planned 1992 ekon. association of these countries.

The problem of K. is especially acute for Ros. Federation. Despite the high level of K. workers and specialists in some avant-garde in tech. in relation to areas, the economy as a whole requires Means. increasing the level of prof. competencies of employees. Low K. workers - a serious obstacle to scientific and technical. and socio-economic. development of the country. Under the dominance of the adm.-command system, little receptive to scientific and technical. progress, the prestige of a person was determined not so much by his prof. competence, how much position in the hierarchy. system. Hence the general underestimation of qualifications. labor in society - disproportionately low wages of specialists in comparison with cf. the level of wages in the country, the exaggeration of the formal element in training (the main thing is a diploma).

Transition to a market economy with competition as Ch. the driving force of production gives enterprises and industries of production a real incentive to scientific and technical. development, will increase the social prestige of culture and liberate the creative potential of workers.

Lit .: Ivanov N. P., Nauch.-tekhn. revolution and questions of personnel training in the developed countries of capitalism, M., 1971; his own, Nauch.-tekhn. revolution and the problems of the structure of the labor force. (According to the materials of developed capitalist countries), M., 1978; Bush-marin I.V., Developed capitalist. countries. Use of labor resources, M., 1975; Kapelyushnikov R. I., Modern. bourgeois concept of labor force formation. (Critical analysis), M. 1981; Gurieva L. S., Zargarov V. A., S to o-6s e in K. M., Professional and specialist: leader in modern. organizational conditions, ed. L. S. Guryeva, Tomsk, 1989; Trends and prospects for the development of social infrastructure, ed. S. S. Shatalina. Moscow, 1989. Levin G. M., P a m b s r-ger R. W., Education, labor and employment in developed countries, "Perspectives", 1990, No. 2; B c c k c r G. S., Human capital. A theo-retical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education, N. Y.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Qualification is the readiness of an employee for professional activities to perform work of a certain complexity within the framework of a profession, specialty, specialization.

In TK, the concept of "qualification" is defined as the level of general and special training of an employee, confirmed by the types of documents established by law (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).

Qualification is a component of the vocational education standard and is characterized by a step and a level.

Qualification level is a stage of training professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education and culminating in the receipt of an appropriate document (certificate, certificate, diploma).

A skill level is the degree of professional skill within a particular skill level. The essential characteristics of the level of qualification are: the amount of knowledge and skills; quality of knowledge and skills; ability to rationally organize and plan work; the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.

Requirements for different skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are established by the relevant local (local) documents in the tariff and certification system.

Determining the qualifications of personnel is regulated by administrative, agrarian and labor legislation. With the help of administrative law, the qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions and a number of other persons are established. Agrarian law establishes the rules for determining the qualifications of members of agricultural organizations. Labor law regulates the rules for determining the qualifications of employees, the conditions for the emergence of labor relations.

When determining the qualifications of workers, they are guided by a system of generalized indicators, the most important of which are categories, classes and categories.

With the help of tariff categories, the qualifications of the majority of workers in industrial, construction and other organizations are determined. Class ranks are assigned to transport drivers, agricultural specialists, etc. The level of qualification of specialists in a number of industries is recorded using the categories Quantitative and qualitative results of labor activity, the level of professional preparedness of employees reflect the following indicators:

Duration of experience in this work (special

TI); availability of general and special education:

The measure of responsibility for the task assigned, and so on.

These indicators have a great theoretical and practical

I value in agreeing on the content of the employment contract - Kf pa, resolving issues about the workplace, adapted measures, | 1 certification and others. So, the labor function is established in accordance with the qualifications of the employee, which, in turn, is expressed in categories, classes, categories. Legal norms fix the legal obligation of the employer to timely and objectively fix such indicators, i.е. great- :i ; correctly determine the qualifications of employees, guaranteeing them f/ work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, education, and taking into account social needs. d „" The definition of qualification is the establishment of a level of knowledge

Knowledge and skill of the worker, compliance of this level with certain requirements, due to this or that complexity $? 1Pyfla corresponding specialty.. The qualification of the worker is determined on the basis of a certain

NYh qualification signs derived from the "content of the concept of qualification components of complexity pas" bots, totality of knowledge, production experience, degree %) of the ability and skills of a worker. Such signs can be "J" include: the volume of special and general education, work experience in this profession, the ability to perform work defined where / іtsey. wages and others

elements of an employment relationship. Determining qualifications when hiring shows the possibility or impossibility of admitting an employee to perform a certain job. On the contrary, untimely identified inconsistency with future work increases the likelihood of disappointment in it or other undesirable phenomena.

Labor law establishes the obligation of the employer to establish the qualifications of the hired workers. However, this obligation does not apply to all employment cases. For example, persons accepted as apprentices do not have professional training and therefore their qualifications are not established.

Labor law provides for the following forms of establishing qualifications when applying for a job: documentary establishment, testing, medical examination, probation, interview, test tests and passing a special exam.

The documentary establishment of qualifications upon admission to work is carried out on the basis of various documents that have legal force.

The qualification of graduates of special educational institutions is determined by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate.

The qualification of workers can be established by an entry in the work book on the basis of the qualification category assigned to them, class.

The study of documents helps to establish the business, moral and other characteristics of employees, the level of their professional preparedness. A certain list of documents presented by applicants at the conclusion of an employment contract is established in the TC. Employment without the specified documents is not allowed. It is forbidden to demand documents that are not provided for by law when concluding an employment contract. The significance of the documents lies in the fact that they confirm the age, the level of professional readiness, which are necessary for the coordination of the labor function and other conditions of the employment contract, and the clarification of official duties.

The legislation also provides for other forms of familiarization with the data of an incoming person. When hiring, with the agreement of the parties, a test may be stipulated to check the compliance of the employee with the assigned work.

This condition is provided by TK. but its inclusion in a written employment contract is allowed only by mutual agreement of the parties. If the employee objects, the contract is either rejected. or concluded without this condition.

The test period is determined by TK. and only the maximum ero duration is regulated (no more than three months). By mutual agreement of the parties, a probationary period can be appointed, for example, for one or two months. The establishment of a test is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract, but if an agreement is reached on it, it must be indicated in the text of the employment contract and the order (instruction) on employment The probationary period is calculated only in working days. So, the probationary period does not include the period of temporary lack of ore availability and other periods when the employee was absent from work for good reasons.

The test is not established when hiring employees under the age of 18; young workers after graduating from vocational schools; young professionals after graduating from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; disabled people; temporary and seasonal workers; when transferring to work in another area or to another employer; when applying for a job on a competitive basis; in other cases provided for by law (for example, when transferring an employee who is in an employment relationship with an employer from one position to another or from one unit to another).

Each of the parties has the right to terminate the employment contract with a preliminary test:

Before the expiration of the preliminary test period, by notifying the other party in writing three days in advance;

On the day of the expiration of the preliminary test.

An unsatisfactory test result gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing the employee as not having passed the test.

The employee has the right to appeal against the decision of the employer in court. If, before the expiration of the preliminary test period, the employment contract with the employee is not terminated in accordance with part one of Art. 29 TK, then the employee is considered to have passed the test and termination of the employment contract with him is allowed only on general grounds.

A test when hiring is an optional condition of an employment contract, a test of professional preparedness when performing tasks related to the labor function of an incoming employee on time. The test helps to determine the level of his qualifications, compliance with the work performed and change the measures of adaptation and labor protection.

The employee has the right to appeal the results of the test in the general manner: in the commission on labor disputes (CTC), in court. If unsatisfactory results of the test are accompanied by his release from work, then the complaint is filed with the district court

In some cases, labor legislation establishes a mandatory medical examination upon employment.

For example, minors under the age of 18, employees engaged in heavy work, in work with harmful working conditions, as well as in vehicle maintenance work, employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, medical preventive institutions and some other organizations. These measures are aimed solely at protecting the life and health of both the workers themselves and those in contact with their work activities.

The results of the medical examination are documented in a special document.

An internship is one of the forms of establishing qualifications when hiring young professionals. The internship has a multi-purpose purpose. It helps to clarify the qualifications of personnel, quickly develop adaptation measures, improve the level of professional training of workers, and as such is a guarantee of the right to work. The internship is used for transport drivers, law enforcement officers and other categories of workers.

The regulation on the distribution of graduates of state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, does not provide for a mandatory internship for young specialists during the first year of work.

In practice, the internship of young specialists, as a rule, is provided for in local acts of enterprises (organizations).

During the internship period, young specialists acquire the relevant qualifications. Therefore, workers who have received higher education in the system of evening or correspondence education and have at least one year of work experience in the relevant specialty, during which they have already acquired initial qualifications, are exempted from internships.

The qualification obtained during the internship period is established by the collegial body (commission) in the appropriate manner

Coordination of the job function and other terms of the employment contract begins with an interview with the incoming employee

Interviewing is one of the most important forms of determining qualifications in hiring Appointment after pre-selection and interview is a situation where an organization in the person of an HR employee and a candidate for this position try to determine to what extent their own interests can be satisfied. ~renas as a result of this appointment.

A preliminary interview when applying for a job is aimed at finding out the education of the applicant, assessing his personal qualities, etc.

At this stage of qualification, prior to the entry into force of the employment contract, the employee may change his original intention to work. The organization also has the right to refuse the services of an employee, but in cases and on the grounds specified in the legislation

There is a difference in the position of the parties. The employee, changing the original intention, may not indicate the reasons for his decision, in any case, the law does not oblige him to do so. The organization is obliged to explain the reason for the refusal, permissible only for business reasons, with a good reason.

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