What does the deb gesture mean in a teenage environment. What do the marks on the fingers mean


Pay attention to the interlocutor during the conversation. How often does he gesticulate, thus accompanying his speech? How emotional is he? What actions do the fingers slip?

Many people resort to using their hands during a conversation to give their speech a more vivid emotional coloring. Sometimes, with the help of finger gestures, you can understand what mood a person is in or what he really wants to convey to the interlocutor.

But for deaf and dumb people, hand gestures are the main method of interaction with the outside world, as well as with each other. Therefore, having learned the designation of each gesture, you can easily communicate with such people.

Finger gestures and their meaning, photos with their image will be discussed further.

In everyday conversation, finger gestures are often used, and their meaning is clear to everyone. The most common:

  • thumb pointing up or down;
  • two fingers forming the letter V;
  • raised index finger;
  • gesture - middle finger;
  • gesture "ok";
  • sign "goat";
  • shaka;
  • rubbing the thumb.

These finger symbols are the most popular. But what is the meaning of each of them?

thumb up/down

Perhaps this finger gesture is the most common. A "thumbs up" is a symbol of approval for something. When a person likes something, he will certainly raise his finger up, as if to say: “This is super!”

The downward thumb gesture has the opposite meaning of the above sign. When a person does not like something, he shows his dissatisfaction by putting his thumb down.

The “thumbs up” sign is also used in another version: it is used by “voters” on the road to stop a passing car.

This finger gesture is applicable in different countries, and its meaning can be very different. For example, among Australian residents, a raised thumb carries an insult with sexual overtones. The Greeks use it during quarrels for mutual insults.

Fingers forming a V

The index and middle fingers, forming the letter V, are also a fairly common gesticulation option. It symbolizes victory, since V is short for the word "victory". These finger gestures are common in many countries, and their meaning in Russia also does not change.

The ancestor of this hand movement was the English President Winston Churchill. At the end of the Second World War, he expressed with two fingers an undeniable victory over fascism.

These finger gestures and their meaning are somewhat different in a number of European countries. V, shown with an open palm, denotes victory, and with the back of the hand, the number 2.

Raised index finger

The index finger up is also a finger gesture. And their meaning is interpreted based on the name "indicative". Raising a finger, as a rule, is to show something, only the meaning can change depending on the situation.

  1. A finger pointing in the direction of something specific acts as a pointer.
  2. At the time of the conversation, a raised finger can signal: “Attention!”
  3. The index finger swaying from side to side indicates a ban. The same gesture applies to children as a moral.
  4. The sign of silence is the index finger attached to the lips.

The index finger up, finger gestures and their meaning were especially common centuries ago among government officials during the adoption of important government decisions.

Fingers folded into a ring, or "OK"

The OK gesture originated in the United States and was used to confirm that all is well. Over time, this finger gesture and its meaning migrated to other countries. But in the Land of the Rising Sun, fingers folded into a ring symbolize money.

Gesture "Goat"

This gesture is familiar to rock lovers. At rock concerts, inside a subculture, and also to demonstrate their love for this musical direction, people bend all fingers except the little finger and index finger.

However, this symbol in ancient times was used to scare away all kinds of evil spirits. Children are also entertained with this gesture, since it precedes tickling. In some countries of Europe and Latin America, the sign "goat" denotes cuckolds, which is an insult.


This symbol is expressed as a straightened little finger and thumb, and it is endowed with many meanings. The most common is a “phone call”, that is, in this way they express a request or statement: “Call!”

Another option is to express a desire to drink. When folded fingers are brought to the mouth and at the same time throw the head back. In the "silent" alphabet in Asian countries, this is the designation of the number 6, and in the Russian - the letter U.

Rubbing your thumb with the rest

When a person mentions money in his conversation, he accompanies his speech by rubbing his thumb on the rest. This gesture is familiar to almost everyone, so one has only to perform it, as it becomes clear what is at stake.

The second designation is the moment of remembering, that is, when a person has forgotten something and is trying to remember, he performs such gestures.

Latin in sign language

The Latin alphabet in finger sign language, the meaning of which is the same for most countries, is as follows.

The alphabet, as well as numerical designations, will not cause difficulty, and studying them will help in the ease of communicating with people with hearing impairments.

In addition to the work of the hands, such communication is accompanied by facial expressions, the use of the mouth, the application of fingers to the lips, and, if necessary, the use of body turns. These finger gestures and their meaning in different countries are the same, therefore they are considered international.

Three fingers raised

Thumb, index and middle fingers raised up. In the simplest interpretation, this sign denotes the number or quantity 3. This gesture with the fingers and their meanings in Russia is performed a little differently: instead of the thumb, they raise the ring finger.

In its original version, this symbol is used in Germany, where the count on the hand begins with the thumb. Although initially this gesture was used in the countries of Medieval Europe as an accompaniment to an oral oath of allegiance to the motherland. Therefore, in some cases, it is a symbol of victory.

Raised palm

In most countries, a raised palm indicates a stop signal. This use of it is used in the course of a conversation to stop the interlocutor.

The second designation is "greeting" or "farewell", when the palm is raised up for a short time. But among the peoples of Greece, this is an insulting gesture, after which conflict will immediately follow.

Connecting the fingertips of both hands

When the interlocutor puts his fingertips together, you can immediately understand that he is full of calmness and confidence in himself and his knowledge. Such people are stingy with emotions and are very balanced.

The gesture also marks the moment of reflection and decision. In this interpretation, it was used several hundred years ago at judicial meetings.

Crossed index and middle fingers

In many Western countries, fingers are crossed for good luck. In Russia, this gesture corresponds to two designations: for good luck and as a cancellation of one's words. When a person makes any promise that he is not going to keep or his speech is unreliable, then he keeps his fingers crossed behind his back in order to “relieve himself of all responsibility” for what was said.

But in the Vatican, showing this gesture to the interlocutor, a person insults him, because in this country such a plexus of fingers means female genital organs.

Inviting gesture with index finger

On the territory of Russia, as well as in many European and Western countries, someone is called by a stretched forward and curving index finger, but it is considered a “slang” symbol and is not used in cultural communication. In Asian countries, this gesture is prohibited. In the Philippines, dogs are called in this way, so its use in relation to a person is humiliating and insulting.


Such a sign in different countries is interpreted in its own way. So, among the inhabitants of Russia, this is an expression of refusal, and in a rude form. And for the Brazilians - on the contrary, a symbol of goodwill, who wish good health and good luck. Therefore, in this country it is used quite often.

Middle finger

This gesture in most civilized countries is obscene, offensive. It symbolizes the male genital organs, and in this designation the middle finger was used back in the days of the ancient Romans.


When all the fingers on one or both hands are pressed to the palm, that is, clenched into a fist, this indicates a person's hostile mood.

The emergence of finger gestures

The use of fingers during colloquial speech or separately from it began to exist many centuries ago, even at the time of the formation of civilization. Especially often gestures were involved in religions.

Among Christians, finger movements, folding them into various plexuses were used during the reading of prayers, worship.

In Muslims, each phalanx of the fingers, as well as the palm, is endowed with a letter of the alphabet.

In France, when various secret societies were organized, members of these societies communicated using finger and hand gestures. Moreover, the gestures were known only to them and were secret.

In Chinese medicine, with the help of fingers, the whole body was treated by pressing on special points. Therefore, in Asian countries, hands are also a symbol of health, and gesticulation with their help of offensive signs is prohibited.

Over time, the use of fingers as a way of communication took root in public life and began to be supplemented with new symbols, changing its meaning. Now most people use this method of communication, sometimes unconsciously, expressing their emotional outburst.

For people with disabilities, this is the only way to interact with the outside world. Therefore, finger gestures cannot be ignored in communication.

In the study of science, not only lines and signs play an important role, but also the structure of the fingers and everything that is located on them. Having studied what palmistry is, fingers can choose the right talisman rings for hands in order to improve the quality of one's own life.

The importance of fingers in palmistry

What do fingers mean, palmistry, in general terms about meaning and talismans

Before proceeding to the study, we will analyze a little their meaning and influence on certain areas of the life path. Let's reveal the secret that each of the limbs can have an impact not only on the characteristics of a person's character, but also in some way on life achievements.

Note. Each of the fingers belongs to one of the five planets, which means you can pay attention to the zodiac signs?

Amulets, rings

For example, the middle finger (palmistry), which is under the influence of Saturn, has signs and marks that carry their meaning and refer to the same planet. If there is a desire to strengthen this planet, then you can choose the right talisman, which also fits the zodiac sign.

Note. Knowing the meaning of the stones, you can choose the right ring and wear it exactly in the right place to achieve the goal.

Talisman for the little finger

Let's give an example with the correct selection of a talisman. For example, you want to buy a money amulet for yourself, how to do it? The little finger or the planet Mercury is responsible for the money symbol.

Let's figure out what suits us:

  1. Shungite.
  2. Heliotrope.
  3. Agate (yellow).
  4. Beryl.

By choosing a pinky ring with one of these stones, it will be an excellent money talisman.

Note. Naturally, to know what palmistry, fingers, meaning is necessary not only for the correct selection of a talisman, but also for a warning.

Warnings: Phalange Damage Mysteries

If you damaged any part, then this is a kind of warning factor. Any scratch, callus, burn or bite, all this carries with it some kind of event that will occur from 7 to 70 days.

Unusual callus and curvature

Note. Any modifications on the pads, nails or hands speak of any events. Experienced palmists also interpret scars.

Any signs on the hands and fingers (palmistry) are not scary. On the contrary, you can really prepare for any warnings.

Paresis of a large

If you often get damaged, then this means that your guardian angel is trying to warn you about something. And if you study the palmistry of the fingers, you can accurately determine what you should beware of.

What role do the lines on the phalanges play?

Everyone observes lines (vertical, horizontal) on their pads, sometimes signs. But what do the lines on the fingers (palmistry) mean, what meaning do they carry?

Lines and signs on the phalanges

  1. As a rule, vertical lines on the fingers in palmistry indicate a favorable money life, but they can also indicate that a person is a spender.
  2. Horizontal will tell about the difficulties in the opponent's life.
  3. There are wavy ones, which most often carry a negative.

How to interpret lines?


  • The straight lines of the first phalanx indicate the moral state of a person.
  • The second phalanx speaks of the noble intentions of the fortuneteller.
  • The third will tell about a healthy moral attitude to life.

Note. If on the 3rd phalanx of the index you examined the transverse lines, then this indicates an inheritance.

Palmistry on the fingers: vertical lines

  1. b-b - the combination speaks of insight (Fig. 6).

Note. If a straight line is found inside the 3rd phalanx of the middle, this indicates military service. If the line is slightly inclined, then a person may die in the military field (other signs and lines will tell the details).

  1. c - the combination will tell about artistic abilities. Two lines on the 2nd phalanx are wisdom and intelligence (Fig. 6).

(Fig. 6) Palmistry of the line on the fingers: a schematic drawing

Note. If more than 3 lines are found on the phalanges, this indicates that the fortuneteller is simply wasting his energy.

  1. f-f - such a combination portends glory, thanks to perseverance and learning (Fig. 6).
  2. a-a - wealth and wisdom (Fig. 6).
  3. g-g - acquired wealth for a set of their own enterprise (Fig. 6).

One straight line on the little finger, passing from beginning to end, will tell about the achievement in science.

Palmistry of the phalanx of the fingers: transverse and wavy lines

Not a very good sign are the transverse lines:

Lines of stress on the phalanx of the fingers (palmistry)

  • On the big, it's hardships in life.
  • The same lines on the 3rd phalanx of the nameless portend financial problems.
  • On the little finger, in front of you is a windbag.

A straight, pronounced line on the last phalanx of Mercury speaks of a person who will succeed in trade.

What do knotty fingers mean in palmistry

When examining a lot of hands and palms, fingers come across with pronounced articular nodes. In any case, it is necessary to find the cause (this is a congenital form or the nodes appeared as a result of the disease). If we talk about science, then such hands speak of a practical and straightforward person.

Views with knots

Knots on the fingers (palmistry) speak of people who are not prone to the manifestation of emotions, but very clearly hide them. Such people tend to think carefully before making their choice. If your soulmate has knots, don't expect him (her) to make a quick decision, just give it time, then discuss everything.

Palmistry knotty fingers and human character

Such people go through life, relying strictly on logic, and not on impulse or inspiration:

  1. Thanks to common sense and stubbornness, the owners of such a hand move forward in the chosen direction.
  2. Knotty fingers (palmistry) also indicate a person who has a store of interesting ideas and is able to draw interesting and original conclusions, especially when they are wrong and do not want to turn off the path.
  3. Ideals are rarely found in their lives, they do not deny them, but at the same time they need confirmation all the time.

Note. It is very difficult to convince such people of something, as they have a clear point of view and their own beliefs.

General value

Owners of short and thick fingers are enthusiastic, they take up work on the move, but, unfortunately, do not bring it to the end. Such combinations include artists or actors.

Short and thick

The owners of thin endings will patiently treat any business and monotonously bring it to its logical conclusion, and you can rely on them.

With a thin ending have a patient character

Thin with a thick ending indicate a person who makes decisions quickly and tries to avoid physical exertion. In life, these are narcissistic individuals, but at the same time they do not forget about relatives and relatives. Such a hand is characteristic of a creative person or a teacher.

Creative person's hand

Now you can take a closer look and understand what palmistry is, fingers, having examined each on the right and left hand.

Divination on the Hill of Venus

Looking only at the thumb, a specialist can already tell a lot about a person:

  • The larger the symbol of Venus, the better for the opponent. This indicates healthy professional growth. But here you also need to study palmistry, the finger of Saturn (index), since it is he who is responsible for work and career.
  • The opponent has all the makings of a leader, including purposefulness and healthy ambition. The presence of willpower and the desire for power.
  • It is difficult to find a common language with such people, since they hear only themselves and there is no other opinion for them.

Limb size and its significance in character

small size

  1. The presence of all of the above characteristics, but they are not sufficiently developed.
  2. Such people are stubborn, domineering, purposeful, but do not have that thirst for power and lack willpower.
  3. It is more pleasant to communicate with such people, they know how to hear others and advice is always taken into account.

Average length

Average length

  1. Such people have self-esteem and know how to stand up for themselves, even if the opponent is physically superior.
  2. The opponent emerges from the situation as a winner, thanks to his originality.
  3. They are pleasant in communication and sociable.

short and thick

Thick but short

  1. The owner is quite practical.
  2. He stands firmly on the ground and listens only to his common sense.
  3. But such a person is sometimes unable to control his actions and can respond with aggression.

Long and thin

  1. These are subtle and sensitive people who avoid conflicts.
  2. Such people always make concessions and have a soft character.

Note. In addition to the shape of the big one, pay attention to all the lines, signs, scars, moles.

Jupiter index finger, palmistry

By carefully examining the index, you can clearly sort out the following qualities of a person:

  1. Pride.
  2. Cruelty.
  3. Power.
  4. Stubbornness.
  5. Target.

Palmistry, Jupiter's finger and its length

Let's turn the back of our hand to ourselves and carefully study:

  • Jupiter's finger is the same length as the ring finger. It testifies to a proud, stubborn person. But such a person will never cross the red line. Excellent sense of proportion and a real assessment of the situation.
  • The index is longer than the ring. It characterizes a free person who always achieves his goal. Sometimes it goes over the heads, regardless of the circumstances. Such people have no brakes, which can have a deplorable effect on the consequences.
  • The index is shorter than the ring. Such people are very timid and shy, which stretches from childhood. In age, these are quite calm personalities, not loving conflicts and problems. They are loved by friends and respected in society. They avoid conflict and at some point may give in to avoid a quarrel.

Ideally, the finger should be straight and even. According to palmistry, the curvature of the finger towards the middle indicates selfishness. Such people love themselves sometimes and regret, there is no faith in themselves. Often they try to deceive fate to confirm their hopes.

Average and its meaning in divination

According to palmistry, the middle finger is the finger of Saturn, which is associated with such character traits as:

Palmistry, which means the middle finger and its influence on character

  1. Restraint.
  2. Responsibility.
  3. Shyness.
  4. Visual lack of emotion.

By structure, the middle finger (palmistry) should be higher than the rest:

  • In the case when the limb is radically different in length, then a person sits in front of you who loves loneliness and feels quite comfortable alone.
  • If the differences are not significant with other fingers, this indicates irresponsibility and frivolity.
  • If there is a slight curvature towards the index, then the person has low self-esteem and the opponent is not confident in his abilities, starting any business, he is constantly tormented by doubts.
  • When the middle one is bent towards the nameless one, this indicates shyness and timidity. It is difficult for him to have relationships with the opposite sex.

Note. Most often, this combination speaks of creative individuals who achieve significant success in this area.

Nameless and his influence on character

The ring finger in palmistry personifies the god Apollo, who became famous for his sensuality and emotionality:

  1. Ideally, the ring and index fingers are the same height.
  2. If Apollo's finger is longer than the index finger, then an aesthete is undoubtedly sitting in front of you.

What is the length of Apollo

  1. There are cases when, according to palmistry, the ring finger is the same length as the middle one. Such people are capable of risky acts, so you need to be careful with such a companion.
  2. If there is a slight bend to the average, then the opponent does not live and work according to fate.
  3. He fulfills his obligations from day to day, but he does not live his life. Such a person has a well-developed intuition.
  4. You can often find a hand where Apollo's finger "looks" at the little finger. This suggests that the person is quite self-critical.

Note. Such people always need support from friends and others, as they themselves are not confident in their abilities.

How to recognize a person by the length of the little finger

The little finger or finger of Mercury is directly related to business, finance and business acumen:

Little finger length

  • In normal cases, the little finger should reach the first phalanx of the ring finger. In the case when it is longer, then an intelligent, sociable person is sitting in front of you.
  • If it is shorter, then the person lacks business acumen and communication with others is quite difficult for him.

Note. If the little finger goes towards the ring finger, this indicates cunning, and if the finger is crooked, then such a person is very cunning and it is not worth doing any business with him.

Practical palmistry: the meanings of the rings on the fingers and their role in the fate of a person

For an ordinary person, rings are ordinary jewelry, so it is. But rarely, anyone thought that from the point of view of palmistry, a ring on a certain finger carries its own specific meaning.

Palmistry, rings on the fingers and their meaning

Putting on a ring, a person does not even suspect that the meaning of the rings on the fingers (palmistry) emphasizes, first of all, his individuality, as well as his desire. In addition to the engagement ring, other jewelry does not carry any specific load, but can tell a lot about its owner.

Let us consider in more detail what the rings around the fingers mean (palmistry):

The decoration on the index finger speaks of the strong-willed character of its owner. If the ring is on the right hand, then the owner is a reasonable person. The left hand indicates hysteria. On both hands, the owner will stop at nothing to achieve the goal.

The meaning of the ring on the finger of Jupiter

The owner with such decoration emphasizes his beauty and individuality. The brighter and more beautiful the ring, the stronger the owner tries to convince others of his irresistibility. The ring on the middle finger also helps the owner overcome some life difficulties.

Ring on Apollo's finger

In addition to the engagement ring, there are other pieces of jewelry that emphasize the wearer's desire for pleasure.

The meaning of the ring on the little finger

The owners personify a sharp mind, cunning sophistication and variability of their nature.

Meaning on the thumb

Such people want to establish themselves, especially in sexual terms, given that the finger is on the Mount of Venus. In general, these are emotional people with strong energy, and they can say such things, after which others will remember it for a very long time.

Rings on the fingers (palmistry) are interpreted approximately as follows: a bright and large ring speaks of the hysterical behavior of the owner in this direction.

How to interpret the distance between the fingers?

If you look at the open palm, you can see several distances between the fingers, which also carry their significance and affect the character of a person:

  • The distance between the middle and index fingers will tell about the independence of thinking.
  • The gap between the little finger and the ring finger characterizes a person who is able to perform unreasonable acts.
  • The little finger and index finger move away from the middle ones. The combination indicates a self-confident person.
  • Nameless and middle close, without a gap. Talks about the secrecy of a person.

Distance between fingers

What does the curvature of the fingers (palmistry) mean?

  1. The little finger goes to the nameless, speaks of entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Nameless to mean, such a person is prone to depression.
  3. Index to the middle - ambition.

As conclusions, it can be understood that palmistry, fingers play a huge role in human life. To assimilate the material, check out the video, where you can analyze this topic in more detail.

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experienced participants and may differ significantly from

"Goat", also known by the names “horns”, “horns”, “spreading”, “horseshoe” - a gesture in the form of a little finger and index finger extended forward, while the middle and ring fingers are pressed to the palm. The gesture is shaped like the head of a horned animal.


The meanings of the gesture are varied:

Ancient oratory

The goat gesture is a classic gesture of ancient Greek and Roman orators. It is described in the most complete antique textbook of oratory "Education of the orator" (lat. "Institutio oratoria") Fabius Mark Quintilian. Among the nine oratorical gestures described by Quintilian, this is the second gesture used by rhetoricians. Two fingers: the middle and ring fingers were bent under the thumb, and the index and little fingers were extended; Quintilian says about this composition of fingers that it is a gesture more urgent than the previous one, which does not go at the beginning of speeches and during narrations.


The gesture with the index finger and little finger is considered a magical sign that protects from evil. It was used by superstitious people both in Europe and in Asia, to protect against the evil eye and witches, as an analogue of spitting over the shoulder. As such, the "goat" is mentioned in Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula":

Alexander Grin also mentions this method of protection in the story "The Loquacious Brownie", calling it "jettatura". (Contrary to Green, jettatura (It., French and German. jettatura, from obsolete. it. getta tura- “a bolt for everything))) was not called a gesture, but actually the “evil eye” itself).

Amulets were also made in the form of a hand folded as a “goat”, which were worn around the neck to protect against the evil eye. In Italian they are called corno(horns) or mano cornuto. One of its names, “the horns of Asmodeus,” is also associated with the attributed protective properties of the gesture.

Hindus use in their rituals "mudras" - gestures that are considered magical. Some of them look like a "goat", especially the karana mudra. The purpose of this mudra is the same as that of the European gesture: to scare away evil spirits.


At rock concerts, the audience traditionally shows a "goat". On stage - the guitarist of the group "

Sergey Popov

The "rocker goat", popularized by singer Ronnie James Dio (Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Dio, Heaven & Hell), is often used by members of a wide variety of musical subcultures as a sign of approval for the performer. Especially known among rockers and metalheads. Dio was taught this gesture by his grandmother, a superstitious Italian. According to Ronnie's recollections, she folded this sign if she met gypsies and other suspicious people, and explained to her grandson that this protects against "malocchio" (mallocchio), "evil eye". The gesture looked good at concerts in combination with the mystical lyrics of Black Sabbath. In addition to Dio, Gene Simmons of Kiss and members of Parliament-Funkadelic used this gesture on their covers around the same time, but it was Dio, who showed the "goat" at concerts, who managed to consolidate the tradition and make it one of the symbols of heavy metal.

I'm hardly the first person to fold their fingers like that. It's like reinventing the wheel. But, perhaps, you can say that I brought it into fashion. It was a symbol that reflected everything related to our group. There is nothing "devilish" about him, as some say. My Italian grandmother said that it scares away the "evil eye". It's just a symbol, but it has a magical meaning and I think it went great with Black Sabbath. Now everyone uses it, and it seems to have lost its original meaning.

In the classic, medieval version of the "goat", the middle, ring and thumb were pressed together to protect against evil. Dio showed the "goat" in this way (see photo). Modern metalheads often make the “wrong” gesture: the thumb is not pressed against the others, but remains exposed to the side. In addition, modern metalheads often make this gesture with the palm facing them (with the back of the hand facing the viewer).


"Raspaltsovka" was used by the new Russians as a sign of their own superiority. Its main difference from the rocker "goat" is that the index finger and little finger "look" forward, while in the "rocker" version, the fingers point up. This gesture was borrowed by them from hooligans and criminals, among whom it initially meant a threat to gouge out their eyes.

In a number of southern European countries, this sign ( corna) is considered an offensive allusion to the fact that the one to whom it is shown is a "cuckold".


In Christian culture, in particular in iconography, gesture is used to convey direct speech that carries the good news. This gesture in Christianity originates from the Hellenistic ancient culture, where it was used in oratory to accompany the speeches of Greek and Roman speakers.

Replaces the Latin letter in American Sign Language "Y". Used in phrase I love you(I love you), which is transmitted as ILY, which is why some people associate the "goat" with a declaration of love. Such a "goat" is distinguished by the thumb set aside. In Russian Sign Language, it is used to denote a letter "Y", which is the letter H in French Sign Language.

In sports, the gesture is sometimes used by baseball and volleyball players to give signals. Athletes from the Texas Austin University team, whose mascot is a bull, have made "horns" their traditional greeting. The gesture is accompanied by the motto "Hook'em horns" (from English - "Hook them on the horns").

In the Russian nursery rhyme “The Horned Goat”, the gesture depicts, in fact, a goat.

In literature and cinema

  • The hero of the movie "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" uses this gesture to subdue the buffalo.
  • The Godfather (first part) at the wedding of Don Corleone's daughter. The conflict between the FBI and the brother of the bride. The bodyguard pointed his fingers at the FBI officer at the moment of breaking the camera.
  • In the sci-fi series Babylon 5, members of the Minbari priest caste, in their original combat stance for hand-to-hand combat, do not clench their hands into fists, but in the form of this gesture.
  • In the story "The Secret of the Abandoned Castle" by Alexander Volkov, the "goat" is a welcome gesture of the Menvits.
  • The gesture is popular in the Sailor Moon anime, where the characters of the animated series cross their arms over their chests with protruding little fingers, thumbs and forefingers.
  • In the Spider-Man universe, this gesture is used by the protagonist to release the web from his hand.
  • The gesture occurs in the Kuroshitsuji anime, where it is used by the red-haired reaper Grell Sutcliff.
  • The gesture can be seen in the anime "Ranma ½" - the characters almost always do it when they get into funny situations.
  • In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Remus Lupin (David Thewlis) uses this gesture when he asks the students to repeat the spell against the boggart.
  • In The Sopranos, Tony's character Sirico Poli often uses this gesture when speaking.
  • In the television series The Worst Witch, Keckle's head teacher, Constance Pomelo, uses just such a gesture when she casts a spell.
  • In the television series "Rome", at the end of the fifth episode of the second season, the daughter of Lucius Vorena, secretly uses this gesture.
  • In the movie The Breakfast Club, assistant director Richard Vernon (Paul Gleason) uses the gesture in a skirmish with "criminal" John Bender (Judd Nelson). In the "Not a Kid's Movie" parody, Paul Gleason performs a similar act as himself.

Gestures, like speech and facial expressions, are an integral part of our lives. There are many different gestures that are performed with the hands or fingers, but the meanings of some of them may differ from each other in different regions, countries, and may also be used infrequently in everyday life. Therefore, you should know and learn to recognize the main commonly used hand and finger gestures.

Main groups of gestures

The main groups of gestures include:

These gestures are aimed at trying to cope with their fears of some kind. These include biting your fingertips, knuckles, or nails (uncertainty), rubbing your thumbs together with your hands together, rubbing your neck, and pinching your skin.

Readiness gestures express a desire to quickly end the conversation and leave or perform the proposed action. It can be hands pressed along the body or in a sitting position, one hand rests with the palm on the knee, and the other with the elbow.

The state of the body, in which desires do not correspond to the available possibilities, and as a result, a disorder in the normal mental state of the body. Frustration gestures include rapid breathing, fingers clasped and tense (until the knuckles turn white), the palm of one hand clenching the fist of the other, intense stroking of the neck or hair.

Gestures of gullibility are aimed at the disposition of the interlocutor, more often you can see them in the relationship "boss - subordinate". The use of this gesture speaks of absolute confidence in one's words. These gestures are characterized by palms folded into a dome, support of the chin with folded palms, fingers can be tightly pressed or connected by tips, respectively, in pairs.

Authoritarianism is the desire to subjugate an opponent. She is characterized by aggressiveness, cruelty, an overestimated level of self-esteem. The gestures of authoritarianism include hands folded behind the back with the chin held high, the desire to be “above” the interlocutor with all its appearance.

Gestures that are nervous show the anxiety and anxiety of the one who shows them. Nervousness gestures include covering the mouth with the palm of the hand and waiting for a reaction to what was said, the hands raised in a pyramid and the mouth covered with the palms in this position, or frequent changes in the position of the palms and hands.

Self-control gestures are aimed at maintaining peace of mind and curbing the desire to hit the interlocutor or perform some kind of action that is better to restrain from. This can be hands laid behind the back (one palm tightly squeezes the other) or squeezing the armrests of a chair until the knuckles turn white.

Such gestures are aimed at expressing superiority (both physical and mental). More often, dominance can be seen with a handshake (handshake with effort, the opponent slightly turns the palm so that it is on top). Also, the hand can be in the pocket, and the finger remains outside, or the hands are folded on the chest with the fingers exposed.

These gestures appear when your interlocutor does not have the slightest desire to continue talking, wants to leave as soon as possible, or simply does not trust. Such gestures include a mouth clamped with a palm and a look from under the forehead or eyes averted to the side, rubbing the bridge of the nose, forehead or ear with the index finger.

Preening or courtship is aimed at the desire to interest the interlocutor of the opposite sex, showing the comfort of being in his company. This can be smoothing hair, a relaxed posture with hands resting freely on your knees, adjusting or loosening a tie, stroking a jacket or jacket.

Different ways of pacing correspond to different states of a person. Ragged pacing and active hand gestures betray nervousness, uniform and rhythmic pacing is characteristic of a person actively moving towards his goals, shuffling gait - laziness and uncertainty, uniform fast pacing with hands folded behind his back - expectation.

Boredom gestures are fairly easy to recognize. A blank look, lack of reaction to the environment, thoughtless drawing on paper, clicking a pen are a group of gestures of boredom.

Appreciative gestures show a person thoughtful and dreamy. They can be divided into gestures:

  • interest (supporting the cheek, scratching the chin and bridge of the nose, index finger on the chin, the rest along the neck, arms hanging freely on something leaning on);
  • disinterest (lowered head, and hands clasped at the neck).

Protective and defensive gestures are used during times of threat and stressful situations. Hands folded on the chest, palms clenched into a fist - this is a gesture of protection.

If a person is open to others, then the gestures accompanying his words will indicate a disposition towards an opponent in a conversation. Open palms, shrugging (accompanied by opening the palms and moving them to the sides) - this can be attributed to openness.

Gesticulation in conversation is very common, but the meaning of some movements may not be entirely clear, or simply unnoticed. Commonly used gestures include the following:

The most common meaning of these gestures is approval and disapproval. But there are cases of using these gestures with a different designation. For example, you can stop a vehicle with your thumb. A sharply raised thumbs up for the British and Australians will look offensive and condemning sexual orientation. In Greece, you can “send” with the same gesture, while among the Arabs it is associated with the male phallus. Also, for Russians, British and Australians, a raised finger means the number "5", and for Italians, the number "1".

The name of this finger speaks for itself. A finger pressed to the lips - “silence”, raised up - “attention”, raised up and swaying left and right - denial, a raised finger and swaying up and down - a threat or a lesson. If a finger is twisted at the temple, then this is the designation of a fool. In Iran, the palm is turned up and the index finger is up - "Fuck you."

The middle finger held vertically, and the thumb protruding to the side or pressed to the palm, is considered an insult in many countries, and means "Fuck you ...". In the Middle Ages, the middle finger was used as a definition of a passive homosexual. This gesture is one of the oldest with originally preserved meaning.

The fingers forming the letter "V" with the back of the palm facing the pointing one means "Victory" in the countries of Europe and in Russia in particular. If, when showing this combination of fingers, the palm is turned towards itself, then this means the number "2", but it is worth considering that in some countries (Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand) such gestures are an insult to intimate preferences.

Three fingers protruding everywhere indicate the number "3", regardless of the rotation of the palm. During the Second World War, the Germans used this as a greeting from the commander-in-chief when taking the oath. Now this fingering expresses the word "Victory".

"Goat" is used by the people to protect against the evil eye. More commonly known as the "rocker goat", and the tongue between the fingers carries the more cheeky meaning of such gestures. In Russia, this gesture is used to denote a cuckold and to intimidate children with a “horned goat”. If the "goat" is shown to someone, gradually approaching, then this means that an attack will now occur.

The most commonly used designation for this movement is "Call me". If, with such a combination, the thumb is brought to the lips, and the head is thrown back sharply, then this is an offer to drink, and for drug addicts this gesture (without tipping the head) means to smoke. In Asian countries, "Shaka" is the number "6", in Colombia - a wish for good luck, and in Hawaii, among extreme athletes, this is considered a greeting.

The most common value is "Everything is OK" (OK). This gesture came into use from America. And also the meanings of the index and thumb, folded in a ring, is the number "0", for the Japanese such a sign means money, and for Italians - "Useless". If you show such a gesture to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries, then you will offend a person by considering him a representative of a non-traditional orientation.

Linked fingers indicate a person who is very difficult to convince of something, interlacing fingers - a "barrier" between opponents. Depression, protest, hostility (depending on the force of squeezing the fingers), self-doubt are also designations for such a gesture. To convince a person of your point of view, you need to try to disengage his fingers, for example, by giving him something in his hands for consideration.

This gesture means "Money" or the expectation of a monetary reward for a service rendered, showing, as it were, rubbing a bill between the fingers, checking it for authenticity. Sometimes this gesture is used when trying to remember something, and in case of success, it is accompanied by a snap of the fingers. If the rubbing of the fingers occurs with effort, then this indicates the containment of raging emotions.

Two crossed fingers means protection from the evil eye, or the hope of hiding deceit, as well as luck. Basically, the fingers are intertwined on both hands and hide from the opponent in the pockets or behind the back. In Vietnam, with this gesture you will insult the interlocutor.

The use of closed fingers is subconsciously aimed at drawing the interlocutor's attention to an important aspect of the conversation. This gesture is accompanied by the movement of the brush back and forth, and the palm is directed towards you.

Fingertips connected to each other mean a person who is confident in his words. There are two options for connecting the fingers: the first, when the "spire" is directed upwards (speaking), the second, when the "spire" is directed downwards (listening). When, during a conversation, the opponent connects his fingertips, this indicates that he has already made a decision on your issue, and arms or legs crossed at this moment - this is a probable refusal. The most famous person who constantly uses it is the German Federal Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel.

A well-known sign depicted on Christian icons, meaning "humility" (interpretation "blessing"). In this gesture, the fingers are folded in a specific way, in which the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the ring finger, and the middle and index fingers are slightly raised, while the hand itself is folded on the chest and bent at the elbow. To reveal the true biblical meaning of this gesture, it is necessary to turn to religious literature. This gesture is believed to be a blessing.

Rubbing the chin, forehead or middle part of the head determines - thinking, the back of the head - at this moment the interlocutor does not know what is being said. If the opponent rubs his nose with his fingers, then this means uncertainty, and if he pulls his ears, cheeks or buttons with his fingers, then this is an indicator of secrecy or an attempt to deceive.

If your interlocutor's hands are clasped behind his back, then he is trying to calm down and pull himself together. But the most common interpretation of this gesture is that a person is confident in himself and his abilities. Scientists have proven that if you put your hands behind your back in any stressful situation, it will become much easier, tension will come to naught and confidence will be added.

Hidden hands indicate that your interlocutor is trying to hide something, lie, or he is simply not interested in your conversation. The more open the hands, the “cleaner” your interlocutor’s thoughts are. These actions should not be confused with hidden hands in pockets in the cold. If an opponent constantly keeps his hands in his pockets in any situation, then this is probably just a habit.

The deaf and dumb alphabet has its own specific sign, corresponding to the usual letters from our alphabet. There is nothing difficult in recognizing these "letters". Basically, letters show names, titles and rare words for which there are no signs. Gestures can show both individual letters and whole words. In total, there are about 2000 "words" of gestures.

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In most cases, a person supplements his speech with gestures. Often we make movements involuntarily, that is, without thinking about their meaning. In addition, with the help of gestures, you can find out the information of interest from a foreign citizen, for example, while traveling. In the article, we will look at what popular finger gestures mean.

Gesture Meanings


The V-shaped gesture is shown with the index and middle fingers. The sign means "peace" and "victory". However, in a number of states (Great Britain, Ireland, Australia) the gesture is offensive if the palm is turned towards the person.


Gesture in the form of an outstretched hand. Usually means a request to stop.

In Greece, this gesture is considered offensive.


The gesture in the form of a ring, which is formed by connecting the index and thumb, means "everything is in order."

In the capital of Italy, the sign means "worthless". And in Japan, the gesture means "money".

thumb up and down

A thumbs up signifies agreement and approval. Often the sign is used while hitchhiking to catch a car.

In Thailand, this gesture is a sign of condemnation. And in Iran, a raised thumb is considered an offensive gesture.

If the thumb is pointing down, then this sign has the meaning of disapproval.


The index finger is used for this or that gesture depending on the situation. For example, if you put your finger on your lips, then the sign will have the meaning "silence".

If the finger is raised up, then this means "attention" or "stop".

If the interlocutor shakes his index finger from side to side, then he does not agree with what was said. A slightly tilted shaking finger is used when teaching (for example, when children are scolded).

If you twist your finger at the temple, it means to recognize the interlocutor as "crazy".

Middle finger

The sticking out middle finger is an offensive gesture in many countries. The sign can be replaced with a less crude fig.


Or, in another way, a fist is a gesture in the form of a fist, where the thumb is inserted between the index and middle fingers. It is used in cases of disagreement with the interlocutor. It also means "refusal".

Another sign is often used as a "protection" from the evil eye.

In South America, the gesture is considered friendly and is used to wish good luck.

Crossing fingers

In many countries, crossing the index and middle fingers is used to bring good luck.

In Vietnam, this sign has an offensive meaning.


A popular sign among rock musicians, which looks like a raised index finger and little finger.

In Russia, small children are entertained with this gesture, associating the sign with the "horned goat".

However, in some European countries, including America, the sign means "cuckold".

In Colombia, this sign is shown if they want to wish good luck.


Type of gesture - raised thumb and little finger. Often the gesture means "handset" and is shown if a person asks to call him.

In Hawaii, the gesture is a sign of greeting. And among drug addicts, the sign means "to smoke."


The gesture looks like joined fingertips. It is used by confident people. Usually the sign is used by people who are more inclined to speak than to gesticulate.

Often the speaker places the spire with his fingers up, and the listener, on the contrary, down.

Closed thumb and forefinger

This gesture is used when it is necessary to draw attention to something. The sign often complements speech. The narrator at this moment wants the listener to understand the essence of his words.

Rubbing your thumb on the tips of others

In this case, the gesture means "money".

Sometimes the sign is used when trying to remember some event or word. If the result is positive, the sign is replaced by a click.

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The human body obeys certain biological laws, so speech and gestures are closely related. When communicating, the key role is played not by words, but by the movements that accompany this or that phrase. Sometimes they are so predictable that one voice is enough to determine facial expressions and accompanying movements. This fact became known only towards the end of the 20th century, when studies of behavioral scientists were published.

Currently, interest in sign language has increased markedly. Meanwhile, beginners often make a serious mistake - they single out one gesture and immediately draw conclusions, forgetting about hundreds of other things.

Nations differ from each other not only in culture and verbal language, but also in their understanding of non-verbal. In different nations, the same gesture takes on several meanings, sometimes even opposite ones. Consider the well-known “OK” gesture or circle, which is formed with the help of fingers. It appeared in the 19th century with the help of the American press, which promoted the reduction of titles by the first letters.

There is no consensus about the history of this gesture. Someone believes that it was formed as a contrast from the word knockout (eng. K.O.). Others say it's short for Old Kinderhook, the birthplace of US President Martin Van Buren.

In English-speaking circles, it is customary to perceive a circle of fingers as the meaning of "everything is fine." However, if you show "Ok" to the French, they will take it for the number zero; the Japanese will think about money; in Tunisia will be interpreted as a threat to life; and Brazilians will see a hint of homosexuality.

The thumb that is raised up also has several meanings. For example, in America and England, this is how it is customary to stop a taxi, and in Greece this position of the fingers means “Shut up”. So, when preparing for travel, do not forget to learn the generally accepted gestures in order to avoid an awkward situation.

Other Causes Affecting Nonverbal Signals

To understand sign language, you need to remember that gestures cannot be read individually. They can be compared to puzzle pieces - only the assembled parts will show the picture. For example, scratching the back of the head means lying, but it is possible that the person is just hot, restless, or embarrassed.

Or in winter a man walks down the street with his head down and his arms crossed. This will be a sign that he is cold, and not his critical attitude. On the other hand, if you see such a person in negotiations or an interview, then the first meaning will be correct. The exact result is given by the environment, the analysis of facial expressions and external signs of the autonomic nervous system, that is, all the pieces of the puzzle. Let's take a closer look at the gestures most often encountered in a conversation:

  • palm movement;
  • spire-like position of the hands;
  • laying hands behind the back;
  • handshake;
  • clasped fingers;
  • arms crossed on the chest.

Also, some of these gestures are exceptions and can be considered as an independent element.

palm movement

Hand gestures are a hidden and complex signal of non-verbal communication that can be analyzed separately from other gestures. When a person is frank, he unconsciously opens his palms partially or completely. This phenomenon lasts only a couple of seconds, so you need to carefully watch your hands. And, on the contrary, if he is lying, he hides his arms or crosses them over his chest in order to feel more confident. If you specifically open your palms and at the same time deceive, the body will react to the inconsistency of words and gestures - sweating will begin, the eyes will go down and the lips will close tightly.

In addition to truth and lies, they are able to convey another meaning. When you are asked for something, look at the palms of this person. Relaxed fingers and an open palm indicate goodwill and trust.

On the contrary, a lowered palm with outstretched fingers signals that a person feels his authority and puts himself in the role of a boss. However, you can not only observe the palms, but also use their properties to your advantage - in a normal conversation, gesticulate more with open palms, they will cause a feeling of sincerity and arrange the interlocutors.

Spike hand position

This gesture is often used by self-confident individuals and people in leadership positions. You can clearly see this by looking at photos of politicians on the Internet. There are two types of spire-like position: spire up and spire down.

  • The first version of the gesture is used when expressing an opinion or voicing ideas.
  • The second option shows that the person is listening carefully.

But in both cases, this gesture speaks of subordination and an "omniscient" position. It is curious that successful women use the second option in gestures, and men both. By itself, the spire-like position of the hands is considered a positive gesture, but if it is followed by a chain of negative gestures (crossing the arms on the chest or a leg thrown over the other leg), then it also becomes negative.

Laying hands behind the back

Refers to the gestures of a confident person. When a person puts his hands behind his back, he unconsciously exposes vulnerable parts of the body, such as the neck, heart and abdomen. This pose is usually taken by the police, high ranks and bosses. You can benefit from this gesture: putting your hands behind your back in moments of stress will make you feel confident and calm.

However, in a pose where the hands are clasped behind the back, an additional gesture may appear that completely changes the picture. If a person at the same time wraps his fingers around his wrist and squeezes them tightly, then he feels anger or disappointment. The higher the zone of girth of the wrist with the fingers, the more he experiences negative feelings, and also loses control over himself.


When people greet each other through a handshake, they convey information about their character and predetermine the outcome of their meeting. There are three types of handshakes:

  • Dominance: During this handshake, the other person's hand is above your hand and slightly turned palm down. At the same time, he tightly clasps your hand with his fingers. Such a greeting communicates that he is in control of the situation and feels his superiority. In 80% of handshakes, it is the powerful people who reach out first.
  • Submission: differs from the first handshake in that now your hand is on top and his palm is in an open position. In this case, the other person unconsciously puts himself in the background, and the leading position goes to you.
  • Equality: with such a handshake, there is a struggle between two leaders - both hands are in the same position, which causes a feeling of respect and understanding.

However, you should not draw conclusions about a person until you take into account the circumstances. For example, musicians, actors, artists and other creative individuals do not like to shake hands strongly, as their hands help to earn a living. Perhaps, when meeting, they will touch your hand with their fingertips and this will be enough for them. There are situations when a person is ill with arthritis, then he is physically forced to lightly shake hands.

interlocked fingers

At first glance, it seems that this is a gesture of trust and disposition. But no, if you see someone's hands with clasped fingers, the person is disappointed and angry. The closer the hands are to the face, the more negative emotions a person feels. In this state, he does not want to listen to anyone, and any contact will cause aggression.

Here you can use a little trick. For example, let him hold some object (a piece of paper, a pen, a phone) so that he opens them. Then emotions will not be confirmed by gestures and the person will become more relaxed.

Arms crossed on chest

A universal gesture, something like a "defensive" pose, protecting from the outside world. In crowded places it can be seen quite often: at the bus stop, in line, subway or bus. A sense of security and an uncomfortable situation are reasons for crossed arms. In addition, a person crosses his arms over his chest when he disagrees with something.

If they nod in response to you, and keep the “defense” with the help of their hands, then the interlocutor is actually against what you are talking about. In this case, you should find out the reason for his disagreement and win the person over with a gesture with open palms.

Gesture simulation

It is almost impossible to fake the signals that the body sends along with speech. For experienced liars, this takes years of practice, provided they lie every day. Then their ability to harmonize with the body is dulled, and the body lives separately from the words. An ordinary person will immediately betray his lie through movements.

If he comes forward with open palms and a charming smile, while experiencing negativity, then his smile will turn into an asymmetrical one and his eyebrows will rise mockingly.

However, in some cases, people are specially trained in the art of gestures. For example, such lessons are given to participants in beauty contests so that the movements of their hands, fingers and body are graceful and friendly. As a result, their photos will be the most sincere, and the judges will be more disposed.

In the same way, highly paid photo models are trained, because no program can change a photo with a stone face into a welcoming and lively one. Despite special studies and practice, the signals of the human body cannot diverge from words for a long time. Therefore, even professionals are not able to imitate gestures for more than a few minutes. So any person will be successful if he starts learning to read body language and apply this knowledge to his own advantage.

In everyday life, people constantly accompany their speech with hand movements and facial expressions. Most often this happens unconsciously, but sometimes gestures are used intentionally to enhance the emotional and expressive coloring of words, to demonstrate one's mood, attitude to the situation or interlocutor. Having studied some finger gestures and their meaning, you can succinctly formulate a message, quickly convey it to others, as the deaf and dumb do. Consider the most common signs, and also explain their meaning.

thumb up and down

With a gesture thumb up Everyone has known each other since childhood. Usually it symbolizes approval or consent, accompanied by an appropriate nod, so it is always perceived positively in our country. Often used by voting travelers on the road when it is necessary to stop the transport. However, you need to be careful when using your fingers with foreigners, because in the sign language of the inhabitants of Australia, Greece and the UK, such a sign is regarded as an obscene expression, and among the Arabs it is generally associated with the male genital organ.

When thumb down, the gesture takes on the opposite meaning - that is, an expression of discontent, dissatisfaction. Today it is reflected in social networks and the YouTube channel. The pictogram depicting him is called a "dislike".


The next gesture is not so unambiguous and is deciphered depending on the situation, taking into account additional signals. It's index finger up. There are several options for interpreting it:

  • applied to the center of the lips - they are asked to keep silence;
  • lift vertically at head level or higher - require attention or stop immediately;
  • move it from side to side - express their disagreement or prohibition;
  • shake up and down - teach or threaten with punishment;
  • twisted at the temple - they show that the person is out of his mind.

According to his position during a conversation, it is determined whether a person is telling the truth or lying. If, for example, the eyes look in one direction, and the index finger is directed in the other and slightly bent, then the interlocutor is most likely insincere.

Middle finger up

Since the time of ancient Rome, in almost all civilized countries, the meaning of the middle finger gesture has been indecent and offensive. Stretched up, it symbolizes today the male genital organ. This is a rough form of the phrase "Get out!" or "Back off!" among young people. In our country, it is borrowed from cool American action movies and vulgar 18+ youth comedies.

Crossing fingers

The hand is very often used by superstitious people as a magical tool that can scare away evil spirits and attract good luck. In their understanding, crossed fingers (index and middle) have a protective power. This gesture means the unity of faith and power, associated with the cross. One of the fingers symbolizes hope for a better outcome, and the other - help and support. Sometimes they are intertwined on both hands and hidden behind the back in order to lie, but at the same time avoid the punishment of higher powers.

Research by British scientists from University College proves that such actions are not unreasonable. They even found scientific confirmation. In their opinion, the gesture really helps to reduce pain. But do not try to show it to the Vietnamese if you do not want to offend him greatly.

Two fingers up V - victory

In Russia and many other European countries, the gesture of two fingers with an open palm means absolute victory or confidence in the proximity of its achievement. This is due to the fact that the index and middle fingers, directed upwards, look like the letter V. That, in turn, is an abbreviation for the Latin word Victoria - victory. For the first time in the world, the sign was used by Winston Churchill. However, it is also not universal for everyone. The British, Australians and New Zealanders will consider the gesture as an insult if the brush is turned back to them. In Russia, this option is interpreted as the number 2.

Three fingers up

It is known that during the Second World War, German soldiers greeted the commander-in-chief during the oath, showing three fingers at the same time - thumb, index and middle. In the concept of a Russian, this sign means the number or quantity 3.


Few people know that protective properties are attributed to a gesture in which all fingers are clenched into a fist, except for the index and little fingers, so it is often used by magicians when performing mystical rituals. However, thanks to rock stars, he is more familiar to people as a "rocker goat". In combination with a protruding tongue, it expresses insolence or a state of madness.

In Russia, "goat" can be deciphered to demonstrate one's power and superiority over others. It also serves as a comic imitation of butting cattle.

Shaka and tongue between fingers

A hand clenched into a fist with a protruding thumb and little finger near the ear is associated by many with a telephone conversation, a request or a promise to call back. But if the action is accompanied by a characteristic tilt of the head or the touch of the little finger to the lips, then it acquires a different meaning, associated with a call to drink alcohol, use narcotic cigarettes.

In Hawaii, "Shaka" is taken as a sign of greeting. It is popular with surfers, skydiving and Brazilian jiu-jitsu wrestlers. It is also used to express jubilation by some famous football players who have scored a goal.


The generally accepted meaning of the gesture is to notify others that there are no problems and everything is in order. Favorite sign among residents. However, in Turkey it is offensive to the person to whom it is addressed, as it implies an accusation of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Fig or fig

For Russians, the twisted fist with the thumb sticking out between the other two is a contemptuous form of rejection. In ancient Rus', the fig symbolized coitus, could be used to scare away evil spirits. There are several more names - shish, fig, dulya. But if for a resident of Russia it means an insult, mockery, then for a Brazilian it means protection from the evil eye or a talisman to attract good luck. That is why there you can find pendants, pendants and figurines depicting a figure.

Spire folded with fingertips

As psychologists note, balanced, confident in their abilities and their own competence connect the fingertips of the hands with a “house” of personality. The spire can mean thinking at the moment of making an important decision or demonstrate an increased interest in the words of the interlocutor.

In the practice of yogis, fingertips closed in rings help to meditate, find peace, and focus on the main thing.

Rubbing your thumb on the tips of others

Such manipulation can be seen in crime films. It means banknotes, virtually crunchy in the hands. Another such gesture is used at a time when it is necessary to clarify one's thought, to urgently remember something, but it does not work out.

Clasped fingers

The hands clenched into the castle serve as a kind of psychological barrier. Can inform about various human conditions:

  • on the head - experience, confusion, shock;
  • kneeling - hidden tension, stiffness;
  • in front of you, while the head is directed upwards - an expression of distrust of the information provided, disagreement with the opinion expressed.

It is very difficult to negotiate with a business partner whose fingers are tightly clasped into the castle. To make him relax, you need to invite him to watch something, and then try to discuss the issue again.

In most countries, the outstretched palm means "stop." In a conversation, a gesture formulates a request to stop, to stop doing something.

It is also a sign of greeting people and farewell to them. Depends on what the situation is. However, the Greeks express negative emotions with the help of such a friendly five. Namely, the desire to move in the face. They have this manipulation called mundza, it has a funny story of occurrence. So, at the dawn of the Byzantine Empire, the judge had a way of humiliating punishment of petty criminals - smearing ashes on the face of the offender.

Inviting gesture with index finger

With an outstretched forward curving finger, most often people call to themselves the one with whom they want to sort things out. It is perceived by a person jokingly, but sometimes it can offend. It is a sign of a lack of culture among those who use it.


Clenching the fist shows strong tension, readiness to repel the attack of the enemy, and also means an open threat, the intention to hit in the face. Symbolizes power.

Russian and English alphabet with gestures

The language of the deaf and dumb is the main way they interact with the outside world. It allows people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate. Each gesture corresponds to a letter of the alphabet or a word. This can be better represented in the form of a table.

As you can see, the same gestures can be interpreted in different ways. That is why they should be interpreted as a system and not individually. And apply only when appropriate.

In the process of direct communication with each other, people use not only words, but also non-verbal signals. Hand gestures, facial expressions, body position in space - all this can tell about the interlocutor no less than he is ready to tell himself. We propose to analyze the meaning of gestures in communication between people and their interpretation from the point of view of specialists in the field of psychology.

What does a handshake say

The handshake is a non-verbal gesture used in many cultures as a sign of greeting. Often it also indicates the end of communication or the achievement of an agreement. This gesture is characteristic for the most part of men, although business etiquette allows ladies to resort to it at the beginning and end of negotiations if representatives of the opposite sex participate in them. The woman always extends her hand first.

By itself, this gesture can tell a lot about the interlocutor. A strong-willed, open person greets with a strong handshake, squeezing the interlocutor's hand quite strongly. People who are not too confident show a sluggish gesture in which the hand is relaxed and the hand is located below. Such a handshake characterizes a person without initiative, lazy, not inclined to make independent decisions. Touching the interlocutor's hand, accompanied by slight squeezing, can also speak of a person's delicacy, his ability to keep his distance. If, after a short greeting, the interlocutor puts his hands behind his back, or puts them in his pockets, in this way he demonstrates superiority.

Open people stretch out their hand to their "vis-a-vee", bending it at the elbow and wrist only slightly. Secretive or deceitful, on the contrary, try to keep the limb bent. Their forearm remains pressed to the body, while the hand is directed almost vertically. If, during a handshake, such a person tries to squeeze the interlocutor's hand down, this characterizes him as cruel and rather domineering. Independent individuals try to maintain the maximum distance, with little to no bending of the hand when shaking hands.


Any small and fussy hand gestures betray excitement, uncertainty or a desire to hide the truth. If the speaker scratches his neck on the side, this may mean that he is voicing a thought in which he himself is not completely sure. Such a gesture on the part of the listener indicates his distrust or desire to comprehend what was said more deeply.

Touching the earlobe, scratching and rubbing it during a conversation, a person expresses his desire to speak out. He delicately waits for a convenient moment when he can join the conversation, but at the same time he expresses impatience in every possible way, sometimes even raising his hand, like a schoolboy in a lesson.

Arms crossed on chest

It is generally accepted that crossed arms and legs are a kind of energy protection that people resort to in various life situations. There are many gestures with which a person closes himself from the interlocutor or the world around him. We propose to consider the most common of them.

  1. The first pose is crossing the arms in front of the chest. The forearms are connected together, while the hands can wrap around the shoulders or press against the body. People often take this position in unfamiliar places where they do not feel completely safe.
  2. The posture in which the interlocutor crosses his arms on his chest indicates a negative attitude towards what is happening and may mean unwillingness to discuss a topic. Sometimes distrust of what a person is hearing causes the person to cross their arms over their chest. A similar gesture is used by people who want to hide information. The position of the body, when the arms crossed on the chest are combined with the palms clenched into fists, should be considered as a state of defense, extreme tension. Flushed cheeks and constricted pupils indicate a readiness to fight back.
  3. Public figures rarely openly show gestures that can betray their nervousness or desire to hide something. Meanwhile, they also tend to use such energy protection. Distinguishing camouflaged crosses is not difficult. Ladies usually touch their wrist, turn the bracelet on their hand, pull the clasp on the watch. A man can straighten cufflinks or cuffs. A similar gesture is when a person holds an object at chest level with both hands. It can be a book pressed to the chest or a folder with papers, a bouquet of flowers, a glass of wine.

Clasped fingers

With the fingers clasped in the lock, the hands can lie in front of you or on your knees, or fall along the body if this is a standing position. Behind such a gesture lies disappointment and hidden hostility if a person sits with his hands placed in front of him or brought them closer to his face. At the same time, the higher the hands are raised, the stronger the negative feelings. Sometimes such a gesture is perceived as attention to the interlocutor, because the person sitting opposite can smile and even nod. But this is an erroneous impression, with feigned facial expressions, the interlocutor is just trying to hide a negative attitude towards what is happening.

What does the gesture "hands behind the back" mean?

The position of the body, when the person's arms are laid back and closed behind the back, is associated with a demonstration of superiority. An even posture, a developed chest and straightened shoulders indicate that the individual is quite satisfied with his position and is confident in himself. Such a gesture can also be considered as a high degree of trust in the interlocutor. Most likely, the person feels quite comfortable, does not feel any threat. This gesture is characterized by the arrangement of the palms on top of each other.

If a person puts his hands behind his back, clasping his wrist or forearm with one hand, this means that he is excited and tries to control himself. Moreover, the higher the capture, the stronger the emotions experienced by the individual and the more difficult it is to restrain them. Hands held behind the back can be combined with other gestures, such as scratching the back of the head. This indicates self-doubt, a feeling of awkwardness. In this case, hiding his hands from the interlocutor, a person tries to hide the state of stress, concern or excitement.

hands in pockets

Many of us, even in childhood, had to hear the remark of our parents: “Take your hands out of your pockets, this is not decent.” Indeed, a person who hides his brushes deeper during a conversation can hardly be called well-mannered. But often such a gesture betrays a desire to hide something. Most likely, the interlocutor does not say much, frankly lies, or his reaction to the conversation does not correspond to the one demonstrated.

A similar reaction is also observed in shy people who simply do not know where to put their hands during a conversation and are afraid that extra gestures will betray their nervousness. This is not difficult to understand, since such a person behaves stiffly, speaks little and reluctantly, keeps his shoulders down, and his gaze is turned down.

If during communication the interlocutor squeezes clenched fists into his pockets, it means that he is overwhelmed by anger and rage. The gesture means that it is difficult for a person to control negative emotions. He has exhausted all verbal arguments and is ready to move on to physical action. Usually the threat is reflected in facial expressions: the eyes are narrowed, the cheekbones are tense, the teeth are clenched.

Hand gestures with emphasis on thumbs

If the thumbs are sticking up, such a gesture indicates a desire to dominate. With such a non-verbal signal, a man makes it clear to the lady that he is interested in her. He demonstrates his superiority and social status by putting his hands in his pants pockets or behind his belt. At the same time, the thumbs unequivocally indicate the direction where the object of male pride and dignity is actually located. Such a gesture can be regarded as a desire to please, conquer and conquer.

If we do not consider the gesture in a sexual context, then we can say that the hands in the pockets and the thumbs outside are a demonstration of the power of power and superiority. Another dominance gesture is as follows: arms crossed over the chest and thumbs pointing up. Authority and a sense of superiority simply overwhelm the individual if he adopts such a pose.

When a person tightly clasps his shoulders with his hands, raising his thumbs, lifts his chin and looks into the face of the interlocutor, this indicates that he is confident in his own rightness, does not want to hear objections. Curiously, such dominance gestures involving the thumbs are used by both men and women.

Demonstration of open hands

Open palms are associated with honesty of intentions. If research is to be believed, business people who don't use hand gestures are less likely to do so. People trust less those who keep their hands closed in front of them, believing that they are not completely honest, trying to hide something.

A person asking for something is more likely to achieve his goal if he accompanies his words with a gesture, with palms turned up. Such a gesture is more conducive, because it does not pose a threat. If the interlocutor sees the back of the hand, then the request will be perceived as an indication and may cause an antagonistic attitude.

What does the hands pressed to the chest mean

When a person declares his love or expresses sympathy, he puts his hand to his chest, as if saying that his words come from the heart. Often, those who want to convince the interlocutor of the absence of malicious intent resort to such a technique. Behind this gesture is a desire to show the sincerity of feelings, but this does not always correspond to the real intentions of the speaker.

By connecting fingers together, with palms apart, the speaking person wants to show his confidence and awareness of the issue. Perhaps he wants to emphasize significant points in his speech or wants to convince the interlocutor that he is right. If at the same time the speaker's head is slightly thrown back, this can be regarded as a feeling of superiority.

This gesture has two options; when the fingertips point up or down. The first is usually used by people who want to express their thoughts, and the second by those who are listening. In the latter case, the gesture is regarded as negative and means that the interlocutor has his own opinion about what was said. It is no longer possible to convince him, because, as in the first case, such a position of the hands indicates confidence in his decision.

Hands spread palms up

A gesture, when a person, when communicating, shows his palms turned to the interlocutor or a group of people, he seems to say: “I will be frank with you.” This is a non-verbal signal that sets you up for openness. It should be noted that such a technique is often used by dishonest people who want to inspire confidence in themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret such non-verbal gestures taking into account facial expressions and behavior. If the interlocutor has nothing to hide, he holds himself naturally, his face is relaxed, his eyebrows are raised, and his arms are wide apart.

Laying hands behind the head

The habit of throwing hands behind the head is characteristic of self-confident people who love to show their superiority. This gesture annoys many on a subconscious level, because it immediately betrays a snob in the interlocutor. Laying hands behind the head during the conversation is a gesture demonstrating confidence and superiority. If at the same time a person sits in a relaxed position, crossing his legs, then you have an amateur. As a rule, such a gesture is used when communicating with subordinates or equals in status.

The origin of such a posture is unknown, but psychologists are sure that in this way a person seems to sink into an imaginary chair, while relaxing with his whole body. Such a manner of sitting does not always carry a negative meaning. Often a person, tired from work or prolonged sitting, throws his hands on the back of his head, stretching his whole body. With such a gesture, he demonstrates that he feels quite comfortable in your company.

Most people touch their face while talking. Such gestures might look like:

  • chin stroking,
  • rubbing of the bridge of the nose or eyelids,
  • touching the mouth with a hand or various objects,
  • touching temples with fingers,
  • cheek support with the palm of the hand.

Most often, such movements hide a desire to hide the truth or, on the contrary, distrust of the speaker. It is best to consider such gestures in combination with human facial expressions, since the same touch can have different meanings.

For example:

  1. A gesture like chin stroking talks about making a decision. If at the same time the interlocutor uses the thumb, he is sure that he controls the situation completely. Nervous rubbing of the lower part of the face with the palm of the hand indicates that the proposed version of the person is not very comfortable, but an alternative has not yet been found.
  2. Touching the lower lip demonstrates interest in a conversation or interlocutor. In this case, a person can draw along the line of the mouth with one finger, actively rub this area. The most direct listeners even pull back or curl their lower lip. Ladies, in order to attract men's attention to themselves, can brush their lips not only with their hands, but also with the tip of their tongue.
  3. Many children enjoy on a subconscious level. Eg, fingers in mouth- a gesture that looks quite cute and means that the child is in need of approval and support from others. However, similar movements are sometimes made by adults. In their case, such gestures carry the same semantic meaning as in children.
  4. Some gestures that express emotions and feelings involve the use of various objects. For example, you should pay attention to the fact that the interlocutor puts a pen to his mouth. If the interlocutor says something, it may be a lie. If he listens to you, then this gesture expresses distrust. However, such actions may have another reason. Some bite on a pencil or pen while thinking about a problem.
  5. A fairly common posture during a conversation when hand props cheek or chin. These gestures look about the same, but they are interpreted differently. If the interlocutor listens carefully, resting his chin on his hand, it is most likely that it is more convenient for him to comprehend what he heard. But when the listener relaxes his cheek with his hand, and his eyes are distracted, most likely he is bored and looks forward to the end of the conversation.
  6. An expression of disbelief looks like twisting of the earlobe, frequent touching of the eyes or corners of the lips. This is also indicated by the index finger, with which the listener props up the cheek. Raising the index finger to the temple, a person demonstrates a critical attitude. Perhaps he feels distrust, or is not satisfied with the arguments given, analyzes what he heard, suspecting a dirty trick.
  7. Gestures such as rubbing of the neck or ear talk about unwillingness to listen more or that the topic is not very pleasant for the interlocutor. In the latter case, the person often assumes a closed posture, crossing their legs or arms. He may also clasp his hands in a castle, fencing himself off from communication, or stand up abruptly, thereby demonstrating that the conversation is over.

What gestures indicate deceit

When a person tells a lie, it can be calculated by his gestures and facial expressions. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will become very nervous, embellishing events a little. But if we are talking about a major deception or a desire to hide a serious misconduct, then answering direct questions, a person is unlikely to be able to hide all emotions.

A liar may be betrayed by trembling hands, an immediate desire for a sip of water, or the hastily lighting of a cigarette. To hide a lie, the interlocutor will look away or, on the contrary, look intently into your eyes, demonstrating that he is honest with you.

A person who tells a lie begins to blink frequently, make unnecessary movements, such as shifting papers. It is believed that rubbing the nose also speaks of insincerity, especially if a person does this action several times in a row. If the speaker's mouth is covered with a hand, it is also likely that he is lying. It is worth paying attention to such a gesture as rubbing the eyelids. Often he also betrays a lie, although perhaps the interlocutor himself does not trust you too much. The desire to close one's mouth, as well as the touch of fingers on the lips, are gestures that signify deceit.


It is worth remembering that in non-verbal communication, every gesture matters, since it is perceived by the interlocutor, often on a subconscious level. Maybe you just like to keep your hands in your pockets or sit comfortably with your hands clasped. However, interlocutors or business partners will draw their own conclusions from this.

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