Day of the White Lotus - Day of Remembrance of H.P. Blavatsky


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Each one who brings Light is an enemy of darkness. Light destroys darkness, and therefore darkness hastens to destroy the enemy, so as not to be destroyed itself. Each one who brings Light thus draws upon himself hordes of enemies. They hide under all sorts of guises, cover themselves with religion, science, virtue, morality and many other masks, under which one essence is hidden - darkness. If, according to the peculiarities of the era, the light-bearer cannot be crucified, or stoned, or burned at the stake, then more refined methods are used that are not prohibited by law. In the arsenal of darkness there is slander, forgery, distortion of the brought truth, betrayal, silence - in a word, everything that can torture no less than torture and cause no less damage to the cause. Physical martyrdom goes on for days, or hours, or even minutes; martyrdom in the spirit - the whole conscious life of a light-bearer. And the greatest torment is not from personal attacks, but from the distortion of the given Teaching.

It takes absolutely exceptional courage to tell people the truth. It takes exceptional dedication to convey messages from Above. Someday recognition will come, sometime they will understand, and appreciate, and exalt. But the life path of great martyrdom will remain in the records of space as the valor of the crown of thorns, on the one hand, and indelible shame, on the other.

She brought the Light. She fieryly exposed all the stratifications of lies accumulated on the primary sources of the Teachings of Truth. She fought against the ignorance of science, against superstitions and harmful delusions. She gave the world books full of secret knowledge, the crumbs of which were previously available only to a few. She heroically acquired and selflessly gave away precious knowledge. For all this, she was persecuted and vilified and persecuted. But they could not put out the Light she brought.

We know that the seeds planted by it did not perish, a shift of consciousness took place, new steps were laid and they ascend, those who could perceive and accommodate used the Light brought by it. Her merit and help to mankind is great. Her heroic life is a model for those who want to help evolution. She was not afraid and did not think about herself. She loved the task assigned to her most of all. She fought boldly and courageously, taking blows in the name of the great Light. Everything heroic will be properly valued in the new age. And she will take her rightful place in that wonderful future for which she has worked so hard.

B. N. Abramov. 6.7 May 1951
From the book of B. N. Abramov "Striving Heart"
IC RUSSIA, Novosibirsk, 2012

Memorial Day of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky! White Lotus Day! How glorious in a heartfelt offering to kneel before that great and beautiful, strong and powerful, selfless and worthy woman and servant of the Light!

It was this great woman who received the Gift of the Highest in order to extract at least to a small extent from what was previously an inaccessible Mystery for mankind, hidden for precautionary purposes due to possible abuse. It was through Helena Petrovna Blavatsky that the Foundation Stone of the New Teaching for mankind was laid, made up of fragments of the manifestation of the Unified Teaching, given over many millennia in many peoples and races. But how much slander, slander, scolding, swearing and betrayal this heroic Messenger of the Forces of Light withstood!

The works written by her hand are truly immortal. Millions of people were inspired by these Works, which shed the Light of Knowledge on the Truth of the origin and origin of the Universe, the Planet and man, gave the first correct ideas about Invisible matter, pointed to the purpose and meaning of human existence, approved the concept of man as a spirit transient in Eternity, and laid the foundation for the concept and awareness of his immortality.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote down so many ideas and tasks for the science of the future that this task will suffice for science for many more centuries. But this feat, the majestic feat of life, will be realized only by the people of the New Time, the New World. For people standing at a crossroads or asserting themselves in the old passing world, she could have become a world-famous writer even in previous decades. This is evidenced by the fiction books written by her - fascinating, informative and inviting to the beauty of knowledge. Much has been accomplished by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky that gives her Image the radiance of unfading Glory.

We sing the song of Glory to the Beautiful Elena!

We sing a song of heartfelt joy to the glorious Upasika!

Oleg Cheglakov

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky!

You are the Spirit who lived a heroic life filled with many hardships and sufferings.

You are the Spirit whose body was wounded and cut with sabers in the battles for the freedom of Italy.

You are the Spirit, whose soul was wounded by human misunderstanding and whose life was given to the Service of people.

You are the Spirit, one of those rare flowers of humanity that reach the Brotherhood in the physical body one, many times twice a century.

You are the Spirit, who showed by your example how to live life in such a way that it would be a vivid example of Service to the Common Good.

You are the Spirit, whose path was strewn with malice, envy and slander. Betrayal was your constant companion, and yet you went forward, led by a sense of duty for the fulfillment of the assigned task, you went against the Maya of evidence, you went so that what was foreshadowed by the Higher Will would come true.

You are a Spirit who has experienced human misunderstanding and malice to the full, be an example to us, be a beacon by which we will measure our life so that it is filled with a heroic feat!

Elena Petrovna, accept our gratitude, gratitude and the fire of our hearts!

  • Oleg Cheglakov
  • E.P. Blavatsky. Enchanted life. goose feather story

  • E.P. Blavatsky. Self-knowledge, Will and desire, Purification of desire

  • To the DAY OF MEMORY OF HELENA PETROVNA BLAVATSKY (May 8, 1891) 05/16/2015 (audio recording of speeches from the program


Day of the White Lotus, which all theosophists of the world celebrate as the day of memory of Helena

Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, writer, traveler, one of the most mysterious and mysterious figures of the 19th century, this year was celebrated by the Theosophical Society in Ukraine publicly in various cities. We offer

to the attention of our readers an overview of the events of this day.

May 8, 2014 in the Society "Knowledge" of Ukraine held a solemn meeting of the public of the city, dedicated to the memory of E.P.

Blavatsky. Members of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine and like-minded people gathered to honor the memory of our great compatriot, like-minded people, with respect, reverence, understanding and love, perceiving the ideas embodied in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky.

It was in his writings that E.P.

Blavatsky gave knowledge about the evolution of the cosmos and man, laid the foundations for a new cosmic thinking. She offered a holistic way of understanding the world around her and opened up new possibilities in understanding nature. Her scientific predictions throughout the 20th century and now find theoretical and practical confirmation.

According to the accepted ritual dedicated to the memory of E.P.

Blavatskaya, the solemn meeting began with the performance of musical works for piano and voice performed by Elena Shcherbina and Sergei Shapoval, followed by reading excerpts from Edwin Arnold's The Light of Asia, the Bhagavad Gita and The Voice of Silence.

With words in memory of Elena Gan, mother of E.P. Blavatskaya, the president of the Kyiv branch of the Theosophical Society N.I. Berezanskaya. Nikolay Shcherbina and Natalya Davydova read their poems. Elena Merlitz informed the audience about the results of the 2013 volunteer decade. for the restoration of the house-museum of E.P. Blavatsky.

At the end of the evening of memory, a ritual of lighting candles was held with a symbolic unification of the hearts of those present, by transferring fire from hand to hand, with a sense of general gratitude and gratitude to our dear teacher.

1 N.E. Pakhomov


In Dnepropetrovsk, in the city where Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born, the Day of the White Lotus is a special day not only for Theosophists, but also for many people who are interested in Theosophy and the teachings of our compatriot. The peculiarity of this day for many years has been determined by the House, in which one of the famous aristocratic families of Yekaterinoslav lived, the Fadeev Dolgoruky family, who brought up more than one galaxy of outstanding people of their time. Among the representatives of the glorious family, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky fulfilled a special mission - she opened to the world a new look at the ancient wisdom, which is the basis of theosophical teachings. In this regard, May 8 - White Lotus Day in Dnepropetrovsk for many years has been gathering Theosophists, scientists, public figures, representatives of spiritual organizations.

The day began with the canonical part, which was attended by members of the Dnepropetrovsk branch of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine, as well as several people studying theosophy under the guidance of the Dnepropetrovsk theosophists. Following the recommendations of Elena Petrovna, excerpts from Edwin Arnold's book "The Light of Asia" and from the "Bhagavad Gita", as well as a fragment from conversations with Ramana Maharshi about the Bhagavad Gita were read that day. At the beginning and end of the canonical part, a universal prayer was sounded in Ukrainian and Russian.

At 10.00 the doors of the Museum Center E.P. Blavatsky and her family were open to all who honor the name of Helena Petrovna, understanding the enduring significance of the teachings revealed by our compatriot to the whole world. This year the Day of the White Lotus brought together representatives of Dnepropetrovsk, Nikopol, Krivoy Rog, Zaporozhye. The day of the White Lotus was opened by the head of the department "Museum Center of H. P. Blavatsky and her family"

Dnepropetrovsk Historical Museum. D.Yavornitsky Yulia Viktorovna Revenko, who took over the baton of many years of painstaking and selfless work to create a museum by the founder of the museum center Elena Valentinovna Alivantseva. She noted the importance of preserving the annual tradition of opening the White Lotus Day in the House where Elena Petrovna was born, and also honored the memory of one of the first theosophists in Ukraine, Alexander Sergeevich Prigunov, who left the earthly plane. Every year, on May 8, Alexander Sergeevich devoted his speech to the history of the White Lotus Day. This tradition was continued by his daughter, Yulia Shabanova, who spoke about the will of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the Executive Order of Henry S. Olcott, establishing the "White Lotus Day". Tatyana Golovchenko read the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and comments on it by Annie Besant.

At the end of the first part of the Day of the White Lotus, a classical music concert was performed by the string quartet of the Dnepropetrovsk Glinka Conservatory. The magnificent performance of the works by J. Bach and W. Mozart, J. Pachelbel and A. Vivaldi, 2 D. Williams and G. Miller was accompanied by culturological comments by Yulia Shabanova, which made it possible to holistically recreate a single palette of the musical universe.

In the second part of the White Lotus Day, a traditional scientific conference was held, organized on the basis of the Department of Philosophy of the National Mining University. Materials for participation in the conference entitled "Modern Worldview: Spiritual Aspects of Culture", dedicated to the memory of H. P. Blavatsky, were submitted by scientists from Ukraine, Germany, Belgium, the USA, and Russia. They presented their research on the worldview, philosophical, cultural aspects of Theosophy, addressed the problems of spirituality, theurgy, esotericism, pessimism, magic in the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. And although only scientists from Dnepropetrovsk, including 3 doctors and 2 candidates of sciences, were able to take direct part in the conference this year (due to the difficult political situation in Ukraine), reports from foreign colleagues were read during the conference. Questions that arose from the audience were sent to scientists from different countries for further dialogue, which will continue. The conference was held in the spirit of creative dialogue, in the context of the search for a methodology of interdisciplinary synthesis, as close as possible to the specifics of the study of the sacred texts of the theosophical heritage of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The research work presented at the conference by scientists from different countries was carried out in accordance with the main directions of the Concept of the activity of the scientific group of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine. For the presentation of the main ideas presented at the conference, a collection of abstracts was published, which will be published on the website of the Theosophical Society in Ukraine, in the "Scientific Group" section.

The harmonious conclusion of the official part of the White Lotus Day was a concert of vocal music performed by an opera and chamber singer, laureate of international competitions named after. A. Dvorzhak (Czech Republic) and S. Prokofiev (Ukraine), head of the Department of Solo Singing of the Dnepropetrovsk Conservatory. M. Glinka Oksana Gopka and pianist Lyudmila Rybak. The refined music of composers of the 20th century to the verses of poets of the beginning of the last century introduced listeners into the world of heightened subjectivism and refined chamber penetration, reflecting the complex state of the search for spiritual ideals that are relevant to modern society. An appeal to fragments from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's book "From the caves and wilds of Hindustan", as well as Yulia Shabanova's musicological comments, made it possible to symbolically connect the musical end of the White Lotus Day with the universal foundations of theosophy.

Theosophists completed the Day of the White Lotus in a chamber atmosphere. In addition to reading canonical texts, excerpts from an article by E.P. Blavatsky on ethical group relations and an excerpt from The Voice of the Silence on Discipleship. In conclusion, the film “Women in Russian History - E.P. Blavatsky." The participants shared their thoughts, cited memorable quotes and recited poems, among which it is especially worth noting "Torch" - E. Bugrimenko, "Destiny", "Dedicated to the memory of the HPB" - V. Budko.

V. Mishina, N. Melnik, A. Palladin, Yu. Shabanova LVIV

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The Kharkov Training Center is the youngest and the smallest in the Theosophical Society of Ukraine, but we, thanks to the common efforts and especially the female half of the group represented by Elena Tverdokhleb, had a great White Lotus Day. All participants brought white flowers. The solemn meeting dedicated to the 123rd anniversary of the memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky opened with the music of the composer Scriabin A.N. (for whom, The Secret Doctrine, was a reference book), then Elena enthusiastically read out excerpts from the work, The Light of Asia, or the Great Renunciation, by Edwin Arnold, a favorite work of HPB. Selected passages from the Bhagavad Gita and the Light on the Path, Teacher Hilarion, were also read. During the breaks in reading literary works, the music of A.N. Scriabin sounded. The mood of those present was elevated. After reading the works, postcards with the image of a white lotus were played and read out, on which there were excerpts from the texts of the HPB. In general, the solemn meeting was held at a very good level.

Eduard Kuskovsky


On this bright spring day, May 8, 2014, not only Theosophists, but also their like-minded people, people of Goodwill, regardless of which Path of spiritual growth they have chosen, gathered together to remember and express a feeling of sincere respect to our wonderful compatriot, to honor the day departure from the earthly plane of the Herald of Light, sent to us by the Great Masters.

At the beginning of the meeting, the leader of the theosophical group, Raisa Mikhailovna Kalashnikova, created an excellent psychological mood among those present for the heartfelt perception of the upcoming speeches. Then, after reciting the Universal Prayer, she introduced us to the contents of an obituary titled "Madame Blavatsky", published on May 10, 1891 in The Herald Tribune, New York, USA, which briefly but very succinctly reveals the significance of Helena's mission. Petrovna Blavatsky and her works on an international scale.

We listened with great attention to Alexander Livashnikov, who read out the Executive Order of the President of the Theosophical Society, Henry Olcott, issued shortly before the First Anniversary of the Day when the bright spirit of Elena Petrovna left the earthly shell and freed herself from matter, and in which all HER desires were set forth. We know that Helena Blavatsky was an example of charity and her first wish was to distribute some food to poor fishermen on such a Day. And then we learn that before the start of the Solemn Assembly, members of the TOS Initiative Group visited a shelter for lonely elderly people, left them some food on behalf of Elena Petrovna and some household items.

In order to fulfill her next wish, the active theosophist Lyudmila Perederiy read the 1st and 6th chapters of the Bhagavad Gita, and the psychologist Tatyana Orlova very soulfully filed an excerpt from Edwin Arnold's book "The Light of Asia", which talks about how "Buddha taught mercy.” I cannot say that this is the first time I hear certain chapters from these works. But this time they sounded in a new way, made us think about those qualities that are so necessary on the Path of Discipleship, caused a desire to become even more deeply acquainted with the ancient Teachings of the East.

4 It is known that every 100 years the Great Teachers send a Messenger to humanity, through which it is possible to convey to the world a part of the true ancient Knowledge for the enlightenment of people. In the 19th century, the choice fell on Helen Petrovna Blavatsky. Why? This question was revealed by Valentina Belan, who based her deep reasoning on aspects of astrological science. It is impossible not to mention that in the 20th century such envoys were Nicholas Roerich and Helena Ivanovna Roerich. And we were happy to learn that in 1920, in London, they became members of the Theosophical Society. Their diplomas are signed by Annie Besant and kept in the Roerich Museum in New York. In addition, it turns out that Nikolai Konstantinovich was instructed from above to take care of maintaining the TO office in Adyar, as stated in his diary entries dated June 21, 1922.

The additions made by Yuliana Gubenko were interesting and informative, in particular, that 1991 was declared by UNESCO the year of Helena Blavatsky and she was recognized as a “man of the world”.

Lyudmila Fesenko and Tatyana Vasilyeva, respectively, wonderfully conveyed in their messages what mark the HPB left in the life of the London worker Herbert Burrow and Countess Constance Wachtmeister, who she was for them.

Everyone, with bated breath, listened to the poem by Leonid Volodarsky, dedicated to Blavatsky, which Larisa Pustovoitova read with inspiration.

In a small meditation held at the end of the meeting, we expressed our respect, veneration, gratitude to the Great Teachers and their Messenger, who brought Light to people, for their great work for the benefit of the whole World. The meeting left a wonderful impression. It was lively, interesting, beautiful, besides it was informative and showed that in this difficult time for everyone we can cooperate and must unite to work for the Common Cause.

In conclusion, I also want to express my gratitude to the organizers of this significant meeting, which encourages participants to Unity on the Path of spiritual growth, improvement, overcoming the Golden Steps of the Ladder, along which the student can climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom.

Galina Sobakina 5

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. 1876 ​​- 1878

On May 8, the world cultural community celebrates the Day of the White Lotus - the day of memory of an outstanding Russian woman, the founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Half a century after her departure, Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich wrote to Boris Tsyrkov, editor of the Collected Works of Helena Petrovna, who worked at the Theosophical Society in Point Lome in California: the true founder of evangelism. Russians often forgot about their great figures, and it's time for us to learn to appreciate the true treasures...

There will be a time when her name will be worthy and revered throughout Rus'.


Chapter from Sylvia Cranston's E.P. Blavatsky: the life and work of the founder of the modern theosophical movement

Who does not remember the saying of Jesus that “there is no prophet without honor, except in his own country” (Matt. 13:57). Can these words be attributed to E.P. Blavatsky? It is known, for example, that in the first six months of 1889 in tsarist Russia there was a censorship ban on the sale of The Secret Doctrine. But in general, her books were not banned, although Solovyov's lies about her "fraud", about the supposedly anti-Christian nature of her teaching, were widely distributed and continue to bear fruit to this day. In Soviet times, not only the works, but the very name of H.P.B. was passed over in silence, and if they were mentioned, it was invariably as something hostile and extremely dangerous. The fact that among the thinking people of Russia, especially since the late 50s, the influence of Blavatsky was nonetheless significant, the main merit belongs to the Roerich family - primarily Nicholas and Helena Roerich, as well as their sons Yuri and Svyatoslav.

Nicholas and Helena Roerich<…>deeply revered E.P. Blavatsky. In the famous two-volume book of Helena Roerich's letters, there are the following lines: “... The proverb “there is no prophet in your own country” remains in full force with us. But, of course, the time is not far off when the Russians will understand all the greatness of the Teaching that E.P. Blavatsky. I bow before the great spirit and fiery heart of our compatriot and I know that in the future Russia her name will be placed on the proper height of reverence. E.P. Bl[avatskaya], truly, our national pride. Great martyr for Light and Truth. Eternal glory to her."

In 1924, Nicholas Roerich created the painting “Herald” and on March 31 wrote Annie Besant from Darjeeling: “The great founder of the Theosophical Society H.P. Blavatsky, in her last article, stressed the importance of Art. She foresaw the future significance of this great creative force, which will help build the world to come, for Art is the shortest bridge connecting different peoples. We must forever remember this last thought of a great personality, and the founding in Adyar of the Museum of Art, named after H.P. Blavatsky, would be the easiest way to perpetuate her. Such a museum would attract representatives of all kinds of Art and would gather new people in this place where so many lofty ideas were born. If the Society agrees to consider my proposal, I am ready to donate to the Blavatsky Museum my painting "Messenger", which was painted here and is dedicated to the memory of this outstanding woman.

The proposal was accepted, and on January 18, 1925, the artist presented this work as a gift to the Theosophical Society in Adyar. Madras newspaper reported:
“Having removed the veil from the painting, Prof. Roerich said: “In this house of Light, let me present a painting dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Let her lay the foundation for the future Blavatsky Museum, the motto of which will be: "Beauty is the robe of Truth."

The picture itself ... shakes with its range of purple tones; it depicts a woman in a Buddhist temple, at dawn opening the door to the messenger.

In 1924-28. Roerich's grandiose Trans-Himalayan expedition took place, which crossed Tibet, moving from north to south. In 1929, the family settled in the Kullu Valley, in northwestern India, where the Urusvati International Himalayan Research Institute was established and extensive research and social activities were unfolding. From Kullu, Nicholas Roerich writes to Boris Tsyrkov: “Thank you for your letter dated May 30, which only today reached our distant mountains. I rejoice that I can write to you in Russian, and we also rejoice that you are close to HPB, whom we revere so deeply. There will be a time when her name will be worthy and revered throughout Rus'. And we really appreciate that you also think about it ...

In the present time of Armageddon, it is especially necessary that all philosophical, spiritual and cultural societies be kept in complete unity. When the whole world is shaking from misanthropy, then all those who consider themselves belonging to culture should be united, together. No considerations can justify destructive divisions. With all the upheavals in the world, culture suffers first of all, and its leaders often find themselves divided due to some kind of prejudice.

Even now, the snowy peaks of the mountain pass to Tibet rise before me, and they remind me of those eternal truths in which the renewal and improvement of mankind lie. Teachers are always ready to help, but this help is so often rejected by people.”

Already in the summer of 1924, Helena Roerich translated into Russian selected letters from the Letters of the Mahatmas A.P. published in London in the winter. Sinnett. Excerpts, mainly of a philosophical content, made up a book that was called the Chalice of the East and was published in the same year in Paris. Later, Helena Roerich translated two volumes of the Secret Doctrine. B. Tsyrkov called this work an outstanding achievement.

Today, the younger generation of Russia is showing to E.P. Blavatsky great interest. Searches are being made in archives, libraries, and university collections, and more than twenty handwritten letters from H.P.B.

Interest in Theosophy is growing in Russia: Theosophical groups and associations are springing up everywhere. Moreover, 1991 was widely celebrated in the country as Blavatsky's International Year.

However, it is too early to say that respect for H. P. B. prevails, whether in her homeland or in the world. What's the matter here? The answer is suggested by an article by James Price (1898): “A truly great man is so superior to his fellow citizens that only succeeding generations can appreciate him; only a few of his contemporaries understand him. Up close, you can only look at the small things; to appreciate the big, you should retreat to the right distance. There is such a legend: in ancient Greece, it was somehow necessary to select a statue worthy to decorate the temple. One of the figures presented to the court seemed so rude, unfinished and angular that they only laughed at her. Carefully crafted statues, one after another, were raised to a great height, to a prepared place, - and immediately lowered back, because the details were indistinguishable from such a distance, and the surface polished to a shine shone, making the outlines of the figure blurry. But here they put the rejected statue in its place, and the judges froze with admiration, it was so good; for the lines, which seemed rough below, became smooth in the distance, and the silhouette was clear and distinct.

If E.P. Blavatsky seemed to those around her rough, uncouth, and even rustic, only because she was cast in the form of titans. She obviously did not fit into her age of obligingly amiable orthodoxy, conditional philosophical schools, vulgar and empty everyday life. Like the prophets of antiquity - fierce like Elijah, grandiose like Isaiah, mysterious like Ezekiel - she fell with formidable jeremiads on the infantilism and hypocrisy of the nineteenth century. She was a forerunner, crying out loud in the wilderness of beliefs. She did not belong to her age. Her message came from the great past and was directed not to the present, but to the future. For this present was shrouded in the darkness of materialism, and only from the distant past came the light that could illuminate the future ... She proclaimed - for all who had ears to hear - long forgotten truths that humanity now needs. In the age of agnosticism, she testified of Gnosis. She brought the message of the great Lodge, which has long been known as the "Good Shepherd" of mankind."

We conclude the story about the life and work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky with the lines that came out from under her pen. This entry was discovered in a desk drawer after the death of her physical body, which followed on May 8, 1891:

“There is a steep and thorny path, full of all sorts of dangers, but still a path; and it leads to the Heart of the Universe. I can tell you how to find Those who will show you the secret passage that leads only inward... The one who tirelessly pushes forward will receive an inexpressible reward: the power to bestow blessing and salvation on humanity. The one who fails, there are other lives in which success can come. E.P.B.”

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

"The sacrifice of wisdom is better than material sacrifices, ascetic;
Wisdom completely embraces all things."
Bhagavad Gita

A year after the death of E.P. Blavatsky The President of the Theosophical Society, Colonel Henry S. Olcott, established a "White Lotus Day" to be celebrated by members of the Theosophical Society and admirers of H.P. Blavatsky every year on the day of her death on 8 May.

All members of the Roerich family revered our great compatriot Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Thanks to her selfless work and devotion to high ideals, ancient secret knowledge, previously hidden in symbols, myths, legends, traditions and religious teachings, became much more accessible to people. They give an idea, first of all, of the spiritual aspects of the evolution of the cosmos and man.
To a large extent, the spiritual quest of the Roerichs, which found its expression in philosophy, science, art and social life, became a continuation of the philosophical works and social activities of E.P. Blavatsky.

On January 18, 1925, Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich donated to the Theosophical Society in Adyar his painting The Messenger, painted in 1924 in Sikkim in front of the Himalayas.
“In this house of Light, let me present a painting dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Let it be the ovary of the future Blavatsky Museum, which will adopt the motto: Beauty is the garment of Truth", - said the artist at the ceremony.
Consonant with the aspirations of the Roerichs were the main tasks of the Theosophical Society (TO), founded by H.P. Blavatsky on 11/17/1875 in New York with Colonel Henry S. Olcott, assisted by W.K. Judge and others.
These goals were:
1. Universal Brotherhood: the creation of the core of the universal Brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of nationality, creed, sex, caste or color of skin.
E.P. Blavatsky explained that the way to achieve such a harmonious and spiritual union of people should begin with the members of the TO itself, whose leaders tried to fight any self-interest, developed sincere brotherly relations of cooperation, unity and mutual understanding between members, as well as tolerance and mercy towards the shortcomings of others. . Despite belonging to different religious beliefs and social status, Theosophists must first of all strive to search for the Truth, build their lives on the foundations of universal human ethics. Only personal merits can be taken into account when evaluating the activities of any member of the TO.
2. The study of ancient and modern religious and philosophical teachings of the East, especially Indian, and the gradual familiarization of the public, primarily through the publication of relevant literature, with the secret teachings.
3. The study of the unexplored laws of nature and mental forces hidden in man.
Without observing the first cornerstone principle of TO, all the others could not be fully implemented.

Sayings of E.P. Blavatsky

“Let your soul listen to every cry of suffering, just as the sacred lotus bares its heart to receive the rays of the morning sun.”

“Let every burning human tear fall into the depths of your heart, and let it remain there: do not remove it until the sadness that gave birth to it is eliminated.”

“Until the Master deems it necessary that you come to him, be with humanity and work unselfishly for its development and progress. Only this can bring true achievement in the development of spirituality.

Brief Philosophical Dictionary 2004. P.34–35.
The dictionary was prepared by the staff of the Department of Philosophy of Humanitarian Faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Russian religious philosopher, scientist, educator, founder of the Theosophical Society. In 1848 he left Russia and until 1870 traveled to Europe, Asia and America. In November 1875, he created the Theosophical Society in New York, which put forward the following program:
1) to form an all-human brotherhood without distinction of sex, nationality and religion;
2) study all philosophical and religious teachings, especially the Ancient East;
3) study the mysterious and inexplicable phenomena of nature and develop the supersensible abilities of man.

The main work is “The Secret Doctrine. Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy”, written in English and translated into Russian by the successor of her work, E.I. Roerich. Blavatsky's teaching - theosophy - aimed to save archaic truths, which are the basis of all religions, from perversion, to reveal their single basis, to indicate to man his rightful place in the universe. The doctrine denied the existence of an anthropomorphic creator god and affirmed the belief in the Universal Divine Principle - the Absolute, the belief that the Universe unfolds itself, from its own Essence, without being created. Blavatsky considered the purification of souls, the relief of suffering, moral ideals, and observance of the principle of the Brotherhood of Humanity to be the most important for Theosophy. Blavatsky called herself not the creator of the system, but only the conductor of the Higher Forces, the keeper of the secret knowledge of the Teachers, the Mahatmas, from whom she received all theosophical truths.

This stunning woman, whose 184th birthday is celebrated all over the world today, was called by her contemporaries the sphinx of the 19th century. To the people of the West, who had lost their spiritual path, she carried the Light of the Secret Teaching. Misunderstood by the majority, slandered, rejected, Blavatsky courageously carried the torch of Knowledge until the last day of her life-feat.
Her main work, the book "Secret Doctrine" touches on a range of issues that amaze the imagination.
It also sets out a lot of materials regarding most of the known writings, and Blavatsky explains that the meaning of each scripture can be read at almost seven levels, and each has its own layer of knowledge, absolutely inaccessible to the perception of the lower level.
In particular, she describes the origins and keys to the Kabbalah.
"There is no religion higher than truth" is the credo of the HPB.

However, the majority of people are not able not only to understand, but also to accept the possibility of the existence of another, unknown knowledge, the presence of another, which is far ahead in the development of its consciousness.
Misunderstood, rejected by contemporaries, repeatedly slandered ... How many times in the history of mankind has this happened?
Shame on us and disgrace! But in the end, it is not so important how smart each person is individually, the state of the collective mind is much more important. Such ascetics like EP Blavatsky move the evolution of mankind. As another great Helena, HE Roerich, wrote, if it were not for the self-sacrifice of the Teachers of Humanity, not for the courage and work of a small number of their devoted students, including EP Blavatsky, our humanity would still be in a state of troglodytes.
And every year this truth becomes clearer.

Today, on the birthday of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the whole planet, including Israel, marks the peak of meteor showers. After one in the morning, everyone can go away from the city lights and look at the sky!
Happy Birthday, beloved White Lotus!!! The Cosmos itself salutes you!!!

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

From grateful contemporaries

“Can every day of life be a feat!? It turns out that it can. Such a feat was the life of H. P. Blavatsky.
There is probably no other person about whom so many conflicting opinions would be expressed. Let us not remember the vicious slander of enemies, which has not ceased to this day. But even most of my friends could not fully understand and appreciate this Great, amazing woman, a true warrior of the spirit, the best Representative of human civilization. And only a few of the closest and most devoted saw the priceless treasure of Her heart. Let us reread their memoirs and honor H.P. with the love and gratitude of our hearts. Blavatsky - a disinterested, selfless Worker of the Common Good."

Beloved aunt, her mother's sister N.A. Fadeeva: "My niece Elena is a very special being and cannot be compared with anyone.
As a child, as a young girl, as a woman, she was always so superior to her environment that she could never be appreciated."

Countess Constance Wachtmeister, Elena Petrovna's closest friend: "It's wonderful that she was different with each:
never have I seen her the same with two different people. She immediately noticed the weaknesses of a person and surprisingly knew how to influence them ... Whoever was with her often, he gradually acquired the gift of self-knowledge ... "

William Jazhd- the closest friend and student, general secretary of the American section of TO: "We were a teacher and student, older and younger brothers striving for the same goal. But she had the power of a lion and the knowledge of a sage. Many treated her with distrust, unable to understand her phenomenon, incomprehensible to them."

Bertram Keatley- An English theosophist, a close associate of Elena Petrovna: "From the first minute when I looked into her eyes, I felt boundless confidence in her, and this feeling never left me; on the contrary, it grew more and more powerful as how I got to know her better.
My gratitude to her for what she has done for me is so great that it would take several lives full of boundless devotion to pay her my debt.
... With her hourly example, she ignited the soul of the one whom she wanted to elevate to a high consciousness of duty and selfless service to the truth.
One of her most striking features was her simplicity; she was in every sense the servant of every person who sought her help.
Even her most bitter enemies - if they turned to her in need - would find help from her. I am sure that she would take off her dress, remove a piece from her mouth, to clothe and feed her worst of her enemies.
She did not even have to forgive, because any malice was as far from her as far from the earth to the heavenly star. And she knew how to work disinterestedly in such a way that by this alone she brought up the soul and will of those around her.

G.S. Olcott, Founding President of the Theosophical Society: "No one who knew Blavatsky could forget her, no one could replace her. There are people who have some of her gifts, but no one has all her gifts. Her life as I knew her for 17 years, as a friend, comrade and collaborator, she was a complete martyrdom out of love for people.She burned with zeal for their spiritual welfare, for their spiritual freedom and, far from any selfish motive, devoted her life and strength to the cause of love , not expecting either gratitude or reward.For this, she was persecuted by the slander of hypocrites and Pharisees until her death, which they hastened with their malice...
The day will come when her name will be written down by grateful posterity on the highest peak, among the elect, among those who knew how to sacrifice themselves out of the purest love for humanity!
The mighty spirit of Elena Petrovna ignited our sluggish blood, her enthusiasm was an inextinguishable flame, from which all modern Theosophists lit their torches ... "

E.I. Roerich: "H.P. Blavatsky was the fiery messenger of the White Brotherhood. It was she who was the bearer of the knowledge entrusted to her. Exactly ... H.P. Blavatsky had the good fortune to receive the Teaching directly from the Great Teachers in one of Their Ashrams in Tibet.
It was she who was the great spirit who took upon herself the heavy task to give a shift to the consciousness of mankind, entangled in the dead snares of dogmas and rushing to the dead end of atheism.
H. P. Blavatsky was a great martyr, in the full sense of the word...
If not for the malice and envy that surrounded her, she would have written two more volumes of the secret Teaching, which would have included pages from the life of the Great Teachers. But people preferred to kill her and the work remained unfinished. So history repeats itself; this is how the karma of mankind is formed ...
Thus people deprive themselves of the highest...
Ridiculed, slandered, disgraced and persecuted, she took her place among the Saviors of Mankind.
I bow before the great spirit and fiery heart of our compatriot and I know that in the future Russia her name will be placed on the proper height of reverence...
H. P. Blavatsky, truly, our national pride, the Great Martyr for Light and Truth. Eternal glory to Her! "

A. Kotlyar


"There is no religion higher than Truth"

Carved from mental substance
Ancient Wisdom priceless stones,
In the commentary of the Masters she dressed Stanzas,
Revealed to future generations
Hidden until the time part of Knowledge,
Imperishable grains of the Highest Truth,
The secret of the secrets of the birth of the Universe
And countless centuries of pages.
Revelations of all times and all peoples,
Like a bouquet of flowers, put together.
And revealed to the World the "Secret Doctrine" -
Brilliant work about Cosmos Nature.
Giving all of myself to the creation of the book,
It revealed the essence of the Teachings of Antiquity.
I went through persecution and through intrigues
With a pure heart
in unwavering loyalty
TRUTH as the highest of religions.

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