Didactic game sun and cloud description. Finger gymnastics “Give us, the sun, warmth”


Didactic game to consolidate knowledge of the pitch.

Purpose: consolidation of the concept of high and low sounds, development of pitch hearing, children's creativity. Game material: A picture depicting a tree, the branches of which are arranged in the form of a staff; birds - 5 pcs.; a set of hats for "birds". The tree and the birds must be proportionate, the branches - stave, birds - notes. Game progress: 1 option. Teacher: Spring has come, the birds have returned from the warm lands, built their nests and brought out the chicks. The chicks were delighted that they had learned to fly, and began to flutter from twig to twig, sing songs. The teacher selects several children, puts on them hats of mother birds and chicks and gives them images of birds in their hands. Children sing a song: We are funny chicks, We know how to fly And from twig to twig We have fun fluttering. A child pretending to be a mother puts a bird on a lower branch and sings an impromptu song low voice. And mommy is worried: Fly, chick, down! I will sing a lullaby, And you will fall asleep, baby! Children, depicting chicks, put chicks on higher branches and sing high voices. I don't want to fly to you, I'll be here singing songs. Option 2. A mother bird and chicks are selected. Chicks sing their song and lay out the images on the upper branches, calling them by name: Re chick, Mi chick, etc.

▫ Many different structures feed on such Xs and Ys. Both legal and criminal. By the way, crime also performs its ecological function in society. Retired racketeer Mikhail Orsky told NSN that traditional crime should become an ally of the authorities in the fight against dangerous ethnic groups. You can treat Putin differently, but he really broke the back of organized crime. However, I do not really understand why to finish off the remnants? Who will keep the street? Who will control the situation with ethnic crime? I hope this topic is directed against some corrupt teams like Arashukov and other embezzlers of people's property, and not against this traditional thieves' crime. She already has nothing to earn from, ”he added. The interlocutor of the NSN said that the greatest danger now is posed by ethnic criminal gangs, whose activities are much more difficult for the state to control. Thieves have certain limits, and the state knows what they can do and what they will not do. Traditional Slavic street crime will be replaced by ethnic groups. Only they will be called clans or fraternities. They won't find common language with law enforcement officers. The same Tajiks, this is the most dangerous ethnic group. They had Civil War and they know what it's like to kill. There are hundreds of thousands of Tajiks on our territory. And plus they have a lot of dough, because there are drugs. http://clck.ru/FFQTH
▫ The call of love In our life, the most beautiful things are not bought at the price of money. The clear Sun shines from the sky for nothing and the Moon smiles at us from the sky. For nothing, the rain pours on the plowed fields with abundant generosity. The wind strokes our hair for nothing, the oak leaves are torn with a strong hand. As a gift, we enjoy the singing of birds, dawns, sunrises, sunsets. We meet with relatives, loved ones, and we breathe the air not for a fee. For nothing, the rain pours on the plowed fields with abundant generosity. The wind strokes our hair for nothing, the oak leaves are torn with a strong hand. No coin can pay for an unusual caress for a child, For spouses, tender hugs, for love, for selfless friendship. But most dearly, most preciously, God gave us eternal salvation as a gift in Jesus, accept it and smile merrily. Look how He bows to you, and understand that, like the light of the clear Sun, the most beautiful things in our life are not bought at the price of money. For nothing, the rain pours on the plowed fields with abundant generosity. The wind strokes our hair for nothing, the oak leaves are torn with a strong hand. For nothing, the rain pours on the plowed strips with abundant generosity! The wind strokes our hair for nothing, the leaves are torn from the oak with a strong hand !!!


Development in children musical memory, attention, dexterity, speed, ingenuity, communication skills;

ability to complete elements dance moves: spring, movement around itself.

Description and course of the game.

The proposed game can be played with preschoolers in kindergarten and at home.

The nature of the movements produced is determined by the musical intonation of the poems, which are pronounced measuredly, somewhat in a singsong voice or in the rhythm of the dance.

Children easily catch musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of speech. The text itself suggests the nature of the movements.

Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen - “the sun”, the rest of the children are “sleeping”.


The sun is calling everyone

The bell sings to us

Ding-bom, ding-bom

Get out of the circle!

The text is read slowly, with soft intonation.

The players form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "sun", in his hands he has 4 yellow hoops.

Option one.

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river

Sunshine, sunshine

Throw out the rings!

On lines 1 - 4 everyone goes to the right in a circle. The "Sun" moves to the left, laying out the hoops on the floor, closer to the players.

We will collect rings

Let's take gold.

Let's play, let's play

On lines 5 - 7 children, standing side by side with a hoop, take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles-teams).

And we'll get you back!

On the last line, the players line up in a common circle, put the hoop on the floor.

At the signal of the leader (the sound of a tambourine), everyone scatters, at the next signal, each team gathers around its hoop. Those who do it faster win.

Option two ( calm game). Children stand in a circle.

On lines 1 - 2, everyone goes to the right, making three stomp on the word "rivers",

on lines 3 - 4 go to the left, making three stomp on the word "rings".

On lines 5 - 6, the players sort out in pairs (agree in advance), hold both hands and circle with a calm step.

On the word "take" they serve each other right hand and keep spinning to the right.

On the last line, changing hands, spin to the left.




Slides captions:

Goal: Development of attention, dexterity, speed, ingenuity, communication skills; ability to perform elements of dance movements: spring, movement around oneself. The rhyme: The sun calls everyone, The bell sings to us In a clear, thin voice Ding-bom, ding-bom Get out of the circle! SUN Before the start of the game, with the help of a counting rhyme, they choose the driver - “the sun”, the rest of the children - “sleeping”.

OPTION ONE Sunshine, sunshine, Take a walk by the river, Sunshine, sunshine, Scatter the rings! Children go to the right in a circle. The "Sun" moves to the left, laying out the hoops on the floor, closer to the players. The players form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "sun", in his hands he has 4 yellow hoops.

We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones. Let's ride, play standing next to the hoop, take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles-teams). OPTION ONE

And we'll get you back! On the last line, the players line up in a common circle, put the hoop on the floor. OPTION ONE

At the signal of the leader (the sound of a tambourine), everyone scatters, at the next signal, each team gathers around its hoop. Those who do it faster win. OPTION ONE

The game starts over, the driver is chosen from the circle that gathered first.


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Slides captions:

THE SUN RUSSIAN FOLK GAME State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined view of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

LEGEND Face - - girl's back Face - - boy's back

OPTION TWO (calm game) Children stand in a circle. Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river, everyone goes to the right, making three stomps on the word "rivers",

Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings! go to the left, making three stomp on the word "rings". OPTION TWO (calm game)

OPTION TWO (calm game) We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones. the players sort out in pairs (agree in advance), hold both hands and spin around with a calm step.

OPTION TWO (calm game) On the word “take”, they give each other their right hand and continue to circle to the right.

OPTION TWO (QUIET GAME) Let's ride, play And we'll give you back! On the last line, changing hands, spin to the left.

RULES IN THE GAME Play honestly, amicably, following the rules. In the game, show more invention, ingenuity (without violating the accepted rules). Try to help out your teammates all the time. The law of each team in the game is one for all and all for one. Don't get too excited! So it is more correct to come to victory. GOOD LUCK IN THE GAME! Pictures /www.google.ru Sources of images and information http://www.maaam.ru/-round dances

Didactic game "The sun and the cloud", aimed at the formation of emotional responsiveness to musical works

Didactic game "Sun and Cloud"

encourage to perceive the expressiveness of music, its feelings, intonations, mood, character (cheerful, sad, calm). Stimulate emotional responsiveness to musical works, the ability to empathize with music, the ability to express emotions and character piece of music through game cards.

Game progress:

After listening to a musical work with a pronounced character (for example, works from " children's album"P. I. Tchaikovsky, the teacher invites the children to note the nature and mood of the musical work with the help of cards.



Didactic game "The sun and the cloud", aimed at the formation of emotional responsiveness to musical works

Didactic game "Sun and Cloud"


encourage to perceive the expressiveness of music, its feelings, intonations, mood, character (cheerful, sad, calm). To stimulate emotional responsiveness to musical works, the ability to empathize with music, the ability to express emotions and the nature of a musical work through playing cards.

Game progress:

After listening to a musical work with a pronounced character (for example, works from P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Children's Album", the teacher invites the children to note the nature and mood of the musical work with the help of cards.

Each child receives such a set of cards:


Musical and didactic game

"Song, Dance, March"

Purpose of the game:

1. Give an idea of ​​the primary genres of music (song, dance, march), their characteristic features.

2. To acquaint with arrangements of folk melodies - piano, orchestral.

3. Enrich children's statements about the emotional and figurative content of music.

4. Give an idea that a piece of music can have signs of two genres at the same time.

Game progress:

1-option . The music teacher performs (or lets the children listen to) a piece of music (or an excerpt). Invites two children. The first child chooses a card that matches the genre of this piece of music. The called child takes the card and shows it. If the work is known to children, then its name and the name of the composer are said. The second child shows a card that depicts the nature of the piece of music, corresponding to the nature of the music (it can be a "smiley", "face" - sleeping, crying, cheerful).

Option 2 . Each child has a card in front of them. The music teacher performs the piece, and the children whose cards match either the genre or the character of the piece of music pick them up.


melodiously resolutely gloomy affectionately heroically

playfully solemnly mildly militantly playfully

excitedly gentle cheerfully seriously ominously

proudly fervently light mysteriously powerfully tense

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