Ecological games and icebreaker games. Icebreaker game rules


Icebreakers and dating games" width="65 height=10" height="10"> chocolate bar" width="65 height=10" height="10"> List" width="65 height=10" height="10"> I am the one who...
If your group has already developed a trusting relationship, then you can play this game to get to know each other better. Each member of the group is given a sheet of paper. He must mark 10 items corresponding to him. Then the sheets are collected and read aloud, and everyone guesses who filled out this questionnaire.

I'm embarrassed when I get a compliment
- I'm afraid to speak my mind
- sing in the shower
- I pepper my soup a lot
- listen to music at full volume
- I like to dance when no one is watching
- I cry during melodramas
- stop to smell the beautiful flowers
- love to sleep during the day
I'm afraid to donate blood
- ran away from the dentist office
- love bad weather
- I like to read romance novels
- talking in my sleep
- I snore
- I hate flying
- criticize others a lot
- watch series
- afraid of the dark
- snitched as a child
- go to bed early
- I write poems
- talking to animals
- tore pages out of the diary
- spying on others while praying
- I like to sleep long
- not afraid to ask a stranger
- I like to travel alone
- saving money
- very afraid of getting fat
I hate all girls
- lying about my age
- I sew my own buttons
- close my eyes in scary movies
- write off
- I take great care of my skin
I often make a to-do list for myself.
- I don't have close friends
- sleep with a toy
would prefer cremation to burial
- never went to the doctor
- I say directly when another smells from the mouth
- stayed for a second year
- First I eat the cake, then the first course
- I can't listen to the interlocutor
- very touchy
- fell asleep in church
- I don't use deodorant
- I always carry sweets with me
I even wear dirty socks
- can't take criticism
- …

Liar" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Crocodile" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Acquaintance" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Remember appearance
The game is useful for a group where everyone knows little. 6-16 people play. A pair of players is chosen. Having previously studied each other's appearance, they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to each of them in turn ask questions about the appearance of a partner.

For example:

How many buttons does your partner have on his jacket?
- What color are the laces on the neighbor's shoes?
- The color of your partner's eyes, etc.

The pair with the most correct answers wins.

What do we know about Vasya?
Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. One person from each team is called. We will call him conditionally Vasya. The facilitator reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the leader (the team gives their answer, Vasya gives his answer, and the leader compares).

Questions might be:

Vasya's date of birth
- What is the name of Vasya's mother?
- Who is Vasya's best friend?
- What school did Vasya go to?
- What did Vasya eat for breakfast today? etc.

Each team answers questions about their player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.

Who is this? Who is it?" Everyone has to write down their guess. At the end, you say the correct names. The one with the most correct answers wins.

secret angel
This game requires all players to be together for at least one day. The game is good for getting to know each other better. Requires a person. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are folded, mixed. Each player draws one piece of paper with someone's name on it. Each player becomes a "secret angel" to the person whose name he drew. Secret because no one knows whose angel he is, the ward of the angel himself should not know either, this is kept secret. "Angel" all the time of the game gives his ward some attention.

For example:

Sends notes with Bible verses
- small gifts (sweets, cookies, etc.),
- writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

The "angel" himself also receives signs of attention, because, in turn, he is also someone's ward. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

Variety of names
The leader calls several names, and everyone who bears the named name goes to the leader and forms into groups corresponding to their name. The result is several groups (eg: Sasha, Anya, Lena, Ira). But since the presenter does not know all the names of those people who are in the hall, he invites the formed groups to name names themselves (in turn), so there are more and more new groups, the process of forming these groups is accompanied by applause. When all participants are involved in this game, the facilitator invites each group to say their name in unison.
Game participants who have a unique name, that is, left without a group, receive prizes for the uniqueness of their name.

Twins twin". Thus, it is possible to bring together strangers or unfamiliar people.

I never...
This game will help people get to know each other better. 7-15 people participate. The game requires chips according to the number of participants. Chips can serve as large beans, matches, or other small identical items.
The first player says: "I never...". Then he names what he has never done in his life (the game of honesty).

For example:

Didn't keep cats in the house
- have not been abroad
- didn't wear boots
- did not shave, etc.

Let's say the player said "I've never eaten pineapple". All players who ate the pineapples must give him one token. Then the turn passes to another player, and he calls something that he never did. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but all or most of those present have done. The game ends after a certain number of rounds. The one with the most chips wins.

burning match
While the match is burning, a person should tell about himself as much as possible. At the same time, he holds a match lit in his hand. One message - one point. (For example: My name is... I live...) The one with the most points wins. It will be much easier for you if you ask to read the messages of several people.

Paper needed
This game will help to get to know all your guests. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Technology inside.
We play, you win!

main development areas:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Emotional intellect
  • Ability to actively listen and hear (colleagues, clients, partners)

the game will help:

How does a game session go?

Before us is the Arctic Ocean, passing through which the players-captains of the icebreakers pull out cards with various questions and take turns telling facts about themselves, various memories, preferences, dreams, hobbies, point of view on this or that issue.

Sometimes participants will need to show resourcefulness and ingenuity and their knowledge in various fields (literature, history, geography, biology, etc.) by completing small tasks from the quiz.

In the first part of the board business game "Icebreaker", players go on a journey to show their best side and complete their mission as quickly as possible.

Pulling out cards, participants answer questions about themselves. Various questions (memories from youth, worldview, preferences, hobbies, etc.) sometimes participants need to show resourcefulness and ingenuity by completing small tasks from the quiz.

On the way there are various obstacles, which 3 decks with questions will help to overcome.

The second part of the game will determine who was the most attentive and insightful towards colleagues. Also in this part of the game, participants can see how much their opinion of themselves matches the impression they make on others. This stage of the coaching game is great for developing and testing your emotional intelligence.

game results:

It is thanks to attentiveness to others that the participant, regardless of what numbers fell out on the faces of the die, can take the lead. Just like life, well-built relationships help you succeed despite the lack of some resources.

At the end of the Icebreaker business board game, feedback is provided, in which participants independently evaluate their own communication skills and determine development zones. In any case, at the end of the game, the atmosphere will improve, the participants will get to know each other better, and will be able to interact more freely and openly.

game photo:


Yulia Galagan. Chief of HR DepartmentInstar Logistics Kiev, Ukraine

I planned the board business game Icebreaker for a small department of accountants, where a new leader came and was received very coolly, because before that the leaders there changed often, relations with them were difficult and the newcomer was also wary. I expected that the board game Icebreaker would help to defuse the atmosphere and improve relations within the team.

For the quantity, I added newly arrived employees from other departments. There were 8 people in total. Of course, at first there was an introduction, an invitation and e-mail clarifications in advance. It immediately became clear that the accountants were not happy that they were being pulled into the Icebreaker business game.

At the very same game, they also said as soon as they entered that it was all a waste of their precious time. We started playing and it became easier, then more. After the break and pizza, the atmosphere was already calm, but by the end of the game it was warm. All participants received memorable gifts - beautiful shells, because they were captains, and the winner received one more - a large rapan. The participants also had bright orange notebooks and pencils. At the end of the coaching game, I asked final review questions. One of them was: "If we had to play again, what would you change?". The accountants (those who were initially against the training) unanimously answered “just don’t change anything, but you can play longer” (I spent the board game in an abbreviated version, we did it in 3 hours, but many noted that we should have played more and more). Now the probationary period for the head of accountants has already passed. She said at the final interview that the atmosphere in the team changed precisely after using the Icebreaker board game. All the "hedgehogs" disappeared - these are her words.

After the training, rumors about the board game Icebreaker went around the company, employees began to ask, “What about us? We want too!”

My opinion as a professional and coach:

The board business game Icebreaker is very good, it works at the level of middle to entry-level managers, it fully fulfills its tasks and the results correspond to life observations of people. The game was built for the coach in a very understandable and logical way. I wrote cheat sheets for myself, but they were not useful, all the rules were easily remembered. In advance, on my own behalf, I prepared only jokes and anecdotes for the topics of the cards, which, incidentally, is also recommended for the coach by the script.

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Game options.

Ecological games for children of primary preschool age


Target: to consolidate the elementary knowledge of children about the characteristic features of the seasons of the year.

Material: a large circle with a rotating arrow, divided into four sectors (each sector has its own color, imitating a certain season of the calendar year - white (winter), green (spring), red (summer) and yellow (autumn)), pictures depicting seasonal changes in inanimate nature.

Game task: after an arbitrary stop of the arrow, select pictures corresponding to the season indicated by the arrow.

"Guess it"

Target: to develop in children the ability to recognize and name representatives of the main life forms of plants (trees, herbaceous and indoor plants) according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: cards with the image of trees (birch, spruce), herbaceous plants (aster, marigolds), indoor plants (ficus, balsam, begonia).

Game task: name the plants shown on the cards.


Target: to consolidate in children elementary knowledge about the structure of plants.

Material: split pictures depicting parts of a dandelion (stem, leaf, flower).

Game task: fold dandelions from cards and name its parts.

"Recognize and name"

Target: teach children to recognize and name animals according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: cards with the image of various animals: dog, cat, cow, fox, bear, fish, crow, sparrow.

Game task: name the animals on the cards.

"What do animals have?"

Target: to consolidate the elementary knowledge of children about the parts of the body of animals.

Material: cards with the image of various animals - a dog, a cat, a cow, a fox, a bear, a fish, a crow, a sparrow.

game task: show and name the body parts of the animal shown on the card.

Ecological games for children of middle preschool age

"Living - non-living"

Target: to form in children the ability to navigate the concept of "living", to consolidate knowledge about the signs of living organisms.

Material: pictures depicting objects of living (plants and animals) and inanimate nature.

Game task: select those cards that depict living objects, and explain your choice.

"Zoological Lotto"

Target: to consolidate and improve the ability of children to recognize and name representatives of the main classes of animals according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: game cards depicting different animals, cards depicting representatives of the main classes of animals (fish, birds, insects, animals), cards describing the external distinctive features of different animals.

The best time to schedule next week's meeting is at the current meeting. The most appropriate time, as practice shows, is the time of fellowship at the beginning of the service. You can take ten minutes to schedule your next meeting. Where will it be held? Who will lead it? There are obvious decisions to be made. If there is some kind of treat, and in my opinion there should be, decide who will bring what, and also who will look after the children at the meeting. Caring for children is an important ministry in itself, especially when it is combined with corporate ministry. If child care is planned in advance, the person who will take care of it can arrive earlier and prepare something for the children. Lack of planning for and working with children can create real problems.

For example, one day we were in a cell group meeting. We noticed that one woman was especially excited about the ministry. She took a notebook and pen and prepared to take notes, but a minute before the meeting began, the cell leader asked her to keep an eye on the children. I saw her delight turn to disappointment. She closed her notebook and got up to go to the children. She wasn't ready for this. What if she needed to serve in person that evening? Because the cell leader did not plan ahead, the woman may have missed her blessing and the children may have lost something that could have been useful to them. A little advance planning could help avoid possible problems.

As you plan your next meeting, you will need to think about praise and worship. Will a guitar, piano or tape recorder be used? Most of our cells use a tape recorder, but we also run a course to teach leaders how to worship in their groups.

Prayer and fasting should be as much a part of planning as studying a lesson. We ask our leaders to pray for an hour each day and fast on the day of service if possible. If the cell is having trouble with meetings or converts, leaders should turn to prayer and fasting and they will soon see a great change.

Service time


A clean home and a smile should greet everyone who arrives for this evening's service. Cleanliness and friendliness are the beginning of a successful ministry. Once at a seminar, I asked a group of people how they define hospitality. Some of the responses were: “Make people feel accepted or special”, “Make people feel comfortable and at home, loved and accepted”, “Be kind and open, reveal yourself, give in to others, go one more mile for guests” and “Try your best for them.” The Webster's Dictionary defines hospitality as "the cordial and generous acceptance and affection of guests."

The owner of the house where the cell passes should never be busy until the last minute (for example, vacuuming), while the guests, doing nothing, are standing in the living room. Instead, he should devote all his attention to the guests. There is nothing worse than being invited to someone's house when the person who invited you is so busy that they don't have time to talk to you for half an hour.

Always give people the opportunity to feel that they are valued guests and truly welcome in your home. If you do this, they will never forget your kindness and hospitality. Scripture says, "For God is not unjust, that he should forget your work and the labor of love which you have done in his name, serving and serving the saints" (Heb. 6:10). When we are hospitable, we give people the opportunity to feel like they are the most important people on earth.

Hospitality should not be frilly or expensive, but it should be a sacrifice from the heart. I have spoken to missionaries who have been to the homes of local residents, where they were given a portion of the meal of other family members. Missionaries who visited Romania told me that they stayed in homes where family members argued over who should give the guest their ration of food. Never forget the sacrifice and always be ready to sacrifice for others.

As guests arrive, direct them to the part of the house where the others have already gathered. Don't let people get into a "meeting" atmosphere that is cold and unnatural, but let them socialize for a while. Informal communication is necessary because it breaks down many walls. It warms people up and makes them want to become members of a cell group, making it clear that the members of the group are normal people. Above all, avoid strict religiosity; be natural in your communication.


Worship time brings the group into the presence of God, preparing every heart to receive from Him. Remember that the time of worship in a cell group will be different from similar worship in a large church. That's the way it should be. There is no need to praise for half an hour, especially if unsaved guests are present. The worship lasts only eight to ten minutes, and be prepared for the fact that many visitors will not know the songs. Choose songs that uplift the spirit, edify the people, and exalt the Lord. At Bethany, we have developed a system: cassettes with lyrics that can be used during worship. The practice will vary in groups, but may the intimate atmosphere be a blessing to your fellowship.

ice breaking

After the worship, introduce the guests and conduct an "ice-breaking". "Breaking the ice" is a simple question that helps start a conversation. Breaking the Ice is meant to be fun and exciting, but not at a childish level. The question may be related to the lesson, but it doesn't have to be. Here's an example of good ice-breaking: "What was your favorite pet as a child?" One day I was giving a lesson on finance, and the “breaking ice” was: “Besides your house and car, what have you spent the most money on in your life? Was it worth the money and why? The ice-breaking question should not be too intimidating (nor too personal) or people will be reluctant to participate, and the purpose of a cell meeting is to help people open up. At one meeting, "breaking the ice" was the question, "What was the worst thing that happened to you in your life?" It covered everyone like a wet blanket. It was a terrible "breaking of the ice."

Breaking the Ice should begin with the cell leader answering the question first, then each answering, going clockwise or counter-clockwise, in turn. Encourage participation in this casual activity, because if someone doesn't say anything during the ice-breaking, chances are they won't say anything during the discussion. Encourage everyone to say something, but don't let the question fill the meeting. The cell leader should be responsible for how long people talk. He can moderate the conversation by saying, "So you have 30-60 seconds to respond." After the time is up, he can say, “OK, time is up, next one.”

Child care

Caring for children is not only the responsibility of the parents, but also of each member of the group. Parents cannot enter the ministry if they just come to sit with their own children. Therefore, all members of the cell will have to participate and sacrifice for their parents to enable them to be included in the ministry. For parents with newborns, you may have to organize something separately.

After worship, the children may be allowed to go to another room to watch a Christian video, play or watch some children's books. (We have prepared visual lessons for the children for each meeting of the week.) It will only take 30-40 minutes, because that is how long the adult discussion should be. Prepare visual lessons and short spiritual lessons for the children to enable them to communicate and interact with each other. Get creative with kids. At the end of the discussion and after the adults have prayed, bring the children back and pray with them.

Some children may be mature enough to participate in a cell group. This allows them to see how their parents communicate with God, which will serve as a positive example for a Christian family.

Help and discuss

Learn how to be a good facilitator and organizer, how to keep the discussion flowing. After worship, immediately move on to Scripture reference and discussion. At this time, there is no need for each person to express their opinion. Openness and freedom are the key. In other words, even interchange should be a topic of discussion.

We want everyone to participate in the discussion, but if only two people answer all the questions, then there is a problem. This is where a good assistant (organizer) comes into play. If the same person raises their hand to each question, then the organizer should say: "Let someone else answer this time." The first few times it will be difficult, but over time the cell leader will get used to it. It may seem a bit rude to tell someone "let others talk", but it's just as rude to others when we don't let them talk. We cannot force people to say something, but we must always give them this opportunity. Also, those who like to talk will do so whether they are offered it or not.

Be mindful of what others trust you. I knew a woman who couldn't read. She confessed to the home group leader, "I can't read, please don't ask me to read Scripture." But whenever we met in a group, the leader would say, "Sister, would you read the next verse for us?" She stopped going to this group.

In another situation, the pastor had a habit of asking people in the church to close the meeting with prayer. One person told the pastor in private that he simply could not speak in public, so he asked for respect and not to ask to read prayers in front of everyone. But a few months later, the pastor turned to him at the end of the service and said, "Brother, will you close the service with a prayer?" The man stood up and angrily said: “Yes, I told you, don’t call me!” I realized that the pastor deserved this rebuke, didn't I? (And it wasn't me!) Encourage engagement and participation, but never put people in a difficult position.

The leader must listen

The cell leader is responsible for keeping the discussion active. This keeps the interest, because otherwise people won't come anymore. Try to sit on the edge of your chair, leaning forward, bringing people into the discussion. Look into the eyes of each member of the cell, addressing him personally. Nod your head in agreement or acknowledgment of what the person is saying.

Invite them to participate by asking all sorts of specific questions: “Joe, how was your week?” “What did you take away from the last meeting of the week?” Ask for clarification. Comment on the feelings behind the words. "It looks like it really affected you." The expression of loving concern protects and strengthens group members. “It was a test for you. Let's pray to God for help." Don't criticize with words such as "You know you have to be above this" or inappropriate humor like "That's life!"

This is required whenever we must listen to others. I myself am to blame for cutting people off without paying attention to their words. Has this happened to you? I was just answering a letter when someone entered my office. I stopped typing and started listening to what was being said to me, but my eyes still skimmed over the lines of the letter. Finally, I started typing again and said to the newcomer: "Keep talking, I'm listening." The truth was, "I'm not listening." They tell me, but I don't really listen. We need to give others our full attention, and this is vital in cell group meetings.

Group driving forces

It is important for every cell leader to understand and engage in the positive dynamics of the group. Understanding these factors increases the efficiency of group discussion time. This can give a powerful boost to the lives of those involved. Here are the main points and techniques that will improve the role of the leader as an organizer.

General leadership

All members of the group are equal participants in the ministry. Everyone has the right to vote.

The group will meet twice a week: for service, edification, evangelism to unbelievers (evangelism). This diversity arouses interest.

Statements should follow the general rule of brevity, accessibility and politeness. No one should take the lead in the discussion. We will speak openly and honestly.

We will remain united in accordance with what Christ intends to do in our midst, and we will refrain from retelling any stories that are inappropriate to the topic under discussion.

In speaking, we will be addressing the group, not just the leader.

We are responsible for the children in our group and constantly take care of them.

We will keep what is shared with us in the group, trusting each other.

We will try to love everyone and take the good news to our families, neighbors and friends in order to bring them to Christ and to the cell.


The size of the group should not exceed twelve or fifteen people, otherwise the necessary atmosphere will be lost. In addition, always sit in a circle, because this allows everyone to see each other. The cell leader can then address his questions to the entire group. People have a habit of speaking only to the leader. When this happens, the leader should say, “Share this with the entire group. We all need to hear this."

Show love and attention, let people feel trust. Every person needs to be safe to open up and trust the cell. Be honest with people, try to understand them, and always emphasize trust and love for each other. Have fun, but don't get stupid; this is not a party. You must honor the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ.

white board

Each group should have a white board with the names of the people you are praying for. To include the names of unbelieving family members, co-workers and friends, the names of sick cell members and missionaries, the area pastor and area pastor for whom the group is praying. When prayer is answered, the name is removed.

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