Graphic technique frottage. Non-traditional drawing technique


Non-traditional drawing technique. Frottage

Probably, many mothers remember how in childhood they made money to play in the store. They put a coin under a sheet of paper and shaded the surface of the paper above it with a pencil or wax crayon. First, on one side, where is the eagle, then on the other side, where is the tails. After that, the two sides of the coin had to be cut out and glued together.

But few people know that this drawing technique is called frottage. The name of this technique comes from the French word frottage (rubbing). A sheet of paper is placed on a flat embossed object and then, moving with an unsharpened colored pencil over the surface, you get an impression that imitates the main texture.

Take a look around. At home, you can find a sufficient number of items with an interesting, textured surface - lace, corrugated cardboard, designer parts, mosquito nets, shoe soles, wallpaper with a convex pattern, combs and much more.

Coloring for children. coloring games

With the help of textured surfaces and colored pencils (wax crayons), you can create beautiful, original drawings. To do this, print any coloring book you like from the Internet. And now, putting various textures under the paper, color the drawing. This technique is described in detail at www. lisichka. tv

Useful information about the frottage technique can also be found at www. ta-vi-ka.

For example, a few more successful drawings made by this unusual drawing method:

Our website tells how to make leaf prints using the frottage technique.

Kits for children's creativity

Sold special plates with different textures for coloring. True, it is quite difficult to find them in our domestic stores. But in foreign online stores, the choice of such materials for children's creativity is very large. They are called there - rubbing plates.

Application. paper application

In conclusion, we want to tell you about another interesting application of this unconventional drawing technique. If you use colored pencils and textured surfaces to make patterned paper of different colors, then you can create original applications from such paper.

Frottage- the technique of drawing a picture on paper, fabric, less often - leather. For the appearance of a pattern, a relief surface is used, which is located on the reverse side of the paper (fabric), this relief surface is displayed on the front side of the paper (cloth) by rubbing the coloring material (for example, a pencil).


Works by Max Ernst: a 1931 graphite drawing depicting the sun and trees, a 1970 frottage painting

The word "fluorage" comes from the French verb frotter, which translates as "rub". The authorship of the frottage technique is attributed to the German surrealist Max Ernst, he created a large number of his works using the frottage method. The technique was developed by the artist in 1925. Ernst was inspired by an ancient wooden floor, which he wished to make part of his work. He took a sheet of paper and transferred the grainy surface of the floor onto the paper by rubbing a pencil. And so frottage was born.

Almost every child is familiar with the frottage technique. Children love to transfer prints of coins or other ribbed or embossed surfaces onto a sheet of paper. But it's not just child's play. Frottage today is a modern technique of drawing on paper.

The essence of technology

Frottage technique helps to take measurements from ancient objects

The artist takes a pencil (plain or colored) or any other soft material (charcoal, sanguine, wax crayons, pastel, etc.) and paints over the paper. At the same time, there should be some kind of ribbed surface under the paper. As a result, a kind of "cast" of the relief appears on the surface of the paper. The best way to get a drawing is to paint over the paper with the edge of the stylus, its flat side.

The frottage method can be used to obtain an exact copy of the relief surface. For example, in this way art restorers receive "casts" of ancient vases, dishes, coins, and analyze ancient objects in this way (in a professional environment they are called "crocs"). And then they transfer the obtained "casts" to the drawing paper, making accurate measurements of ancient museum exhibits.

Tree leaves are one of the most popular objects for frottage.

Some of the most popular objects for frottage are coins, tree leaves, antique interior decor elements (molded gratings, hatches, etc.), even the soles of boots or sneakers.

A variant of frottage can be called a technique in which a corrugated surface is transferred to paper not with a pencil lead, but by forcing fingers using a lead crushed into powder. Or with the help of paint: hands or a sponge get dirty in paint and a drawing is squeezed out on paper.

Frottage in children's art

The corrugated surface can be a regular battery or vegetable grater

For educators and parents, frottage can be a real find. Because it is very easy to captivate a child with them, and also because it is almost impossible to make a mistake, the result is always of high quality. For children, absolutely any ribbed or embossed surface, even vegetable graters, packaging with three-dimensional letters (expiration dates), and toys can become elements of frottage.

Frotted textured paper appliqué

  • Frottage for texturing. Any corrugated surfaces can become a texture report. For example, you can transfer the relief of tree circles (on a cut of a tree), braids, lattices, etc. onto paper. And then use this texture as a background for further drawing. You can also use textured paper as gift wrapping.

Another technique is to make different textures and cut out elements of the composition from them. This is a good principle of collective children's creativity. Each child will make their own texture and their own object, and then the group will make a common art object (painting).

Application from tree leaves transferred to paper using frottage

  • Frottage for making appliqué objects. Embossed designs can be cut to fit and then used as appliqué objects. For example, in this way you can make an interesting composition from carved leaves of trees or flowers. Frottage allows you to make a fairly fine detail of the picture, which helps to create even very complex objects.

Frottage composition, master class by artist Olga Polyakova

  • Frottage as a finished composition. For example, you can make a composition from the leaves of trees and shrubs. At the same time, both fresh leaves and dry ones work equally well. This can be a good incentive for the child to collect herbarium (dried leaves), because later they will become elements of the picture. You should decide on the colors and assemble the composition. To prevent the leaves from moving, they can be glued to paper (on the back of the picture), and then drawn with crayons of different colors. The resulting composition should be cropped, and then can be placed in a frame.

Frottage (from French frottage - rubbing) is an unconventional drawing technique that consists in obtaining an imprint on paper of a textured surface placed under it.

The older generation probably remembers how in childhood they played “shop”, placing a coin under the paper, and shading it with a pencil on top so that a trace (print) with the image of an eagle or tails remains on the paper. After receiving two such impressions, the coins were cut out and glued together, thus becoming a paper copy of a real coin. So this lesson is a frottage. This technique has several varieties and uses, which this article is devoted to.

Materials for creativity

In principle, almost any object around you can be objects for frottage, look around - a embossed phone case, a lace napkin, a designer, the sole of slippers, all this can be used as a tool for imprinting on paper.

You can color in the frottage technique for children's coloring pages - just print out any one that suits you from the Internet (fortunately, they can be easily found on special sites at present), and then paint over by placing textured objects under the sheets.

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You can also buy ready-made kits in stores - they contain a set of specially designed textures, paper and pencils for coloring it. It is rather problematic to find such sets in Russia, but what prevents you from ordering them via the Internet? The English name for these sets is rubbing plates.

Finally, you can create appliqués from frotted paper. Just make several sheets with different textures and colors, and then cut out whatever your heart desires and create beautiful compositions.

In conclusion of this article, we will tell you about, probably, the most unusual version of frottage. The fact is that the process of drawing is most often more important for children than the result, but adults like to have a clear result of their work after 2-3 hours of some kind of activity. The technique described below will satisfy both an adult and a child, because it will give pleasure in the process, which will result in beautiful “designer” paper, which can then be used to wrap gifts, create beautiful postcards, or for the same application.

The technique is called "marble paper" - for it you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolors or food coloring;
  • large flat plate;
  • piece of cardboard / scraper;
  • blank paper.

Lay a flat plate on the table, spread the foam evenly on it, then mix the watercolor or food coloring in water to make a thin but color-rich solution. Now with a brush, pipette or syringe without a needle, randomly drip this solution over the surface of the foam. After that, take a brush and use it to create various patterns and overflows on the surface of the foam, smearing drops of paint on it. This is the most exciting moment! The child will be mesmerized by how easily he creates various patterns with his own hands. Finally, take a sheet of paper and lay it on a layer of foam with paint, then lift it up and use a scraper or some kind of cardboard to remove the remaining foam from the surface. You will see under it fancy patterns of paint, which, thanks to its water base, has already been absorbed into the sheet. Everything, now it remains only to dry the finished marble sheets, and you can use them the way you want.

Frottage - what is it? This skill comes from the French word trotter, which translates as "to rub". This is the art of creating a picture by reproducing the texture of an object by rubbing paper. You can use different things in this art that have an expressive texture.

Any distinct shaped pattern can be repeated by covering it with a sheet and shading the surface from the outside. Volumetricity is considered a big plus of frottage, and creations in this technique amaze the imagination. Despite the fact that, before using this skill, the surface of any object is carefully examined, but it is not easy to determine how exactly the drawing transferred to paper will look.

The procedure for the emergence of an ornament in this situation is similar to the development of photographic film - a fascinating sight! Hatching and smearing occur in a certain rhythm, which has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of the child. Each child has his own, dictated by the psycho-physiological rhythms of the body. Rhythm is present in all life cycles, including the daily routine, the alternation of tension and relaxation, work and rest, etc. Rhythm creates a mood for activity, tones the child.

Grattage technique. Modern scratching is understood as scratching an image on a board or sheet of paper covered with a thin layer of wax and ink. This is a fairly common professional way to create artistic graphic compositions. It allows you to achieve clear strokes and create a spectacular image with minimal effort.

Hatching and doodles help to stir up the child, make you feel the pressure of a pencil or crayon, relieve tension before drawing. Hatching is easy to perform, takes a short time, therefore it is appropriate as the beginning of an art class.

Monotype . This is an imitation of a mirror image. A landscape is drawn on one side of the sheet, then the sheet is folded and ironed, so that the drawing is printed on the other half. Then the print is completed and a mirror image is obtained. As an example, you can draw a landscape consisting of trees, mountains, a house and the sky. Then the sheet is folded and strongly pressed. The drawing is printed. We refresh it with a layer of paints.On a smooth surface - glass, plastic board, film, thick glossy paper - a drawing is made with gouache paint. The material on which the paint is applied must not pass water.

The name "monotype" comes from the Greek word "monos" - "one", since only one print is obtained in this technique. If you want to change or improve something, you need to make a new "original", that is, draw everything anew.

Multiple prints can be made on the same sheet. If, after receiving the print, the child continues to draw on the same basis and reattaches the sheet with the print, the drawing will change, inspiring the author to new creativity. Actions can be repeated as long as the procedure will bring pleasure, or until the most attractive result is obtained.

Blotography. The well-known “blotography” is also a variant of monotype. The sheet is folded in half and laid out again on the table. On one side of the fold, paint spots are applied (randomly or in the form of a specific image).

You can get different prints:

if you iron the top sheet with different pressure;

if a lot / little paint is applied to the original;

if, after superimposing a sheet on the original, slightly / strongly move it
- the resulting divorces provide rich material for children's fantasies.


Paint fell on the albumThere was a blot on the sheet.I'll draw her eyesLet the dragonfly fly.

These randomly appearing stains can attract the child no less, if not much more, than the print itself. And further activity will unfold right here - the fingers will be purposefully painted, and the paint will be wiped off on a sheet of paper. For a child, this is his own, invented by him, way of drawing. For the teacher, it is a condition organized by the child himself to get rid of depression and fears, to strengthen self-confidence. The child is asked which of the images he likes best, the chosen option receives the name and attention of the author, adult, and other children.

Title: "Goldfish"

Frottage technique.

    Oselkova Elena Viktorovna
    Teacher of MAUDO "DShI of Yalutorovsk named after S.I. Mamontov". Purpose: this master class will be useful for teachers of additional education, creative people and caring parents.
    Target: To introduce children to the non-traditional drawing technique "Frottage".
    1. Teach children to draw using the Frottage technique.
    2. Improve drawing skills with wax pencils.
    3. Teach children how to work with a stencil.
    4. Cause positive emotions from the work done.
    5. Build confidence in learning how to work with new material.
    Material: Two sheets of A4 writing paper and one sheet of A5 drawing paper, wax crayons, adhesive tape.

    There are many unusual and exciting ways to draw, and apply them to finished work.

Examples of existing ones.

Wewe will applyFrottage . This is a technique best suited for creating abstract and decorative paintings. Very nice graphics. In a still life, you can enter an impression taken from a countertop or a rough piece of fabric. This technique is easy to experiment with, since almost any textured surface is suitable - a wooden countertop, tree bark, a rough, rough wall, and even artificial materials such as fabrics, wallpaper, cork, or corrugated coasters for hot dishes. Frottage is not limited to colored pencil; the impression can be made with any dry medium, such as ordinary pencil, graphite, dry or oil pastels.

Everyone remembers this technique from childhood. And for those who are still small, be sure to try it. Everything is done simply, we take a coin, put it under a writing sheet and paint over it with a simple graphite pencil on top. The frotting is ready. And thus anyrelief, textured surface can be copied.


    Prepare your workspace for drawing.

2 . We take a sheet of paper and lay out a stencil on it"Goldfish".You can cut the stencil yourself or take ready-made ones. Stencils must be attached to a sheet of paper with small pieces of adhesive tape.

3. We put 2-3 coins under the writing sheet in the belly of the fish. Thus, we set the scale pattern. The fewer coins, the better.

4. Then we rub the coins with a yellow and orange wax pencil, holding them so that it is printed harder.

Let's repeat this exercise with crayons of a different color so that the images look voluminous.

5. We apply a gray substrate with a striped relief to the fins. And wipe with red chalk. (you can play with different colors).

6. At the head we apply orange color and not everywhere, but with a small spot on the bottom, if only creating a shadow.

7. For the eye on the openwork stencil, we need to find a large curl, and try to place it under the sheet so that it is in the place where the eye should be.

8. With the same stencil we make a background, add any other reminiscent of waves and algae.

9. We paint over the background of the drawing with wax pencils. Having painted the algae in green, the sandy bottom with beige fines. The color of the water, as always, is painted blue.

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