Interview with Konstantin Meladze: "2017 will be a happy year."


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Dmitry Gordon's interview with music producer and composer Konstantin Meladze in two parts. Part 2. 2017. More about Konstantin Meladze: The first part of the interview: Quotes from the interview: couldn't talk. Just growled, snapped and cried. * I lived in Moscow and realized that I could not write music there in the right quality and quantity. Therefore, I left for Kyiv and settled in it. * I do not want to offend anyone, but objectively greatest success from ex-"Viagra" Vera Brezhneva achieved. She is a truly amazing person, the most beautiful and sexy. Did she get married grandly? Rather, I got married grandly. Interviews with other interesting guests: Andrey Illarionov: Mikhail Kozakov: official channel program "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" so as not to miss new releases! Watch Dmitry Gordon's programs, follow the news and read analytics on the social and political website "GORDON": Join us on social networks ! "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" - the author's program of Dmitry Gordon, which has been broadcast on Ukrainian television since 2000 . The format of the program is conversations with outstanding contemporaries: figures of culture, art, science, sports and politics. These are people who have something to say about themselves and about the era. Over the years, its heroes were Nikolai Amosov and Mikhail Gorbachev, Viktor Yushchenko and Leonid Kravchuk, Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Muslim Magomayev and Eduard Shevardnadze, Oleg Blokhin and Vladislav Tretiak, Viktor Suvorov and Viktor Shenderovich, Mikhail Saakashvili and Boris Berezovsky... In total - about 600 celebrities. Most often, interviews are published in parts in several programs. Friends, we welcome comments and discussions, but obscene language will be deleted, and malicious violators will be banned.

Rather, I got married grandly.

About children:

Alisa graduated from high school and enters the university in Kyiv. Leah - my middle daughter - is now in a chic camp in Israel, resting, getting high. She is engaged in vocals, choreography, she has a clear interest in music and talent, I think. But I will not push her to the stage. I will help only if she proves to me that music is her destiny, her path. As for my son, he is still in school. Our children with Vera are friends with each other. Leah was recently with us in Italy, they are very friendly with youngest daughter Faith - Sarah. But it was very difficult to arrange all this.

Konstantin Meladze, Vera Brezhneva and Valery Meladze with their daughters

About love for Vera:

There are things that need to be said in person, therefore, I don’t think that Vera will be pleased if I yell at the whole country through the TV how much I love her. She and I have other signs and codes with which we send all these vibes to each other, regardless of the distance. We are constantly far from each other, she tours a lot, but we have learned to minimize this distance, so to speak. At a distance, you especially need to somehow prove and show your love. When you are at home, sitting in the kitchen, everything is much simpler - you took your hand and that's it. But when she is in America, and I am here, there are thousands of kilometers between us, then efforts must be made.

About happiness:

I feel more and more happy out of the blue. If earlier, in order to feel happiness, I needed, for example, to see a crowded hall or my song in the first place - strange criteria, now this feeling arises out of the blue. Recently we were on vacation in Italy, I watched my daughter splashing and laughing in the pool, our children swim with Vera, Vera is sitting next to me, the sun is shining, some kind of music is playing ... And that's it, I understand what I'm on seventh heaven. Such happiness is much more difficult to achieve. I went to him longer than to my musical successes. It is amazing!


Konstantin Meladze about love for Vera Brezhneva: "I got married grandly!"

The other day Konstantin Meladze became a guest of the author's program Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Gordon. In the first part of the video interview, the composer spoke about his childhood and youth, about the beginning of his career, and in the second part, the conversation took a more frank turn. Konstantin, perhaps for the first time, spoke about his love for Vera Brezhneva, about their first meeting, about how his life has changed thanks to Vera, and about how they manage to maintain relationships in the face of private separations. We publish the most interesting quotes.

About how Vera Brezhneva got into the " VIA Gra":

Vera came out at one of the concerts of our group, in Dneprodzerzhinsk, then it was still a duet - Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadya Meikher ... She went on stage to perform "Attempt No. 5" with other spectators. Our administrator saw her, took the phone, and at that time we had a constant rotation of personnel, I was looking for some kind of optimal composition. Then she came to the casting, we did video tests, which plunged me into absolute delight, because she was an exact copy of Brigitte Bardot in her youth. And I said: "Here, this image is exactly what we need now."

Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

About the most talented artist of "VIA Gra":

I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success of all ex-Viagra. She is truly an amazing person. She is the most beautiful and sexy.
- The most obnoxious and bitchy? - continued the leader.
“No, it’s definitely not about her,” Konstantin answered. Vera is the hardest working person. When we took her to the group, she could neither dance nor sing. I gave her a month, sent her to the vocal and choreography teachers and attended these classes once a week, watched how she progressed. But the effect was amazing! It's like some kind of cartoon. You know, like in cartoons - once and in 5 seconds, for example, a tomato grows. We had about the same story. After a year of work in the group, it was already an absolute star.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, Vera Brezhneva and Olga Romanovskaya

About the host's remark that Vera Brezhneva got married grandly:

Rather, I got married grandly.

About the duration of the affair with Vera:

I have a feeling that it is eternal. It's like I met her in 1963 and that's it (laughs).

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva with the organizer of their wedding in Italy

On the reaction to Vera's wedding with Mikhail Kiperman:

Then I treated her so far just as an artist. If I had any worries, it was only about the fact that now I have to interrupt my career. The feelings that arose between us were already later.

On how his life has changed thanks to Vera:

With her appearance, life has changed. I finally raised my head from the keyboard and ... More precisely, I didn’t even raise it myself, but rather, Vera picked me up by the hair and said, "Here, there is still a lot of interesting things." Before Vera, I didn't care, to be honest, how I looked. I didn't care where I rest and whether I rest at all, what I eat and so on. I missed out on a lot, much to my regret, by being obsessed with my work. And I would probably have missed everything completely if Vera hadn’t given me this pendel and aroused in me an interest in a life other than just the studio and music.

Konstantin Meladze - music producer and member of the jury of the National Selection for Eurovision-2017 - told how he found 42 bright talents in Ukraine in two years!

Konstantin Meladze is a member of the jury of the National selection for Eurovision for the second year

Konstantin, last year's National Selection for Eurovision was a real discovery for the audience, remembered as a bright and original show. Will the selection-2017 be the same scale?

We try to do our best to make the National Selection as interesting this year as well. Therefore, we worked so hard on the composition of the participants: to make it as diverse as possible and represent the entire palette of Ukrainian contemporary music. Personally, I have the most optimistic expectations from live broadcasts, because there is a lot of good music in our country. Look, in two years we have managed to raise a huge layer of musicians, presenting to the general public 42 bright performers! Among the participants of this year there is not a single contestant from last year's selection - this is an excellent result, because our country is not as big as America, for example.

Did any of last year's participants apply for the second time?

Undoubtedly. But their songs were not as strong as last year.

The jury will include the winner of Eurovision Jamala. Do you think she will be too strict with the participants?

On the contrary, it is very good that Jamala is now on the jury of the National Selection. She has fresh memories of how she herself went through it. And I am sure that she will treat the current contestants with understanding and sympathy. But it will be very demanding. It is also good for the participants that the recent Eurovision winner is on the jury. For them, this is a huge experience and an opportunity to get invaluable first-hand advice that will help them reach the final and win. Jamala is now in great shape, she will be able to teach young artists a lot. Artists like her appear on stage once a decade!

“We are trying to do everything so that this year the National Selection is just as interesting,” says Konstantin

Did the fact that Eurovision 2017 will be held in Ukraine somehow affect the National Selection?

I can't say if this is related to the holding of Eurovision in Kyiv or not, but this year it was very a large number of applications - from professional musicians to very young people. We started the selection 5 months ago, and it turned out to be very rich, complex and interesting. Last year, this was high bar, which now needs to be matched.

After the STB channel announced the names of the participants, there were comments that there were few famous artists among them who could perform brightly at Eurovision ...

I do not agree with these comments. We have an excellent composition of participants, each of which can adequately represent Ukraine. Among them there are plenty famous artists with extensive experience and a serious repertoire. Of course, there were performers who thought that for the second year in a row we would not be able to win Eurovision, and therefore did not apply for participation. But the overall level of this year, in my opinion, is not lower than last year.

READ ALSO: Konstantin Meladze: “The choice of the audience made me happy”

Do you think Ukraine has a chance to win a second time?

If you look at the entire history of the Eurovision Song Contest, then there were cases when a country became the winner for two years in a row. I think you should always believe in the first place, because if you believe in the 10th, then there is no point in fighting.

And yet… Some of the names of the semi-finalists are unknown to the general public. For example, will the punk rock band AGHIAZMA fit into the Eurovision format?

Even those artists who rarely get into the rotation, on TV channels, look quite organically in the National Selection. There are no such rigid formats here as on the radio, we have an open way for all genres, the most important thing is that it be talented, fresh and of high quality. And then the audience and the jury will decide the prospects of each artist and each genre. Look at the Eurovision winners different years: these are representatives of various genres, from rock music and punk, which you just mentioned, to ethnic music. Hip-hop, disco, r'n'b - the winner of Eurovision is quite diverse and unpredictable ...

Konstantin Meladze has no less fans than his ward artists!

So the Singing Pants group has every chance?

Here we'll see. (Smiling.) For example, I'm very interested in how the public will perceive them. For me, all our members - interesting musicians, they must be seen by the viewer. We selected them not in terms of popularity, but based on the music, the form in which the artist lives. And the fact that we have such a mixed company - both eminent artists, and very young ones, and the absence of a pronounced leader - is very good. So it is expected interesting fight. Even for me this moment the result is completely unpredictable.

What advice would you like to give to the participants of this selection?

There is only one advice here: express yourself as brightly as possible, be individual, courageous and be able to overcome the excitement, which is completely natural for live broadcasts. The rest is up to the viewer.

Then what would you advise viewers who have to choose the best?

I would advise viewers to turn on STB first of all. (Smiling.) It's even better to buy a ticket and watch the National Selection in the hall - these are indescribable emotions. Carefully watch, listen, vote, support the guys - they really need it.

Have you already chosen a favorite for yourself?

You know, all these five months I have been working with the team in selecting talented guys, so I treat them with such warmth that I don’t want to single out one or two and I can’t. I will be on the jury rather as their lawyer than as a critic. Here Jamala and Andrey (Danilko. - Approx. ed.) Let them criticize. (Smiling.)

Konstantin, did you manage to relax after the "X-factor"? Or was there no break in work in connection with the selection?

Of course we did. We had a great time New Year big company relatives, the whole family, in full force. We walked a lot. All New Year's holidays I rested, read, listened to music - in a word, I relaxed and did not go to work. I haven't been in the studio for two weeks. Previously, such a long break from work was difficult for me, I could not sit still for a long time, but now I take such a rest with pleasure.

Have children inherited your musical talent?

My middle daughter is fond of music, singing, dancing. How her career will turn out is too early to say - she is only 12 years old, but I think she is very capable. I will help her to reveal her talent, but I am not going to “push through” and patronize her on purpose. If she chooses the stage as her profession and becomes interesting to the public, I will definitely support her.

And write songs?

If she becomes a singer, then I will, of course.

How often do you get to spend time with your children?

It works, but much less often than we would like. It mainly happens on weekends, because on weekdays the children are very busy: until the evening at school, then music, choreography.

With brother, singer Valery Meladze

Do you often see your brother Valery and call each other? Feel at a distance when he needs your help or advice?

We call Valera almost daily. We don't see each other very often. It happens a couple of times a month. He has very busy schedule, me too, and we live in different countries. We feel each other, of course. We have known each other for 51 years, so we often do without even words.

I don't have any social media accounts, and everything that appears is fake. I definitely have no desire to start a page, comment on something, post photos and become a blogger. Everything I would like to say, I say with the help of my songs.

Which are filled with an incredible amount of love. Which of them do you consider the most intimate, personal, frank?

Yes, they are all private. There are a dozen that I especially like and even after many years evoke positive emotions in me: “There is no more attraction”, “Foreigner”, “Do not leave me, my love”, “Despite”, “Heaven”, “Love will save the world” ...

On New Year's Eve, the judge of the show "X-factor-7" and the National selection for Eurovision-2017 Konstantin Meladze gave an interview to the site. The producer will meet 2017 with his family - with his wife and children.

According to Meladze, wild parties on the occasion new year holidays already in the past, and now the producer prefers quiet family evenings.

- Konstantin, do you have a favorite New Year's dish?

Here I will not be original. I love yesterday's Olivier salad. When it stands a little, it becomes tastier (smiles).

- that is, in new year's eve you don't eat it?

Somehow I usually do not feel like eating on New Year's Eve. But, and you have had a set table since the evening, on which Olivier and all sorts of different dishes, it all becomes a million times tastier.

- And who in your family prepares this salad?

A little bit of everything is being prepared. For example, I skillfully cut cucumbers - thinly and finely (smiles). Teamwork is very close.

- What are your expectations for the upcoming 2017?

My expectations are the same as in any other New Year. But I do not love leap years And I'm always happy when they're done. And this year, I, too, am already waiting for it to end as soon as possible and 2017 to begin. It has the number 7 in it, so I think that the year will be happy and successful.

Judges of the show "X-factor-7" Yulia Sanina, Konstantin Meladze and Anton Savlepov

- Remember the bright new year story that happened to you.

Oh, this is such a compromising story... When I studied at the institute and lived in a hostel, practically from the 1st year to the 4th year I never managed to celebrate the New Year, because we always celebrated the Georgian New Year first, and then the Ukrainian one, which is on an hour later. And we always celebrated the Georgian holiday so vigorously that I could not reach the Ukrainian one (laughs).

Producer and husband of Vera Brezhneva Konstantin Meladze gave great interview Dmitry Gordon, in which he told a lot about himself, his work and his wife. “I am a deeply insecure person. To this day, the regalia have not made me believe in my strength, ”admitted Meladze.

Vera and Konstantin

The producer recalled with particular warmth the first meeting with future wife: “Vera Brezhneva went on stage at one of the concerts of our group and sang into the microphone. Our administrator saw her and took the phone. Then we called her to the casting, made video tests. I was absolutely delighted with them, because she seemed to me a copy of Brigitte Bardot in her youth. I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success of the ex-participants of VIA Gra. She is the most beautiful and sexy, and she is also my wife. Did she get married grandly? Rather, I got married grandly."

Vera Brezhneva

The husband admires Brezhneva's hard work, her perseverance and talent, at the stage of starting work in the VIA Gra group, Vera could not sing or dance, but she really wanted to, so she succeeded.

Meladze and Brezhnev looked at each other for a long time, Vera managed to get married and divorced in front of the producer. He perceived all these changes in her life with an absolutely calm heart, but at some point he looked at her in a completely different way.

“The ideal woman is the one with whom you feel good and you are happy. Everyone has their own ideal. It should match with you like a key to a lock. I have a feeling that our romance with Vera lasts forever, that I met her in 63, ”Meladze shared, laughing. – With the appearance of this man, my life has changed. I finally lifted my head from the keyboard ... I didn’t even lift it, but she took me by the hair. (…) I didn't care where I rest, what I eat. I missed out on a lot because I was obsessed with my work. And Vera gave me a pendel and awakened an interest in a different life than the studio and music, ”says the producer.

Vera Brezhneva

During the program, Dmitry Gordon invited Meladze to confess his love to Vera on the air, Konstantin answered this request with a categorical refusal.
“There are things that need to be said in person. I don't think she'll be pleased if I yell on TV how much I love her. We have other signs and other codes with which we send vibes to each other at a distance. We are constantly away from each other, because she tours a lot, and I constantly travel. But we have somehow learned to minimize the distance between us. After all, when you are at home, everything is much simpler: you took your hand, and that's it. But when she is in America, you need to make an effort,” Konstantin finished.

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