What is the name of the son of Garik Martirosyan. Zhanna Levina-Martirosyan


Garik Martirosyan, known for his humorous projects, cannot live a day without jokes that amuses those around him. The showman showed his multifaceted talent: he managed to visit a doctor, humorist, TV presenter, project producer, but he never revealed his acting abilities, believing that professionals should act in films. Garik left television and has not appeared anywhere for the past two years, however, this does not mean that he has ended his creative career. In 2017, the TV presenter will take up a new business: he will create Internet comedy programs that will be posted on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms. In his personal life, Martirosyan was very lucky: his wife is smart and wise woman who knows firsthand what a public profession is. Leaving her job, she plunged into household chores and raising children, believing that her husband should be engaged only in a career.

Garik was born in 1974 in Yerevan. The professions of his parents were not related to creativity, however, future artist inherited from them excellent ear for music, sense of humor and ability to draw. The older brother also grew up in the family, but it was his mom and dad who were taken to music school. After leaving school, the young man was educated as a psychotherapist, and then worked as a doctor. In 1992, Martirosyan became interested in playing KVN, making great strides in this field. In 1997, Garik was invited to television, where he wrote program scripts. A few years later, a project was born comedy club, one of the founders of which was a showman. Soon he was fascinated by cinema, thanks to which the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Fate ”, where Martirosyan tried his hand as a producer and scriptwriter. In addition, he was the host of various musical projects and show.

Thanks to KVN, not only Garik's career was formed, but also his personal life. He met his future wife Zhanna in 1997, when the KVN festival was held in Sochi. The girl, who studied law in Stavropol, came there to support her team, where she met with Martirosyan. After the end of the festival, they broke up and met again only a year later. After some time, the lovers simply signed, and the wedding was celebrated only two years later in Cyprus, where Garik performed with his team.

In the photo Garik Martirosyan with his family: his wife Zhanna and children

In 2004, their daughter Jasmine was born, and five years later, their son Daniel was born. The artist loves his family and tries to spend more time with children. His wife abandoned her career as a lawyer and devoted herself to her husband and children. Of course, Jeanne tried to work, but with such a lifestyle, she did not have time, and she almost did not see her husband. Now the Martirosyan family lives in a new spacious apartment, which they have long dreamed of.

The couple remember their wedding anniversary and every year they gather friends for this family celebration. Both are passionate football fans who never miss a single match on TV. The artist does not forget his relatives and often travels with his family to Yerevan. His mother taught Jeanne how to cook Armenian dishes, so the wife often pampers Garik and children with delicious dishes.

Russian and Armenian showman, humorist and TV presenter.


Garik Martirosyan was born into an intelligent family. Father Yuri Mikhailovich worked as the chief engineer of the Yerevan Automobile Plant, mother Jasmine Surenovna was a well-known gynecologist in the city. And the real pride of the family was maternal grandfather Suren Nikolaevich - Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR. Garik recalls: "Our family did not live in poverty - the house had all the attributes happy life. VCR, good clothes, juices, sweets, even two cars. My brother and I were spoiled, but in moderation. That is why I had no desire to stand out - everything for happy childhood and so it was."

The boy was very active child. At the age of 6, his parents sent Garik to a music school so that he could learn to play the piano. But he did not finish it - the young man was kicked out for bad behavior, and eventually he mastered the instruments on his own. As the artist admits, now he freely plays the piano, guitar and drums.

Artistic talent and a great sense of humor began to manifest themselves in Martirosyan as a child. Once Garik started a rumor that his grandfather was Leonid Brezhnev: "Classmates came to visit us with terrible force, and my grandmother, when they began to ask clarifying questions to her, correctly got out that, they say, we are all, to some extent, the grandchildren of the Secretary General. Then, when the guests left, I, of course, flew into the first number, "says the artist.

AT adolescence Garik attends classes in art school, even thinks one time to become professional artist. But the father does not support this idea. He believes that only the profession of a doctor can provide a person with a decent future. After graduating from school, Garik Martirosyan enters the Yerevan State medical University, where he received the specialty of a neurologist - psychotherapist. By profession, the future artist worked for three years.


Even while studying at the institute, Garik met the local KVN team. In 1994, on the basis of the Armenian League, the "New Armenians" team was created, in which Martirosyan was at first just a player, and in 1997 he became the captain. He recalls: "At first we wrote scripts for various humorous programs, entertainment series. At a time when we did not play KVN for viewers, we continued to actively participate in KVN as KVN producers, so to speak. It was we who created the team" Burnt sun" from the city of Sochi and began to write scripts for her. But we did it not for the sake of fame or money, because no one knew about it except for the narrow "KVN" community.

In the late 90s, Garik comes to Moscow. He works on television, where he writes scripts for Igor Ugolnikov's program " Good evening". And in 2003, in the life of an artist, significant event- his partner in the "New Armenians" team Tash Sargsyan offers to participate in a new project. Garik recalls: "Once, meeting me in Moscow, Tash said:" We, that is, Garik Kharlamov, Pavel Volya, Slava Blagodarsky, Artur Dzhanibekyan, Artak Gasparyan and I, are going to do the new kind show and we are recruiting a team that will perform in clubs with new humor - tough and frank. Do you want to join us?". I agreed, and for the first two years I performed with them for free, just in a friendly way helping my friends in their endeavor." Thus began the history of "Comedy Club". At first, few believed in the success of the project, but in 2005 the TNT channel became interested in the show, and literally after a while, real fame came to the Comedy Club participants.


After successful start"Comedy Club" Garik Martirosyan is beginning to be invited to various projects. In 2006, the showman takes part in the "Two Stars" program, where, together with Larisa Dolina, she becomes the winner.

In the role of a TV presenter, Garik first tries himself in 2007 in the Minute of Glory project. And a year later he becomes one of the leading evening comedy show"ProjectorParisHilton".

Garik Martirosyan is a co-producer and screenwriter of the show "Our Russia" - an analogue of the English series "Little Britain". And in 2008, the showman became the author and creative producer paintings "Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny", where at the same time he played the role of a leading corporate party.


Garik prefers to spend his free time with his wife and children. The family loves to travel around Italy, and Garik admits that he would very much like to learn Italian language. The showman says: “In principle, I already know the language quite well, but I want more, in order, for example, to fully understand Italian TV channels. I also dream of learning how to drive a yacht, an airplane and a motorcycle. I don’t know yet in what order I will master these modes of transport, but I will do it for sure. And I have already traveled in a convoy with bikers in Italy."

Garik's favorite hobby is football. He is a fan of Lokomotiv.


Garik Martirosyan is married. He met his wife Zhanna Levina in Sochi in 1997. The couple has two children: daughter Jasmine (born 2004) and son Daniel (born 2009). "Jasmine is soft, gentle, obedient. She immediately hears what her father and mother say to her, and takes note of it. And Daniel has to explain for a long time what's what, because he is very wayward, as they say, with character," says Garik.

  • In fact, Garik was born not on February 14, but on February 13. But the parents decided that this number was unlucky, and corrected the date of birth of the child.
  • Actor Steven Seagal came up with the name Daniel for the comedian's son when he came to the show ProjectorParisHilton.



"During my childhood, there were not so many satirists and comedians, so their performances were recorded on tape and memorized. And about the level of jokes ... You know, if a person has a sense of humor, then he will be interested in Petrosyan's concert, and" ProjectorParisHilton". On the other hand, look at the fullness of the halls during the concerts of Evgeny Vaganovich. That's the same! They are crowded. So this artist is doing everything right."


"I'm not a careerist. I have absolutely nothing to do. My career is built for me very worthy people who understand television more than I do. First it was Alexander Maslyakov, then Igor Ugolnikov, then Konstantin Ernst, and this process continues."


“I don’t have such a desire to play in a movie. But if we talk about characters who have already found their embodiment, then there are two roles that I would like to play. Either Kolya Gerasimova from the film “Guest from the Future”, or Ivanhoe.


  • Laureate of the "Humor of the Year" award in the "Showman" nomination from the radio "Humor FM" (2007)
  • "Person of the Year" according to GQ magazine in the nomination "Face from TV" (2007)
  • TEFI in the nomination "Presenter entertainment program"for the show" ProjectorParisHilton "(2010)

According to the materials of the sitesgarik-martirosyan.ru,paparazzi.ru, 24smi.org,kp.ru, 7days.ru,interviewmg.ru,gossip.en


  • HB (2013), TV series
  • Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny (2010)
  • Univer (2009), TV series
  • Our Russia (2008), series
  • Our yard 3 (2005)

Garik Martirosyan's wife about secrets family life with a star.

my husband Garik Martirosyan star status didn't change at all. What he was nineteen years ago when we met, so he remained. But I had to tame my character.

I am a serious person. Judge for yourself: she dreamed of becoming an investigator, a criminologist. Grandparents are surgeons, medical reference books and anatomical atlases were everywhere at home. I read manuals on trepanation of the skull like adventure novels. I won't faint at the sight of a corpse. In general, I entered the law school in Stavropol, studied textbooks on criminal law, step by step I went towards my goal. She also played in the student team of KVN.

My dad, Viktor Morisovich Levin, had his own business in Sochi - optics stores, so I grew up in a wealthy family. Mom is an economist, she worked in the city administration. Of course, they wanted their only daughter to marry well and live nearby. And I suddenly meet a guy from the New Armenians KVN team, from Yerevan! But what if it was love at first sight?! Something seemed to hit in the heart.

Walked with Garik on the beach, talking. And I suddenly had the feeling that this is absolutely “my” person: dear, sincere, warm. But immediately turned on common sense: I need to finish my studies, he will leave for Yerevan, we have no common future. Garik also laughed at my dream. “Woman is an investigator! he laughed. - Yes, they will beat you!

The next morning I left for Stavropol for a session and did not even leave a phone number. Mobile phones were a rarity in 1997, no one had heard of social networks at all, and Garik could not find me in any way. We met only a year later, at the next KVN festival. He was so happy when he saw me! Complained: “Jeanne, why are you lost? I thought about you for a year, I missed you! He was so excited, sweet... He seemed to be a very reliable person.

- Is this really appearance could you determine?

Garik always keeps very naturally, he is not drawn at all. Maybe that's why I believed him right away. Thank God my intuition didn't fail me. In general, I fell in love. I just couldn't breathe without it. Gar met my parents, then flew to meet his family.

Now, of course, I have a very good idea of ​​the situation our parents found themselves in. If only my daughter Jasmine would say to me: “I fell in love with a guy - I’m leaving with him for Murmansk!” And what to do? I’ll go crazy, worry, bite my nails, but I’ll have to let go. And then he will say later: “Mom, you broke my fate.” What if it goes and doesn't work out? Again he will scold me: “Why didn’t you stop me? Shouldn't have let it go!"

And how should one live correctly, so that until the end of days together - in sorrow and in joy? Is there such a recipe? Someone will live a couple of years and scatter. Others have been hand in hand all their lives. What does it depend on? From character? I don't think. And a husband can be a good person, and a wife, but it’s not their destiny to be together, and no one is to blame for this. And it happens the other way around: both the wife is not ideal, and the man is so-so - but they live in perfect harmony.

Perhaps I believe in fate: either you meet "your" person, or not. I remember sitting at the Sochi airport, waiting for a flight to Yerevan - we are going to Garik's parents. I am twenty-one years old, and I am terribly worried: how will they accept me? Will I like it?

Yerevan is amazing, magical and very sunny city. In the evening we walk around the center of the capital of Armenia, they recognize Garik, they smile. A week goes by, a month goes by. Everyone already knows about us! Garik a famous person, captain of the "New Armenians" team. And then he, a local, one might say, a celebrity, an enviable groom, brought a bride - a Jewess from Sochi. Not a very common case in Yerevan.

And romance begins, real relationships begin, endless flights: Yerevan - Sochi, Sochi - Yerevan - and so the whole wonderful crisis year of 1998.

- Was it difficult to adapt in Armenia? new culture, new friends...

There were difficulties with the language. I did not understand Armenian at all then. Moreover, everything is so emotional, loudly - they shout, gesticulate, everyone's energy is just over the edge.

I went to the store. The seller asked something in Armenian. I said I don't understand. She immediately switches to Russian:

And where are you from?

From Sochi.

O! I live in Sochi...

And let's list all our Sochi relatives: "Uncle Karen is on such and such a street, and Aunt Liana is on this one." She talked for about fifteen minutes, as if we had known each other very closely for a long time, and were not seeing each other for the first time. So, in terms of temperament, energy, the Armenians are somewhat similar to the inhabitants of Odessa - the soul is wide open, amazing people, cheerful people and comedians. I know firsthand about the inhabitants of Odessa - my grandfather Maurice Alexandrovich comes from Odessa. Then he moved to Abkhazia and from there to Sochi. I just love my native Sochi! My Sochi is a multinational city. Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Russians, Jews, Adyghes live peacefully and are friends there. And for me it has always been important what character and upbringing a person has, and only then - where he comes from and what nationality. In addition, I consider myself not only Jewish and Russian, but also Soviet man. We were all born and raised in the USSR!

When we went to the hospital to get acquainted with Jasmine Surenovna - she is a gynecologist, doctor of sciences - I bought a bouquet of roses. I had never seen Garik's mother before, but one day, you won't believe it, I had a dream about her. I tell my future husband about this:

I saw your mother in a dream.

And what is she?

Blonde, of course.

And here we are in the hospital. I notice: in the hall on the wall there is a huge group photo of all the doctors of the hospital, fifty women. I look at their faces - and suddenly I recognize the one from my dream!

Here's your mom! I say to Garik.

He is shocked:

Wow! And how did you know?

I told you: she dreamed of me.

Jasmine Surenovna came out, I handed her flowers, we embraced warmly. Never by a word or a hint did she let me know that she doubted the choice of her son. Although now I sometimes put myself in her place: my grown-up son brings a girl with a different worldview, mentality into the house. How will I react to this?

I myself, of course, did not really understand then what awaited me. We are very young, nothing of our own. But does it matter when love? Remember how in famous movie: "In order to become a general, you need to marry a lieutenant and wander around the garrisons with him ..." So I went "to the garrisons."

We will not take money from our parents, ”the husband said before the wedding. - We'll make money.

But parents, yours and mine too, are ready to help...

Thanks to them, of course - but no! I myself.

Garik, as I remember now, borrowed three hundred dollars from friends for the first time. And we went on tour with the New Armenians. I, of course, with my husband - like a thread behind a needle.

- We could stay at home with our parents, let my husband earn money.

What are you! I'm in Sochi, he's on the road - and what kind of family is this? To make it clear: touring is not like going on a business trip for a week. A month and a half of continuous "chess" for small and big cities. Then five days off - and again on the road. There is little romance in this. But at twenty-one it seemed: oh, adventure, I'll see the world! Traveled with the "New Armenians" the whole planet - from Los Angeles to Vladivostok, from Hamburg to Alma-Ata! And as for everyday difficulties - so with a sweetheart, as they say, paradise in a hut.

"Paradise", however, turned out to be the same. There are ten guys on the team. Everyone speaks Armenian. They are having fun, laughing, but I don’t understand a word. Garik, noticing my confusion, asks his comrades:

Guys, let's speak Russian - Jeanne does not understand.

Yes, sure. Garik, dear, let's switch to Russian.

Our guys had enough for five minutes - then they switched back to native language, just automatically. And I decided to learn Armenian. I bought an Armenian phrase book - what can you do? I started to learn: I write out the words, cramming behind the scenes. The first word that I remembered was "sanr", a comb. The guys always ran and shouted before the performance: “Sanr! Sanr!"

And it would be nice if there were not enough combs! The hotels in which the organizers of the Kaveen tour moved us were completely different levels. Sometimes these were cool hotels, and sometimes the most modest ones: the toilet was on the floor, the shower did not work, the batteries were a little warm.

The guys were nervous and got out as best they could. We had to heat kettles and help each other wash our hair.

It seems that it was Krasnoyarsk - January is on the calendar, minus thirty outside the window, I wake up in the morning, and my long hair everyone was frosty and stuck to the iron headboard. Magic Honeymoon! It is clear that sadness sometimes rolled over, but Garik was right there: “Zhanna, everything will be fine!” Autumn followed summer, spring followed winter, and we all toured.

- Of course, you didn’t think about replenishing the family in such conditions?

I really wanted to. But the internal stop valve worked - how is it possible with such and such a disorder? Once Garik said that it was time to move to Moscow: there are more opportunities in the capital. I thought: okay, maybe there will be a house there?

And he appeared - a removable "odnushka" on Suschevsky Val. In a very old building. No repairs, no curtains, no TV. Mom taught me that a woman should create comfort. I went to the store, bought the cheapest fabric and sewed curtains. I hung it up, walked away, looked - now you can live.

Somehow they returned from the next tour - and the whole apartment was in green mold: the sofa, the floor, the walls. It turned out that a month ago, the neighbors from above flooded us hot water. Nobody told us. And the apartment turned green. We didn’t even have the strength to swear, and at whom? They sat in silence and drank tea. Then, without saying a word, they stood up. I took out soda and detergent - they began to rub and wash: walls, sofa, floor ...

It was still funny case. Garik cherished the dream of walking to the station: “An apartment on Suschevsky Val - not far from Rizhsky. And in the summer, when we go to the festival in Jurmala, we will go to the station on foot right from the house. The beauty! It used to take a long time to get there - by bus, by subway ... "

And here comes the happy day. Summer, we have train tickets. We left, we go as we dreamed. Suddenly - crack! - the wheel of the suitcase breaks. Poor Garik has to carry this heavy trunk on himself. The road seemed like an eternity. “This is the worst road to the station in my life!” Garik sighed.

We bought groceries at the supermarket and crawled home with bags - there was no car yet. I remember how terribly cold my hands were, accustomed to the Sochi warm climate. The policemen regularly stopped us and checked our registration. They found fault: “You have a square seal, but you need a round one. Let's go to the department - well, or pay ... ”All the guys from our Armenian team were pestered.

- Have you ever worked by profession?

Tried. I got a job at a company and quit a few months later. I didn’t have time to do anything: I need to clean and wash at home, cook dinner. The most annoying thing is that our schedules did not match. I have an office job, from nine to eighteen. A Garik creative person, "owl" - writes jokes in the evening and at night almost until morning, then sleeps a little and goes to the office. He never has enough time. With such a busy schedule, we almost stopped seeing each other. And once Garik very calmly but firmly said: “Jeanne, you have to choose. Either you work, or we build a family. Think well".

I thought: in principle, Garik is right, in such conditions the family will not last long. We survived five years of endless tours - and then we will scatter because of my work? I did not want this at all, and I chose a family. Something in life has to be sacrificed.

My husband is a crazy workaholic. He once said: "Food is a waste of time." Once we ran into a restaurant with him for a bite to eat. Garik orders a piece of "Napoleon" for himself, but while we wait, he answers phone calls, mail looks in the laptop - in general, it usually works on the go. The waiter brings dessert - and Garik stuffed almost his entire piece into his mouth in one fell swoop. He chewed and swallowed and then pounded on the keys. And after some time, having drunk a sip of coffee, he suddenly said thoughtfully:

For some reason they don't bring cake...

Garik, you already ate it!

Are you kidding?!

So the Comedy Club for Garik is everything, he lives for it. Do you know how it all started? Artak Gasparyan and Tash Sargsyan, Martirosyan's comrades in the New Armenians, came up with the idea of ​​​​doing parties in Moscow clubs - this is how the Comedy Club appeared. And Artur Janibekyan, one of the founders and director of the team, also offered to broadcast it on TNT. Then, eleven years ago, no one could have thought that the club show would turn into a grandiose and large-scale project - programs, own films... They were scolded for tough jokes. And these jokes were only at first to provoke the public. Now salty humor is rarely included. Now the Comedy Club is so different that it cannot be described in two words, each viewer will find something interesting and funny for themselves.

By the way, I have never heard my husband swear. With me, never. But he pesters me with his jokes. They write their own texts in Comedy, Garik composes at the computer at night, and then asks me: “Jeanne, listen.” I am his first listener and critic. Torments at two in the morning: “Is this funny? But this? Well, imagine how I would work as a lawyer or an investigator?

One of our closest friends - Pasha Volya. Like Garik, he is a workaholic and all at work. Asked him:

What, Pash, are you not getting married?

There is no good girl.

He is a homely person by nature, dreamed of a family, but never met him true love. All the guys who went through the tour in their bachelorhood constantly got acquainted with the girls in the cities where they came. But these were short "novels about nothing." Crowds hung on Pasha, and he dreamed of dear soul- a woman who will support will understand. And finally Will met Laysan- carries her and the children in her arms. I love this couple very much. I love Garika Kharlamova, about which we joke that he is the only native Muscovite in the Comedy Club - the rest "came in large numbers." He also finally found his soul mate - Christina, a loving and sunny girl.

Now all the guys from Comedy have wonderful families, and I will say this: what better than a wife for residents, the harder the guys work. Almost all of us are married. One of the old-timers Timur Batrutdinov bachelor, everything is undecided. Although those wishing to marry him are a dime a dozen. Especially a lot became after he and Garik somehow got into the Forbes magazine list about eight years ago. Allegedly oligarchs! Timur good flat- but not a palace and a car - not a Maybach, everything is much more modest, but he got into Forbes! They read - they died right with laughter, and Batrutdinov was the most: “Garik, Artur, you are producers - and where are my billions ?!”

Garik is also not an oligarch, he does not pump oil. Humor, of course, brings money, we even finally bought an apartment - spacious, in a very good area. But, for example, a country house, which we have been dreaming about for a long time, we cannot afford yet. True, Garik promises: "Everything will be" - and I believe him.

Comedy Club has changed our lives a lot. There are more possibilities. More friends. And so everything is old. And Garik is still the same. Our friends are the same circle, the same people who were there almost eighteen years ago, when our family first appeared.

I know for sure: in order to write and shoot funny sketches, Garik must be happy. Therefore, for myself, I defined the task as follows: to support my husband good mood. Moreover, it is not difficult, Garik is an optimist in life and not a bore. True, as a doctor by first education, he is very meticulous in matters of children's health. Whenever Jasmine (daughter 11) or Daniel (son 6) catch a little cold, Gar starts calling every five minutes:

How is the temperature?

You and I just talked - the temperature can't drop so quickly.

Ah, well, yes...

Ten minutes later, another call:

Well, what about the temperature?

Garik! I gave medicine. Work calmly, everything is fine.

I forbid children to tell dad that the tummy hurts or the rash popped up - first tell mom, and then I will decide whether father needs to know. Sometimes it's easier to leave Garik in the dark than to answer his nervous calls all day later.

No need to get him home problems. Though the last word Of course, always behind him. I praise constantly: men also love with their ears. I text him: "I love you." For me, Garik is the best in everything. Sometimes I can break like a woman - it happens to everyone.

Recently, she attacked her husband because of nonsense - he threw his jacket on the sofa.

Is it hard to hang in a closet? And he scattered his socks! - And Garik does not like it when they raise their voice. He looked at me like that. I immediately began to count to ten to myself, calmed down and said: - Oh, why am I yelling like in a forest? There are no deaf people here. A fly, or what, what kind of bitten?

Garik immediately looked completely different, he laughed:

You should try so that no one else bites you, otherwise I will bite you.

Martirosyan, fortunately, is quick-witted and unforgiving.

- Do you manage the house yourself?

Basically yes. But there is an au pair - Gaya, she is from Yerevan. I heard stories that someone’s nanny was stolen, so when Gaya appeared in our house, she began to check her: I’ll “forget” the money in a conspicuous place, then I’ll put a ring. Gaia brings: "Jeanne, here is your thing, I found it." Never failed. Now she is like family to us.

- Didn’t your spouse want to somehow “check”?

Never. It is pointless. And my advice to all women - before you get into your husband's phone, think carefully. For example, I never climb into Garik's phone. He, however, has a password there, but I know this password! Fortunately, Garik and I trust each other very much and, moreover, there was no such situation that I doubted my husband. And I was also very lucky - Garik is not in any social network, and life is easier that way. Both me and him. Life is too short to waste it on jealousy.

You just need to be able to be happy and enjoy life, because when a real misfortune happens, then you understand: where are the little things, and where is the real grief.

Four years ago, I lost my beloved dad. He had health problems. I even yelled at him:

You must take care of yourself!

And he answered:

Jannusik, don't worry. How much I am measured, so much I will live.

It all ended sadly, the disease simply devoured him. But I didn't know about it. Garik and I already lived in Moscow, my father called from Sochi: "I'm fine, I take pills." Then he called from the hospital: “I passed the tests, everything is fine. The doctors said they would treat him and let him go.” The voice sounded cheerful. And two days later I'm sitting on the set of the Comedy Club, Garik performs on stage. And suddenly a call from Sochi, like a butt on the head: "Your father is no more." And then bitter thoughts that now will never be released: why didn’t I fly right away as soon as I found out that he was in the hospital? Why didn't dad tell him how bad he was? Could I change something, extend his days?!

I went up to Garik and told him about our grief. He turned pale. But you can’t cancel the shooting, you won’t say: “We have misfortune here, go home.” I worked out the program as best I could, and at night we flew to Sochi to say goodbye to my father. They held hands the whole way.

Every family has its own idea of ​​happiness. People are all different. There are many recipes for happiness, everyone chooses their own. For example, we have a patriarchy. This is when a woman is behind her husband. In my opinion, it was so conceived by nature: a man is strong, he makes decisions. In another family, the wife is like a mother, and her husband is like a son, I would not be able to live like that, but this is their happiness. Everyone has their own.

Here Garik, on his rare day off, plays football with his son in the corridor. And I run, waving my arms, and shout: “Caution - a chandelier !!! Don't hit the lamp! Attention - a mirror! They care about who scores a goal, and me - how to save property. But with what happiness then the son’s eyes shine, he walks proud all day and tells everyone: “And I won football with my dad!” The daughter writes scripts, shoots clips - daddy's genes. He grows up as a tomboy: “Mom, you don’t need a dress, it’s uncomfortable in it, give me torn jeans, and I ran.”

We often fly to Sochi as a family to soak up the sun. We especially like to be there in winter: blue sky, green palm trees. We also fly to Yerevan, also a native place.

I am very grateful to Garik's mother. He treats me very warmly, helps with the children. I remember my daughter was brought from the hospital. I look at her, very tiny, and terribly terrifying - tiny hands, tiny fingers, how to take her so as not to hurt? It is necessary to process the navel with brilliant green, and I feel like I “floated” directly (not even from fear, but from a sense of responsibility: alive small man, child!), a veil before the eyes. Fortunately, Jasmine Surenovna was nearby (she came from Yerevan to help us with her granddaughter). I heard her confident voice: “Zhanna, pull yourself together! Breathe deeply: one-two!” - and calmness and strength of mind immediately returned to me.

Garik's mother taught me how to cook Armenian dishes, such as his favorite dolma. She is a great grandmother, the children are happy to visit Yerevan. Needless to say, I was lucky with my mother-in-law, I can’t even imagine how difficult it is for women who cannot find mutual language with my husband's mother. I really fell in love with Armenia, the homeland of Garik, I made the closest friends - Artur Dzhanibekyan and his beautiful wife Elina, my most close girlfriend with whom we have been inseparable for seventeen years. I learned ancient Armenian language Now he is my second home. The son and daughter speak Armenian fluently, as well as Russian.

It is important that they know their roots. Our children are very cheerful and cheerful, our family is generally cheerful. We love holidays, gifts, surprises. Garik is a master of sports in surprises. Each of my birthdays is a testing ground for new ideas. For example, on my last birthday, I gathered all my friends and girlfriends, and my husband, secretly from me, invited my favorite singer Valeria Syutkina with musicians. The restaurant is not very big, everything is in plain sight, and poor Syutkin sat with his back for an hour so as not to be noticed! And I was in the bustle and did not see my favorite artist. About two hours after the start of the holiday, Garik suddenly grabs a microphone, calls me to the stage and says:

I love you so much that you have no idea what I have done for you!


Do you know who will sing for you now?

I stand as if rooted to the spot. And behind my back the musicians are already tuning in.


And then my eyes are closed behind me. Everyone yells and applauds. I'm shocked! The loud voice of Garik is heard:

- For Jeanne, especially for her birthday, the legendary Valery Syutki-i-in !!!

I was so excited, I can't even describe my feelings. We danced until we dropped! And Valery set such a mood that my birthday turned into a real concert. In the wake of Syutkin's musical performance on stage, not according to the program, but as a surprise, he sang Soso Pavliashvili with whom we are very friendly. Then, just as improvised, our favorite singer came out - Alsou, then the fantastic Armenian orchestra seized the initiative, and away we go! The night ended with a grand fireworks display - another surprise from Yan Abramov, Alsou's husband. So I, one might say, is already practically my own in show business.

But from my childhood dream of becoming an investigator, there is only one hobby left - I like to shoot. AT free time I go to the shooting gallery, I relieve stress like that. I'm generally obsessed with weapons. Sometimes I even go hunting. Garik is, by the way, terribly amusing.

Recently in Yerevan, acquaintances took my husband and I to a military training ground, where police officers pass the standards. They gave me a shot - I knocked everything out in ten. “Wow,” the hosts did not hide their astonishment. “Not every officer can do that.”

I smiled, and thought to myself that I might be a good investigator, but fate gave me a completely different role - wife and mother. Which I am very happy about.

We would like to thank Mebeland Furniture Salon for their help in organizing the shooting.

Celebrity fans want to know everything about their idols: what music they listen to, what cars they drive, what food they eat. Fans of comedians are no exception: they are interested in knowing where Garik Martirosyan lives. The latter does not go to meet his fan base and has not even started a page in in social networks. But in the world open information it is difficult to hide any fact, even if it is a place of residence.

Short biography of the comedian

The life path of a Russian stand-up artist in Armenia begins back in 1974. The following years look like an endless stream of achievements that everyone can envy:

  • He grew up as a restless child, because of which he suffered a lot in school years. So, behavior became one of the reasons for exclusion from the music school;
  • But the young tomboy did not give up music lessons, and even succeeded a lot in this field. Keyboards, strings, drums - he was able to do everything equally well;
  • Despite the fact that in his youth Garik even wrote music, he chose a medical education, for which he entered the specialized Yerevan Institute;
  • As a student, he began to participate in the work of the KVN university team. It happened in 1993, and since then the life of a failed doctor has been connected with the world of humor;
  • After leaving KVN, he, along with his friends from the New Armenians team, founded a stand-up project modeled on American TV shows. And they even called it in English, so that there was no doubt - "Comedy Club";
  • Among other projects to which he managed to have a hand: “Our Russia”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, “Minute of Glory”, “ main stage" and etc.

Who is Garik Martirosyan's wife by nationality?

Mikhail Zhvanetsky wrote that a man can be judged by the woman next to him. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the showman's chosen one, Zhanna Levina-Martirosyan:

  • She was born in Sochi in a decent and wealthy family. There are no exact data regarding nationality, but there are rumors about belonging to the chosen people (Jews);
  • The surname "Levin", which is related to the variants "Levinson" and "Levi", can speak indirectly about the origin. On the other hand, it is worn by many Russian people - descendants of the same name noble family. Be that as it may, this issue is of great concern only to the Nazis;
  • The girl received a law degree and worked as an investigator for some time. In the service, she had to see blood, but this did not make the woman dry and not emotional;
  • The acquaintance with her future husband took place back in 1997, when the New Armenians KVN team toured cities and villages. Since then, they have been dating for two decades;
  • In 1999 took place magnificent wedding in a Mediterranean resort. In 2004 and 2009 children were born (a boy and a girl). Jeanne had to quit her job, and today she devoted herself entirely to family life.

Showman's place of residence

At the dawn of his artistic career, Garik had a very modest housing on Pyatnitskaya Street. In a tiny apartment there was barely enough space for a family with a child.

Today, the country-famous comedian boasts luxury apartments worth almost one hundred million rubles:

  1. The five-room apartment is located in the Golden Keys premium class residential complex in the Western Administrative District of Moscow (on Minskaya Street, 1A);
  2. Each room has own design, designed in an eclectic style: within the same room, classic and high-tech can easily coexist - and together they look very organic;
  3. In the living room are musical instruments(the head of the family is a big fan of playing the guitar and keyboards);
  4. The silver and black bedroom design is reminiscent of theatrical scenery. The room is divided in half: in one wing there is a bed, in the other - a TV and sofas;
  5. The nursery is decorated in the art deco style and resembles a toy house. The only detail that reminds of reality is a giant photograph with his father on the wall;
  6. The kitchen resembles a cozy country house of aristocrats. An elegant chandelier and floral curtains complete the atmosphere;
  7. In this chic house, even the restroom can be called an art object. There are mosaics on the walls, and the ceiling is decorated with photo wallpapers with a forest landscape.

What place does Garik Martirosyan have in Forbes?

The living conditions in the house on Minskaya Street are reminiscent of a fairy tale from the life of a millionaire. The first impression is true: information about fees with six zero stars has been around for a long time:

  • In 2011, Garik got on the pages of the Russian Forbes. The comedian's income was estimated by the publication's specialists at $2.8 million. In the prestigious top 50 richest domestic celebrities, the colorful Armenian took the honorable 41st place;
  • The early 2010s can be called the zenith creative career Martirosyan. During these years, he played the role of the host of the most popular program ProjectorParisHilton, took an active part in the work of the Comedy Club and NashaRussia;
  • However, in the ranking of millionaires, he did not last long. In an interview with the famous YouTube blogger Yuri Dudyu on September 13, 2017, the country's former chief comedian spoke about his unenviable financial situation;
  • According to him, earning at least a million a year (in US currency) is possible only with 100% workload and in the current conditions is almost unrealistic.

Why does Garik Martirosyan not lead Comedy?

Not in last turn the finances of the founding father of the domestic stand-up were affected by the departure from his “native” project, “Comedy Club”. For five whole years he was a resident ( permanent member) scandalous project. However, on April 17, 2015, fans of the legendary showman were seriously alarmed when they found host Timur Batrutdinov in place.

Among the most popular versions of what happened:

  1. Disagreements within the team of comedians "Comedy". Allegedly, Timur did everything in order to survive his colleague from the program, and achieved this;
  2. The conflict of the largest television channels. Recently, "Russia-1" has been claiming the title of the main "button" of the Russian-language broadcast. The channel's management is making great efforts to poach outstanding personnel. Among the latter, not only Martirosyan appears, but also Andrei Malakhov;
  3. Creative crisis. This official reason, which the hero himself broadcasts in each interview. “I have nothing more to say,” one of the creators of the modern humorous landscape of the country declares without a shadow of irony.

It so happened that modern Russian humor can be safely called Armenian humor. Just look at the composition of the Comedy Club or " open mic". And it makes no difference where Garik Martirosyan lives - in Moscow or Yerevan. His work is a fusion of two great cultures. What explains the popularity of this wonderful comedian.

Video: Dud interviews Martirosyan

In this video, Garik will reveal many of his secrets, tell you how much he earns and where he lives now:

wife famous TV presenter Garik Martirosyan's name is Zhanna Levina. She grew up in Sochi, and after graduating from school she entered the Stavropol State law university and since that time lived in two cities. Once in 1997, she was an ardent fan of the team of her native university and came to support her favorites at the festival in Sochi. And this was her fate, because at the next of the parties Zhanna was at the same table with Garik Martirosyan. Young people immediately felt sympathy for each other, but their communication did not last long. The festival ended, and the girl flew back to Stavropol, not even leaving Garik a phone number. A year later, the couple met again, and after just a few days, the young people decided to get married.
In an interview, Zhanna said that neither her nor his parents expected such a rapid development of events, but did not resist the will of their children. Their engagement took place in Yerevan, after which the young people went on tour with the KVN team, where Garik performed. Due to the busy work schedule, the wedding was celebrated only after 2 years, and it happened in Cyprus. Zhanna is quite easy-going, so she took with interest the fact that she was taken down the aisle not from home, but from a hotel. The ceremony itself took place in a villa with a swimming pool, the guests were the friendly New Armenians KVN team. The only "native" moment in the whole ceremony was the wedding in the Armenian church.

Martirosyan's wife devotes herself entirely to the family

Zhanna Levina is a lawyer by training, but own career she is in no hurry to build, because she devotes every minute of her life to her children and husband. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, the heir Daniel was born. Perhaps due to the fact that Garik fully provides for his family and builds successful career on television, Jeanne can afford to enjoy family happiness.

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