I have affairs with cars. - Could you forgive your husband for cheating? - Katya, a high bar is always necessary


Sasha: "My mother close friend, and if I have problems, I would rather go to her, she is wise. Yes, and dad does not want to worry, he perceives everything more sharply ” Photo: Philip Goncharov

- Interestingly, did Sasha ever have problems with studies?

Catherine: Recently, Alexandra wrote some kind of “probe” and reports: “Parents, I have four.” I asked: “Why not five?” - “Mom, I was almost the only one who got four, I was very hard work and even the material we didn't go through!" I remember that at that moment I caught myself saying that my mother said the same thing and I answered her the same way. In general, Sasha has no problems with studies.

- Do you go to parent meetings?

Catherine: We always went to meetings with Nastya, sometimes even together. Now, due to employment, this is not possible. Our dad also returned to television, hosts the Star on a Star program. In general, everyone has a crazy irregular schedule. But we periodically call the class teacher, or she writes notes to us. I think if Alexandra had started academic performance, we would have been immediately called to the carpet! And so Sasha enjoys the fact that we even homework we cannot check. There is such mathematics that we never dreamed of! But we try not to miss Sasha's performances at school - she either sings, or dances, or leads school holidays.

- Katya, have you ever been afraid that your child will be called a representative of the golden youth?

Catherine: Now, more and more often, golden youth are called those who shamelessly drive an expensive car, spit on the rules, scorn others, throw money around and post their dubious exploits on the Internet! It is hard for me to imagine my daughters in such a situation, it is a shame and disgrace for every parent! Each of us and our children can make a mistake, no one is immune from this. It is important what assessment we give to these actions, how we get out of situations. Our country is large, and people live in very different prosperity. Someone is "milking" an oil pipe, and someone is a cow, which he himself raised. But life has really changed. When Nastya was born, we were very young, at that time there weren’t even diapers! I remember how from filming from the Baltic States I brought some kind of oilcloth panties with ties so that the child’s sliders would be wet at least not immediately. I would Nobel Prize gave to the one who invented diapers, honestly! At that time, we drove a Soviet car, the whole family loaded into the Oka and were happy ...

- I know that there was a case in your life when not Alexandra was the daughter of the Strizhenovs, but you were just mom and dad of that same Alexandra Strizhenova ...

Catherine: Yes! It was an unexpected experience for us. (Laughs.) Alexandra was offered to become a debutante at the ball - by the way, I was against it, I thought that it was too early at the age of 15. But she is cunning, she immediately turned to dad. In general, I was persuaded. When the preparations were underway, we were congratulated on the fact that Chanel chose Alexandra as its face at the ball. She was invited to Paris for Fashion Week, where she met with Lagerfeld, and then there was an unforgettable photo shoot in the famous apartment Coco Chanel! And we saw Alexandra, as they say, "at work." She communicated with the photographer in perfect English, she was constantly brought new outfits (and we could not participate in the process, give advice). The fashion house worked with Alexandra, and my dad and I only served a bathrobe, slippers and coffee to “Madam Strizhenova”! And at the end of a long day of shooting, the team thanked us “for a talented daughter,” and the photographer said: “I shoot a lot of models around the world, but your daughter surprised me by being very confident in herself. She has a core, at that age it is a rarity, believe me!

"I don't like it when people complain about their work!" Actress and TV presenter Yekaterina Strizhenova talks to OFM about her career, theater and family.

FULL NAME: Strizhenova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Age: 44
Occupation: Actress, TV presenter
Education: Higher
Idol or idol: Audrey Hepburn
Favorite book: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Best movie: "Love and pigeons"
Motto: "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

OFM: Tell us how your creative way?

E.S.: My childhood was happy. I think that in good families All children live under communism. When it seems to you that the world revolves around you, everyone loves you.
At the age of 5, I was sent to the folk choreographic ensemble "Kalinka", in which 15 years of my life passed. Until now, we meet with graduates. They taught me everything there. Live in a team, endure difficulties, etc. I am very grateful to this school of life.

OFM: What brought you to television, how did you get into acting?

E.S.: At the age of six, director Rimma Alexandrovna Mishina found me in the ensemble. Since then, I have been filming on Shabolovka in television performances. My first role was as a chicken traveling through the city of letters. Every year I had some the main role. I remember walking past the studio where the program " Good night, kids! ”, And always looked there secretly.

OFM: Have you ever had a desire to become a prosaic teacher or a lawyer?

E.S.: Once such a desire arose, and at a fairly conscious age, when it suddenly seemed to me that I was doing something incomprehensible. For example, a man built a house, the result of his work is visible, the doctor performed an operation, saved the life of a man, and me?
Decided to become a lawyer. For some reason, I felt like I should be able to. I began to find out about entering the institute for the second higher education. And then I was offered a big good role in the cinema, in the continuation of The Three Musketeers - The Musketeers Twenty Years Later, and I, of course, forgot about the profession of a lawyer.
Moreover, television feedback. When people recognize you on the street, they start talking about their lives, about what they saw on the air today, what they liked, they praise you for helping, for example, to save the Akhmatova Museum ... I suddenly realized that on television you can do something for which you will respect yourself.

OFM: And by the way, many dream of becoming an actor, working on television ...

E.S.: It has always been. IN theater institutes Always big competition. If a casting is announced, a huge queue of 8 ropes will definitely form, people go to try their luck. Look at the process of filming a TV show. How many people come just to sit as a spectator. And this is not easy, they spend a day on the site, several programs are written in one day. Sometimes I wonder how much you need to love television in order to make such sacrifices in the hope that they will still show how you are sitting behind Andrei Malakhov.

OFM: Is your job hard?

E.S.: On the one hand, many sympathize, they say that the work is difficult. On the day of the broadcast, I arrive in Ostankino around one in the afternoon. Then we work into orbit until one in the morning. After all, our country is huge, when in Moscow it is 21.00, in Kamchatka it is 5 in the morning. I’ll work and go to bed in the same place, in Ostankino, and at 4 in the morning they put on my make-up again, and I go on the air to Moscow. At 9 am I leave home. The schedule is difficult. And the miners easy job? What about the driver?
I don't like it when people complain about their work. Well, change jobs in the end if you don't like it.

OFM: How do you manage to work in the theater?

E.S.: I am busy on TV once a week. The rest of my time is scheduled for performances, tours, filming. That's why I only work in private performances that she could not play for a month, for example, the role of the Snow Maiden from day to day. I am glad that I can choose roles that interest me. One of them in the play "Sons and his mistresses."

OFM: Tell us about your heroine.

E.S.: Many years later, for the sake of children, my heroine goes to the trick in order to marry a man with whom she has been together for more than 20 years. All to ensure that the children were not illegitimate. Very vital. I think that any woman who lives in a civil marriage still dreams of becoming a wife.

OFM: Does a woman have to be with a man? Or is it an option?

E.S.: I believe that the formula "if only with someone, but not alone" is unacceptable. I was lucky, I met the man with whom we have been married for 25 years already. But if the husband drinks, beats, to live with him ... for what? Someone does it supposedly for the sake of the children... But the children will not be happy because the parents swear all the time. This is an individual question each time.
But I am against civil marriages. I think that this is not a degree of freedom at all, but a complex. Is it the hope that you can meet someone better around the corner, you get it? Moreover, when a child appears, it is necessary to register the relationship. In order not to put the child in incomprehensible conditions. He must know who is his mother, who is the father according to the law. Parents must take responsibility.

OFM: Many women generally postpone the birth of children, they are afraid that this will put an end to their careers. In your profession, this is an all the more dangerous step ...

E.S.: Ideally, of course, first learn, make a career, and then have children. This is, of course, reasonable. Today you can really plan your life. And thank God that someone manages to do it. By the way, I know for myself that when you are expecting a baby, you have a million temptations at work, they offer unthinkable roles, most interesting projects. I have two daughters and both times it was like that. But you choose what is more important to you.
You know how many women have lost the opportunity to have children because they abandoned their first child by having an abortion. The question here is what is happiness. I believe that for a woman the main thing is her personal life, work is in second place. For a man, work is more important, then only family, there's nothing to be done here either, women should understand this.

OFM: Is it hard to get back into action after having a baby?

E.S.: As a rule, with the advent of a child, God necessarily gives something else. Everything that is yours will remain with you, only what you did not need will leave. The return, of course, requires effort. But in life, nothing comes easy and does not fall from the sky.

OFM: And your children - what is their professional path?

E.S.: My eldest daughter Anastasia first studied in England, now she is getting higher education in America. Nastya chose her own path and left for another country to be treated independently of us. Alexandra (youngest daughter, now she is 12 years old) has been practicing rhythmic gymnastics, it builds character and helps to keep yourself in shape. At first she sang in the Broadway musical The Sound of Music, now she is the host of the My Favorite Animals program at TVC. She already has several movie roles, but that doesn't mean anything. I still tell her that she needs to learn math, English and literature. Nobody knows what will happen next in life.

OFM: Many domestic films today win prizes at international festivals. And at the same time, there is a dominance of mediocre series on television. What do you think about it?

E.S.: There are very good series. I believe that this is generally the shortest road to the heart of the viewer. For me, the "series" is not swear word. Another thing is quality. There are, for example, such series as "Liquidation", I myself starred in the wonderful series "Everyone Has Their Own War" according to Volodarsky's script, by the way, with Alexandra, who played my daughter. It was successfully held in Ukraine, and Channel One will soon show it.
Today, you can’t attract viewers to TV with “soap”, you have to give out a quality product. I think, federal channels are fighting to release just such films.

OFM: What's going on with the theatre? Once upon a time, the theater was predicted to be oblivion, but we are witnessing the reverse process, people want to go to the theater, the halls are full ...

E.S.: The theater has been buried more than once, but I think that this art will survive the centuries. Maybe there will be some other system, when a performance is staged, shown on one stage, say, for a year, then it is replaced by another. The form of presentation will change, but the theater as a phenomenon will remain. Because there is an audience, and he wants to go to performances. I now have three performances: “Sons and His Mistresses”, an original play and production by Olga Anokhina, “Abnormal” based on the scandalous work of Nadezhda Ptushkina and the play “Lady, or the Vicissitudes of Love” based on the stories of Averchenko. And I also sometimes play with the Quartet I in the play Election Day, many genres are connected there, it is very loved. I am glad that the audience goes to the theater! People need real emotion.

OFM: And what performance (performances) do you recommend the viewer to go to?

E.S .: Be sure to watch the performance at the Vakhtangov Theater "Pristan" with the participation of Vladimir Etush, Yuri Yakovlev, Lyudmila Maksakova and Sergei Makovetsky. And I recommend taking the children to the musical "The Little Mermaid" - it's kind and beautiful fairy tale for family viewing.

Ekaterina Strizhenova: “Everyone must love me”

Famous TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova again tried on a veil. Thus, Catherine and her husband Alexander celebrated another wedding anniversary. A family celebration in honor of the 18th anniversary of marriage was held in New York. Usually, Catherine and Alexander celebrate their wedding anniversary together, but this time the eldest daughter Nastya joined the spouses. And the youngest Sasha was the very first to congratulate her parents on the holiday. A 4-year-old girl, forgetting about the time difference, called at 4 am.

- And all these years in your married life there was not a single crisis?

We are a normal family! And we have difficulties. Yes, what to prevaricate, and there have been crises. More precisely, one crisis. You know what psychologists say: if married couple survived crises in the second, seventh and tenth year of life, then they are knee-deep in any sea. The crisis caught up with us ten years ago, but we overcame it and began to live on.

Do you remember how it is now?

- Somehow I returned from a tour, and my husband did not meet me. For the first time in his life he sent a driver for me. The next day I packed my things, and Nastya and I left country house to my city apartment. Maybe, mature people my act seems ridiculous and even stupid. But in response I will say: you can never forgive neglect to yourself. To no one, and even more so to your husband - the person with whom you decided to live your life.

From the outside, it all looks unreal...

- Someone will say: what a fool! There was no apparent reason for leaving. But how to explain that for me that case was just egregious? I couldn't take a step without Sasha. I would have easily got on another plane, someone else's car, I would have forgotten my passport or suitcase at home. What can I say, without Sasha, I can’t even get through passport control! And then he took and did not meet me ...

- A banal question, but what do you think helps to keep a good relationship in family?

“I can only say thank God. We have a married marriage, and we secretly got married a week before the wedding.

- So, it is not allowed to get married before the official wedding?

- Not allowed, but we specifically agreed. And Sasha insisted on this, it was his idea. He treats the stamp in his passport in such a formal way, but when we got married, he said: “That's it, now you can’t get away from me anywhere.” So, of course, everything is with God's help, but we ourselves are also putting efforts into this. Family life is impossible without the constant contribution of both spouses to it, it must be constantly nourished. And after a few years, love turns into such a quality when it is simply impossible to exist separately from each other. I don't even know what to compare it to. It’s as if the air is blocked for you, and it becomes impossible to breathe when you part with a person.

- And, as a director, did your husband treat you stricter than other actresses?

- Much stricter, because Sasha wants me to look good not only in his eyes, but also in the eyes of others. And that's why he's very nervous, I think. With other people, Sasha always tries to find the right words, to explain something, even if the person fails. And in my case, he believes that we should understand each other perfectly. Nevertheless, it is very interesting to work with him, he knows what he wants on the set, and this is the most important thing for a director. That is why I would like to work with him more than once.

- Few of the TV presenters have the opportunity to combine work in the theater and cinema with television. Who do you consider yourself more - a TV presenter or an actress?

- For the first time I got on television at the age of five - I starred in children's programs. Then, over time, she began to act in films, play in the theater, then I was invited to host one program, the second, and in the end I turned out to be the host " Good morning". But at the same time, she always continued to act. Actually, I have the following contract: I have my own working day - an environment that I do not give to either the theater or filming a movie. So it's hard for me to divide myself into parts: today I am more this, and tomorrow - that. I am very interested in working on television - this is part of my life. I have already developed a habit: even on vacation, I can’t sleep on Tuesdays, because I have work until one in the morning. We broadcast to many orbits. Work on television, by the way, gives you the opportunity to choose in acting projects. You don’t star in everything, you don’t have to earn money with the help of the theater and go on tour from morning to night to feed your family.

- Katya, a high bar - is it always necessary?

- It is known that beautiful woman is a confident woman.

Do you ever get dissatisfied with life?

- Little, I grew up with the feeling that everyone should love me. So it was. Children after all live under communism. Let's say I had to perform at a party in kindergarten and my mom made me a new dress overnight. AND school uniform I had a special one with lace collars. I always felt like the most beautiful in a dress sewn by my mother's hands. I was seven years old when my dad died. Mom never remarried. I never felt any inferiority, everything that was needed, Vika and I had. I only now understand what all this cost my mother, but I don’t remember that my mother was dissatisfied with life. This quality of hers was transferred to me.

- You are an ambitious person, and ambitious people are often intolerant of criticism addressed to them. Are you never offended by criticism?

- My sister called me Pinocchio, so this is not criticism and this is not offensive. I was born neither to my mother nor to my father. Vicki has blue eyes, and I have brown. A nanny in kindergarten often teased: “Why don’t you wash your eyes, are your eyes black?” I took it seriously and when I washed my face, I rubbed them, rubbed them (laughs). Mom always joked that I was replaced in the hospital. Mom called Vika “my bunny”, and me “cockroach”, but for some reason all these things did not result in me either in aggression against my sister or in insult to the whole human world, and by the way, it suddenly dawned on me only recently: why did they call me cockroach?

- What do you value most in your appearance?

- Probably, the face, because it is my "working tool". I have never used any creams before, I read somewhere that this can cause early wrinkles. And did not paint the lower eyelashes therefore. She was so naive and went natural until she was thirty years old. But I regularly did body massage. Now, of course, I have a lot of any face care cosmetics for all occasions. I make sure to use a moisturizing face cream and hand cream all the time. I have my own beautician, my own manicure and pedicure master and my own stylist, I regularly visit the salon.

- You are also a great specialist in diets ...

- This is a topic that worries many women: how to eat deliciously and not get better? I constantly struggle with overweight, and the last kilograms that only you see go very slowly. I try on myself all the diets that are available, and I can already publish a book.

What diet has been the most effective for you?

- The most effective and correct diet, which takes its roots from Montignac and partly from Volkov, is the compatibility of products. I have such a table and knowing these little tricks helps a lot. In no case should you eat potatoes with cutlets or meat. If you want meat, eat it with vegetables. If you want potatoes, bake them and eat them with soy sauce. If you ate fruits, then you can eat foods from another group only after two hours. After a week, you automatically get used to this regimen.

- I also read about your favorite diet, where there is only cheese and wine.

- Yes, I was talking about the Hollywood diet: three days of eating hard cheese and drinking dry red wine. Then I received a letter from the circus complaining that the artists there all went on this diet in unison. But for some reason they did not find hard cheese, so they drank wine for three days. I think the guys just decided to relax, but at the same time everyone referred to my advice.

- Katya, where is the freedom of a married man limited? Where did you place the flags for your husband?

- Well, I think that married man cannot appear in society with a strange woman. I thought so much, no matter what store I go to, whether I buy men's perfume or buy a shirt, the seller says to me: “Sasha is blonde, he better go something, something." And I say: "And I need a shirt for a brown-eyed brunette." There is a pause. I'm not going to explain that this is my cousin. I was on the program, and there one woman said that she had seven men at the same time ...

- This is bad? Is one enough for you?

- Such as Sasha, and one is a lot. He is a twin, so it still turns out that I live with two men: one is madly in love, the other I just hate. This girl has seven. Where do you get so much time and energy for everyone? After all, love is not only taking, but also giving without demanding anything in return.

- Do you regret that you got married so early, didn’t “work up” properly?

“If I hadn’t married so early, I might not have married at all. Over time, love is joined by habit, and habit is second nature. You forgive a lot to your loved one, because there is something more. The bad is forgotten, but the good remains in your luggage. However, love always requires confirmation. Sasha tries to warm up our feelings.

- And you on your side?

- I understand everything, but sometimes there is not enough strength. I know that maybe more often I need to come up, hug, kiss. We must remember that a holy place is never empty. When we were collecting Sasha on a business trip, Nastya transferred a photo of the three of us to all her father's underpants. There is a printer at home that prints on fabric, and Nastya has found a worthy use for it. I put this linen on the very top in the bag, so when Sasha unzips the zipper, a surprise awaits him. We had a lot of fun about this.

- Could you forgive your husband for cheating?

- My very close friend in twenty years life together it turned out that for sixteen years her husband had another family. To be honest, I'm still horrified. The man was in my house, adored our children, we celebrated all the holidays together, rested together. It seemed that everyone knew about each other ... Now I realized that in this life it was impossible to vouch for anyone. And in general, one should not think that men are the same people as we are, they are aliens. For many of them, the signal does not come from the brain, but from a completely different place. Hence such actions. And until the woman herself catches him by the tail, until she kicks him out of the house, he will live in two houses. Unless there's another woman giving birth to a child for him, when he has nowhere to go. Basically, women rule the world.

- What would you do in your friend's place?

I don't even want to think about it! We are all very smart when it concerns someone, and not you personally. It's easy to give advice, but you never think it could be with you. And to survive this, it seems to me, is very, very difficult.

- Do the newspapers often lie about you?

- I remember we were flying in an airplane, returning from vacation. When the newspapers began to be distributed there, I wanted to take a read, but Sasha told me: “Kat, let's have another day without information. Today is still a rest, and tomorrow already ... "Then the commander of the ship invited us into the cockpit to watch the flight and said to me:" We love you so much, and it's a pity that you no longer work on Channel One ... "I say: "In terms of?" And they bring me my interview in the newspaper, where I say that I stop my work on television. The interview I didn't give. To be honest, I had a very unpleasant conversation with my superiors later. I had to make excuses for not saying those words. And I decided for myself: I will no longer cooperate with this publication. Because there are rumors, conversations, but here it was just a lie.

Recently, Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. The spouses decided to celebrate the round date in Shanghai, where they stayed for four days. "My husband completely thought out the trip, so everything was incredibly beautiful and pleasant. We went around all the Buddhist temples in the city, visited the Confucius school, where we tied notes to the tree of desires. We went to the pearl village, which turned out to be a small Venice, immersed in water. We also visited pearl "auction", where a tourist randomly chooses a shell, it is opened - and all the contents go to you. Mine turned out to contain 26 pearls! They immediately made a bracelet for me. And at the pearl market, my husband chose and gave me a huge pearl, which I now wear on chain as a favorite piece of jewelry. So now I'm Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya!" Catherine boasted.


The couple climbed a skyscraper in Pudong - television tower"Oriental Pearl" and went on a safari, where the TV presenter saw live pandas for the first time and stroked a kangaroo. “It turns out that pandas love to cuddle, so there is a “panda hugger” position. For daily hugs with pandas, this person receives 32 thousand dollars a year and full support. I think I would fit this position, but my husband said that I was better I will hug him every day! In general, there are a lot of impressions, "said the presenter.

There was also a romantic dinner. “After him, they flew to Moscow at night, and each departed from the airport to their work. It seems to be four days, but it seems that they spent a whole vacation together. You need to use every opportunity to reboot,” TV program quotes Ekaterina Strizhenova.

And the couple recently visited Sochi, which is a special city for them. "My husband and I flew to Sochi with the play" Restless Spirit ". We played it at the Winter Theater, where we were just filming the last shots of the film" Leader ", in which Sasha and I had an affair. Therefore, Sochi is a special city for us, full of memories We were also accommodated in the Zhemchuzhina Hotel, presented with a bouquet in a shell with a pearl ... As a result, we did not fly away immediately after the performance, but stayed together for another day. Fortunately, it was Sunday. We managed to walk along the embankment, breathe in the sea and look according to tradition, to our favorite khinkal," the actress said.

“Of course, we are aware of Sasha's personal life. But still, when our eldest, Nastya, met her Petya, she was 21 years old. And the youngest is only sixteen! I look at her and think: God, what was it like for our poor parents, because when Alexander and I met, we were only fourteen, ”says Ekaterina Strizhenova .

- Sasha, your 16 years is the age for first love. I wonder if your mother is aware of your personal life? Did you tell her about your first love?

Alexandra: I spoke and I speak. Of course, both mom and dad are aware of my life, both personal and public. (Laughs.) But happiness, as they say, loves silence, and the more this is spread everywhere, the more problems and ill-wishers there will be.

- But I understand that you have a young man. And how does dad feel about it? Usually fathers are jealous.

Alexandra: Dad, of course, is "jealous." (Laughs.) And if I'm going somewhere, it requires a full report, with whom, why and until what time. Dad knows all my friends and keeps his finger on the pulse. Therefore, if I need to carry out any plan, I first tell my mother, and then together we convince dad that I “need to be in such and such a place and that I have done all the lessons, and on high score I wrote a sample for the exam, and in general, I’m done well ... I’m a person, and I also need to rest sometimes ”!

- Ekaterina, you met your husband very young. Does it help to come to terms with the idea that your 16-year-old daughter is already an adult and, maybe, will soon find her destiny?

Catherine: Wait, what "fate" are you talking about? For me, Sasha is no longer small, but not yet an adult! Still, when our eldest, Nastya, met her Petya, she was 21 years old. And Sasha is only sixteen! Although I look at her and think: God, what was it like for our parents, because when we met, we were only fourteen ...

- The age difference between your girls is 12 years. Did you raise them differently?

Catherine: We can say that Sasha and Nastya were raised by different parents, with different incomes and status! Firstly, my husband and I have changed over these 12 years. And secondly, senior youngest child- these are different roles in the family, therefore, a different approach to education. We knew that older children have a lot of problems if it seems to them that everything parental love got the younger ones. And we tried so that Nastya was not infringed. Moreover, it has always been emphasized that she has more rights, opportunities and responsibilities than Sasha. But we didn't try to turn eldest daughter into a nanny, so there was no harm to her.

- Sasha, do you feel like the youngest in the family?

Alexandra: Certainly. Who is the smallest and fastest here? Sasha! So, I have to go pour tea for everyone, set the table, run for bread and feed the dog! (Smiling.) But I do not feel any superiority of Nastya: they say, she is older, and I must obey. Maybe it was like that before, but now I've just matured, and the age difference has ceased to be felt. Nastya went to study in London when I was only six years old. All my conscious memories of my sister are how I fly to Nastya or how she flies to me. But just for Last year we became so close that we became not just sisters, but best friends.

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