Aphorisms of Russian composers - Sayings about music - It's interesting! Quotes about music of composers, musicians, writers, poets, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers.


COMPOSERS' STATEMENTS ABOUT MELODIES Here one can cite the statements of Russian classical composers about melody, such as the following: “Melody,” Rachmaninov said, “is ... the main basis of music, since a perfect melody implies and brings to life its own harmonic design.” “The main charm is in the melody,” wrote Serov, “the main charm of the art of sounds, without it everything is pale, colorless, dead, despite the most forced harmonic combinations, for all the wonders of counterpoint and orchestration.” It must be emphasized that the melody is of great importance in music of each nation, that in the melody, first of all, the historically established national traits, the national identity of music. O. Balzac wrote: "Melody in music is the same as the image and feeling in poetry ... That is why all peoples had national motives before harmony." Beautiful melodies of Beethoven's symphonies, songs of Schubert and Schumann, operas by Bizet, Verdi, Rossini, Smetana and many other wonderful masters foreign classics, which have their origin in folk art, are widespread in all countries and are favorite melodies Soviet people. However, one should point out the special place occupied by the melody in Russian music. Russian folk song and Russian classical music, grown on the soil folk art, deeply melodious in essence, vocal in their essence. “Nowhere has a folk song played and does not play such a role as in our city, nowhere has it been preserved in such richness, strength and diversity as in our country. This gave a special warehouse and physiognomy to Russian music and led it to its own special tasks, ”wrote V. Stasov. “You can guess a Russian old folk song among thousands of melodies,” V. Odoevsky pointed out. The melody of Russian folk songs sounds in the works of Russian classical composers, attracting and winning the hearts of millions of people. Melodies of arias by Ivan Susanin, Ruslan and "Kamarinskaya" Glinka, arias of Igor and Boris Godunov, Lensky and Onegin, Herman and Lisa, Marfa and Sadko organically entered our Soviet reality; romances by Glinka and Dargomyzhsky, symphonies by Tchaikovsky and concertos by Rachmaninov. Russian folk song, its innermost features are also reflected in the best works of Soviet composers. It is impossible to list not only works, but even only the names of composers whose work reveals organic links with Russian songwriting, with the traditions of Russian music. classical music. Let us name for example the opera "War and Peace", the cantata "Alexander Nevsky" by S. Prokofiev, the opera "Katerina Izmailova" by D. Shostakovich, "Virineya" by S. Slonimsky, vocal cycles G. Sviridova.

Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

ancient greek philosopher a student of Plato. Educator of Alexander the Great. The first scientist who created a system of philosophy that covers all aspects of human life and development.

Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul, and since music has such properties, then obviously it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people.

Bart Karl (1886-1968)

Swiss theologian*. As a civil servant in Germany, he refused to take the oath of allegiance to Hitler. Wrote a work in 13 volumes "Church Dogmatics**".

I don't know if it's true that angels only play Bach in the presence of God, but I'm sure that in their home circle they only play Mozart.

* Theologian - a person who studies and expounds the doctrine of God, writes essays about it.

** Dogmatics - a section of theology, which sets out the basic rules of any religion.

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich (1811-1848)

Russian writer and critic.

In children from the very early years a sense of elegance must be developed as one of the first elements of humanity. The influence of music is beneficial, and the sooner they begin to experience it for themselves, the better.

Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhailovich (1857-1927)

Outstanding Russian neuropathologist, physiologist, psychologist, academician. He pointed to economic conditions as the cause of the spread of mental illness, raised the question of educating adolescents in labor skills.

Music is not only an ennobling and educational factor. Music is the healer of health.

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852)

Great Russian writer.

“But if music leaves us, what will happen to our world then?”

Dvorak Antonin (1841-1904)

Czech composer, conductor.

The orchestra is the people, and the quartet is the family.

Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich (1743 - 1816)

Russian poet. Held the highest government positions.

"... music represents invisible objects ... depicts one feeling of the heart and cannot depict anything bodily."

Dickens Charles (1812-1970)

English writer.

The inconspicuous but undeniable influence of music on a person instills humane tastes and aspirations, dispels prejudices, inculcates humanity and benevolence.

Doga Evgeniy Dmitrievich

Composer. People's Artist of the USSR, National artist Moldova, laureate State Prize USSR, academician.

I often look with regret at people who do not understand where to find the source good condition spirit and in general Have a good mood. Indeed, in music, in literature, in general in art there is so much energy, so much still unexplored sensations, emotions, strengths, possibilities.

Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich (1904-1987)

Composer, teacher, educator, People's Artist of the USSR. Author of many works. Developed a system musical education in a public school.

Any musical image is an image of a person. In every musical image there is a piece of life.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826)

Russian writer, historian. Founder of the History of the Russian State.

Heavenly Music! Enjoying you, I rise in spirit and do not envy the angels. Who can prove to me that my soul, convenient to such holy, pure, ethereal joys, did not have in itself something divine, incorruptible? These gentle sounds blowing like marshmallows on my heart, can they be the food of a mortal, a coarse creature?

Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm (1649-1716)

Outstanding German mathematician, diplomat and philosopher.

Nothing is so pleasing to the senses as consonance in music, and to the mind the consonance of nature, of which the former is only a small example. Music is an imitation of the universal harmony that God put into the world.

Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916)

Russian and French biologist. Nobel Prize winner.

Music is a field in which human art became immeasurably higher than nature.

Plato (428 BC-348 BC)

The largest philosopher Ancient Greece, the founder of his own philosophical school - the Academy, which lasted 1000 years. The founder of the idealistic trend in philosophy. Was an Olympic wrestling champion.

Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and sublime.

Rousseau Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)

French writer and composer.

Melody alone is the source of that invincible power possessed by inspired art.

The greatest of the wonders of music that affects only movement is its ability to convey to them even the image of rest. Sleep, silence at night, solitude and even silence belong to the number of musical pictures.

Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich

Outstanding teacher, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

Music is a powerful source of thought.

Music is a powerful means of self-education.

Shakespeare William (1564-1616)

English playwright and poet.

There is no living being on earth

So tough, tough, so damn evil

Whatever I could not even for one hour

In it, the music to make a revolution.

Who does not carry music in himself,

Who is cold to charming harmony

He can be a traitor, a liar,

Soul thief.

His movements

Dark as night and like Erebus * black is his affection.

Do not trust such a person.

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765)

The first Russian world-class scientist, chemist, physicist, geologist, poet.

Sweet sounds of native song and music in the live human soul the mind awakens and high feelings educate.

Popov Viktor Sergeevich (1934-2008)

Founder, artistic director And chief conductor Great Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television, artistic director of the Academy of Choral Art (since 2009 named after V.S. Popov), People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation, professor.

Sveshnikov Alexander Vasilyevich (1890-1980)

Choir conductor, People's Artist of the USSR, artistic director of the State Academic Russian Choir of the USSR, founder and artistic director of the Moscow State Choir School, professor.

One of the most accessible and at the same time the most effective ways bring people to high musical culture lies through playing music in the choir.

Struve Georgy Alexandrovich (1932-2004)

Composer, choirmaster, educator. Creator of the system of mass education in choral singing.

The choir is a prototype of an ideal society based on a single aspiration and harmonious breathing, a society in which it is important to hear the other, listen to each other, a society in which individuality is not suppressed, but is fully revealed.

singing, especially choral, joint singing is a true indicator of the nation's health. The people brought up on a spiritualized song are noble and great.

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881)

Russian writer and thinker.

Art is such a need for a person as to eat and drink. The need for beauty and creativity, embodying it, is inseparable from a person, and without it, a person, perhaps, would not want to live in the world.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Great German composer, organist, teacher.\

The purpose of music is to touch hearts.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

German composer, pianist.

Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses.

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)

German composer, pianist, conductor.

Writing music is not difficult, the hardest thing is to cross out extra notes.

Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)

French composer, a representative of musical impressionism.

Music is the arithmetic of sounds, just as optics is the geometry of light.

Lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but become ... To fall in love with music, you must first of all listen to it.real music capable of expressing only humane feelings, only advanced humane ideas ... We do not know of a single piece of music singing malice, hatred, robbery.

N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov (1844-1906)

Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure, musical critic; member of the Mighty Handful.

« Painting gives an image and a thought, and you need to create a mood in your imagination.Poetry words gives a thought, and on it you need to create an image and mood, andmusic gives a mood, and it is necessary to recreate a thought and an image according to it.

Georgy Sviridov (1915 - 1998)

Soviet and Russian composer, pianist. People's Artist of the USSR.

"Music heals the soul of people, makes them strong and wise."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Austrian composer and virtuoso musician.

“Mozart is the youth of music, it is an eternally young spring, bringing to mankind the joy of spring renewal.”(D. Shostakovich)

Georges Bizet (1838 - 1875)

French composer of the Romantic period, author famous opera"Carmen".

"There are no kinds of music, except for two - good and bad."

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)

Soviet composer, pianist, musical and public figure, doctor of art history, teacher, professor; People's Artist of the USSR.

“Mightier is the time that nurtured such a talent. But the talent that expressed such a time is also powerful. Shostakovich's work is the musical emblem of the 20th century.(T. Khrennikov)

Aphorisms of Russian composers:

1. The matter of harmony is to draw those features that are not and cannot be in the melody. (Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka)
2. Avoid singing in the company of bad amateurs, so you will either be spoiled with excessive praise, which is always harmful, or they will make remarks from which you will be jarred. In the company of real musicians, sing boldly, because from them, except for useful instructions, you will not hear anything else. (Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka)
3. It is possible to combine the requirements of art with the requirements of the age and, taking advantage of the improvement of instruments and performance, write plays that are equally reportable to connoisseurs and ordinary public. (Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka)
4. I want the sound to directly express the word. I want the truth. (Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky)
5. Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, like a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder.
6. Spiritual baggage, unlike ordinary baggage, has an amazing property: the larger it is, the easier it is for a person to follow the paths of life. (Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky)
7. Music is an art that has a great power of emotional impact on a person, and that is why it can play a huge role in educating the clergy of children and youth. (Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky)
8. Art is perhaps the most amazing miracle of all miracles. created by mankind throughout the history of its existence, and feeling, thought and beauty are inextricably linked in this miracle. Why deceive people, why impoverish them spiritual world, presenting mediocre deformities, devoid of feelings, thoughts, and beauty, as the highest achievements of art? (Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky)
9. Music is most capable of expressing and conveying spiritual moods. (Caesar Cui)
10. I understand the people as a great personality, animated by a single idea. This is my task! I tried to resolve it in my opera.
11. ... For me, an important article is a faithful reproduction of folk fantasy, no matter how it manifests itself. (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
12. What a vast, rich world of art, if a person is taken as the goal! (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
13. The demands of art from a contemporary figure are so enormous that they can absorb the whole person. (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
14. Art is a means of talking to people, not a goal... Whatever speech I hear, no matter who speaks (the main thing is whatever they say), my brain is already working musical presentation such speech... (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
15. I want to make people: I sleep and see, I eat and think about it, I drink - it seems to me, it is one whole, big, unpainted and without leaf. And what a terrible (truly) wealth folk speech. What an inexhaustible ore for the grip of everything real - the life of the Russian people! (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
16. In the human masses, as in an individual, there are always the finest features that elude the grasp, features that have not yet been touched by anyone: to notice and study them in reading, in observation, by conjecture, to study with all their guts and feed humanity with them, as healthy a dish that I have not yet tried - that's the task! Delight and pure delight! (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
17. I put a cross on myself, and with my head up, I will cheerfully and cheerfully go against everyone to a bright, strong, righteous goal, to real art, loving person who lives by his joy, his grief and suffering. (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
18. Life, wherever it affects; the truth, no matter how salty; bold, sincere speech to people point-blank, that's my leaven, that's what I want and that's what I would be afraid to miss. (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
19. To the new musical labor, wide musical work calls life; further, even further on the good path, with great zeal to new shores of yet boundless art! To search for these shores, to search tirelessly, without fear and embarrassment, and to stand with a firm foot on the promised land - this is a great, fascinating task! (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
20. The time for writing at leisure has passed. Give your whole self to people - that's what is needed in art now. (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)
21. The composer, like the poet, sculptor, painter, is called to serve the person and the people. He must decorate human life and protect her. First of all, he must be a citizen in his art, sing of human life and lead a person to a brighter future. Such, from my point of view, is the unshakable code of art. (Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev)
22. Now is not the time when music was written for a tiny circle of aesthetes. Now huge crowds of people have come face to face with serious music and are waiting inquiringly. Composers, pay attention to this moment; if you push these crowds away, they will go to jazz or to where "Marusya has gone and is lying in the dead." if you keep them, you will get an audience that has not been anywhere and at any time, but it does not follow from this that you need to adapt to this audience. Pampering has an element of insincerity in it, and nothing good has ever come out of patching up. The masses want great music, big events, Great love, cheerful dances. They understand a lot more than some composers think and they want to improve. (Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev)
23. Music must first of all be loved; should come from the heart and be addressed to the heart. Otherwise, music must be deprived of the hope of being an eternal and imperishable art.
24. Composing music is an integral part of my existence, just like breathing or eating are necessary functions of life. (Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov)
25. Most high quality of any art is its sincerity! (Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov)
26. Music is the noblest, most cordial, most sincere, most charming, most subtle of all that the human spirit has invented! (Anton Rubinstein)
Fulfillment is the second creation musical composition. (Anton Rubinstein)
27. You can talk a lot and beautifully, without saying anything wonderful; In music it will be an unusual and beautiful instrumentation of insignificant thoughts, in painting it will be a large boarded-up frame for a small, insignificant picture. (Anton Rubinstein)
28. An artist should not be born into wealth. Worries about his daily bread are even useful to him at first: they add drama to his work. (Anton Rubinstein)
29. Thinkers and scientists keep their heads down and for the most part forward; artists and poets keep their heads thrown back and usually look up. (Anton Rubinstein)
30. The nationality of the country in which the writer was born and brought up will always be visible in his writings, even if he lives in a foreign country and writes in a foreign language. (Anton Rubinstein)
31. Beautiful women they don't know how to grow old, artists don't know how to leave the stage in time: both are wrong. (Anton Rubinstein)
32. What can a person not be able to do if he wants to! He must be able to make the impossible possible. I choose this as my motto! (Anton Rubinstein)
33. Music is the noblest, most cordial, most sincere, most charming, most subtle of all that the human spirit has invented. (Anton Rubinstein)
34. The main and integral features of the new in musical art are modernity and simplicity.
35. Real art, apart from purely aesthetic pleasure, pleasure and beauty (and great art brings up the feeling real beauty), brings enormous benefits: it educates a person! (Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov)
36. O life, O creative impulse,
All-Creating Desire:
You are everything. You are an ocean of passions, then raging. then calm.
I love your walls, I love your joy (I don't love only despair). (A.N.Scriabin)
37. It is impossible to fully explain creativity in words. everything is my creation. But it itself exists only in its creations, it is completely identical with them. I am nothing. I am only what I create. (A.N.Scriabin)
38. We must not forget that only that which nests among the people with its roots is lasting. (S.I. Taneev)
39. I personally have great confidence in musical ability Russian people. We must take care that the dormant creative forces of our people break through and manifest themselves in creations that stand at the level of those immortal folk melodies that constitute unattainable samples for us, learned musicians. (S.I. Taneev)
40. Glory makes people feel that there is strength in them, in themselves, and there is nothing more pleasant than to feel strength in oneself. (S.I. Taneev)
41. Only by mastering the experience of the great musicians of the past, by developing realistic traditions, is it possible to create works worthy in their content and in their level of our era. (T.N. Khrennikov)
42. Songness is, I think, that melodic principle that should be present in every work of any composer, acquiring its own specific, in any genre of music. personality traits. (T.N. Khrennikov)
43. Beauty in music does not consist in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
44. Music is a treasury into which every nationality contributes its own, for the common good. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
45. Only that music can touch, shock and hurt, which has poured out from the depths of the soul excited by inspiration. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
46. ​​I wish with all the strength of my soul that my music spread, that the number of people who love it, find consolation and support in it, increases. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
47. I grew up in the wilderness, from childhood, the earliest, imbued inexplicable beauty characteristic features of the Russian folk music. I passionately love the Russian element in all its manifestations. I am Russian in the fullest sense of the word. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
48. Russian folk song is the most precious example of folk art. Beauty in music does not lie in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
49. There is dissonance greatest power music. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
50. Inspiration is such a guest who does not like to visit the lazy. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
51. Where the heart is not touched, there can be no music. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
52. Even a person endowed with the seal of a genius does not create anything, not only great, but also average, if he does not work hellishly ... (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
53. Everyone in his own way serves the common good - and yet art is, in my opinion, a necessary need for humanity. Outside my musical sphere, I am incapable of serving for the good of my neighbor. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
54. That which is alien human heart, can not be a source of musical inspiration! (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
55. Love and study the great art of music. It will open you the whole world high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new tones and colors.
56. Lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but become ... To fall in love with music, you must first of all listen to it. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
57. Melody is a thought, it is movement, it is the soul of a piece of music. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
58. Music accompanies a person throughout his life ... It is difficult to imagine a person's life without music. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
59. Without the sounds of music, she would be incomplete, deaf, poor. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
60. People need all kinds of music - from the simple tune of a flute to the sound of a huge symphony orchestra, from a simple popular song to Beethoven's sonatas. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
61. The treasures of music are inexhaustible, and so are its possibilities in the future. It will forever grow and develop, just as the human spirit will forever grow and expand. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
62. Real music is capable of expressing only humane feelings, only advanced humane ideas... We do not know of a single piece of music that glorifies malice, hatred, robbery. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
63. The artist's talent is not his personal property, it belongs to the people. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)
64. Only that art will live, flourish, be deeply rooted in life, which sees its vocation in serving the great creator of history - the people. (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich)

For many centuries, music lives in the hearts of people, makes us create, gives inspiration and helps us discover new talents. ingenious paintings And amazing poems written under the influence of music - no less than the stars in the sky.

For each of us, music is a piece of the soul, something that cannot be described in words. But there are those who have found suitable letters and created statements that capture the essence of music with amazing clarity. Perhaps some of the thoughts of great minds will coincide with your feelings and emotions?

Sayings about the music of great composers

"Music is a people's need."
"Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses."
"Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy."
"Music should strike fire from people's hearts"(Ludwig van Beethoven).

"Music, even in the most terrible dramatic situations, must always captivate the ear, always remain music" (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart).

"Real music is always revolutionary, it unites people, disturbs them, calls them forward.
Real music is capable of expressing only humane feelings, only advanced humane ideas.
Music accompanies a person throughout life. It is difficult to imagine human life without music. Without the sounds of music, it would be incomplete, deaf, poor... People need all kinds of music - from the simple tune of a flute to the sound of a huge symphony orchestra, from a simple popular song to Beethoven's sonatas.
Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new colors and colors" (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich).

"The purpose of music is to touch hearts" (Johann Sebastian Bach).

"Musical material, that is, melody, harmony and rhythm, is certainly inexhaustible.
Music is a treasury into which every nationality contributes its own, for the common good. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

"Music has no fatherland; its fatherland is the whole universe" (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin).

"Music cannot think, but it can embody thought" (Richard Wilhelm Wagner).

“Music is the noblest, most cordial, most sincere, most charming, most subtle of all that the human spirit has invented.
Music needs words as little as sculpture." (Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein).

"Music is like a drama. The queen (melody) has more power, but the decision is always with the king" (Robert Schumann).

Sayings about the music of great philosophers

"Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination"(Plato).

"Music ennobles morals.
Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul. (Aristotle).

"Life would be a mistake without music" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

"Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic" (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz) .

“Music encourages us to think eloquently.
Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Sayings about the music of great Russian writers

Of the pleasures of life, music yields to one love, But love is also a melody.(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

"Music is the highest art in the world."
"Music is shorthand for feelings."
"Music makes me forget myself, my true position, it takes me to some other, not my position" (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

"Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds" (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev).

"Don't believe that a person can understand music right away. It's impossible. You have to get used to it first.
Music is more connected with moral deeds person than is commonly thought(Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky).

"Sayings about the music of great foreign writers
Where there is music, it can't be bad!" (Miguel de Cervantes).

"Music is the poetry of the air.
O music! Echo of a distant harmonious world! The sigh of an angel in our soul!" (Jean Paul Richter).

"Music is thinking noise" (Victor Marie Hugo).

"Music drowns out sadness" (William Shakespeare).

“Music for me is the same poetry, and of all kinds of poetry, it is the most captivating.
Music is dear to us because it is the deepest expression of the soul, the harmonic echo of its joys and sorrows.
Music, like rain, drop by drop seeps into the heart and enlivens it" (Romain Rolland).

"Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, the soul speaks to the soul in it"(Berthold Auerbach).

"Music is the universal language of mankind" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).

"Perfect music brings the heart to exactly the same state as one experiences when enjoying the presence of a beloved being, that is, music gives, undoubtedly, the brightest happiness that is possible on earth" (Stendhal).

"The field of music is emotional unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these unrest, and she herself is also inspired by them" (George Sand).

"Music is the language of the soul and the melody of gentle breezes that vibrate the strings of feelings; it is - thin fingers resurrecting in the pages of fantasy memories of hours of genuine sorrow and despair, or of brief moments of true joy and fun" (Khalil Gibran).

"Nothing evokes the past with such force as music; it achieves more: when it evokes it, it seems as if it itself passes before us, shrouded, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, with a mysterious and sad cover" (Germaine de Stael).

"Music with its melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend its greatness" (Thomas Carlyle).

"Sayings about the music of other famous personalities
Music is the true universal human speech" (Carl Julius Weber).

"Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, full-fledged mental development is impossible.
Music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

"All art strives to become music" (Walter Horace Pater).

"Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food" (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky).

"Music is just like any other human language, should be inseparable from the people, from the soil of this people, from its historical development" (Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov).

"Music is not only an ennobling, educational factor. Music is a healer of health"(Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev).

Of course, much more beautiful things have been said about music. May be. Did we miss your favorite quote or do you have something to say yourself? team music school"Virtuosi" is looking forward to your own statements with trepidation, and will also be grateful for valuable additions on the topic "Great minds - about music"!
Although ... "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture," said American musician David Byrne.

Music is the mind embodied in beautiful sounds. (Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev)

Music mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music- source of joy wise people. (Xun Tzu)

Music is a revelation higher than wisdom and philosophy. (Ludwig Beethoven)

Music- the only world language, it does not need to be translated, the soul speaks to the soul in it. (Berthold Averbakh)

Music- the need of the people. (Ludwig Beethoven)

The greatness of art is most clearly seen in Music. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

When we perceive with the ear rhythm And melody, we change mental mood. (Aristotle)

Music is a kind of art that embodies the ideological and emotional content in sound artistic images.

Music is an art whose subject is sound that changes over time.

Music needs words as little as sculpture. (Anton Rubinstein)


Quotes and Aphorisms 24.03.2018

Dear readers, there is no doubt that music plays a huge role in our lives. It inspires and soothes, entertains and gives solemnity. important points, helps to tune in the right way and express something that inspires or disturbs us. Therefore, with such enthusiasm, we not only listen to music, but also talk about it, share our impressions, favorite compositions, and advise what to listen to.

And although, as the famous said American composer and singer Frank Zappa, "talking about music is like dancing about architecture", there are so many quotes about music. And that's what we're talking about today on the blog.

In general, and for each person individually, ancient philosophers and sages wrote. Let's see how accurate and deep their quotes about music are.

What did the greats say about music?

“Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.

"Difficult to find best method education than that which has already been found by the experience of so many centuries; it can be briefly defined as consisting of gymnastics for the body and music for the soul.”

"For this reason musical education extremely important, because it allows rhythm and harmony to penetrate into the soul as deeply as possible, filling it with beauty and endowing a person with a sense of beauty.

A student of Plato, Aristotle, who raised Alexander the Great and was no less famous than his teacher, fully shared his opinion about the enormous influence of music on a person.

“Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people.

"Music ennobles morals."


These quotes about music with meaning are not just big words. They reflect a reverent attitude to music as a science, as an indisputable and integral part of a person's upbringing and education. And music in ancient times was indeed not only an art - it was one of the most important scientific disciplines along with mathematics, philosophy, medicine.

What is music anyway? Can words describe that great role that it plays in our lives and measure the impact it has on us? Quotes about the music of great people will help us get closer to this understanding.

“Music is a source of joy for wise people, it is able to evoke good thoughts in the people, it penetrates deeply into their consciousness and easily changes mores and customs.”

"Music is the fragrant flower of the benefactor."

Xun Tzu

"Where words end, music begins."

Heinrich Heine

"Music is the universal language of mankind."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Music is not only an ennobling, educational factor. Music is the healer of health.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev

"Music is the highest art in the world."

“Music makes me forget myself, my true position, it takes me to some other, not my position; Under the influence of music, it seems to me that I feel what I don’t really feel, that I understand what I don’t understand, that I can do what I can’t ... It, music, immediately immediately transfers me directly to that state of mind, in which was the one who wrote the music. I merge with him in soul and together with him I am transferred from one state to another.

"Music is shorthand for feelings."

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

“No picture, no word can so express the most essential, most intimate content of the heart as music; her cordiality is incomparable, irreplaceable.”

Kuno Fisher

“There are moments when you fully feel the lack of earthly language, you would like to express yourself in some kind of harmony, music. Music is the immaterial daughter of material sounds, it alone can transfer the trembling of one soul to another, pour sweet, unaccountable languor ... "

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

“The greatness of art, perhaps, is most clearly manifested in music, for it has no content to be reckoned with. She is all forms and fillings. It makes sublime and noble everything that it undertakes to express.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Music is an acoustic composition that makes us hungry for life, just as well-known drugstore compounds make us hungry for food.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

Music and soul

Quotes about music and the soul reflect the idea of ​​​​the close connection between music and the state of harmony that it causes in us. It is impossible not to succumb to her influence, not to follow her. Music is the tuning fork of our soul, the most obvious indicator of our state of mind. It purifies and awakens our heart, opens it to goodness and light.

“I don’t listen to music, I listen to my soul.”

Marina Tsvetaeva

“Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“God gave us music, so that we, first of all, were drawn upwards by it ...”

Friedrich Nietzsche

"Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated - the soul speaks to the soul in it."

“Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.”

Berthold Averbakh

“Music, like rain, seeps into the heart drop by drop and enlivens it.”

Romain Rolland

“There is something magical about rhythm: it makes us believe that the sublime belongs to us.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Just as gymnastics straightens the body, so music straightens the human soul.”

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

"Only greatest art Music can touch the depths of the soul.

Maksim Gorky

Nice about music

You can talk and write about music endlessly and never repeat yourself. Music is air. This is the whole universe. This is something under the influence of which we change, even if we do not realize it. Just listen to what beautiful words told about her, what are beautiful quotes about music!

“Music is the pair of art. It is the same for the art of poetry, what dreams are for thought, what for the ocean of waves is the ocean of clouds above it.

Victor Marie Hugo

“Music is inferior to love alone, but love is also a melody.”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"Music is the poetry of the air."

Jean Paul

"Music with its melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend its greatness."

Thomas Carlyle

"Bach almost makes me believe in God..."

Roger Fry

“When music cries, all mankind cries with it, all nature cries.”

Henri Bergson

"Music, without mentioning anything, can say everything."

Ilya Erenburg

famous musicians about music

Our whole world is like huge picture from a mosaic consisting of sounds, colors, light. It is not surprising that with the help of music we get to know the world and open our soul to other people. Opening our musical preferences, we seem to share the most intimate.

And who can say better about music than those who have touched it directly, who are involved in its creation, who bring it into our world. After all, music is their whole life, and in support of this, quotes about the music of famous musicians.

"I live in this world only to write music."

Franz Schubert

“Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language, music, is fully armed.”

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

"Words sometimes need music, but music doesn't need anything."

Edvard Grieg

"The purpose of music is to touch hearts."

Johann Sebastian Bach

“Music embodies feeling, without forcing it to affirm and mix with thought, as it is forced in most arts, especially in the art of the word ...”

Franz Liszt

"Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses."

"Music is a mediator between spiritual and sensual life." “Music is one disembodied entrance to upper world knowledge that mankind comprehends, but which man cannot comprehend.

"Music should strike fire from people's hearts."

Ludwig van Beethoven

"Music needs words as little as sculpture."

Anton Rubinstein

“Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new, previously unknown strengths in yourself. You will see life in new colors and colors.”

Dmitry Shostakovich

"We don't listen to music, but music listens to us."

Theodor Adorno

Impossible to imagine contemporary music without such a huge cultural layer as rock music. The evolution of this musical direction took less than seventy years, originating from the blues rock and roll, and now it is already occupying a huge musical niche, giving rise to more and more new offshoots. Actually, this is the secret of the popularity of rock music - everyone can find a genre in it to their liking, she will find an approach to everyone and select the right key to her heart. Quotes about rock music and rock musicians are the best way to describe why it has been so popular for many decades in a row.

“Rock is rebellion anyway. Rock is in any case a protest against the system. But this is not necessarily the approval of some other system instead of the existing one. Even if you can’t offer any better alternative, then it’s wrong in my opinion to agree with what is.”

Gleb Samoilov

"Rock is the ability to bring freedom into the world, into the minds of people."

Taylor Momsen

“Rock is movement, it is history, it is truth and freedom, it is a force capable of moving mountains and uniting common efforts. In rock there is no place for hypocrisy, window dressing, parody, lies. Rock is not just music. Rock music is life."

Lusine Gevorgyan

“Our business is not to show technical tricks on the guitar, but to awaken emotions in people!”

David Gilmour

“Music belongs to everyone. Only the record labels still believe they are the owners."

“Rock and roll is eternal because it is simple, there is nothing superfluous in it. His rhythm penetrates all barriers. I read a book by Eldridge Cleaver - he writes about how blacks helped with their music white man find yourself, realize your body. Their music has penetrated us forever. Already at the age of fifteen, for me, nothing but rock and roll in this life no longer existed.

Its strength is in some special realism. The striking naturalness of rock strikes at the very first acquaintance with it. In a word, this is true art.

“I don't know what will disappear first: religion or rock. I bet on the first.

John Lennon

“I am proud that the brand of rock and roll is on my soul!”

Paul McCartney

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