Research work "from fairy tales to riddles". Belarusian folk tale


Topic: “The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten"

Objectives: to introduce students to the instructive stories of L.N. Tolstoy; learn to make a plan; develop attention, logical thinking, creativity; improve reading technique; the ability to characterize the characters based on their actions; development of creative thinking through student-student interaction to cultivate honesty, kindness towards animals.

Planned results:

students should be able to perceive works of art by ear;

correlate the meaning of a proverb and a prose work;

plan the story, retell the text in detail, selectively;

to characterize the characters on the basis of an analysis of their actions, the author's attitude towards them.

Personal learning outcomes:

- (emotionality) the formation of the ability to recognize and determine their emotions;

- (empathy) the formation of the ability to recognize and determine the emotions of other people, sympathy, empathy;

Formation of interest in reading, the need for reading;

Formation of a respectful attitude to the preferences of other people, orientation in the moral content and meaning of their actions and the actions of other people.

Meta-subject learning outcomes:

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to independently formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson, to plan ways to solve the problem;

Develop the ability to evaluate your work in the classroom.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation of critical thinking;

Formation of the ability to extract information presented in different forms, to build reasoning.

Communicative UUD:

To form the ability to express one's thoughts orally, to express and justify one's point of view;

Mastering dialogic and monologue speech;

Formation of the ability to ask questions, to agree in joint activities, to come to a common decision.

Subject Results:

development of the level of reading competence, general speech development (reading aloud and to oneself, elementary methods of text analysis), the use of different types of reading, the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content of the text, participate in the discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the characters.

Equipment: textbook on literary reading for grade 2 (part 1) auth. Klimanova L.F. and others, cards, computer, multimedia projector, presentation

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys! Let's smile at each other, rejoice at our meeting. Sun. Remember: "Smile to the world and the world will smile to you." (Slide 1). Today, guests came to our lesson, we will greet them with our smile and give them a piece of good mood. Let's say hello to a partner on the shoulder (high five), on the face. .Tune in and get ready. We wish each other fruitful work in the lesson.

My signal is the Kopi KLEP structure

Draw conclusions and reason

And so that the lesson goes to everyone for the future,

Get active, my friend!

2.Articulation charging

- For work, we need an assistant - our tongue. Let's get it ready for work.

Let's try to inflate a balloon, and suddenly it deflates at (1, 2), (1, 2, 3).

Breathing exercises. Now we will warm up the vocal cords:

blow the snowflake off your palm

"Radio Theatre": voicing a fairy tale (the wind is blowing, insects are buzzing, a horse is jumping)?

    Checking homework.

Drafting verbal portrait of the main character in structure (Slide 3). Round Table

(Slide 4). Courageous (one went to school), fearless (not afraid of dogs), timid (embarrassed in front of a stranger), inquisitive and smart (learned how to add letters when his brother read), purposeful (really wanted to learn).

Repeat. I Bold, fearless, timid, inquisitive and intelligent, purposeful

4. Learning new material.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of L. N. Tolstoy, and with which work you will find out if you guess the riddle:

Reading riddles to students.

(Slide5) . What kind of animal is playing with me:

Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark,

Attacks balls,

Hiding claws in paws?

With what work L.N. Tolstoy we will meet at today's lesson? (L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten")

What is the goal of our lesson today?

The purpose of our lesson - Why accounting is a product

Leo Tolstoy called this work Come True

- How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Slide 5). Reality is what really was

5. Listening to the text (audio recording)

6. Unfamiliar wordsPres.

- In the text you came across words that we rarely hear now, or maybe you know their meaning

barn- a barn where grain is stored;

beside- near, near;

away- On the other side;

sorrel- an edible plant with sour leaves;

what was the spirit- very fast.

7. Reading by chain

    Content Conversation.reading

When did the cat disappear?

Where did Vasya find the kittens?

How many were there?

How is the kitten left alone?

What danger threatened the kitten?

Who saved the kitten?

Did you get excited when you listened to the story?

Who were you worried about? (For a kitten, for Vasya).

Who were you more worried about? (For a kitten)

    Primary fixation on the structure of Jot Tots

Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

Now let's do a mental technique called Sort Cards (a mental technique that develops the skills of classifying information.) Let's repeat everything together. Great! We need to divide the cards from 1 to 3 groups. Look carefully at all the words and try to find the connection between them. How are they similar and how are they different? Create and divide your ideas into groups. You have 2 minutes for this.

Think about the names of these groups. You have 30 seconds for this.

Write the names of each group on separate pieces of paper and put them above the list of words. You have 1 minute for this. Go! (copy kleip)

What character traits do our characters in the story have?

What do you think, what did L. N. Tolstoy want to tell us, the readers, with his story?

Yes, L. N. Tolstoy wanted to show with this story that we should take care of our pets. And if we do not do this, then they will die

What is the main meaning of this work? How do you understand now?

Answer: - This story is about being responsible for the animals we have. This story is about responsibility to the smaller brothers.

A pre-prepared phrase opens on the board:

Does the phrase of the French writer A. Saint-Exupery reflect the main idea of ​​Leo Tolstoy?

(Slide6) .“You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed…”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

(Slide 7). Which phrase is closest to the topic?

There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.

All is well that ends well.

We are responsible for those we have tamed.

12. Let's listen to a poem.

All the kitten meowed in the yard under a bush,

All the kitten wanted was for someone to call into the house.

Suddenly a lone yellow leaf rustled from the bush,

It seemed to the kitten that they called “kiss-kiss”.

Meowed with happiness, he rushed to the call,

Only the door was locked.

-Sad poem, right?

-To prevent this from happening, you should never forget your little friend and you need to take care of him.

- Well done! You did a good job today in class. Thank you for the lesson! Estimates.

13 Homework.

(Slide 8). Homework


1. Write a story about your pet and draw it.

3. Compose questions to the text.

(Slide 9.) So that the lesson was not in vain

I wish you friends

So that you are friends with books

And they were educated.

13. Summing up, reflection. (Slide 10)

Literary reading lesson in grade 3

Subject: Russian folktale " The cat and the fox."

Target: to teach reading and perception of Russian folk tales,

understanding its meaning.


    to acquaint with the Russian folk tale and its features;

    develop interest, expressive reading skills, the ability to independently predict the content of the text by title, by author's name, by illustration and key words;

    express And argue their attitude to what they read, including the artistic side of the text (what they liked from what they read and why).

Lesson type: integrated.

Program: educational system "School 2100".

Age: Grade 3

Equipment: textbook Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. "In one happy childhood" a book for reading in grade 3, part 1, an excerpt from Y. Entin's poem "In the world of fairy tales"; portrait of V.M. Vasnetsov; paintings by V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf", "Flying Carpet";

tablets with words, crossword puzzles, excerpts from the classical music of Chopin, photo of the artist M. Solovyov and his illustrations for the fairy tale, photo House - Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, an exhibition of Russian fairy tales, the House of Fairy Tales with disassembled logs.

Formation of UUD,


(technology for assessing educational success)

I .Org.moment.

Guys, you will learn the topic of the lesson yourself when you solve the crossword puzzle.

Everyone has a crossword puzzle on their desk called "Who says these words?"

Guess the crossword and vertically you will get a word that will denote the topic of our lesson.

(Children guess on their own. At this time, the music “In the world of fairy tales” sounds).

Checking the crossword on the board.

If all the words were guessed in the crossword puzzle - a green circle (“Well done!”),

If you guessed 3-4 words - yellow,

If you guessed 1-2 words or did not guess a single word at all - red.

II .Co


topic and purpose.

So, the topic of our lesson is Fairy Tale. (I open the entry on the board: “Russian fairy tale”

Do you love fairy tales?
- And I love. Funny and sad, scary and funny, fairy tales are familiar to us from childhood. Our ideas about good and evil, about peace and justice are connected with them. Fairy tales are loved by both children and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Based on fairy tales, performances and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

The most incredible miracles happen in fairy tales.
And today we will make a journey into this mysterious world of Russian folk tales.

Remember how the heroes make their journeys in fairy tales?

(On a carpet - an airplane, in boots - runners, in a mortar)

Cognitive UUD

1. Convert information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail.

2. D draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

3. About refer to the spread of the textbook.

4. Find answers to questions in the text, illustrations.


homework verification

3) Reading a poem by G. Sapgir "Forests are miracles" (Students grade answers)

IY .



naya conversation

You already know a lot about fairy tales. Let's listen to what Nastya and dad are talking about. ( Reading according to the textbook of the author's text., p.194)

Questions after reading:

When did the first fairy tales appear?

What kind of fairy tales - folk or literary - does dad tell?

Who wrote fairy tales? (Simple people)

What were these stories about?

What did you learn about fairy tales about animals?

Let's remember everything we already know about fairy tales. From the strips - "logs" on the board, the House of Fairy Tales was built. But each log is magical, it tells something about fairy tales. Read the questions and arrange the logs according to the questions they help answer.

(Students distribute "logs" - answers to the questions:

(2 students work at the blackboard)

    What is a fairy tale?


2. What kinds of fairy tales do you know?


4. Who skillfully told fairy tales?

STORIES (I show a picture of storytellers and talk about them)

The skill of the storyteller was considered a profession, everyone respected the people of this profession, because they brought joy to people, without them life would be boring, monotonous. Everyone worked, and the storyteller told and sang. And for his work he received equal pay with all.

- And how do you imagine a person of such a profession? Draw a verbal portrait of the storyteller or storyteller. This is probably a small, hunched old woman, in a headscarf. She has a wrinkled face and kind eyes. She speaks in a low voice, in an old fashion; or maybe the narrator is a gray-haired ancient old man with a huge beard. He speaks in a bass voice.

(Showing pictures of storytellers)

In the meantime, the guys are doing the task, read an excerpt from Y. Entin's poem. “In the world of fairy tales” and tell me, what fairy tale is mentioned in the poem?

1) Reading an excerpt from a poem Y. Entina "In the world of fairy tales" (on the board)

There are many sad and funny stories in the world.

We can't live without light, we can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good always triumph over evil!

Do you agree with Yuri Entin that we cannot do without fairy tales?

Personal Outcomes

1. P we develop the ability to show our attitude to the characters, to express emotions.

2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation.

3. We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


4 ) A story about illustrators of fairy tales.

- Fairy tales inspire the creativity of many talented people: artists, composers.

When a pencil and paints are in the hands of talented people, any fairy tale comes to life.

Let's get acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

(On the board are paintings "Alyonushka", "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf", "Flying Carpet".)

(Children tell from pictures.

(Chopin's music plays.)

Guys, I hope you paid attention to the magical, fabulous music that sounded. This is the classical music of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin in modern processing. The beautiful music of Chopin enhances the perception of the picture.

I tell about the life and work of V. Vasnetsov.

(I show a portrait and a photo of the Vasnetsov House - Museum)

Guys, what always helps the heroes of fairy tales in their adventures?)

What quality, necessary in human relationships, helps to overcome all obstacles and obstacles?

(Dance and song "Friendship" by Barbariki)

Regulatory UUD

1. Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

2. Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson.

3. Learn to express your guess based on work with a textbook illustration.

4. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Solve riddles.

Growth with a chest of drawers, strengthen - with arshin,

Eyes - with a jug itself pockmarked.(Cat)

Behind the trees, the bushes flashed like a flame,

It flashed, ran ... there is no smoke, no fire(Fox).

Open with. 195 in the textbook.

Who is in the picture? (Man).

How is he dressed? In modern clothes? (No)

Did you notice anything strange? (he has a bundle on a stick, and from it you can hear: meow - meow ..

What can you guess from the picture? Where is he going? What is in the bundle?

Read the title of the story.

So who will be the heroes of our fairy tale?

(I open the record on the board "Cat and Fox")

What fairy tales do you know where the main character is a cat?

What is he in fairy tales (Defender, savior, sometimes cunning ...)

What fairy tales do you know where the main character is a fox?

What kind of fox is shown in fairy tales?

- Let's check all our assumptions and start reading the fairy tale.

Let's remember what you need to pay attention to in order to get an expressive reading.

(showing the sign)

Y .Primary


1) Reading in parts.

Part 1 (in paragraphs)

1 paragraph

What was the cat?

How do you understand the meaning of the word "naughty"? (Plate with the word)

Naughty, resourceful, cunning - this one will not be lost!)

How did the man decide to get rid of the cat?

Read how the cat lived in the forest.

How do you understand "and grief is not enough for him"?

2 paragraph

Why has the fox never seen cats?

What can you say about the cat?

How has the cat's life and the cat itself changed?

What is the cat's name now?

Compare the name Kotofey with other names:

Timothy, Yeremey.

What does the fact that these names are now very rare say about?

How does part 1 end?

There are old words in the story.

How do you understand them? Write down modern words:

1 part:

yes - in the meaning of the conjunction "I"

and grief is not enough for him - to be indifferent, not to worry

marvels - surprised

never seen - did not see

tell me - Tell

dignify - call for

didn't know - dont know

regale - treat

Communicative UUD

1. P We develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.

3. Express your thoughts orally and in writing.

4. Do ment to work in pairs.

part 2 (on your own)

Where did the fox go the other day?

Who met the fox?

What did the fox say to them? What did she tell them?

Which fox is shown in this part? Faithful wife, troublesome mistress, resourceful, cunning, inventive.)

Wolf and bear? (They respect authority, gullible, cowardly.)

Do you have a task in your workbooks:

We again met obsolete words. Sign modern.

2 part:

if - If

bury yourself - hide yourself

go go

part 3 "in a chain"

Which animal is the bravest?

Tell how the cat scared the wolf and the bear.

Why was the cat the winner, because he was also afraid of the wolf?

Who was the smartest of all? (The fox, she invented everything, wanted her husband to be respected and feared, and at the same time she stored food for the winter!)

3 part:

waiting - I am waiting

set off at full speed - ran fast

God bless your feet help me escape

relied on God's will - come what may

hitting the ground - fell on the ground

YII .Work on the tale

There are a lot of outdated words in the fairy tale, but also pay attention to the names of the characters.

Lizaveta Ivanovna is consonant with the word fox, Mikhailo Ivanovich - with the word bear, Levon Ivanovich - with the word lion.

What's in the headline? Subject, heroes , main idea, genre?

Determine the main idea of ​​the story.

- Sometimes they win not by force, but by intelligence, resourcefulness, cunning.)

How can you name it differently?

Find fabulous signs that can be traced in a fairy tale.

What is the beginning and ending of the story?

Stage 2 part.

Were the guys - performers able to convey the characters of the fox, wolf and bear?

Generalizing conversation

You have only one illustration for this fairy tale in your textbook, but the artist Mikhail Solovyov illustrated the whole fairy tale. These are the modern, lively, fervent, funny heroes of the fairy tale that he turned out to be. In my opinion, very successful illustrations, written with mild humor.

(I show a portrait of the artist and illustrations for a fairy tale)

Guys, do Vasnetsov's paintings differ from modern illustrations?

Each artist has his own style of writing, his own handwriting, his own style.

Here are illustrations for Russian fairy tales by the Soviet artist Khokhlov. These illustrations were written in the 80s.

IX . Reflection

Did you like the fairy tale?

What episode is illustrated in the textbook?

Is this illustration appropriate for a fairy tale?

What did you find most interesting in the lesson?

How would you rate your work in class?

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What are they teaching? (Children answer)
- Fairy tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and courageous. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love their homeland and protect the weak.

And now we want to give handmade crafts to our guests.

- May this goldfish bring you good luck in the New Year.

X . homemade ass

The cat is a golden forehead. Belarusian fairy tale

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!

Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

primary school teacher

GKOU SO "Berezovskaya school"

"Journey through fairy tales".

Target: organize students' leisure time, cultivate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, speech of students;
- to teach the children to act cohesively and in an organized manner;
- to cultivate a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, interest in literature and reading in general.

Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, various books with fairy tales, children's drawings for fairy tales

Event progress.


Guys! We begin our "Journey to a fairy tale". Probably, there is no person in the world who would not love fairy tales. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Yes, we all love fairy tales. They play a significant role in our life. From an early age, you began to get acquainted with fairy tales and continue to do so now. When you were very young, your mothers and grandmothers told you fairy tales about the ruddy kolobok, about the chicken Ryaba, about the turnip. They grew up a little, and now your best friends are the heroes of "Telephone", "Moydodyr", "Doctor Aibolit" from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, and then - the fairy tales of Pushkin, Aksakov, Bazhov. Why do you think fairy tales are needed? What are they teaching?

(Good, truth and justice, how to defeat evil, deceit, lies, etc.).

So today we will walk with you in the footsteps of the heroes of fairy tales, recall some of them. Now we will check whether you know the content of fairy tales well, whether you recognize a fairy tale by a few lines.

1. “The old man says to the fool:

Step into the forest. At the edge of an old oak you will see. Knock on it three times with an ax, and fall to the ground yourself and wait. When you see a ready ship in front of you, get into it and fly, and along the way take everyone you meet to your ship. ("Flying ship")

2. "The frost did not come at all to his liking, he brought the red maiden a chest tall and heavy, full of any dowry." ("Frost").

3. “Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat!”

4. “It was winter. It was the month of January. At such a time, in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door ajar, looked at how the blizzard was sweeping, and then returned to the warm stove and said to her stepdaughter: “You should go to the forest, collect snowdrops there” (“Twelve months”)

5. “And her mistress had three daughters. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was Three-eye. ("Tiny-Khavroshechka").

6. "The girl lay down on the biggest bed, but it was hard and uncomfortable." ("Three Bears").

7. “An old man lived with an old woman near the blue sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish").

8. "Walked, walked Ivan Tsarevich, reached the swamp, he sees - a frog is sitting, picked up his arrow." ("Princess Frog").

9. “Here, in the hut, the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, straight to the king.” ("By pike command").

10. “And Baba Yaga called the geese and sent them after the girl in pursuit.” ("Swan geese").

11. "For a long, long time, the crocodile stewed the blue sea with pies and pancakes, and dried mushrooms." ("Confusion").

Everything you know!


Guys, you know that in every fairy tale there are main characters. They are good and evil, funny and sad, insidious and simple, they go on different journeys, where all sorts of adventures and miracles happen to them. Now we will check if you know all the heroes of fairy tales.

1. He was baked from flour,

The window was cold.

Run away from grandma and grandpa

And to the fox, he became dinner. (Kolobok.)

2. Brother did not obey her

And then he turned into a goat,

When water from a hoof

On a hot day he decided to get drunk. (Alyonushka.)

3. I'm from the royal ball

Once ran away

And a crystal shoe

Accidentally lost. (Cinderella)

4. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood.)

5. Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears.)

6. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit).

7. He loves everyone invariably,

Who would not come to him.

Guessed? This is Gena

This is Gena ... (Crocodile)

8. My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But the father loved his son,

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio).

9. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya)

10. He lives in the wild jungle,
He calls the wolf father.
A boa constrictor, panther, bear -
Friends of the wild boy. (Mowgli)

11. He turned the son of a miller into a marquis,
Then he married the king's daughter.
In doing so, I will tell you a secret,
Was, like a mouse, eaten by an ogre. (Puss in Boots)


Now let's turn to the books themselves. You see how colorful they are. We guessed fairy tales from fragments, from the main characters, and now let's try from the pictures.

(guessing fairy tales from drawings and illustrations from books)


The mail has arrived. Telegrams are waiting for us here, we need to guess who they are from.

1. A wolf came and ate my six kids (Goat)
2. I bought seeds, planted, come, help pull.

(Grandfather "Turnip")
3. I will, I will wash my face in the mornings and evenings (boy "Moydodyr")
4. Remember, everything will disappear exactly at midnight, when the clock strikes 12. (Fairy "Cinderella")
5. The fox occupied my house and kicked me out. Help! (Hare)
6. I found money, bought a samovar, I invite you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
7. Thank you, swallow, for the miraculous rescue. (Thumbelina)
8. Got the key. I will be soon. (Pinocchio)
9. I promise to always wash the dishes. (Fedora)
10. The tail was found, it stopped crying. (Donkey IA)
11. I won’t fly to visit. The motor bogged down. You need jam. (Carlson)


Well done! You know many fairy tales, you know their text and you can guess the fairy tale from the picture. Read fairy tales, they will help you in life. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

Description: this development is intended for teachers and educators-organizers for organizing summer leisure in school camps or holiday camps. Different types of tasks are offered, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game.

Belarusian folk tale "Cat - golden forehead"

Kitten - golden forehead

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!

Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Belarusian folk tales - Kitten - golden forehead read

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Cat - the Golden Forehead" and you will be able to learn from it and benefit. Simple and accessible, about nothing and everything, instructive and instructive - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. Inspiration of household items and nature creates colorful and fascinating pictures of the world around, making them mysterious and enigmatic. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. All descriptions of the environment are created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and appreciation for the object of presentation and creation. Once again, rereading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and instructive, and essentially important. The fairy tale "Kotik - a golden forehead" to read for free online will be fun for both children and their parents, kids will be happy with a good ending, and moms and dads will be happy for the kids!

F or grandfather with a woman. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.
Here the woman says to the grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, a hatchet, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.
The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
“Yes, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.
- Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!
The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt now to weld the grout. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?
- Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!
The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.
Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!
- Go home, grandfather: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:
- Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.
Grandfather took an ax, went into the woods, knocking on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!
Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.
And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Kitten - golden forehead

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.
Here the woman says to the grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, a hatchet, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.
The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
“Yes, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.
- Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!
The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt now to weld the grout. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?
- Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!
The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.
Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!
- Go home, grandfather: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:
- Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.
Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!
Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.
And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Belarusian fairy tale

Belarusian folk tale

or grandfather and grandmother. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!

Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

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