True courage. Arguments from the literature in the direction of "Courage and cowardice


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  2. ARBUZOV, Russian organic chemists, father and son. Alexander Erminingeldovich, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1942), Hero of Socialist Labor (1957). A student of A. M. Zaitsev. He graduated from the natural department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kazan University (1900). He worked at the New Alexandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (now Pulawy, Poland) (1900-11, from 1906 adjunct professor), Kazan University (1911-30, from 1915 full professor), Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (1930-63). Director of the Research Chemical Institute named after A. M. Butlerov of Kazan University (1929-60). Chairman of the Presidium of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946-65). On his initiative, the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1965) was established, which is now named after A.E. Arbuzov.

    AE Arbuzov is one of the founders of the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. He established the chemical structure of phosphorous acid, obtained its pure esters, and discovered (1905) the rearrangement of esters of this acid into phosphoryl compounds (see the Arbuzov reaction), which is one of the most important methods for the synthesis of organophosphorus compounds. Discovered and studied new classes of these compounds - organic derivatives of phosphoric, pyrophosphoric, phosphorous and other phosphorus acids (1930-40s). He discovered the reaction of the formation of free radicals of the triarylmethyl series from triarylbromomethane (together with B. A. Arbuzov, 1929). Developed a technique for collecting resin without losing volatile components. Author of works on the history of domestic chemistry.

    State Prize of the USSR (1943, 1947).

    Cit.: Brief essay on the development of organic chemistry in Russia. M.; L., 1948; Selected works. M., 1952; A. M. Butlerov is a great Russian chemist. M., 1961; Selected works on the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. M., 1976.

    Lit .: Bogoyavlensky A.F., Aksenova N.N. A. E. Arbuzov. Kazan, 1946; A. E. Arbuzov. M.; L., 1949; Academician A.E. Arbuzov. 2nd ed. Kazan, 1985; A. E. Arbuzov: the founder of the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds / Ed. B. A. Arbuzov. M., 1989.

    Boris Alexandrovich, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953), Hero of Socialist Labor (1969). A student of A. E. Arbuzov. Graduated from the Kazan Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (1926). He worked at the Kazan Veterinary Institute (1927-35) and at the same time at the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (1931-38, from 1935 - professor), Kazan University (1938-67), director of the Research Chemical Institute named after A. M. Butlerov of Kazan University (1960-89) and the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1965-71). The main research is devoted to the development of the theory of the structure of organic compounds, the chemistry of terpenes, dienes and organophosphorus compounds. He discovered the isomerization of bicyclic terpenes into aliphatic ones, established the direction of the oxidation reaction of unsaturated terpenes. Synthesized a number of new types of phosphinic acids containing various heterocyclic radicals. Studies of the spatial structure of molecules of organic compounds, including heterocyclic ones, contributed to the formation and development of a new section of stereochemistry - conformational analysis (1950s).

    USSR State Prize (1951), Lenin Prize (1978).

    Cit.: Research in the field of isomeric transformations of bicyclic terpene hydrocarbons and their oxides. Kazan, 1936.

    Lit .: Abramov V.S., Aksenova N.N. B. A. Arbuzov. Kazan, 1946; Kamai G.Kh., Kukhtin V.A.B.A. Arbuzov // Journal of General Chemistry. 1963. T. 33. Issue. eleven; B. A. Arbuzov. 2nd ed. M., 1983.

    Courage is of no use where there is no justice, and if you become just, there would be no need for courage at all.

    Courage is more manifested not in starting a fight, but in being able to avoid it.
    M. Anderson

    Bravery occupies a middle place between presumptuous courage and timidity. Apuleius
    The crown of courage is modesty.

    Whoever intelligently rushes into danger for the sake of good and is not afraid of it, he is courageous, and this is courage.

    Courage is a virtue by virtue of which people in danger do wonderful deeds.

    Sometimes courage grows out of fear.
    D. Byron

    True courage is not only a balloon for lifting, but also a parachute for landing.
    C. Berne

    True courage is taciturn: it costs him so little to show himself that he considers heroism itself to be a duty, not a feat.
    A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

    Courage for the defense of the fatherland is a virtue, but courage in a robber is villainy.
    A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

    Valor is moral courage.
    D. Blackie

    If you evade the first test of your courage, you will be the weaker at the second.
    D. Blackie

    A courageous person usually suffers without complaining, while a weak person complains without suffering.
    P. Buast

    Courage is strength for resistance; courage - to attack evil.
    P. Buast

    There is only one philosophy, though divided into thousands of schools, and its name is steadfastness. To carry your destiny means to win.
    E. Bulwer-Lytton

    All virtues free us from the dominion of vices, only courage frees us from the dominion of fate.
    F. Bacon

    Fate helps the brave.

    Courage is fearlessness, intelligence is the understanding of good and evil, strength is the ability to act, a hero is one who combines these three virtues.

    Courage helps in adversity more than reason.
    L. Vauvenargues

    True courage is revealed in times of adversity.

    A pound of courage is worth a ton of luck.
    D. Garfield

    The true courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the motherland.
    G. Hegel

    It is often courage that we owe the discovery of the greatest truths, and the fear of the possibility of error should not divert us from the search for truth.
    K. Helvetius

    To be utterly devoid of courage, one must be utterly devoid of desire.
    K. Helvetius

    A truly courageous person must show timidity at the time when he decides on something, must weigh all the chances, but in fulfilling it is necessary to be courageous.

    Bold thoughts play the role of advanced checkers in the game; they die, but they ensure victory.
    I. Goethe

    The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!
    M. Gorky

    Courage gives birth to winners, consent - invincible.
    C. Delavigne

    Courageous is not only the one who conquers enemies, but also the one who dominates his passions. Some, however, reign over the cities and at the same time are the slaves of the woman.

    Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant.

    Courage is the beginning, but chance is the master of the end.

    Fear to act shamefully - courage; the same courage is the ability to patiently endure the unworthy actions of others towards us.
    B. Johnson

    True courage is caution.

    Courage does not consist in facing danger boldly, but in facing it with open eyes.
    Jean Paul

    Courage is good in doing, but not in discussing. But when the deed is already done, it is meaningless to ask whether it is necessary to do it.

    In life, it takes great courage to be human and maintain your dignity.
    V. Zubkov

    Life is a struggle, and in order to win a worthy victory in it, a person needs everyday courage.
    V. Zubkov

    The greatest test of a man's courage is to fail and not lose heart.
    R. Ingersoll

    To appeal to courage is already half the same as to inspire it.
    I. Kant

    Courage is a great property of the soul; the people marked by him should be proud of themselves.
    N. Karamzin

    To be courageous means to curb your temper.

    The difference between the brave and the coward is that the former, conscious of the danger, does not feel fear, while the latter feels fear, unaware of the danger.
    V. Klyuchevsky

    Courage derives its gain from the cowardice of others.
    Ya. Knyazhnin

    A brave soul will not become treacherous.
    P. Corneille

    A man of courage - true to his word.
    P. Corneille

    True courage is shown by doing without witnesses what could be done before the whole world.
    F. La Rochefoucauld

    The bravest and most intelligent people are those who, under any plausible pretext, try not to think about death.
    F. La Rochefoucauld

    True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the imperturbable performance of one's duty, in spite of any disasters and dangers.
    D. Locke

    True courage is ready to face any danger And remains steadfast, no matter what disaster threatens.
    D. Locke

    Courage is the guardian and support of all other virtues, and one who is deprived of courage can hardly be firm in the performance of duty and show all the qualities of a truly worthy person.
    D. Locke

    There are two kinds of courage: the courage of superiority and the courage of mental poverty, drawing strength from its official position, from the consciousness that it uses a privileged weapon in the struggle.
    K. Marx and F. Engels

    Courageous is he who has managed to be kind in misfortune.

    Courage creates states, virtue protects them, crime leads to their dishonor, carelessness leads to despotism.
    O. Mirabeau

    We must be able to endure what cannot be avoided.
    M. Montaigne

    A bold deed should not necessarily presuppose valor in the person who committed it, for the one who is truly valiant will always be so under all circumstances.
    M. Montaigne

    Courage is like love: it needs to feed on hope.
    Napoleon I

    With courage everything can be done, but not everything can be done.

    I love the brave: but it's not enough to be a slasher, you also need to know whom to slash! And often there is more courage in holding back and passing by and thus saving yourself for a more worthy enemy!
    F. Nietzsche

    Courage is cultivated day by day in stubborn resistance to difficulties. N. Ostrovsky
    Courage in adversity is half the trouble.

    Courage is the beginning of victory.

    Where all other conditions are equal, the more masculine wins.

    Courage increases valor, but hesitation increases fear.
    Publilius Sir

    The courage of the mind consists in not retreating before the hardships of mental labor.
    R. Roman

    There is more tenacity than impatience in real courage ... it does not need to be urged or restrained.
    J. J. Rousseau

    Courage without prudence is only a special kind of cowardice.
    Seneca the Younger

    Nothing in the world deserves such astonishment as a person who knows how to courageously endure misfortunes.
    Seneca the Younger

    On a courageous heart, all adversity breaks.
    M. Cervantes

    Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than resilience.
    M. Cervantes

    Courage lies in the ability to choose the lesser evil, no matter how terrible it may be.
    M. Cervantes

    Fate helps the brave.

    Not the courageous one who climbs into danger without feeling fear, but the one who can suppress the strongest fear and think about danger without submitting to fear.
    K. Ushinsky

    Physical courage is an animal instinct, moral courage is a higher and true courage.
    W. Phillips

    Let everything else leave me, if only courage does not leave me.
    I. Fichte

    A man without determination can never be considered his own.
    W. Foster

    The rarest courage is the courage of thought.
    A. France

    The desire for danger lies at the root of all great passions.
    A. France

    Anyone who strikes in the name of a just cause must be strong not only like a hammer, but also like an anvil.
    D. Holland

    Courage usually goes along with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of generosity than others.
    N. Shelgunov

    I would define true courage as the perfect ability to assess the measure of danger and the moral readiness to stand before it.
    W. Sherman

    Courage grows with danger: the harder it is, the more strength.
    F. Schiller

    Courage is not virtue, although it is sometimes its servant or instrument; but it is just as ready to serve the greatest baseness, therefore, it is a property of temperament.
    A. Schopenhauer

    The courageous soul hates easy success; the ardor of the attack gives strength to the defense.
    R. Emerson

    If courage and ambition are not regulated by benevolence, they can only make a tyrant or a robber out of a person.
    D. Hume

    Courage does not exist, there is only pride.
    George Bernard Shaw

    Courageous are courageous, but not all courageous are courageous.

    It is very rare to find courage at two o'clock in the morning, that is, courage by surprise.
    Napoleon I

    The most pitiful thing is to lose the courage to die and not have the courage to live.

    The most courageous husband, taking up arms, turns pale; the most fearless and furious soldier's knees tremble slightly at the signal for battle; and the most eloquent orator, when he prepares to make a speech, gets cold hands and feet.

    One of the mistakes that the Germans made in the 20th century, and earlier too. It's that they didn't have the courage to be scared.
    Günther Grass

    There is also such a kind of courage - to tell the hairdresser: “I don’t need cologne!”
    Jules Renard

    Being courageous and being right are not the same.
    Janusz Wasilkowski

    Have the courage to live. Anyone can die.
    Robert Cody

    Courage is tested when we are in the minority; tolerance - when we are in the majority.
    Ralph Sokman

    Name: True Courage
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Beta: Tsuzuki Asato
    Rating: R
    Pairing: SS/GP
    Genre: Drama
    Waiver: Nothing is mine and I don't need
    Content: The first thing I wrote after reading the GPIP was a gift from Aerdin, a dedication to insomnia.

    There is a thin line between sleep and delirium - when too much sleeping pills are drunk, and there is too little benefit from it ... Only a chaotic dance of people entangled in complex pirouettes and even simple thoughts ...

    “Then kill me. Kill me like you killed him, you coward...

    No! Don't you dare call me a coward!"

    What does he know about courage? He is a child with emerald eyes. For him, her apotheosis is to let go of feelings, what does he understand in courage and its price? How much courage, in his opinion, one must have to be alone with oneself quietly, so that even he himself is not able to hear anything, whisper: "I love you." Isn't it bold not to deny it in the face of hopelessness? Does anyone really appreciate what it's like to keep all your demons in check? Throw angry phrases, receive answers hoarse from the contempt bubbling in them, and still live, go to bed every night, knowing ... Anticipating ... No, a thousand times not! - just dooming yourself to bitter madness. After all, it has long lost all sweetness, because you cannot enjoy the impossible! You can renounce it, you can run away, but isn't that true cowardice? Hiding from yourself? From their ugly face, from their imperfect body, who scream: "Fool, idiot, freak - it's impossible ..."

    Isn't it bold to dive into stupid dreams, knowing how criminal and unrealistic they are? When, instead of a crumpled pillow, it seems that the fingers dig into the smooth skin and torment ... they crush, subdue, leaving bruises, when the teeth gnash, dreaming of digging into a long neck ... with rapture pulling out screams in which it is not known what should be more: pain or pleasure. When you so want to punish - for every minute of indescribable torment, and then console you, wiping away unbidden tears with your tongue. Do you not keep enough of his peace in yourself, not daring to betray yourself with a word, a gesture, or even a sigh? Have you ever, looking at him, done what you really wanted? Did he drive everyone out of the class and bent him to the desk, pressing him with his body, tore off his clothes, whispering unintelligibly about how tired you were of thinking about him, taking care of him, hiding this damn truth from him? Would he consider you brave, find out that you want his moans and screams, dream of biting his shoulder blades, and then licking the teeth marks slowly filling with blood? Would he accept your courage in seeking to fuck his student? Wildly, unrestrainedly, driving a member into him with sharp thrusts, fucking, cursing him for his damn love? To tear to pieces, calling it your madness, and then - defeated, trampled - gently hug, remove strands stuck to sweat from your forehead, kiss bitten lips. Begging for forgiveness... Carry him into the silence of your bedroom, hide him from everyone as the most priceless prey and talk... For hours about how painful it is - not to allow... Love and only love, because there was never any faith or hope. How cold and empty it is to bury even nonsense and count the tombstones of fantasies? Is it courage? Yes? No? Who knows... Not Potter, definitely not him. He would accuse him of not having one, if you knew what threatens him - to lose Severus Snape even for a second his Slytherin equivalent of virtue, the determination to bury in himself ... Magic is capable of much ... was he a coward that he did not use it? Didn't he conquer, didn't enslave, didn't own, erasing any memory of himself? No, he was brave enough to live with his obsession, which he buried during the day and released at night on the verge between sleep and reality ... Courageous enough to live, even if the silence buried in him killed, making everything else meaningless ... And there was only one thing left: to die . As silently as he lived, knowing that no one would understand, no one would point to his epitaph: "Here lies true courage."

    There is a thin line between sleep and delirium - when too much sleeping pills are drunk, and there is too little benefit from it ... Only a chaotic dance of people entangled in complex pirouettes and even simple thoughts ...

    “Then kill me. Kill me like you killed him, you coward...

    No! Don't you dare call me a coward!"

    What does he know about courage? He is a child with emerald eyes. For him, her apotheosis is to let go of feelings, what does he understand in courage and its price? How much courage, in his opinion, one must have to be alone with oneself quietly, so that even he himself is not able to hear anything, whisper: "I love you." Isn't it bold not to deny it in the face of hopelessness? Does anyone really appreciate what it's like to keep all your demons in check? Throw angry phrases, receive answers hoarse from the contempt bubbling in them, and still live, go to bed every night, knowing ... Anticipating ... No, a thousand times not! - just dooming yourself to bitter madness. After all, it has long lost all sweetness, because you cannot enjoy the impossible! You can renounce it, you can run away, but isn't that true cowardice? Hiding from yourself? From their ugly face, from their imperfect body, who scream: "Fool, idiot, freak - it's impossible ..."

    Isn't it bold to dive into stupid dreams, knowing how criminal and unrealistic they are? When, instead of a crumpled pillow, it seems that the fingers dig into the smooth skin and torment ... they crush, subdue, leaving bruises, when the teeth gnash, dreaming of digging into a long neck ... with rapture pulling out screams in which it is not known what should be more: pain or pleasure. When you so want to punish - for every minute of indescribable torment, and then console you, wiping away unbidden tears with your tongue. Do you not keep enough of his peace in yourself, not daring to betray yourself with a word, a gesture, or even a sigh? Have you ever, looking at him, done what you really wanted? Did he drive everyone out of the class and bent him to the desk, pressing him with his body, tore off his clothes, whispering unintelligibly about how tired you were of thinking about him, taking care of him, hiding this damn truth from him? Would he consider you brave, find out that you want his moans and screams, dream of biting his shoulder blades, and then licking the teeth marks slowly filling with blood? Would he accept your courage in seeking to fuck his student? Wildly, unrestrainedly, driving a member into him with sharp thrusts, fucking, cursing him for his damn love? To tear to pieces, calling it your madness, and then - defeated, trampled - gently hug, remove strands stuck to sweat from your forehead, kiss bitten lips. Begging for forgiveness... Carry him into the silence of your bedroom, hide him from everyone as the most priceless prey and talk... For hours about how painful it is - not to allow... Love and only love, because there was never any faith or hope. How cold and empty it is to bury even nonsense and count the tombstones of fantasies? Is it courage? Yes? No? Who knows... Not Potter, definitely not him. He would accuse him of not having one, if you knew what threatens him - to lose Severus Snape even for a second his Slytherin equivalent of virtue, the determination to bury in himself ... Magic is capable of much ... was he a coward that he did not use it? Didn't he conquer, didn't enslave, didn't own, erasing any memory of himself? No, he was brave enough to live with his obsession, which he buried during the day and released at night on the verge between sleep and reality ... Courageous enough to live, even if the silence buried in him killed, making everything else meaningless ... And there was only one thing left: to die . As silently as he lived, knowing that no one would understand, no one would point to his epitaph: "Here lies true courage."

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