Why dream of a fight: interpretations of different dream books. What to expect if you dream of participating in a fight? Why dream of a fight: interpretation from various dream books


what does it mean if a fight is in a dream

To get involved in a fight in a dream means to soon have problems with competitors, perhaps it will come to judicial intervention. The reason for this may be your excessive determination and confidence in your success. Being defeated in a fight means a significant loss of property, and if at the same time you are also seriously injured, then expect a blow to yourself from those who called themselves your well-wishers and whom you treated in the best way. Look at the fight from the outside - be careful with your money, you are spending too much. Stop someone else's fight in a dream - you are tired of the state of your affairs, you think you deserve more; if you are a woman, then such a dream indicates that they gossip a lot about you. If you are a young girl and you see in a dream how your man fights, then he is not worth either you or your love.

fight dream interpretation

You have to create a pretext for a total conflict, which will not have a peaceful outcome, in case you had a fight in a dream. The dream in which you interfered with the fight predicts that you can become a key figure in saving many lives from a serious threat. Being crippled in the process of physical struggle means having serious problems at work with superiors, which can lead to your dismissal, and, subsequently, to hardship.

dream fight

To be an outside observer of someone's fight - to a measured and resigned life. Being a participant in a fight is to some surprises, both pleasant and not causing pleasure. Fight with an animal (bear, dog, boa constrictor, etc.) - the above-mentioned surprises will be of a negative nature and consequences.

dream book fight

The image of a fight in a dream can be a harbinger of scandals, the destruction of peace and harmony in the family, the loss of trust between friends. Consider and remember the face of the person who attacked you, because his image in a dream is identical to the real image; this is necessary so that you know exactly who will encroach and take away your material property. The confrontation in the form of an act of violence in a dream is a prototype of a personal struggle between two people; the one who wins is better than the loser, as in a dream, so, in fact, in reality.

why dream of a fight

You can safely draw parallels between a fight in a dream and coitus in reality. A man who fights in a dream has sadistic tendencies, and prefers rough forms of sex, behaves aggressively and greedily in bed. If a woman fought in a dream, she has a desire to sleep with a partner much younger than herself, she also has tendencies to masochism, a desire for the presence of pain in moments of intimacy, she likes to act as a victim. If you watched the brawl from the side, then you have a strong sexual interest in watching other people's sexual acts.

Why did the Fight dream (interpretation of the dream book of AstroMeridian)

Fight - a word of Russian origin, means a battle with the enemy, a fight for dignity and honor. In a fight, justice is established by a cardinal method, however, a new set of rules and order is being imposed. Without faith in the rightness, a person will not stand under attack.

A duel with the enemy is also necessary to protect eternal values ​​and defenseless people, personal and state borders. Such a fight is not condemned, but praised as a manifestation of courage. Why dream of a fight - the sign warns of danger, dishonest environment, and at the same time shows determination and determination.

Why did Fights dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Watching a fight in a dream is a waste.
  • For girls, seeing a lover as a participant in a fight in a dream portends that he is not worthy of her.
  • A man dreams of separating the participants in a fight when he wants to achieve a high position in society. The dream tells the girl that evil gossip is circulating about her.
  • Why dream of participating in a fight, according to the dream book, you will find yourself in a whirlpool of events that you will not influence in any way. Try to avoid the new - there will be no success.
  • Lose in a fight in a dream - losses, litigation.
  • Why dream of a fight, after which you are injured, blood flows - to the betrayal of a friend.

What is the dream of the Fight (Romantic dream book)

  • To see a fight between a guy and a girl in a dream - the dreamer longs to possess the girl from the dream. For a girl, a dream reveals a secret desire to be a submissive partner.
  • I dreamed of a fight for loving people - a series of quarrels, a possible separation.
  • A dream about a fight tells family people to be attentive and patient with each other in order to avoid divorce.
  • To be a participant in a fight in a dream - you will no longer understand a loved one, and he will be annoyed by your actions. Deceive fate: go on a trip, visit relatives. Aggression is transformed into longing for the presence in the house.
  • I dreamed of winning a fight - you are successful with the opposite sex.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about Fights (allegories of the writer Aesop)

A fight is a symbol associated in the mind of a person with the narrow-mindedness, irascibility of human nature. Fighting is the destiny of men and a "fair" way to resolve a dispute or a matter of honor. Our ancestors engaged in fisticuffs to show off their strength and compete with others. Today, a fight is considered evidence of bad manners, intemperance, inability to solve the problem with words, peacefully.

  • Why dream of a fierce fight in which you separated the fighters, but even after that they continue to shake the air with their fists - beware of unbalanced people, criminal elements.
  • Seeing a fight of animals in a dream - to involvement in a scandalous case; you have to judge the dissatisfied.
  • To see a crowd of people who scold and try to start a fight, according to the dream book - a dream portends help from outside, which will come at an unexpected moment.

To dream about Fighting, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Watching a fight in a dream - take a closer look at new acquaintances.
  • Dreaming of participating in a crowded fight - be patient in the upcoming quarrel.
  • I dreamed of provoking a fight - an internal struggle of motives.
  • Actively participate in a fight in a dream - the collapse of plans, disappointment in love.
  • To win a fight in a dream is to push back unpleasant circumstances.
  • I dreamed of a fight with wild animals, animals - to trouble.

Why the Fight is dreaming (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • Dreaming of participating in a fight - to unpleasant meetings with rivals.
  • Seeing a mass brawl in a dream is a tough, even brutal rivalry.
  • I dreamed of a fight between men - your word will have considerable weight.
  • Win a fight in a dream - to success with the opposite sex and respect among colleagues.

A fight in a dream can speak of an imminent reconciliation with enemies or ill-wishers. Being defeated in a fistfight means that trouble awaits. If you win during a fight, the plans will be realized. Sleep can have different meanings because many factors influence vision. It is important to remember all the details of where and how the fight took place - the dream book will help reproduce the picture of future events.

Interpretation of a fight in a dream

  • Sometimes winning a fight can indicate that serious issues will be resolved.
  • Participation in it means that in achieving goals the dreamer will face numerous problems.
  • In addition, a fistfight can promise quarrels in a close circle of friends.
  • Sometimes a dream indicates too little protection against envious people. In this case, the struggle can also symbolize internal conflicts or imbalances with the environment.

If the sleeper saw a continuous battle or participated in a mass brawl, this may indicate the envy of the world around him, but the courage shown in the collision will help to avoid danger in reality. A prophetic dream will overcome great difficulties.

If you had to see a fight in a dream from the side, you should prepare for a confrontation in real life. It is inactive to look at people fighting - someone close will be defeated.

Also, watching a fight may indicate a conflict with others, especially with close relatives, which can be avoided. This symbol in a dream can mean a split personality, an internal confrontation. Vision directs thoughts to the need to compensate for these contrasts. Perhaps the sleeper feels threatened, and a fight in a dream is a defensive reaction. It can also express rage, frustration, or self-destructive thoughts.

Fight of men, women

This symbol can represent radical changes in the environment, a change of friends, marital status.

A fight between people is a warning. The dreamer should be more careful.

However, the meaning of vision depends not only on where and how the battle took place. For example, why dream of a fight between men or between the sexes?

Many people ask what the fight in which I am participating in is dreaming of. Fighting in a dream is a manifestation of suppressed or pronounced aggression. In fact, you do not consider a fight or other expression of anger unacceptable for yourself and would be happy to cuff your ill-wishers in reality.

Modern society does not welcome real battles; one has to be content with fight scenes in a dream. It is dreams that reflect your most cherished desires and most terrible fears. The human psyche is so complex that these concepts are often confused with each other. In any case, if you are wondering “what is the dream of the fight in which I am participating in” - one of the answers is because you dream about it.

If you often dream of fights with your participation - this is a sign of increased production of hormones of aggressiveness and anxiety, there may be dysfunction of the adrenal glands. They produce adrenaline and cortisol.

If you do not find a way out of aggression, increased sexual energy, it is quite possible to get sick, fall into a severe depression. Go to an endocrinologist and sign up for a sports section. You don't have to go to boxing or karate. Climbing, gymnastics, dancing, swimming - any sport with significant physical activity and competition will help to cope with excess hormones.

A trip to the doctor is necessary to identify possible contraindications and metabolic disorders. For example, with diabetes, physical activity must be selected with great care, a special training regimen is required.

Hidden aggression, which manifests itself in fights in a dream, can be caused by alcohol or other active substances, an improper diet, an excess of animal proteins in the diet. When increasing body weight and bodybuilding with the use of muscle growth stimulants, there is a danger of increased levels of cortisol in the blood.

This explains the outbursts of rage among bodybuilders. The body can not cope with increased doses of hormones. Change your diet and stop any supplements immediately. Aggression and fights in which you participate in a dream can spill out in real life at any time.

Basic meanings of sleep

  • A mass brawl in which you are forced to take part, making your way to the exit - be attentive to new friends and colleagues. They may try to pin the blame on you for all the mistakes and miscalculations since the creation of the world. A mass brawl is a sign of general distrust and betrayal, fierce competition within society.
  • You intervene in a fight in order to stop it - serious events await you that can turn your life upside down.
  • Winning a fight is not a bad sign, you have a good chance to cope with the situation.
  • If in a dream you run and catch up with someone to fight, this shows strong anger, rage, a desire to punish the offender. To kill in such a fight - you are serious. Go to a psychologist and find out the real causes of the internal conflict, because in your dream both figures are just your own imagination.
  • Blood in a fight means family ties between the conflicting parties. Try to settle things peacefully. If the case is serious and concerns property, visit a lawyer and get good legal advice on the issue of interest. This is better than emotional arguments and arguments.
  • The female fight in which you are participating - it looks like you have your eye on one young man who enjoys your attention and receives dividends and benefits from all participants in the conflict.

What does it mean to participate in a fight according to dream books

  • Miller's dream interpretation interprets the fight in a dream in which you are participating as a battle between the conscious and the unconscious, an internal struggle. A well-known psychologist warns of the dangers of real collisions and fights that you can provoke.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea recognizes that the fight in which you participate in a dream is a sign of great disappointment in love. Anger at the closest people is possible. This condition is common in teenagers. Adults usually know how to control their emotions. You are on the verge of a breakdown and need the help of friends and loved ones. If you can't trust anyone, go to a psychologist.
  • A female dream book interprets a fight in a dream as a sign of possible violence. Most likely, you are subject to excessive pressure from the family or at work. The fight in which you participate is a sign of internal protest. But it is possible that you are exerting pressure, putting forward exorbitant demands on others, and resent their unwillingness to obey. A fight in a dream is an attempt to cross out these people and take advantage of their resources without their participation.
  • Freud's dream book considers the fight in which you are participating as an energetic sexual intercourse, with a share of aggression. A dream can be caused by a tendency towards a dominant relationship or towards masochism in equal measure.


The question of what the fight in which I am involved in means, should be asked first of all to yourself. A fight is always damage, torn and spoiled clothes, serious injuries are possible. Is it worth it to worry so much and make sacrifices? Is there a purpose that justifies a fight, even in a dream? As a rule, the answer is no. aggressive people fight to protect their own ego, ambition, without the slightest benefit to themselves.

You can not accumulate hidden aggression inside yourself. Jump with a parachute or bungee, fight in the ring. If aggression and a fight in a dream is sexual in nature, find the appropriate club of interest. Ask a friend to spank you - it is quite possible that you will get great pleasure.

The dream in which the fight took place can be interpreted in different ways. The article will help to understand the details of the dream and find its correct interpretation.

Most dreams we do not remember at all, or fragments of them briefly float vaguely in the corners of our subconscious. And some dreams are remembered very clearly. Even the smallest details are embedded in the memory for a long time, and the plot of the dream seen continues to evoke strong feelings even after waking up.

It is at such moments that we grab onto a dream book in the hope of finding a decoding of a dream, to find out its secret meaning. For those who can correctly read and understand the secret signs of higher powers, the future will open.

Ambiguous bright events in the near future will be experienced by those who saw a fight in a dream. When deciphering a dream, it is important to take into account all the details: who fought with whom, who won, how many participants in the fight were.

Why dream of participating in a fight?

Participation in a dream in a fight promises business people serious brawls in life. Controversial issues may not be decided in your favor if you did not emerge victorious in a dream. Business competitors may step up and start making claims. You need to be prepared for this turn of events.

  • Getting wounded in a dream means a betrayal of a loved one in life. At the most inopportune moment, the one whom you considered a reliable partner and friend can “set the bandwagon”.
  • It is noteworthy that a fight in a duel in a dream does not bode well. Rather, it warns of an imminent need to urgently resolve some issues.
  • If in a fight you strike with a whip, a stick or a club, in life you will have to “knock out” a victory.
  • Some dream books insist on a different meaning. According to their version, participation in a fight in a dream portends bright unexpected events, a surge of energy, the arrival of guests and new pleasant fruitful meetings in reality.

Why dream of winning a fight?

Won a fight, a fight, a duel in a dream? Rejoice! You will soon experience the sweet feeling of victory in life. You may be able to find a way out of a difficult situation, make the right choice, make the right decision.

In short, if you won in the otherworldly “sleepy” fight, you can safely walk the steps of real life without fear of stumbling.

If in a dream you defeated a specific real person from your inner circle in reality, most likely in the near future you will have negotiations where you can show your strengths.

Why dream of seeing a fight between men?

  • If a girl or woman dreamed of a fight between men, in her real life there may be changes on the love front. You can be sure that some man secretly hopes to meet, but so far he does not dare to tell about his feelings.
  • For males and those ladies who exclude the possibility of a love adventure in life, seeing a fight between men in a dream means imminent chores associated with the arrival of guests. If blood is shed in a fight, relatives will be visiting or cause a lot of trouble.
  • If heavy feelings remain from what you see, the chores will be unpleasant. If policemen, sailors, firefighters, rescuers fight in a dream, an important high-ranking guest will come to visit you. It is necessary to properly prepare for this visit.

If the fighting men are short or dwarfs, in life you should urgently change your occupation. Most likely, you are engaged in an unworthy business that takes a lot of strength and energy from you.

You are capable of more, but you are afraid of change or too lazy to start everything from scratch. Rather, leave your fears and take a chance, finally, especially if the fight you saw in a dream did not cause you negative emotions.

Why dream of a fight with a girl?

The interpretation of the dream in which the fight with the girl took place is very ambiguous. So for guys whose relationship with a dreaming girl in real life has reached an impasse and no longer brings joy, a dream portends an imminent break, another discord or a serious scandal.

If the fight happens with your girlfriend, most likely your relationship will become even stronger in the near future. Or maybe higher powers with the help of this dream are hinting that the time has come to make a marriage proposal.

One thing is certain: for guys, a fight with a girl in a dream means vivid emotions and experiences, but these feelings will be pleasant or negative - it depends only on themselves.

Why dream of a fight with an ex?

Your life has changed a long time ago, you don’t even remember your ex-boyfriend, but he still continues to dream? Or, on the contrary, do you think every day about how it could have been if fate had not divorced you from your ex?

In the first case, a dream in which you are fighting with an ex warns that you may make a mistake soon. If you have to make any important decision in life, think it over again carefully.

In the second case, the dream tells you that the time has come for decisive action. Try to find out everything about your ex's life. If he is single and also remembers you, maybe your couple still has a chance? Take the first step, talk and sort things out. This will help you reconcile or, dotting all the "i", forever leave each other's lives.

Why dream of a fight with a friend?

A fight in a dream with a friend warns of the imminent emergence of an inevitable conflict in life. Most likely, the dreaming friend will be somehow involved in this. It does not matter who came out the winner, and whether the fight was comic or serious. In any case, an unpleasant situation will arise in the first three to five days after sleep.

Why dream of a fight with a friend?

If you dreamed of a fight with a girlfriend, then this very girlfriend in real life spreads gossip about you, envy your well-being and “washes the bones” at every turn. Most likely, you can guess exactly where you crossed the road to your friend.

Probably, in life between you not so long ago a conflict arose or there was an unpleasant situation. Try to remember, because it was from that moment that it all began.

Why dream of a fight with a woman, wife?

When a man in a dream is involved in a fight with an unfamiliar woman or his own wife, this means that soon a very attractive person will appear on the horizon of life, who will win his heart. Perhaps everything will end in a light affair, but free men can think about a serious relationship with this lady.

Why dream of a fight with blood?

Blood in a fight in a dream warns that problems will soon arise in life, in which your relatives will somehow appear. You will have to "resolve" it, so be prepared.

Why dream of a fight with your father?

Fighting in a dream with a father means that it's time to build or strengthen relationships with a parent in life. It is noteworthy that if the father came out the winner in the dream fight, you still have a lot to learn from him. If you came out the winner - in life you have become a self-sufficient person, independent and not waiting for help from older relatives.

Why dream of a fight with a dead man?

Patients often dream of fights with the dead before recovery. If you are absolutely healthy, but in a dream you happened to experience unpleasant moments during a fight with a dead person, this means that in life you will easily succeed in everything that you have in mind. But this is if it was you who became the winner of the fight. If the deceased won, then a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve success in life.

Why dream of a fight with a guy?

Fighting with your boyfriend in a dream means strengthening your relationship with him in life. Perhaps soon the young man will give you cause for concern, but everything will end with pleasant chores and bright events.

Why dream of a fight with your husband?

An ambiguous dream of married women is a fight with their own husband. If the situation in the family is tense, but the conversation between the spouses has not yet happened, there will be a scandal in the near future.

Perhaps the husband is losing interest in his wife or is looking for a replacement for her. In any case, if you fight with your husband in a dream, in life you should talk heart to heart with your spouse as soon as possible in order to avoid tragic incidents in the near future.

Had a fight with your husband? Expect scandal

If peace and prosperity reign in your family, quietly rejoice, say: “Where the night goes, there is a dream,” but, just in case, be more careful with your spouse.

Why dream of a mass fight?

A fight in a dream, in which many people take part, portends annoying moments, troubles, troubles in life. But you will definitely have enough strength to cope with all the things that have piled on.

A massive fight in a dream portends the onset of a "black streak" in life

It will seem that a black streak has come in life, minor troubles will replace one another. The main thing to remember is that all this will end soon and get out of all unpleasant situations with dignity.

Why dream of a dog fight?

Dogs clinging in a fight notify you of your mistakes in life. You have turned off the right path. Think about where you went wrong.

Why is everything going wrong in your life right now? Remember that everything is in your hands and the squabble of dogs you saw in a dream suggests that the time has come to act decisively.

IMPORTANT: Do not take lightly the bright dreams filled with flowers, smells and emotions. It is these dreams that usually become prophetic.

It was no coincidence that our ancestors believed that the gods send dreams to people in order to warn, to predict any event in the near future. And no matter how modern scientists and researchers prove the meaninglessness of the images and plots that appear to us in dreams, in the life of every person at least once, the dream he saw the day before came true.

Therefore, having determined the meaning of sleep, you should seriously think about the likelihood of its implementation in your life and do everything possible to accelerate (or prevent) the events promised by the dream book.

Video: Why dream of a fight?

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