Like a chicken, the author first wrote a fairy tale. About the chicken, the sun and the teddy bear: How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale


Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.

The house on veal legs, he said, grew horns.

Ears grew on hare legs at the house.

A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.

And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.

The house on hare legs squeaked: "I want to jump!"

The house on calf's legs bellowed: "I want to butt!"

The house on elephant legs puffed: "Pfft! I want to blow the chimney!"

And the house on chicken legs sang: "Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"

The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.


The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he was looking for friends by color. If yellow, then a friend. If gray - no. If it's brown, then no. Somehow a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

So it's you, my yellow friend? - said the chicken.

Yes, it's me, - the caterpillar grumbled, - yellow friend.

What are you doing here?

Don't you see? I pull a yellow phone.

What for?

Can't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today.

Ding-ding-ding-ding - so all day the bells rang to each other and wished for rain and sun.

Do they have nothing else to say? the chicken laughed.


What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. They blew bubbles. Slapped into a puddle.

And also sad. And sometimes they cried.


Monday is why. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them, "We'll go to the meadow." And they themselves went to the river to catch carp.

Of course, if it was a boy, he would blush. If the girl - too.

But they were a yellow chick and a yellow caterpillar. And they turned yellow all day, turned yellow, turned yellow. And by the evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And who looked without blue glasses, he sighed and cried: "How sad it all is! How sad it all is! They deceived their mothers!"


On Tuesday they decided to fly the kite. All day the chicken glued it, and the caterpillar pulled the yellow thread. Then they tied a string to the snake. The wind blew, and the kite flew away so far that it was not visible. A frog jumped by. Laughed:

Hold the thread, but the snake is lost!

A goat ran past. Laughed:

Hold the thread, but where is the kite?

Tired of the chicken and the caterpillar explaining why there is no snake. When the piglet asked them the same thing, they said to him:

This, grunt, is not a snake at all. We tied a string to the sun, and it went over the mountain. We hold him by the thread, and the yellow sun will rise again.

In the morning they wound the thread, but for some reason a cloud floated by instead of the sun, and it rained all day.


On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, in the afternoon they counted:

One two three four five! Who plays - he runs!

The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. Waiting to find someone. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. Two waited - no one found ...

Finally, in the evening, their mothers found them and scolded:

Is it hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it's not hide and seek!

At this time, thunder rumbled. However, there was no rain, and hail began to fall. Knock-knock-knock, - cheerfully pounded on the roof.


It's strange, - the chicken squeaked, - he himself is white, and the legs are pink. Did you buy pink stockings?

Are you wearing pink shoes?

So what?

And I washed them in blue water - so they turned red from the cold.

And if I wash in blue water, will it turn red too?

Also not the same, also not the same, but try.

The yellow caterpillar and the yellow chick went to the blue water, and the caterpillar began to pour water on his paws from the ladle. The chicken was waiting for the paws to be pink, and for some reason the paws turned blue. At this point, everyone laughed a lot: "What is this? A yellow chicken with blue legs. Isn't it funny? Very funny!"

I told you why it's sad. I told you why it's funny. Do you know that sometimes it is both sad and funny. It happened once with a chicken.

On Sunday he asked the caterpillar:

How to get big?

We need to eat more, - the caterpillar answered seriously. - The boy needs to eat porridge, the girl - jelly. And you, yellowmouth, it is best to eat cranberries. Eat one cranberry and you'll grow a red scallop. Eat another - a red beard will grow.

The chicken ate one cranberry and nothing grew. I ate another one and nothing. He wept, and his eyes reddened from tears. Everyone looked at the chicken and could not understand what was happening to him. If his eyes turned red because he was crying, it's already sad. Nobody could understand anything. And the chicken too.

He laughed all day and cried all day.

Adults say: this is laughter through tears.

OK it's all over Now.

Anyway, is this the end? - you ask.

No, not the end. Is it good when good things come to an end? When I was little and knew very little, I was always sad if something good ended quickly. A good day. Good evening.

good sun.

And the chicken and the caterpillar are also very good. So why should I invent the end?


When I was little I used to go to kindergarten. I recently learned that animals also walk.

Yes Yes. My friend a donkey and his friends, a piglet and a bear cub, came up with, for example, their own kindergarten.

And they have everything, like in a real kindergarten.

There is even a schedule for when they do what.

Here, for example, in the morning. In the morning they are elephants, which means that they eat well and eat a lot.

Then they pig. Well, it goes without saying. They just sit in a muddy puddle.

Then they duck - wash.

And again elephants - have lunch.

And after dinner they bear cubs - they sleep soundly.

Very good schedule, isn't it? When I read it, I really liked it. I liked it so much that I decided to live in a kindergarten myself.

whole year I lived there, elephant, ducked, and sometimes, if something funny happened to someone, I wrote it down.

That is why I called these tales "In the Bear Hour". I wrote them when everyone was asleep.


Long-eared came to the river, and the water is cold. He lowered his leg and grumbled: brrr...

A frog looked out of the water and asked:

Why are you yelling here: brrr?!

The donkey felt ashamed that he was afraid of cold water.

Me, me because brrr... I just eat logs. It's clear?

Understood, said the frog. - So, you are that terrible crocodile.

Ah, forgive me, please, - the frog asked again, - but besides logs, can you eat anything else? I heard even a steam locomotive.

Exactly, - nodded the donkey.

Well, why then, - croaked the frog, - are you so thin?

Simply, - the donkey answered, - I was late to eat the train today. I came, and he went to Africa to warm his tummy.

Understood, said the frog. - It's hot in Africa. And if you warm your stomach there for a long time, it will melt, and instead of a locomotive you will get a trough.

So what, - said the donkey. - The trough is even easier to eat.

Here, here, - jumped the frog, - I thought so too. Why did he talk about the steam locomotive. Dear crocodile, I have a trough. In it, my mother bathes me in pure rain. I do not like it. Because I... love dirt. So won't you help and eat that damned trough for breakfast?

And then the donkey laughed:

Well, smart guy! I wanted to deceive him, but it turns out that he deceived me. So listen, you bastard. I'm not a crocodile, of course. But if you don't wash, a real crocodile will come and eat you. More than any logs and troughs they love dirty frogs. Wash quickly!


The donkey liked to say: "Everything in the world is simple, simple." This, finally, tired Mishka, and he said:

If everything is simple, then explain, for example, why the stars hang in the sky and do not fall. Is it simple?

Of course, said the donkey. - They're on a string.

Well, what about the Earth?

The earth is big and thick. She is on a string.

And it’s interesting to know, - the bear growled, - where is that rope?

There must be somewhere. You just need to look.

They went and looked. First they saw a peg. Then a rope. And on a string - a small, small goat.

Here, - the bear cub laughed, - one goat holds our entire Earth! Isn't it very funny, donkey?

No, - the donkey sighed, - this is quite sad. After all, it is very difficult for such a small person to keep such big earth!

Don't fantasize

The donkey and his friends always overslept. And then one day the donkey said:

Need to do something.

Yes, Misha said. - It's good to get a cockerel. He wakes up.

What is a cockerel? asked the stupid donkey.

Well, how can I explain it to you, - Mishka smacked his lips. - First, he has a comb.

The comb, - the donkey did not listen to the end, - I know, this is what they row.

And he immediately ran to the meadow, found a rake and put it on the back of his head.

Here, I think, is a rooster.

Uh-uh-uh, - Mishka laughed. - Not a cockerel, but a TV.

TV? - the donkey was surprised. - What is it?

This is a very complicated thing, - said Mishka.

Mishenka, - the donkey asked, - well, what does this complicated thing eat?

Light bulbs, dear donkey, light bulbs. If you open the belly of the TV, there are only light bulbs.

One light bulbs. So what? - The donkey smiled, took the bag and went to the city.

Thirty light bulbs. For lunch, breakfast and dinner, he told the salesman.

And all thirty light bulbs disappeared in the donkey's stomach. The donkey got fat, and in the evening it lit up.

Yes, the lights were burning in his stomach, and everyone thought: "Is this a donkey or not a donkey? Or a small trolley bus?"

Well, of course, you didn’t forget that a rake stuck out on the back of the donkey’s head, and a chain of lights curled around its stomach. And if you saw a donkey, you would not recognize him. You would be wrong. Wrong. Everyone was wrong that night.

Everyone stood behind the donkey in line and waited for it to be taken.

But the donkey could not carry so many people. And he ran away.

But there are such people! They ran everywhere for the donkey and shouted:

Ugliness! This trolley bus refuses to go. And who allowed him, he's a city transport!

In the end, the case ended with the fact that the policeman came. He took the trolleybus by the ear and led it to the police. There the trolleybus was placed in a corner, and it stood in it all night.

And by morning the lights went out, the comb fell off, and everyone saw:

Yes, it's a stupid donkey!

The donkey was released home and asked not to fantasize anymore. Do not imagine yourself as neither a rooster nor a TV set.

As you can see, it all ends badly. The corner they put you in.


Once a donkey, a piglet and a bear cub were baking pies. And suddenly the donkey said:

Do you know that I recently read old book. There the boats were called pirogues. Perhaps they were also baked?

Of course, they baked, - the pig squealed. - And if they started to flow, then the holes were plugged with raisins.

Ho-ho! - the bear cub laughed. - And it's very tasty. Let's bake a cake like this and swim in it a little.

Hooray! - shouted the donkey and the piglet and set to work.

The pie turned out amazing. Delicious and big. Even an elephant could swim in it. And the donkey, the piglet and the bear cub sat down quite freely. And they swam.

Day sailed, two.

Wanted to eat. Ate a chocolate sail.

Day sailed, two.

Wanted to eat. Ate gingerbread oars.

Day sailed, two.

Wanted to eat. They began to pick out raisins.

And then the pie went to the bottom.

In my opinion, we are drowning, - the piglet grunted.

Yes, yes, - answered the donkey, - for a long time.

What to do?! Mishka shouted.

Pl-o-otik. In-about crashes, always-a, - the donkey cried, - they make a plo-o-o-tic.

Ah, - grumbled the bear, - I know. The raft will be the one who dined the densest of all. Fat people don't drown.

The bear cub hit everyone on the stomach and said:

The piglet will be a raft.

The donkey and the bear cub sat on the pig's back and swam.

They swam all the way to the shore. And only the fish felt sorry for the pig. They sighed and said:

This raft has a very sad motor. He wheezes and grunts endlessly.


You know how the donkey knew how to joke. In fact, it was the only thing that saved him.

Here, for example, once there was such a case.

The donkey went to the meadow to catch butterflies. Walked, walked - no one. And suddenly under the bushes - something big, spotty.

"Oh," thought the donkey, "this is a butterfly!"

And the donkey slapped her net. And the butterfly roars:

What a disgrace! Who dared to do it!

Me, said the donkey. - And it's not a disgrace at all. Here you are behaving ugly, butterfly, if you growl like that. Butterflies shouldn't roar.

Yes, I'm not a butterfly, - again growled under the bush, - I'm a tiger.

Tiger, - the donkey was frightened. - We must save ourselves! - And then I realized: - No, you're not a tiger, - he said. - What kind of tiger are you if you have a cap on your head? You are just a joke.

What joke? the tiger was surprised.

Pea, - said the donkey. - And you need to eat peas.

And is it delicious? asked the tiger.

The most delicious thing in the world! - answered the donkey.

Let me try, - asked the tiger.

Okay, said the donkey. “Only first you will do what I ask. So, then, I will hit you twice, and you will remain silent.

Well, - the tiger nodded, - I will suffer a little for the sake of your peas.

And the donkey quickly ran home and said:

And you know, pig and bear cub, I bought a beautiful rug. So striped... Look.

And pointed to the tiger.

Friends looked and cried:

Why did you bring him, he will eat us?!

Cowards, - the donkey shouted. - What have they lived up to, they even began to be afraid of rugs. Well, look, now I'm going to beat the dust out of it.

And the donkey waved his stick and with all his might hit the tiger on the nose.

Oh, shouted the tiger. - I don't need peas. No need!

And he covered his nose with his paw and ran into the forest.

Well, what about the donkey? Do you think he was happy? No, he was a real joker. That is why he said sadly:

Well, you see how bad you are. You don't like everything. Because of you, such a beautiful rug ran away. I will never see him again.

And then the donkey began to cry, and the teddy bear and the piglet began to comfort him:

Forgive us, we are quite stupid.


The donkey walked and shouted from the very morning: "Uu-uu!"

What are you doing? - asked his teddy bear.

Motor, - said the donkey.

What for?

You understand, - explained the donkey. - I made a wooden plane, but it doesn't fly. There is no motor. Now, if I sit in it and scream like a motor, "uu", then it will probably fly.

Of course it will fly! - shouted the stupid bear cub.

He really wanted to fly.

And they immediately got on the plane.

Woo-oo-oo, - the donkey buzzed.

But the plane is not moving.

Why don't you fly? - the donkey asked the plane. - Can't you hear your motor humming?

I hear, - the plane answered.

Then what's the matter? - the donkey stamped his foot.

But it seems to me, - said the airplane, - that I have the wrong motor. Real motors need to be started.

Ah well! - the donkey got angry. - I'm a real motorist. - And he waved his tail and shouted to the bear cub: - Start up!

The little bear grabbed his tail and pulled.

And the donkey was ready to shout "woo!"

But the bear cub pulled very hard. And therefore, instead of "uu" the donkey suddenly shouted: "Ai-ai-ai!" And completely scared. And didn't fly. After all, motors cannot fly when instead of "uu" they suddenly say "ay".


The donkey and the bear cub were always arguing. This is because one said "everything comes" and the other said "everything goes."

The bear woke up in the morning and rejoiced:

Look, it's morning!

Well, yes, - the donkey cried, - after all, the night has gone.

And the day was the same. Again the bear shouted:

The day has come!

And the donkey cried again:

Well, yes, it's morning.

And once there was this. An elephant came to visit them.

Look look! - Mishka yelled. - An elephant came to us!

Well, yes, - the donkey cried, - after all, he left home.


When there was hail, the donkey always hid. It hurt. He also hid in that city, but suddenly he thought: "Yes, I'm sitting in the house and it doesn't hurt me, but the house hurts. We must hide it."

The donkey climbed onto the roof and covered the house with an umbrella.

It's all right, he said.

But suddenly he thought again: “Now it doesn’t hurt me, but the umbrella probably hurts. How can I be?”

Stupid donkey, - the bear cub grumbled. - You can never hide everyone from the hail. Someone will get hurt.

If so, said the donkey, let it hurt me. - And he made a roof over the umbrella and began to run on it - to protect it from hail.

At last the hail was over.

The little bear shook the donkey's ear and said:

You are very kind...

What are you, what are you, - the donkey waved its ears at him. - I'm just a miserable donkey and I feel sorry for everyone.

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.
The house on veal legs, he said, grew horns.
Ears grew on hare legs at the house.
A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.

And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.
The house on hare legs squeaked: “I want to jump!”
The house on veal legs bellowed: “I want to butt!”
The house on elephant legs chuffed, “Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”
And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"
The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

How the chicken painted

They gave the chicken ten colored pencils. He thought and decided: I will draw ten multi-colored kittens. Then I thought again and decided: no, it’s better to draw five multi-colored kittens. And even better than one multi-colored kitten.
The kitten is funny. His eyes are blue, his mustache is red, his ears are gray, his back is white, and his legs are: blue, green, yellow, blue.
They began to ask the chicken:
- Why did you do that? And he laughs:
- Don't you understand? This kitten is wearing a hat with different ears. And they gave him a white coat. And bought colorful shoes. And the kitten's whiskers are red: he drank red jelly. It ran down his mustache, but nothing got into his mouth.

About friends

The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he was looking for friends by color. If yellow, then a friend. If gray - no. If it's brown, then no. Somehow a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.
- So it's you, my yellow friend? - said the chicken.
- Yes, it's me, - the caterpillar grumbled, - yellow friend.
- What are you doing here?
- Can't you see? I pull a yellow phone.
- What for?
- Can't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today.

Ding-ding-ding-ding - so all day the bells rang to each other and wished for rain and sun.
Do they have nothing more to say? the chicken laughed.

What did two yellow friends do

What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. They blew bubbles. Slapped into a puddle.
And also sad. And sometimes they cried.

Why were they sad

Monday is why. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them, "We'll go to the meadow." And they themselves went to the river to catch carp.
Of course, if it was a boy, he would blush. If the girl - too.
But they were a yellow chick and a yellow caterpillar. And they turned yellow all day, turned yellow, turned yellow. And by the evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And who looked without blue glasses, he sighed and cried: “How sad it all is! How sad it all is! They fooled their moms!”

And on Tuesday...

On Tuesday they decided to fly the kite. All day the chicken glued it, and the caterpillar pulled the yellow thread. Then they tied a string to the snake. The wind blew, and the kite flew away so far that it was not visible. A frog jumped by. Laughed:
- Hold the thread, but the snake is lost!
A goat ran past. Laughed:
- Hold the thread, but where is the kite?
Tired of the chicken and the caterpillar explaining why there is no snake. When the piglet asked them the same thing, they said to him:
- This, grunt, is not a snake at all. We tied a string to the sun, and it went over the mountain. We hold him by the thread, and the yellow sun will rise again.
In the morning they wound the thread, but for some reason a cloud floated by instead of the sun, and it rained all day.

Why did they laugh

On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, in the afternoon they counted:
- One two three four five! Who plays - he runs!
The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. Waiting to find someone. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. Two waited - no one found ...
Finally, in the evening, their mothers found them and scolded:
- Is it hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it's not hide and seek!
At this time, thunder rumbled. However, there was no rain, and hail began to fall. Knock-knock-knock, - cheerfully pounded on the roof.

How the chicken met the gosling

It's strange, - the chicken squeaked, - he himself is white, and the legs are pink. Did you buy pink stockings?
- No.
- Did you put on pink shoes?
- No.
- So what?
- And I washed them in blue water, - so they turned red from the cold.
- And if I wash in blue water, will it turn red too?
- Also not the same, also not the same, but try.
The yellow caterpillar and the yellow chick went to the blue water, and the caterpillar began to pour water on his paws from the ladle. The chicken was waiting for the paws to be pink, and for some reason the paws turned blue. At this point, everyone laughed a lot: “What is this? Yellow chick with blue legs. Isn't it funny? Very funny!"

* * *
I told you why it's sad. I told you why it's funny. Do you know that sometimes it is both sad and funny. It happened once with a chicken.
On Sunday he asked the caterpillar:
- How to become big?
“We need to eat more,” the caterpillar answered seriously. - The boy needs to eat porridge, the girl - jelly. And you, yellowmouth, it is best to eat cranberries. Eat one cranberry and you'll grow a red scallop. Eat another - a red beard will grow.
The chicken ate one cranberry and nothing grew. I ate another one and nothing. He wept, and his eyes reddened from tears. Everyone looked at the chicken and could not understand what was happening to him. If his eyes turned red because he was crying, it's already sad. Nobody could understand anything. And the chicken too.
He laughed all day and cried all day.
Adults say: this is laughter through tears.
OK it's all over Now.
How is it, is this the end? - you ask.
No, not the end. Is it good when good things come to an end? When I was little and knew very little, I was always sad if something good ended quickly. A good day. Good evening.
Good sun.
And the chicken and the caterpillar are also very good. So why should I invent the end?

In this lesson, you will consider the definition of a fairy tale, get acquainted with the work of G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”, follow interesting tasks Check out other works by this author.

  • "Moroz Ivanovich" (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. "Moroz Ivanovich" ()

This is a folk tale.

  • B. Zakhoder "My Imagination" (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. "My Imagination" ()

This is a poem.

  • P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse" (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. "Humpbacked Horse" ()

Rice. 5. "How the chicken first composed a fairy tale" ()

How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.
The house on veal legs, he said, grew horns.
Ears grew on hare legs at the house.
A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.
And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.
The house on hare legs squeaked: “I want to jump!”
The house on veal legs bellowed: “I want to butt!”
The house on elephant legs chuffed, “Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”
And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"
The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

house on hare legs squeaked.

House on veal legs mooed.

house on elephant legs panted.

house on chicken legs sang.

All the highlighted words can be replaced with one word - said . The author does not use only one word said, but uses different words to describe each house, because it turns out brighter, more colorful.

Read the words of the houses from the fairy tale and determine which house each phrase belongs to.

"I want to butt!"

(house on veal legs)

“Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"

(house on chicken legs)

"I want to jump!"

(house on hare legs)

“Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”

(house on elephant legs)

Have you made up stories at home? Check out other works by this author and try to compose a fairy tale on your own.

Rice. 6. The girl is reading a fairy tale ()

Rice. 7. G. M. Tsyferov ()

Gennady Tsyferov wrote many interesting stories:

  • "In the bear hour"
  • "There lived an elephant calf"
  • "How the frog was looking for dad"
  • "How to get big"
  • "Who is better than whom"
  • "Little Giant"
  • "About the chicken, the sun and the teddy bear"
  • "About the eccentric frog"
  • "Tale on Wheels"
  • "Tales of the Old Town"
  • "The Mystery of the Baked Cricket"
  • "What's in our yard"


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 2, part 2. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Guidelines to textbooks of 2, 3, 4 classes (with electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: Grade 2. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. Prepare expressive reading fairy tales "How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale."
  2. Draw an illustration for the story.
  3. Read additionally a few fairy tales by Gennady Tsyferov to choose from.

About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub - a fairy tale by Gennady Tsyferov. You can read the story online. Enjoy reading!

When I was little and knew very little, I was surprised at everything and loved to compose. Flies, for example, snow. People will say rainfall. And I'll think: probably somewhere in the blue meadows white dandelions have faded. Or maybe at night on the green roof cheerful clouds sat down to rest, hanging their white legs. If you pull the cloud by the leg, it will sigh and fly. It will fly far away.

Why am I telling all this? Yesterday an amazing thing happened in our chicken coop: from a white chicken egg a yellow chicken hatched into the green world. Yesterday he was small and saw the world for the first time.

That's how he was small and saw everything for the first time, I decided to write a book.

It's good to be small. And even better - to see everything for the first time.

Surprise first

Why was the chicken surprised at first? Well, of course, the sun. He looked at him and said:

And what's that? If this is a ball, then where is the thread? And if this is a flower, then where is the stem?

Stupid, laughed mother chicken. - It's the sun.

Sunshine, sunshine! sang the chicken. - Need to remember.

Then he saw another sun, in a small droplet.

Little sun, - he whispered into his yellow ear, - do you want me to take you to our little house, to the chicken coop, where it is dark and cool?

But the sun did not want to shine there. Again the chicken took the sun out into the street - it burns.

Silly sunshine! he got angry. - Where it is light - it shines, and where it is dark - it does not want to shine. Why?

But no one, even big and grown-ups, could explain it to him.

second surprise

And why was the chicken surprised then? Again, again the sun.

What is it? Of course, yellow. This is how the chicken saw it for the first time and decided that it would always be like this.

But one day a mischievous wind unwound the golden ball. On the path along which the sun walked, a multi-colored rainbow stretched from the hills to the river.

The chicken looked at the rainbow and laughed: but the sun is not yellow at all, it is multi-colored. Like a matryoshka.

Open the yellow matryoshka - there is a blue one in it. Open the blue - it's green. Open the green - it's blue. And in blue it is also red, orange.

So is the sun. If you roll it out, unwind its ball, there will be seven colored stripes. And if each of these stripes is wound separately, there will be seven colored suns. Yellow sun, blue, blue, green, all sorts of suns.

And how many days in a week? Also seven. So every day, one sun will rise. For example, Monday is blue, Tuesday is green, Wednesday is blue, and Sunday is yellow.

Sunday is a fun day.

How the chicken painted

They gave the chicken ten colored pencils. He thought and decided: I will draw ten multi-colored kittens. Then I thought again and decided: no, it’s better to draw five multi-colored kittens. And even better than one multi-colored kitten.

The kitten is funny. His eyes are blue, his mustache is red, his ears are gray, his back is white, and his legs are: blue, green, yellow, blue.

They began to ask the chicken:

Why did you do that? And he laughs:

Don't you understand? This kitten is wearing a hat with different ears. And they gave him a white coat. And bought colorful shoes. And the kitten's whiskers are red: he drank red jelly. It ran down his mustache, but nothing got into his mouth.

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.
The house on veal legs, he said, grew horns.
Ears grew on hare legs at the house.
A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.

And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.
The house on hare legs squeaked: “I want to jump!”
The house on veal legs bellowed: “I want to butt!”
The house on elephant legs chuffed, “Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”
And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"
The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

About friends

The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he was looking for friends by color. If yellow, then a friend. If gray - no. If it's brown, then no. Somehow a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.
- So it's you, my yellow friend? - said the chicken.
- Yes, it's me, - the caterpillar grumbled, - yellow friend.
- What are you doing here?
- Can't you see? I pull a yellow phone.
- What for?
- Can't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today.

Ding-ding-ding-ding - so all day the bells rang to each other and wished for rain and sun.
Do they have nothing more to say? the chicken laughed.

What did two yellow friends do

What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. They blew bubbles. Slapped into a puddle.
And also sad. And sometimes crying

Why were they sad

Monday is why. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them, "We'll go to the meadow." And they themselves went to the river to catch carp.
Of course, if it was a boy, he would blush. If the girl - too.
But they were a yellow chick and a yellow caterpillar. And they turned yellow all day, turned yellow, turned yellow. And by the evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And who looked without blue glasses, he sighed and cried: “How sad it all is! How sad it all is! They fooled their moms!”

And on Tuesday...

On Tuesday they decided to fly the kite. All day the chicken glued it, and the caterpillar pulled the yellow thread. Then they tied a string to the snake. The wind blew, and the kite flew away so far that it was not visible. A frog jumped by. Laughed:
- Hold the thread, but the snake is lost!
A goat ran past. Laughed:
- Hold the thread, but where is the kite?
Tired of the chicken and the caterpillar explaining why there is no snake. When the piglet asked them the same thing, they said to him:
- This, grunt, is not a snake at all. We tied a string to the sun, and it went over the mountain. We hold him by the thread, and the yellow sun will rise again.
In the morning they wound the thread, but for some reason a cloud floated by instead of the sun, and it rained all day.

Why did they laugh

On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, in the afternoon they counted:
- One two three four five! Who plays - he runs!
The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. Waiting to find someone. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. Two waited - no one found ...
Finally, in the evening, their mothers found them and scolded:
- Is it hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it's not hide and seek!
At this time, thunder rumbled. However, there was no rain, and hail began to fall. Knock-knock-knock, - cheerfully pounded on the roof.

How the chicken met the gosling

It's strange, - the chicken squeaked, - he himself is white, and the legs are pink. Did you buy pink stockings?
- No.
- Did you put on pink shoes?
- No.
- So what?
- And I washed them in blue water, - so they turned red from the cold.
- And if I wash in blue water, will it turn red too?
- Also not the same, also not the same, but try.
The yellow caterpillar and the yellow chick went to the blue water, and the caterpillar began to pour water on his paws from the ladle. The chicken was waiting for the paws to be pink, and for some reason the paws turned blue. At this point, everyone laughed a lot: “What is this? Yellow chick with blue legs. Isn't it funny? Very funny!"

* * *
I told you why it's sad. I told you why it's funny. Do you know that sometimes it is both sad and funny. It happened once with a chicken.
On Sunday he asked the caterpillar:
- How to become big?
“We need to eat more,” the caterpillar answered seriously. - The boy needs to eat porridge, the girl - jelly. And you, yellowmouth, it is best to eat cranberries. Eat one cranberry and you'll grow a red scallop. Eat another - a red beard will grow.
The chicken ate one cranberry and nothing grew. I ate another one and nothing. He wept, and his eyes reddened from tears. Everyone looked at the chicken and could not understand what was happening to him. If his eyes turned red because he was crying, it's already sad. Nobody could understand anything. And the chicken too.
He laughed all day and cried all day.
Adults say: this is laughter through tears.
OK it's all over Now.
How is it, is this the end? - you ask.
No, not the end. Is it good when good things come to an end? When I was little and knew very little, I was always sad if something good ended quickly. A good day. Good evening.
Good sun.
And the chicken and the caterpillar are also very good. So why should I invent the end?

When I was little and knew very little, I was surprised at everything and loved to compose. Flies, for example, snow. People will say rainfall. And I'll think: probably somewhere in the blue meadows white dandelions have faded. Or maybe at night on the green roof cheerful clouds sat down to rest, hanging their white legs. If you pull the cloud by the leg, it will sigh and fly. It will fly far away.

Why am I telling all this? Yesterday, an amazing thing happened in our chicken coop: a yellow chicken hatched from a white chicken egg into the green world. Yesterday he was small and saw the world for the first time.

That's how he was small and saw everything for the first time, I decided to write a book.

It's good to be small. And even better - to see everything for the first time.

Surprise first

Why was the chicken surprised at first? Well, of course, the sun. He looked at him and said:

And what's that? If this is a ball, then where is the thread? And if this is a flower, then where is the stem?

Stupid, laughed mother chicken. - It's the sun.

Sunshine, sunshine! sang the chicken. - Need to remember.

Then he saw another sun, in a small droplet.

Little sun, - he whispered into his yellow ear, - do you want me to take you to our little house, to the chicken coop, where it is dark and cool?

But the sun did not want to shine there. Again the chicken took the sun out into the street - it burns.

Silly sunshine! he got angry. - Where it is light - it shines, and where it is dark - it does not want to shine. Why?

But no one, even big and grown-ups, could explain it to him.

second surprise

And why was the chicken surprised then? Again, again the sun.

What is it? Of course, yellow. This is how the chicken saw it for the first time and decided that it would always be like this.

But one day a mischievous wind unwound the golden ball. On the path along which the sun walked, a multi-colored rainbow stretched from the hills to the river.

The chicken looked at the rainbow and laughed: but the sun is not yellow at all, it is multi-colored. Like a matryoshka.

Open the yellow matryoshka - there is a blue one in it. Open the blue - it's green. Open the green - it's blue. And in blue it is also red, orange.

So is the sun. If you roll it out, unwind its ball, there will be seven colored stripes. And if each of these stripes is wound separately, there will be seven colored suns. Yellow sun, blue, blue, green, all sorts of suns.

And how many days in a week? Also seven. So every day, one sun will rise. For example, Monday is blue, Tuesday is green, Wednesday is blue, and Sunday is yellow.

Sunday is a fun day.

How the chicken painted

They gave the chicken ten colored pencils. He thought and decided: I will draw ten multi-colored kittens. Then I thought again and decided: no, it’s better to draw five multi-colored kittens. And even better than one multi-colored kitten.

The kitten is funny. His eyes are blue, his mustache is red, his ears are gray, his back is white, and his legs are: blue, green, yellow, blue.

They began to ask the chicken:

Why did you do that? And he laughs:

Don't you understand? This kitten is wearing a hat with different ears. And they gave him a white coat. And bought colorful shoes. And the kitten's whiskers are red: he drank red jelly. It ran down his mustache, but nothing got into his mouth.

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.

The house on veal legs, he said, grew horns.

Ears grew on hare legs at the house.

A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.

And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.

The house on hare legs squeaked: “I want to jump!”

The house on veal legs bellowed: “I want to butt!”

The house on elephant legs chuffed, “Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”

And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Isn't it time for you all to sleep!"

The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

About friends

The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he was looking for friends by color. If yellow, then a friend. If gray - no. If it's brown, then no. Somehow a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

So it's you, my yellow friend? - said the chicken.

Yes, it's me, - the caterpillar grumbled, - yellow friend.

What are you doing here?

Don't you see? I pull a yellow phone.

What for?

Can't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today.

Ding-ding-ding-ding - so all day the bells rang to each other and wished for rain and sun.

Do they have nothing else to say? the chicken laughed.

What did two yellow friends do

What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. They blew bubbles. Slapped into a puddle.

And also sad. And sometimes they cried.

Why were they sad

Monday is why. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them, "We'll go to the meadow." And they themselves went to the river to catch carp.

Of course, if it was a boy, he would blush. If the girl - too.

But they were a yellow chick and a yellow caterpillar. And they turned yellow all day, turned yellow, turned yellow. And by the evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And who looked without blue glasses, he sighed and cried: “How sad it all is! How sad it all is! They fooled their moms!”

On Tuesday…

On Tuesday they decided to fly the kite. All day the chicken glued it, and the caterpillar pulled the yellow thread. Then they tied a string to the snake. The wind blew, and the kite flew away so far that it was not visible. A frog jumped by. Laughed:

Hold the thread, but the snake is lost!

A goat ran past. Laughed:

Hold the thread, but where is the kite?

Tired of the chicken and the caterpillar explaining why there is no snake. When the piglet asked them the same thing, they said to him:

This, grunt, is not a snake at all. We tied a string to the sun, and it went over the mountain. We hold him by the thread, and the yellow sun will rise again.

In the morning they wound the thread, but for some reason a cloud floated by instead of the sun, and it rained all day.

Why did they laugh

On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, in the afternoon they counted:

One two three four five! Who plays - he runs!

The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. Waiting to find someone. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. Two waited - no one found ...

Finally, in the evening, their mothers found them and scolded:

Is it hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it's not hide and seek!

At this time, thunder rumbled. However, there was no rain, and hail began to fall. Knock-knock-knock, - cheerfully pounded on the roof.

How the chicken met the gosling

- Strange, - the chicken squeaked, - he is white, and the legs are pink. Did you buy pink stockings?

Are you wearing pink shoes?

So what?

And I washed them in blue water - so they turned red from the cold.

And if I wash in blue water, will it turn red too?

Also not the same, also not the same, but try.

The yellow caterpillar and the yellow chick went to the blue water, and the caterpillar began to pour water on his paws from the ladle. The chicken was waiting for the paws to be pink, and for some reason the paws turned blue. At this point, everyone laughed a lot: “What is this? Yellow chick with blue legs. Isn't it funny? Very funny!"

I told you why it's sad. I told you why it's funny. Do you know that sometimes it is both sad and funny. It happened once with a chicken.

On Sunday he asked the caterpillar:

How to get big?

We need to eat more, - the caterpillar answered seriously. - The boy needs to eat porridge, the girl - jelly. And you, yellowmouth, it is best to eat cranberries. Eat one cranberry and you'll grow a red scallop. Eat another - a red beard will grow.

The chicken ate one cranberry and nothing grew. Ate another - also nothing. He wept, and his eyes reddened from tears. Everyone looked at the chicken and could not understand what was happening to him. If his eyes turned red because he was crying, it's already sad. Nobody could understand anything. And the chicken too.

He laughed all day and cried all day.

Adults say: this is laughter through tears.

OK it's all over Now.

Anyway, is this the end? - you ask.

No, not the end. Is it good when good things come to an end? When I was little and knew very little, I was always sad if something good ended quickly. A good day. Good evening.

Good sun.

And the chicken and the caterpillar are also very good. So why should I invent the end?

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