How to draw Desert Eagle step by step with a pencil. How to draw a rifle with a pencil step by step


The Arctic Warfare Police rifle, better known as the AVP, is one of the most known species small arms. It is familiar to many from games such as Counter-Strike and Shadow Company. The maximum effective range for this weapon is more than 1100 meters - and this, you see, is quite a lot. In addition, it is ideally suited for use in inhospitable northern weather conditions. In a word, Arctic Warfare Police is a kind of legend in the weapons industry, so let's learn how to draw an AVP.

Drawing Arctic Warfare Police using pencil technique

Let's start with the basics - namely, let's figure out how to draw an AVP with a pencil. After all, a simple pencil is the main tool of every artist.

Weapons love precision. In order for all proportions to be observed, we will draw an auxiliary grid - a size of 6 by 2 cells is quite enough for us.

Now let's move on to sketching the barrel. It will be located on the right side. The top line will be 3.5 squares in length, and the bottom line will be 2.3. You also need to make a slight thickening almost at the end of the muzzle - this is the front sight.

After this we will draw all the other shapes. Strictly observe the location of the part in relation to the cells so that there are no disproportions.

On general form draw the butt, trigger guard and hook, and also add an optical sight.

Now let's add small parts- shutter, fastenings, etc.

And now you can paint the weapon - of course, bright colors will be inappropriate here, so we’ll make do with black and dark gray shades.

That's it, the main drawing is ready.

AWP Dragon Lore

Due to its popularity, AVP has become widely used in games. That’s why you can often see images of such rifles with very different designs. For example, you can see this bright version with the image of a dragon.

We draw general shapes in the same way as the realistic version, but when it comes to color, you can show your imagination. This is how you can quickly and easily learn how to draw AVP Dragon Lor.

AWP Asimov

Another interesting variation on the WUA theme is Asimov's WUA. It is distinguished by a peculiar gray-brown color scheme. To figure out how to draw Asimov's AVP, you need to follow the same principle as with a dragon - first we do general outline and then color it.

Hello! Subjects firearms quite popular on our site. And today we will learn to draw another well-known (even legendary) Desert Eagle pistol! The idea of ​​creating a lesson belongs to the user under the nickname Pr0sT040k.!

So, who among us is not unfamiliar with Desert Eagle? I’m almost one hundred percent sure that everything is (well, or 99% accurate). This pistol is very often present in computer games (just remember Counter-Strike) and films (“From Paris with Love”, “Adrenaline”, “Resident Evil: Afterlife”, etc.). What makes it stand out, what is its peculiarity? Let's figure it out.

Many computer games and movies created the image of Dessert Eagle as the ultimate weapon. However, in reality it is much more difficult to control than in games. The Desert Eagle looks impressive, but that's where its usefulness ends.

Firstly, the weapon weighs a considerable 2 kilograms and is very difficult to hold correctly. Due to improper holding of the pistol, the cartridge case often jams. In addition, the recoil from this “gun” when using a 50 caliber is very high, even when shooting with two hands (however, it is still lower than that of its competitors).

Second, the Desert Eagle, with the magazine released and the standard 6-inch barrel, is a little heavy on the barrel. The Desert Eagle is best balanced with a fully loaded magazine and a round in the chamber. The Desert Eagle can be fired one-handed, but is generally considered an ambidextrous pistol.

Third, Desert Eagle pistols are very sensitive to maintenance and have never been tested to operate in difficult conditions, since they were developed as a specialized weapon for hunting, and not for official use.

Fourthly, the length of the Desert Eagle pistol with the shortest 6-inch (152 mm) barrel is 26 centimeters. Such dimensions make it impractical in an urban shootout, inconvenient to wear in everyday life and unprofitable as a means of self-defense. Besides, big size ammunition has led to the fact that the handle of the pistol, in which the magazine is placed, is extremely inconvenient to grip - it is difficult for people with small hands to even just hold the pistol, let alone shoot from it.

And finally, fifthly, the price of the Desert Eagle exceeds the price of many revolvers and other pistols of the same caliber. The Desert Eagle in its basic configuration costs between $1,000 and $1,300. Custom fitting and selection of parts adds another $250 to $500 (and you'll definitely need it).

Finally, I will say that the Desert Eagle was developed in 1983 in the USA by Magnum Research, and was subsequently modified by the Israeli company Israel Military Industries, where it is manufactured.

And despite all its shortcomings (and there are much more of them than advantages), this pistol has firmly entered history. It will forever remain a kind of “hand cannon,” an ultimate weapon, and will appear in large quantities games and movies.

Step 1. Let's start with the outline of the Desert Eagle: draw the top of the gun, then the handle and place for the trigger.

Step 2. Now let's draw the trigger itself and the area around it, and then add the lining to the pistol handle.

Step 3. It's time to draw in detail the top of the gun. There is nothing special to write here, everything is presented in the picture (click on it to enlarge). The main thing is maintaining proportions. It is convenient for anyone, but I would advise starting to draw either from the place for the trigger and continuing the barrel, or to the right of acute angle and further upward.

Step 4. Now we will draw the part of the magazine that looks out (from below), and then the safety and ribs, for a better grip of the pistol when reloading.

Step 5. Here it is already final stage our lesson. All that's left to do is add a few finishing touches, rivets, and roughen up the handle trim. After this, you can erase all the lines drawn in the first stage.

Step 6. All! "Desert Eagle" is ready! All that remains is to add color to the resulting picture and then that’s it! I hope you enjoyed the lesson. I won’t say goodbye for a long time, I’ll be back soon! ^_^

Weapons are serious business. They don’t just hand it over. Therefore, our readers decided that it would be better to create their own and asked to write a lesson on how to draw a rifle with a pencil. Of course, it won’t shoot, but you can hang it on the wall for beauty. However, from the present, no one will let you shoot in all directions either. It will hang there on the wall, complementing the interior elements of the apartment. Personally, I prefer long-range weapons. Minimal risk And maximum strength defeats. No, I did not serve in the army, and certainly not a weapons expert. But he was arguing with his classmates online. I will also say that handling such a thing is difficult, you need great calm and patience, unbalanced people feel better with a grenade. But the rifle - necessary accessory in the home of self-respecting people. And adequate. How to use sniper rifles:

  • A good way to get your kids to do homework. Especially if you have easy access to a window into their room and a red laser to their sight. Avoiding everyone side effects, the task completion rate increases to almost 100%.
  • With the help of the subject, you can easily return the money that you gave to your to the best friend before payday. He will gladly scrape the bottom of the barrel and provide the required amount, and even with interest;
  • Indirect use. With a rifle you can always take off clothes from high laces, row a boat, make deep holes in the ground, block a door with it, poke it into a field instead of a scarecrow, kill flies with a rifle butt. So many alternatives, brilliant invention.

If you do not have the appropriate certificate, then no one will give you such a weapon, but no one can forbid you to draw it. Here we go.

How to draw a rifle with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create the necessary shape for the weapon, using lines of different lengths and directions; we need to make a prototype of a regular rifle.
Step two. Now you need to carefully select each part, the butt, the barrel, the optical sight on top. The barrel is long enough.
Step three. Draw a round hole in the butt. Why, you ask? To reduce weight. You also need a shoulder strap. We outline all the weapons with a thicker line.
Step four. Let's get the gun in order. We remove unnecessary lines and draw shadows using shading.
Lessons on drawing other types of weapons.

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